Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, March 24, 1800, Image 3

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    '"% i* VSKttt.
Julluni et tunacem propofiti virum,
Moo civium ardcr prava jubentium,
Non vultus inflantis tyranni,
Mente quatit foiida.
Of all the inflances of eonfummate im
pertinence, his letter to the King of Great
Britain, See. is the greatest ; and it is not
only imp-rtinent, but alio a compleat dit
play of duplicity. A vagabond exalted by
plunder, rapine, and the mod extravagant
enormities, to the head of a band of French
Robbers ; a caitiff who but a few davs be
fore, knocked down the constitution he had
sworn to defend ; presumes to write to the
Majesty of England with proposals of peace !
What confidence can be criven to fucll a Gal
lic Jt !i n afl' lfin i none • The upflart rep
tile, guarded by his accomplices in ullainy,
dois rut vwAnt peace : that is not his-»bje<ft.
In peace he woula loon tumble to his native
i)ifigiuht.anCc ; nut hiving pruiniied peace to
the dcltd.'d Sanfcuklte tube, he writes a
letter, ai d expects to t , in prpul rrity,-by the
manly and Noblf rc-lufalof the British nation.
The frothy tribe, his il ives.w ill cryjviv'eßuo
c a parte, vive la i.eplibltnne, swear vengeance
a.;?.inil £i.j;land and iing a f;ng I fince're.
ly Hi ill the manly condud\ of Britain, had
- been copied by our government, instead of
Envoys to treat with a n ition, wh;;ie
c;;rdyft has ever been deceit and treachery,
*nd who, fines their infernal
have arrived at the cliuiax «f every species
ef atrocity and infamy. Their neiv pjltrv
conflitutioii will fall like tile Uft ; another
will (prinff up under the direction of a rew
ktoi cut-thr.oais ; lor m these trey aboirvj.
Inf.ead of Liberty and Equality, the mean
•Hg ui which they do not undeill.uid, their
motto ought tone.
Tyranny, Robbery and Murder.
Time serving newspapers, whole henora
ble oftce it ii to dc'.v. in duty records of
p. it ate venom againlt an illusions nation,
reiterate with great av':dily, the (lory of a
> Certain captain of this port, who tells us how
he was brought to by the Biitilh cutter
Sparrow,—how be was ordered on board
t-id Sparrow, and how he was detained 5 or
6 hauis ; how he was called « * danin'd
Yankey rascal, for giving H. M.'s cutter
futh a chafe," how the British captain abaifed
him, and how the failing matter robbed the
Tffffcl. Then follows a detail of his treat
ment by the Loweftoffc, where, after much
of the fame he intorms u<, the
captain paid him ieventy dollars to make up,
as he fays, the depredations of his men, call
ed him " a danm'd fcnundrel," "ayankey
rafcil," and dittniffed him. Of the evil iir
tentions of the men who difieminate these
reports, no doubt can be entertained ; the
captains may propagate theinfrom ignorance,
or any other motive.
To charge a failing-tnafler of a British
nun of war, with stealing time-glare s, lan
t- orns, tin-pots, sailors' cloetbs and meat
in soak, is evidently not only the height of
fcaudal and malice, but absurdity. Forwhy
fiioulr! a failing-m.tfter fieal these articles
above all ethers ! Bcfides, if heft.le the ar-
tides, h* must have carried them a'loaid his
own (hip 5 and if lie carried them aboard l is
own (hip, the captain mui> have keen nude
a pa'rUkcr of this imputation.
would be thought of the propaga
tion ol'iuch a fiory as this, of on; of ,>ur of
ficers, ill t!,e Eritil-h lStfwfpajrrs ? Can ativ
prrduce inltancrs i : such detradv.i;'?
If this American captain w;,s realiy robbed
ty the Britifli officer, he mult be :,Bie to
prove it ; ami lie mull know, that by prov
ing "> pofTelTes full power to execute not
6nly'jufVice, but vengeance against tlte rub-'
ber. Why, therefore, inllrad of reporting
the circumstance in form of a calumny against
the whole nation,—why does he not go to
Mr. Lifinn, and formally arraign the officer j
-as a thief ?
The childish complaint, of the application
ot terms ot reproach to him, by a man :n
---ten&a at being needlefdy vexed-by a long
arid fruitlefs chafe, merits the Iftg'beft con
tempt. I repeat here, what I have before
aflerteJ, that it has been in a' great measure
owing ti> the mercenary tales cf unprincipled,
lying iailors, that onr government bas been
tricked intoalmoft all the errors and follies
it has committed. But f®r these men, there
is fom * degree of excuse on the score of ig
norance : The conduit of the feoundrel
Printers, who, with jdyous grin, reiterate
their tales, is assignable only to a base ana
daflardtv malice.
As it is pufiible this may be the only
SieJium through which the information may
reach him, I have now the honor to acquaint
His Excellency Robert Lifton, Esquire, that
these reports, affefting so deeply, (wherever
believed) the honor of the British navy, ai,d
the charafter of the B:i ifh nation, are al
ferted by a Captain Kennedy, of the fchoon
ex Nancy, of Philadelphia ; published in fer
♦eral base newfpajters in Philadelphia, and,
in the courle of two cr three weeks, will
appear in an hundred others, throughout the
Continentto the end that a scrutiny may
take place.
The endless Priefilcy has publj/hed ano
ther Pamphlet: this is ludicrously entitled
" The Do&rine of Phlegiftofi established,
and that of the Composition of Water
refuted." The new Doftrine of Airs,
though it be of French origination, is
a mountain -which the infidelity of this vain
and voluminous old Sophist, will never re
move. He may to pamphlets add Oftavos,—j
to Odavos, Quartes, ponderous as that of,
" Priestley on Optics,"—and all will avail j
iira nothing. The fafhion of PhlogiAen
* w r; and-tffe old man
win depbltgisticate ;, !S . * tl rateiinttHe<a in
vain, to rcicue it from t»e 6Utivieus grasp of
negkd*. The Dtftuiies
i» sportive moods.
Ewni to have perreirrtd cht eccafional af
uimption of thehuimn functions, to noxious
proptnfities, bound iif thr brdinary cburi'e of
«i»tunj to a far different iljfhny Hence, air
lomettmts seen, mifctiievoufncfs and intig
nificance which (hould have animated the fi
gure «f a Monkey, defiling {lation by de
fence of murder; und the towering Eagle,
•j? '•'* pnde ot place, too «fan by a mooting
; Owl is Iwwkeil at. The genius of. Priestley
aflimilates itfelf d.ily more and nx re to that
ot * Spider. What ot the mighty proauft
sis his labor is not noxious to mankind, is
ufeleis alike jto then: and to niuilcif. The
web ot his Religion and his l'tiilofophy 11
equally Hiuify ; and now, pieced by Hartley
and by Ferriar, though he may seek by pam
phlet upon pamphlet to rep ir it, it will 110
longer retain even a contemptible Fly.
It is all times unpleasant to fail under
the necessity of contracting the ltat.-ment ot
a gentleman who (filing nil tied l.imfel£ by an
uniform candor .1 t»d urbanity of deportment.
How much more so, (inn, who to'gentility
o demeanotir, adds h rigid adherence to
irutb Ihe Aurora has fiated that a large
number of triends to leoverument, among
whom are said to have been Mr. ,Doyle,
- li. StrirkVr, and Mr. Armstrong, went the
roui.cis at Lancafler, beating- up the cuartjrs
o t. e Republicans, at the breaking up of
the Aflenibiy ; and that at one ofthehoufes
villi by them, viz. Slaytnaker'Sj thev ihe't
wuh a compleat defeat, Mr. Doyle having
his arm fraftiirrd in three places. Albeit,
though painful to us aioret'aid, we are necef
litated to fay, that the above is a (heer fall'-'
hood ; and the useful reflect:9iis, on the c>-
tnil,fiance,following, which begin :—"thus
do the pretended friends .to order ivery where
aiftmguilh themielves by not and violence/' j
kc. are of course, though we are pained as
at ore fa id, to repeat it, equally fa Ift and :
groundiefs. The « large patty" confided !
of the former and the latter of thole gentle- 1
men ; and the attack was commenced not ■
by them, bat upon them by the Republicans, j
.'eventeen in number, whom they for a long
tune kept at bay, knocking down numbers, !
until an unlucky accident threw Mr. Doyle
into their power ; when Mr. Armstrong al- j
fa fell, and they were, indeed, both unmerci- 1
fnl'y abused by these cowardly friends to'
the Rights of Men, and Mr. Doyle's arm
aiSunlly broken ; happy to escape even thus,
both him and his friend having been
threatened with dssth.
MOCSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The following letter from the American
Friday-, March »j. Consul at iit. Jago de C«ba, is important,
Mr. Speaker laid befo, e the house . let 35 •" * WP) P oint in the ma "
ttt from the Secretary at War, indole , hcr£,ofore dif "
r.port on the petition of John Ar„(tro»g, Th" letter was accom
which was read be printed I T,. 3 Pr w lKe br -
The bill for the relief of the corporation fn' 4 tk ""> ° f Bofton > fa,lcd from Port
ofßhod. Iflind College. read a third Palx ln D^« m n Boston, wa.
tune and upon the question (hall this bill' J■ Jlj * J *
pass? a long debate ensued—The q.eftion t pa falucca " a " d kntmto Cuba, where
was on motion cf Mr Smith, postponed till W " co " demn£d '
Monday. St. tit Cuba, Jan. 22, 1800.
Mr. Gregg prefer;ted a petition of Chris- Bin. L-t ncoln, E»q_
tbpher Geer rig, and Frederick Lafceles, 4/ ,
which was read and referred 10 a feledt „ ~ I . , .
committee. On ine arrival of the therein mention-
Mr. Thorn, son presented i petition of fehooner Polly of Boston at this port, I
Joku Carfee, which was referred to the imii- claimed her as American property, fubjefi
mittee of claima.
Mr. Mtrfcail from the feleA commit-ee' t " * fa,V3 B c * But W3a told b ?" tbe C<n)rt
ppomted to conlider the expediency of ac- ol: Admtrail Jt here, that by an o dcr of the
Wpti"« the cession of « jurifdiftion of ter- King os-Spain, all Hernial ve&li re-takui.
itory lying weft of Pei.nfylrsnia, called T, .
he Connecticut Re/erve, made report, that- b<= confldere< J " S ood P rl "«- Fo '
he jurifdiftion to be accepted on the a " e*p' a nation 5* tin's, I beg liberty to reft
erms and conditions txpreffed in the bill you to M.. Su.ujh.ou ihe bpa.uTri Coi.fu
vnich accompanied (lie report. . ,
Tbe bill was read and committed for Mon- Wlt 1 y ou "
lay week. I am your molt obedient,
Mr. Parker, from the naral committee, Humble Servant,
irought ffi a bill fixing the rank and pay of JOSIAH BL A KoLEY,
he commauding officer ofthe marine corps, „
shich was committed for Consul of Iht Un ted '.tat
Mr. Giifwold moved the following refo
ution, which was agreed to by the house.
Rtsohed, That the Committee of C..m
nerce and Manufa:'ures, enquire into the
icccflity of repairing the Light-House at
'Jew London, in the St.te of Connecticut,
nd that they report by bill or otlurwife.
The unfavourable report of the committee
if claims nu the petition of James Somer
ell and Henry T. Compton, Guardian of I c , ~ „
he orphan children of Major Treman, who n t r
tab killed by the Indians, was taken into j 7' ,
onfideration, and agreed to—ayes 4.8. ci " :
Mr- D. Foster, from the committee of '°"<j 11!/Y) "l •' V
• laims, made a report ,on the petition of •"'>>
jilbert Dench, who prayed for damages ci -. c \x T u ' ' -. .
uftained by him in cotifcquencc rf the de t"\ 1 ' ,> n»jt!.ir..
ireciation of he received during "w hh 'J'.h n'" M
he revolutionary war in discharge of con , h " " £*? tht . fl "? *»»* V?*?
rafts made with the quarter matter-general l * t "" ri thf I ! d " ,l!
Ti.r t- m , * • , r ®"V in company with the !Cr-r. . Holitiai
ike fubjeft has been twice before conlidr- ,• ~ m , c . ,\ Ji
A anrl .v, u r j or >*w her late thrpu 'h the Mpr<
a and rejeiled by the house—and as no •»„, , ■' v '
iew evidence is adduced, the committee are r i.5 t 'i n M l " r rVr
■f opinion the prayer ofthe petitLn ought fc U 7 C -' X ' of *° d so
lot to be granted- Philadelphia from Anturna having under ton
Ti,.' . 1 , r %, ■ voy fix vessels niniej nnki-own. C.ipt. \V
Ihe report wa» committed for Monday i„<v .» T r - .. ~ M . !
cs( ' lett :.t L't Uuira tne (1 up UefiatuT, Smith
'*l he honfe went into committee ofthe and tb? 0 " ly Amf,ici,n " fl '
vhole on the bill supplementary to .he aft " AtNew-Caftle yesterday the fl.ip Kclipfe
opreferve trade and .ntercourfe will, tie J o,vfor Calcutta. Sailed from Nov.-CaUl
r'ot'rV. m'' p'' t'° P '^,P«te on the n,,, ti:e n,i ? Nancv. lio, ~.r [,,,
H Kn ri ° dond " lv ' CSJfcr yellerday 11, i,, Spy
!3? i r ,g L ,' " ° rder,d TO be W"o«l for Maderia.
ngroffed for a thiru reading on Monday Longhead ofthe Mail Pa. -t. Yeat
. ! "''tin, arrived on Saturday, intnriv.i that
Mr. Davis moved the refoiuti ! failed from Charfeftcm, (S. C.) the f 6th. ii
»n, which was ordered to lie on the table, company with the Hoop Nancy FulJ?n< a o
Resolved, That a committee be appoin-' Holland, • ■ i. fron
ted t#enquire into the expediency or intit- hefjee, was the only Philadelphia vt fIV! a
pediency of extending the provilions con- Charl.?flon, the Yeatman left thai
Uincdis thc aft puffed the tath April, port.
f r granting compensation to the orphans
of deceai d officers, to the widow and or
phan# (if Col. Hardihg and Major Trueman.
Mr. Ocis yp hia refutation for tak
ing preparatory mcafures relative to the
removal of the feat of government to the
city of Washington—after C me debate, the
wfoluticm wa» adopted, and sent to the
committee of ways and means.
Adjourned till Monday. /
. Notice is hereby given,
'T"TIAT IVparate.propo.'als will' be received
1 at the office of the Secretary of the De
partment of War, until the expiration of:the
»sth,of Ju y nextrnfuing, for the fupplyofall
rations, which may he required for the use of
the United States, from th* tfl <l»y of Oflober,
__ w . , 'Soo, to. the 30th day of September, 15..1,
e Kfit -fnll rr • r 1 nir n ' i both davs inclgfive, at the'places and within
Th follow,ng obfervnhons of ike Belfajnew, thetwo diljritf, hereinafter firlt ment.oaed ;
letter oj January 3, on the new French and allo that separate prppaCils will be received
cof/itution, are in perfeS coincidence with ;at the until the expiration of th«
what we gave on thejirjl pullication of it. **f of July next ending, tor the supply of all
The ae» French eonftitutlon E ires m in. Y hi ' h , J" I '' her ?fl ui " d ." aforefaid.from
a ii*i l !- r til d a y J anuar y'n the year ißqo, to the
, J" d tothecK.ef magi! - - I 3 ,ft rtjy o! December in the sam» year, both
tiace—transfers all relpotifibility from htm days mclufive, at the place and within the rev
to his own creatures, ind confers upon him, t erj| states mentioned, viz,
at the fame time, the more than kindly I Fi'jl Proposals to supply all rations, that
prerogative of being the pmpofer of all 1 !?."£ be r «qu>M. at Ofwegn ; at Niagara ,at
poffibie laws, in a government of which he ' "f i Prtl q u '''<i i f Michilimackinac; j
and two inferior aflocia es from the execu- i ii",?"?. 1 ■" i. at
„ n. . ~ , , , • *'cque 1 own,, and Loramiej stores :at Fort '
live a con dilution which elevate- the great j. Wayne; at Fcrt Deflate ;. at anyplace below :
functionaries and powers of thcSutc into j Fort Defiance, on the Mian-.i.nvcr, to Lake)
a ieparate crder, never more to become one Erie ; at Fort Kn >x, and Ouatouon on the ri- i
ajjii* with their fellow citizens ; nobles for vcr ;at Mailac ; at anyplace or places j
life, and judges aud re?ifers of the a&s of ■ °. n r,ver Miffi.flippi, ,abov# the mouth of the
the 300 legators, whom they themfelve, j * nd 'nonoUriver. ,
h°""ft * ,, d:
upon far more than all this, the whole na- .alt fideof the Miffiflippi river,below the mouth
tion is called upon to judge and da» ide, by j of the river Ohio to the southern boundary of
a eonftitutlon, whose prime leading, and | state ot Kentucky and within thefa : il state;
fundamental principle it is, that the great at Knoxville ; at all polls and places within the
mass of the nat on have just vinue and wif- i ef T «iiclTee ; at South WelUJVint; at
don enough tochnfe their cenftable. and no !A' ° K ° ck ." ouft i " St. Sevens, or otfter
= i e,m „j. ,„i,„r,i htj
irage the,t y .f the people is ad- „ e s; helovv the southern boundary of the state
mitted ill its widest extent; and the people !of 1 enneiree and within the boundary of the
are called upon to exercise it, as the filicide | United States.
exercises his power over life »nly to dc
ftrov it farevrr. The indcftniiSle validity
ofpetfonal rights is thus exprcfl'sd as fully
as the wildest demowacy could vote it ; ky
a conftitutiyu as oligarchic as ever that of
Venice was, and which pronounces the
people at large a.fouland unwho!efome ele-
ment, unfit l« be employed iu the fimplafl
offices, withost long processes of filtration.
But thi», however, we nay perhaps pass
over, as a country grimace to amuse the
half jacobin 9 ; an aft of pure tenderaefs to
the genius of democracy, now on its death
bed: and it would be too rigorous to ex
pert consistency in a mere compliment.
Sieyes and Baonaparte are,we prrfumc, fuf
ficieitly afuredof tie affeftioas of the sol
diers, aui the terrors w»d kopefulncfs of
thenation, to.know, that no deliberation
will be called forth, no a&ual power ex
ercised by the people.
©asettc lariat JLift.
Pott oj Philadelphia
Ship Mary, Webb, Guira zo
Brig Florida, Long, Tener.'i'j vii Mar-
Third Proposals to supply all rat ons that
may be required, at Poiat Petre ; at Colcraine,
at and at any other place or places
where troop.- are or ruay be (lationed, marched
or recruited wiihin the fiate of Georgia; at all
torts or liations on tfe Oconnee and Alatama
ha, ar.d at all othjr places in the Creek nation,
within the limits of the United States, where
',tr»np> arc or maj/ be stationed.
Fourth Proposals to supply all rations that
miy ee rehired at Fort Johnfton, at Pert Pinck
ne*,'at Cliarlefton, or at any other place or
places where troops are or may be ftatiosed,
marched or recruited in the state of Sourh-Ca
Fifth. PropofaU to supply all rations that
may be required at the Fort at Wilmington,
Cape Fear; at Beacon island, Ocraccck ; at
Charlotte ; at Fayetterille ( at Salisbury, or
at atiy other place or places where troops are or
may be flationsd, marched or recruited in the
state of North-Carolina.
Shcth. Proposals to supply all rations that
may b» required at Norfolk, at Portsmouth. a:
Kempfville, at Charlottevi!le, at Winchester
at Staunton, at Richmond, at Alexandria, at
Leelburf, at Frederickft)«tp, at Carterfvillc, at
Harper's feriy, or at any other place or places
where troops ar« or may be flationed, marched
or recruited, in the state of Virginia
Seventh. Ptopofals to fupulv all rations that
maybe required at Fort at Bafti
more, at Annapolis, at Frederick town, at
Leonard town, at Haperstown, at Bladeniburp,
at George town, at Eaftown, at the Head of
iilk, and at any other place or places, where
troops are or may be stationed, marched or re
cruited within the limi;s nf the state of Alary
Kighth. fropnfals to supply all rations that
may, be requirrd at Fort Mifflin, at Philadel
phia, at Darby, at Lancafler, at Wilkelbarre,
at l\e«dir.g, at Hriftr.l, at York town, at Cai lisle,
at f.euifiown (Mfflin county) jt Bedford, at
Greti.fbmg, at Washington, at Eailown, at
VVilniingio:,, a t Chrilliana, at Dover, or at
any o her place or placet where troops are c,r
may be llatioued, marched or recruited within
the limits of the Kates or Pennsylvania an.i Dt
laware, except the pofls withm the (late of I'enr
fylvania, enumerated in the full propi/als a
.'ore/aid • .
Ninth. Prop-fdls to f ipnly all rations
may he at Ha'kenfac, ar Elizabcth
t a t New-Bronfwick, at Bwrliugton, at
VVoodl.ury, at Trenton, and at any other place
< r places where troops are or may be Rationed,
marched «r recruited within the limits of the
Hate of Jerf. y. "
Tenth. Pr.ipofals to supply all rations that
may be required at New York, at Well Point,
at Flushing, at [Jacrlrm, at Well Chefler, at
Pou;hl;ep(h', at Kondrrhoak, at Stillwater, at
Newberg, at Albany, at Con.'joHarie, at Cher
ry Vaiiey, and at any other place or places
where troops are or may be flat oned, marched
or recruited within the lirmts of the (late of
New-York, excect the polls within the laid
Hate enumerated in the Srft proposals aforefaid.
Ei'eventh. Proposals to fuppily all rations
that may be required at Hartford, at Hebron,
at New Lmdon, at Brooklyn., at Wyndham,
at Litchfield, at Guilford, at New-Haven, at
Faufield, at Danbury, at Middletown, and at
any other place or places where troops are or
may be Rationed, marched or recruited within
the limits of the state of Connecticut.
Twelfth. Proposals to supply al! rations that
may be required at Fori Wolc»tt, at Bnr,ton's
Point, at Newport, at Providence, and at any
place or places where troops are or may be lla
tionrd, marched or recruited within the limits
of the state of Rbodc-Ifiaiul
Thirteenth. Proposals to supply all rations
that nuy be required at Portland in the Dif-
ol Maine. Gloucellrr, Cape Ann, Salem,
Vlarblehead, Boltun, atUxbridge, and at any
other place or places where troops are or may be
llationed, marched or recruited within the li
mits of the ftaje of Maffachti!ett».
Fourteenth. Proposals to iuuply all rations that
may be required at Portfmruth. at Enter, at
WinJfor, at B-nning-on. at Rutland, or at any
lort, place or places, where troops are or may be
rtationed, marched or recruited within the Stntes
ot New Hampihire and Vermont.
The rations to-be ftfpptied, is to consist ol' the
following articles vi?. cighte.-u ounces of bread or
floor, or when neither aan he obtained, of one
quatt of rce, or one and a half pouud of lifted or
boulted Indian meal, one pound and a quarter of
frefc beef, or one pound «f salted beef, .or three
quatters of a pound of fj'tc.l pork, and when frefh
meat is iffueJ, (alt, at the rate of two'quans f'r
eetry hundred foap at the rate of four
pounds, aRd ca/idl.s at the rate of a poujd and a
half for every hundred rations
1; is eipefled the proj «faU will also extend to
the supply of rum, wfcifky, or other atdent fpi
r/ts at the rats'of half a gill per ration,, and vine
gar at the rate cf two quarts for every hundred
rations. Ihe piopofals will fpecify the price ol
the several component parts of the ration, as w.ll
as those of fubfiitutts or alternatives for parts
ftiniqu ■ —
Bjlunuijf 14
Nantucket 16
Savannah S
Nantucket 14
New-York 5
March i iß>o
( . T' ,c ration.* are to kc furniflied m fueh qutntU
i 41 r ' ,fll 'h cf e fliall ac all rin ci, during the tcraa
, tfce propoßd coatra&s be fuflicient ffcr the eon.
| sumption of the troaps at Mkhilimackiirac, Da
; treit, Niagara and Ofwego, for (:x months iu ad.
vance, ' and at each of tha other poll* on the wef,
tern waters, fsr at least three months in advance,
of good andwhedefome provtfions, if the fame (bail
lie required It is aifo to !;a permitted to all ar,.l
every of the cAnvmar.thnts of fortified places, or
pods, t« call lor it fealons when the fame oan ts
tranfportijd, or at any. tiiv,e i H cafe of urgeucj.
Ittcb fuppliet of like provifioni in advance, as in
the discretion of the eommandadt fcall be deemed
proper. It is to be understood that the contratftor
'» to be at the cjpente and rilk of issuing the sup
plies to the troops and at all Irffes, Inltained, by
the depredations ol aueremy, or by means of tiio
troup» ol the United States, fliall be paid for at the
price of the article captured or. defiroyed, on the
d«p>fttion< ol two or more pe{fon« of cr«ditable
cluraiaers and the certificate of a cummiffioned
officer, afcertainaig the circumflances of the lof>,
and the amount of the articles, for which campen.
fation (ball be claimed.
if \ ' A t
Ihe privilege i« to be understood to be refcrvei
to the United.State# of requiring-, that none of ths
injuries which may be furnilhcd utii'.er any of the
proposed confjuSs (hall be iflaed, until the sup
plies wjiich have or may be furidfhed under con
trasts now in force hav« been confined, and that
a lupply in advance may be always required at
any/at the fired, ports on the or Indian
frontiers, not exceeding three month*.
March 24,
Monday evftiing, March 24
Will be pref.nud a Comedy (not ailed theft tfure
Written by Richard Cumberland, Esq.
To -which will be aJded,
A muoh admirsd Musical Farce, called
Or, Sprigs of Laurel.
[Written by' Mr. O'Ksefe.]
Bpx, one Dollar, Pit, three quarters cf a
dollar, and Gallery half a dollar.
The doors of the Theatre will open at a
quarter palij, and the curtain-rife at a quarter
pall fix.
RESPECTFULLY informs her iricn tn I the
public, that foe intend* having a-CONt L .
City Tavern on Thursday evening the 3d
Particulars of which will he m.ntionrd in a futui<
Ticket* to be had as above, and at Chalk's Ci*.
culating library, No. 75 North i J*ird ftrcet.
March Z4. '
No. 11 r,
Will bt published next Wednesday morning.
ti Asa ir.oft tyrannical attempt hat been made
to the sale and put a rip to the circula
tion of this w.rk./V. PbUaUlfbi, , and,as it is ap
prehended that tbofe, in the city, who *> hate the
Ugh, because their deeds are evil," will succeed in
in-mudarir.g the bookfellcr. To far a. to prevent
frcm ; t! -' s is to give notice, that any N
fbilaaetpbian, who flill w.ihes to fee the truth-, stall
b< supplied With the HUSH LIGHT regularly br
p«ift, and that I will pay the postage.
The money must be paid in advance ,• but thi*
may be very easily managed. Fiva gentlemen, for, may join together, and fend on a five
dollar note, upon the receipt of which credit will
be given to each of them fer four Humbert which
will be regularly f*nt »n, the moment they are
I his put* one in mind of the means formerly
made afe o1 to steal booksfr< m free states into des
potic ones. What strange thißgs come about in
this world !
Mirch 24
At their Store No. 5 Cbcsnut Street, bsve
The following Articles, viz.
Fir ft quality Russia Hemp
Ruflia Duck
Brandy in pipes, firft and fourth proof
Madeira Winoin pip*s and half pipet
Claret ia cases
Winter and Summer prefleJ, Spermaceti Oil
Spermaceti Candels, and
Hyson l'ea,lateft importation
March 24,
Monthly Political and Literary
gy A few copies cf the above work arc receiv
ed and- for (ale at Dickins $ Bookfcore, loppoficc
Chriit Church.
March 24.
AM. parsons indebted to the eitate of JOHN
RHOADS, late o.' this city, deccafed, art
requeftedtomake immediate paymentandthofe
hiving accounts against the lame, to bring them
in, duly attested, for payment to
No. 19 North Third i'trect.
March 14.
Forty Dollars Reward.
RAN AWAY from the Snbfcriber, living in
Saflafras Neck Ccfcil i'cunijr, State ol Ma.
ryland, on Fri.Uy the 14th iuft. a negro man nam.
cd VE I'll, about twenty-five yean of age, toler
able black, ami left handed. He has bier used to
failing by water in the Chrfapeake flay about
twe've months and is smart and a&ivtr He ha»
been formerly »fcd to Farming and taking care of
horses. His cloathing he took with him is un.
known— It i» fipcAcd he hat Shaped hia course
for 1 bllnddphia iif Cheßer Tow», and tb« abov«
reward will be paid for ftcuring him in any goal
in the United States, reafostable chaigvspai4
if brought boms, by
N. B All niaftcrs ofvefTels and all ether perfow
are forwarncd of harboring the said negro.
SafTafraj Neck, March Is,
Secretary of War•