JUST RECEIVED, From the BdSTOF Manufactory, a tnJAtturt ot WINDOW GLASS, Of different sizes, FOR SALE IT ISAAC HARVE^-JWK. N . 5 . Any fa: or Gzestltat irity.be wsiitrfcu; Urger thin t8 bv it .can be had from fjid maiuniilo ty, on being ordered; and attenrioA given tolorward 00 soy orders th« m*y b« ftfc for that purpose Apply at No. 9, Sooth Wner-ftreet, at above. WAR DEPARTMENT, iiarcb 6, I 800. PROPOSALS WILL be receTved at thi« Office until the seventh day of April next for rutting out cloathing for the Army of the United States. The prnpofalj mull fpecify the price required for cuttire out each of the several articles, to writ, Horseman's cloaks, regimental coats, veils and overalls. PROPOSALS will also be received until the seventh day of April next for the delivery of five thousand hats and twenty thonfand shirts. The hats to be made of good wool toT>e well ma nufactured, full cocked, bound with, narrow black binding, the fan »r hiM part eight inch es broid, fides and corners fix irtches broad. — The fhirls to be of linen equal in quality with the pattern *rtjtlt, anil to be as well made as le said pattern. One half of the hats and fliirts to be daliver »ii or hifore the Srll day nt June Aext, and the remainder on or before the firfl day of July next- Patterns of the several articles may be seen at th^Military Stores feept by John Harrii,on the wharf between Arch and Race street». Security will be required. ' JAMES Me. HENRY, Secretary of War. dt! A. March 7. WATER-OFFICE. Centre Square, Febcuary j, ißod. IN compliance with the inftru&ions of the Committee for watering the city, and with my own inclinations, every poflible admit tance and information has been given to tbofe citizens who have visited the "Worfcs during their progress. The Engines are now arrived, and ate immediately to be put up, and it is hoped that it will be thought rea sonable and just, both to the Public, and to the Gontraftor for the Enjrines, that the workmen (hould not be interrupted. AS 4 vt'ry few months will fully gratify the cu liofuy of the citizens, by shewing tWin the Jiiigines it) full operation, a temporary ex clusion of all vifitorsfrom the Engine houses iannot appear improper. B. H. LATROBE, Engineer. February 13. dtf. WtlX Bk EXPOSED ffo SAL®, (At Public Ve.idue) On Second Day, tht nti> of this ImtiiM, ON Ttr r_p*Rwish, SEVERAL LOTS OF I,AND, PLEASANTLY fituaud on the main road leading from Philadelphia to New York, in Lower Dublin townlhip, in tht county of Philadel phia, between the 10 and ir mile ftoncs, contain ing from one to five acres each; one other Lot, containing about thirty acres, lying on the road leading from said road to Buftleton ; there arc pn said lot a good stone dwelling house, a.good apple orchard, about fix acres of well timbered land, the remainder cleared and in a good state of cul tivation . For further particulars, enquire ®f the owner, on the premises. JONATHAN PAUL. jd month, 13th. 1 THE UNDERsrr,A T £D, TTIS Sw?difli Majesty's Consul General, and au- JLJL thorized to tranfaA the Conlular Biifinefs, for his Majesty the KiDg of Denmaak in the United States of America, residing at Philadelphia, tiereby gives public Notice, That in obedience to recent in£ru&ion? received from his government, it is the duty of all Maflers of Swedilh and Danilh vcffels, before their failing from any port in the said States, to call upor him •r the Vice Consul, in oritr to be granted such Certificates for their Cargoes, which the exigency of the Aate of the Neutral Commerce ani the fe ver.d Decrees of the Belligerent Power?, render indifperfably neccflary, and, that any Matter of veffcls belonging to the refpe&ive nations, or na vigating wader the proteAion of thoir flags, in omitting to take such certificates, will pcrfonally ftJud refpoefible for the conferences. RICHARD SODERSTROM. Philadelphia, ißt> December, 1799. VALUABLE MaL £st AtE. TOR SALE About 25 acres of Land i LAYING on the east fide of the Falls Road— On the East it is bounded by property belong ing to Mr. Tench Francis, fen.—on the south, by a road of two perches, and Oto the north by 4 lane, which separates it from Mr. M'Call. It is propo sed to divide this land into 3 equal parts in order to fait the pur chafer*. Also, 31 acres, situated on the weft fide «f Germautown road, adjoining Mafters's estate, beiilf* part of the property of the late Samuel Mifflin. For terms apply to Samuel Miffiii, corner of Market and nth Itreets. January 24. dtf. TWENTY DOLLARS BEWARD. TO AN AWAY on Saturday evening the 13th Ja. July inftattt, from Cnlebrock Furnace, Lantaucr county, a Negro Man named Cato, he is about 40 years of jge, five feet fix or se ven inches high, tolerable black, with a down iU look, squints, he is a cunning artful fellow, i great liar, and very fond of flrong liquor, hat been brought up to the farming bufineis, is very handy at any kind ot lab wing work; he took with him a number of clothing, amoogfi whi;h were, one fiiit plain Nankeen; (feme money). It isexpeded he hasfliapedbiscourfe for Philadelphia er New York. *-(■* The above reward will bepaid for fe-r curing bin) i n any giol in the United States, with reasonable charges if brought heme. SAMUEL JACOBS. Colebrosk Furnate, July 16, 1799: (OiS dim NICRLIN and GRIFFITH HAVE. FOR SALE small ehefts of Ginghams, on board 4 ditto of colored Muflinets, the ship 4 hales of St. Fernando Serges, [ Neftor,in 4 ditto of Camblets, j tbe river 10 ditto of colored and white j from Caffimerss, J Liverpool 14 trunks of printed Callicoes, The above are in small affortedpackages calculated either for the IVeji India or borne trade, 30 tons Lead, in pigs, 8 tons of dry White Lead in hhds. 17 calks of fine dry Yellow Paint, 6 ditto of Mineral Black, I ditto of ditto White, 10 ditto of Coleothar, 3 ditto of Purple Brown, jo cases English China Ware in letts, 36 calk* of Nails aflorred, 300 barrels pickled Salmon, 80 half ditto ditto, 80 barrels Herrings, 10 ditto Shad, I© ditto Mackarel, 7 calks of Porter in'bottles, 20 puncheons Rum, 190 pipes of Brandy, 4-h proof, 15 pipes old Madeira Wine, 27 quarter chests Young HyfonTea, 13 boxes of Imperial r!:tto, EngliJh Gunpowder, HF Porged Copper Nails and BoUs, Sail Canvass, Empty Wine Bottles, Cork in sheets, Green Coffee in hhds. ft hrvary j3 UNSEATED LANDS. THE OWNERS OF Untested l ands in WcCmorehma county, Pennsylvania, are hereby notified, that un left the Tax«» due on said land» for 1798, are paid into the hand® of John Brandon, E/f. trcafuier of said county, on or before the acth of April next, they will be advertised for fiV-*, as the law dire&i TAMES M'GREW, ") HENRY ALLSHOUSE, yComtn'rf. JEREMIAH MURRY, J Jtnuary jB. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, March 'tit, 1799. PUBLIC notice is hereby given, Pfirfiiant to the iG of Cengreft passed on the Ift day of Ju»e, one ihoi>fand, fe»en hun dred snt! ninety fix, entitled " an Jfl reguitt ing the gr»ni< appropriated for mili tary farvices, »od for the focioty of United Brethren for the fjofpcl Ohor.g the Heuhen ; and the ift fupplemcstary to the said recited ICt polled on tiltl riatld day of March, snethoufand frven hundred andnine tyning" to wit: THAT the traSi of Lattd herein after de fdribed, namely, " beginning at the North Weft corhcr of the fcVea rtftfits of tcwnftiipa, and running thence fifty miles due fouih, along the western boundaiy ot tba said ranges;—thence due Weft to the Main Branch of tli-e Scioto ri ver ; thence up the Main Branch of the ted ri ver to the place where the Indian boundary line crofTee the fame;—thence along. laid boun dary hne to the Tufcaroras branch of the Mi»f kingum river at the eroding plice abt ve Fort Lawrence ; theficc down the said river, to the point where a line run due weft from the place of beginning, trill inttrle£\ the said river; thence along the fine so run to tha place of be ginning has been dividtd. into townlhips of five ihiles fquaie, and fraclionalparts of town ships ; aftd that plats and ftirvkys of the laid tovmfhips and fra&ional parts of townlhips are deposited in the offices of the Rf gifter of the Trealury and Surveyor General, for tfce inspec tion of all perfoßs concerned. 11. The holders of ftich warrants as have been or (hall be grantod foir military lervieesperform ed during the late war, are required to present the fame to the Register of the Treasury, at some t.rre prior to the twelfth day of Februaiy in the yeai\ one thousand eight hundred, for the purpose of bein£ j No registry will however be made of any left quantity than a quarter townfaip, or four thoufnd acres. 111. The priority ofldcawon of tfet warrants which may be presented and rerifterediin manner afore - said, prior to the utb day of February in the year odc thenfand eight hundred, w;M imandiate- Jy after the said day, be determined by lot, in the mode dtefcribe'd by the ail firft recited. The holders of regiflered warrant#, {hall da Monday the 17th day of February, in the year 1800,1 n the order of which the priority of locati on (hall be determined by lotas aforefaid, pefon aliy.or by their agents, defignatein writing at the office of the Regjfler of the Treasury, the particu lar quarter townftips ele&ed by them refpedUvely, and such of the said holders as (hall rot defignatr their locations on the said day, (hall be postponed in locating such warrants to all othtfr h :rldei'* of regiftercri warrants. The holders of warrants for military services fuffceient to cover one or more quarter towufhipa or tra&s of four thousand acreicach ; (hall, at any time after Monday the 17th day of February, *BOO and prior to the firft day ol January, t&ojf, be al lowed to register the said warrants in manner a forefaid, and forthwith to make locations therefor on any tra& or tta&s of land not before located. All warrants or claims for lands on account of military fcrvice*, which ihallnotbe regifterad and located before the firft day of January, i8o», are by the supplementary ,a& of Congrcb herein br f ore recite;), paflcd nn ths second day of March, 1799, declared to be forever barred. Given under my hind at Philadelphia, ths day and year above mentioned. 'OLIVER WOLCOTT. Sec. of the Treasury, TREASURY DEPARTMENT. May 29tk, 1799. THE proprietors of certificates ifTurd for sub scriptions to the Loan bearing interest at eight per centum per annum, are notified, that at any time after payment lhall have been made of the sth inftalnient, which will become due during the firft ten days of the month of July enfning, Certificates of Funded Stock may at their option be obtained at the Treasury or Loan Offices, refpe&ively, for the amount of the four firft infialmenls, or ose moiety of thefums ex prefiedin the fubfciiptioncertificates:—Ne cer tificates of Funded Stock will however be iflued for less than one hundred dollars. Such fubfeription certificates as idly bepre •nted at the Treifury or Loan Offices in con eqtlenee of the foregoing arrangement, will be ndorfed and diftindlly marked (o as to denete, that a moetv of the flock has been iflued. OLIVER WOLCOT7, Secretary of tbe Treasury. A N£4V MUSICAL REPOSITORY IS NOW OPKNF.D At Chalk's Circulating Library, No. 75 North Tbird Street, WHERE may be h?i, all the Fajbionable Music compofin£ the song* &c lately fold ax the Rcpofitory in Souch S.-cond Street. To in a few days, wilf be added, some NANO FOtf"fT?S of a very superior tone and qualify, Flutes, Fifes, Violin*, he.'t Roman Violin Strings, arid every other articl- in the musical line, wfcich will be fold in prinve order, and o* the moll reasonable term* Subfcriptioni received for the Muftcal 'Journal for the Piano Force, a-H the Flute pr Violin, lha firlt fix numbers of which are already publilhed, and way l>e purchased together or fvparately by new fubfcnhcrft Mafch 6,1800 WHEREAS Mathew trwin did on the Bth day ol July T 797 make an affignmentof his cftate an 1 to us the subscribers, for the be nefit of such of his creditors, as should on or before the loth of September, 179?, execute to him a full and final dilchaiye—Now thofc (ff his creditor? who are entitled to a dividend under said align ment are r«.qae(led to funilh their amounts to Samuel Nick -r, with intcrell calculated up to the Bth day o July, 1797, as a rfividend will abW.ute ty be ft rut k on the firflday of April next, and those who negleA te comply with this notice will there after be excluded from the benefit ot the fame. Philip Nicklin TrirjlffJ Samuel Meeker Natb'l Lewis, by bis Ads. Pearson Hunt 1 John M. Taylor J Philadelphia, March 14 RE. Public arckutionedagainft receiving the J SuhfciibrrS Note in favor of, and indor sed by- r i homas W. Francis, dated yefter*!ay, at 6c day* after date for £ight huhdred iToliars. The note is in the hand writing of the Suhfcri ber, and at the bottom a memorandum by the iodflrfcr,-to the credjit of the drawer, Thomas W. Fnr.cis. Ttfifc note together with* con trail between Charles Williamfori, and Charles Hale for lands in township, No. 4, in the 3th range of Strutter county, state ofNew*Jerfey, andftuftjJ j other papers contained "m a Pocket BOOL . wrere Jaken from the ttabferiber* d«ik last evening. As ihe above can be of no use t* the person « sco has carried them off, fhhould they be returned, no quefiions (hall fee asked. Fcbru A CERTIFICATE of one Share ef the Bank of the United Sta'cs,.No. 19120, in the name ot Lewis Peter Quirtyn, and a Certificate of two Shares «f the faiH Bauk, No 191 !>, ij the name of George Jas ts Ch*tltnoodely, Earl of Lh dcly, were for-varded from N-'.v York by the' CTielUrfield Eritifh Packet for Falmouth, wkich v.'aß captured by the French, and the Certificates I6TI or destroyed. and for W.ich application i, made at said Kaitk for the renewal there ;!, of which all periods concerned arc desired to takj notice. CLEMEN r BIDDLfc. djm. February it TO BE SOLD FOR CASH, OR Ky.fHANGKD, For property in lie City, or ivitbin thirty miles of it, A PLANTATION or trjfl of Lind in Mifflin County and State of PennfyWa nia, within £x milts of the river Juniata, con taining about 330 acres. There art about fifty acres cleared, part of which is 2 rith bottom, watsied by a conitant llrtam that is ftrorig • uougb to work an oil or a gritt mill Any person inclining to deal for it, may obtain fur ther lr.formatr'/n by .ppfying at the ofS.e- of this gtzette. N. B. If fold, cred.t will lij given for p»r: of the money. O-Sober 1799. ct:. Or to fce exchanged far. a good Vcflcl, AN elegant hew two fiery FRAME PJQUSE, twenty seven feet ft out by thirty-four in depth, with a commodious prnzsa *nd kitchen, to gether with a ccach hcnTc add ftablu, situate in the fiouriihiag village of Frankford. The houfc, which may be entered the xirft of June ne*e, will fee finifhed in the ncarcft stile with many conveni ences, and viU be well adapted to a large gcntee! family who may wilh to resile in the country du ring the summer feofon. In exchange, it will be value J low, if a veflel offer that may be fuitabic. Further particulars will be made known by *;j plication to MOORE WHA'RfbSt. Fehrua-ry 14. United States, ? Pennsylvania District. J 1 ' BY ADJOURNMENT, BY virtjfK of a w fit of Venditioni exponas* to me duelled, iffucd out of the circuit court of the United States, in and for ihc Pennsylva nia Diftril), of the tpiddie circuit, will be fold by public vendue at the city tavern, in Second street, in the oity of Philadelphia on Satur day the sth day of April next, at 7 o'clock in the evening, all that certain tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being on the river or creek called Lackavvaxec, in the county cf i Wayne, containing 8000 acres and upwards; on which are erected * mefiuage, ftablea and lawmill» with the appurtenances.—The name# of the original warrantees of the fa;d tract or pJnrcel of land were as follows. Mordecai Roberts, Stopbel MecLra, Zacbariab Ferris, George Till, Tb omr.s Wiggir.i, George Morton, George Street9n y Friend S&eetOH, Jobri Olrpbant, Seized and taken in execution as the property of Robert Lettis Hooper, decctfed. JOHN HALL, Marshal- N. B. A reasonable credit will be given, Marshal's Office, Philadelphia, March 17, * Tbefi tzuo fraSs do not contain tix full quantity of the orignal warrants ; ftu t of ibtm having been conveyed aiuay. NOTICE. m&th.tf CAUTION SAMUEL MIFFLIN. NOTICE. FOX SALE. John Till, George Wartyn^ Benjamin Hancock, Echosril Welsted, James Thompson, Joseph Whitehead, Patrick Connolly, Tbamat Qriffy, > „ William Halbert. \ eotj A Territory of the United States, NortkjPeJl of the river Ohio. For the information of r.ofi reftknts, proprietors of lands situate and lyifcg vritfi'fc said territory. By a lav) passed in the general assembly of said territory, on the 19 tb of December, A. D. 1799, entitled " An Aft levying a Territorial Tax on Land," all lands lymr r.'itbin said territory, tbe property of individuals, non-residc\ts, as well as resiiltrtft, are subjected, to taxation to de defrjy territorial expences. EXTRACTS FROM SAID LAW Publifbed by Authority Sec. 8. And he it further enaStd, That there (hall be paid within this territory, the following taxes, for every hundred acres of land, and so in proportion for a greater or frfialler quantity : the land fha'l be divided into three claflcs, according to thequ lity, that ij to fay, firft. second and third rate— the firft rate fhal! be taxed at eighty five cent*, second rate at sixty cents and the 3d rate at twenty-five cents, per hundred acres* which said taxes (hall be p>aid annually in the manner described by this a& ; and the following rule (hall be observed in rating any trail of land to wit—when a greater part of a trad (hall be superior in point of quality to second rate land, it (hall be deno minated firft rate ; when a. greater part of a trad (hall be inferior to firft rate and su perior to third rate in point of quality, it (hall be denominated second rate ; and when the greater part of a tra& of land (hall be inferior to second rate, it (hall be denomi nated third rate land—taking into view the furface of the earth as well as the quality of the foil. Provided always, That nothing herein contained (hall be construed to fub jeft to taxation, any lands lying within the limits of the contrast made by John Cleves Syramrs and his aflociates, with the hoard of treasury, and without the boundaries of their paterrt, until the fame (lull have been granted by the United States : Andprov'i ded alio, That the unimproved lands in the vincennis and Illinois country, (hall not be lifted at higher than second rate. Sec. 10. dnd bt it further enaSed, That the territory (hall have a perpetual lieu or every (raft of land add every part thereof, for the amount of all taxes, and to per ten turn interest thereon, from the firft day of Septesibei.; and no alienation of lands be longing to iiny person, or in enter ing or lifting the fame, (hall the claim or lieu of this territory, until the taxes and interest thereof due from such person, are paid. Sec. 11. in Jbe itfurther IntiScd, That the tentorial auditor and thfc clerk of the peace of each county refpeflively, (hall ksep a book for the purpose of entering lands of non refidtnts in manner and form hercinaf tef dire-fled. All nOn residents lhall enter their lands with the auditor, or with tie clerk of the peace of the country in which the land lies, on or before the firft day t<( July, who (hall administer an oaih to the person delivering such lift, or by any ocher mean 3 protfure fatisfadory information for the purpose of afcertainiog the quality ot such land, placing it ih its proper class, un der the name of the county in which it lira ; and every noil r.fideut (hill enter his Or her land, agreeably to the rules and Wgulaiiin of this a£fc, as ih <.aft of rtfideots. All tax es on lands, lifted by the commissioner, and returned to the clerk asafosefaid, (hall be paid, with interest thereon, te the (tariff or et'lltftor, as the cafe may be. And the taxes on all lands, lifted by the audi* tor (or by the clerks of the peace and cer. tided to the auditor) with the interest that may be due thereon, (hall be paid te the territorial treaftrrir or to the (heriff or col leflorof the proper county, but thetreafu rer (hall not receive from the ion resident, soy raxes, unlcfe such son refidenj pay the fame before the firft day of August, annu ally, nor Until such non resident (hall pro duee to him, a certificate frt>m ths auditor ®r the clerk of the peace refpeftively, of the quality of the land, for which he or (h- is rbout to pay the tax, wi.h the amOuht due tlitreon, which certificate (hall be, by the treasurer, filed in his office. The auditor 0/ the territory andthe clerk of the peacfc of th<- several counties refpeflively, (hall keep books ot' transfers ; and every noli resident, *ho has entered hi» or her lands, in manner aforefaid, may, on the transferring the fame or any part thereof to any other per son or persons, have the alteration made with the auditor or clerk of (he f>c,ice ref peSi. Ely, and charged to the person or per sons to whom transferred, and such person lhall be chargible with "the tax of such land or lands hereafter 5 and each person having the alterat on made, (hall pay to the auditor or clerk of the peace refpefh'velv, twenty five cents, tohis own use. And it (hall be the further duty of the auditor, in the month of Augutl, yearly and every year, to trans mit to the clerks of the peace of the several coutitiei refptedtively, a certified ext raft cf all lands entered in hit office, tf alteration! therein ma le in the preceding year, noting thereon the tra&sof land bn which tbe tax es hare bee n "paid into the territorial treasu ry. Providd alvjsyt, 1 hat it (hall be the duty of the several clerks cf the peace, upon receiving from the auditor, a lift of tbe non reGdems' lands entered in his office, to make diligent search at;d enquiry of the non resi dents' lands lying in each of their refpefUre counties; and after comparing the said au ditorial lift with the lift of non residents' lands entered in his office, (hail proceed Co lift all the refi lue of 'he lands belonging to non-rcfidents not hefore lifted, noting the quantity anrf qu?!u'y of thi ftrvSrtl traSs of lartd, so fey hihrt difcove'ieiJ «tnd tlSt beftife en?#rtd, atrdfuch as hecar.oot with certainty afcert*:.-. the quality of, He rttMl «)ter as fecondrate ; end (hall nuke out and trarf-j mit one copy to the territorial auditor, ajtd a second copy of fncli lilt the clerk ihall dt - liver to the (heriff or colleftor of the pro-, per county, to govern him in the taxes due thercoa, as in other c;>fea of non refidentj' lands. Sec. IJ And be it further enaScd, That the fheriff or colltflor lhall be auihorifed to fell so much of each trait of land charged with ta*es, at will discharge the amount thereof, with cods: Provided goods and chattels cannot be found thereon to the a mount. And the (heriff orcolle&or in that cafe, (hall adtertifij the time and place of sale one (ninth, at the door of the cpurt houfe, and also, at four other public places in his county ; and if the person claiming the land does not par the amount on or be fore the expiration of the time, the (heiiffor colleftor (hail proceed to fell ; after fucb sale, the fheriff or colleftor (hall deliver to the purchaser a certificate of the quaa tity of land fold, describing therein the traft that was charged with the tax, and the end or fide from which the quantity fold was taken, which (hall always be laid off as nearly in a square as the C uation will admit of : And the fur»eyor of the county, ott the receipt of such certificate, /half by him. felf or deputy proceed tofurvey the quantity fold as aforefnid, agreeably to the said oer tificatt, ard charge the purchaser with the expence of the fame. The surveyor or hi* deputy ?.i the cafe may be, shall give notice to the former owner, if in the county, or his agent, if any he has therein, of the day on which the furvsy is to be made : Ani upon the plat and certificate of survey being prefentfd to the (heriff or colleftor, it (hall be his duty to convey the f phutio ftrtir terpeftrceipiperi far thelto> oeficofthMfe caiKcrned. Mardhli. PfttNTEB BY J. W. fBNAO. rawfiw.