* J of Ultlitfcti xn Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. \ j JfVMBFK 2346.1 The price of this Gazette is Eight Dollass per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and mil->s,some person in this city •uiill become answerable for the subscription, •V must l-e Iniid Six Months in Advance. %* No Subscription will be received for term than six months. DectmVr i 1799 JACOB SPERRY, & Co. No* 195 Market Street, Offer for sale at reasonable prices, for approved paper, ( t in barter for CofTc^r-' THE FOLLHWINO GOO D s. Entitled t:>?)vawback : ■lO CaT«s Ci>ai aU- I i caie Ladies' Shoes Motltix. ! 5 cases fine Elbtnel - < 4 do.JfeVla lies I fjnens A di>. Kouans 4 do. Siamoifas a iii> PlatillnsKov- } do. Silefiahankfs. ales. 2 Damask table 10 do Caflerillo" or linen afToried wilh white rolls of 11 & napkins half yard*. 3 d °- Mortas g do Checks and 4 do Flanders Bed lV'pes. Ticki, 6 4, 9*+ an^ .:o. Fine Elber- 10-4 ' ield Checks 4 do Cottsn Bed 4 d,j. ContiK and Ti.V.s Liftadoes J do. Thr.-a ftock -1 do. Check fbirts. ings, Gloves & pan -16 do. Oilcloths. taloons 10 do. Tapes of all 1 do. Kid Gloves numbers,plain,twil 2 dn. K:bbon led, blue and white 3 do. Garnet* and ■ioo Travelling cafesof Pearls different sizes » calks assorted Iron 4 cases cut Bint De- mongery canters, pint & quart 2 do Scythes, 10 » cases gill tumblers hands. * 1 cafe vine glasses 4 do. Coffee mills I7< boxes of Wtodow 3 Cables of 115 fa- Glafe, Sby 10 _ tfeoms each, 9& lo 2 rafi s Sealing Wax inch: With an extetifive aflortment of Looking Glass Plates of the following sizes, 16-12, 17-13. 20-12, 2213, 24- 14, 2(1-15, end 28-16, and a vanetj/ot'other goods usually imported from Hamburg. March 11. d6t—taw 4W. Eighty Dollars Reward, RAN-AWAY from the Subscriber, at New tbwr., Chester Ferry, Queen Anne's coun ty, ft ate of" Maryland, the following negroes, viz. a woman named Nanny, went away on the 23d January, 1799, and took with her a Mulat to female child, about two years old, named Arianna. Nanny is a dark yellow negro, about five feet four or five inches high, remarkably handsome for a negro. Her cloathing unknown as (he took a variety of gtjnd cloirthf with her — flic went off with a negro named Peter, and calls himfeif Peter Simpfon, he is the pro perty of a certain W'iiliam Bowers of Talbot county, state as above, \»ho has advertised one hundred dollars reward for him. Peter is a stout well made yellow fellow, about 6 feet one inch hiph, is a tolerable Carpenter. Nanny pafles for his wife, but her real hufbind is na med Bob, who belongs to her matter. It is probable they are in the neighbourhood of Sa lem m the Jerfies, as they were there in Octo ber last. and *by information, Peter had built himfeif an house to live in, between Rum fridge and Gold Town ; it is likely they may have changed their names and may have partes, as Veter can write a middling hand ; it is pro- bable Nanny has anotherchild, as it was thought she was in a pregnant state when Ihe went away. T he noted Ferry man Charles, u ho calls himt felf Charles Rodney ; he went 01T on the 18th of February last, he is a dark mulatto, about five feet eiufft or nine inches high, about f*rty years old, (loops in hisfhoulders when he walks, a fear on his he'sd very perreivible—he took with him a small hay mire about 4 or 5 years years old, her m ne trimmed and bob tail'd ; his cloathing unknown, as he carried off a va riety of clot; hi ; it is probable he h3S changed his name, ?* he is a very artful, sensible fellow, he can read tolerably well ; it is 'likely he may hire hlmfelt to drive a wrggon, being well ac quainted with that business, driving for the ar my during the war ; he also perhaps may have a pass. The above reward will he given for the afore faid !wr» negroes, viz. Nanny and Charles, if taken out of the state, or twenty dollars for Nanny ar.d child, if taken in this Hate, & 2z do. Charles if taken in this state and secured in jail, so as I may pet them again. If brought home all reasonable charges fhaU be paid by me. JOHN QUIMBY. w&fa.4W. March 3 Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Spr'ng Forge, in York County, a negro man, named ISAAC, cfther wife CUDJO, about ai years «U, tke property of Robert Coletmn; Esq. He is about 5 feet 8 indies high, has ablemiih in his eyes, -snore wnite in them than common, by trade a Fcrgeman ; h?4 on and took with him a drat coloured broad clot!' coat, almost new, a sailors jacket and pantaloons Drintwl fancy cord, a lwanfdown striped under ?cket; a rorum hat; one fine and one coarse shirt' one muslin handkerchief, fpriggcd, two ditto striped border, a blue Per Han under jacket and two prir cotton (lockings. Whoever takes up nep;ro and lodges him in a«v jail in this or any of the neighbouring states (hall have the above re ward or reasonable expencesif brought home JOHN BRIEN. Spring Forge, o<3©ber 13,1799* N. B. A» raid negro forntarly lived in Cheftcr county, it is probable he may return there. November 5 The Subscriber TAKES this method of once more informing the Public, that the partnerihip of Moses Chapline and Robert M'Clure, which was enter ed into for the purpose of retailing Goods in the town of Weft Liberty and Commonwealth of Vir ginia, on the tenth day of August, 1790, expired on the tenth day of August 17 93, agreeable to the term stipulated in their article of copartnerfliip: MOSES CHAPLINE. law6w. February tr. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 2, 1800 LAW BOOK,STORE, 319 High Str.et. GEORGE DAVIS has just received from Dub lin, via New York, a very large Parcel of Law Boultft. all of the latefc editions, which ren ders 'his aflortment he believes the mofr extonfive and valuable on the continent. They will be opened this day, and ready for faleat any time af terwards. The subscribers to that important wo»k, IVent •worth's Syflem of Pleading, are informed that it i c now arrived, and will be delivered on application, Clank Declarations fettled and approved by the most distinguished Law chara&crs, to be had of G. D. , March ir, To Merchants MERCHANTS Arco'ints elegantly opened, Rooks neatly and corre&ly posted, with various other kinds of writing, by a person thoroughly acquainted with accounts. Gentlemen extensively concerned, may find it to their interest to put business in tbia line into his hinds, as the fwlleft confidence may be reposed in him and ample Catisfa&ion given. Address a line to B. A. and leave it with the printer hereof. Philadelphia, March "9 LANCASTER STAGES. r Proprietor? of the Philadelphia and Can- X carter line of Stages DISPA TCH, return their grateful thanks to fheir the public in general, lor the past favors they have received, and inform them that in addition to the regular Linr, th*y ara p ovi-icdwith Carriages, sober and careful drivers, to go through between the City and Borough in two days. Those who prefer this mode of travailing cau be accommodated at the Stage Office, sign of United States fiagle, Market street, Philadelphia! Slough. Downing, Dumvoody & Co. Nov. 30. CITY OF WASHINGTON. THE POSSESSORS OF OBLIGATIONS »r CERTIFICATES sign ed by the flibfcriber, for undivided Shares or Lots on his purcbafe within the city of Washing ton, who have not yet applied for and received their Deeds, are hereby notified, that their several Titles will be duly completed to the order of those who in conformity with the term* of the said Cer tificates, do make the Payments in full therefor, either to Thomas Af l Euen is* Co. or to the 45 üb fcriber at Philadelphia, on or at any time beford the 31ft day of May next. December 17 BOONETON IRON WORKS TO BE-SOLD, OR LEASED FOR ONF. -YEAR THAT Valuable Estate, KNOWN by the name of the Booneton Iron Works, fitnate in the county of M«rris in the flat* of New-Jcrfey, confifi of a Forge with four fires, a Rolling and Slitting Mill, a Grift mill with two Run of fte ne«, and Saw mill, all in good order and new in use, together with an excellent, large, jnd convenient house, with out-houfes of every kind ; among which are an Ice house, and stone milk house, with a rcm/rkable fine spring in it, a large Garden, and an excellent «olledtion of Fruit, a large Orchard, and 2500 acres of wood, pa*ure and arable land, and a great number of hore* and workmen's houses Immediate poflelTion will be given of houses and stores fufficient for providing Hock the prefert winter, and pofieflion of the whole in the spring. For terms enquire of David B Ogden at New ark, mr Peter Mackie in New-York, mr. David Ford in Morris Town, or me firs. Jacob asidßich ,ard Pacl'ch on tbepre&iies. Januarv 11 FOR SALE. For the accommodation of the Farmers of Spring field, and all other pcrfons who are inclined to purchase, the fubferiber is disposed TO SELL A MOST VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, LYING in Springfield township, Burlington county, and State of New Jersey, being a part of that capital property well known by the name of Bullus's Estate, containing two hundred and ten acres, of which twentv-feven are excellent swamp wood land, up wards of ninety acres are as good meadow as any in the county, and the refiduc is fine upland ; there are three public roads that run through the land. The fuhferiber will aitewd at the h.'ufe of Mr. John Tonkin' in Springfield, until the firft day of April next, in order to lhcw the land and receive proposals either for lots or the whole, as may suit purchasers, JOHN MOORE. •feojr March 17. Thirty Dollars Reward. DESERTED FROM the Marine Barracks on the night of the 14th inft—JOHN OSBORN, born in the town of Bedford, Weft Chester county and slate of New York, aged years, 9 months, 5 feet 8 and a quarter inches high, grey eyes (longqued) light hair, ruddy complexion, pock marked, by trade a Shoemaker. Enhtted by Lieutenant Rey nolds in Stephen's Town, near Albany the 15th of June last. Had on and took with him a (hort round blue cloth coat with a red cape, a blue cloth coatee, a few white waistcoats, a long grey mixed clo'h ceat ana breeches, a pair of boots, a chocolate coloured great coat trimmed with black hair plflfh, i* hat half worn, arwi two silver watches, one a middle lizr, the other small. He may impofc himfielt on fomfc fsmily orgentlesian as a waiter, as he has a&ed in that capacity Whoever apprehends said Delertcr, andfecures him in jail, fends him to Headquarters, or delivers him to any of the Marine officer?, or any officer of the army of the United States shall receive the above | reward and all reasonable charges. J. S. LEWIS, Adjutant Matins Corps., January x 6, By A. DICKINS is" J. ORMROD, t'OR PUBLISHING The Pursuits of Literature, Tb ivhicb ivill be Annexed, A VINITICATION OF THE WORK. TRANSL AT J 0 NS Of all the Greek, Latin, Italia«, and French ,Itaw4 v/ The Work will be print ed from the lad Lon don t din on, an 4 will form a large o&avo volume of ahcut sco pages.inclnding an in dtx whkh :his edition will alone poflcis. N. B,—lt i s nojTJ i be finished, with all po %* Ful-'fcriprions will kins, No. 25, Noi th Secoi Church, and J. Ormrod, and by the principal B' United States. 3tavtf march a; JOSEPH ANTHONY & Co. At their Store No* 5 Cbcsnut Street, have 11 «—$ March 24, - THS SHIP v||||v aWTa^le" C. Tih**ghast, Master. PHILADELPHIA built, 0/ live oak and ce dar, will be ready to receive }icr cargo at Weft's wharf in a few days, and to fail about the sis tcenth*of April. For freight or pafiage apply to the captain on board, or*to 1 JEREMIAH WARDER. Samuel IHodget. The following articles entitled to Drawback Cotton Hose, fine Holland Shirting Linen, Table Linen, Tifkliugs, R*« for Paper*ma kers, Rufiia S il Cir.th, Kjfpens Duck, Irish Linens ir. trunks, London White Lead, Dry and ground in oil, Red an 1 Barr Lead, London Tin in boxss, London refined Salt Petre, Mew- CafHe Grindstones, "Roman Tea Canni'icrs, elegant Girandoles, ten foiarponnd Woolvvieh proof cannon, double fortified with apparatus compleat, and a quantity of three and nine pound foot. march 31 Schuylkill Permanent Bridge PROPOSALS in writing will be received until the fjth day of April next, at the oflrce of the Treahirer of the Schuylkill Permanent Bndge Company No. It Church alley, for a fapplv of ten thowfand perch of the best qualify Free Stone, one half of which must he of larjje dimor four large rooms, one of them 30 by ao feet and another 23 by ao, besides a large bar and drefT i g room, upon the focond floor is an elegant afTmbly roots, 60 by 30 feet, and three conve nient lodging rooms. Upon the third fl.ior arc ten excellent lodging rooms—the garrat admits of a clivifion of ten m«re. There is alio a good kirehen and commodious cellars fufficient for Inch a hoafe. Pafiages and croi'9 psffages inter fe«fl the hoiife ia such a manner as to make each rocin private mwflm 1 here are stables fwfficieat for the aceornnio. utioft of fifty ho fes, with convenient sheds for carriages—attached to the building are three lots of 60 feet by 120 each, which front cn three fireets, and in the hack yard and not 20 yards from the kitchen is a copious and n*vtr tailing spring of most excellent running water. The nature of improvements and their con venient e to the city of Washington mull render this property a mod r'efirable icquifition to any person who may with to carry on a tavern upon an extensive scale. Tbr immediate removal of the government of the United States must re eeivt to it full and complete cuftcm. raScw tf. The terms of sale arc, one third in calh- - one third in 120 day* and the other third in 240 days, to b« lecnred by approved notes ne gotiable at the Bank of Columbia or at either of the Banks in Baltimore, poflifiion to be giv en on the day of sale and a perfeft title made clear, of all incumbrances, on the last payment being made. THOMAS BEALL, of Geo. ? T „ DANIEL REINTZF.L. diet February 25 Valuable Properly for Sale, ki Chefnut, near Sixth flreet, dirc-lly opnofitt A LOT of ground, about 11 feet front in Chef nut ilreet and 73 feet In depth, whereon is a good lnme house, now in the tcrure of Samuel Benge fubjefl ko a ground rent ot jos. per annum 3taw. The, advantageous fituatio* of this property re quires no comments, for it muflbekncwn, there are few in this city to equal it, ar, unexceptionable title will be made to the jwchafer. Apply to JAMES GIUVAN, No. 19$, Chefi iit ft- r.fit door to the premises m»rch 5 tu.thiatf eodtf tuthtf. next [March 8J lawtiMay Congress Hall. [Foic/wt; XVII MRS. BECK, BEGS leave to inform the Ladies o;' Pmh delphia, that (he opens her MORNING SCHOOL for Geography and HiHory on lie 4th of April, from 6to 8 o'clock. Any youni* Ladies may attend, as «tell as those already u:. • der tuition. Fifth Street, oppos 'te State House T.ir.i. N. B.—A FEW LOTS to be let at Frank ford. Enquire as above March This Day Published, By J. Ormrod, No. 4 i, Chefnut Street, (Price 25 Cents) THE Death of General Wajhington. A POEM, In imitation of thff wanner of Offiaa. By Rev. John B. Link, A.M. IWinifcer of the First Presbyterian Conerceation of Philadelphia. ss* Mr. Chaudron's Oration will be published on Monday morning. March 15, JUST COME TO HAND, Ancf for falc at W. Young, J. & J. Crukshank, a: Thomas Dobson's Bookstores, A POEM, Sacred to the memory of GEORGE WASHINGTON, Late President of the United and Commander in Chief of the Armies of the United States. Adapted to the aid February 1800. By Richard Alsop. march 26. NOTICE. A CERTIFICATE of on® Share ®f the Bank of the United States, No. 29120, in the name ot Lewis Pet«r Quintyn, and a Certificate of two Shares «f the said Bank, No. 39119, in the name of George James Cholmondcly, Earl of Cholmon dely, were forwarded from New-York by t' Chafterfield British Packet for Falmouth, wfeich was captured by the French, and the Certificates 101 lor lieftroyed, and for which application is made at said Bank for the renewal thereof, of which all persons concerned are desired te take notice. CLEMENT BIDDLE February ai TO BE LET, T PI E LOT, At the nortb-east corner of Arch and Ninth streets, Now occupied by Mr. Benjamin Busby, as a Board Yard, Jcy Enquire at No. 218 Arch street. March \-j. FOR SALE, SEVERAL VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS, Near the corner of Arch and Ninth streets. ALSO, To be Sold or Let, A number of excellent Paiture Lots, On the Wiffahickon road, about'half a mile from the city. %* Enquire at No. *8 North Fifth street. November 15. d6tiawtf 7axes of Lycoming County JOHN KIDD, Treasurer, By Dire«£lion of the Commiffiowrs of Lyco mip.g county, attends at Philadelphia t« re ceive the Taxes affefiVd upon upfeated Lands in that County, from the holders thereof, in this City. Thole who have filed with the Com milftoners, statements of theic Lands, are re quested to call upon him, to know the amount of Taxr* thereon, and pay them ; otherwise, b«- t fore his leavipg the City, they will be put ihto the hands of the Sheriff for colic#ion* a«re?a bly to the a£t for raising county rates and levies Thof# who have not filed statements of their lands with the Commifiioners, and aredeGrous of having it done, to prevent fates without pre vious personal Notice, may file with the above Ticafur«r, their lifts, ftatiflg the quantities re turned, number and dates of the warrants ard names of the warrantees, under which they h *ld their lands. He will attend at Mr. Joseph Hardy's No. 98, Market street for this purpose until the 18th instant. November 9, DESERTED, FROM the United States Frigate Philadel phia, DAVID ftEVINE, by trade a Shoe maker, born in Ireland, 23 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, light complexion and hair—aifo, WATSON LUDLOW, by trade a Shoe maker, born in New-Jersey, 33 years of age, c feet 10 inches high, dark hair and complexion* Whoever will take up fa id Defcrteis and deli ver them on board the said frigate, shall receive ten dollars reward for ea.h, and reasonable charges. March ii. Ihree Lents Reward. RUN away from the Subscriber on the evening of the aßtfc inft. a bound Servant GIRL, named Elizabeth HowcVel, had on and took with h«rjthree different changes of garment ?r>d money, proud, bold and impudent, a noted lyar ; any p«-r ---fon apprehending her entitled to the abtve reward—no coP.s or charges will he paid. JJ: B, Sheha i 1 years and feme months to serve, DANIEL FITZPATRICy. Gofhen Townfl.ip, Chester Count.y, July 29. august 6 f«"3t d Z tc ' '/• JtJM'tf. ->awtf