A WXW U»TnT»£K«T. f# 3ferekanU % Store-keeper j and Trades- a .. r "? " rre ' a - * e - SAMUEL MAG AW, D. D. YE~L petu.iar •, rifjrr m flaring, that j-o* Pnrroft Wdu Dc tt6 t of Peaafylvuia litre Cb peocrecfly and garrjity cm« for- . a ••„ w ">' J AMKS ABERCROMBIE, A.M. wrtkOandntg , Sweden, ijfTßMfi TO r«« Denmark, Noway. Pruflia, Poland, Gerwumy, On Tueid.™ , 'i~ i/- ii. ■. AW.tU*4tr,. SfiZZrtqil, y °f" xt mor ' b > (***) •rtl ol tl.e windward and lemard Weji India ft "jl si J* fm H JJUndi, an I many po-ta m t'-e £a/7 Indie: —-.1- /VHI tCIUt IllJ', whole to be reduced to dollars and cents; and c»*>i»rr»c or tkebefl mode or f rnipiitiajt ike exchange with '• A K Eoffl«(h School, in which wifl '.it mofe p'a- ei explained; also, a large flkeet tabie JLX. tao ,ht Reading, Writing, F-nglift of cjkoationt ar compound interrit at 6 per Grammar, Cr.mpoEtion, .Elocution, iiu N. r'««•». tbe table, utti m baafc* for ike dcrertnis- toral H-llo", ~ arwn of ihc va«.e of (to!il; ft.* I( .ter;« of each • . , . from one f> twel»e mowhs, OB e- try Mathematical Schoo., la wnkl dollar { otib'xit excepting) from or.e to two I* taught Aritnmrtic, Mcr •Vrofind j a-id a taVr of a!,' the port 10*0 in c *'tttie Account!, Gecgr*;.: j and the oic o * * f> general ('ioor*, Geometry anj Trigon >mrtrY ufcful information, fljiii pnfiiivrly he ad.led to +rj- their application to Mensuration, Sur tie —k, « n : «M *rn,. Nautical /.Wnou.y TUI C - | 811 —Alf», the fftncipjct of M.chaj.cv 12Dics of Uncount or intcrcd, > A!■ " i Mora » fc.- &c. • r4SK2&!jeßft«S?£3!!, * «»«T*< - •".... .'.3.1:1. 3, ar.d rc printed and ' ? , „ CU ' or ' Sr/fl, , na , r V now pro. { altschfd U the prrpof !•. ; •» - trufV, be fini::. Nt- U h c*i ! V ufcful. ry etiih penny i unit j for ISo offarc u.r yub Ac'tintcd bv :'. r- , , . I»f» ifnatrhrpfice ofr. Urcdiirrd vrr>- ncircwr- , fr'-f r. is r Scr.re. . ,d : , Lite v ' ary EAaiWifhrncnU, have withered i acqu.u;;on ' the moll flattering exfoliation* of it? Witl, f«fpecl to the a cf the Ta'4«, too much can- -.t be (aid, ar»-i I picrige myfclf • '' ° e r ' tjro " r! by th- countenance ar.d thai aPi<£MrUA/of no' lef»:hin one hun- a:d ct liberal n.) It-fs t'nan bv Dy.tii Dollars tttali be offered tr> :hc fir/t pef- 51 ri *-' -fion tl .t we'l-reL-jhtcd Aca' wa WOO fliill latarrrl rr.c n: a tingle error as one .emir, 1,-.j j , r .aA ii„p j,tan: ir,flume: -%sswr£issr4a3»„. rr,.r""- h,i rv * *«»» pence. „t the »nde«akir K , Id« matt toltmnlf t ' h V"" ""c V"" * V< " '° """ ihat tkey will amount to verj near Four. 5 aeminarr of Ixarnmg, as to fub t*OW»**D uoviaxs, xnd perhaps more, in- . t,lr ? re " of'RJigfion anc drpm, of any rerouneratiou t rmy own", u:,lr ••' r - iJeeotuD of B- h*viour jn the arduon, buiinen, and the greit rxper.ee CorreOnrfs c,f I'aftr, Liberality of Sca>. already incurred tot-fpfimen*, prcptfa's, r<- mrnt, and every ether attribute of an inpe ▼f/tilement#, naric-bill#, fltc. &c. ...... j . • , • 9 Ido thetelore truA wi(h confidence, that gen* 31 "T ie wl " ch - ,n t'emen will continue to t o.i,e forward tita a P found I.torature, con . public spirit and geiierefity which charsc- " ' andthe scholar. ♦ ftribi, K '« '« without oeCtatitn : .therwife it The bn'Uinfft engaged for this Academy cannot be and 1 must fit down to re- « h °u/?h affording excellent accommodation fleet upon a covMDFaAiLk IoH. will be relinquilhed for a m»re central fi'u GtVtllmen, P ' at '° n ' if fucl ' a ftioulj be four.d re Your obedient humble servant, "a / n rit r. FOR CHARLESTON, fOUVH-CjtkOLINA. THI BRIG Wk. Daggst, iun. Master, WILL fail in fit days. For froight or palTage apply to the milltr on board at Walnut Street w ABRAHAM VAN BEUREN, No. 109,80. Front llrcet. FOR SAUC, ON no AH D ft AID BHIG, 100 hoxdißafloD ChocoUto J pipe# 1 lolland Oin | J »WJ i karreli N. England Rum 6 Cliil Sffence of Sprues ' Wrapping Paper, &e. ■Urch *9. d6t FOR St. THOMAS'S, jfbjr Thomas Chalkley, Ttcrnni Knny, Mafitr. Whst S "'' , ""d c, l" < Se and eight months to serve. Fer.furthtr particular! enquire of JOHN REDINGXR, No. no Race firm. dtf Fabrviry »S A NEW EXHIBITION •W.tf. GALLERY OF PAINTINGS,&C. WILL be o, en every day until the eod of May at Mr. Savage's Rooms, No 70, South Fourth llrcet. Mr. Savage rcf r c<3fully ii,forms the Ladies and Oentltm« o( Philadelphia, that a hamifome co|. lection of Paimingi a "j p rintl executed l>y fcvcial 01 the Brll maflerun Europe together with some original American H.rtoi ica' Paintings taken Zr.m the m°ft mterelling f.bjc-a., a catalogue of which will be delivered to visitors. Admittance one fourth ef a dollar—conflant ai natepnce will be given, april i A Summer Retreat. A convenient and Genteel House. fitua'ed in Trenton, to be lit or fold. PoflWlion will be givtn the ift of June next. Enquire o( the Printer. March aj, To be Rented, AND immediate pofleflion given, if require*, a neW two (lory Brick Hou'e and Kitchen, about U mile# from Philadelphia, an the jreat road to Newtown. Enquire of the Printer, dtf. inarch 17 To be Sold or Rented, THAT large three (lory HOUSE, No. 44, Pine (Ireet, occupied by John Nixon, El'q—For terirts apply *t No. 42, next door.' March 16. TO BE SOLD, Or ftentedfjr a term of Tears, TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, With a Lot thereunto belonging, SITUATE in Duck Creek, Cross Roads Kent Count)-, Stale of Dflaware, fronting on the Miin Street j them are on the lower I Floor, five Rooms and an Entry, with a I number of well finifhed Rooms up Stairs, a Cellar under ihe whole Building, a Brick kitch en, a tump of giod Water, with a Siable, Car riage House and Sheds, the wboleTmprovements are in go, <1 repair. The Seat is well calculated for either a Store or Tavern, the lafterof which it has been orcupied for a number of years with ronfiderable fuccef». The (iluation is dry and the Country around being very healthy and a plr.ee of considerable Trade, it will he well worth the attention of any perlon wilhing to purchase or rent. EFpr further particulars apply to the Sulj r at the aforrfaid place. CUMMINOS. January 8. eoftt eo6w A LARGE X£e laying a duty on fait was postponed till to-morrow, andcommitted to acommitue ct' the whole House. The fecor.d refo W2s a; rerd \ j, The Houfr again resolved itfelf into a committee of the whole on tbe bill to amend the aft providing for the sale of the land? of the (Ji:i.ed States in the territory N. W. of the Ohio, and abo\e the mouth of Ken tuckty river ; when Mr. Grifwold's motion to ftr ke out tile firft fe&ion bring under confide ration, Messrs. Harrifcr. and J. Brown fpokeagainft it, and Mr. Cooper in favor of it. The motion was at length negatived. Mr. Harper then moved an amendment, providing that no money (houldbn paid for surveying the lands, until fufficient had been received in the tr-afury from the sales autho rise by the a£l; which vtat opposed by Messrs. Grifwold and Jackson, a; derogatory to the dignity of the government, and was negatived. ' * '■ Mr. J. Brown then mavrd to amend the b.ll by striking out the words ,c half feion on which he refidrs, at the rate of dollars per acre. After fotne ob servations from MeflYs. Gallatin, Jackson and Kittera, agninlt the motion, it "was ne gatived, there being only 17 aye?. After making Iwndry amendments, the committee rose, and the bill was ordered to je engralfed for a third reading to-morrow. —: va : ©a3tttt £oarim sUit I Port of Philadelphia ARRIVED, Brig Efperanza, Justice, C. Francois Sloop Falmouth, Yorke, Portland Nancy, Crocker, St. Andrews CLEARED, Ship Margaret, Grcaart, Amfteidam Bner Ru >y, Wrighlry, Cape Francois Bii£ Angelica, Ribinfon, of this port, is lofl on her paflagr from St. Thomas to Cape Francois, a little to the leeward of the latter port—crew f»ve". PORTLAND, March 20, Arrived at this port, (hip Amazon, of Bo ft oti, Samuel T.revitt maftsr 114 days from Calcutta Le't there the following American ves sels :—Ship Lou fa, Dale, Baltimore ; ship India, Afhmead, Philadelpnia ; (hip Crite rion, Weeks, do. Captain Trevitc has politely furnilhed us with t,he gazettes of that city as /ate as November 2C. They are mostly occupied with a fer:eß of interelling documents found in the palace cf the late Tippoo Sultaun The Asiatic Mirror contains the proclama tion of the governor of the Isle of France, wherein he fays " we require the tribunals to prououncc the confifcation of all the American vessels which have been or (hall be brought into this port, as well as the propriety with which they are to be laden.'/ —Another paper contains a letter from Pon diclierry, from which the following are ex tracted :—" An American prize was cap tured in th« Straights of Surida. by a small French privsteer with 30 men. She board ed the American, and after fighting three quarters of an hour on his deck (he was ta ken TheAmtiican had five men killed, end the French three, bcfide>a great many wounded on both fides. The American had a ccipmiffion from his government*" Wiß be prefentej, a Druu, (aerer a£«d here) ia fir: isi, ciilcj THE CASTLE SPECTRE. Ofraosd, Mr Cooper—Father Mu!ip, Mr Ber nard— Edric, Mr. Hopfcit. Allgeb.Mn.MuT7. To which will be added ffor :h_- fccood (Ime here) * ceUbraxcJ Farce, in ooe a<9. The HORSE and the WIDOW. Pox. one Dollar, Pit, tbrrt q-jirtert of a dollar, and Gallerj hiif a doibr. PETER FOSTER 6? Co. TN tfce Hire of DrWirr, being tii. ur the pu- X U .HICQ PETER FOSTER. Duck Creek, April t. livim m -if of taking - fle&ions fur A capital situation for a Board Yard, •ce r,f witm-Sr: F° d R thc of Lumber, or Pialflrr of rar'd, a -.nunting Hcufe ar.d lota in Hiph U>cve N,ntb Brcet. Tl.e fit U at, fn i» ,). t b : 9 .n the cty for e.therot the above purpole*, the lot extending from Market to Pilhert street. aad *?>mg a large front OB eath Grtet. A-piy it jSouth Thid Street. aprii 2 Good Wages be given io two or three ptrfons to wzu upon jrentlenien for their fubfenp tion to Rowlet.'. T.blts of Discount and Ex cd,t,g.-. Apply it No. 19 (oppoGte tfce Sugar HoufeJ Christ Church a'iey - x ' ® None but persons of genteel addrels and ailmty ecetf apply. apri; i W R 7 AS a Promiflary Note or IT. _Sr»,. i"-. dated July i6th, 1798 for the sum of i r , g ' pa)ible Mr or order for Y.lue rece.r-r! ef Ticmas fUier, Lon- T r r , y ifter the fi!d <**»= l£ft » the bar cfthePennfy,a nl a Coffee House, Lor,Jon, inclo to Mr *******o™, , , 7 ' North America, to be forweraed by tfc W.lUam Penn, Captain Jof.ah, for l-hi!adel phia. The said parcel and note have by some ec cident been m,framed, and no intelligent: has been obtauwd of ,t_lt i, requested that any per son holding f.ch note will £ i T e notice to the Prin terof thw paper ; and on producing the fame within two months after th« insertion of this ad ward Bt rcccivc twenty-four dollar; re- N. B. No t reater reward will be offered, as the note can be of no life but to the owner. Bridgetown, March 17. (A. 4 .) NICKLIN and OKIWITH HAVE FOX SALE small chests of Ginghams, on board 4 ditto of colored Muflinets, ihc ship 4 bales of St. Fernando Serges, ! Neltor.in 4 ditto of Camblets, ? t b c r j vcr 10 ditto of colored and white I from Caffirneres, J Liverpool 14 trunks cf printed Callicoes, Tke above are in small ajfartedpackage: calculated either for the W r ejl J/.dia or borne trade, 30 tons in pigs, 8 tons of White Lead io hhds. 17 calks of Yellow Paint, 6 ditto of Mineral Black, I ditto of dirto White, lo ditto of Colcothar, 3 ditto of Purple Brown, iun drcd acres each. The Woodland and Meadow, of which there is a Oifficient quantity, is not ioferior to any in the StJte. To attruft the notice of persons residing within the county of 'urlington, deProus of purchasing gocd land, 'tis only nece(Tar> tn me-tnion that these farres are parts of that ex cellent trail of 1200 acres lately owned by Samuel Bullus. 1 he terms of sale will be mada convenient to the purchaser and may he known by apply ing to the fe'oJcriber*. Those who may wish t-o view th- land, will plesfe to call on William or Israel Shinn, the prelent occupants. Attornlrt in fad fur J tin Bull us and Suit Bullas, Burlington, New Jcrley, M.irch ii, ißc~. "T HE Creditors of the late hotife of Irwin & Rrj/on. of Lexington, Kentucky, are hereby informed, that a dividend of such no m»s of that firm, a: have been received by the fubferiktr, will be made on the twentieth day o! April next among tlinfc creditors who (hall have hef'ire 'hat time furriilfced their accounts properly alt-fled to Marcli 11. NEW THEATRE. This netting, April a, THE PABTXERSHIP OP Of Deci CttEK, JO LET, was lost. Near the Drawbridge, ADVERTISEMENT SAMUEL HOUGH, JOSEPH McILW/UNE, NOTICE. WILSON HUNT. Ailing aflijrnee, dt»o /-' - MISS FRO ADH Rcfpcdfvlrjr i.ronm ker FH«d, living CONC E RT RECITATION 5, at the merchant's coffee-gqnE. Om TVjrldij cvrtj'wg, 3d ApriL °r tr,ne . Hajrrfc Okt, j mca. "A& »h r a B ulh." Taylor. Duett, " How l»w ia -he > nr. Car aad u-.ift aoral.j" [Cfc.r] J BrejJhu.d Song, " Wfcrr. wai [S»ieUJ ... «w. Darin. XcciUtiaa, " am. Tlnk'i thr.c •aniup," Mr Bernard. :»££, " Frimrvla deck.*' (Linlcf) ■>!». WaiitL Onceno Viuiia far. GJuogham. Scog," Let me wacder,&c.) ... „ ~ , or let :be mvty bell;," J "•» Cnorui, " Ani young and old cdme forth t« P '!•" HandcL Overture, Circe a,d tTlytfes, Tirlar. Song," Pity then my to.-tartd » .. hea-r," ( Gijrdjn;) \ mrs OMmiica Doest, •« Togeiherkt «.j ? mr. Taylor and range," ( Dr. Boyce) I in,ft Kcciuu'oo, " a dramatic vjfion, } cr the court of Ttefpes. J ra "~ Ji4rcA "i- Song," The fpirittof the blcft," (Carr) ujifi Brssdfcurft. Souata P.m-, Furte R, rug'i. Comic Song, -* I vrosder a: you," f ~Tav !or) f itecd „ v, '■ Tar. .if Comic Glee, «« V.'ivt, ir.d hiftjtif," H c;. Tobt&r. precisely a: 7 o'clock. €J" T.ck; 5 t.-; be a: the B:r Room -f Coffee 4; CX».k'.- Circua: rj Lv brjry, Xjr 'S Third Street inc it " , "'t £ s W-Ucii > a, : az. Msrttt-ftrii.:. mirch 3l d4 ;_ BALL POSTPONED. MR. FKANCIS At the requctl of his Scholars has ppflponed hi# Ball, which vz s to have been on TueMay the ifl of April to a future day. N. B.—-Mr. F. begs leave to remind ?.is Scholars and the public la general, that aftrr the l2ot April he will iem_ve his School to Hat moHy Court f of I uitior. for th _* pre feni week, Taurfday and Saturday at the ufua! hoars. marclT 34 MAP OF NEW-JERSEY. THE cemmifiicners appointed for the gurpofe of circulating iubfeription papers, to the pro". F«fed plan of procuring an accurate Map of New- Jersey, immediately after th'ir appointisent tranf. nutted printed copies of the plan t • variousptriont in the several couatiei of :hi» Hate, ant in die cities of New York and Philadelphia, aod since that time, through the medium cf the puHic prints, have requested the gentlemen tntrufrfd with thoft papers, to return the number, us fatferbers by them refpeflively procured, to James Salter, Esq. at Trenton, on or before the 6th day of February last, The number of fw-fertftiom received, cot amounting to two thousand, the ccmmifU.-.ert did not conceive themleives authorized to 6r a da 7 for the meeting of the company ; nevertheless be iag at opinion from r.fpeflable information, that the a<2ual fuMcriptions are nearly, if no; fully adequate to the complete nrganiiation of the com' pany, if they could be afcertainoa by regular re. turns, and being convinced that a traflirg degree of exertion, on the part of the persons holding the fuMcnption lifts, would enable them to carry the intention of tho fubferibtrs into effefl, they have by the unanimous advice and cotfsnt of the sub. fcribcrs, whom they have been a'.le to conlult fixed on the 14th day of May next, being the ad day of the fitting of the supreme court, for a meet, ing of the fubferibers at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, r.t the State House in Trenton, for the pu.-pofc of ele&ing five Trustees and a Treasurer.is the num. b#r of fubfcriptioßS Ihould he fufficictt, or in any event to determine on the measures necessary tofe. cure tho attainment of an objeA so ulcfal to the state. Fram the universal approbation exhibited by their leilow-utizens, at the commencement oi'thi, undertaking, it was to be expecSed that the fub fcr.pt.ens returned would have ensured it, lmme . diate execution, and the coromiffioners are purftis. ded if proper attention is paid to the procures of .übfcriptions, to their pur.fluil return at the time fixed for the meeting, and to the attendance of the fubferibors, cither in ptrfon or by proxy that »» farther delay will take place in coLn/n C irg t ).° operations of the company, in time for their exe cution during the courl'e cf the ensuing fummtr. * WILLIAM PEARSON, ~) EW ' NG ' ( Cotnmrs. THOMAS M POTTER, j T«im», March a», 1800. N. fl. Subfciption papers afe left with the sol. lowing (among other) gtntlcmeu, in their respec tive counties, to whom those perfpns defirou, of promoting th« oljedl of the company are r*quefttd to apply; raw&J daw Wm. Campfiold, Esq. Morris- Gerfliom Dunn, Esq. Middlesex Artis Seagrave, Esq. Salem. Silai Dickerfon, Eiq. Sussex George Burgin, Esq. Cumberland, Wm M'Eowen, Esq. Somcrfit. William Lloyd, Esq. Monmntb. JofcphHankinfon.Efq' Harlerdan. Peter Ward, Esq. Bergn. Charles Clark, Esq. Essex. The above gentlemen, with all others holding fubtci iption papers, ate particularly requested to forward the original fubfeription papers, to James Salter, Esq. Trcafurer on or before the 14th day of May uext. March 16, WHEREAS, AN attachment was lately ifliied out of the in. ierior oaurt of common pleas of the count* of Essex, in the state of New Jersey, direfled to the fticiitf of the said county, agalnft the rights, credits, monies anu effeils, goods and chattels lands and tenements at J.bn Ckvu Symma at the' fnitof William Wells, in a pica of trespass on the cafe to hfs damage threethoufand dollars; And -whereat, the said fhcriff did, at the term 0/ func la!t pati, return to the said