I jfomsit LONDON, December 25. Capt. Sir H. Popham has been obliged to return to London, not being able to land on the German cnalt, on account of the un favourable weather.—He will, we under stand, again set cfl by the circuitous route of she Mediterranean. He lias been pre ceded by two nieffengers, one of whom is gone by the way of Leghorn to Vienna and Peterfburgh, and the other to Conftantiho ple. Sunday forenoon the Ruffian ArobaHador arrived at Portsmouth, where alt the Ruffian officers remaining there were rntrodufitd to him by Gen. HeflVrt. His Excellency's errand to Portsmouth, is to euqure particularly into the nature of the disorder that continues to carry off fe many of the troops belonging to his nation. The hospital ships now appropriated for thtfir ac commodation are, the Bntanta, Pegafe, and Portland. We lament to add, that the diflemper is but little or nothing abated. It is stated, that in cunfequence of orders from his Royal bighgcfs the commander in chief, nil the volunteer corps in England are to hold thcmfelves in readiness for ailual fervlce. December 28 The General of the different armies of the Republic have published proclamations to their troops. The following charadler is given in the Mcffager des Relations Ex- terieures, " The commanders in Chief Moreau, Maffena and Brune, have add re (Ted procla- mations to their armies, on the Revolution of the 9th of November, and 011 the New Constitution. Moreau lees in this -event, a viilory obtained over two faftions equally powerful, and the triumph of liberty and genius substituted to the empire of unlkilful- ness and ignorance. Maffena fees in it the Constitution ef military Hate, rewards de creed to devotion and to courage, an honour able retreat for the brave men who are maim ed in the field of honour ; affiftanc* for their families ; the return of happiness and good order the dawn of prosperity to the ar ir. cs, and the regeneration «f the Republic. Bruaie fees nothing in it but the expulfiou of the Emigrants, and the Security of the national deinefnes. Ail three of them loudly applaud the New Conflitut'<,n. Brune praites Buonaparte, who has in a few days erei'ted a vigorous Government. Moreau pays a splendid homage to the talents of the three Consuls. All of them promiSes peace, and a period *0 the miftnesof the army." Perhaps it will surprise some of our rea ders that Sieyes hat declared his determina tion not. to accept of any public employment. He retires to private life, and as 3, reward for his services, the Council of Five Hundred, at the inftigniion of the two Legislative Commiflions, and the Consuls, Buonaparte and Ducos, have bellowed upun him the national djmain of Grofne, in the depart ment of the Seine and Oife. BELFAST, December 31 I: wai reported in London, that Mr. Pitt having informed the King that the Cardinal of York, the. lad relic of an illudrious family which once reigned in England, was reduced to a date of difbefs which bordered 011 wretch edness. Hi Majedy that very moment determined to grant him ail annual pension of 40001. and that orders- were indantly for warded t" Lord Minto, at Vienna, to-pay hiai immediately the iirft half year's allow and. The Cardinal who is 75 years of age, had, in France, two abbacies, which brought hiirraboirt 200,000 liVres per annum. He had betides, psnlions from the Kings or Spain, Naples, and Sardinia. PARIS, December 17. CONSTITUTION—CONSULATE. Decree of tie 24th Frimture, stb year, 15lb December. Th? Consuls of the Republic, in execu tion of the 4th article of th: law of the 23d Frisiare, which regulates the manner ill which the constitution (hall be presented to the French people, decree as follows : Art. t. Immediately after the reception of the conflitution, and of the law of the 23d Friinaire the adoiimftrations, central and municipal, the communal agent! and agents of the tribunes and the judges of the peace, (hall open two registers, 011 blank pa per, one of acceptance, the other of noh accepAnce of the constitution. 2. The municipal administrations (hall fend to each of the agents of communes, of the tribunes, judges of the peace and nota ries of their ai rondiffcment, two regifterj of the above head, on similar paper also. 3. At the expiration of the delays dated in the 3d article of the fame law of the 23d Frimaire, the central and municipal admin iftratinnv, the communal agents; the tri bunes ana the judges of the peace lhall close and (liut the two registers of acceptance and non acceptance. 4. Tjie fame delays having expired, the judges of the peace shall sign the two regis ters of acceptance and non acceptance ofeach of the notaries of their arrondilfement. 5. The regilters being closed and (hut by the central and communal administrations and by the municipal agents, (hall be imme diately sent to the minister of the interior. 6. The remitters closed and (hut by the tributes and judges of peace, "ilia!! be imme diately sent to the minister of justice. 7. The registers addrei&d, in conformity with the two preceding articles, to the min ister of the interior and of jufiice, (hall be sent to the diredtors of the pofl of every commune and arrondiffement, free of ex pend, and upon palling a receipt for them, j 8. The expences defrayal and advanced by the central;.nd communal adminiHrauons of tie establishment of their registers, and of thole of the communal agent, tribunes, judges of the peace, and notaries, (hall be paid by the adniinillrition of registry. 9. The miilillers of interior, of justice and finance, are charged, each in his proper place, with the execution of the present de cree, which lhall be printed in the Bulletin of laws. A letter from Stutgard fays, the ambi tion of Aufttia appears toencreafe from day to day." It is not snly the MHa.iel'e and Mantua, but (he withes to add to her he reditary Rates, but (he desires atfo to keep Venice, Piedmonte, and the greatfft part of the ecclesiastical (lates. It is in this view that (he keeps the conclave in her own dates, that (he may prescribe to the new Pope the conditions npon which (he would recognize and f'.ipport him. An armament deftin»d for a secret expe dition is ready to fail from Bred. It ton lifts of the Argonaut.man of war, the Se millante and Conarde frigates, and th« Cor vette la TacViqoe. December 19. The conflitution has been received at Rouen, and enregiftered accordingly. December 21. The two chief negociatort at the treaty ot Campo Formio, Count Cobenzel and the Marquis de Gallo, have been recalled from Peterfburgh, and are approaching the thea tre of great political events. Cardinal Maury, is said to have been elected Pope by the influence cf the Empe ror of Russia, upon the Cardinal'* promise to unite the Greek and Roman Churches. The eleftion took place on the I 2th of De cember. RATISBON, December 2. There pa (Ted yeftejday here, a courier from Peterfburgh, who went to the Ruffian head quarters. He brings the news that the grand Duke Alexander Paulowitz, the elded son of the emperor Paul, has formally resigned his right of fuceeflion to the throne and that ill conlequence prince Conftantine Paubwitz has been named successor to his Imperial Majedy. RENNES, December 2. The mal contents in the department of the Cotes de Nord, have bought and paid for a great quantity of grain, which tlmy have conducted into the fprefl of Lorges, where they have eftablilhed t heir general magazine. Their commandant maintains the 1110 ft Se vere discipline. On their retreat from St. Brieux, he ordered one of his people to be fliot, ascufed of having plundered a citizen oftencrown«. BERLIN, December 3. Their nujelties have come fre.m Potzdam to Berlin. The king has already had an in terview with citizen Duroc, the chief of brigade and Aid de Gamp of General Buo naparte, on the pirt of whom, and of his brother Consuls, he is come t6 announce their acceflion to the chitt' dire ft i oil of af fairs. as well at the other changes produced by the revolution of the 9th November. The change of fydem with refpeft to peace arid war, is one of the mod eonSideral.le, 1 alid there is little doubt that he has been f i:t to promote ty the mediation of our court, the work o£ pacification which the Consul Sieyes may have begun upon while at Bci*- liu, and 011 which he w'as at lead in a Situa tion to have conliderable conferences with our cabinet. To marrow citizen Duroc will have a Second aijdienceof the king. In the mean time he passes his time with officers who are known to be in the confidence ol his inajefiy, particularly field marftial Mol lendnrf, generals Kunheini snd TemplehofF. After having dined with them, he had con ferences them, particularly with the lad, whose avocations are analogou? to his own, as Duroc is in the artillery. Hisar rival has in general excited much curiolity, both on account of the political objeft of his million and his personal charafler. NANTES, Dec. 7. ORDER (>r SUBDIVISION. " AH the troops of the subdivision are apprized, that the general ill chief of the ar my of England, informed of the conduct held by the Chouans during the fufpenlion of hostilities which had b-en agreed to be tween him and the principal chiefs, is in dignant at the horrors and exaQions which they have committed. He has in confe qisence, given orders the molt precise to re gard as an aft of hollility the requisitions of provisions and cattle, the seizure of horses, and the march into cantonments which they did not occupy befere the fufpenlion. " Brave soldiers, who, notwithllanding yourexad. obedience and your subordination liabe permitted the rxprefiionof yo»r indig nation at the recital of tJiefe horrors com mitted by the rebels, your arms are now at liberty : and without yet attacking them diredtly, we (hall repel and punifli the crimes which they venture to peroetrate. " Let us prepare to obtain by force the peace which the general in chief tried to accompli(h by clemency and persuasion." Sitting of Dkcejibku 26. The second Ccnful, President. The niinifter «f jufhct having proposed to the councils to demand a law fnr the purpose PARIS, December 28. of rcvok '<'S tho< " e " hich , excluded th« c.-de vant nobles, and the relations ©t the emi- Ministry of General Police. grants from the exercile of pnbfic rights and The Consuls of the Republic, in virtue of public funclions, it was resolved, fey the the law of the 24th of tliis month, regard- l councils of State, that it was useless to de ing individuals nominally condemned to ba-J mand such a law, because the constitution, nifkment, without previous trial, by a Le- by determining, (article four and five) the giflatire aft, having heard the report of the only-cafe in whish political rights may be •Miniftet of Police, decree. revoked or fufpeudeii ; it was therefore im- Art. r. It (hall be permitted to the in- possible to suppose other exclusions, dividuals hereafter named, to re-enter the The college of conl'ervatort, by naming territories ©f the Republic. for the the legislative body, ar.d Art. 2. TTwy Jhall (etorn and remain un-. der the fapeMntindaiWeoT tTie Minitter of Police, in tlie *oiiimui*smarked put for them a; t'c!lowi > Dafond Ladebat has p-'rtriiffion to return to Pans ; Bartbelemy to Paris ; BoilTy d'Anglais to Annonay ;Gouchery to. felan con ; Delehaye to Rouen ; Dblarue to La Chrite fur Loire ; Doumere to Paris ; Dumo lard to Greneble ; Duplantier to Paris; Du prat to Tarns ; Gau to Auxerre ; Le M ir chand Gomicburt to Rouen ; Jourdan (An dre Joirph) to Orleans ; Merfau to Bsau gency ; M..dirr to Vuxerre ; Noailles to Touloule ; J. J. Aime to Dijon ; Borr.e to Puy ; Andie (of Le Lossere) to Tot'lojfe ; Margau to Btfancon ; Cochon to Pari3 ; Paradis to Anw.*ns ; Muraire to Paris; Lou moot to Nevers ; Praire Mentault to Paris Laumsr to Paris ; Saludin to Va lenciennes ; Simeon to Paris ; Viennot Vaublane to Muleti ; Villarrt Joyeufe, to Paris ; Barbe Mlrbois to Paris ; Dumas to Sens 5 Barrere to Paris; Vadier to Cliar Art. 3. The communal adminiftratiors (hall inform the minister of police of the ar rival of each individual in their refpe"&ive dillricts. Art. 4. Every individual comprehended in one of the laws of Germinal, year 3d, and of the igth Fru&idor, year 5, and not na med in this lilt, who shall re-enter the French territory, without being authorised by an exprels periniiii ui from government, (hall be considered and prosecuted as an emigrant.' Art. 5. The minister of general police is charged with the execution of the prefont decree, which (hall be printed. The conservative fenat* is already in the exercise of its fun&ions at the Luxembourg. Its fittings are secret. Sieyes is chosen pre sident. The Polish gencril Kniozeiwick bas feiit gp era 1 Kofciu/kn the sword of John Sobie fki, which had been deposited by that prince in the church of our lady at Loretto, after he had conquered the Turks, and which fell into the hands of tfce Poles at the tune the p] ice was coimucrecL All the Poles, at the time this weapon was presented t6 Kofciufko -offered up prayers that in his hands it miglit again become the terror of the enemies of their country. A letter from Sctflin, dated the 4th irift, fays, that Pafiawari Oglon was in full march against Belgrade, and that the Pacha of that place was "preparirisf to receive his attack with great vigour. The magazines are pro vided with provifionsand ammunition. The Pacha, however, is alarmed with refpetfl 10 the janizaries, who fem to be devoted to the interest and views of Pafiawan Oglou. Sieves has accepted the domaine of Crofne, an.d has thanked the leg: fh rive body for that national rerompefiie.- It v;as doubtie 1? an nounced as a matter of ridiculous plea&n;ry by fbme writers a few' days ago, that he had refuted the gift of the nation. December 31. Acts the Consulate. Decree of of December. u 'I he conl'uU of the republic decre? as follows The individualj named in the decree cf t'he 4tH Frimaire, !h:UI no longer be under the luperintendance of the minister of police. " By the firft consul, The consith *f sbe republic ta tbs Consttva- Senator?, if The confute of the republic haftfen to in form you that the government has been in stalled. They will d another 2? by 20. b&dee a large bar and drefT i, g room, uptn the second floor is an elegant afitmhly room, 60 by 30 teet, and three conve nient lodging rooms. Upon the third si lot 1 are .ten excellent lodging rooms—the gafr;>t admit* of a division of ten more. There ,s alio a good kirchen and commodious cellars fv fTlcient for such a house. PafTjgcs and rrofs p-flagt-s inter fe£t the house in such a manner a» to make each room private. 1 here are Sables fufficient for the accommo dation of fifty h® i'es, with convenient lhedsfor carriages—attached to the building are three lots of 60 teet by 120 each, which front on three streets, and in the back yard and not 20 yards from the kitchen is a copious and never failing spring of most excellent running water. The nature ftf improvements arid their con venience to theciry of Washington mult render this property a mod de fir able atquifition to any person who may uifh to carry on a tavern upon an exter.five scale. Thn immediate removal of the government of the United States must re ceive co it full and complete custom. The terms of sale are, one third in ealh-- one third in 120 days and the other third in 240 days, ro base cured by approved notes ne gotiable at the Bank of Columbia or at cither of the Banks in Baltimore, poflcfllon to be giv en on the day of sale and a perfedl title made clear, of all incumbrances, on the last payment beiag made. THOMAS BEALL, of Geo. > ~ „ DANIEL REINTZEL. . \ " llma, February a*. [March 8j iawtiMay. TO BE LET, And possession given on the Ist of April, PART C F A COUNTRY HOUSE, IN an airy and very agreeable firpari*n near the Ridge mail. withift two miles of thecity, con fiding of a handfonte parlour, two large bed cham bers/ ala'gtt ceiied garret, a commodiouskitchen, pantry, ov«n and milk house j and a pump of ex cellent wa'.er at the kitchen door ; also a G.aftteri well flocked with fruit and a few acres of giafs ground with convenient (tabling, chair hoiifc, &c. Its vicinity to the city makes It an eligible retreat for the family of any person whose avocatiwas re quire daily attention. For further particular# en quire of the fubi'4rib«r No. 205, Arch ftrcet, the second door below fixrh ftr< et, north fide. ROBERT T. EVANS. March 19, Will be exposed to Public Sale, On Monday the 31 ft jnAant, at fix o'clock in the Evening, * At th« Merchant's Coffee House, LOTS Nc. 21, 22, 23, 24 ; Part of the Springetfbury Eftatc, The two former contain a great body of Excel lent Building'St«ne ealily Quarried. The plot of the whole Eiiarc may b<* fein at the Bank of North America, where pcrfons dtfirous of purchasing ocher part- may be iniormed of the conditions. Mar>k 11 HOW LANDING, (FOR SALE) From the fliip George 3irclay, at I.a'im«t' 3 wharf. Java Coffee, Java Sugar. Fr6rft the schooner Fanity, at Latimer'3 wharf, loo' hhds. clayed Sugar. From the brig Betsey, lying »t South street wharf, 40,000 feet Bay Mahogany, 17 tons Logwood, 6 tons Fuffitf; Whita Havanna Sugar, Brown Siicjar, Old HeJ Port Wire, Sherrv Wine. inccast,Vt, Cipers in barrels, Madras ar.d Pulicat H irtdfctrchiefa. Apply to PHILIPS, CRAMOffD V Co. March 41. d6t Just Arrived, AND FOR sale by'tuk subscribers, THE CARGO Of THE SHIP PHILADELPHIA, Theodore Bl.fs, Commander, from Bengal CONSJSriHG OF An affnrtmen* of Piece Goods. Sugars ot the firft quality, And ice qr. cl:eft* »f lupcrior quality Hyson Teas. Willing* if Francis, and Thomas isf Jebn Clifford. Mahh 17 FOR St. THOMAS's, £"***• THE S HIP Thomas Chalkley, Thomas Kenny, A'Tojier* " : . • I 'j! bails le