of tjie Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. He Mi Hit 1340.] ►3™ Tie price of this Gazette is Eight Oolla/is per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay J*e Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and unless person in this city will become answerable far the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. %* Ho Subscription mill be received for a shorter term then six months. D«c«mSer i 1799, JACOB SPERRY, 8c Co. No. 195 Market Street, OflJrr for sale at realonaW# prices, for approved paper, or in bar ter for Coffee, THE FOLLOWING GOODS, Entitled to Drawback: Chafes Ci as aia- x cafe Ladies' Shoes Moflaix. 5 rafts fine ElbcrfeL 4 do. Co via tics LiiKUs 4 do. Rouans 4 do. Siacioifes 4 do Plstillas Koy- 3 do. Siletiahankfs ales. 2 do. Danuflctable 10 do CaflerlKos or linen aiforted with white rolls of ia & napkins tulfj'AriK 3" co. Moreas $ do CbeclrS and 4 do Flanders Bed »lripes. 6 4, 9-4 and feid -JhccikS 4 co C-iiton Bed 4 dj. Conti.6 ~;.i Tins LiAadoes I d-. - *• tV k I do. Check (hirts. ru£3> Glomes St pan i6 do. Oil cL-tiu. [a'olOtiS in Jo. Tapts cf ?.li i do. Kid Cl'jves numbers,plair.,rwii 2 dc. k bl.r.- led, bi;lr and whi.e. } do. Garnet* and aco Travelling cafesof Pearls different Czes a ca&s affortcd Ircn 4 cases cut flint De- moagery canters, pint & quart 2 do Scythes, 10 3 cases gill tuml.lers Hands. t cafe g afui 4 do. Coffee mills If boxes of Witidow 3 Cables of iac fa- GUfs, 8-by io thoms each, 9& ic ft cases Sealing Wax inck: With an extensive aflbrtment of Looking* Crlafs Plates of the - fallowing sizes, 16-12, J7-ic4, 17-13, 18-14, 20-i2, it-is, 24- 14, 2 5-15, anc 28-16, and a variety of other goods ufualjy imported from Hamburg. March 11. d6t—ta «iv. Eighty Dollars Reward. RAN-AVVaY from the Subscriber, at New lowr., Cheflcr Ferry, Queen Annc'i coun ty, state of Maryland, the following negroes, viz. a woman named Nanny, went awsy on the 23d January, 1799* and took with her a Mulat to female child, about two years old, warned Arianna. Nanny is a dark yellow negro, about ' 1 7 —~ -• „ five feet /our or five inches handfomr for a negro. H;r n r . ' rprjpttir r T^lrr-acvp®* 7 as (he took a variety of good cloaths with her— •J'q ££ SQL[) fte went off with a tie era fellow, named Vetev, rt T - ' . ~ r \r D „ C. u i oR Lfc-ASED ICR ON R YKAH—THAT and calls himle!r Peter Smipiorj, hr is .he pro- _ * perty cf a certain Wiiliain Bowers of Talbot ' aluable Kstat?, county, state as above, *ho has adventifed one T/" NO'vVN by the name of the Booneton Iron hundred dollars reward for him. Peter is a stout Works, fitnatu in r>e county of Morris ie the wrH made yellow fellow, about 6 feet one inch Siih, is a tolerab'6 gooti Carpenter. Nanny paffca for his wife, bat her real hufbind is na med Bob, who belcngf to her iwaft?r. It is probable they are in the neighbourhood of Sa lem in the Jtrfies, as they were there in Octo ber last. and by information, Peter had built himfelf an house to live in, between Hum Bridge and Gold Town; it is iiktly they may hive changed their ar.d may have palles, as Peter can write a middling hand 5 it is pro bable Nanny has anotherchild, as it u as rhougfit Ihe was in a pregnant fLxie when she went away 1 he noied Ferrr man Charle?, v*-ho callshimt feif CharJes Kfcdncy ; he went o.l'on the 18th of February Lsi, he is a dark mulatto, a', out five feet eigh r or nine inches high, about forty years old,ftoop? in hitflioulders v. henhe walks, a fear on Iris hesd very perceivable—he took with him a l-nall bay mare about 4 or 5 years years old, her m>ne trimmed and bob t*w d ; his cioathing inknoww, as he carried off a va riety of cloi.ths ; it is probable he has changed his name, as he is a very artful, fcnfil.le Sdlow, he can read tolerably well ; it 1$ likely he may tire himfcU to driv; a wrggon, being well ac quainted with that bofinefs, driving for the ar my during th. war ; fie also perhaps may have a pass. \ The above reward will be given for thf afore faid two negroes, viz. Nanny and Charles, if taken out of the stare, or twenty dollars for Nanny ard ch:ld,if taken in this state, & 1- do. Charles if taken in tliis (late and seemed in jail, so as 1 may pet them agsin. If brought home ah reafonabie charges shall be paid by ine. JOHN QUIMBY. w&fa-4W. March 3, Twenty Dollars Reward. RAH-AWaY from Spring Forge, in York County, - negro man, named ISAAC, otlier wifc CUDJO, about xi years «ld, tbe property of Robert Coleman; fcfq. He is abmit 5 feet 8 inches high, ha« ablemilh in his eyes, ir.ore white in them than common, by trade a Fcigeman ; had on and took with him a drab coloured broad clcta* coat, -almost new, a failcrs jacket and pantaloons printed fancy cord, a lwsnfdown striped under ?cket; a rorura hat; cne line and one coarse fliirt' one moflrn handkerchief, fpriggfed, two ditto striped horde*, a blue Perfun under jacket ?nd two ptrir cottoH clockings. Whoever takes up fej«l negro and lodges him in sev jail in this or any of the ueiptbourmg states (hail have the above re ward or rcafooabie expeneesif brought home. JOHN BR [EN. Spring Forge, October 33,1799. N. E. A* said negro formarly lived in ChcAcr county, ic is probable be may re tarn tacre. Movember 5 Ibe Subscriber TAKES this method of once more informing the Public, that the partnerikip of Moses Chaplioe afid Robert M'Clure, which was enter ed into for the purpose of retailing Goods in the town of Weft Liberty and Commonwealth of Vir ginia, on the tenth day of August, 1790, expired on the tenth day of August 1793, agreeable to the term fripulated in their article of copartnerlhip; MOSES CHAPLINE. law6w. February it, PHILADELPHIA,' WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 26, 1800 LAW BOOK STORE, 319 Higb Str.et. GEORGE DAVIS has joft received from Dub • Ii», via New York, a very large Parcel of Law Books, all of the latest editions, which ren ders his cifiortuunt he believes the mofc extensive and valuable on the continent. Thejr will be OQpned this day, and ready for faleat any time af terwards. The subscribers to that important work, Went rvrtb't Hyjlcm of Pl a it** arc informed that it it now arrived, and will be delivered en application. Blank Declarations fettled and approved by tfce most Jiftinguulicd Law character*, to be had «f G. D. . Marci 11, To Merchants. MFKCH ANTS Accounts elegantly opened, Books neatly and corredlly posted, with various other kihris of writing, by a person thoroughly acqualoted with accounts. Gentlemen cxtenfirely concerned, mar find }t to 1 heir intTcft to Irtlt bufir.< is in this line into his h.ndi, as "the filled confidence may be repofeti in him ani|)te i'atisfufUon given# Address a line to B- A. and leare it with the pricier hereof. Piulii'iclj.ibri, March '9. LANCASTER STAGES. Proprietors cf the Philadelphia and. Lan caffcr line of PATCH, returg their gratefbl thaiiks to their lriends«ni the public in general, for the pai\ favor# ikey h-'»ve received, and inform iftem that in addition to the regnlar Luie term* of the said Cer tificates, do make thtf Payments in full therefot, either to Thomas M? Go. or to the fcribcr at Philadelphia., oc or at any time before the 31ft tiay of .Vray «u*t. C«emher 17 (Ue* of New-fyf>y, confining of a Fcrge with four fires, a Roiling and flitting Mill, a Griff raid two Run o< Itencs, and Saw mill, al«' iu good order and n«Aw iu use, together wirii an rxteJW-m, large, md coov&mcnt fcouff, with out houses of every kind ; among which no let house, anfl stone milk house, with a remarlr-bL fine lVriiig io it, a large Garden, and an excellent r&frdlioi; of Fruit, a large Orchard, wild 1500 aero of wood, paVure and arable land, and a great number 0/ store* and workmen's house* Immediate poffrflion will be given of houic- and stores fnthcient for providing ttock the pre Tent winter, aa»l poileflion of th- whole in the ipriu£. Fi.r term*-n«aire of David B Ogden at New ark rar Pettr Mackie in Kew-York, «r. David Ford iti Morris Tpwn, or mefirs. Jacob aad Rich yard Fatfch on t/»epr«fl\iici. Jariuarv n I'OR SALE. For the acromnivJauo:. ci ft - 2 Firmer# of Spring field, ani ill cttecr pcrfum who are Incline* to purchase, the fubferiber io difr/ofed TO SELL A MOST Ta f.UABLF TRACT OF LAND, LYING in Springfield toWnfcip, liuriin*ton county, and 3tate of New Jersey, being a part of that capital property well known by the name of Enlhs's Estate containing two hundred and ten acres, of which tweuty-feven are excellent swamp wood land, up warus'of ninety acres arc as good meadow as any in the county, aua the residue is fine upland; rhene are three public rods that run through the land. The fubferiber r/ill attend at the h<>ufe of Mr. J. hn Tonkins in Springfield, until the firft day of .April next, in order to (hew theUnd and receive proposals eith« for lots or the whole, as m;jy iuit pur chafers. JOHN MOORE. March 17 Thirty Ddlars Reward. DESERTED FROM the Marine Barracks on the night jf the 14th inft—JOHN" OSBORNf, born in the town of Bedford, Weft Chester county and Hate of New York, aged 27 years, 9 months, 5 feet 8 and a quarter inches high,grey ey*s (iongqued) light hair, ruddy csmplexion, pock marked, by trade a Shoemaker. EnUftfcd by Lieutenant Key nofds fas Stephen's Town, near Albaay the 35 th of June la ft Hai on and took with him a ihort round blve cloth coa: with a red cape, a blue cloth coatee, a few white waiftcoatt, a lo:?g grey mixed clo'h coat anc breeches, a pair of boots, chocolate colonrc! great coat trimmed with black hair plush, s. furr bat half worn, a»»d two filvcr watches, cue a middle iizc, the other small. He may iojpofc himfci' on some family or gentleman as a waiter, as he has a&od in that capacity.— Whoever apprehends said Deserter, and lecures him in jail, fends him to Headquarters, or delivers him to any of the Marine officers or any officer of the army of the United States (hall receive the above reward and all reasonable charge*. J. S. LEWIS, Adjutant Murine Corp*, January 16. By WILLIAM Y. BIRCH, iTTATfONER, A T o. 17 South Second Street, HAMILTON'S ELIXIR. For Ca!ds, obstinate Coughs, Catarrhs, Aflh rnas, Sore-throats, and approaching Con fumptioiu, THOUSANDS a e too well acquainted with the nature and effects of etaipiricai medicines daily offered for the cure of the above com plaints ; dear bought experience hffs taught them that oily and heating medicine? joined with strong opiaT«?s (or ficepy drugs) repeated doses of which, fljt.er sirs deceive the pirient for the prefei.t. by procuring momentary ease; experience, I lay, has taught thouftnds that the corrmon opiates and balfarcs, as they ate called, fir.iliy aggravate every tfifortfer of the and lungs in ih«»ir moil d»i'ir«ft«g fymp tOTfn ; tiru they load the ftomaeh and icopcir the digeftios. inflame the wholefyftem, increase the difficult*- of breathing, and excite fever. — Sut the qualities of this valuable difeovery art cvi,; -ed \,v uerfedly oppotifc cftecis. A GLE TRIAL WILL PKOVt that it restores the determination of the fluids to th* iVrfate of the body-. anJ b ings oh the common, healthful pCffp'ra;ioij ; that it a fid evicjae* the vifcid ph'egfln, or mucus, ttreftgth- the weakened veflels ®f the iang*, (he&ihes the acrimonious humours which irritate the lungs, and finally difebarges thim. Thus itri king at the root of the di.prder, the fymvtoms are «f course, effec} ually and permanently con quered, the rever/e of common eiediciaes, wkich weaken the conflitution and giveitrength to the for the fake of moderating for the present, focie of its paintbl efftdU. «taw4*r 3tavif TO PARENTS Who intiy bcric Children afflicted with the This discovery is of the firft magnitude, as it affords immediate relief, checks the progress, and in a short time entirely removes the meft cruel difoidcr to which children are liable ; the Elixir is so perfe&ly agreeable and the defe so finall, that no difficulty arises in taking it. n* Hamilton's Genuine Ejjence and Extrafi of- For Rhennarifms, Gout,Palfey, Sprains, 9lc. a great number of attefled cure* may be l'een 3t the place of Cilr Dr. Hsin.lton'b Grand for corjfiitutions debilitated hy ui- of tAU 1 Jar the cure of Nervous Complaints, Inward Wealtnels, Ob ftimte Glfets, Fluor Ah>us in women, See. Samuel Biodgtt, Hamilton's justly celebrated Worm Lozen ge*, thf intilHble Itch OinltaAit, Dr. Leroux'f Imli an Vegetable Specific tor Venereal Com plaint«, Arweand Fever Dr fps which had nc» vei failed effacing a cure, Dr. Haha's Anti- i ilious Pill, ditto Corn Ptaifter, the Persian Lotion for the face and Gowlaitd's Lo tion, Church's Cough Dro;>?, Anderfon's Pilis, I? recommendl*d ( particularly to the Ladies) as an ek-gar.t a£a pfeatfnt preparation for chop ped anil fore lips, a d every bicinith ami imou veisien&e oo ifion'td cyld*. fevers, Ice, fp q Penny van: a Distrkt.} BY virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas to me dire&td, lUiiwd out of the Diftridl Court ot the United States, in and for the Pennfylcania Dithi&, wilt be fold by public vendue, at the City tavern, in Second flreet, in the city of Philadelphia, 011 Friday the 4th day «f April next, at fix o'clock 10 I undivided third part of two cer tain Meffuagc and Lots of Ground lituate on the south fide of Walnut kreet.ui said city, beginning at the corn r of John Wall's lot and extending southwardly 79.feet 6 inches to ground of Miers Filher, Esq. thenc. weftwardly 54 fev: to a corner, thencf southwardly 21 feet 6 inches or thereabout to ground of DavidH Conyngham, thence weft wardly 46 feet to an alley, thence acrofsfnid alley 55 sett to a corntr, thence eaftw?.rdiy 46 feet, therue northwardly to Walnut flreet 47 feet, thence eaftwardiy orf the said flreet 54 th« place of beginning, fubjeA to a rent, charge of thirty five pounds per annum, with the use and privilege as the said alley, running into Dock street; all those City Lots marked m the general Plan No. 1537. 1738. *539' wefl fideofTJiird street frem Schuylkill, between 'Locust and Walrur streets ; 1537, containing in breath sixty feet and in depth 247 feet 6 itches; the ethers being contiguous, contain in breadth 25Q f«st aid in depth 447 feet 6 inches; all those City Lots numbered I 391« J 394* 1395» 1397 and 1398, dn the north fide c£ V. aJnu: ftfeet between Filth and Sixth tlreets, lrcm Schuylkill being each of them 66 feet iu front and 235 lect in depth. Also, all that mefifutge and of Land, partly in Lower Dublin townftiip, Philadel phia county, and partly in Montgomery county, containing *9 i-» acres.be the fame more or lets. Seized and taken in execution as the property of John IDonaldfon, Esq. JOHN HALL, MaT&sJ. MarfitaTs Office, March 17, 1800 ect?. A SEASONABLE ARTICLE. JUST RECEIVED, ASD FOR SALE A SOVEBKTG# RF.MEDr HOOPING COUGH. MUSTARD. THE DAMA.SK LIP SALVE FOX TJIE fF.EYH AVt> CUMS, eoiw iawtP. NOTICE. THOMAS HAWTHORN, Of tbe City of Philadelphia, MescujA^ HAVING ON rhiS ] T RESPECT FULLY in vits you either to tkt 1- City Tavern, Ila.dy's Hold, Francis' Hotel, the Indian Queen, DunwoodyV Tavern, the franklin's Head, or to the George, tw a Jpecimen of Rowlett's Tables -if jpiicount or Interefl, on every Dollar, from I to a.oco ; on every ten, from acoo ro 2500 ; oh every fifty from 2500 to 3000 ; and on every five hut dred frwm o 5000 j from one day to 64 days iiiclufi/e, at fix per cent. compriG«g in the whole, upwards of one hundred and thirty two thoufami one hsndred and fifty calculations of dif.ouht ; ill performed according to the equi table principles of the Banks, and as pra&iftd between individuals throughoat tire United States ; being a perft-dl ftaadard en thefukjed : with netcs, fhewirg how to use the tables at five, fevefn -nd eight per cent, reckoning either 360 or .?65 days to the year, and the mode of calculation principles of computation of the various ex changes betweea each State rei'pe&ively, and between these and London and Paris, at differ ent rates of exchange. The wo r k is dedicated, by permifHon, to the Prafident and Dirc&ors of the Hank of North America, and hat already received the patronage of John Piefiderft of the United States; ef Thomas Jefferson, Vice Presi dent of the United States and President of the Senate ; ef a large number of the Senators and Members of the House of Representatives of the United States ; and of the Presidents and Di rectors of the different Banks unanimously : a lid of the whole is printed and attached to the specimen book. The preface to the specimen explains, among other matters, the methods to be pursued to render the work perfctSllv accurate —and gen tlemen who will reflect oil those methods will agree in the f?£t. Every one wili.ackftowledge the arduoufnefs of the undertaking. The txjxnces, independent of any compensa tion for my trouble, will require afum between thrc»and four thoufaad dollars, \rbich is two m/ch to I»az • i"d—ail mufi depend therefore up on a gemrat ftfbfcription ; for unleft fifteen hundred fublcribrrs are obtaine !, it would cer tainly be iinprudent to execute the work. Subferibcts can run no riilc, as the book (which will be quarto, front 20<0 to 225 pages, or more—price two dollars) is not to be paid for until delivered riporoufly conformable to my rngagemedts exprefftd m the conditions affixed to the specimen, wtuch con fills of fix detached pages of ike work. A table all the post towns in the United States, and feme other ufeful information (not expreffeU in the title) will iqilow the computa tions of exchanges between this country and England and Frawce, and provided, gentlemen, that afwjlicieF.t number of you come forward ami fubtt.'ioi-. a further addition (hall he made of iHfc coin* and money ot account of the prin cipal maritime trading prl ices tn Hujti, Sweden, Demnatk. Norway, PrijfiQ, Pol and, Germany, Holland, Flaaders Spain, / ortugal, Italy, and in several or the windward lnd leewa.-d IVtJI hulia Ijlar.Js, the uhoic re 'r.tcd to dollars and cents; and the mfode of computing the exchange w itb thole plates explained ; alto, a l.trge fneet table ot calculations at ciftnpcuud interest at 6 per cent, to which the notes for 5, 7 and 2 j:er cer.t. will apply—the tables used in banks for the determination of the va!*e of j;oM ; and the ir.fereft for each mouth from one ;o twelve months, vhich will make thv- work 11211 more acceptable to persons living in the country as well a? in town ; and upon tne übole t I am con fident, that th's bo- k wili be found as generally ufeful and convenient as any matter of fail-per formance that ever entered a coaming houieor ft ore* It is not Efficient that an individja! (confi denng himfeif but one) shall Conclude, instead ot lubJcribing, to purcl.afe the book when pub lished, «sfom« of the members of the House of keprefentative* of the Uatrfcd States have done ; for, however much I am obliged to these, rhe the loss of many OI\ES' fubfenptions maylofe ir.e the race, and the book may never be pub lish d. I repeat, that nothing i» to be paid in advance, And am, very refpe^tfully, Gentlemen, Your humble fervamt, John rowlett, Accomptani Bank North America, PoflfcrJpt.—Genfcltincn who have bttfinefljK eitirrr of the Banks, or at the Philadelphia Li brary, will have an opportunity of fuolcribing th«re, at weli at at the Taverns, &c. before I mentioned Ccfy >:gbt secured according to act of€on- \ gress. T«*.CFo.^^ir March 6 NOTICE, 7.? cJlpersons tobo own unstated Lands in Franklin County, State of Pennsylvania ''l "HAT they ttfae forward A Mite&ftt Tiitfes,' (as there is ft number j D UN aw-y from the Subferther on the evening of veais'ncw due) :o KvTIHCK CAXIK **■ of Tr, I -r-r ... c r r• J Bamrd Elizabeth Howckel, had on ai>d toei with LEL-L, Esq. l rrafurer fer fed C«u-y~.t . h?r u hree difer , Kt c! , ansce s of garment and money, they do no-:, wi!l be to proceed ■ prcul, told and impudent, a noted lyar ; any par* to urake tale of them igrrtuMy to law. j fan apprehending her (hall :»e entitled to the abov< Jam EslnV i n I rewar^ — no <"<*** or charge* will be paid. John Halljeay, (-Com'rs. K: S,Sht...i a r a rs mdfomc month, tofer». Nathan M'Do j Gc.lhcn TpwnrMp,CJufid* Q»un>v, J»ly «9- Ci C jc* i. ■ e - [ ;hv. ~ NEW LINE OF STAGES 1o New York, By the shortest and mod pfcafant road—pafiing Through Frankford, Buftletpn, Newtown, Pennington, Millstone, Boundbrook,- Uniqa Camp, Scotch Plains, Springfield and New ark. 3 taw 6 w THE SWIFTSURE starts from the Green Tree, No- 50 North Fourth Street, at 8 o'clock every morning, and arrites at New York early the next evening. From N'e* York it ftartt at 9 o'clock every day (Sundays excepted) and arrive# at Phila delphia, early the »ext evening. Fare for paOengers 5 dollars, way paflengers 6 cents Jmile. Each allowed Mlb of blpgage. One Irtjndred and fij'ry weight of to pay the fame as a piflenper. Ali baggage to be at tie rifle of the owner, prtlefs ini'ured and receipted for t»y the clerks of the different c faces. Rate ot infurauce one per cent. Apply to JOHN M'CALL.t, No. 50 Nrrth F*urtV. Street, Philadelphia, and lo WILJJAM V A fS'DEft VQORT, No. 48 CourtUnd Street, N. E. corner ofGreenwich Street, New York. January 3. This Day Published, By J. Ormhob, No. 41, Chefnut Street, Death of General Wajhington. In imitation of the manner of Ofliaa. By Rev. Johk B. Linn, A.M. Minister of t!ie First Prdbyterian Congregatioa of Philadelphia. Mr. Chaudron's Oration will be publi&ed on Monday morning. March ij. d; GLASS MANUFACTORY. THE PROPRIETORS Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works, HAVING procured a fufficient number of the moil approved European Glass Manu fu«fturers, and having on hand a large Itock of the best Materials, on which their workmen are now employed> have the pleasure of alluring the public, that window glass of a fupeiior qua lity and of any fiae, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 24 inches, carefully packed in boxes containing 100 feet eai i, may behadat the ihorteft notice. GfaJs of larger sizes for other purposes, may also be had, such as for pitfures, coach glaflei, clock faces, &c. Bottles of all kinds and of any quantity may also be had, together with pocket fiaiks, pickringjars, apothecary's (hop furniture, orOther hellotv ware—the whole at least 3j per ceut. lower than articles of the fame quality brought from any of the Tea ports of the United States. A liberal allowance will be made on sale ot large quantities. Orders from merchants and others will be puusually attended to on ap plication to JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC CR ,\IG, or at the Store of Meflrs PRATHER audSMILIE, in Maiket-Street, P.tt&urgh, March a, To be Bartered, f'OR F.UROPtAN, OS [AST INDIA A handferae Three Stcry BRICK HOUSE tf KITCHEN, Of modern construction and well built WITH the btft materials, Gtuateci in a very pleaf;nt and healthy part of tbe town at a moderate diflt«nee from the centre of the city. Enquire at the Office of the Gazette ot the Unu nited State*. March 16. Valuable Property for Sale, ki Gheip.ut, near Sixth street, dlreflly oppofitc CehGRKSi HALL. \ LOT of ground, about 11 feet front in Ckef- X*. nut street and 73 feet in depth, whereon is a good frame house, now in the teuurc of Samuel Bengt fubjc& to a ground rent of aos. per annum. The, advmtafeous situation of this property re* quires 110 fommcnts, for it nuift be known, there are few in this city to equal it, an unecceptionabi« title wHI be made to the pttrchafer. Apply to No. 198, Chcfaut ft. next door to the prtaiifes, ta.th fa*tf march 5 FROM the United States Frigate Philadel phia, DAVJIj BEVINB, by trade a Shoe maker* bdrii in IreUcd, 23 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, light complexion and hair—also, WATSON LUDLOW, by trade a Shoe maker, born in New-Jerfcy, 33 years of age, 5 feet 10 inchei high,