Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, March 27, 1800, Image 1

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    Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
A'axtpji 234.1.]
The prire of this Gazette is Eight
Dollars ptr annum to Subscribers residing
in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay
one Dnllar additional, for enclosing and di
recting ; and unles9\swne t person in this city
will become answerable for the subscription,
it must be paid Six Months in Advance.
%* A r o Subscription will be received for
a shorter term than six months.
Dec«i6her r 1799.
Market Street, '
Olfar forfait at reaionablo prices* for approved
pap*r» « r in batter for Coffee,
Entitled to Drawback:
?<o Cases Crcas a la- i cale Ladies 7 Shoes
Morlaix. 5 cases fine Elberfel..
4 do. TVvlafies Linens
4 do. Rouatis 4 do. Siamoifes
4 do PlatUlat Uoy- 3 do. Silefiahankfa.
ales. a do. Damask table
10 do CaHeriilos or linen assorted with
white rolls of 1 z & napkins
fclif 5 do. Moreas
3 do Check« aad 4 do Flanders Bed
flripfes Ticks, 6 4, and
3 do. Fine Ether- 10 4
feld Checks 4 do Cotton Bed
4 do. Contilb and Ti-
Liftadoes 1 do. Thread Hock
-1 do. Check fliirts. in?*, Gloves &. pan
-16 do. Oil cloths. taloons •
10 do. Tapes of all 1 do. Kid Gloves
rtumb-rs, plain, twil z do. R.bbons
led, blue and while. > de. Garnets and
id© Travelling cafesof Pearls
4 casts cut flint De- mongery
canters, pint & (fuaft a do Seythfs, to
3 cases gill tumblers bands.
1 cafe wine g'alTcs 4 do. Coffee mills
lyr boXes of Window 3 Cables of I*s fa-
Glass, 8 by to thorns each, 9 It 10
a cases Sealing Wax inch;
With an extensive aflortment of Looking
&Ufs of the following sizes, 16- 12,
*7" io t i 7 " 13» 20-12, 22-13,1 24-
14, 26-15, and 28*16, and a variety of other
goods usually imported from Hamburg,
Eighty Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAY from the Subscriber, at New
town, Chester Ferry, Queen Anne's coun
ty, state of Maryland, the fallowing negroes,
vii. a woman named Nanny, went away on the
23d January, 1799, and took with,,her a Mulat
to female child, about two years old, named
Ariatina. Nanny is a dark yelicwv negro, about
five feet four or five inches high, remarkably
handsome for a negro. Her cloathing unknown
as she took a variety of good cloaihs with her —
Oie went off with a nrgro fellow, named Peter,
and calls himfe»t Peter Simpfon, he is the pro
perty of 1 certain William Bowers of Talbot
ddtinty, state as above, who has advertised one
hundred dollars reward for him. Peter is a flout:
well made yellcw fellow. about 6 feet one inch, 's a tolerable'godd Carpenter. Nanny
pafles frr his wife, but her real huiband is na
med Bob, who bel rigs to her waiter. It is
probable are in the neighbourhood of Sa
lem in the Jerfits, is they were there in Goo
ber last, and Sy information, Peter had built
himfelf an houie to live in, between iium
Bridge And Gold Town ; it is likely they may
have changed their nan?es arid may have paiTes,
is Peter can writs? a middling hand ; 1} is pro
bable Nanny has anotherchild, as it u as thought
she was in a pregnant stare when (he went ? way
Ihe rtored Ferry nun Charles, uhocallshimt
fe!f Charles Rodney ; he went oft onthe 18th
of February la ft, he is a dark mulatto, aoout
five feet or nine inches high, ab<mt f«>fty
years old, stoops in hitlhouWers when he walks,
a fear on his he>id very perceivable—he took
with him a fault bay mare about 4 or 5 ytais
years old, her m ne trimmed and bob tul'd ;
hi* dloathing unknown, as he carried off a va
riety bf cloiths ; it is probable he has changed
his name* as he i# a very artfVil, sensible fellow,
he scan reid tolerably well; it is likely he may
hire hirofeli tb dfi<'e a wrgg< n, being weii ac
quainted with tjiat bufirvefs, 'driving for the ar
my during the war ; he also perhaps, may have
a p.ifs.
The abdvereward will he pven frr the aFore
said t#r» negroes, viz. Nanny and Charfef, if
taken of the Hate, or twenty dollars for
Hanr.yand Child, if taken m this ft-ate, & »r do.
Charles if taken in this state and secured m jail,
so us I may get them again. If brought h< me
aH reafonahle charges lhall be paid hy me.
March 3
Twetity Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAY from Sprrng forge, in York
Coenty,a negro man, na<neH ISAAC, other
wise CL'DJO, about n year# • Id, the property
4>f Robert Cclerriafa; Hfq. He is about 5 feet 8
inthefc high, has abfomifh ih his byes, wiorfc while
in them than common, by trade a fctgeman; h*li
in and took with him a drab coloured broad doth
coat, almost new, a sailors jacket and pantaloon*
printed fahcy cord, a iwanfdown striped under
acket; a roruro hat; (fne fine and one coarfb
foirt' one muslin handkerchief, sprigged, two
ditto striped borde-r, a blue Perfun under jacket
and two peir cotton ftockmgs. Whoever takes up
&i<4 negro and lodges him in any jail in rhis or any
•f tke neigabouring dates (hall have the above re
gard or reasonable expencesil brought home.
Spring Forge, OAober ij,,1799.
N. B. As said negro 'tor marly lived in Chcfter
County, it H probable he ttiijtktwtti ihtre.
MMeAiMr .5
The Subscriber
Takes this method of once more informing J
the Public, that the partnerftiip of Mules
Chapline and Robert M'Clure, which was enter
ed into for the purpose of retailing Goods in the
towh of Weft Liberty and Commonwealth of Vir
ginia, on the teftthday of Augaft, Ifjcycipired
on the tenth day of August 1793, agreeable to the
term stipulated ia their article of copartnership;
February %l.
GEORGE DAVIS ha* just received from Dub
lin, via New York, a very large Parcel of
Law Books, all of the 1 at eft editions, wbitk ren
ders his affortmeut he believes the most cxtenfive
and valuable oh the continent. They will be
opened this day, and ready for faleat any time af
The fubferiber* to that important work. Went
•worth's Syjicm of Pleading, are informed that it is
now arrived, and will be delivered mn application.
Blank Declarations fettled and approved by the
most distinguished Law characters, to be had of
G. D.
March 11,
To Merchants.
MERCHANTS Accounts elegantly opened,
Books neatly and correal y posted, with
various other kinds of writing, by a person
thoroughly acquainted with accounts.
Gentlemen extenfiveiy concerned, may find
it to their interefl to put business in thru line
into his hands, as the fulleft confidence may be
reposed in him and ample farisfa&ion given.
Addrtfs a Ime to B - Ai and leaTi it with the
printer hereof.
Philadelphia, March *9.
PiE Proprietors of the Philadalphia and Lan
caster line of Stages DISPATCH, returji their
grateful thanks to their fricnids and che public in
general, tor the past favors tfeey have received,and
inform them that in .iddition to the regul«r Line,
thi«y are provided with Carriages, fobcr aad careful
drryets, to go through the City and
3i»roHgb is two days. Thdfe wh© prefer this mode
of traveling can he accommodated at the Stage
Office, (ign of United States Market flreet,
Slough, jDowning, Dunivon.lj tsf Co.
Nov* 30.
ed by the Aitfcriber, lor undivided Shares or
Lots on hi* purchase wirhin che city o£Walhing*
ton, who have not yet applied for and received
their Deeds, are hereby notified, thut their several
Titles will he duly completed to the order of chose
who in conformity with the term# of the faidCer
tificates, do Si alt c the Payment* ia full t'nerefon,
either to Tbortas
fcriber at Philadelphia, on or at any timv before
the 31ft day of Vlay n«xt.
December 17
Valuable JZstate^
KNOWN by the name of the Booneton Iron
Works, fitnsta in the county of Morris In the
face of New-fcpfry, confiding of a Forge with
four fires, a Roiling and Slitting Mill, a Grift mill
with two Run o( stones, and Saw mill, all in good
order and new in ufcy together with an excellent,
large, ud convenient hodfe, with out-houfes of
every kind ; which are an Ice house, an !
stone milk house, with a remarkable fine spring in
it, a large Garden. and an excellent «tollc&ion of
Fruit, a large Orchard, and 1.500 acres of wood,
pa?ure and ara'jh: Jand 1 , and a great number of
fiore* and workmen's houses Immediate poffcffipn
will he tfiveti of houses ana (lores fiafficicnr for
providing stock the p*efei;t winter, and polfeliioir
us tbe-whole in the spring.
Far terms enquire cf David B Ogdan at New
ark, mr Petii Mackie in New-York, mr. David
Ford in Morris Town, or mcfrrs. Jacob and Kich
fcard Paefch on t!ie preffoifes.
January 11
For the acenmntoda'ion ri th« Farmers of Spring
fie'd, and all other pe»o n» who are inclined
to purc'iufv', the fuhictiber is dif^«ofed
LYING in townfhip, Burlington
county, and ft ate; of New Jersey, being a
part of that capital property well known by the
name of
'Bullus's Estate^
coma ning two hundred and ten acres, of which
twenty feveti are excellent fw?mp wood lard, up
wards of ninety acre* arc as good meadow as any
in the county, and the residue is fine upland ; these
are three public roids that run through the land.
The fubfcri!>er will attend at the house of Mr.
Jchrt Tonkins in Springfield, until the firft day of
Aprivnrit, in order to fticw the hnd and receive
propefali eith* for lots or the whoie, as may suit
March 17
Thirty Dellars Reward.
F.OM the Marine Barracks on the night of the
14th inft—JOHN QivBORN, born in the
town ot Bedford, Weft Chcfter county and (late
of New York, age# a* years, 9 months, 5 feet
8 and a quarter inche* high, grey ey«s (long qucd)
light ruddy cemplsxion, poclc marked, by
trade a Shoemaker. Knhfied by Lieutenant Rey
nolds in Stephen's Town, near Albany the 15th of
June last Had on and took with him a short
round blue cloth coat with a trd scape, a blue
cloth coatee, a few white waiftaoars, a long grey
mixed cloth coat ana breaches, a "pa it cf boots, a
chocolate coloured great coat trimmed with black
hair p'.tilh, l fuf hat fcalf worn, a;>d two silver
watches, one a middle fixe, the other small. He
may itnpofe himfelf on Tome family or gentlemaii
as ■> waiter, as he has a&od in that capacity
Whoever apprehends said Deserter, andfscures him
in jail, fends hrm to Headquarters, or delivers hifn
Co any of the Marine officers, or any officer of the
army of the United States fliall receive the above
reward and all reafocable charges.
- J. S. LEWIS,
Adjutant Marine Corps.
January 16.
No. \ 7 South Second Street,
For Colds, obstinate Coughs, Catarrhs, Asth
mas, Sore-throats, and approacking Con
THOUSANDS are too well acquainted with
the nature and effe£fr of empirical medicines
daily off-red for the cure of the above com
plaints ; dear bought experience has taught
them that oily and healing trftdicines joined
with strong opiates (cr sleepy drugs) repeated
doses of which, flatter and deceive the patient
for the prefect, by procuring momentary ease;
experience,' I fay, has taught thoulinds that
the common opiates and balsams, as they are
called, fmaTly aggravate every disorder of the
brt-aft and lungs in mod di<frefii»g symp
toms j that they load "the stomach and impair
tbe digeftioa, inflame the whole system, increase
the difficulty of breathing, and twite fever. —
But the qualities of this valuable discovery are
evinced by oppolite cftV-<fls. A SIN
GLE TRIAL WILL PROVE that it rrftcrcs
the determination of the fluids t* the furface of
the body, and brings on the common, healthful
pcrfpirarioft ; that it difTodges and evacuate#
the tongh, viscid or mucus, strength
ens tl\e weakf-ned veflTels of'the lungs, sheathes
the acrimonious fcurr.ours yfhich irritate tbe
ltmpfc, and finally dilchargvs them. Thus stri
king at the root of the dilorder, the fyiYiptoms
are i-.f couife, eff?<£l»ally and-permanently con
quered, the reverfer of €»fnnion medicines,
which u eaken the constitution and give strength
to the disorder, for the fake cf moderating for
the present, some of its painfnl efFe<st9.
v ;taw^w
Who may bane Children afflicted with tbe
f zt ~?
Th'l6 discovery is of the firft magnitude, di it
affordi immediate relief, checks the progress,
arid in a ftivrt time entirely removes the most
crufl difai'derto which chiMren are liable ; the
Elixir is ft> perfeiftfy agreeable and the dose so
small, that no difheuhy arises in txking it.
Genuine EJj'ence and Extraß of
For "Rheumarifms, Gout.Palfey, Sprains, £cc.
a great number of attetted cures may be seen
at the place of falc Dr. Hamilton'? Grand
Reliorarive for conftitinuv»a debilitated by in
temperance of any kind ; and for she cure of
Nervous Complaints, Inward Weiknefs, Ob
ftiaate Gleets, Fluor Albu9 in women, kc.
Samuel filodget.
Hamilton's justly celebrated Worm Lozen
ges. th« infallibleltch Ointment, Dr.Leroujc's
Indian Vegetable Specific for Venereal Com*
plaint*, Ague and Fever Drops which hjd ne
ver failed rflc&ing a cure, Dr. Hahn's Anti
hilious Pill, ditto Corn Phifter, the Perfun
Lotion for the face and flcin, Gcwlaud's Lo
tion, Church * Cough Drops, Anderfpn's Pills,
Is recommended {particularly to the I.arliee)
•i* an Hegnnt a«>d pleasant preparation fort-hop*
ped and fore lips, ardevery biemiffi ard incon
vefiience nccafiosfd Isy cold«, fevers, 3cc. fpte
dilv refloring a beautiful rosy colour and dedi
cate lbfmeis to the Hps.
This excellert f«tnfcri; ind
ftrenv'theng the fame, prefervee the e vn':l
fr<-m decay, and c!?nnfe« a-sd whitens the te?th,
absorbing all
nef>\ which fuffcred to accumulate. nrvertaiio
to injurs and finally nun tham.
genuine! must apply only as above.
Wholesale ru.rcrafers, will receive a I-beral
allowance by application to L£E Ji Co. Balti
mo c, who have retained the general agency
for the Un»:ed States.
Feb. 26
United Stati-: 6, 7 fl-
Pc'.miyvania District. J
BV virtue of a writ of vrndiHoni exponas to
me directed, issued out thj UiftriA Court
ol the United States. in and for tie Fenßiylvania
. Diftrfdt, wiir be fold by public veitkte, at the City
tavern, in Second the e'ujof Philadelphia,
on Friday the 4th day *»f April n«t,at ft*o'clock
in the afteroown, J ufidijrided third -art of two cer
tain Meflutge and Lots of Groun situate on' the
south fide of Walnut ftreet,in said city, beginning
at the cornrr of Joivn Wall's locand rxt coding
southwardly 79 feet 6 inches to gcund ol JVlicrs
Filher, Esq. thence welt.warity 54set to a corner,
theace southwardly 21 feet 6 inch* or thereabout
to ground of David H Couynghai, thence weft
wardly 46 feet to ail alley, thence cross said alley
55 feet to a corner, thence eatlwrUly 46 feet,
thence northwardly to Walnut reet 47 feet,
thence eaftwardly on the said flree f 54 !c.t,to the
place of beginning, fubjiit to a nt, charge of
thiity five pouads per annum, wit the ui'e and
privilege ®f the ,said all«y r runntg mro Dock
ftreet<; all thofe<3ity Lots marktdti the general
Plan No. 1537, 1-738, 1539» : S4°>tS4t, on the
weft fide of Third street from Sthuklll, hetw<9tn
LocuTl and Walnut ftrfcets ; I^37Containing in
breUth sixty feet and in depth
the others being contiguous, cor.tii in breadth
150 f««t and in depth 247 feet 6 ime-; all rhofe
City Lots nMtr.bered *393, J394>'39S* 1 39 6 *
1397 1398, on the rorth fide olValnut street
between Filth and Sixth streets, frn
being each of t>em 66 feet in iroiUnd 235 feet
in depth. Also, all that mefibagand tra£ of
Land, partly in i.ow®r Dublin townlp, Philadel
phia county, and partly in Montgoery county,
containing *9 I-* acres,be the fameiore oriels.
Seized and taScn in execution ss tlprcpmy of i
tofcn Bonaldfon.E.'q
J , JOHN HAURbte''t Office, Msreh : 7,1800 - rot- 1 .
eotw aawtf.
Red Clover.
White do.
Saint Foin
Herd Grass.
Orchard do.
Rye do*
Rape and Hemp.
PATENT PLOUGHS, which are said to be more
durable than any heretofore invented, and found
on experience to diminift the laboar l oth of man
and bead—
No. 40 South Second Street, Philadelphia.
February 13. tti&f.Bw.
No. 95, North Water-street,
ENTITLED to drawback, which they offer for
fain at moderate pric«s for cafli, or the usual
credit ; or on a credit of i» or i 8 months upon
Mortgages on Real Property, in or neap the City
of Philadelphia, or other fatisfa&ory security.
50' boxes and bales Tick- 13 pipes old Port Wire.
lerrbnrgbs 35 boxes Tumbler* af
-60 do. do. Hemp- sorted.
en linens. ioo boxes Hamburgh
50 do. do. Ozsa Window Glai's 8 by
brigs. 10, &c.
50 do 1 chcft aflortcd Looking
15 do. Bitlf.cldLintns. GUHes.
II do Creas and Crcas Several large elegant d«.
a la Morlaix. 1500 Demijohns.
Brown Rolls. 50 kegi Peari Barley.
Do.Heffiars. A few tons Roll Brim.
Polish Rolls. ftoMe.
Bed Ticks. 20 kegs Y cllew Ochre.
Siamois. A few bbls. Rosin.
Arabias. 40 ton* Russia Hemp.
Empty Bags. 80 hhds. Hogs Briftip®.
Oil Cloths. z hhds. i>utch Glue.
Shoes and Slippers. ao calks Nails assorted
Soal and upper Leather. from 3d. to aod.
Quills and Sealing Wax. 16 calks Ironmongery.
A package Gold and Sil- 8 calks Hoe*.
v«r Watches. German Steel.
A few chest* Toys. 6 hhds. Coffee mills-
Slates and Pcnci!s. Blocking Twine, Tapes,
70 hhds, Havanna Mo Stone Pickling Pots,
lasses &c &c.
February 15
Of the City of Philadelphia, MtKCUA XT,
ON the 9th day ps Aug. 1799, affigtvd all his
£ftare, real, personal and mixed, to JOHN
—All persons indebted to the laid Thomas Haw
thorn or to th» late honfe of Hawthorn and Kerr,
Ere desired to pay their rvfp«&ive balances to
Acting Assignee.
February 21
-pHF. Parter&ip of JdHN HAINES & WIL
* LI AM JONES, trading under the Sim ps
HAINES & JOtXES, washy mutual agreement
diltblved on the 24th oi January latt. All pvrfons
imerrflei, those ind«bted to them. will
piiSllc to Jf ut Wly as pofliblc on IVilliam Jones,
v. to is duty 'author ifed to adjust their concerns.
Tfce bufitarft Trill in future be by
William Jan£s t at the icfthor ftatid No 132 Mar
ket ftrcet, ad door a bow 4th, where life has on
fcsrnd and means to keep a regular fappljr of the
bait anri mod tuft ionable laddies and bridles Pla
ted fcidkry and Giver mounted v/hips. Harncfs
of all kinds and fire bucVets, together witJ\ a g<m
eral aflcrfcrtwit of every «ther article, usually at
tached to shit line of
March 11
Or Rented fjr a 'arm of Ttars %
With a Lot thereunto belonging,
OITUAI E in Duck Creek, Cross Roads
KJ Kent County, State of Dtlaware, fronting
on the Main Street; titer* are on the lower
Floor, five Rooms and an Entry, with a
number of well finifbad Kooms up Stairs, a
Cellar under the whole Building, a ttrick kitch
erv a V ump of good Water, with a Stable, Car
nage Hour-and Sheds, the whole (improvement#
are in go.-d repair. The Seat is well calculated
f.»r eitlior a Store or Tavern, the latter of which
it has been occupied for a number of years with
conGdt-rable facet-fa. The Situation is dry and
t' e Cou-itry around being very healthy aifd a
pi; ce of configurable Trade, it will be well
worth the attention of »ny person wiftiife'g to
purch jfe or rent.
0° For further pa> titulars apply to the Sub
scriber at the aforefaid place.
January 8
AN attachment was lately ifiued out of the in
ferior court of common picas of the county
cvf Essex, in the date of Mew jersey, dire&«?d to
the fhenff of the fa»d county, agarnfi the rights,
credits, monies a»u <fie£l.s, goodt and chattels
lanilsand tenements of ijNfiif Clears Pyrmw at the
suit of IVilliam IVtUs, in a nJca of tre/'naPs on rhe
cafe to his damage, thraethrufand dollars;—
AfJ tcitrcasy the fcid (heriff did, at the term of
June last patt, return to the said cctrr that he had
attached the defendant hy a certain 4icHid given by
Matthias Denman and Samuel .Meeher to th* said
defendant, to the amount »#f near two thousand
dollars,and 3lfs> by sixty land warrants ;
Noiv tlcrefore y Hillefs the ,foid Jahn Clevcs
Stmmes flraftia?>prar fpvcial bail, and receive
a declaration at the fuit.oC the plaintiff,
will be e«rero 1 ag?.in(l him, and his property
herein ?.!ti»cred, will be-fold agreeably to the
flatttte in Ittcn cafr n ?.de a*.d prov'ded.
, Aaron Ogden, Clerk y &!c.
Bi>sabeth-rown,Ju'y 8, 1799 (* z )
By frhc shortest and most pleasant rosd—pafling
through Frankford, Builleton, Newtown,
Pennington, Millflone, Bi>*ndbrook, Union
Camp, Scotch Plains, Springfield and New
ftaru from the Green Tree, No- 50
Fourth Street, at 8 o'slock every morning, 2nd
arrive* at New York early the next evening.
From New York it flaria at 9 o'clock every
day (Ssnday* «xcepted) and arrives at Phila
delphia, early theaext evening.
Pare for pankftgers 5 dollars, way paitenger*
6 pent* per ntle. Each allowed if lb
of One hundred and fifty weight «£
baggage to pay the fame m a palferger.
Ail baggage to be at the riik qfihe swntr,
unlels inlured and receipted for by the clerks
of the different office#. Rat* of infmante one
per cent.
Appty to JOHN M'CAILA, No. 50
North Fwurth Street, Philadelphia, and to
Courtland Strict, N. £. corner of Greenwich,
Street, New York.
Death of General Wajhingtox,
In imitation of the manner of Offian.
By Rev. Johv B. Lin*, A.M.
Mimfccr of the First Presbyterian Congregation
Mr. Chaudron's Oration will be publiflsed
on Monday morning.
M«»rch 15.
Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works,
HAVING procured a fufficiant number of
themoft approved European Glass Manu
facturers, anrt having on hand a large stock of
the best Materials, on which their workmen are
now employed, have the pleasure of a/Turing
the public, that window glafc of a fdpei ior qua
lity and of any size, from 7by9,to 18 by a 4
inches, carefully packed in boaes Cfcn twining
lop feet ea b, may be had at the iborteft notice.
Glass of larger size* for other purpofcs, may
alio be had, ft;ch as lor piDuret, coach glafle*,
clock faces, &c. Bottles of all kinds and of any
quantity may also, be had, together with pocket
fialks, picklingjars, apothecary's Aop furniture,
or other hollow ware—the whole at least aj per
cent. lower than articles of the fame qua lit?
brought from any of the sea ports of the United
States. A liberal allowance will be made on
faie of large quantities. Orders from merchants
and others will be punctually attended to on ap
plication to JAM E " O'HARA or ISAAC
CR AIG, or 4 t lht Store of Mefirs PRATHER
andSMILIE, in Maiket-Street, P triburgh*
A handfouie Tbr«e Story
Of modern construction and tuell bi:i!t
WITH the bed materials, situated m a very
pleafjr.t and licalthy part of the town at
a moderate dilbnce fiom the centre of the city.
Enquire at the Office of the Cazttte of the Uni
aiteii State*.
Valuable Property for Sale,
In Chef»»C| near Sixth street, diredUy oppoQtc
CcHcaiis Hall.
A I OT ofgrnund, about 11 feet front in Chrf
nut ftrcci and 73 feet in depth, whereon is a
good frame hotife, now in the tenure of Samuel
Benge fubjc& to a ground rent of per annum.
The, advantageous situation of this property re
quires co eon mems, lor it oiuft be known, there
are few in this city to equal it, an unecceptionablt
title will be made to the pin-chafer. Apply to
No. Cbcfout ft. next door to the prtmifes, fa*tf
marcfr j
FROM the United States Frigite Philadel
phia, DAVID fr)CTJNE, by tradeaShoe
m;ker, bom in Ireland, 23 years of .ipe, 5 feet
6 inches high, light complexion and hair—also,
1 xV3m.
WATSON I.UDLOW, by trade a Shoe
maker, born In New-Jersey, 33 years of age,
$ feet 10 inche* high, r!ark hair and complexion*
VVhot ver will take up fa Id l.eferters and deli
ver therr. on board the fa»d frigate. Oia'tl receive
ten dolkrs reward for each, arid reasonable
March re
RUN away from the Subfcri-her on the evening
of" the sfohinfl. a bound S»pv«int GIRL,
, .pained Elizabeth Howchcl, had on r.nd to©k with
herjthree .different changes of garment and money,
prou.i, bold,and impudent, a noted lyar ; any p»r
fon apprehending her shall he entitled tothe abore
reward—no coJfs or Charges will be paid.
N: Q, She had % ye?r» and (bme. month* so ferr*.
Gnfter, To:V/:i)>)p,.Cbiflev Coac-.y, }«lj ip.
f VOl.trKG XVIi.
1o New York,
January 3.
This Day Published,
By J. Obmbod, No. 41, Chefnut Street,
(Price 25 Cents)
March 4,
To be Bartered,
March 16,
DESERTED, (*ents Hewara.
aogufi 6
m&w tf.