of m samtetl States.;. Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. NUMBFH 2338.] The price of this Gazette is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting i and unlessxsome person in this city •vill become Unswerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. * # * No Subscription will be received for a sbortet term than six months. December i 1799. GRASS 5 Red Clover. "] White do. Timothy. S&iut Foin. Trefoil. barueCt. Lutern. trd Grass; Orchard do. R ye do- Rape and Hem p. ALSO, SHEET] COPPER, IRONMONGERY, and PATENT PLOUGHS, wKich arc said to be more durable than any heretofore invented, and found on experience to dimintfh the labour Loth of man aud bead— FOR SALE BY THOMAS HOWARD, No, 40 South Second Street, Phi lade 'f hi a. February 13. tu&f.Bw. PRATT &f KINTZING, No. 95, North Water-street, HAVE ON HAND THE FOLLOWING GOODS, ENTITLED to drawback, which they offar for sale at moderate prices for ca(h, or the usual xreJit ;or oft a credit oF I* or 18 month* upon Mortgages on Real Property, in or near the City ©f Philadelphia, or other fatisfa&ory security. 50 boxes and bale* Tidk -1 en bu 60 do. en linens. 50 do. brigs. do. Hemp- do. Ozaa- 50 do. PatterWrnes. 15 do. Bielficld Linens. II do- Creas and Creaa a la Morlaix. Brown Rolls. Do.Heflians. Polifli Roth. Bed Ticks. Siamoie. Arabias. Empty Bags. Oil Cloths Shoes and Slippers. Soal and upper Leather. Qnillsand Saaling Wax. A package Gold and Sil- ver Watches. A few chills Toys. Slates and Pent ils. 70 hhcU Havanna Mi laftes February TJ TO BE SOLD, '"TPHRRE or four lots oi about 30 or 40 acres X each, mere or less as may suit a On each of which there is a good fitaation for a house—viz. one on the river Delaware, suitable either for .1 gentleman's feat, or for a pcifon who might wifti to engage in the lumber business liv ing a landing. One c tamanding a good view of the river !rom th» highest ground between the Pennypack and Pogueflin creek.? ; and another on the Brittol Road. Enquire *.f Mr. Gilpin near the 11 mile (lone on the said road. ALSO FOUR LOTS, Of about 10 acres each with good fituationsYor building ; one of which is suitable for a tan.yard, and has a small stone house and a young bearing orchard on it, on the Newtewp road'neir Snider'* mill abouc 10 miles from Philadelphia, and one other lot of about >0 acres on tUe Penwypack.— Enquire of Jonathan Clift who lives ou the pr&mi fes or of Mr. Gilpin. PoflclEori will be given jn the spring, but build ing miti rials may be coHe&ed loener. November 8 Taxes of Lycoming County. JOHN KIDD, Treafnrer, BY Direflion of the Gommiffiontrs of Lyco ming county, attends at Philadelphia to re ceive the Taxes affeftsd up«n unseated Land's in that County, from the holders thereof, in this City. Those who have filed whh the Com missioners, statements of theic- Lands, are re queued to call upon him, to know the amount of Taxes thereon, and pay them ; ait of that re- Hownnd Warrior. [Price i i-z Doltai.J Portrait of Matsbal Suivorozv, 3tawtf Gcatlemeu desirous of pofieifing a capital iike nefs, executed in the fir ft fty&of this iiluftrious Chritian Chieftain, may he /urnifted with parti cular proof impyfSons, at'thin offi;e, price one Dollar. Fehruart II- TO TBI PATRONAGE OF A liberal and enlightened Community IS SUBMITTED THE PROSPECTUS or A New Daily Paper, TO BE PUBLISHED U.VftR THE TITLE Or THE OBSERVER, Daily Repository of ufeful Information. TT will doubtless be deemed a hazardous un- A dertaking to present to the public eye propo sals for a new Gazetre, when so many are al ready in pofTeflion ofthfpwbjic patiopage. News-papers so much more generally diffuf ed throughout America than perhaps any other portfo« of the globe,"may become either en gines of mifebief or the implements of ufefulnefs —they diflemjnate goad, or scatter poison, among thou'audi; and-although it may beprff fnmptuous in tfye £ditorof that now proposed to expeft that its utility will be great, yet he may be admitted to declare, tint it shall r.ot willingly be mfrte the of doing evil His endeavors will be applied to render Jke Qjfiryer in fame degree tainment of knowledge as well a 3 - to the com munication of news—to enlighten the under standing—to improve the morals—to beget, or to confirm, a reverence for thefacred principles of Christianity. For . his purpose it is intended— To fumifh the mutt recent foreign and domsftic intelligence ; To give ufeful Pricea Current at home and ab-oad, and othercomtnercial information ; To felcdt from literary productions fwch por tions as may gratify taste and induce improve ment ; To unfold and enforce fcund and just views of government: To aid the great intereftsof piety and morality To present occasionally Improvements in the arts and sciences—in agri culture and domestic economy ; Proceedings of the General and State Leg'fla tures; Reportsof the Heads of Department?, and of intereflingcafes adjudged i» thcfeveral cojiis of the United States-, &c. Reviews of foreign and domeOic litcr.it": c ; Anecdotes and characters of diflinguifiud per fonajjes; StatiOical tables ; Meteorological ebfervationi ; Appointments ; Marriages, Births, Deaths. With these proposals the fubferiber diffident ly submits himfeif to the public. He is well aware of the importance and magnitude oi the undeitaking Solicitous f©r the fate of his na tive land, and viewing with anxious fears and h. pes the success <>K a govirument creitfd by the joint exertions of wiftom and virtue, and conduced with found pokey and genuine pa triotism, he lee!s hitnfelf Gncerely interested in promoting such res and principles as he believes eflential to public happiness and nation al prosperity. law6w conditions. I. The Observer (hall be printed with a neat type, and ou paper of equal size and quality with the present Philadelphia daily papers. 11. It fbnll be publiihed every evening, and regularly sent to the howfe* of the city fubfcril)- crs—To others it will be forwarded acc rding to th ir rtfpedive inliru&ions. 111. Jhe price wiH be J'ight Dollars per an num to those who rdfide in the city —and JS.ine Dollars to all others. The additional dollar is to defray the expence of enclosing and diredl isg their papers IV One half of the price to be paid at the time of fubferibing. and the other half at the ex piration of twelve m*n-h9 Torn the publication of the firft number. The succeeding payments to be half yearly. V. Advertifemevs that do cot exceed in length the breadth of the column will be 67 cents for the firll, and 33 cents for every addi tional insertion- Those of greater length will be charged in the fame proportion. ZACHARIAH POULbON, jun frwwf March 8, 1800, TO BE LET, THE LOT, AT the no/th-eaft corner of Arch and Ninth ftreet#, now occupied by Mr. Benjamin Btiiby, as a Board Yard. Enquire at No. aiß, Arch street. March 17, Antbtng, containing two hundred and ten acres, of which twentv-feven are excellent swamp wood land, up wards of ninety acre* arr as good meadow as any in the county, and the refidtte is fine uplarid; thene are three puKjic rods that run through the land. The fubferiber will attend at the hrufe of Mr. J' hn Tonkins in Springfield, until the firft day of April n?xt, in order to (hew the land and receive proposals fithir for lots or the whole, as may luit purchasers. (a mm and his wife) Who have two years and eight months to serve. 3taw.tf. NOTICE. THOMAS HAWTHORN, Of the City bf Philadelphia, Merchant, HAVING ON the 9th Jay of Aug. 1799, affigwd all his Efface, real, personal and mixed, to JOHN M. NESBirr and JONATHAN MEREDITH, —All perfoni indebted to the said rhoma? Haw thorn or to th and of giving all the preceding information to the public in the mofl complete manner, de riving of your Encouragement and Sup poft ? If the answer is in the affirmative, you are individually and refpedlfully invited to sub scribe in one of the specimen books, exhibited it the City Tavern, Hardy.'* tfotel, Francis's Hotel, the Indian Queen, Dunwoedy's Tavern, the Franklin Head, and at the George. It is proper to (late, that the work will not be executed unleis fifteen hundredfubferibers are ootained ? for four thousand dollars is too much to hazard. NOTHING IS TO BE PAID IN AD VANCE, neither will it be expe&ed of fub fchbers to take the work when publiihed, if it is not delivered rigorously conformable to my agreements with ihe public, eXprefled in the conation's afiixcrf to the ipecimen books, each of which ccnfilts of fix detached pagca of the work. I am, w i»h refpeiSl, Gentlemen, Your humble servant, JOHN ROW LETT, Accom'javti Bank of North America. POSTSCRIPT. The \i dedicated, by permiilion, to the President and Directors of the Bank of North America, and has already received the patron age of JOHN ADAMS, President of the Uni ted States; of THOMAS JEFFERSON, Vice- Prefideut of the United Slates, and President as the Senate; of a large number of Senators and Members of the House of Representatives of the United States; and of the President* and Diretslor9 of the different BabV* unanimouily. The Specimen Book in the Bank of North A/ner ici, is filling veryfajl with Jhbfcriptions, ibme for 2 copies, some for 3. copies, and I'ome for 5 copies, and I take this opportunity of gratefully acknowledging allfavours. Gentlemen having bufinefa at either of the Banks may iut.fciibe then* as well as at the Taverns, &c. already mentioned. Copy-right feeured according to aS of Corzgrcfj, March 10. di&eTtf FOR SALE, For the accommodation of the Farmers of Spring field, and all other persons who are inclined to purchase, the fubferiber is difpoled TO SELL A MOST VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, LYING in Springfield townftiip, Burlington county, and State of New Jersey, being a part of that capital property well known by the aarne of BuUus's Estate, JOHN MOORE, March 17, FOR DISPOSAL, The Time Of Itjo Dutch indented Servants, For further particulars enquire of JOHN REDINGER, No« HO Race street. Otf February 28 NEW LINE OF STAGES 1o New York, By the (hortefl and most pleasant road—pafling through Frankford, Bu ft let on, Newtown, Pennington, Miilftone, Bowudbrook, Union Camp, Scotch Plains, Springfield and Ncw aik. sta v/6vr THE SWIFTSURE fbrts from the Green Tree, No- so North Fourth Street, at 8 o'filock every morning, and arrives at New York early the next evening. From New York it starts at 9 o'clock svery day (Sundays sxcepted) and arrives at Phila delphia, early the next evening. Fare for p:,(lingers j dollars, yay piflengers 6 cents per mile. Each paffonger allowed 141b of bajgsge. One hundred and fitry weight of b a ßg J f> e 10 P a v the fame as a paflenger. All baggage to be at the 'rift of the owner, tinlcfs inlurrd and receipt t.i for hy the clerks of the different offices. Rate of insurance one per cent. •$* Apply to JOHN M'CALLA, No. & North Fwurth Street, Philadelphia, and to WILLIAM VANDERVOOKT, No. 4 g Courtbnd Street, N. £. corner of Greenwich S'reet, New York. January 3, This Day Published, By J. Okmkod, No. 4t, Cnefnut Street, Death of General Wajhington. A POEM. In imitation of thi manner of Offian. By Rev. Johx B. Linn, A. M. Minister of the First Prefcyterian Conereeation of Philadelphia. gj" Mr. Chaudron's Oratfon will be publiihed on Monday morning. M»rch 15. GLASS MANUFACTORY. THE PROPRIETORS Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works, HAVING procured a fufficient number of the moil approved European Glass Manu fu&urers, and having on hand a large stock of the best Materials, on which their workmen are now employed, have the pleasure of alluring the public, that window glass of a superior qua jity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 24 inches, caretuMy packed in boxes containing too feet ea h, may be had at The shortest notice. Glass of larger sizes for other purposes, may also be had, such as for pidlures, coach glafle*, clock faces, &c. Bottles of all kinds and of any quantity may also be had, together with pocket flafks, picklingjars, apothecary's (hop furniture, or other hollow ware—the whole at lead 15 per cent, lower than articles of the fame quality brought from any of the sea ports of the United States. A liberal allowance will be made oa falc of large quantities. Orders from merchants and others wsil be pundlually attended to on ap plication to JAMES O'HARA or IS \AC CRAIG, or at the Store of MeiTrs. PRATHER and SMILIE, in Maiket-dtreet, P.ttlburgh, March 4, turhtf. .. lo be Bartered, FOR teup.OPKAN, OK I AST INDIA DRT GOODS, A handforae Three Story BJRICK HOUSE Ss? KITCHEN, Of modern cqnstruction er.d well built WITH the best materials, situated is a very ple.if in and healthy part of the town at a moderate diihuce from tie centre of the city. Enquire at the Office of the Gazette of theUni- Hired State*. March 16, Valuable Property for Sale, hi Chefnut, near Sixth ftrcct, direiUy opposite C&ngriss Hall. A LOT ofground,about ax feet front in Chef nut street and 73 ftet in depth, whercoo is a good frame house, now in the tenure of Samuel Benge fubje