«* ** MutteU States, «" Philadelphia Daily Advertiser t * NuMtfK 234J.] |T7* The price of this Gazette is Eight] Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia- sill others pay one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and unless,some person in this city vI.HI become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months'in Advance. * * No Subscription will it received for a shorter term tbun six months. DicmVr 1 1799, JACOB SPERRY, & Co. IVo. 195 Market Street, 'Offer forfait at rcafnntbl. prices, for approved paper, - r in barter for Caffee, Ml roLiewiso GOODS, Entitled to Drawback: so Cases Creas a la- i «le Ladles' Shoes Morlaix. 5 cases fine Elbcrfe!- 4 do. Do vlf flits X.intns 4 do. Roiwns 4 do- Siamoifes 4 do Platilhs Koy- 3 do- Sitefiahankfs. a! es . 2 do. Damalk table 10 do Caflerillos or linen aflbrted with I white rol'e of Ji & napkins hslfya'df. 3 do- Moreas 5 do Checks and 4 do. Flanders Bed I ftvijjes. Ticks, 6 4> 9"4 alld 3 do. Fine Elber- 10-4 teid Checks 4 do. Cotton Bed 4 da. Conti's and Ticks Liltadc:s I do. Thread ftork -1 do. Chick shirts. ing £, Gloves & pan j6 do. Oil cloths. taloons 10 do. Tapes of all' I do. Kid Gloves numbers,plain,twil 2 do. K»bboa« led, blue and white. .1 do, Garneti und 200 Travelling cafesof Pearls different sizes a caflu alTortea Iron 4 cases cut flint Be- mongery canterSj pint & quart 2 do- Scythes, 10 3 cases gill tumblers hands. 1 cafe wine g affVs 4 do. CofFte mills 171 boxes of Window - Cables of 125 fa- Glass, 8 by 10 "thorns each, 9 & 10 2 rafts Sealing Wax incW: With an extensive aiTortment of Looking Giafs Plates of the following fries, ltS-12, 14, 46-15, aruJ«B-i6, and a variety ctother goods usually imported from Hamburg. Mardi 11. d6t— tav>4W. Eighty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from the Subscriber, at New town, CheHer Kerry, Queen Anne's coun ty, slate of Maryland, the following negroes, viz. a woman named Nanny, went away on the »3d January, 1799, and took with her a Mulat to tejnile child, *boot two years old, named Arianna. Nit.ny 16 3 dark yellow negro, about five feel four tr fpu. i»ches high, remarkably iSegW. Her doatlring unknown as (he tcok » variety of good cloaths with her— Ihe wer.t off with a negro fellow, named Heter, and cJIs himfelf Peter Simpfan, he is the pro perty of 3 certain i!l:am lowers cf 1 albot county, ft;ne as above, uho has advertised one hundred dollars reward for him. Peter is a flout well made yellow fellow, about 6 feet one inch hifth, it a to! rable good Carpenter. Nanny paflea for his w:fs, but her real hulbmd is na med Bob, who belcngs to her nsafter. It is probable they are in tlu neighbourhood of Sa lem in the Jtifies, as they were there in Oflo ber last. and by information, Peter had built himfelf an house to live in, between Kum Bridge and Gold Town ; it is likely they may lave changed their names aid may have pafles, as Peter can write a middling haud ; it is pro bable Nanny has anctherchiid, as it was thought flie was in a pregnant state when she went away. 'I he noted Ferry man Charles, v ho callshimt felf Charles iiodney ; he went off on the iSth of February last, he is a dark mulatto, about " five feet ekht or nine inches high, about fm-ty years old.stoops in hisflioulders when he walks, a fear on his he:d very perceivable —he took with him a f.nall bay mare *tout 4 or 5 years years old, her ir. ne trimmed and bob t:.i!'d ; his clonthing unknown, as he carried ofi a va riety of clottlis ; it is probable he has changed his name, as he is a very artful, fenfihle fellow, he can reid tolerably well ; it is likely hernay hire himfeU' to drive a wrggon, being well ac quainted with that bufinefi, driving for the ar my during the war ; he alio perhaps may have apafs. The above reward wiHbe given forthe afore faid two negroes, vi?. Nanny and Ct arles, if taken out of the state, or twenty dollars for Nanny and child, if taken in this Mate, 8c i- do. Charles if taken in this (late and secured in jail, so as I may pet them ;g.",in. If brought home all reafonablc charges (hall be paid by ine. JOHN QUIMBY. w&fa-4W. March 3 Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Spring Forgt, in Yort County, a"negro man, named ISAAC, l. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL i, 1800. LAW BOOK STORE, 319 Str.et. GEORGE DAVIS hi* jyfc received from Dub lin, via New York, 3 very large Parcel of Law Books, all of the Uteft editfofft, which rt-n ders his assortment he he'.ieves the molt and valuable on the continent. They will be opened this dsy, and ready for sale at any timeat ter wards. The fubferibers to that important work, Went •worth's Sy/tcm of Pleading, are informed that it is now" arrived, and will be delivered *n application. Blank Declarations fettled and approved by tfce most difcinguiftied Law charters, to be had of G. D. March ir, To Merchants. MERCHANTS Accounts elegantly opened, Books neatly and pofted, with various other kinds of writing, by a person t! acquainted w.th accounts. Gentlemen extensively concerned, may find it to their inttrtft to \ tit' bufrnefs in this line into Ills hands* d 5 the f.i Heft.confidence may be reposed ir» him and ample fatiafa&ion ■given. Address a line to B. A. and kave it with the piinter licieof. Philadelphia, March 19. LANCASTER STAGES. qnUB Proprietors of the Philadelphia ap.d Lan- JL caftcr line of Stages DISPATCH, return their grateful thanks to their iriendsand the public in general, tor the past favors they have received,and inform thera that in addition to the regular Line, they are p-evi jed with Carriage?, sober and oartfui driyer*, to go through bctwefj the City and Borough in two days. Tbofe who prefer this mode of travailing can be accommodated at tke Stag? Office, sign of United States Eagls, Market Itreet, Philadelphia. Slough. Dawning, Dunivoody Ist Co. Nov. 30. 2t—§ CITY OF WASHINGTON. THE POSSESSORS OF OBLIGATIONS ®r CERTIFIC ATES figji ed by the ftfcfcriber, 'or undivided Shares or Lots on hit pnrchafc within the city of Wafhmg. ton, who have not yet applied tor atid received their Deeds, a:e hereby notified, tliat their several Titles will be duly completed tethe ordsr of thole who in conformity with the term* of the laid Cer tificates, do make the Paymenti in full therefor, either to Thomas AT 1 Euen ■_*"* Co. or to the fcribcr it Philadelphia, on or at any time before (he ji£l day of May next. December 17 BOONETON IRON WORKS TO BE SOLD, OR LEASED FOR ON h YKAK THAT Valuable Estate, KNOWN by the name of the Booneton Iron Works, fitnat J in the county of Morris in the flat# of New-Jerky, confiding ol a Forge with four fires, a Rolling and Slitting Mill, a Grift milt with two Run of denes, and Saw mill, all in good order and npw in use, together with an excellent, large, ■ titl convenient house, with out-houfes oi every kind ; among which are an Ice iioufe, ani (lone milk house, with a remarkable 8m fp.ing iu it, a large Garden, and an excellent «oll*tilion of Fruit, a large Orchard, and 1500 acres ol wood, paVure and arable land, and a gfe*t number of (lores and workmen's houles Immediate pofTcffioa will be given of houses and (lores fulficient lor providing llock the present winter, and poffefli 111 of the whole in thefpring. For terms inquire of Bavid B. Ogden at Nsw ark. Mr Peter Mackie in New-York, mr. David Ford in Morris Town, or tr.effrs. Jacob aadßich. ,ard Faelch on tliepreltiifes. January n FOR SALE. For the accommodation of the Farmets of Spring field, and all other perf<,m who are inclined to purchase, the fuhferiber is difpufed TO SELL A MOST VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, LYING in Springfield townftiip, Burlington county, and State of New Jersey, being a part of that capital property welt known by the same of Bullus's Estate, containing two hundred and ten acres, of which twentv-ftven are excelleat swamp wood Jand, up wards of ninety acres arc as good meadow as any in the county, and the refiduc is fine upland; there are three public roid* that run through the land. The i'ubferiber will attend at the of Mr. ]chn Tonkins in Springfield, until the firft day of April next, in order to (hew the land and receive uropcfals either lor lot« or the whole, as may suit purchafcrs. Mareh 17. Thirty Dellars Reward. DESERTED FROM the Marine Barracks on the night of the 14th infl— JOHN OSBORN, born in the townot Bedford, Weft Chsiter county and llate of New-York, aped n years, 9 months, 5 Ceet 8 and a quaHcr inches high,grey eyes (long que,i) light hair, ruddy complexion, pock marked, by trade a Shoemaker. Enlitted by Lieutenant Hey nolds in Steph.n's Town, near Albany the ijth of Jane last Had on and took with him a {hnrt round blee cloth coat with a red cape, a blue cloth coatee, a lew white waistcoats, a losg grey mixed clo'h coat ana breeches, a pair cf boon, a chocolate coloured great coat trimmed with M ich hair pluih, £ fur r hat half worn, and two filvcr watches, one a tuiddle file, the other fmal!. He may impose himieK on some family or gentleman as a waiter, as be sa» aitad in that capacity Whoever apprehends laid Deserter, andfecures him in jail, fends him to Headquartors, or delivers him to any of the Marine nfficers, or any officer of the army of the United Statu (hall receive the above reward and all reafanable charges. J. S. LEWIS, Adjutant Marine Corps, January 16, For publishing in Weekly Numbers, British Colonies in the Weft Indies, And Member of th (Publiihcd fmce the foregoing, by tut siM" author) THE PROCEEDINGS ■ lit regard to the Maroon Ncg' MS Island of Jamaica fc With Gbfervations n the difj»ofiv*on, charac ter, manners and habits of life of and terini- Ration of the late war between ihofe people and the white inhabitants. 3taw4w An Historical View of St. Dow:ngo y or Hisp&niola ; Comprehending an account of the fornaer go vernment of the French part of I hat ifl-and, its p litical state, population, productions, and exports - a narrative of the calamities which desolated the iQand ever fines th| year 1789 ; and a detail of the tranfa