Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, March 29, 1800, Image 1

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    S'tattS, Philadelphia Daily Advertisers
Nu-MUhk 1343-]
fry The price of this gazette is Eight
Dollabs per amium to Subscribers residing
in toe city of Philadelphia- -All others pay
one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di-
Meeting ; arid unless -.sonic' pet sap, in tois city
will become answer Me fir the subscription,
it must bspxid *tx Months tn Advance.
%* No SufocriptioK will he received so.
shorter term tb&i six itfyfitjjs.
1 1799'
No. Marhit Street,
OStr for lMc at rrj|i>n»l>U prM-em improved
piper, "i- io'bJitr. f.rC-ftec,
t Tit C VJI 1- -WlN'<3
Entitled to Drawback:
•i: CzLi, I'r ai i i»- ' t.i■«.- Ladies' Shm s
Moihix. 5 f jfes fine Silbci'fcl
-4 do. Po -■ latT'es Uncus _ •
4 fin. Romans 4' ( Siairtu r e 3
4 (Jo PhtilUsKoy- 3 r'o S-leSahwkl's
ales. 1 '(!••>. DamafnuMe
io, >'.o Cailcriiios or linen affoncd with
w»iite rons oT 11 &. lijpUins
hjU" yarH».
8 do Checks and
3 Ho More as !
4 do Ptanders Bed I
I'icks, 6 9 * and j
■> i' o • Fine Tiber- io 4 j
* fcld checks 4 do C-'.tun Bed j
4 (!■». Contils and Ti " s j
Lif-ado-s I do. Tj-, r >a iftock- ]
i do. Check .shirts.
-16 do. Oilcloth.. talocns
30 do. Tapes < f all 1 do K.J stoves
numbers,plain,twil 1 do. i<'Hl»ou
led, b 1 «*e and white. 3 do. Oarotct* and
tco Travelling cafesot Pearls
different Hzei a calks aflorfedlron
4 cases cut flint De- mongery
canters, pint&quart 2 do Scythes, 10
3 cases gi 1 ! tumblers hands.
1 cafe wine g aflVs 4 do. Coffee mills
171 boxe* of Window 3 Cables of 125 fa*
Glafe, Bby 10 ' thorns each, 98c io
a cases Sealing Wax 1 inch;
With an extensive afTortment of Loc king
Class Plates of following lizes,
17-ic-i-. 17-131 2o-\2, 22-i3» 24-
14, ZO-J5, and 28-14, «ji& a variety ctother
goods u-fually imported from Hamburg.
Eighty Dollars Reward,
RAN-AWAY from the Stibfcriber, at New
town, Chester Very, Queen Anne's comi
ty, ft ate of Maryland, the followicg neproes,
Viz. a woman named Nanny, went away.oll the
23d January, 1799, and took with Jujr a Mulat
to fcin ile child, abrwt two vtars old, pained
Aria»na. Nanny is-a dark yellow about
five fret four or five inches rti;naricably
huidfom * for a Eegra. Her cluarhing unknown
3E fhc,tPok a Vi-:ety of good cloaths with her—
lie SfMt off with a nrpro fellow, named t eter,
and ialls himfelf Peter Simpfon, he is ihe pro
perty of a ewtain William B<»wer* of I aibot
county, ftateas above, «-ho 4ias advertised one
hundred dollars reward for him. Peter is a stout
•well rr.adr yellow fellow., about 6 feet one inch
high, 15 a tolerable good Carpenter. Nanny
for hi# witc, but her real hufb-nd is na
med Bub, who belongs to her mallei. It is
probable they are in the neighbourhood of Sa
lem in the JerCes, is th'-y were there in Ofio
fotr lalt. and hy information, Peter had built
tlimfelf an house to live ni, between ilum
Bridge and Gold Town ; it is likely they may
l>*»e changed their ns(n« and may have pafles,
Peter can write a middling hand ; it is pro
bable Nanny has anotherchild, as it was thought
flie was in a pregnant ftaie when Ihe went away.
'I he noted Ferryman Charles, who calls himt
sets Charles Rodney ; he went off on the 18th ]
of February la#, he is a dark mulatto, about J
live fc»t or nine inches high, about forty
yews old.stoops in hisfboulde.-s when he walks, I
a fear on his head very perceivable—he took
with him a f/nall bay mare about 4or 5 years
years old, hfi- m'ne trimmed and bob tail'd ;
his clojthing unknown, as he carried off a va
vitty of cloLths ; it is probable he has changed
his name, as h« is a very artful, sensible fellow,
he can read tolerably well ; it is likely he may
hire himfelf to *l|i»e a-wrggon, being well ac
quainted with that buiinefs, driving for the ar
my during the wir ; he also perhaps may have
a pjfs.
The above reward will be given for the afore
faid iwi) negroes, viz. Nanny and Charles, if
t»ken out of the flat'-, or twenty dollars for
Nanny and child, if taken in this llate, & J do.
Charier if taktn inthisflate and secured in jail,
fci as I may j/et them jgain. If brought h"«ne
all reasonable charges (hall be paid hv me.
March 3.
Twenty Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAY from Spring Forge, in York
County,a negro man, named ISAAC, other
wise CUDJO, abouc 11 years -Id, the property
of Robert Coleman; Esq. He is aliaut j feet f!
inches high, has a bUroifh in his eyes, wore wmte
in them thancommon, by trade a Fcige nun; had
on and took with hitn a drab coloured broad clotl
coat, almost new, a sailors jacket and pantaloons
printed fancy cord, a lwanfcown striped under
«ckct; a rorura hat; one fine and one coarse
ihirt' one mullin handkerchief, fpriggsd, two
ditto striped border, a Hue Perfiin under jacket
and two peir cotton (lockings. Whoever takes up
faiJ negro and lodges him in acy jail in this or any
of the neighbouring ftatcs ftial) have the above re
ward or rcalonable expencesit brought home.
Spring Forge, Oilobtr 13,1799.
N. B. ill said negro formerly lived in Chciixr
county, it in probable he may return there.
Novemher 5
The Subscriber
TAKES this method of once more informing
the Public, that the partnerihip of Moles
Ohapline and Robert M'Ciure, which was enter
ad into for the purpose of retailing Goods in the
town of Weft Liberty and Commonwealth of Vir
ginia, on the tenth day of August, 1790, expired
on the tenth day of August 1793, agreeable to the
serrn Stipulated in their article of copartnership;
February »I.
319 High Street.
GEORGE DAVIS has just received from Dub
lin, via New York, a very large ParceV oi
Law Books, all of.the latest editions, wfiirWre-n
(fcrs his aflorttnent he believes the »o«lc eatoiiv.*
and valuable on the continent. 'J hey will be
opened this day, aixd ready for ialeat any time af
The fublcribers to that ioiportatst work, Went
x t'jrti/j of Plmdmg are informed chit it is
now at rived, and'wiM be delivered «ti application.
Blank Declaration* fettled and approved l>y the
merit diftmgutllKd Law chara&ers, to be had of
G. D.
March if,
To Merchants.
ENCHANTS Afcounts elegantly opened,
lVi Books r*£Vly and CQirci'ily polled, with
various othtr kinds oi writing, bv a person
thoroughly acquainted with accounts.
Gentlemen extensively concerned, may find
it to ifcttrefl to pot business in thi* line
into his hands, as the f'lte** confidence miy be
repofrd jii him and ample fatrsfadMon given.
Address a 1-ne to B- A. land Icjve it with the
printer hereof.
PiiiUdelphu, March *9.
HHHB Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan
-1 Ciller line ofStag« DISPATCH, their
grateful thanks to their ffiMvdsAnd the public in
i'>r the pall favors tkt7 have received,and
inform tfauns that in addition to regular Line,
th>y are p>ovkicd with Carriage*, and car- f u>
to go through bet wen the City and
Borough in two da)«. Those who prefer thi« made
of travelling can he accommodated nt the Stage
Office, sign oi" 1 J luted States E4gU, Market ftrtet,
Slougb. Dawning, Dun woody U? Co.
Nov. 30. % 2t —§
ed by the fMbfcriber, 'or undivided -Shares or
Lots on hit purchase within the city of Wafting
ton, who (mve not yat applied for and received
their Deeds, are hereby notified, that their lereral
Titles wi'l be duly completed to the order of those
who in conformity with the term* of the said Cer
tificates, do make the Payments in full therefor,
either to Thomas M' Euen *s* Co. or to the
fcriber at Philadelphia, 041 or at any time before
D'"" p, ;7
Valuable Estati,
KNOWN by the name of the Booneton Ire::
Works, fitnatc in th£ county of Morris in the I
it at* of New Jyf*y, ccn&tting ot a with?
four firrs, a Rolling and Slitting Mill, a C'rift'nu 1
with two Run of tteuc", and Saw milt. aUi;» good
order and n©w in ufc, together with an excellent,
larae, ;nd convenient house, wiife out-houfes ol
every kind ; among which are an Ice koufe, and
(lone milk houfc, with a remarkable fine tyring in
it, a large Garden, 'and an «olhd»on of
Fruit, a large OrcWard, ind 2,500 arres of wood,
pa-ure 4ml arable land, and a greats number of!
Kores and workmen's booses Immediate pofftiSon
will be giv<# ot houfet and ilores fufficient I't r
providing Hock the prefetit winter, and pofTeflicn
of the whole in the ipring.
For Term# enquire of David B Ogden at New
ark, mr Peter Mackie in New-York, mf. David
Ford in Morris Town, or messrs. Jacob and B ich«
4 ard Farich on tire prr&iiles.
Jaiiujar» ri
For the accommodation of tb« farmers of Spring
field, and all other p rl<.ti» who are inclined
to purchase, the fubferiber Is disposed
LYING in Springfield townthip, Burlington
county, and State of Nsw J rfey, being: a
part of that capital property we'll known by the
name of'
Bullus's /{.state.
containing two hundred and ten acres, of which
twcntv-leven are excellent swamp wood land, up
wards of ninety acre* arc as good meadow as any
in the county, and the refiduc is fine upland; there
arc three public rends that run through the land.
The lublcribcr will attend at. the house of Mr.
John l onkins in Springfield, until the firft day of
April next, in order to ihew the hnd and receive
propr.fuls cithw for lots or the whole, as may iuit
1 urchalers,
Mirch 17
"Tbi r ty Dollars Reward.
FROM the Marine Barracks on the night of tit
14th intl—JOHN OSBOR.N, born in the
town ot Bedford, Wed Chetler county and Hate
of New-York, aged ai years, 9 mronths, 5 feet
8 and a quarter inches high, grey eyes (long qued)
light hair, ruddy complexion, pock marked, by
trade a Shoemaker. Enliiled by Lieutenant Rey
nolds in Stephen's Town, near Albasy the ijih of
June last Had on and took with fcim a fcort
round blue cloth coat with a red cape, a blue
cloth coatee, a few white waistcoats, a long grev
mixed cloth coat and breeches, a pair of boot«, ;.
checolatc coloured great coat trimmed with Mack
hair plulh, s. iur' hat half worn, and two Giver
watches, one » uiidilk tiae, the other fmaii. He
may iu>j>oi= Vrr>ftU on some family or gentleman
at .1 waiter, a. he ha" aSad in that capacity
Whoever apprehends said Deserter, and secures him
in jail, fends hi.tfc to Keadquartets, or deliver! him
to any of the Marine officers, or an { officer of the
army of the United States (hall receive the above
reward and all reasonable charges
Adjutant Maine Corps.
January 16.
And for falc at
W. Young, J. & J. Crukshank, and
Thomas Do a son' 9 Bookstores,
Late Prriideiit of the United States, and
Commander ill Chiff of the Armies of the
United States.
march 26.
At their Store No. 5 Cbesnut Street, have
The following Articles, viz.
Fir ft quality RuffiaHemp
Rufiia Duck
Brandy in pipes, firft and fourth proof
Madeira Wine in and half pipes
Claret in cases
Wiiiter ard Summer pr ffci, Spermaceti Oil
Spermaceti Can dels, and
Hyfor. Tca,lati-lt importation,
March 24.
Schuylkill Permanent Bridge.
PROPOSALS in writing wiii'be received until
che 15th day-os April ntxt at the office ol
tn« Treasurer of the Schuylkill Permanent ft ridge
Company No, it Church alley, tor a fapfly of
ten thoHl'and perch of the bell cjuafity Free Stone,
ore half of which mud be of large "dimensions,
viz 7 to Ii feet long, i\ to 3 feet wide in the,
bed, 9 to :8 inches deep—the remainder to be of
the Cze which is generally called large foundation
stone, to be delivered at the Well end of High
flreet, in such quantities and at £uch times as {hall
be required. Price and time of payment to be
JOHN DORvSEY, Secretary protem,
A qHantity of TERR ASS for mortar will be
March 17
X CERTIFICATE of on« Share the Bank
XjL of the UnitedSS u e», No. a<Jl2o, in the name
ot Lewis Peter Quirt-yri, and a Ccrcilicate of two
Sharesthe faitl Bank, No 29119, in the name
ot George James Chclaiondely. Earl of Oholmon
dely, were forwarded from New York by the
Cheftfrfield British Packet for Falmouth, which
was captured by the French, and the Certificates
lull or deftrayed, and for which application i*
nucic at said bank lor therer.ewal Thereof, of which
all per fins concerned are defucd to take notice.
clement biddle.
Samuel Btodget,
February tl
LYING or the River, county of Nor
thumberland, ft ate of Virginia; containing
about 1409 aeres—its fitv.ation is equal to any o' her
in the Northern Nrck, ieraarkablc lor every kind
of wildfowl, oytters, fifh and crab, and none bet
ter so^ health. It is abcut the fame didance from
Baltimore, Alexandria aad Norfolk* and not more
than (ine days-fail from cither. There are three
improved plantations with dwelling hcules, the
one known by the name ol Exeter Lodge, former
ly the refidente nf col. John Gordon, is an elegant
two story brick house, with four rooms on a floor *
and a palTage sixteen feet wide.
The other two art* commodious and convenient
ly fitted, with good and JuitaV le cut bottfes, st one
of which John Murpty, Esq. (nov of Wcfttnore
iand county) liVcd tfcverfil years; on thip farm there
is s good grilt mill, with water luffieient to turn
any number of flones ; also convenient store hf u
ses and granaries on a public ro-id, well situated
for a country llore. On each of those places there
are fine apple and peach orchards.. Ibe greater
proportion of rhe land is of the firfl quality, ard
near the half of the whole heavily timbered. The
terms may be known l>y applying to Wm P. I «l>bs
Baltimore, Foufbee G. TeW*, tfq. of Richmond
county. Virginia, or to Thomas Murgatrojd and
Sons, Philadelphia.
Feb. 5—J A
Pcnnsyvania District. $
By virtne of a writ of venditioni exponas to
me dirr&a*t iffuedeut of the Dillrnft Court
ot the United Statu in and for the Pennlylvania
Diftr'nSt, will be lold by public vendue, at the City
tavern, ingecon.! the city of Philadelphia,
ou Friday the 4ih day of April Dxo'dock
in the afternoon, j undivided third part of two cer
tain Messuage and Lots of Ground situate on the
Couth fide of Walnut flreet, in said city, beginning
at the corner of John Wall's lot awl extending
southwardly 79 feet 6 inches to ground ol Micrs
Filher, Ffq' (hence wellwardly i J4 ftet to a corner,
thence fouthwirdjy nfeet 6 mches or thereabout
to ground of David H Con yiigham, thence weil
wardly 46 feet to an alley, thence across said alley
J! feet to a corner, thence ealwardly 46 feet,
thence northwardly to Walnut street 47 feet,
thence eaftwardly on the said flreet 54 fe t,to th«
place of beginning, fuhjeA to a rent, charge ol
thirty five pounds per annum, with the ufc and
privilege «f the fiid alley, running int» Dock
greet; all those City Lots marked in the general
Plan Ne. 1J37..173*. 1539-«54-->. '541, 00 tfre
weft fide of Third ftr.-et Item Schuylkill, between
I I.ocuft and Walnut ftreeta ; 1537, containing in
breath sixty feet and in depth 247 f--et t inches ;
the others being contiguous, contai 1 in breadth
ijo fait and in depth 247 6 inrhc; all those
City l-ots numbered 1393. 1394. J395>
) no; and 13518,0n the north Sde of Walnut llreet
between Filth and Sixth Areata, from Schuylkill
1 being each of them 66 feet in front and 135 !cet ;
111 depth. Alio, all that melluage and trail of
Lard, partly in l.owor Dublin townlhip, Philadel
phia county,and partly in Montgomery county,
containing V) 1-1 the fame more oriels.
Seized and taken in execution as the property ol
iTuhn li>onaldfon,E(q.
1 JOHN HALL, Marlhal.
M«rlhal's Office, March »7, ißa«. «u c
Sacrftl to the memory of
Adapted to the nd February 18.CO.
By Richard Alsqp.
Red Clover.
White do.
Saint Foin.
Herd Grass.
Orchard do.
Rye do-
Rape and Hemp.
sheet! copper, ironmongery, and
PATBNT PLOUGHS, which are said be more
durable than any heretofore invented, and found
on experience to diminish the labour both of man
and beafl —
No. 40 South Second Street, Philadelphia,
February 13. tu6cf.Bw.
No 95, North Water-ftrcet,
ENTITLED to drawback, which they offer for
sale at moderate prices for cash, or the ulual
credit j or on a credit of 12 or 18 months upon
Mortgages on Real Property, in or near the City
of Philadelphia, or father fcuisfa&ory security,
so boxesand lales 1 icL
l nburgus
60 do.
en linens.
50 do.
50 do Patterliornes.
2,5 do. Bielficld Linens.
11 do Creas and Creas
a la Moriaix.
Brown Rolls.
Do. Heflians.
PolWh Rells.
Bed Ticks.
I Arabias.
Empty Bags.
Oil Cloths.
•-.'hoes and Slippers.
Soal and upper Leather.
Qaillsand Scaling Wa*.
A package Gold and Sil
ver Watches.
A few chelts Toys.
Slates and Pencils.
lo hhds Havanna Mo
February 15
do. Hemp-
Of the City of Philadelphia, Mehchakt,
the £th d*y of Aug, 17^9,
Ellate, real, pcrftiual and mixed, to JOHN
—All persons indebted to the f*id Thbmas Haw
thorn or to th« late hoefe of Hawthorn and Kerr,
are desired to pay their rcfp?«sive balances to
February %\
THE Partcrfhip of JQHN HAINES & IVIL
I,IAM JONES, trading under the firm *,f
H IWES 13* JONES, was by mutual Agreement
diflolved on the 24th of January la ft'. All persons
rfpeciaily rhofe indebted to them, wiß
pUafc to cb l! as as pomble oir IVilliam Jonet y
who is dujj authcrlfed to a'f-juft their concerns.
Tlue bufipcfs v/ili in future be conduced by
lVtiUa* Jones, at the former {land No 132 Mar
ket fl»>eet. 2d dopr ab>v- 4th, wiiere he has on
hanJ and wieans to keep a regulai supply of the
best aod mod lafbionaMe and bridles Pla
ted faddlcry and f:lver mooted whips. Harness
of all kinds ana fire bffekets. together with a gen
eral afiortment of cvory other article usually at
tached to that line of trufiseTf.
March 11
Or Rented for a term of Tears,
With a Lot thereunto, belonging,
SITUATE in Duck Creek, Oofs Roads
Kent County, Stare of Delaware, fronting
on the M-in Street i there are on the lower
Floor, 6ve Rooms and an Entry, with a
number oi well fini(had Rooms up Stairs, a
Cellar under the whole Building, a Brick kitch
en, a hump of good Water, with a Stable, Car
riage Houfeand Sheds, the whole Improvement#
are in go. d repair. Tlic Seat is well calculated
for either a Store or Tave-rn, the latter of which
it has been occupied for a number of years with
conftderable success. The Situation is dry and
the Coui-ry around being very healthy aifd a
pi. ce of considerable Trade, it will be well
worth the attention of any perlon wiihing to
purchale or rent.
$y For.further particulars apply to the Sub
scriber at the aforefajd place.
i w3m.
3 taw
January 8
AN attachment was lately iflued out of the in
ferior oourt of common pleas of the county
of Essex, in the Date of New Jerfcy, direAed to
the fheriff of the laid county, against the rights,
credits monies and cfTMls, goods and chattels,
lanasand tenemercs of Jthn Citvei Symmes at the
fuitot William With, in a plea of tref'pifs on the
cafe to his damage three thousand dollar;; —
And tvhcrtat, the said Iheriff did, at the term of
June last pali, return to the said court that he had
attached the defendant by a certain bond given by
Matthias Denman and Samuel Meeker to the said
defendant, to the amount of near two thousand
dollars,and alfoby fmy land warrants
Noiv therefore, nßtffs the said John Cleves
Symmesfhall appear.givc special bail, and receive
a declaration at the suit of the plaintiff, judgment
will be entered against him, and his prop»rty
herein attached, will b: fold agreeably to the
1 tiatutein luch cafe made av.d prov ; ded.
Aaron Ogden, Clerk, sfc.
B! zabeth-town,Ju>y 8, t-99
13 pipes old Port Wipe.
ij boxes Tumblers al
aoo boxes Hamburgh
Window GHafs 8 by
10, &c.
i chcft allotted Looking
Sever a! larpe elegant do.
1500 Demijohn*.
50 kegs Pearl Barley.
A few tons Roll Brim
30 kegs Yellow Ochrc*
A few bbls. Rosin.
40 tons Ruffu Hemp.
| Bol.hds.Hogt Brifljfcs.
a hhis. Dutch Glue
20 talks Nails afl'orted
| from 3d. to aod.
16 calks Ironmongery
8 calks Hoes.
German Steel.
6 hhds. Coffee mills.
Blocking Twine, 'Tapes,
Stone Pickling Pots,
&c &c.
do Ozna
dcijng Assignee,
\ Volutin XVII-
To New Tork,
By the shortest arid inoft pleasant road«—paflGng
through Frankford, Buftletou, Newtown,
Penrvngton, Millstone, P.onndUroek, Uuior*
Camp, Scotch Plains, Sprirvgfirid and New
starts from the Green Tree, N<* 50 Norti
Fourth Street r at 8 o'clock tvery morning, and
arrives at New York early tie next evening.
From York it fc&'ru at 9 o'clock - very
day {Suttd&'yv t*c6ptedjf a/id arrives at Phila
delphia, early the next t veiling.
Fare for paflesgers $ dollars, way paflengeff
6 cent*, per rrt'le. Each paiToftger allowed 14'fl
of baggage. .One hundred and fi.ty weight of
baggage to pay the fame as a pa fieri per.
All bagg-age to be at the rift of the owner,
urtefs insured and receipted for by 'he clerk J
of the different offices. Hate of infurancc' ori'e
per cent.
*s'* Apply to JOHN M'CALLA, No. 50
North I'eurth Street, Philadelphia, and to
Courtlanil Street, N.E. corner of Greenwich
Street, New York
January 3.
This Day Published,
By J. Ormrod, No. 4.1, Chf fnut Street,
(Pries zs Cents)
Death of General Wajhington.
In imitation of the manner of Olfian.
By Rev. John B. Linn, A.M.
Minister of the First Presbyterian Congregation
of Philadelphia.
£/• Mr. Chzu.4ron*s Oratiafl will be publiftwd
on Monday mornifcg.
March 15. d-
Qf the Pittsburgh Glass Works y
HAVtNG procured a fufficient number of
thc-moft approved European Glass Manu
fu<flurers, and having on hand a large ftotk of
the best Materials, on which the:r workmen are
now employed, have the pleasure of alluring
the public, that window glass of a fupei lor qua
lity and of any fiae, from 7 by 9, to 18 by it*
inches, carefully packed in boxes containing
100 feet ea h, may be had at the shortest notice.
Glass of larger fizrs for other purposes, may
also be had, such as lor pr&Ui-es, coach glafle#,
clock faces, &c. Bottles of all kinds and of any
quantity may also be had, together with pocket
flans, pickling jars, apothecary's fliop furniture,
or other hollow ware—the wnble at least 1$ per
cent, lower than articles of ihe lame quality
brought from any of the lea ports of the United
States. A liberal allowance will be made on
| sale of large quantities. Orders fn -rn merchants
and otkers will ke punctually attended to on ap
plication to JAMES or ISAAC
CRAIQ, or at the Storeof Meflra PRATHER
andSMILIE, in Majket-Strect, Pttlburgh,
March u
To be Bartered,
A handsome Three Stcry
Of modern c&nstruetion and well built
WITH the best materials, situated in a very
pleaf.nt and healthy part of the town at
a moderate difbace from the centre of the
Enquire at the Office of the Gazette of the Unl
imited States.
March 16.
Valuable Property for Sale,
ki ChcOiwt, near Sixth street, diredUy opposite
Cosgr-iss Hall.
A LOT of ground, about »l feet front in Chef
nut ftrcet and 73 feet in depth, wherecn is a
good frame bouse, now in the tei.ure of Samuel
Benge fusjc& to a ground rent of ao«. per annum.
The, advantageous fituatioa ®f this property re
squires no comments, for it must be known, thrre
are few in this city to equal it, an unecceptionable
title wtfl be made to the purchaser. Apply to
No. ijS.Cfce&iut ft. next door to the premises.
march 5 fa*tf
FROM the United States Frigate Philadel
phia, DAVID trade a Shoe
maker, horn in Ireland, 13 years of age, j feet
6 inches, high, light complexion and hair—also,
WATSON LUDLOW, by trade a Shoe
maker, born in New Jersey, 33 years of age,
5 feet toinche? high, dark hair and complexion*
Whoever will take up said Deserters and deli
ver them on board the said frigate, shall receive
ten dollars reward for each, and reasonable
March 12.
Three Lents Reward.
RUN away from the Subscriber on the evening
of the iSth inft. a bouni Servant GIRL,
named Elizabeth Howchel, had on and took with
her|chree different changes of garment and money,
proud, bold and iirpudeM, a noted lyar ; any per
son apprehending her shall he entitled to the above
reward no costs or charges will be paid.
N: B, She had % years and sonic month» to serve.
Gotten Tbwnfliip, ChfiUr COUM7, ]«ly »?•
augllft $
m&w tf.