$&U}ZttZ »t m and Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. s Numhhii 2357.] The price of this tiazette is Eight 1 DoLLAJiS per annum to Subscribers residitig itt tbi city of Philadelphia. All others pay one Dollar Additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and unless-.same person in this city mill become answtrable for the subscription it must be paid Six Months, in Advance. *** Ho Shiscription ivill be received, for js sboi'ter term tben six months. Dce«niSfr I *799» GRASS SEEDS. Red Clover. White do. ' j Timothy. j ijair.t Foia. Trefoil Burnett. Later#. '•TCfr! Grass. Orchard do. Rye (io- Rape &itd Kemp, SIIKET! COPPER. IRONMONGERY, and PATEN T PLOUGHS, which arc said to be more durable than any heretofore invented, and found on experience* to dlminifh the labour Loth of man av.J htift— F-OJI SALft BY THOMAS HOWARD, No. 40 South S&cond StrHti Philadelphia, February 13. tu&f.Bw. PRATT fef KiNTZING, No 95, North Watef-ftreet, HAVE OH HAND THE FOLLOWING GOODS, ENHTLED to drawback, which they offarfor file at n-osleratki prices for calh, or the usual credit ; or on a credit of lz or 18 months upon Mortgage* otj Real Property, in or near the City cf PhHadefphia, or otUer fecurity. %o boxes and bales Tick- j 3 pipes old Port Wine. lenbuighi boxes Tumblers af -60 do. do. Hemp- i'orrcd. en litren*. ao'o boxes Hamburgh 50 do. do. Ozna- Window Glass 8 by brigs. 10,& c 50 Jo Patterbornes. I chest afiortcd Looking do. Bielfkld Linens. Glasses. II do Crea- and Creas Severalklrge elegant do. a la Morlaix. 1500 Demijohn*. Bro'.vn Rolls. 50 kegs Pearl Barley. Do.Hefli.lrs. A fevy toci Roll Enm- Polift Rolls. ftowe. Bed Ticks. 20 kegs Yellow Ochre. Siamoii. A few bbls. Rofia. Arabia?. 40 tons RulTu Kemp. Empty Bags. 80 hhds. Hogs Bridles. Oil Cloth*. z hhds. Dutch Glue- Shoes and Slippers. 20 ca(ks Nails allotted Soal and upptr Leather. from 3d. to 2od. Quillsand Sealing Wax. 16 calks Ironmongery A package Gold and Sil- 8 calks Hoes. v«r Watches. • German Steel. A few Toys. j 6 hhds. CoTee Slates and Pent iis. J Blocking Twine, Tape?, 70 hhd« Havanna Mo j Stone Pickling Pots, laiTcs j &c &c, February *5 TO BE SOLD, nPHRF.E or four lots ot about 30 or 40 acres & each, mqre or lelsa-smay suit a On each of which there is a good situation for a honfe—viz. one on the rivtr Delaware, suitable either for .1 gentlemanVfeat or for a person who mitfht w.fii to ft,gage in the lumber bufiaefs hav ing a g larding. One c mmanding a good view oCthe river «rom th* hrghelt ground betwwn road aear Snider'* mill abouc 10 miles from Philadelphia, and one other lot of/about £0 acres on the P«n*ypack.— Fnquirc of Jonathan CHn who live* oa thurproaii vfes or of Mr. Gilpin. Poficflion will be given in the spring, but build ing m it<.riaU may be coHcAed fo#ner. November 8 Taxes of Lycoming County. JOHN KIDD, Treafarer, . BY Pireilion of the Ctis perforal Notii e, tnay file with the above Treasurer, their lifts, fiatijtg the quantities ro . ,turned, sumber Ind dales of the warrants ai d Marries of the Warrantees, under which they h-ld theirlands. He will attend at Mr. Joseph Hardy's No 98, Market street for this purpol'e wntil the tßth infiatrt. November 9. Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Spring Forge, in Yark County, a negro man, named ISAAC, other wise CUDJU, about J1 years *ld, the property of Robctt Celeoian; Esq. He it ai.aut $ fret 8 inches high, h i a!> Uplift in his eyes, Tors -»nrte in them than common, by trf.de a F-igeman,- had en and toot with him a drab coloured broad clot'' coat, almost new, a sailors jacket an I pantaloons printed fancy cord, a I'Mnldown ilripcd under acket; a rorufw hat; one fine and one coarle | shirt' one muslin handkerchief, fpriggi,d, two ditto striped border, a blue Persian under jacket and two peir cotton (lockings. Whoever takes up faiil negro and lodges him in a*y jail in this or any of the neigabouring ftatcs shall have the above re ward or rcafonable expencesif brought home. JOHN- BRIEN. Spring Forge, October 13,1799, N. B. Ai said negro formerly lived in Cheflcr county, it is probable he may return there. November j 5 KE D S. J ALfiO, THE POSSESSORS OF OBLIGATIONS ®r CERTIFICATES flgn ed by the fcbftriber, for undivided Shartt or Lots on his purchase within the city of Waflking ton, who have not yet applied for and received their Deeds, are hereby notified, that their several Titles will be otuly completed to the order of those who in conformity with the ternu of thefaid Cer tificates, do make th« Payments in full therefor, either to Tbomai M'£ u „, W Ch. or to the «üb fcriber at Philadelphia, on or at any time before •he 31ft day of May next. TO EE SOLD, OR LEASED TOR ONE YKAR THAT Valuable Rstafe, KNOWN hy the name of the Booncton Iron Work*, fittitw in the omniy of Morris in the 11 ate of New- Jjrf-y, confiding of a Fnrgc with four fires, a Roilirjj and .ilming Milt, a Grift mill with two Run ofltoncs, and Saw mill, all in good order and new in rfe, together with an ejeell-nt, largo, nd tonv»nient hoiife, with out-Kouf s of every kind ; among which are an . lot hoofe, and flonc milk house, with a temaritahle fine /prfeg in it, a large Garden, and an exc-lle-nt «oliefikin of Fruit, a large Qfrc.iard, anil 2500 acres of woocf, pa • ui*e and arable Line!, and a nuni.'n r of ftoMs and workmen's houses Immediate poiFrfSon will be given of houses and two silver watches, one a middle size, the other fnrali; He may inipofe himfclf on some or gcntlesian as . wai.er, as he has aflad in that capacity Whoever apprcli .-nds laid Dcferter, and secures him in jail, fends tin, to Headquarters, or delivers him to any of the Marine officer-, or an / officer of the army of the United Stat-;, shall deceive the above reward and all rcafonable charges. January 16. PHI LA DEL PHI A, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH «, ISOO. To Merchants. MERCHANTS Accounts elegantly opened, Books neatly and corre6lly polled, with various other kinds of writing, by a perfpn thoroughly acquainted with accounts'. Gentlemen extensively (.'oßccwlo> nie Corps, I AUTHENTIC LIFE OF SUWOROW. JUS T PUBLISHED, AND FOR SALE, AT THIS OF licit, A SKETCH OP THE JLifz ant) Chatter PRINCE ALEXANDER SIfWOROIV STM- KIKXKI, Field-Ma.fliaJ General in the fcrviccof His tmperi al Majeily, the Hmpcror of all the Ruflias, 3ta w*f 1 he History of his Campaigns. Translated from the German of Frederick An, Gfcßtlemen dcfirous of polTuffiug a capital like ness, executed io the firft flyleaf this illustrious ChriAiap Chieftain, may be furiiifbed with parti cular proof at this olE.e, price one Dollar. February la. TO TUH PATRONAGE QJT A I Her a! and enlightened Community 18 SVSMITTeO THE PkOSpECTUS A New Daily Paper, TO BE PUBLISHES UNDER THE TITLE O* THE OBSERVER, Daily Repository of ufeful Information. IT vrill doubtlcfi be deemed a hazardous un dertaking to prefeDt to the public eye propo sals for a new Gazette, when so many are al ready in pofiiflion of the public patronage. News-papers so much more generally diffuf ed throughout America than perhaps any other portion of the globe, may become either en gines oi ir.ifchief or the implements of ttfefulnefa —they difleminate good, or foatter poison, among thoulamli; and although it may be pre lumptuous in the fitiitor of .that now proposed to expetfl that its trtility will be great, yet be may be admitted to declare, that it shall r.ot willingly bft made the means of doing evil His endeavors will be applild to tender The Ohfer-ver in some degree conducive to the at tainment of knowledge at well &* to the tom municatiea of news—to enlighten the under- Sanding—to improve the morals—to beget, or to confirm, a reverence for thefacred principles ! of Christianity. j Forihis purpose It i» intended— To furnifh the most recent foreign in J domtiflrc • intelligence; To give ufeful Prices Current *t home and abroad, and uthercommrrtidl 'mforrrtation j To felrdl from literary prodafiions such por tions 33 may gratify u/teand iui.'K:eirnprove- inert ; Fo unfold artd enforce found and just views of government: To aid tie pt tnr interna of piety and morality. To prefect occafioivaJly— Impi ovements ro tfce arts and fcieaaes—in agri culture and domcftic economy ; Proceedings of the General and State Leg'fh- tures ; Reports of th<* Beads of Departments, and of intercfling cases adjudged ia i*.e favcral courts of the United Staies, &c. Reviews of foreign and domestic literature ; Anecdotes and char.tativei of the United States ; and of the Predicts and ! DESERTED. DireiSlorfc of ths different iianks nn,,n ; monflv -ir-ir>rvvi.i it j ~ The Specimen Book in the Bank of.North Amir F u wf DAVID BK V?NF in, isfilling verjfjl with fubfeription,, some „ b l' D .' D 9J-VINE, by 1-rade a Shoe for i copies, low!: for , copies, and i™ f! Tl' .."l» , ™ Uod ' •» f in ° f 5 feet s copies, and I take tkh opportunity \ * " hl gh, l.ghtcomplex.on andhair-alfo, acknowledging all favours. j WAT SON LUDLOW, by trade a Shoe- Gentlemen having hufinefs at eitTierof Vh W the Banks may ftrtffe.ibe there a, well as at the i UM lrt T t ' / ,?? complexion t> 01 1 *»*••«»« uic j Whoever will take up fad Deserters and deli- Taverns, &c. already mentioned. I * » . ,, F , , -T „ . J vyr them on board the laid frigate* shall receive Copy-rightfeeured according toad cf Ccngrefs, j ten dollars reward for each, and reasonable March 10. diis- r tf pharges. j March 12 THOMAS HAWTHORN, Of the City of Philadelphia, RRcit;>wr, ON the 9th day of Aug. I 799, qfflgrsji all his Estate, real, personal nnd mixid, to JOHN M.NiISBIfT nnd JONATHAN MEREDITH, —All per for 9 indebted to thf said Thomas Haw thorn or to rh» late hofeft of Haw the r» and Kerr, ire d&fircd to pay their refpetfive balances to 3?awtf. February at ,«r F » Removal of Midi*ims• i. THOMAS CLAYTON RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public in general, that he ha* remov'd the whole Stock in trade of the late firm of J. J. MAL COM inches, carefully packed in bo.vev too feet ea h, may br iad at :h • " Gbfs of larger sizes for otter ( . , r3 alio be had, fucli as for pictures, coach clock faces, &c. B-ttles of al! kinds. quantity may also be had, together Balk», pickling jars, apothecary's fe or other hollow ware—'he wholi cent, lower than articles of ;he ante r brought from any of the lea ports of. th* L'r.it States. A liberal allowance wiil bf ftlerf large quantities Ordersfr. m n and others w ill he punctually attencirr plication to JAMES Cli-111,, or CRIIG, or at the Storeof MclTis PR and .SMIJUH, ' n ket-itreet, P March y OR Kill) OF FAN, OR » 4 DRT GOODS, A liardfome Three Story BRICK HOUSE £s? KITCHEti OfMioilern conatruction and Well buill TTr'TH the best materials, situated ma. VV plcaf nt ami liealij.y pa:t I ;U a mndfrart j t offi Cong hiss Hall. \ I OTofgroujid,about n feet front is C! -C ---». & nut llrat and 73 fe« : n depth, when, good frame house, now in the tfcerJPfef S _ ■■. 1 Bcr.ge futjea to a ground rent of jes. peranrt.: The, advantageous lunation ef this prop. ;■: -j re quires no comments, for it nrell be known, there are lew in this city to equal it, an uneiceptionaUa title will be made to the purehafer. Apply to JAMES Gilt VAN, No. 198, Chcfcut ft. next door to the pi mifes. march 5 tu.th /a-tf Ibree Cents Reward. RUN aw,ay from the SuSfcriher on the ev«nr»g or the 2tlh rnfh a hound Servant Q named Rllzahcfh Hmvorel," hail on and toot;y.vit'a herjrhree different, chanj/esf t garment and meaty, proud, hold and impudent,.a noted !yar • any f><«r fon apprehending her (hall be entitled to the abevs reward—no coiU or charges will be paid. N: !3, She had a years and fome-iuonrte-to fcrve. dawiel fitzpatricfc. Goflien Town (hip, Chefler Gtount-y, J sly' 29. .^awtf august 4^ sta-sv(s;v f Voi.UMR XV (Price 25 Cents) Til 1' A POEM' 'Jit ; S made a i o be Bartered, IUDIA m&* tf" 3tawtf.