« «* Unite]) States, *«» Philaddphid Daily Advertiser. v-. Kumkfh 2344.1 rrr The price of '4 f* Gazette is Eight Dollaps per annum to Subsetibers residing in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay one Dollar additional, for enclosing arid di recting ; and uniessxsome person in this city tvill become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. * # * No Subscription will he received far j shorter term tbar. six months. PcctmVr i 1799. JACOB SPERRY, & Co. iV { ). [OS Market Stre* r, Offer for l'alc at reai'onab!* prices, f.>r Approved jjaper, <t in bnf f r ■ f-r C«-fi'cc, Tar Fot.LwwiNfi GOODS, Entitled to Drawback : io CafoS Crasala- I r cale Ladies' Shirs Morlaix. J 5 cjfrs flue F.lbcriel - 4 do. Do Malfes Linens 4 do. Kouans 4 do. Siarooifes 4 do FUtili-s'Roy- do. SUefiahankfs ales. 2 cJ<). Dama(|c table 10 do CaJTerillos or linen afiorted with white rolls of 11 & napkins hi If yard-. I 3 do. Morcas 8 do Glrecks and j 4 do Flanders Bed fciipes. j Ticks, 64> 9*4 atid 3 do. Fine Elber ffid Checks 4 do. Contils and t Liftadoes I do. Thrca<> flock- I do. Check shirts. insrs, Gloves & pan 16 do. Oil cloths. taioons 10 do. Tapes of all 1 do. Kid Gloves numbers,plain, twil 2 do. Uibbop led, bhie and white. 5 do. Garheti and 100 Travelling cafesot Pearls different sizes. a casks afiorted Iron 4 cases cat flint De- mongery canters, pint & quart 2 do Scythes, 10 ,5 cases gill tumblers hands. 1 cafe wine g'aflVs 4 do. Coffee mills 271 boxca of Window Cables of 115 fa- Glass, 8 by 10 thorns each, 9 & 10 2 casts -Sealing Wax inch: With an extensive aflortment of Looking Glass Plates of the following sizes, 16-12, 17- IC *4, 17-13, 15.14, 20-12, 22-13, 24- 14, 26-15, and 28-16, and a -variety of other goods ufualJy imported from Hamburg. March 1 j. d6t—taw4w Eighty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from the Subscriber, at New town, Chester Ferry, Queen Anne's coun ty, state of Maryland, the following negroes, viz. a woman named Nanny, went away on the 43d January, 1799, ar;d rook with her a Mulat to female child, about two years old, named Ariaana. Nanny is a <la»k yelldwr negro, about five feet four or five inches high, remarkably handsome for & "negro. Her cbathing unknown as file tbok ? va iety of good cloathi with her— fte went offwith a Fellow, ruined FetVi* iind calls himfelf Peter Simpfon, he it the pro perty of a certain William Bowers of Talbot county, ftu-e as above, who has advertised one liU'hdred dollars reward for him. Peter i 3 a flout well made ypjlow ft How, about 6 feet one inch hiph, js a tolerable pood Carpenter. Nanny pafles For his w:fV, but her re al hulbind is na med Bob, who bel rigs to her mailer. It is probable they sre in the neighbourhood of Sa lem in the Jerf:es, as they were there in Goo ber last, and hy information, Peter had built himfelf an house to live in, between Hum Bridge and Gold Town ; it is likely they n ay have changed their names aisd may have pa fits, as Peter car write a middling hand ; it is pro bable Nanny has anothcrchild, as it was thought ftie was in a pregnant Hate when she went away. 'I he noied Ferry man Chailes, who callshimt feif Charles Rodney ; he vent oft"on the 18th of February last, lie is a dark mulatto, about live feet eight or nine inches high, forty years old, stoops in hisfijoulders when he walks, a fear on his head very perceivable—he took with him a f nail bay mare about 4 or 5 years ytlt c 6ld, her nvne trimmed and bob t4l*<j ; Jiis cloirhing unknown, as he carried off a va riety of clo.'.ths ; it fs probable he has changed his name, as he is a very artful, fenfil.le fellow, he can read tolerably well ; it is likely lie may hire himfelf to drive a wrggon, being weJi ac quainted with that bn fin els, driving for th<j ar my durmg the war ; he also perhaps may have a pjfs. The abtfve reward will be given frr the afore faid iw" nej roes, viz. Nanny and Charles, if taken out of the ftatr, or twen'y dollars for Nanny and ch'M,if taken in this ttate,& i- do. Charles if taken in this state and secured in jail, so as I may pet them igain. If brought home all reasonable charges (hall be paid hv me. JOHN QUIMBY. March 3 Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN- A WAY from Spring Forge, in York County, a named ISAAC, other wise CUDJO, about 21 year? *ld, the property of Robert Coleman; Ffq. He is about 5 feet 8 inches high, ha* abUmifh in his wiore wr.;te cn them than common, by trade a Fcrgeman; hM an and took with him a drab coloured broad clot: coat, irlmoft new, a sailors jacket and pantaloons .Drintod fancy cord, a iwanfdown striped under select; a rcruru hat; one fine and one coarse .(hiri* one muslin handkerchief, fpriggsd, two •ditto flriped border, a blue Perfun ur»der jacket and two peir cotton (lockings. Whoever takes up fai* negro and lodges him in any jail in this or any of the neigabouring flatce (hail have tke above re ward or reafoijsrble expenceptf brought home. JOHN BRIEN. Spring Forge, O&obtr 13,1799. N. B. /is laid negro forrttarly lived in Chester county, it is probable he may return there. November 5 The Subscriber TAKES this method of once more informing the Public, that the partnership of Moses Chapline and Robfert M'Clure, which was enter ed into for the purpofeof retailing Goods in the town of Weft Liberty and Commonwealth of Vir ginia, on the tenth day of Augwft, 1790, expired or. the tenth day of August 1793, agreeable to the term stipulated in their article of copartnerlhip; MOSES CHAPLINE. Xaw6w. Febrn»ry at, GEORGE DAVIS has just received from Duo l.n, via Mew York, a very larg<* Parcei of Law Books, all of the latefr. editions, whi I. ren dcrs his afiortment he believes the extensive and valuable on the continent:. They will be opened this day, and ready for sale at any time af terwards. The fuhforibers to that important woik, IVent ixyrtVs S\fiem of Pleading are informed that it i; now arrived, and will be delivered »n application clank fettled nr.'d approved by the molr diftinguiflicd Law chara<sUrs, to be ha I of C. D. March 11, MERCHANTS Accounts elegantly opened, fiooks neatly and corre<fily ported, with various other kinds of writing, by a person thoroughly acquainted with accounts. Gentlemen extensively may find it to their int reft to pit bufmefs m this line into his hinds, as the f illeft confidence may he reposed in him and ample frtisfaiUon given. Address a,line to B- A. and leave it with the pri iter hereof P>iiiadelphn, March *9. IC4 4 do Cc-tt-jn Bed Ti. i<B r ~jPHf r . Proprietor* of the Philadelphia and Lan -1 carter line of Stage? DISP ATCH, return their grateful thanks to their friends and the public in genera!, tor th-* paH favors they have inform them that iu addition to the regulei Line, th«y are p>ovi jed with Carriages,fober andcar<-ful drivers, to go through between the City and Borough in two days. Thofa who prefer this mede of travelling can be accommodated at tbe Stage Office, sign of United States Eagle, Market flreet, Philadelphia. Slough. Downing, Dunrvoody iSf Co. Nov. 30, CITY OF WASHINGTON. THE POSSESSORS OF OBLIGATIONS ©r CERTIFICATES sign ed by the fiibicriber, '.cr undivided .Shares or Lots on his purchase within the city of Wafliing ton, who have not yet applied for and received chcir Deeds, are hereby notified, that their fcveral Titles will be duly completed to the order of those who in conformity with the terms of the fai.d Cer tificates, do make the Payment* in full therefor, either to Tlomat M'Euen {s* Co. or to the fcriber ;rt Philadelphia, on or at any time before the 31ft day of May next. December 27 OH LEASED FOR OKh YEAR THAT Valuable Estate, KNOWN by the name of the Bftoneton Ir-»n V.'ork*, fttnacp in tKe county of Morris ih the ftalv of New-jyfay, conti<ltnp of a Forg-' tvith four fires, a Rolling? and Mill, a Orift mill with two Run of t'tanc f , and SuW mill, all in good order and n«w iu use, together with an excelling large, nd convenient houfc, with out houf sol every kin-; ; among which are an Ice house, ani flone milk houfc, with a remark able fine If ring in it. a large Garden, and an excellent eolle&fon of ! Fruit, a large OrcK ard, and 2500 acres of wood, pa*ure and arable land, and a gre-.t number of fltoreo and workmen's house* Immediate pofTelfi will be given of house* and {lores futfident lor providing flock the prefect winter, and j.oilefii >n of the whole in the Ipring, For terms snquire of David B Ogden at New ark. Mr Peter Mackie in New-York, mr. David Ford irk Morris T'o vn, or me firs. Jacob aad 3kh« 4 ard Faefch on tbepreftiil'c*. januarv u For the accommodation of the Farmers field, and all other per fen's who are inclined TRACT OF LAND, LYING in Springfield townfcip, Burlington county, and statc of New Jcrfey, bcii;g a part of that capital property well known by the name of containing two hundred and ten acres, of which twenty-seven are excellent swamp wood land, up wards of ninety acta* are as good meadow as any in the county, and the residue is fine upland ; there are three puMic ro:ds that run through the land. The fubfcribfcr will aitewd at the howfe of Mr. Jchn fonkina in Springfield, until the ficft day of April nfXt, in order to (hew the land and rsceive proposals eithar tor lots or the whole, as may Juit purchafcrs. w&fa.4w, March J J DESERTED FROM the Marine Barracks on the nijlit of tfer 14th int\—JOHN OSBORN, born in the town of Bedford, Weft C'hefter county and state cf New York, age* 21 years. 9 months, 5 feet! 8 and a quarter inches high, grey eyt?9 (longqued) light hair, ruddy complexion, pock marked, hy trade a Shoemaker. En lifted by lieutenant key noldis in Stcph-n's Town, near Albany the 15th of June last Had on and took wiih him n short round blae cloth coar with a red cape, a bluf cloth coatee, a tew white waidcoats, a long grev mixed cio*h coat anc breeches, a pair of boots, a chocolate Coloured grcit coat trimmed with b;ad: hair plufti. l furr 1 ?.t half worn, aud two filvrr watches, one a uiitS&ie T.ze, the otljcr fmr.U. He may impose himleK on fornc family or gcr>tle*ian as 1 wai'cr, a* he has a&ad in that capacity Whoever apprehends said Deserter, andfocure9 him in jail, fends him to Headquarter or deliver? him to any of the Marine officer*, or any officer ot the army of tfce United States lha!l receive the above regard and all reasonable charges. January 16, P HI L A D E L P II lA, MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 31, 1800 LAW BOOK STORE, 319 ffiji' Slr.et. To Merchants. LANCASTER STAGES. Samuel fflodget, BOONETON IRON WORKS, TO BE SOLD, FOR SALE. to purchase, the fubferiber is disposed TO SELL A MOST VALUABLE Bitllus's Estate, JOHN MOORE. le°J< Thirty D»llars Reward. J. S. LEWIS, Adjutant Mcrine Corps. Territory of the United States, North IVeJI of the river Ohio. ' For the inf<irmation of r.onreAdenti, proprietors of lands situate and lying within (aid territory. By a lavj parsed in the general assembly of said territory, on the iqtb of December, A. Di *799- entitled " An A6l levying a Territorial Tax on Land," all lands Lv m g within said territory, the property of individuals i non-rezqdiiity, as well as retidtnts. arc subjected to taxation to de- EXTRACTS FROM SAID LAW jtaw4w I'by A'ithority See. 8. S'r.d he it further enaSnd, That there shall be paid within tin's territory, ilie following taxes, for every-hundred acres of land, and so in proportion for a greater or ftruller quantity : the land shall be divided into three clafles, according to the qu iity, that is to fay, firft, second and third raK— the firft rate fhal! be taxed at eighty-five cents, second rite at sixty ce »ts and the 3d rate at twenty-five cents, per hundred acres, which said taxe6 shall he annually ir. t e manner describe I b this aft ; and the following rtile (hail be onftrved in rating any trnft <.f land to wit—when a greater part of a tracVfhall be fuperjor in point of quality to second rate land, it {hall be deno minated firft rate ; when a grrater part of a traft (hall be inferior to firft rate and su perior to third rate in point of quality, it (hall be denominated second rate ; and wheiv. the greater part of a traft of land shall be inferior to second rate, it (hall be denomi nated third rate land—talking into view the furfa-ce of the earth as wfcft as the quality of the foil. Provided always, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to fub jeft to taxation, any lands lying within the limits of the contrast made by John CJeves Symmes and his aflociates, with the board oftreafnry, and without tilt boundaries of their patent, until the fame (hail have been granted by the United States : /mdprovi ded a! so, That the unimproved landc in the Vincennes and fllinois country, (hall not be lifted at higher than second rate. jjta'A «.f f 2<*-5 Sec. 10. Jnd be it further enafled, That the territory fh«'l have a perpetiral lieU on eveiv trad of land add every part thereof, for the amount of all tBXf», and 10 per cen tum interest thereon, from ike firft day < f September ; asd no alienation of rands be. longing toar.y person, or negleft in enter ing or lifti g the fame, %all effeft the claim or lie 11 of this teni'.cvy, -jntil the tax -s arid interest thereof duj from such perfin, a.e paid. Sec. 11. Ind be it further enaded, That the tritttrial audit'.r and the clerk of the peace of each county refpefrively, (hall keep a book for the purpose of entering lands of non refidcnU it) manner and form hereinaf ter dir-fled. All li n residents (hall enter their lands with the auditor, or with the clerk of the peace of the country in which the land lies, on or before the fir ft day of July. Who (hzll administer an oaih to the peifon deliverie?, such lid, or by any other means procure fatisfaftoiy information for the purpole of STcertainirg the qif-lity of fucb land, placing it in its proper class. un der the name of the county in which it lies; and every non r fident (hall enter his or her land, agreeably to the rules and regtilati n oTthisafi, 31 in lafe of residents All tax es on lands, lifted by the commissioner, and returned to the clerk asafo efaid, (hall be paid, with interest thereon, to the fherifF or c lle&or, as the cafe may be. And the taxes on all lands, lifted by the audi tor (or by the clerks of the peace and cer tified to the auditor) with the interest that may be due thereon, (hall be-paid to the territorial treasurer or to the (heriff or col leflor of the proper county, but the treasu rer (hall not r eceive from the non resident, any taxes, unless fitch non resident pay the fame before the firft day of August, annu ally, nor until such non resident shall pro. duce to him, a certificate from the auditor or the clerk of the peace refpeftively, of the quality of the land, for which he or (h' is about to pa the tax, with the amount due thereon, wh - h certificate (hall be, by the t'eafurer, fileJ : n his office. The auditor of the territory ; rdthe clerk ofthe peace of th* several counties refpeftively, (hall keep book" of transfers ; and every non resident, who has entered hij or her lands, in manner aforefaid, may, on the transferring the fame or any part thereof to sny other per son or perfnns, havt the alteration made with the auditor or clerk of the'peace ref peSiely, and chargedto the person orper fons to whom transferred, and fnch person (hall bechargahle with the tax o c such land or lands hereafter ; and each person having the alterat'on made, (hall pay to the auditor or clerk of the peace refpefti"elv, twenty five cents, tohisownufe. And it (hall be the further duty of the auditor, in the month of August, yearly and every year, to trans mit to the clerks of the peace of the feveiat comities refpsQively, a certified extraft of all lands entered in his office, < r alterations therein made in the preceding year, roting thereon the traQs of land on which the tax es have been paid into the territorial treasu ry. Provided alw jys, That it (hall be the duty of the several clerks of the peace, upon receiving from the auditor, a lift of the n#n iiorial expencts, residents' lands entered in his office, to,make diligent search and enquiry of the non resi dents ' lands lying in each of their refpe&ive counties ; and after comparing the said au ditorial lift with the iil*. of non residents' lands entered in his office, fyail proceed to lift all the rcfidue of the belonging to non-residents not before lifted, noting the quantity and quality of the fcveral trades of land, so by him difcoveccd and not bet re entered, and f»irh as he cannot with certainly nfcertain the quality of, he /hall enter as second rale ; and fl k all make out and trans mit one copy to the territorial auditor, and a second copy of such lift the clerk ihall de liver to the (henfFor colW&or of the pio per county, to govern him in colle&ing the taxes due thereou, as in other casts of non residents / lands. Sec. 13 . slnd le it further enaßed That the (heriff or collector (liall be au hoiifed to fell so much of each traft of land charged with taxes, as will discharge the amount thereof, with costs: P ovidid goods ard chattels cannot be found thereqn to the a moutit. And the fheriff orcolleftor ih that cafe, (hall advertise the time and place of sale one month, at the door of the court house, and also, at four other public places in his county ; and if the person claiming the la-id does not pay the amount on or be fore the expiration of the time, the (heiiffor colleftor (hall proceed to fell ; after fueh sale, the (heriff or colleftor (hall deliver to the purchaser a certificate of the quan tity of land fold, describing therein the traft that was charged with the tax, and the end or fide from which the qmntity fold was taken, which (hall alwavs be laid off as nearly in a square 36 the fiuation will admit o! : And the furve.yor of the county, on the receipt of such certificate, shall by him felf or deputyprocced tofurvey the- quantity foH as aforefaid, agreeably to the laid e?r tificitt, and charge the purchaser with the expenct of the fame. The furvcyor or his deputy as the cafe may be, shall give notice to the former owner, if in the county, cr his agent, if any he has therein, of the day on which the survey is to be made: And upon the plat and certificate of fnrvey being presented to the (heriff or colleftor, it shall be his duty to convey the f'tne to the pur chaser 1-y deed, in due form of law execu ted, which conveyance shall vest in the pur chaser all the right, title and interest of the proprietor ; and in consideration of law shall also veil the pofltffion of the land in the [:urch-fer : Provided always, that nothing the eiu contained shall extend, or be con fir cd to extend, to bar the right or equity of redemption, which any infant, person nou compos mentis, or In captivity, naay have the land so fjld, provided the taxes and charges ihereon, with interest, and an equitable compensation fur improvements there: n made, be rendered within one yejr after iuch disability be removed. Sec. 14. y.nd le it further enaded, That wh rj any traft of land, or part thereof, is not fold upon b'ing < xpofed, and the tax on the fame not paid, it shall be the duty of the (heriff or colleflor to advertise and ex pose the fame to sale in like mannar, as to time and p'ace as aforefaid, at every court of quarter fi-flijui, until the land be fold or the tax be paid thereon ; and no (heriff or colhflor, or their deputies: (hall direttly or indircflly purchase any land that (hall be exposed to sale for the payment of taxes. Sec. 16. /lid be it farther enaHei, That when any non-resident fails to pay to the treasurer the tax and interest due on any trafl of land, on or before the fa d month of August annuaily, the auditor (hall, at the fame t ; me when he tranlmits to the several clerks of thecour.ties the smount of lands entered in his office, certify to the several (herifTs or collectors, at the cafe may be, such failure of paymeut. dating particular ly the atn unt of the taxes due thereon j, and also at the fame time adveriife the fame in o e of the Gazettes of this territory, for four weeks lucceffively ; whereupon the (heriff or collector (hall, forthwith after re ceiving fnch lift, proceed to advertise on the court houCe door of his proper county, the said tr: fls of la' ds on which the tax h due, dating the amnu t thereof and that he (hall proceed to make sale of the fame to fatisfy said taxes, unless the fame (hall be paid on or before the firft Monday in No vember, or so much thereof as w II pay the taxes ai d expenccs attending the sale ; and the said (he, ff orcolle or (hall advertise the fame in four different public places within the county, and if the amount of taxes is not paid, on or before the time mentioned, the (heriff or colleflor (hail proceed to fell each tfafl, or so much thereof as will a mount to the taxes and interest, with legal costs : and when any traft, or part thereof be fold, the (heriff or collector shall proceed in the fame mariner ro have the fame con veyed to the pnrehafcr as is direfted id cafe of residents ; and it shall not be lawful for the (heriff or colleOor, or their deputies, di reftly or indircfHy, to pure! afe any land fold under this feftiori. Sec. 17. And be it farther enißed, That it (hall be the duty of th~ territorial auditor to publish such extrafls from this law, as relates to the lands of nor,-refidents, in one newspaper within this territory ; and also, in one newspaper at the feat of the general government, and at the city of Richmond in Virginia ; and the town of Bolton in Massachusetts ; and the city of Hartford in f*W»T': KVTI Gynn<-fl;t"u', f,jr the term of fix VTflti, to commence on the firfl week in T'tbiu»ry next, and tlx cxpences thereof fliall be de frayed out of the territorial tnfafiiry. True extrafts from RICE BUULOCtf yfuSiar of PubTtt I-CMinlt. 'if. ST, SJCT" The Auditoi fuij Tm 11 ofy sna bpened his »ffice at Ciiicionati, north-wtf tern territory, where list's at all lime« reaJy (o receive a;>d enter the of naiwdi dcr.ters in hit office, luh/eft to the pajffic.t of taxes under the abuvc law. R. BULLOCK /iuditor of Public Accounts, N. IV. T. Cincinnati,- Feb. I, lßot>, Printers arc requeued to give the fofgoirp-ipx tra&s a place in tfitir refpeflive papers for the be nefit of those - Tits Day Fublis<bed, By J. Okmrc®, No. 4 r, Chefaut Street, (Price ns Rent's) T e E Death of General Wajhington. A POEM In imitation cf the manner of Offi*a. By Rev. Jo,hk D-Link, A.M. Minister of the Firfc Presbyterian Congregation of Philadelphia. Mr. Clnudron's Oratien will be puhliihed or Monday morning-. March 15. <3. JUST COME TO HAND, And for sale at W. \oung, J. G* J. Cruksh>NK, -AND inuMAi Dobsoi.-'s Bookstores, A POEM, Sacred to the memory of GEORGE WASHINGTON, Late President of the United States, and Commander ill Chief of the Armies of th; United States. Adapted to the aid February 1800, By Richard Alsop. march 26. To be Bartered, fO'B. tI'HOPKAS, OK EAST INDIA DRT GOODS, A haedfome Three Story BRICK HOUSE tf KITCHEN, Of modern construction end wtU built ■VtTITH the bed matcriUi, situated in a very V V plsafirii and healthy part of the town at a moderate difl.Bce from the centre of the city. Enquire at the (Jfiict of the Gazette of the Urn lilted Statei. March 16, JOSEPH ANTHONY & Co. At tbeir Store No. 5 Cbesnut Street, have FOR SALE, The following Articles, viz. Fir-P quality Ruflia Hemp Ruflia Duck- Brandy in pipes, firft and fourth prob'f Madeira Wine in pipes and half pipes Claret in cases Winter and Summer pr fled, Spermaceti OH Spermaccrt Candels, and Hyfoti Tea,lateft importation March 14. Schuylkill Permanent Bridge. STONE PROPOSALS in writing will be received ÜBtil rhe rjth day of April next, at the office of tH* Treasurer oi* rhe Schuylkill Permanent Bridge Company No Ii Church alley, for a fapply of ten thoKiand perch of the befl quality Free Stone, one half -of which must be of large dimensions, viz 7to I i feet long, co 3 feet wide in the bed, 9 to 18 inches deep—the remainder to be of the Gze which Is generally called large foundation ft one, to be delivered at the Weft e-id of High ftrect, in such quantities and at such times as fliall be required." Price and time of payment to be exprtfled. JOHN DORSEY, Secretary pro tcm. A qHantity of TERR ASS for mortar will bo waited. March 17 NOTICE, ACEP.TIFIH.ATE of one Share as the Bank of rhc United States, No. 29120, In the name ot l.ewis Peter Quimyn, atd a Certificate of ttto Shares »f the said Bank, No. 29119, in the name of Georgr James Cb* Imondely, Earl of Cholmon dely, were forwarded from Ntvv-York by the Chefterfield Britifli Packet for Falmouth, \vfeich v/as captured by the French, and the Certificates lotl or (ifftmyed, and for v/'ich application is made at laid Bank for the renewal thereof, ot which all performs concerned are ddired to take notiee. CLEMEN 1' BIDDLE, February 21 NOTICE. THOMAS HAWTHORN, Of the City of Philadelphia, Merchant, I! AVING ON the 9th day of Aug. 1799, all his Efrate, real, personal mid mixed, to JOHN M and JONATHAN MEREDITH, \H pcrfv»;;*i indebted to the l'homa< Haw. thorn or tn eh-> late hoMc of Hawthorn and Kerr, arc dtf»rtd to pay rhfir refp»£.ive balances to JONATHAN ftffEREDITJfJ Acling Assignee, February ?1 iaw6w. rn&w if. mwfim nn?frm *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers