Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, March 28, 1800, Image 2

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To-Merchants, Storekeepers and Trades-
men in <J"c.
T peculiar p'eafure in stating, that you
■M. hive so generously and generally come for
anfl lUMrribed for my work, that" (not-
WithSauding all provisoes feeretofore made by
me) the coins and monies ot account of the prin
cipal maritime trading places in Ru/Jta, Sweden,
JJemnarky Norway, Prufia, Poland, Germany,
Holland, Flanders, Spain, Portugal, Italy, infev
•ral ot the *vindwardand leeward Weft India
\fmnds, a»d many ports in the EaJ! Indvs—the
whole to be reduced to dollars and cents; and
the heft mode of computing the exchange with
those places explained ; also, a large sheet table
ot calculations at compound 6 per
cent, the table* used in banks for tbe determin
ation of the value of gold ; the interest of each
Month from one to twelve months, on every
collar ( without exception) from one to two
thousand ; and a table of ail the pofl towns in
*~ cf Uoit*d States $ besides much other general
Ulefu! information, fliall positively be added to
the work, entitled
Tables of Discount or Interest,
On every dollar (without exception)
Jrom ore to two thousand; thence on every ten,
4fty, and five hundred, to fire thousand, from
one day to iixty-four days inclufivc, at fix per
cent. with notes for 5,7 and 8 per cent, See.
itc. &c.
The worfc is dedicated, by permission, to the
President and Dire6lors of the Bank of North
America, and received in the firft twelve days
the patronage of Jojju Apamj, Piefident of
the United states; of Thomas Jifferson,
Vice President of the United States and Presi
dent of the Senate; of tw'-thirds of the Sena
tors and Members of the House of Representa
tives of the United States; and of the Presidents
•nd Dirtvslors of the different Banks unani
mously, See.—a lift of the whole is printed and
attached to the propcfils.
ft is evident that th« work will be no truwtpe*
ry catch-pen»y-thin g ; for I do afTurethe pub-
ths? price of it i* reduced very near one
taff, according to the usual rate at which books
fell ; and it is my full determination to render
it, in point of sulject JWatter, a valuablt
acquiution I
Wiih refpe£ to the accuracy? of the Tables,
too much cannot be said, and I pledge myfelf
that a Pl<j£MirJiW of no? lefs:han onb hun
dred dollars thal'be offered tothofirflper
fon who (hail inform me of a single error §f one
eenty according to the principle a<fled upon.
To do away all doubt* with refpe<sl to the ex
pences of the undertaking, I do most solemnly
declare that they will amount to very near four
thousand dollars, and perhaps more, in
,depeat of any remuneration for my own trouble
in the arduous business, and the great expence
already incuired or fpeeimens, proposals, id
vcrtifements, hand-bills, Ac. &c.
I do therefore trust with confidence, that gen
tlemen will continue to come forward witk
that public spirit and generosity which charac
terize rhe natic n, and fnpport tbe work by sub*
feribiag to it without hefitatien : athtrwife it
C3nnot be jiubiiflicd, and I rauft fit down to re
And am, with profound rcfpt'H*
' Gentlemen,
Yeur obedient humble fcrrant,
Aecemptant, Bank North America,
Postscript. Gentlemen are refpeiHfully invi
ted to fee Specimens of the Tables, &c. exhibii
edit tht City-iavern, Hardy's Hotel, Francis's
Hotel, the Indian Queen, Dudwoody's tavern,
the Franklin Head and at the George ; ami
please be referred to the ether advertisements
which appear every day in inme o»e of the
SuMcribcrs are to pay nothing untilthtbook
it dclivertd rigoreufly conformable to all ftipu
Copy right secured according to act of Con
march 27
Two very valuable Farms,
TN the township of Springfield, and county
■» of Burlington, containing about two hun
dred acres each. The Woodland and Meadow,
.of which there is t fufficient quantity, it not
inferior to any in the State.
To attraA the notice of perfon.s redding
with n the county of durlington, desirous of
purchasing good land, 'fit only necefTary to
mention th at these farms are parts of that ex
cellent of jxoo acres lately owned bv
Samuel Bullus.
The terms of sale will be mado convenient
to the purchaser and may be known by apply
ing to the fnKftribera. Those who may wilh to
view the Und. will plesfe to call oil William or
Iff at I Shin.., the present occupants.
Atiomicj in fa £i for John Dallas and Ruth Bullus.
Burlington, New Jcrlcy,
March 12, 1800,
A Summer Retreat.
A convenient and Genteel House, fitua'id in
1 renton, to be let or fold. Follcflion will
be given the lit of June next. Enquire of the
M»rch i f
T HREE or foor lots of about 30 or 40 acres
each, more ffr left a« may suit a pujchafcr.
On each of which there ii a good lituation for a
house—viz. one on the river, suitable
either for a gentleman's feat, or for a person who
might wj(h to engage in the lumber bnfjnefs hav
-ing a gt'od landing. One c mmanding a good
view of the river liom the highest ground between
the Pennypack and Pogueffin creeks ; and another
on the Bristol Road. Enquire of Mr. Gilpin near
the it mile ftoneon the said road.
Of about »0 acres each with good fituaticni for
bnilding; one of which is fuitabie for a tan.yard,
anH has a small Done house and a young bearing
»rchard on it, on the Newtewu road Bear Snider \
nnill about 10 miln from Philadelphia, and oi e
"•ber lot ofjAoM.|? acre, on the P-m.ypaik
Enquire of Jonathan CRft-wfae lives on the f rotwi.
f<- or of Mr. Gilpin.
Foffeffion will be given in the spring, but bnild
ing matt rials may be collected fognex.
November 8
The Pursuits of Literature,
To wbieb will be Annexed,
Of all the Greek, Latin, Italian, and French
paQagci, quoted in the Preface,,
Vindication and Notes.
The Work will be print
ed from the lad Lon
don edition, and will
form a large o&avo
volume of about 500
pages,including an in
dex which thi* edition
will alone possess.
N. B.—lt is now >
be finished with all p(
Subscriptions will be received by A. Die
kins, No. 15, North Second Street, opposite Christ
Church, and J. Ormrod, No. 4c, Chefaut-ftrest,
and by th« principal Bookfellcrs throughout the,
United Stated
n-arch 17,
Monthly Political and Literary
gj" A few copies of the shave vock are receiv
ed nod for sale at DicUins's Bookftorc, opposite
Christ Church
March *4.
ros SALE,
JLift anß Character
Field-Matihal General in the fervica of Mis Imperi
al Majesty, the Emperor of all the Ruflias,
The History of his Campaigns.
Translated from tie German of Frederith
T# which|is addtd,
A concise and cmhrebensive History of
His Italian Campaign.
By William Cobbett.
With an elegant Print-Portrait of thai re
nowned Warrior,
[Price 1 x-a Dollars.]
Portrait of Marshal Suworow•
Gentlemen defireus of pofleffing * capital like*
nest. executed in thefirft style, of this llluftrious
Chieftain, may be lurnifccl with parti*
cuiar proof at this otfi.e, price one
Dollar v
Fcbru>ry l».
npHE commiflloners appointed for the purpose
*■ of circulating fubfeription pap«rs, to the pro
pped plan of procuring an accurate Map of New-
J~rfey, immediately after their appointment trans
mitted printed copies of the plan to various pr-rfons
in the several eou'ities of this state, and in the
cities of New York and Philadelphia, and since
that time, through the medium of the public prints,
have requeued the gentlemen entrusted with those
papers, to return the number of fubferioers by
them rtfpe<slively procured, to James Salttr, Rfq.
at Trenton, on or before the 6th dny of February
lad. The nnmber of furlcriptions received, not
amunting to two thousand, the cemmiflioners
did not conceive themfeives authorized to fix a day
for the meeting of the company; nevertheless be
ing ®f opinion from rafpedable information, that
the actual fubferiptions are nearly, if not fully,
adequate to the complete organization of the com
pany, if they could be ascertained by regular re
turns, and being convinced that a trafiing degree
of exertion, on t; e part of the persons holding the
fubfeription lifts, would enable them to carry the
intention of the fubferibers into effect, they have
by the unanimous advice and cbnfent of the fub
feribers, whom they have been able to conlult,
fixed on the 14th day of May next, being the ad
day of the fitting of the fuprenie court, for a meet
ing of the fubferiher* at 11 o'clock in the forenoon,
at the State House in Trenten, for the purpose of
ele&ing fiveTruftees and a Treafurcr.if the num
ber of fubferiptions ftiould be fufficient. or in any
event to determine on the meafurei necefTary to fe
eure the attainment of an obie& so ufeful to the
From the universal approbation exhibited by
their fellow-eitiaens, at the commencement of this
undertaking, it was to be expe&ed that the fub
feriptions returned would have ensured its imme
diate execution, and the commissioners are purfua
ded if proper attention is paid to the procuring of
fubferiptions, to their pun dual return at the time
fixed for the meeting, and to the attendance of the
fubferibsrt, cither in person or by proxy, that ho
farther delay will take place in commencing th«
operations of the company, in time for their exe
cution during the course. of the ensuing summer.
Tienton, March Jl, 1800.
N. B. SuWciption pipers are left with the fol
lowing (among other) gentlemen, in their rdp-c
tive counties, to whom those persons drfirous of
promoting the •bjeil of the company are riquefted
to apply.'
Wm. Campfiald, Esq. Morris
Gerftom Dunn, Esq. MiJdttux
Artis Sragrave, Esq. Salem.
Silas Dickerfon, Elq. Suutx
George Burgin, Esq. Cumberland,
Wm M'Eowen, Esq. Smcrfet.
William Lloyd, Esq. Mmmtuti.
Joseph Hankinfon, Efq HtmUrdm.
Peter Ward, Esq. Bergen.
Charles Clark, Esq. Eutx.
The above gentlemen, with all others holding
fubfeription papers, are particularly requested to
forward the original fubfeription papers, to James
Salter, Esq. on or before the 14th day
of May next.
March a 6,
It (hall be elegintly ex
ecuted and bedcliver
cdto fublcribersat the
moderate price of tw
dqlUr: and j'fly cents, in
bonds, so others it
will be railed. (
in tbe Press, and will
possible speed.
RESPECTFULLY informs h«r friends and the
public, th;.t (he intends having a CONCER 1* at the
City Tavern on evening the 3d /ipril—•
Particulars of v.-hich will Ire mentioned ia a iuture
Tickets to be had as above, aud at Chalk's Cir
culating Library, No. 75 North i kirdftrcet.
March 24.
Last Public Bait for the present Season.
RESPECTFULLY informs his Scholars anl
tl.e Public in gcuexal, that his lad Public
Uall will be on Tuesday, April ltt, at the
Room in South Fourth Street. In which will
be introduced an entire new set of Co'illions,
Cc.mpofed by Mr. Francis, called
Les Delices D'Araerique.
ift The I'afhion,
ad, The Military,
3d. The I?ath C Strathspey
4tb. The Rage (Keel
Compafed entirely of ths. favourite Scotch
flepss. Alio,
Tkvo New Country Dances
For the prelent Seaion, called
The First of April,
Tbe Philadelphia Medley•
The Music of the Medley is felefled from the
most admired Country Dances.
*„* An additional Band is engaged to play
the New Dances.
gjr Children that arc not Pupilt cannot be
Mr. F. informs his Popilt that a Prafiifing
will take place on Saturday evening, at which
he rcqucfl# their pundlual attendance, in order
to be perfeil in the new dances for the Ball.
N B.—Mr F. bfgs leave to remind his
Scholars arid the public .11 general, that after
the ift of April he will remove hit Academy to
Harmony Court where he will attend to give
inftruiSion in the art of dancing, at hit ufaal
rate of j dollars per month.
March is. d6t.
From the ibip George Barclay, ait Larimer'*
Java Coffee,
Java Sugar.
From ths schooner Fanny, at Latimer's wharf,
100 hhds. clayed Sugar.
Frara the fcrij Bstfey, lying at South street wharf,
40,000 feet Bay Mahogany,
17 tons Logwood,
6 tons Fustic.
White Havanna Sugar,
Brown Su^pr,
Old Red Port Wine,
Sherry Witie,
Claret in cases,
Capers in barrels,
Mjdras and Pulicat Handkerchiefs.
March n. d6t
Just Arrived,
fheudors Bliss, Commander, from Bengal.
coNsisrrsG op
An aflbrtment of Piece Goods.
Su{4/» of the firft quality,
And »oo qr. chelis of superior quality
Hyson Teas,
Willings if Francis, and
Thomas- iC John Clifford.
March 17
Thomas Chalkley,
* . 'Tbojnjf Ksnrty, Xlujltr.
®"'' flft 11,(1 cipciaed to depart
'** in fix of eight days, 3 or 400
barrels will be received on freight, if fgecdy ap
plication be made.
For which or pafl'ige apply to
No. 111 South Water street
March i»
-r HE Creditors of the late house of Iriuin Sc.
Sry/nn. of Lexington, Kentucky, are
hereby informed, that a dividend of such mo
nies of that firm, as have been received by the
fubferiber, will be made on the twentieth day
ot April next among those creditors who (hall
have before thst time furnifted their Accounts
properly attested to
Marrh ij
For Sale,
The Cargo of the shift Ma.'ly. captain Swain,
Jrom Batarit,
SUGAR in whole and half cancilters,
Ceribon Ceffee,
Black Pepper,
Sapan Dye Wood,
Ebony, ard
Thirty two bales of Cottor. Yarn. "
BURTHEN four thousand three
hundred barrels of Flour, mount* x 8
nine pounders, with fh«t and small arms comp'eat
and is newly coppered to the bends with patent
copper. Apply 10
March ij,
To be Sold or Rented,
THAT Urge three fiory HOUSE, No.
44i Pine street, occupied by John Nixon,
Esq. For teruu. ajspily—it No. 42, next
March 26,
There runs a bruit tint orders go out
from New York by tbe United States, (hip
Poitfinouth, for the disruption of any ne
gociittion which may have been commenced
with the present Kuler of France ; and that
the Pacific Committee are to reutrn home
in said Portfmmith. We wish to be un
derlined, as merely echoing a public rumor
in this If so wife, so cecefiary
and so noble a step bat been taken, " Troy
yet may live."
Commodore Truxton ha 3 with unrivalled
prowess, obtained for the arms of America,
a second fplcndid triumph. The glory he
has acquired, and the ineltimable services he
has rendered to bis country, do most natur
ally expose him to the fulled force of demo
cratic calumny and malice. It is to be ho
ped, therefore, that the rdhereuts to the
federal cause, that cause which he has so
amply contributed to rescue from fupinenefs,
and re-invigcrated into life, will no longer
continue their negleft of an entcrpi uing,and
gallant man ; but, by advancing t-> join
him, on that ground he has so nobly atTum
ed. defpel the vapors of uncertainty, and
the mills of pacification.
" An old officer who was at the siege of
Savannah," it desired to back with his name
the affcrtion Se makes conerriiin<j the cour
ageous conduct of tbc Orattr of the Human
Race, on that occasion.
Of all the variout departments of civil
eeconomy, the nioft essential to the well
being of a state, is, unquellionably, that of
education. Amongst an enslaved people,
indeed, like those of Great Britain, whose
yoke we happily call off, education can be
but of little value ; iince the light which it
imparts, serves only to aggravate d man's
slavery by imparting t® him the knowledge
that it is in his power to be free ; and thole
univcrfitics of Oxford and Cambridge, and
Edinburgh, Dublin, &c. &c. do thus sub
serve no earthly puipofe, but to fader de
fenders and supporters of that miserable
slavery, under which they gained all thrir
acquirements. Thus what is given, is al
ways received back in full, and thus a fyf
tem of slavery is propagated and prolonged.
But in a free country, like ours, its impor
tance is above all estimation. For although
it is not lieeeflary to a man's own peace,
that he Ihould feed on the delights which
are bred in a book, yet it cannot well be
imagined liovv the welfare of a great commu
nity can re <:ompafled,out by rearing up thro
the means of vell-ordeied univerlities, or
otherwise, men of sense and virtue, on
whom, in these dark and dreary days of ig
norance and dsfolation to repose for coun
sel, and rely for our deliverance.
From tbt North Carolina Minerva.
I think, Americans, though past moments
are not to be recalled, past trrors may be re
peated. Have you not daily provocations
to war ? Let the memory of overlijhts, by
which you have fuffered so much, inftruft
y®4 to be more vigilant in the present dan
ger—Had your resolutions the virtue to
cosnpafi what you intend, you would not
fee the efforts of the French multiply as they
do, and upon every—nor would (be be in a
condition to outbrave and affront you in
such & public manner. Proceed, then, to (
support your deliberations with vigour:
You have beads capable of advising what is
best ; you have judgment and experience to
difceru what is right; and you have power
and opportunity to execute what yo» de
termine. What time so proper for aftioh !
What occasion so happy ? And when can
>eu hop; for such another, if this be ne
gk-ifted I Has not the Dircdtory, contrary
to all treaties, insulted you both by laud and
sea ? and dill continues to ravage ? —ls not
the French an implicable enemy? a faithful
aily ? the usurper of your rights, to which
they have no title nor pretence ? a stranger,
a barbarian, a tyrant! and indeed what are
they not ? In truth, if recovering from in
a&ivity, you would atTume the freedom and
spirit of your anciftors ; if you would be
your own soldiers and your own command
ers, no longer considering your affairs in
mercenary hands, the world might, once
more, behold yon mating a figure worthy of
Americans. Yes, fellow citizens, you ftiould
make it a (landing rule, that no person
whatever, iliould be the better for the pub
lic money, who ftiould hesitate to employ it
for the public service. Are you in peace ?
The public is charged with you subsistence.
Are you in war, or under a neceflity as at
this time, to enter into a war? Let your
gratitude üblige you to accept, as pay, what
you receive in peace, as a mere bounty. And
without abolifhingany thing but pernicious
novelties ; by converting for the future, the
lunds ior the use of the serviceable, which
are spent upon the unprofitable..—You may
be well served in your armies ; your troops
regularly paid ; juflice duly adminidcred ;
the public revenues encieafed ; and every
member of the commonwealth rendered ufe
ful to his country. This is what prompted
mi to represent to you upon this occalian—
May the God cf-all nations inspire you to
determine upon such measures as mayte
moll expedient for the public and private
good, lhen let all as one inan, and with
one voice fhoiit: Let us marsh against
France-; let us 5,/ht'for our liberties ; let
us conquer or dir. A SOLDIER.
A fling assignee,
tu.thicfa tf.
Xije oasette.
Juftum et tenacem propofiti virum,
Nod chrium ardor prava jubemium,
Non vultus inflanti> tyranni,
Mente quatit iolida.
Infermation it received in town from Cur
raeoa, ftatiug, on th« authority *f a veflel ar
rived there from Liftion, that the frirate U.
States, Commodore Barry, having tfie com
missioner» ob board, had proceeded {tori
thence to some port in France; the Secreta
ries of the Embafiy having previously depart
ed from Lisbon for Parit.
The letter from Curracoa is said t« be from
the A.uericao Consul at that port.
sparine %ifk.
Port of Pbiladtlphia.
Schr. Holk.-r Johnfan, Havanna 13
I-lawke, Norris, Turks Illand
Greyhound, Mathew, St. Johns N B.
fl9 days.
Ship Mancheffet, Co*, St. Sebastians via
Sloop Profpcrity, Pintard, New York.
Capt. Jchnfon, of i'chr. Holker, failed
from Havanna the 13th inft. in company
with the ship Yankee, Willet for New-
York; Uiip Greyhound, Pratt, for Charlef
tox, and brig M'lntai), for Charleston.
Spoke the fame day. off the Moro, a brig,
name unknown, the Capt. of which inform
ed Capt. I. that he failed from Jamaica in
company with teveral veffelj under convpy
of the United States Frigate, Constellation
Capt. Truxton, bound home.
Left at the Havanna, several American veffdi
(13th intl.) among thein were the toU
losing :
-Ship Neptun:, Hacquin of PhiUdelpfci*.
Brig Gayefy, Griffin <J O .
Two Sillers, Watson,
Hope, Clark, of
M:'.ry, Tapper,
Sclir. Experiment, Belt,
CoraeliH, Eabes,
The brig Beaver, Elliot, of this port,
failed from the Havanna oii?t!»t r Jtll for a
port a ihort difhnce to leewiW- ef the Ha
vanna—Capt. Johnson, in Coming into the
Capes, difcoveied a fieri), a large (hip, with
royal yards athwart, naine, Stc. unknown.
Brig Cyrus, Dagget, from Boston, is be
Ship Eclipse, Jones, for Calcutta, went
to sea on Ttiel'dnv la 11.
Brig Nancy, Buck, for Londonderry,
apd the United States fchr. Ent«rpri*tf fliav.
for St. Dojningo, weot to sea on Moodav
last. 1
Brig Amiable Creole, Eldridge, St. Be.
Schr. Harmony, PrcutiTi, Aotipn
Betsey, Yotmg, Jamti'e*
Jofrphui, Biker, Norfolk
Trial, Hand, Alexandria
Sloop Comet, Davis. Haranna
Captain Cox, filed from Antigtis tic
third of March, io company wiib the soU
lowing vtflels;
Ship Pennsylvania., Yorkf, of and for
Philadelphia. fr< m Batavia.
Brig Currier, Stud, of and for Norfolk.
Brig Maryland, Dcrmotte, Baltimore,
from Hamburg.
Schooner Ether, Burns, of Norfolk to
Schooner Thomas, Alwell, «f Bofto*,
to Philadelphia.
Schooner Hiram, Chadwick, Beaufort.
Schooner Ohio, Selby, of Snowhill, for
Schooner Tanner, Purnell, of and f«r
Schooner Four Si fieri, Waters, of an 4
tor Bo ft on from Hamburg.
Schooner Ariel, Fanning, of and for N,
The Hip Wafh'ngton, Williamfon, from
Lisbon, with several other vefleli, are reper
ted to b> below.
S.hooncr Sea Flower, Man, from hence,
ha Arrived at Porto Covella.
BALTIMORE, March 15.
Extract of a Utter from on board the U. St
scbocner Enterprize, of 14 guns, com
manded by lieutenant Sbaiv, to a gentle
man in ibis city.
*' On the 17 th December, vre left our
capes, with a moderate breeze from the S.
W. but it Ihortly increased to a violent gale,
accompanied by quantities of rain ; and hav
ing a new veffcl and raw hand*, had soon
many difficulties to encounter. Weloftons
man overboard, belides fpripgiirg our fore,
mad, but had it condemned by a surveyor,
as being tnfit to proceed to lea with. On
the 15th January, procured another rrnft in
Martinice, and then -pioceeaed to St. Kitts
with a convoy of 15 fail. Hauled up for •*
brig we saw under Guadeloupe, which Ihew
ed a Swcdifli jack. As we had every reason
to ftpptife her a French vefTel, beat all handc
to quarters, the usual mode we adopt on
feeing a (trange> fail. We gave her a gun,
and (hewing our cilours, but file kept her
wind to the fou'hward, Until w.e had fired
14 fliot at her, when she hauled down lirr
colours and came under our lee. She proved
to be a Swedifli brig of ?e> 11 pounders and
90 men. After examination, let her pro
" The 19th were ordered out on a cruise.
On the 2 2<i re-captured the fchr. Vidory,
with a valuable cargo, from Norfolk, bound
to Antigua, 5 days in peffeffion of the
French. On the 24th, re-captured the brig
Androfcoggin, of Topfliam, 6 days in pos
session of the French, They both
fafe in St. Kitti. On the 16th influnt, we
proceeded to Curracoa, with dispatches from
commodore Truxton, to capt. Baker of the
Delaware. She is in port with many of her
men sick.
" I hope the crew of the Enterprise will
fuppqrt ocr mono—and as for failing no
thing in tb?. r e Teas can ran away from «s."
do. ■