Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, March 28, 1800, Image 1

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    of t* Philadelphia Dailj Advertiser.
Nu.vkPK 2343.3
The price of this Gazette is Eight
Dollabs per annum to Subscribers residing
in the city of Philadelphia. Atl others pay
one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di
recting.; and unless person in this city
•will become answer able for the subscription,
ii must be paid Six Jlonths in Advance.
* h * No Subscription will be received for
& shatter term than six months•
DecrtaSer 1 1799.
; No. 19J Market Strttt,
Oftrl'orfal* at real'onabi. prices, for approved
paper, rr in barter i'Jr Coffee,
T'm .yoT-i.frwiso
Entitled to Drawback : j
so Cases Cr. as a ia- I talc Ladies'
Morlaix. 5 cai'.-s fine Elbtffel,. j
4 do. Do lalles Limns
4 do. Kouaue 4 I ' o • Siaftiojffs
4 do Flotillas Roy- do. JMcliahauklV
ties. 2 tin. DamalV taWe
10 do Cafferillo? or linrii aborted wi'h
white rotls of 12 & napkiflfc
h.ilfyar.l-. 3 do. Mprcijs
- t <i« Checks and 4 d" Fhnd&rs Bed
stripes. Ticlt#, 6 4, 9-4 apd
j co. Fine Elbcr* le-4
feld Checks 4 do Cottw. Btd
4 dj. Contili and Ti r s
LiAadoes 1 do. Thr.-art ilock
r do. Check (hirts. ings, Gloves & paa
-16 do. Oil clodit. taloors
in do. Tapes of all 1 do. Kid Gloves
numbers, plain, twi! 1 do. Rthboni
led, blue white. 3 <io. Garnets cad
aoo Pearls
different tun.. » casks aiTorted Iron
4 cases cut ill lit De- mongcry
canterk, pint & quart a do. Scythes, 10
3 c&fes gill tufrtMf ra hands.
I c*fc wine gtaflVs 4 do. Coffee mills
171 boxes of Mflndow Cables of 125 fa-
Glais, 8 by 10 thorns each, 9 ft 10
- % raft* Scaling Wu j
With an extensive assortment of Looking
Qiaft Plates of the following liits, 10-iZ,
17-IJ, IS-14, Jo-i4, ii-131 *4"
14, 46-15, an£ ' *S-i6, a variet y 01 other
gooJs usually imported from Hamburg.
March!!. d6t—taw4w.
Eighty Dollars Reward,
RAK-AWaY frofft the Subfcri&er, New
town, Chester Ferry, Queen Anne's coan
ty, state of Maryland, the following negroes,
via. a woman named Nanny, went away on the
33d January, 1799, anil took with her a Mulat
to female child, aboot two year* oSd, named
Ariahiia. Nanfiy i& a dark yelloiv negro', about
five fifet four or fitfc ififhts high, remarkably
handsome for a negro. Her unkodwn
as (he took a variety of good cloaths with her—
ihe went off with a n-gro fellow, named Petti,
and calls himfelf Peter Simpfpn, he is the pro
perty of t certain W iUiam Bowers of Talbot
county, flatc asi above, uho has advertised one
hundred dollars reward for hixti% Peler is a stout
wets made yellow fellow, aßouf 6'feet one inch
high, is a tolerable good Carpenter. Nanrty
piflVs for his wrfe, but her rial hufb.nd is n*-
med Bob, who belongs to her master. It ie
probable they are in the neighbourhood of Sa
lem in the Jerfies, as they were there in Odo
ber last, and by information, Peter had built
himfelf an house to live in, between Rum
Bridge and Gold 'town ; it is likely they may
hive changed their names awd may have partes,
as Peter can write a middling hand; it is pro
bable Nanny has ancuhercfcild, as it wattXdught
ihe was in a pregnant state wht;*> Ihe went away.
'I he noted Ferry man Charles, who calk himt
felf Charles Rodney ; he went off on the 18th
of February lafi, he is a dark mulatto, about
live feet eigftt or nine inches high, about forty
years ©ld,ftoops in hisihouiders when he walks,
a feat on hi* head very perceivable-—hfe>ook
with him a fault bay mare about 4 or 5
years old, her m. ne trimmed and bob tail'd ;
his cloathing unknown, as he carried off a va
riety of cloaths ; it is probable he haa changed
his name, as he is a very artful, fenfihle fellow,
he can rend tolerably well; it is likely he may
hire hixafelt to drive a wrggon, being well ac
quainted with that business, driving for the ar
my during the war ; he also perhaps may have
The above reward will be given f«r the afor*-
said two negroes, viz. Nanny and Charles, i£
taken out of the state, or twenty dollars for
Nanny a» d child, if taken in this Itate, & 2 do.
Charley H taken in this Hate ai.d fee u red 1A jail,
so as I may pet them again. If brought home
ail reasonable charges (hall be paid by me.
March 3.
Twenty Dollars Reward.
RAN- AW AY from Spring Forge, in York
County, a negro man, named ISAAC, otfeer
<wi fe CUD JO, about 21 year* eld, the property
of ELobci t Colcmn; Hfq. He i* ab®ut 5 teet 8
inches high, ha* abUmifh in his eyes, r>ore N*rttc
in them thanoemrr.on, by trade a Ftrgeman ; had
♦n and t«ok with him a drab coloured broad clot'
coat, airnoil new, a Tailors jacket and pantaloons
printed fancy cord, a Iwanfdown striped under
?cket; a roruiu hat; one fine and one ooatfe
ihirr one muffin handkerchief, fprigg»d, two
ditto striped border, a Wue Persian under Jacket
and two pcir cottoM (lockings. Whoever take* up
fai* negro and lodges hiui in any jail in thi9 or any
of the neighbouring ftatcs lhatt have tke above re
ward or reasonable expencesif brought home.
Sprinf Forge, O&obcr 33,1799.
N. B. A £ said negro formerly lived in Chefttr
count y, it is yrobablc he may return tfcere.
November 5
The Subscriber
rAKES this method of once more informing
the Public, that the partnerihip of Mofei
'hapline and Robert M'Clure, which was enter
into for the purpose of retailing Goods in the
tvn ot Weft Liberty and Commonwealth of Vir
sia, on the tenth day ofAuguft, 1799, expired
ie tenth day of August 1793, agreeable to the
stipulated in their article of copartner(hipj
►ruarjr si.
3V9 Street.
GEORGE DAVIS Jias just received frcm Dub
lin, via New York, a very large Pared- of
Law Books, all bt the latest editions, which ren
ders hi# aflortmeot he believes the mole cxtenfive
and valuable on the continent. They will be
opened this day, and ready for faJeat any time af
The fubferibers to that important work, IVent
worth's Syjl<m of Pleading are informed that it i&
now arrived, and will be delivered on application.
I3lank Declaration* fettled and approved by tfce
molt diftinguifhcvi Law character*, to be had of
O. D.
March if,
To Merchants.
MERCHANTS Accounts elegantly
Books neatly and correctly pofieti, with
various other kinds of writing, by a person
thoroughly aeq-tali.ted with accounts.
Gentlemen extenfivtly concerned, may find
it to 1 heir intcreit to put bnfinefs in this line
into his hands as the iVittft cor.tidence may be
m hira and ample latiffusion given.
Addrfft i line to B- A. and leave it with the
p» i tef ftcr.ieof
Pniladelphia, March *9.
THE iKeprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan
der line of Stagts DISPA.TCH, return their
gru:tii-J thanks to their lrimds and t?he public in
general, for the pud favors they have received, and
inform thens that in addition to the rcgnlw Line,
thwy are pioVitied with Carriages,J*Mler andkarclul
dnprrsi to go tfrough between the City and
m two day*. Those who prefer this rr.«dc
of travelling can he accommodated at the Stage
Office, f:gn of United States Itagh., Market street,
Slough, Downing, Duntuoody & Co.
Nov. 30.
rnt Possessors
ed by the fkUcriW, for undivided Shares or
Ltfls on hiv our chafe within ih£ city ©f Wafhing
tot>, *ho have not ytt appiitd for and received
their Deed*, are hereby notified, that their fercral
Title* wi'l be duly completed to the ©idtiof those
who in conformity with t?he terms of the said Cer
tificates, do make the Payment* in full therefor,
either ti> Thomas Af'Eutn & Co. or to the yub
fcriber at Pniladelphia, on or ?.t any time before
tho 31ft day of May
December I*j
Valuable Estate,
KNOWN hy the name of the Booneton Iron
Works, fitnnt® in the rounty of Morris in the
Itat* of New-Jf rf<*y, con Ailing of a Forge with
fcni» fares, a Rolling and Slitting Will, a Grift mill
with two Run ot fl«iK* 9 and Saw mill, all in good
order and n»w in us«, together with an excellent,
large, '•nd convenient l-oufc, with cut-houfca of
every kind; among which are an Ice house, and
front milk hcrnfe, with a remarkable fine fpribg in
it* a large Garden, and an exreifcent tolle&ion of
Fruit, a large Orchard, and 1500 a*-res ol wood,
nature And arahle land, and a great number of
floret. and workmen** houfts Immediate pofieflion
will be given of houfei aftd flore* lulficietit for
providing frock the prefer, t winter, afid poHMliuti
of the whole in the ipring.
For term* inquire of David B Ogd#n at New
ark,-, fur Peter Mackic in Nfcw-York, mr. David
Ford in Morrit Town, or meflrs. and Rich
ard Farfch on the prc&iilcs.
Janaarv H
For the accommodation of th« Farmers of Spring
field, and aH other jdericnf who are incline*
to purchttft, the fubferiber is difj-ofed
LYING in Springfield townfiup, Burlington
county, ana State of New Jerfe.y, being a
part of that capital property Well known by the
name of
Bullus's Estate,
containing two hundred and ten acres, of which
twenty-(even are excellent swamp wood land, up
wards of ninety acre* are as good meadow as any
in the county, an ! the residue isjine upland; ihene
are thred public ro*ds that run through the land.
The fubferiber will attend at the hoafe of Mr.
John Tonkins in Springfield, until the firft day ot
April next, in order to (hew thel.uad and r-teive
yropnlaU eith« ior lots or the whole, as may suit
March 17
Thirty Dsllars Reward.
'IT'ROM the Marine Barrack* otr the night of thr
X? 14th inti JOHN OSBORN, born in the
to*n of Bedford, Weft Ghfflw count/ and fiate
of New York, ag~d 21 years, 9 months, 5 feet
S and a quarter inches high, grey eyv, (fongqued)
light hair, ruddy complexion,-pock marked, by
trade a Shoenaaker. JiMtfted by Lieutenant 'Key
nolds iu Stcphbu's Town* near Alhasy the 15th of
June last Ha<l on and took with him a fbort
round blae cloth coat with a red cape, a- J>lue
cloth coatee, a few white wailieo&ts, a long grey
mixed cloth coat anc bredchci, a pair oi Soot*, a,
chocolate coloured great coat trimmed wnji black
hair p!a(h, i. furr h»« fcalf worn, 3tid two 61vt r
watches, one a wu.rdle lize, the other fmali. He
may impose hin~ l'eif on some family or gentleman
as a waiter, as he ha* a&ad in that capacity
Whoever apprehends said Deserter, and fccures him
in jail, fends him to Headquarters, or delivers fcim
to ar»y ©f the Marine officers, or an / officer of the
army of the United States shall receive the above
reward and all reasonable charges.
Adjutant Mcrirte Cor/w
January 16.
No. 1 ? South Second Street,
For Colds, Coughs, Catarrhs, Afth
inas, Sore-throats, and approaching Con
THOUSANDS are too well acquainted with |
nature and effedls of cu-.piricji mcdicim s !
daiiy offered for the cure of the above Lom
plaints ; dear bought experience has taught
them that oiiy and heating medicines joined
with strong opiates (or fle?py drugs) lepeated
doses of which* Jitter an<j deceive the patient
for the prefei t. by procuring momentary eai'e j
expefience, I fay, has taught thousands that
th-* common opiates and balsams, as they are
called, finally aggravate eyery disorder of the
brc-ft and lungs in their rnoft fymp»
towjs ; that they load the ttomach a«d impair
rhe digeftioh, Inflame the whole system, increase
t>he difficulty of br and evcite fever.—
Uvit rhe qualities of tjais valuable difeovery arc
cvl,«c;ed bv pcrfe<9ly opposite effedls. A SIN
GLE TRIAL WILL PROVE that it rrftores
the determination of the fluids to th« fur face of
the bod/, and b ings on the common, healthful
perfpiratjon 5 that it diflodgts and evacuates
the tuUgh, viscid phlegm,, or mucus, ftreagth
en* the weakened veflbls of the lungs, fhjathes
the acrimonious humours which irritate the
lungs, and finally (jifchargts them. Thus ftri- 4
king fct the root of the ditorder, the symptoms
are cf cowrfe* effodwally and permanently con
quered, the rcyerfe of common medicines,
which weaken the conftitutiou and give Jfcrengtb
to the difordtr, for the ffcke of moderating for
the present, some ©f its painful effe&a.
Who may have Children ajflictcd vjitb the
1 *t-§
This dlffcovery is of the 6rft magnitude, as it
affords immediate relief, checks the progress,
•aitd in a thort tirfie entirely removes the most
cruel difonder to which children arc liable ; the
Elixir is so perfe<sVly agreeable and the dofc so
small, that no difficulty arifcl if» taking it.
Genuine Eflence and Extmß of
For fl'.heumatifm«, Gout.Palfey, Sprains, See.
z great number of attef'ed cures m*y be i'ecn
it tlu place of sale Dr. Hamilton's Grand
Refioratii/efor constitutions debi!hat*d by in
temperance of any kind ; and for rb« <ure of
Nervous (Complaints, Inward Weajsnefs, Ob
ftinn'e G)etr'»i Fluor Albus in women, <tc.
Hamilton's julily celebrated Worm Lozen
jres, tks infallible Itch Ointment, Dr. Lerdux's
Indian VigdUßlt Sjittiflc for Venereal Coin
pUints, Agur and PeveT Drops which had nc
vei fails" efl'c<3iny a cure, Dr. Hahn's Anti
bilious Pill, ditto Corn Plaifler, the Persian
Lotistl (he face and tfin, Gnwlaiid's Lo
ti-n, Church's Drops, Anderfon's Pills,
Snmuel Blotlget.
Is recommended ( particularly to the Ladie*)
as an elegant asd pleat':nt preparation for chop
ped and fore lips, an.d every blen.ilh and incon
veisience oCcafioaed \ y colds, fevert. &c. fpee
dilv refioring a heam iful rosy colour and deli
cate l'oftneli to the lips.
Th»>t excellent preparation comforts and
the purr**. preserves the enamel
fn m decay, whitvna thetcei",
auiorbihg all that acrimonious (lime and foul
n«rft, which fuftereri to accumulate, never fails
to imuie and frualfy ruin ;hrm-
gf Thole who with to prrenre the medicine®
genuine, must apply OMY £« above.
Wholesale ptirchafers will receive a liberal
allowance by application t<» I.EE & Co. Balti
more, who have obtained the genwal agency
for the United State*.
Feb. 26
BY virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas to
me out of the DiflrivSt Court
of the t)nited Stat** in and for the PctUifylvama
Differ i&, will be iolti by public vendu<, at the City
tavern, in Second street, in the city of Philadelphia,
011 Friday the 4th day ef April next,at fix o'clock
in the afternoon, I upti-vid-d third part of two cer
tain Messuage and I Ots o! Ground situate on the
south fide of Walnut llj' laid city, beginning
at the corner of John Wail's lot and extending
feuthwardly 79 feet 6 inches to ground of Mi' rs
Fiftier, Rfq thence wellwardly 54 fvet to a corner,
thence fouthw irdly xx fefct 6 inches or thereabout
to ground of David H Conynpharn, thence weft
wardly 46 feet to an alley, thente *M?ofs fa id alley
55 feet to a corner, thence tiftwarJly 46 feet,
thence northwardly »o Walnut street 47 lect,
thence taiiwardly 011 the iaid street 54 fe*c,to the
place of beginni*;g, fubj-jS to a rent, charge of
thirty five pounds per annum, witli th« use and
privilege «f the fa id alley, running into Dock
street; all those City l»ts marked in the general
Plan No. .1537, 1738- 15.39. 's4°. 's4*, the
weft fide of Third Ur?et lr»m between
Locua and Walr.ui llreets ; 1537, containing in
breath sixty feet and 111 depth 247 fefrt 6 inches ;
the others being contiguous; in breadth
150 t and in depth 247 leet 6 inrhes; all those
City Lou i-un.bcied 1393. U94. '395 i *39 6 .
»397 and on the north fide of Walnut street
between Fiith and Sixth fireets, from Schuylkill
being each of them 66 feet in front and 235 feet
in depth. Alio, that meffuago and traA of
Land, partly in I.ower Dublin townfliip, Philadel
phia county, and partly in Montgomery county,
confuting 29 4-2 the fame more or leis.
Seized and taken ib 1-x-ctition t»thc property of
T0!..-. Bonaldfon, Elq.
JOHN HALL, Marflral.
Marflsal's Office. March 1 7,1800. rot?.
fort The tiSTH ASD cvms.
Red Clover.
Saint Foin.
Herd Grass.
Orchard do.
Rye do-
Rape and Hemp.
PATENT PLOUGHS, whicß are (aid to be more
durable than any heretofore invented, and lound
on experience to diminilh the laboiir Loth of man
and beast
No. 40 South Sit end Street, Philadelphia*
February 13. tu&t Bw.
No. vj, North Water-ftieet,
ENTITLED to drawback, which they offer for
sale at moderate prices for cajh, or the utual
tfedit ; or on a credit of J 2 or iS month* upon
Mortgages on Real Property, in or near the City
of Philadelphia, or other fatisfa&ory security.
sO boxes and bales Tick
bp do.
en linens.
50 do.
50 do Patterbornes.
25 do. Bielfield Linens.
11 do Creas and Creas
a la Morlaix.
Brown Rolls.
Polity Rolls.
Bed Ticks.
Empty Bags.
Oil Cloths.
Shoes and Slippers.
Soil and upper Leather.
Quills and Sealing Wax.
A package Gold and Sil
ver Watches.
A few cheftsToys.
Slates and Pencils.
70 hhds. Havanna Mo
February 15
Of the City of Philadelphia, Merchant,
ON the 9th day of Aug. 1799, affignfd all his
Estate, real, personal and mixed, to JOHN
—Allperfons indebted to the said rfcotnai Haw
thorn wto tfca late hocie of Hawthorn and Kerr,
are desired to pay their nJTp><sive balances tb
Febroary 11
THE Parterfcip of JQHN HAINES & WIL
LI AM JONES, trading under the firm •{
H ' I NfcS # JONES, was by mutual agreement
drflblved oo the 24thof January last. Ail persons
interdict, cfpeciatty tjiofe iudvbted to them, will
plvafe to call as ejrly a* poiHblc on IViUiavt Jonet,
who is 6u\y au:hrrife<3 to adjutt their concerns.
The bufinefi will in furure be conduced by
William Jems, at the lemur f':ani No I 2 Mur
ker street. id door abov; 4th, where he has on
hai*4 and mean? to keep a regular supply of the
best and moil i.ifhionahL' raddles' and bridles Pla
ted fsddlcry and fiWer mounted whips. Marnefs
of all kimU and fire buckets, together with a gen
eral aflbrtmenr of every other article usually at
tached toth-tt ifr»e of tmfiaefs.
March J1
Or Rented for a term of Tears,
With a Lot thereunto belonging,
QITUATE in Duck Creek, Cross Roads
•sJ KentCoumy, Stale or Delaware, fronting
on the Main Street, thera are on the lower
Floor, five Rooms and an Entry, with 4
number of well Rooms up States, a
Cellar under the whole Building, a Brick kitch
en, a hump of good Water, with a Stable, Car
riage H»;ufe and Sheds, tbfc whole Improvements
are in go- d repair. The Seat is well calculated
for ettrte»' a Store or T ivern, the latrer of which
ii has beer occupied for a number oi years with
cofifid:rab!e fucci'fs. The titoariou is dry and
the Country around being very healthy arid a
pi ce of Trade, it will be well
worth th*- attention of any per Ton wlfhing to
f>»>rcha'e or rent.
For further particulars apply to the Sub
fv. ribcr at the aforefaid place.
eoiw »awtP.
January 8'
AN 1 attachment wa> lately iflued out of the in
ferior court of common pitas of the county
of KflVx in the state oi New Jersey. dire&cd to
(h« fhcrilTof the fitfd county, agaiuft the rights,
t rcdits, monies afcvi cffefls, vjood* and chattels,
Unas and tenement* ol J&n Cities Symmes at the
fuitoi William Wells, in a pRa of trespass on the
cafe to his damage thr*ethoufond dollars; —
And whereat, the said fherrffdid, at the term of
June latl past, return to the said court that he had
attached the defendant by a certain bond given by
Matthias Denmaß and Samuel Meeker to the said
defendant, to the amount of i.ear two thousand
dollars, and alio by fixcy land warrants
Now therefore, unless ihe said John Cleves
Symmes {hall appar,give special hail, and recrive
a declaration at th« suit of the plaintiff, judgment
wili. b« entered agyinft h'nn, and hi* property
■ herem attached, will be fold to the
» flatute in such cafe made and prov ; ded.
Aaron Ogden, Clerk, is?e.
Elizabeth-town, July 8,J?99
13 pipes old Port Wine.
45 boles Tumblers as
do. Hemp-
aOO boxes Hamburgh
Window Olafs 8 by
16, See.
do. Ozna
1 chest a (Tor ted Looking
Several large elegant do.
1500 Demijohns.
50 kegs Pearl Barley.
A few tons Roll Brim-
10 legs Ochre.
A few bbls* Rolin,
40 tqns Rufiia Hemp.
86 bhds. Hogs Brifties.
a hhds. Dutch Glue.
ao calks Nails' assorted
from 3d. to aod.
16 calks Ironmongery.
8 ca&s Hoes.
German Steel,
6 hhds. Coffee mills.
Blocking Twine, Tapes,
Stone Pickling Pott,
See &c.
Acting Assignee.
1o New York,
By the ftorteft and moll plcjfiut road —pafling
through Frankford, BuftttUin, Newtown,
Pennington, MMftoue, Botndbrook, Union
Camp, Scotch l'lsins, Springfield and New
flarti from the preen Tree, No* J° Nortk
Fourth Street, at 2 o'clock every'meaning, and
arrives at New York early tue next evening.
From New York it ftarcs at 9 o'clock <*very
tyty (Sondays excepted ) and arrive* at Phila
delphia, early the next evening.
Haw for paflfeager-s 5 dollars, way paflenger*
6 cents per mile. Each pafienger allowed 14J0
of baggage. One hundred and fitry weight of
baggage to pay the faxpe as a pafienger.
All baggage to be at the rifle of tJie 8W«f»
unless info rep an.d receipted for by the clerks
of the different office*. Rate of infurancc one
per cent.
*s* Apply to JOUN MCALtA, No. 50
N-»cth Ffcurik Street, Philadelphia, and to
Court! aM Strset, N.E. corner o? Greenwich
Street, New fork
January 3,
This Day Published,
By J. Ormboo, No. 41, Chefiwt Street,
Death of General Wajhington.
In imitation of th« manner of Oflian.
By Rev. John B. Linn, A.M.
Miniflter of the First Prefcyterian Congregation
£5" Mr. Chjudroti's Oration will 6e publilhed
on MonJay morning.
Murch 15. d;
Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works,
HAVING procured a fufficiint 'lumber of
ihcmoll approved European GlafsManu
fuflurers, afld having on hand a large flock of
the befl Materials, on which their workraeaare
now employed, have the pleasure of alluring
the public, that window plaf> of a superior qua
lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by a*
inches, carefully packed in boxe« containing
ico feet ea h, may be had at the (horteft notice.
Glafa of larger iTzes for other purposes, may
also be had, such i> for pictures, coach glaflei,
clock faces, &c. Bottles of all kinds and of any
quantity may also be had, together with pocket
Halts, pick'ingjars, apothecary's (hop furniture,
•r other kullo'w ware—tte whole at least if per
cent, lower than articlea of the fame
brought from any of the sea ports of the United
States. A liberal allowance wilt be marfe on
sale of large quantities. Order* fram merchants
and others will be punftually attended to on ipr
plication to JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC
CRAIG, or at the Storedf MeO"r«. PRATHER
andSMILIE, in Mai kef-Street, P ttfourgh.
Mirclt 4,
To be Bartered,
A hapdforac Three Story
Of modern construction and ivcll built
WITH the best mateiUli, fitutted in a very
plwf-Dt and healthy part of the totrnat
a moderate difbace from the centre of the city.
Enquire v the Office of the Gazette of tke Uai
aited .States.
March 16,
Valuable Property for Sale,
ChefhHt, near Sixth street, dicetSUy opposite
A' LOT of ground, about %l feet front in Chef-
L J. nut ftrect an 2 73 feet iu depth, whereon is a
goou frame houCe, now in the tenure of Sr.muel
Benge fuhj-.<& to a ground rent of aot. per annum.
The, advantageous fitoatiaft of this property re
quires no comments, for it mu£l be known, there
are few ii this city to equal it, an uneccoptionable
title will be made to the purchaser. Apply to
No. 198, Ci.'.fuut il. Dcit door to the pramifes,
inarch 5 ' tu.tb la-tf
FROM the United States Frigate Philadel
phia, t)AV!D PEVINE, by trade a Shoe
maker, born in Ireland, 13 years of age, 5 feet
6 inches high, light complexion and hair—alio,
WATSON LUDLOW, by trade a Shoe
maker, bern in New-Jerfsy* 33 yelrs cf age,
S feet 10 inches high, dark hair ar.d complexion-
Whoever will taki up f»id Deserters and deli
ver them on board thefaid frigate, (hall receive
ten dollars reward for each, and reafona&le
March I*.
Lents Reward.
RUN away from the Subfcrther on the evening
of th« aiitli iivft. a bound Servant GIRL,
named Elizabeth Howchel, had on end took with
h rjthree different changes of garment and money,
proud, bold and iirpatJeM, a noted lyar j any p»r
fon apprehending her fhalU-e e«titied to the ab»TO
reward—no cofls*or.
Nt B, She had 1 years and iame months to fcrve.
daniil rrrzpATnicjt.
Gofhen Tov.nilvip, Ghefter Cuuniy, ]»ly 19.
uigufl t j»wtJ
f Voi.vvk fcVIl
(Price 25 Cents)
tuth tf.
ra&w tf.