Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, March 25, 1800, Image 1

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of tUlltltU f&t&ttS, Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
Nl'l IBFK 2339.]
The price of this Gazette is Eight
Dolliißs per antwm to Subscribers residing
in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay
one Dollar additional, for enclosing <jrul di
recting ; and unless %some per son-in this city
will become answerable for the subscription,
,ii must be paid Six Months in Advance.
%* No Subscription will be received for
a shorter term tfcan six months.
DccvmnV.r i 1799
'Red. Cl*-r.
White <ff>. j
Saint Foin.
T I'ofoil.
i -ce-! Grass.
Orchard do.
Uy« iio*
Hag : and Hemp,
A LfeO
PA i'tt# V PLOUGHS, which arc f*id to be more
durable than any heretofore invented, and found
on cxy:-ricncc to dinunifh the labour -oth of wan
'Jud bt*!l—
No,, 40 South Second Street, Po' auc '-jha,
Ft hruary T3. r- u Vt.Bv/.
No 9St North Wat'cr-ftrcet,
»*■' (JTITI.EO to drawback, which they «fcr for
jli lalt at mu'-W.'te prices so- caili, cr chtrufudl
fixeti i: ;oroa a credit of iz or 18 month* upon
tragus on Real Property, in or near the City
of I fcilailelphia, or other fatisfaaory security.
to 1: exe-at,dbalesTitk- li pipes oU Port Wine.
1 burghs "-5 boxes Tumblers af
q o. do. He >.p- foj tci.
r 1 iintr.s. 100 boxes Hamburgh
50 1! ». do. Ozb»- Window Glass i by
b tig*. 10, &c.
5<5 d jt> Patterbornes 1 chcli aßbrtcd Looking
■ Jo. Biclfield Linens. G!?fl»-'s.
11 Crcas and Cress Sev;ra! lar'.'e elegant do.
8 la Morlaix. 15°° D-mijohnr..
fi.r. ,UE Rolls. 50 iu-gs Pearl Barlvy.
110 . Hrffhn-. A few tons Roll Brm.
'•S'c lift Rolls. Hone.
S'e i Ticks. kegs Yellow Ochre.
Si: tnois. A few bbls. Uofin.
iiv abias. 40 tons Rufiu llsmp.
Ji,„pty Bags. Xo lihds. Uriflles.
<r, 1 Cloths. 2 hhds. Dutch Gliib.
Shoes and Slippers. 20 casks NaiJs nfforted
So »! and upprr Leather. from 3d. to 2od.
q aiiisand Sealing Wax. 16 calks Ironmongery,
j.f, Gold and Sil- 8 calks Hoes. /
ver Watches. ' German ;iteel.
A few chrlls Toys. 6 hhds. Coffee mills,
at *te& and Pern ill*. Blocking t • ine, 1 apes,
• J*> 'Wtti" (Tatar iw Mo Stont ricitiing i-ct»
lalTes &c &c.
X'eVuary i%
*■ | "HRF.E or f "ur lot's ot about 30 or 4° acret
i each, more or lefsasmay l'uit a purchalrr.
■O » each of which there is a good Gtaation for a
ihc it.fc—viz. one on the river Delaware, suitable
er thcr (cr a gentleman's feat, or for a pel foil who
in jght wifti to, engage in the lumbar business hav
ing a p >«d landing. One c mmanding a good
V icw of the river ttorn tho high?!! grouu.l between
■t' ie ?enovnack and Poguefiin creeks ; and another
011 the Bri.iol Road. Enquire «t" Mr. Gilfin near
t ? ie It milefloneoD the laid road.
©f about id acres each with goo<t Gtuations for
t'l'ildinsj 5 one of whicb is fuitabie tor a!
atidba* a small licne house and a young
» rchar J on it, on the Newtown road near Snider'*
mill about/ jo miles from Philadelphia, and one
c.tkef lot of about acres on rise Penny pack.-
]lnquire of Jonathan Clifc who lives ow the prorwi
libs or of Mtji O.lpin.
Pcflcflion wiM be given in the spring, but bu-ild
i*ie m»tcrials may be collected sooner. "
November 8
7 axes of Lycoming County
JOHN KIDD, Treafnrer,
"DY Direftim of the Cammlffioners nf Lyro-
Jt? ming county, it ends at Pnihdeii hia to re
vive the Taxes affi ffsd unlisted Lands in
tjliat County, from tile holders thereof, in this
(City. Tliofe who have filed the Com
tKiiffionerS) ilatements of then" I>ands, are re
to call upon kiin, to know the amount
ef and pay them ; '-therwife, be
fore fcis leaving the City, tiny will be purine
the hstr'o of the Sheriff for colle&kin, agret-a
bly to the adl for raif:ng county rates and Icvie?
Thof« who have not filed flatconenla of theii
lands with the Commiflior.eis. and are.kCrouf
of having it done, to prevent salts ivithout pre
vju'us persona! Notice, tnav file with the above
Trea'urer, their lifts, ftjriKg tbe quantities r«-
■iurnri, punitoer and dates ot tUe wirrav»ts at-ri
names tff the warrantees, undi r wiiic!n they
Md '.their lar.ds. He will attend at Mr. Jofej-h
Hardy's No 98, Market street for this purpose
tmtil the iSth instant.
Nfovember 9,
Twenty Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAY from Spring Foree, in York
County, a negro man, named ISAAC, other
wif» CUDJO. about si years «.ld, the property
of 1 Robert Coleman; Esq. .He is absut j feet 8
incl ICS high, has a bbniiih in his eves, Kiore wmtt
in t hem than common, by trade a Ferge man; had
on < wd took with him a drab coloured broad cloi >
coat, almost new, a sailors j-.cketand pantaloons
printsd fancy cord, a lwar.Ujown striped under
ack !t; a roTum hat; one ,fiue and one coarft:
shir t' one muslin handkerchief, fpriggsd, two
ditto striped border, a blue PerGan under jacket
and. two peir cotton stockings. Whoever takes up
fai I negro and lodges him in any jail in this or any
of the neighbouring dates (hall have the above r«-
wr ltd or reasonable expencesif brought home.
Spring Forge, ©Sober »3,1799*
JJ. B. As said negro formerly lived in Cheftcr
c. pjnty, it is probable he may return Acre.
fjovemker 5
GEOROE DAVIS has just received from Dub-
Iin x via New York, a very large Parcel of
Law books, all of the latest editions, wmch ren
ders his aflbrtaient he believes the molt estcnuve
and valuable on the continent. They vrHI bj
opened this Jay, and ready for faleat any time af
The fubferibers to thai important work, Went
tvnrth i Syjlsm <f Pleading, arc "nilormed that it is
now arrived, and will be-delivered »u application.
G!ant Declarations fettled and approved I>y the
moi'i Luw charadcrs, to be had c[
O. D.
March II
MERCHANTS Accognt*elegant'y opened,
Rooks neatly and corre&ly polled, 'with
various other kinds of writing, by a perfou
thoroughly acquainted with accounts.
Gentlemen extensively concerned, may find
it to ijKeir interefi to put buoncfs in this line
into his hands, as the f-;Jleft confide pee may he
reposed in } im and ample fjtisfa&ion
Address a line to B- A- and leave it with the
printer hereof
Philadelphia, March *9
r | y H£ Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan-
X line of Strges DISPATCH, retuni their
grateful thanks to their an J the public in
general, for the past favors they have rectivt.d,ancf
inform them that in addition to'the regalnr laae,
they arc p ovi &d with Carriages, sober and cartful
drivers, to go tfiroujfh between the City and
Borough; in two days. Tbofe who prefer this mode
"of travelling can be accommodated at the Stage
Office, sign oT United States Market street,
Slough, Downing, Duntvoody Co.
Nod. 30. f 2-t'—§
city of Washington.
ed by the flabferiber, for undivided Shares or
Lots on his purchase within the city of Washing
ton, who have not yet applied lor and received
their Deeds, are hereby notified, that their several
Titles will be duly completed to, the order of thole
who in conformity with the terms of the faii Cer
tificates, do make 2be Payments in full thv-refor,
either to Thomas M*£uen & 00. or to the *Ub
fcriber at Piriladelphia, on or at any time oelore
the 3141 day of May next.
December 17
KNOWN by the name of the Booneton Iron
Works, fitnata in the county of Morris ia the
ilaEtf of confi/iiv.g of a Forge with
four fires, a Railing ajvcf Slitting Mill, a Grift mill
With two Run oi (t«ncF, and Saw mUI, allin good
order and n«%y in use, together with an excellent,,
larste, <nd convenient houl'c, wiih outVh<vu(Vs of
every kind ; among which are aw Ice house, and
(tone mill: ftolife, with a remarkable fir.' tyring in
it, a Urge Garden, and an excellent solle&ion of
Fruit, a large Orchard, and j2SCO acres of wobd,
parure and arable luud, and a gre»t number of
ftorcs and workmen's house* Immediate i-ofiVfii>:ii
will be given of hpufc» an«» stores lufficienr tor
providing Hock the present winter, and pofleflion
of the whole in the ipring.
I For terms enquire of Bavid B Ojjden at New-
I ark ; wv Peter Mackie in New-York, mr. David
Ford ir. Morris town, cr lueffrs. Jacob and Uich
#*rd Patfch on tficprcitiiic^.
Jatiuarv f-i
HPAKS6 tlfis method of once more ii.fwmiwg
i. the Public, that the partmrfhip of Mofts
ChapUnc and Robert M'Clure, which was enter
id into for the purpose of retailing Goods in the
town of Weft Liberty and Commonwealth ol Vir
ginia, on the tenth day of August; 1790, exoired
on the tenth, day of August 179.5, agreeable to the
term ftipulatcd in their article of copai tnerlhip;
February 21.
Near the corner of Arch and Ninth streets.
To be Sold or }
A number of excellent Pasture Lots,
On the W ifiabicWen road, abaut, half a miie
from th« city.
\* Enquire at No. 18 North Fifth fircet,
November F5
FROM the Marine Barracks on the night of tit
14th inil—JOHN OSBORN, born in tlic
town of Bedford, Wert Cheiter county and Hate
of Mew-York, aged 2z years, 9 months, 5 ft;
8 and a quarter inches high, grey eyes (longqued)
light hair, ruddy completion, pock marked, hjr
trade a Shoemaker. F.nlifled by Lieutenant Rt-y
Holds in Stephen's Town, near Albaav the ijth ol
Jhuc la ft Had 00 and took with him a fliort
round blue cloth coat with a red cape, a blue
cloth coatee, a few white waistcoats, a long grey
mixed cloth coat ana breeches, a pair cfho.itr, a
chocolate coloured great coat trimmed with blac!.
hair plush, i. fur- hat half worn, and two Giver
watches, ont a middle lize, the other fmtl?. He
may impose himfelf ou fume family or gentleman
as a waiter, as he has a(Sfod in lhat capacity
Whoever apprehends said Deserter, and f«eures him
in jail, fends him to Headquarters, or delivers him
to any of 'he Marine •rtiocr9, or any officer of the
army of the United States fhali receive the above
reward and all reasonable charges.
January 16,
319 Higb,
To Merchants.
Samuel Bludget.
Valuable Rstcile,
The Subscriber
Thirty Ddlars Reward.
Adjutant Marine Corps.
No. 17 South Second Street,
A sovereign k&hiynr
For Co'ds, obfiinate Coughs, Catarrhs, Afth
. mas, Sore-throats, and approaching' Con
THOUSANDS arc too well acquainted with
the nature dnd efTedU of empirical medir.'me s
daily ofTeied for the cure of the above com
plaints ; dear bought experience has tartght
them that oily 'nd heating Medicines joined
doses of which, flatter arvJ deceive t-fie p/. Stent
for the prefect, by procuring rnome:.iary eaf'e;
experience, I fay, lias
th; corrrooa opi*res and as they are
called, finally aggravate ever/ oifo.rder of the
breast and Inngfln thwir molt di ! 'rcffu<g symp
toms ; that they load tiie stomach and impair
the digestion, inflame the whole system. incie*l'e
rhe difficulty of br. p,'td\xcite fever.-
But the qualities of this vilnsilr drfco>ery are
evinced I>v perte~&ty oppotfte A BIN
GLB TttfAL WILL PROW. it re (lores
the determination of the fluids to tlw CurfaCe of
the body, and brings on the common, healthful
pe; fpira'.ion ; that it dislodges and evacuaes
die lough, vißid ph'ep-m, or'mucus,'ftrcngth
ens the weakened ef th - lung*, fhe-athes
1 vmoUfs which irritate the
lungs, and finally them. Thus ftri
kiisr the root of ' ! >e di! rder, the symptoms
are ?F course, nally and permanently con
quered, th* revcrfe of common mcdirroes,
which weaken theconflitiuio* s&d giveftrengrh
ro th« disorder, for the fake -of moderating for
the present, some of its pair^reffe&s.
Who may have Children afflicted ivitb the
This discovery is of the firft magnitude, as it
affords immediate relief, checks the prv>grefs,
and in a Ihort time entirely removes
cruel difoider to which children are liable ; the
Elixir is so perfectly agreeable and the dose so
fmali, th?»t no difficulty- arises in taking it.
Genuine Efjence and Extraß of
For Uheumitifms, Gpr! Palfey, Sprains, i;c.
a great number of arte cd cures in if be i'een
St the place of f>le s»r. Hamilton's Grajid
Rcfioralive for by in
teiiipcrante of any and for the cure of
Nervous Com-'airits, inward Weaknel'sj Ob
e C!etts, iy«pt in women. See.
Haniiltoh's coiSr*K'd Wrrm Lorrr.
ees, thv iofifitHle Itch Ointment, Dr. Leroux's
India-. Vegetable Specific for Venereal Com
plaints, f..gaeand Fever Drops which hid ne
ver failed • ffeSim; a cure, Dr. Halm's Anti
hHtiwV Pill, ditto Corn Plaifter, the Persian
Lotion ft the face and 4itt, Gowlaiufs Lo
tiop, Church's Cough Drops, Anderfon's Pills,
Is recommended (particularly to the LaSies)
an elegant aRd pleasant preparatio 1 for chop
pt f d and fire lip*, and every atld incon
vehicnce-»iCt cold». .fevers, &c. fpee
,tMv rc-ftoring a beautiful rosy colour and deli
cate foftnels to tht lips.
for the teeth and gums
This excellent preparation comfrrts and
flrenjtliens the gums, preserves the enamel
from decay, and cltanles and whitens the teeth,
absorbing aU that acrimonious fiirr.e and foul
nefs, which fufTered to accumulate, never (ail?
to injure and finally ruin thtfitv.
f55" Tbole who wifli to procure the medicines
genuine, must apply okly as abbve.
Wholefa'e purchafc-rs will receive a liberal
allowance by apolication to LEE & Co. Balti
more, who have obtained the genwal agency
for the United States.
Feb. 26
Perm jvania District. 5
BY virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas to
mediredUd, iffuedont of the Diftrifl Court
of the United. States in and for the Fetinfylvania
Diftrift, will be fold by rnblic vendue, at the Ci;y
tavern, it. Second, in the city of Philadelphia.
Oil Friday the 4th*.iay Of April next,at lixoVkxk
in the att<sVno#n, I undivided third part of two cer
tain Mefluage and Lots ol Grotmd situate cn the
south ude of Walnut Orert, in said city, beginning
at the corner of Jofc» VValge lot and extending
southwardly 79 feet 6 inches to ground ot Miers
Filber, Elq- thence weftwardly 54 ftet to a corner,
thencc-fputhwardly ?/elect 6 inches or thereabout
to ground of David H Cor. thence weft
*ar.:ly 46 feet to an alley, thence aCross said alley
55> Ictc to a corner, thence eaifwardly 46 feet,
thence northwardly to M ainut lifeet 47 feet,
th- nee eafiwardly 01 thf fa.d Creet 54 feet, to the
place of beginning, fubjeit to a rent, charge of
thitty five pounds per annual, with the use and
privilege ftf the said alley, running into Dock
street; all those City Lots marked in tVis general
Man No. 1*37. 17'3*. >J39.'54°. 154'. on the
well Gde of Third lireet tram Schuylkill, '.-etwecn
Locust and Walnut dreets ; 1537, containing in
breath sixty feet and in 'iepth 147 I'ft 6 inches ;
the uthers being contiguous, contaiv: m breadth
250 fe»t and in depth 247 f«« 6 inch-.-,; all those
City Lots nuo-bered : 393, '394, '395> 1
1 to 7 and 1398, or. the north fide of V/alput llreet
between filth and SiitH flreets, from Schuylkill
being each of them 66 feet in iron* and 135 feet
in depth. Also, all that mefluage and traS of
Land, partly in Lower Dublin to*niliip, Philadel
phia county, and partly it Montgomery ounty,
containing 19 i-» th.- fame more, or lets
Seized and taken in execution as the prepcrty of
fohn Donaldfon, Elq- ,
JOHN HALL, Marihal.
Marlhal's Office. March 17,1 800. cut.:
Of the City of Philadelphia, Merchant
ON the 9th day of Aug. 1799, affigwd all his
Efiare, real, perianal and mixed, to JOHN
M-nesbltt and Jonathan meredith,
—All persons indebted to the said rhoaia> Haw.
thorn or to th« late hotsfe of Hawthorn and Kerr,
are defirtd to pay their refpt&ive balances to
February 21
To Merchants, vStore Keepers arid Trades-
[7~ou •will oblige me by reading this advertijement
I RESPECTFULLY invite you either to tke
City Tavern, Hardy's Hotel, Francis' Motel,
the Indian Queen, Dunvvoody's Tavern, the
Franklin'a Head, or to the George, to c xamiae
a fppeimen of Rowlcu's Tables of D'kouiu » r
Interelt, on every Dollar, from I to 2,occ ; '-n
every ten, from 2000 to 2500 j on eve ry fifty
from 250C5 to 3000 ; and on every five hm.dred
from 300 c to 5000 ; from one day to 64 days
inclulive, at fix per cent, compriliwg in the
whole, upwards of one hundred and thirty two
thousand one hundred and fifty calculations of
difeouut ; all performed according to the equi
table principles of the Banks, arid as pra<stiled
between individuals throughout the United
States ; being a perfect standard on thefufcje& :
with note 3, shewing how to use the tables a,t
five, seven and eight uer cent, reckoning either
360 or :6s days to the year, and the mode of
calculation on cents ; to which is added, the
principles of computation of the various ex
changes between each State relpedtively* and
between th</e and London and Paris, at differ
ent rates of exchange.
The work is dedicated, by pcrmsfiion, to the
Pr»ffident and Da'rt&urs of the Bank of Worth
Americ a, and has already received thr patronage
of John .Idams, Piefident ps the United
States; of Thomas Jkfferson, Vice Presi
dent of the Unittrd States and President of the
Senate ; sf a Urge number of the Senators and
Members of the House of Representatives of the
United States ; and of the Piefidents and Di
rectors of the different Banks unanimously :■
a lift of rhe whole is printed and attached to the
specimen book.
The preface ro the specimen explains, among
other matters, the methods to be pursued to
render the work perfedly accurate—and gen
tlemen who will reflcfl on those methods will
agree in the fa&. Every one will acknowledge
the arduonfnefs of the undertaking.
Theexpences, independent of any compensa
tion for my troub'e, will require a sum between
three and four thousand dollars, which is two
mach to hazard —all muit Bepend therefore up- f
on a general fnbferi prion ; for unless fifteen
hundred fubferibers 41'e obtaine if would cer
tainly he imprudent to execute 'he work.
Subfcriters can run no rific, as the book
(which will be q mrto, from 200 to 225 page 9 >
or more —price two dollars) is not to be paid
for until delivered conformable to
! my engagements cxprefled in th? conditions
! affixed to the specimen, which consists of fix
i detached pages oft lie work.
J A table 'f y aH the post towns in the United
Srates, nndfojne other ufeful information (not
e in the title) will follow the computa
tions of exciiajigcs between this country and
1 England and France } and provided, -ehtlcmen,
1 that a fwfficieKt number of you come forward
i and fublcribe, a 1 urther addition fliall fee made
! of the coins and money of account of the prin
cipal maritime trading plsces in RuJJti,
Denmark. Norivay, Pri'jfia-, Hol<ind, Germany f
Holland, Flanders, Span, Portugal, Italy, and
in of the windward arid
Indlu ljlands, ihe whole reduced to dollars and
cents ; and the mode of computing the exchange
with those places explained ; alio, a large Jhcet
table ot calculations at compound intereO at 6
per cent to which the notes for 5, 7 and 8 j.-er
cent, will apply—the tables used in banks for
. the determination of the val&eofgold ; and the
interrfft for each motiih from one to twelve
month?, which Will make the work ildl more
act eptabld- to persons living in the country as
well as in t >wn ; and uprtn the whole* I am con
fident, that this bonk will be found as generally
ufeiul ahi'd convenient as any matter of fait-pcr
formance thit ever entered a counting hcuie or
eoiw lawtP.
It is not Sufficient that an individual (conli
derirlg himfelr but one) lball conclude, inflead
of fubfcribiug, to purchafc the book wb'en pub
lifh;i, asfome of the members of the House of
KeprefeHtatives of the Uwitcd ?tatta done ;
for, however much J am obliged to ihefe.rhe
the loss ot' rnsnv ONES' fultfcnptipns may lose
me tlie race, and the bcok may -never be pub
lilhed. I repeat, ibat iioLhjl»g i» to be paiJ in
ad-, ani'f,
A: 1 am, veryrefp*_tffully,
C! r.rltmen, f '
Your humble servant,
Jcccmptant Bant North America.
Poitfiript.—Gentlemen who have bufiniWat
either ot the Banks, or at the Philadelphia Li
brary, willha»ean opportunityof fubferibing
there, as weil as at the Taverns, Sic', before
Copy right secured according to act bf Con
March 6.
7o alt persons tvbo own unseated Lands in
Franklin Cfiimty, State of Pennsylvania :
'"T'HA-T they comb forward and pay tlieir
I vefpedlive Taxes, (as there ib a namber
of years now due) to fATRICJC CAMP
BELL, Efc;. Treafuirr for said County—H
they do not, we will be ibliged-t9 proceed
to 'nalce iale of them agreeably to law.
Coiamissiofier's office, <J
Cteihitrsburgb) JW. 1, JBOO. \ vawjm.
Acting Assignee.
3 taw 6 w
men in See,
throughout jj
Jamks IHVIN, 1
John -Ham.iday, I Gon:'i";,
Nathan fyl'DewEL.j
\ Volume XVII
1o New Tork,
By the ftiorteft and molt pkafant —pttffiog
through Prailkford, Bv.ftleton, Newtown,
Penninjrton, Bowndbrook, Union
Camp, .Scotch Plains, Springfield and New
fUrty £rora the Green Tree, No- 50 North
Fourth Street, at 8 o'elock every morning, and
arrive* at New York early the next evening.
From New York it starts at 9 o'clock, overy
day (SdHdays excepted.) and arrives at Phila
delphia, early the next evening.
rare for pafTengers 5 dollars, way paitengers
6 cents per mile. Each pafffrttger allowed 141b
of baggage. One hundred and fifty weignt of
baggage to pay the fame as a paflenpet.
All baggaiv be at the rifle of the aimer,
unless inlured A)id receipted for by ;he clerks
6f the different offices. Rate of iafuraoce one
per crnr, x
Apply to JOHN M'CALLA, No. 50
North Faui'th Street. Philadelphia, ar.d to
Cdurtland Street, N.E.corner of Greenwich
Street, New York.
Januafy 3.
This Day Published,
By J. Ormrqd, No. 4K Chefivut Street,
(Price 25 Cents)
Death of General Wajhington.
In imitation of the manner of Oflian.
By Rev. John B. Linn, A.M.
Minister of the First .Presbyterian Congregation
of Philadelphia.
gjT" Mr. Chaudron's Oration will be publiflied
on Monday morning.
M*rch 15.
Qf the Pittsburgh Glass Works,
HAVING procured a fnflicient number of
themoft approved Europeaw Glass IV'anu
fuifturers, and having on hand a large flock of
the belt Materials, on which their. workme» are
now employed, have the pleasure of alluring
the public, that window glass of a fupei ior qua
lity aud of any fi2e, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 24
inches, carefully packed in boxes containing
100 feet ea h, may be had at the (horteft notice.
Glass of larger sizes for other purposes, may
3Up be had, luch as for pictures, coach glaHts,
clock faces, &c. Bottles of all kinds and of any
quantity may also be had, together with pocket t
fia{ks,picklingjars, apothecary's stop furniture,
or other hollow ware—the whole at least 2£per
cent, lower than articles of the fame quality
brought from any of the sea ports of the United
States. A liberal allowance wilt be made on
sale of large quantities. Orders fr<m merchants
ind others will ke pun&ually attended to on ap
plication to JAMES O'BARA or ISAAC
CRAIG, or at the Store of Meflrs PRATHER
andSMILIE, in Maiket-Street, P ttlburgh.
March v*
To be Bartered,
f, A haiidfome Three Story
Of modern construction at: J well buiit
WITH the, best niatcrhis, Gtuated in a vfcry
pleasant and healthy jjait of the town at
a moderate dift.iice from the ccntrei'of the city.
En-quire a* the Office of the Gazetfe of the Uni
niied States.
March 16.
Valuable Properly for Sale,
ki Chc'V?*.*:, near Sixth ftrcitt, direfUy oppofitc
Concuss Hall.
A J-OT of ground, about at feet front iia Cfefrf
i X nut Urect and 73 feci in depth, whereon is a
goo,d frame house, now in the tenure of Sainfcel
Bsnge.fuhj;& to a ground rent of ao*. per annum.
The» adytntageous fifuation of this property re
quires no comments, for it must heknown, thr.rc
are few in this city to equalit, an unecceptionable
lule wifl be maoc to the purchaser. Apply to
No. i9s,ChcfriUt ft. next ioor to the pt\.saife»,
march 5 "*ti
FROM the United States Frigate PhiU&l
phii, DAVID DEVIN2, by trade a Shoe
maker, turn in Ireland, 7.3 veare of age, 5 feet
6 inches high, light complexion arttl hair—ail'o,
WATSON LUDLOW, by trade a Shoe
maker, barn in New Jerfrv, j'j years ofav;e,
j feet 10 incite* dark hair and cpniplrx-
Whoever wiil take op ii'd Defwtevs and deli
ver them on botrd the fa:d frigate, fttall receive
ten dollars reward for ea h, . r.ii lelf.iuablc
March '2.
Three Lents Reward.
RUN away from the Sublcri'-er on the emniog
of the »|ik.lnfl.i a bound Servant Glki.,
named Elizabeth ha- on and t.'ok with
herjthree different changes ot garment an J money,
proud,bold and ifriputfrat, a noted lyat ; any p.r
fon apprehtudingli'cr Shall 1 e entitled to the ibs ve
reward—so roPs or charges will be paid.
N: 8, She had % ar;d fame months tG ier**,
Golhen Towiifi.ip, Chcf.*i istuo(.j, J«ly 19.
niiguu i , 38v-'.t(
- —V
m&w tf.