« «* Unite]) States, *«» Philaddphid Daily Advertiser. v-. Kumkfh 2344.1 rrr The price of '4 f* Gazette is Eight Dollaps per annum to Subsetibers residing in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay one Dollar additional, for enclosing arid di recting ; and uniessxsome person in this city tvill become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. * # * No Subscription will he received far j shorter term tbar. six months. PcctmVr i 1799. JACOB SPERRY, & Co. iV { ). [OS Market Stre* r, Offer for l'alc at reai'onab!* prices, f.>r Approved jjaper, 9*4 atid 3 do. Fine Elber ffid Checks 4 do. Contils and t Liftadoes I do. Thrca<> flock- I do. Check shirts. insrs, Gloves & pan 16 do. Oil cloths. taioons 10 do. Tapes of all 1 do. Kid Gloves numbers,plain, twil 2 do. Uibbop led, bhie and white. 5 do. Garheti and 100 Travelling cafesot Pearls different sizes. a casks afiorted Iron 4 cases cat flint De- mongery canters, pint & quart 2 do Scythes, 10 ,5 cases gill tumblers hands. 1 cafe wine g'aflVs 4 do. Coffee mills 271 boxca of Window Cables of 115 fa- Glass, 8 by 10 thorns each, 9 & 10 2 casts -Sealing Wax inch: With an extensive aflortment of Looking Glass Plates of the following sizes, 16-12, 17- IC *4, 17-13, 15.14, 20-12, 22-13, 24- 14, 26-15, and 28-16, and a -variety of other goods ufualJy imported from Hamburg. March 1 j. d6t—taw4w Eighty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from the Subscriber, at New town, Chester Ferry, Queen Anne's coun ty, state of Maryland, the following negroes, viz. a woman named Nanny, went away on the 43d January, 1799, ar;d rook with her a Mulat to female child, about two years old, named Ariaana. Nanny is a iiiadelphn, March *9. IC4 4 do Cc-tt-jn Bed Ti. iovi jed with Carriages,fober andcar<-ful drivers, to go through between the City and Borough in two days. Thofa who prefer this mede of travelling can be accommodated at tbe Stage Office, sign of United States Eagle, Market flreet, Philadelphia. Slough. Downing, Dunrvoody iSf Co. Nov. 30, CITY OF WASHINGTON. THE POSSESSORS OF OBLIGATIONS ©r CERTIFICATES sign ed by the fiibicriber, '.cr undivided .Shares or Lots on his purchase within the city of Wafliing ton, who have not yet applied for and received chcir Deeds, are hereby notified, that their fcveral Titles will be duly completed to the order of those who in conformity with the terms of the fai.d Cer tificates, do make the Payment* in full therefor, either to Tlomat M'Euen {s* Co. or to the fcriber ;rt Philadelphia, on or at any time before the 31ft day of May next. December 27 OH LEASED FOR OKh YEAR THAT Valuable Estate, KNOWN by the name of the Bftoneton Ir-»n V.'ork*, fttnacp in tKe county of Morris ih the ftalv of New-jyfay, contin of the whole in the Ipring, For terms snquire of David B Ogden at New ark. Mr Peter Mackie in New-York, mr. David Ford irk Morris T'o vn, or me firs. Jacob aad 3kh« 4 ard Faefch on tbepreftiil'c*. januarv u For the accommodation of the Farmers field, and all other per fen's who are inclined TRACT OF LAND, LYING in Springfield townfcip, Burlington county, and statc of New Jcrfey, bcii;g a part of that capital property well known by the name of containing two hundred and ten acres, of which twenty-seven are excellent swamp wood land, up wards of ninety acta* are as good meadow as any in the county, and the residue is fine upland ; there are three puMic ro:ds that run through the land. The fubfcribfcr will aitewd at the howfe of Mr. Jchn fonkina in Springfield, until the ficft day of April nfXt, in order to (hew the land and rsceive proposals eithar tor lots or the whole, as may Juit purchafcrs. w&fa.4w, March J J DESERTED FROM the Marine Barracks on the nijlit of tfer 14th int\—JOHN OSBORN, born in the town of Bedford, Weft C'hefter county and state cf New York, age* 21 years. 9 months, 5 feet! 8 and a quarter inches high, grey eyt?9 (longqued) light hair, ruddy complexion, pock marked, hy trade a Shoemaker. En lifted by lieutenant key noldis in Stcph-n's Town, near Albany the 15th of June last Had on and took wiih him n short round blae cloth coar with a red cape, a bluf cloth coatee, a tew white waidcoats, a long grev mixed cio*h coat anc breeches, a pair of boots, a chocolate Coloured grcit coat trimmed with b;ad: hair plufti. l furr 1 ?.t half worn, aud two filvrr watches, one a uiitS&ie T.ze, the otljcr fmr.U. He may impose himleK on fornc family or gcr>tle*ian as 1 wai'cr, a* he has a&ad in that capacity Whoever apprehends said Deserter, andfocure9 him in jail, fends him to Headquarter or deliver? him to any of the Marine officer*, or any officer ot the army of tfce United States lha!l receive the above regard and all reasonable charges. January 16, P HI L A D E L P II lA, MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 31, 1800 LAW BOOK STORE, 319 ffiji' Slr.et. To Merchants. LANCASTER STAGES. Samuel fflodget, BOONETON IRON WORKS, TO BE SOLD, FOR SALE. to purchase, the fubferiber is disposed TO SELL A MOST VALUABLE Bitllus's Estate, JOHN MOORE. le°J< Thirty D»llars Reward. J. S. LEWIS, Adjutant Mcrine Corps. Territory of the United States, North IVeJI of the river Ohio. ' For the infd enter the of naiwdi dcr.ters in hit office, luh/eft to the pajffic.t of taxes under the abuvc law. R. BULLOCK /iuditor of Public Accounts, N. IV. T. Cincinnati,- Feb. I, lßot>, Printers arc requeued to give the fofgoirp-ipx tra&s a place in tfitir refpeflive papers for the be nefit of those - Tits Day FublisNK, -AND inuMAi Dobsoi.-'s Bookstores, A POEM, Sacred to the memory of GEORGE WASHINGTON, Late President of the United States, and Commander ill Chief of the Armies of th; United States. Adapted to the aid February 1800, By Richard Alsop. march 26. To be Bartered, fO'B. tI'HOPKAS, OK EAST INDIA DRT GOODS, A haedfome Three Story BRICK HOUSE tf KITCHEN, Of modern construction end wtU built ■VtTITH the bed matcriUi, situated in a very V V plsafirii and healthy part of the town at a moderate difl.Bce from the centre of the city. Enquire at the (Jfiict of the Gazette of the Urn lilted Statei. March 16, JOSEPH ANTHONY & Co. At tbeir Store No. 5 Cbesnut Street, have FOR SALE, The following Articles, viz. Fir-P quality Ruflia Hemp Ruflia Duck- Brandy in pipes, firft and fourth prob'f Madeira Wine in pipes and half pipes Claret in cases Winter and Summer pr fled, Spermaceti OH Spermaccrt Candels, and Hyfoti Tea,lateft importation March 14. Schuylkill Permanent Bridge. STONE PROPOSALS in writing will be received ÜBtil rhe rjth day of April next, at the office of tH* Treasurer oi* rhe Schuylkill Permanent Bridge Company No Ii Church alley, for a fapply of ten thoKiand perch of the befl quality Free Stone, one half -of which must be of large dimensions, viz 7to I i feet long, co 3 feet wide in the bed, 9 to 18 inches deep—the remainder to be of the Gze which Is generally called large foundation ft one, to be delivered at the Weft e-id of High ftrect, in such quantities and at such times as fliall be required." Price and time of payment to be exprtfled. JOHN DORSEY, Secretary pro tcm. A qHantity of TERR ASS for mortar will bo waited. March 17 NOTICE, ACEP.TIFIH.ATE of one Share as the Bank of rhc United States, No. 29120, In the name ot l.ewis Peter Quimyn, atd a Certificate of ttto Shares »f the said Bank, No. 29119, in the name of Georgr James Cb* Imondely, Earl of Cholmon dely, were forwarded from Ntvv-York by the Chefterfield Britifli Packet for Falmouth, \vfeich v/as captured by the French, and the Certificates lotl or (ifftmyed, and for v/'ich application is made at laid Bank for the renewal thereof, ot which all performs concerned are ddired to take notiee. CLEMEN 1' BIDDLE, February 21 NOTICE. THOMAS HAWTHORN, Of the City of Philadelphia, Merchant, I! AVING ON the 9th day of Aug. 1799, all his Efrate, real, personal mid mixed, to JOHN M and JONATHAN MEREDITH, \H pcrfv»;;*i indebted to the l'homa< Haw. thorn or tn eh-> late hoMc of Hawthorn and Kerr, arc dtf»rtd to pay rhfir refp»£.ive balances to JONATHAN ftffEREDITJfJ Acling Assignee, February ?1 iaw6w. rn&w if. mwfim nn?frm *