<&a ?ette of tfjc Unite* and Philadelphia D «r / KuMSrR 2347-] •CT* The price of this Gazette is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia. AH others pay one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and unlesStSOme person in this city t ill Ucomi answerable fir the subscription', it must be paid 'sh Months in Advance. No Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six months. £>ec«mS«r 1 T799 FOli SALE, A VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, LYING on the Potomac Rivar, county of Nar t'.uiul crU'd, !- te of Virginia; containing aSout i4CO aero—its is equal to any other in the Noisiiern Neck, rctnarkib'e for every kiud oi wii«! fowl, oyster*, fiih and crab, and none bet ter for health. It i' abcilt the fame diflance from Ba'timore, Alexandria a«d \orfolk, ano not more r tb»n <ne days fail from either. Th*f e are three Improved plartatioT.s with dwelling houses. the one knows by the name of Hxeter Lodge, former ly the rtfidence <*f col. Jctn Gordon, is an elegant t wo Oory brick house, with four roooi* on a floor, and a pafinge fwern feet wide The oihci two are commodious and convenient ly fitted, v.i:Ug?od and fuila! le out hcults, <t one o which John Murphy, Esq. (now of Weftmore ianc county) liv d frveral years ;on this farm there is a g«»oJ grift mill, with water fulTicient to turn :.ny number of Hone* ; alf<r> convenient {lore h- u l"c 4 and granaries on a public road, well situated for a country (lore. On each of those places there ai c line ayp.e aod peach orchards. The greater proportion of the land is of the firft qualify, a~d tic.-xr the half of the whole heavily timbered. The terms may be known by apply<ng to Wtn I'. Tehls . .Saitiaiore. Foiifliee G. Tcbh*, etu. of Richmond co«tn , Virginia, or to Thomas Muvgatrojd and L'Wf, Philadelphia. Feb. 5 —14 UNITKD ST ATES, ? JJ. PtKH.yStinia District. 5 BY -virtue of a writ cf venditioni exponas to me directed, iffucd out of the DiUriA Court of the United Suoci. in and for the Pennsylvania Diflrii£i,will ] c fold by public vendue, at the City tavern, in Second Pj*eet, in tht city of Philadelphia, on Ftidiy the 4th day «f Aprilnext,at Hxo clock 1.7 the atttrno,*n, I undivided third part of two cer ti/11 Metiuage and Lots of Ground situate on the south fide cf WalDUt street, in said city, beginning at the corner of John Wall's lot and extending southwardly 79 feet 6 inches to ground ot Miers Fifttr, Esq. thence weitwardly J4 feet to a corner, 'thence southwardly 21 feet 6 inches or thereabout to groiisd. of DavidH Conyngham, thence wed wardly 46 feet to an alley, thence acrofsfaid alley 53 feet to a corner, thence eaflwardly 46 feet, thence northwardly to Walnut flreet 47 teet, thence eaftwardlyon the said flreet 54 fe j t, to the plate of beginning, fubjeS ton rent, charge of thirty five pounds per zrnu<n, with the ule and privilege »f the £(id alley, running into Docli ?rect; all those Citv Lots marked in the general Plan N»-Itj7. 1738, 1i'9,1.<40, IJ4!.«n the weil fide of Third street trom Schuylkill, hettveeh Locust and Wainuc flrests ; 1537. containing in breath fisty feet and in depth 147 feet 6 inches ; the others being contiguous,-4.«>ntai4 in breadth •5.50 fe?t and in depth z t7 feet 6 inches; all those City Lots nuti fcered 139.1, '394, '395> '396, 1397 and 1398, on the north fide of Walnut flreet lietwi-en Filth and Sixth Streets, from Schuylkill btii.g each of them <6 feet in ror.t and 23s f «t 111 depth. Also, aU tbaf nirfTuage and traA.ol Land, partly in Lowar Oubli.i (owiifhip, Philadel phia ctirity, and partly in Montgomery county, contrfinin" 19 1-1 acres, be the fame more ot lels. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Tohn Donaldioi;, Efq- JOHN HALL, Marflul. Mitfhal's Ogice, Maich 1 7, 1800 eotS. NOTI CE THOMAS HAWTHORN, Of -the City of Philadelphia, Merchan?, HAVING ON the 9th day of Aug. 1799, afilgntd all his .F.ftate, re.il, perfoual and mixed, to JOHN M. NESRITT and'JONATHAN MEREDITH, —All perjons indebted to the said t'homa* Haw thorn or to rh« late hot»f« of Hawthorn and Kerr, are dtfired to pay their iefp*<sive balances to JONATHAN MEREDITH Acting Assignee. February »i Forty Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY from«the Subscriber, living in SaflHfraa Neck, Cocci 1 County, State of Ma ryland, on Friday the 14th inft. a negro mannam eii VEI l S., about twenty-five years cfage, toler fcble black, and left handed. He has been used to failing by water m the Chesapeake Bay about twelve months, and is (mart and a£ive—He has Wen formerly efed to farming and taking care of horles. His cloafhing he took with him is ur- Imown. —It is expected he has fiiaped his course for Philadelphia or CheflerTowit, and th« above Toward Will be paid for fecurn g him in any g«ai in the United States, «tn>. rtalowable charges paid if brought home, by JOHN FERGUSON. >l. B. All matters of veflels and all other persons are fcrwa>ned of harboring the said neg^o. Saffafras Neck, march 18. Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Spring Forge, in York County, a negro man, named ISAAC, other wise CUD JO y about 21 y,cars *ld, the property of Robert Coleman; Esq. He is about 5 feet 8 indies high, ha* ablemifii in His eyes, *iore white in them than common, by trade a Ferge man ; hod •n and took with him a drab coloured broad clotb coat, almost new, a sailors jacket and pantaloons printed fancy cord, a iwanfdown striped under acket; a rorura hat; one fine and one coarse shirt* one muslin handkerchief, sprigged, two ditto striped border, a blue PerGan under jacket and two p*ir cotton Rockings. Whoever takes up said negro and lodges him in any jail in this or any of the neigabouring states (hall have the above re ward or reasonable expeacesif brought home. JOHN BRIEN. Spring Forge, OAober 43,1799* N. B. At said negro formarly lived in Chester county, it is probable he may return there. November 5 LAW BOOK STORE, 319 High Str.ct. GEORGE P AVIS ha« just received from Dub lin, via New York, '•* very large Parcel of Law Books, all of the latest editions, which ren ders his aiTortment he believes the most extcufiv# and valuable oh the continent. They will bo opened this day, and ready for faleat any time af terwards. The subscribers to that important work, Went word's Syfiem of Pleading. arc informed that it is now arrived, and will be delivered «n application. Elank Declarations fettled and approved by the most diftmguilhtd Law characters, to be had of G. D. March I r, To Merchants MERCHANTS Accounts elegantly opened, BooksVjeatly and corre<illy posted, with various other kinds of writing, by a person thoroughly acquainted with accounts. Gentlemen extcnfively coacerned, may find it to their intcreft to pot business in thia line into his hands, as the filled confidence may be reposed in him and ample fatisfa#ion given. Addrcfs a line to B. A. and leave it with the pri ter hereof. Philadelphia, March *9 LANCASTER STAGES. r rHE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan- X carter line of Stages DISPATCH, retur£ tUeir grateful thanks to their friends ana the public in genera), for the past favors they have received, aul inform thvn» that in addition to the regular Linr, thfy arc provided with Carriage!, sober and careful drivers, to go through between *h e City and Bop* »gh in two days. Those who prefer this made of tr tvulling can be accommodated at the Stage Oftice, sign of United States JEagL, Market llreet, Philadelphia. 3«» Slough. Downing, Dunivoody £7* Co. Nov. 30. 2t—§ CITY OF WASHINGTON. THE POSSESSORS OF OBLIGATIONS *r CERTIFICATES sign ed by the fubferiber, ior undivided Shares or Lots on his pur chafe within the cky of Waihiajf ton, who have not y«t" applied for and received their Deeds, are hereby ratified, that their l'everal Titles wi l he (july completed to the order of those who in conformity with the 'tertm of th-. said Cer tificates, do make the Payments in full therefor, either to Thomas M.'-Euen 12* Co. or to the Qub fcriber at Philadelphia, na or at any tiaie before the 31ft day of May next. December 17 BOONETON IRON WORKS, TO BE SOLD, OR LEASED FJR ON F. YEAR THAT Valuable Estate, KNOWN by the name of the Booncton Iron Works, fitnat* in the county of Morris in the Oat;* of New-forfey, confiftir.er of a Forge with four fires, a Roiling and Slitting Mill, a Grift mill with two Run of and Saw mill, allin good orderaod now in use, together with an excellent, large, nd convenient house, with ou*-hcufrs of every kind; among which are an lec house, and {lone milk house, with a remarkable fine spring in it, a large Garden, and an excellent eollcdtion of Fruit, a large Orckard, and 2500 al. wood, pa'ure and arable land, and a grc?t number of (tores and workmen's houses Immediate pofieliion will be given ot houses and (lores lufficiertt lor providing (lock the prefert winter and poffefiion «>f the whole in the spring. For terms enquire of David B Ogdeo a? New ark, mr Peter Mackie in Ne v-York, cur. David. Ford in Morris Vowo, or mcfirs. Jacob aRd Rich ard Faelch on the premilcs. January M For the accommodation of the Farmers of Spring field, and all other persons who are inclined to purchase, the fubferiber is disposed TO SELL A MOST VAI.UABLK TRACT OF LAND, LYING in Springfield town (hip, Rurlington county, and State of New Jersey, Wmg a part of that capital property well known by the 3taw6w name of containing two hundred and ten acres, of which twenty-seven are excellent swamp wood land, up wards of ninety acre* arc as good meadow a; any in the county, and the refiduc is fine uplnnd; there arc three public roids tfr.t run through the lane. The fa!>fcribsr will aite»d at the house of Mr. John Ttxnkins in Springfield, until the firfl day of April next, in order to (hew the land and propcfals either for lots or the whole, as may iui purchasers, March 17. Thirty Daliars Reward. DESEttTED FROM the Marine Barracks on the night of the 14th infi. JOHN OSB'JRN, boni in the .town ot Bedford, Welt Che'.ter county and ft ate of New York, aged aa years, 9 months, 5 feet 8 and a quarter inches high, grey eyes (longqued) light hair, ruddy complexion, pock marked, by trade a Shoemaker. Enlifled by Lieutenant key nolds in Stephen's Town, near Albany the ajtli of June lad Had on and took with him a short round blae cloth coat with a red cape, a blue cloth coatee, a few white waUkoars, a long grey mixed cloth c»at ana breeches, a pair of boot®, a chocolate coloured great coat trimmed with blqck hair plush, z. fun- hat half worn, anil two filvcr watchts, one a middle size, the other small. He may impose himfiel? on some family or gentleman as a waiter, as he has a&od m that capacity.— Whoever apprehends said and lecurcs him in jail, fends him"to Headquarters, or delivers him to any of the Marine officers, or any officer of the army of the United Stats* shall receive the above reward and all reasonable charges. aaw6w January 16. PMILADELP HI A, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 3, 1800, ;'jvv4W 3tawtf Samuel Glodget. FOR SAI.E. Bullus's Estate, JOHN MOORE. I|e"st J. S. LEWIS, Adjutant Marine Ccrps. FACTS Submitted to public co r Jiderntion f as additional evidences of the efficacy of Dr. HAMILTON'S MEDICINES, IN THE CURE (*F Most Diforclcii to which the human body is liable RHEUMATISM, JOHN HOOVER, Rope-maker. South Second street. between Mary and Christian ftreeti, Philadel phia, voluntarily rnaketh oath, as follows: namely, that his wife, Mary Hoover, was so severely affli&-d with violent ihematifms, very datigeroafly fitua-ed, the confcquence of a cold after lying in, as to be fined to her bed tor several weeks, and w*i at length reduced 10 the melancholy apprchenfion of remaining a cripple for life ; notwithstanding the most refpe&able medical advice was followed, and every probable re medy attempted. Whenfeeiue several cases of cures performed by Hamilton's Essence and Extra# of Muflard, they were procuicd from Mr. Birch, No, 7. South Second ftrcet. The firft triplication en abled her to walk acrtofc the room, and the ufeofc;ie bottle restored net i.; her usual ita;e of health and ftrengih, JOHN HOOVHR. Sworn anri subscribed to the 25th Jay cf March, 1800, before J-benezer Fergtslon, Eft], one of the JuHicej of the Peace for Philadelphia county* DANGEROUS COLD. DAVID GILBERT, Toyman, No. 46, South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, voluntarily makeih oath, as follows : namely, that about eight months ago, he caugbrafe ere cold, which resisted every remedy he could thiuk of, and produced the most alarming ef fc&s j he could procure no reft for iikccflant cough ing, nor breathe Without great p>in and difficulty, and was fin>ti\ so exhiufted, as to be scarcely able to walk.about, wfckh left his friends little hopea of his recovery, though the prefcnpiions of a refpetfafele pnyfician weie constantly attended to. in this situati on baring of rtie efficacy of Elixir, a bot tle was procured from Mr. Bi ch, No 17, South Se cond street ; the firft dofeof which afforded the most furprifj'ig relief, and gave h\m more cafe than he had enjoyed during the w hole of the above period, and before the contents of one bottle we<e wken, he was perfe&ly cured, his ftrcngth and appetite recovered, and not a (ymptotn of former diftrefling com plaints jcmainrd. '1 he above particularst*e fajpl David Gilbert wifh es,to be made public, as a teftsniony of his gratitude, and for the benefit of mankind. DAVID GILBERT. Sworn and fubferibed before me the 34th day of March, 1800. JOHN JENNINGS, Alderman. TO PARENTS Wbo may have Children zfjlictzd with the Hooping Cdugby This discovery is of the tii;ft magnitude, as it af fords immediate relief, checks the progrels, «nd in a (Kort time entirely removes the most cruel diforderto which children arc liable—The Elixir is so perfe&ly agreeable', and the defe so fmsli, that no difficulty arises in tfekiag it. WORMS, A daughter of Mr. Ewing Wiley, No. 109, Cedar street, Philadelphia, ws» dreadfully afßrCted with woiiij, insomuch that her life was with great reason defpairedof; her complexion faded and grew pale and faliow ; her eyes sunken ; her appetite was lott, and fucceedcd bv a painful and coiiftant ficknels at the ftoraach ; whiah gcnc»al wafting and debility was ' A long tulogium on tlie virtues ot this medicine accompanied with every appearance of a dangerous . uNueieffary, as the money yyi\\ be returned if fevei. From this deplorable fit u it; on she was relieve ; t j ie patient is not rrlieved, it never having failed ed,and reftortd to a Hate of pejfeft health and ftrcngih jj 0 many'thwifand cafe», notour in a hundred ha* in. a few eta vs. by the use ol Hamilton*! Worm Def- oce'.fir»n to take more than a bottle ar*d uum- Iroying Loicngcs, which **pclled » treat wimbci of bt , r( not hllf a |fe, t i s . large pointed worms, from fix to nine or t we'.ve inch es tn length ; one of which being a most exrraordin,*. | rr ; ■ , • , A ■ v -r- oir ry thickncfs, (supposed from half an inch to an inch 1 £) r • tidbn s celebrated AntttMSUioUS I ;»'£• in diameter) was opened and found 10 contain aquan- j been uniformly luccejsiul ir the cure tity ot young ones j of bilious and malignant fevers, and in alldifcr- The above is communicated by Mr. Wiley*bclicv- ders ol the head, stomach and bowel*. ,in? its perulal may be ufc!ul to miny, by extending the knowicdgegfa medicine which meiitsunivcrfai Qoiyiand's Goiiitine Lotion—Cttrcb'f Cougb attention: But this telfimony i« only aebwoboration ' W. _ inderSOJ 's Pil'Ps &c of the evidence of mor k than mftt thousand persons of all ages, who have, wiifcin twenty month* past, been cured by this medicine, with the u;moft cafe and fafcty, of va ious complaints, arising from worms and from obftrudtions or tou ness in the ito mach and bjwel», Dr. Hamilton's Grand Restorative Is ecotnroended as an invaluable m-ciicine, for the fperdy relief and permanent cure of the various romdaints which result I'rm diflip»te4 t'leafurc*. ju vrnile relidrnce in climatej unl avourable to the corftitution; the immoderate use of tes, fre quent intoxication, or any other'deftm&ive intemper ance ; the unfkilful or exccfllve use of mercury ; 'h; difcafes peculiar to females at a certain period of lire; bad lyings in, &c. And is proved by long and extensive axperier.ee to be abfolutelv unpsnieNed in the curt 6f nervrusdif orders, cof.lumptiona, lownr's of f-iiits, loss of zpp*- ii(e, impuritv of the blood, hyftcrical a (Te£ti ',>#». in ward weakr«'fle*,*to J ent cr»mp» in the stomach and back, ind geftion, melancholy, pout in the stomach, paim in the limb*, r°Ux»'tons, involuntary ctnifTions, seminal weaki rfftT, obfti late ylceti, fl >ur albus (or whites) itnpotency, barreMnefs, &c. This medicine is perfeftly different in its qualities and opeiatian from thole hot and irritating drugs so frequently proposed tor purposes, and which o-'ly recommend by the dangerous rap'di y of their effe&s, and whieh, 2&in£ as a trm- O'ary hut violent flifru us on the nervous fvftem, infallibly produce greater evils, than those they ate intended to remove. The piintic*! ooeration of this remrdy is in the "ouuch, feftoring the dieefiive powers, and fending f.«m that organ new health, and vigour into every port of the fvft«•**»? Jtcnriches and purifies the blood wi li out inflaming it; bracr, without ftimulatin? too vi olently ihc nervous f\ llrm; •ftrengther.s the secretory veflels add the gcr.cj.il habit ; brings back the muscu lar fibres to their natural and healthy tone ; and res tores that nutrition which immoderate evacuations, have destroyed, and whofelofs had thrown the whole frame into langor and debility. The Restorative is absolute" y above all rccommcn mrndation, in removing those weakxtnes and rftit ies with which many females areaffl'ftad, the con fluences and p'aiolul labours, or of inju dicious treatment therein. Th- mod obstinate femiiial g'eets; and the mcft dillrefling cases of flour albus in females falls particu larly under the province of this reltoranvr; lpeedily yield to in benig'- operation, and are radically cured, bv corretting and pnrifying the acrimonious humors, rrOo'ing a proper deg'ee of tension to the relaled fibres, and (lengthening the weakened organs. In cases of extremity where the long prevalence and obstinacy of d>fe?feha» brought on a gen-ralim poveriftiment of the fvftem, exceffivt debility of th» wholeframe, and a watting of the Sefh, which no n«u rfhmem or cordial could repaiM perfewrcnee io tht use of this medic'V h " ing cures- The grand rcllorative is prepared in pills as well as ia a fluid form, which afltfls considerably in produ cioga gradual and lafling tffcft. Their virtues remain unimpaired lot years in- any climate. Dr. jffabn's true and genuine GERMAN CORN PLATSTER, And infallible remedy for corns, speedily remov ing them root and branch, without giving pain. The genuine Persian Lotion, So celebrated among the fafhienable throughout Europe, 19 an invaluable colmetic, perfectly inno cent and fafe, free from corrosive and rrpellant minerals (the baSs of other Motions) and of unpa ralleled efficacy in preventing and removing utaue ous hlenifhes of the face and (kin of every kind, particularly freckles, pimples, pits after small pot, inflammatory redness, fcurfs,tetters,ring worms,lun burns, prfckly heat, premature wrinkles, &c. The Persian Lotion operate* mildly, without impeding th3t natural, tfifrnfible perspiration, which is effen t;al to health, yet its slf«4U are speedy and pernio nent, rendering the flciu delicately loft mil smooth, improving the complcx-on and restoring' the bloom of yoßth; never Jailing to render an ordinary countenance beautiful, and an handsome one more: so. Tke Dsmash Lip Salve I* r«roma»endcd (particularly to the lading) as as elegant and pleasant preparation for chopped and fore lip® and every blemish and inconvenience oc cafiore 1 by colds, fevers, &c. speedily restoring a beautiful rosy colour and delicate foftnefs to the lips. The Rcstcrct 've Pewdsrfor tkc Teeth and Gums, This moll excellent preparation comforts and flrenpthcns the gums, i>referye» the enamel from decay, and cUanfes and whitens the tetth, abforh in? all that acrimonious flitne and foulncfs, which A;fF-red to accumulate never fails to injure and finally ruin th«n. Sovereign Ointment for ibe licb- Warranted an infallible and immediate cure at once using; baing th: rnoft speedy, effeduai and plcafafit remedy ever offered to the public, and far the fatisfailion of the ti-norou?, the proprietor maketh oath, that this ointment doe* not'contain a (ingle particle of mercury or any other pcrtiieous ingredient in its composition, and may be used with the nroft perleA i'alcty by pregnant women, and on infants newly born. Price 3-4ths of a dol lar each box. Patent Indian Vegetable Specific, For the cure o! Venereal complaints of every de scription : An extensive trial of near four years, has proved the Vegetable Specific to be cffe&ual in expelling the venereal virus, however deeply rooted in the eonftit.ution, and has restored health to many who have been brought to the brink of the grave by the improper adniiniftraiion of mer curv. Within this period upwards of eight thousand patients have experienced its salutary effetSs; With the medicine is given, a description of the symptoms which ohtpin in every stage of the disease with copious dircAions for their treatment, so as to accomplish apeffefl cufe in the shortest time, and with the lead iDconve»ienec possible. Infallible -ague and fever drops, igpP Trke 'be above vain able melicirct, av: loldin Philadelphia by William Young Birch, stationer, No. fou'h frcond Ifro t, nmi by no one else in tfce city. Likewise obftrvy that the fjgnature cf L«e and Co. (the general agent* for the United State*) it pasted on the omiids of each without which they cansot be genuine. Furchafcr* hy the doz*n or groce will receive a liberal allowance by ap; iying to Lee and Co, Bal- timbre March ' 8, GLASS MANUFACTORY. THE PROPRIETORS Of the Pittsburgh Glass' Works* tfAVING procured a ftifficiant number of i. the moil approved European Glass Manu facturers, - ml having on hand a large stock of the best Materials, on which their workmen are now employed, have the pleaiurc of alluring the public, that window glass 9f a fupeiior qua lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 24 inches, carefully picked in boxes containing too feet cab, mav be had at the shortest notice ■G*afs of larger iizes for other purposes, may alf »be had, fisch 2s r or pictures, coach glaffea, clock fac.'S, \c. H'-tfles of all kinds and of any quantity may also be had, together with pocket flafks,pick'ir.gjars, apothecary's stop furniture, or other hello a- ware—the whole at lead 25 per cent, lower than articles of ihe fame quality brought from any o*' the sea port* of the United State* A liberal allowance will be made on sale of large quantities. Orders from merchants and others will fee pun&ually attended to on ap p'ication to JAME3 O'HARA or ISAAC CRAIG* or at the Store of MelTrs PRATHER andSMILIE, in Matket-Strect, P ttfburgh. March 1* Valuable Property for Stile, ki Chef«»t, near Siirh ftrcct, diredly oppofito CCLNGR*33 HALL. A LOT of ground, nbout n feet front in Chef nut, ftrect and 73 feft in depth, wherecn is a good frame bottle, now in the tenure of Samuel Bcrge fubjedt to a ground re nr of act per annum. The, advantageous fituatio* ©f this property re quires fio coamtnts, for it mufl he known, tb*re are few ir. this city to equal it, an unecccptionahJt utie will be made to the purchafrr. Apply to JAMES GIK VAN, No. 198. Coitus n6XC 10 tbc pr«m:i'w. match ? tu.th fa'tf MRS. BECK, BEGS leave to inform ihe Ladies of Phila delphia, that Ihe opens her MORNING SCHOOL for Geography and History on the 4th of Ajrril, from 6to 8 o'clock. Any young Ladies may attend, as udl asthofe already un dtr tuition. Fifth Street, opposite State House Yard. N. 5—A FEW LOTS to be let at Frank tord. Enquire as above, March 25 This Day Published, Uy J- Ormrod, No. 41, Chcfnut Street, Death of General Wajkingtox. In imitation of tl>« manner of OfThn By Bcv. John B.Linn, A.M. IVTinifter of the First Prefbvterian Con?reeation of Philadelphia. £5" Mr. ChtUrfrof/s Oratidn will be puMHhed on Monday morning. March 25. JUST COME TO HAND, W. Young, J. 'cf J. Crukshank, and ■THOMAS DoBSON'"} BoOKSTOKfeS, Sacred to tbc mdnory of GEORGE WASHINGTON, Late PrefUent of the United i*tates, and Comiuander in Chief of ihe Armies of the United States. A dapted to the aad February ißgo. By Richard Alsop. march 26. A CERTIFICATE as one Share «f the Bank of the United States, No. 491*0, in the name ot Lewis Peter Quirtyn, and a Certificate of two Shares el the said Bank, No 29119, in the name of George James Ch*lm©ndely, Eail of Cholmon dely, were forwarded/ from New-York by the Chafteriield British Packet for Falmouth, whicb was captured by the French, and the Certificated 101 lor deftr«yed, and for which application is made at said Bank tor the renewal thereof, of which all poisons concerned are desired to take notiee. CLEMENT BIDDLE. *3m. February il THE LOT, At the nortb-east corner of Arch and Now occupied by Mr. Benjamin Busby, as jCr* Enquire at No. 218 Arch street. March 17. FOR SALE, SEVERAL VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS, Near the corner of Arch and Ninth ftrcecs. ALSO, To be Sold or Let, A number of excellent Pasture Lots, Cn th t WiifabxckoQ road, abaut half a mile from the city. %• Enquire at No. 18 North Fifth flrect. d6tiawtf November 15 7exes of Lycoming County, JOHN KIDD, Treaforer, By Di region of the Commifftorrrs of Lyco mtng county, at'end* at Philadelphia to re ecpve the Taxes aficfisd upon unseated Lands in oUt County, from the holders thereof, in this Ci'y Th<.fe who have filed wiih the Com miffiorters, flatements of thei-r Lands, are re quofted to call up6n him, to know the amount of T/izesthcreou, acid pay them ; other wife, be fore his leaving the City, they will be put into the hands of the Sheriff for collection, agreea blv to the *£l for railing county rates and levies Tliof# who have wot filed fiatement? of theii lands with the Comrniflioners, and aredefirous of having it tlone, to prevent sales without pre vi<iu* personal Notice, may file with the above Trealurcr, their lifts, ftatiag the quantities re turned, number and dates of the warrants and names of the warrantees, under whiclr they h 'ld their lands. He will attend at Mr. Joleph Hardy's No 98, Market street for this purpose tin til the 18th inflant. m&t4W November 9, DESERTED, Fl'OMthe United "tates Frigate Philadel phia, DAVID PEVFNE, by trade a Shoe mi ker, horn in Ireland, a 3 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, light complexion and hair—alio, WATSON LUDLOW, by trade a Shoe maker, born in New-Jerfry, 33 years of age, 5 feet icinches high, dark hair and complexion* Whoever will take up said Dcfertcrs and deli ver them on board the £ud frigate, (hall receive ten dollars reward for each, and reasonable tu;l>rf. charges, March 12 7hrce Lents Reward. RUN away from the Suhfcriber on the evening or the ißt>, infi. a bound Servant GIRL, nan-.cd Elizabeth Howcfcel, had on and took with h»r|three Jifffr«st chanqes.of garment and money, proud, bold and iixpudent, a notad lyar ; any p«r fon apprihending her (hall he entitled to the above reward—no costs pr charges will be paid. JO: a. Sheh« J : yesrs and some months to serve. DANIEL FtTZPATSICK. Oofhen Tr.wnfliip, Chester Cowty, July »9 augufi 6 [ Vot.BMF. XVII fe^t. (Price 25 Cents) THE A POEM, And lor fa!c at A POEM, NOTICE, TOBE LET, Ninth streets, a Board Yard, Ita-mtf. 3tawtf. 3«wtf
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