ifauign intelligence. LONDON, December 27. ,Tke upon the Rhine is at an a definitive treaty. Eftraß of a Letter fnm Falmouth, datti December 21 '* Sailed tbi» day for Ireland, his Ma jesty's ships Boadicea and Anfon, having on board money, supposed to be for the pay. ment of his Majesty's troops in that king dom, or more probably intended for the accommodation of the merchants of that country." PARIS, Dec. 16. COMMITTEE OF FIVE HUNDRED. Sitting of the ijtb December, Boulay (de la ivleurtke) presented, in the name of a fele&ion of the oonftitution, a plan which the committee adopted. The firft article of it imports, that there (hall be opened in every commune of the ic public registers of acceptation and of non acceptation . The citizens are called upan t® sign, or eaufe to be signed, their votes on the confti tujjo» which is prefentea to them. The in terval allowed for voting in each department is fifteen days from the day of the date of the receipt of the constitutional act by the central adminiflration. There are three days allowed for every commune. The commission an the report of Ludot, organ of the feftion of legislation, decreed that the law of the 19th Ni»ofc of the year 6, Tclative to privateering, is abrogated. The commission, after having heard the fame reported, adopted the following refo- lutiort " The disposition of the treaty concluded between Buonaparte and the Knights of Malta is ratified, by which the French kr.ighrs, who were in the iflind of Malta at the time of its reduftion, are considered as not having emigrated from France —Such of the knights whose pcrfonal eflates hieve not been fold as national property, /hall ke leiiiflated in their effects. IX they have been alienated, they Hull only be entitled to an indemnity fixed in ordinary cases. The preleiit dtfpolition cqinprehcnds on'y the knights who were included iu the above treaty." J Dec»mber 14. A metTage from the Consuls demanded the palling of a law which fliould order the pub lication of the constitution agreed upon yes terday by the and Consular Coni millions. Botilay L i Meurthe, in the name of the feclion of the propofed til fol lowing resolution, which was agreed to. The Coramiffion of the Council of Five Hundred,ceniideiing- that the Constitution which is to rftabMli a definitive and invaria ble order of things ought to be without delay presented for the acceptance of the ci^zens: That the most popular and fuit.ibie mode of acceptance is that which anl'wers mod ealily and speedily the wants and juit impa tience of the nation : Declares, that there is urgency. The conimiffion, after having declared urgency, adopted the following resolutions : .Art. I. There Ihall opened in each commune a book for acceptance and non ac ceptance —the citizens are invited to inscribe it, or to chufe to be inlcribed, their vote upon the conftitntion. 2. The regillers (hall be opened at the Secretiate of all the udminiftr.uions, at the offices of the tribuiral, the offices of the communal agents, justices of tlie peace, and notaries. The citizens have aright to chafe at will between these different depots. 3' The delay for voting in each depart ment it a fortnight from the date of the ar rival of the constitution at the central admi nistration, it is a delay of three d.iys for each commune from the date of the arm of the constitutional aft at the chief place of the canton. 4- The 6onfuls of the republic are charg ed with regulating and putting in afiivity the forming, opening, term, closing and fending of the registers. j. The consuls are also charged with pro claiming the result. December 21 The commission received the following nieflag* from the consuls : The consuls of the French republic aft conformably to the unanimously manifefled will of the two legislative coniroiflions, by propofingjo vou to decree to citizen Sieyes a lignal proof of the national gratitude. The citizen who, after having enlighten" ed the people by his writings, and done h»* nor to the revolution by his diftntereftjd vir tues, refufed at firft the chief magistracy and accepted it afterwards only f'ora a sense of the dangefs by which it was surrounded, is affurt'dly worthy of thediftinftion which you will decree to him, and a refufal of which will not be permitted to him w'nen the or gan of the law (hall have spoken. The cdnfuls of the republic in order to adhere to your decree, and in conformity with the la-.v of the 19th Bruinaire. fiibmit to you the formal and necessary proposition ro decree to citizen Sieye», by way of na tional recompence, the property of one of the domains which are at the disposal of the state. The consuls of the republic, BUONAPARTE, (Sighed) ROGER DUCOS, H. B. MARET, Sec. Gen The message was referred to the fcflion of France. Arnaud, of the Seine, soon after made a report upon the meflag'e, and proposed the following resolution, which was agreed to. The Commission, eonfidering that it is of impsrtance to the (lability of every political institution to afford signal proof of gratitude to citiiens who have rendered great services to the country resolve as follows : 1 lie national damain of Crofne, in the de partment of the Seine and Oife, or any other equivalent in value, is decreed in full and entire property to Citizen Sieyes, as a na tional reujmpenee. December 17 The armistice on the Rhine is officially publiflied the very moment that we hear of its having been Broken. The Chouans also continue to violate the armifKce. Moreau had giv*n in his resignation after iome warm words with the Minister of war ; but a reconciliation having taken place, the General will immediately take the command of his army. December 18, The news from the Cctes de Nord ftatc, 1 R Y vir 'r venditioni exponas, to .i>. , r , ' JLJ me directed, dlued out oi the circuit court that the L.nouans are organizing: thenuclves c .v. n•, >o. . » l un , t i 6 . . ° " ot the United btates, m and for the Pennlylva more ann more 18,000 are in the depart- nia Diftrifl., of the middle circuit, will be iold ments of the weft—.they have in ten days by public vendue at the city tavern, in Second received 56 waggons of ammunition. itreet, in the city of Philadelphia on Satur- Decembcr 20 da * the sth day of A P ril ncxr ' at 7 ° ,clock in * 1 the evening, all that certain tract or parcel ©f Buonaparte has been (lightly indisposed land, fituatfe, lying and beyig cn the river or after long want of deep, labour, and fatigue creek called Lackawaxen; in the county of almofteven beyond the strength of man, he | Way#e, containing 800 c acre* and upwards; always drinks coffee in great quantities. on w !" ch ? re crected * mefluage, ftabies and 'ri r» n.- 1 . - « fawmiN, with the appurtenances. —The namci lhe Confritution has been una nimou fly 0 f the original warrantees of the said tract or accepted thio day by the invalids of the Na- parcel of land were as follows, tional Hotel. Mvrdecai Roberts ? John Till, It is reported that Cardinal Maury is Stopbel Medera, George Wetrtvn, ele&ed Pope, the two principal negociators Zachariah Ferris, Benjamin Hancock, at- Canipo F«rmio, Count Cobentzel and the George Till, Edward Welstvd, Marquis de Gallo, are lecalled from Peters- Tbomas Wiggins, James Thompson, bur g*>- * George Morton, Joseph Whitehead, George Street on, Patrick Connolly, Friend Streeton, Thomas Griffy, ) # John Olipbanty William Halbert. 3 Seized and taken in execution as the property of Robert Lett is Hooper, deceased. JOHN HALL, Marshal. N. B. A reasonable credit will be given. Marshal's Office, Philadelphia, March 17. eotsA * Tbefe two trails do not contain the full quantity of the orignal warrant* ; part cf them having been 'conveyed ayjaj. The Subscriber TAKES this method of- once more informing the Public, that the partneflhip of Moles Chapline and Robert M'Clure, which was cnrcr •d into for 'he purpose of retailing Goods in the town of Weft Liberty Commonwealth of Vir ginia, on the tenth day of Augu(t, 1790, expired on the tenth day of August 1793, agreeable to the term ftipulatcd in their article of copartnership; MOSES CHAPUNE. February %l. Law of the United States. 15? itp. Sixth Cvrigrefs of the United States. At the First SefJion, begun and heljl at the City of Philadelphia, iu tlie State of Pennsylvania, on Mon day, the fecod of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninetyjnine. Declaring the ajfent of Congress to certain afts of the states of Maryland and Georgia. Sec. I. T) I£ it ertaQed by the Senate and ±J House of Reprefen atives of the United States of America, in Congress afftm bledf That the consent be, and hereby is granted to the operation of an aft of the General Afiembly of the State of Mary land, palled on the twenty-sixth day of De cember, one thousand seven hundred ard ninety-one, entitled " An Aft empowering the wardens of the Port of Baltimore to levy and colleft the duty therein mention ed," and also to so much of an aft of the date of Georgia, pasTed February the tenth, one thoafofcd seven hundred and eighty-se ven, entitled, '* An Aft for regulating the trade, laying duties on all goods, ware*, li quors, merchandise and negroes imported into this (late ; and alio an impost or the tonnage of (hipping and for other purposes therein mentioned," as authorizes a duty of three pence per ton on all (hipping entering the Port of Savannah, to be set apart as a fund for clearing the river Savannah. Sec. 2. And be it further enaßed t That this a& (halt be, and continue in force un til the 3d day of Match 1808 and no longer. THEODORE SEDGWICK. Speaker of the House of JReprefentatives, THOMAS JEFFERSON, Vice President vf the United States, and President of the Senate. Approved, March 17, 1800. President of the United States, To Merchants. MERCHANTS A* count# elegantly opened, Books neatly an d corre&ly poited, with various other kinds of writing, by a person thoroughly acquainted with accounts., Gentlemen extenlively concerned, may find it to their interest' to put bufinefj. iri this line into his hinds, as the fulled confidence may be repoled in him and ample fatisfa&ion givei<. Address a line to B- A. and leave it with the pri ifer hereof. Philadelphia, March 19, ADVERTISEMENT. THF. SUBSCRIBERS OFFER FOR SALE, Two very valuable Farms, TN the tnwftfhip of Springfield, and county 1 ol Burlington, containing about two hun dred acres-each. The.Woodland and Meadow, of which theie is a folficient quantity, is not inferior lo any in the Ijtite. attract the notice of persons residing within- the county of Turlington, detiious of purchasing good land, 'lis only neccflary to mention that the e liable to be fold for the benefit ol the fold Ru/hf i t part payment of the finious 5000 dollars, lately awarded to the powder inventor, by 1 Philadelphia:) jury.— And, that the partes concerned may not be at a los? io know what thty ought to claim, a lift of their names and also of the several articles attached as aforefaid, is hereunto lubjoined ; to i. William Smith, EsQi American dm baffador at the Court of Portugal, is informed that tight copies of his work on the American Cofift'tHtious, are in jeopardy, as above men* tionerl ; and also a large -bundle of his detec tion ps Jefferfon, and bis dejence of the charac ter and condufi of John Adams!— When Mr. Smith was taking so much pains in making this defence, he little imagined that its circulation was to be pur a fop to by an attachment on the part of a man appointed to a fat office by Mr. Adams! 2 A per/cn ujhotn I bane forgotten is request ed to replevy a dozen or two of copperplate heads of John Adams !—Thefe are very valu able. They will, in a few years time, be re garded as precious as the hairs of Julius Cafar. I reuch with* therefore, that the trcafurer of the Mint may not yet have an opportunity of cxpofiiig them for sale among the profane vul gar 3. Samuel Harrison Smith is told to replevy, or to let it alone, just which he pita fas, 38 magazines, sent for him and received by me, from Mcflrs. Pritchard and Davidfon of Richmond, Virginia.—Thcfe if fold for their real (worthy would fetch about a penny a score. 4. Robert Field is told to replevy 35 car ricaturcs of Talleyrand & Co. coloured. 5. Some one whom I have forgotten will please to claim 13 Sermons to the Jews. 6. Mr. Campbell (the author) will claim 8 Soldier's Companion. 7. Poor Mrs. Pepper will please to claiiti 16 copies of her husband's poems. 8. Mr. TJftick will claimiz Ageof Credulity. 9. Mr. Ormrod will claim 2 vols, of Bache's ufernal Gazette. ic. Some owe whom I have forgotten will claim a volume of Oswald's paper. 11. Some one whom 1 have forgotten will claim 11 copies of appeal to matter of fa<£l and Common Seofe. 12. Mr. Henfrey will please to claim 13 co pies of a plan for u orking mines. 13 The anthor will c laim 30 copies of the House of Wisdom in a buflle ; cr the l'pitting in Congress, a Pcem. 14- The author will claim 11 eflays on the Yellow Fever in Baltimore. 15. Monsieur La Grange will claim 3 vols d'un Journal Durint utt fejour en France. 16. Any hodv that pleal'es may elaiiu a bun die of the addreftof th" V rginia Minoiity about Ali'in av.d Sedition fli'ls 17. Robert Goodloe Harper may claim, if he likes, two or three books sent to him, thro* rae, from a gentleman in London. 18. Thomas B. janfon of New-York will claim a bundle of Poems. 19 Mrs. Charleton will please to claim 10 co pies of thoughts on the 2 witnefles. 10. Mr. James Humphreys wi)l claim a bun dle »f the Coal Blaik Maidi Secret Tribunal, and Burke's letter to the Duke of Bedford. if. The author will claim 22 copies of Gur ney's BracVmgrapby improved—6 do bound. 11. Tfee publiftier wilj claim 4 politicians, a a tragi comi-republico-farce. 23. The author, Mr. Trumbull, will claim a bundle of bis visit t« Philadelphia if the Treasurer of the Mint fh.-uld happen to fell them, Mr. T. may easily supply the loss by riding the much truer and more entertaining vifir of Patrick Lyon. March 19, Just Arrived, AUD r'cß SAt B BV THE SUBSCRIBERS, THE CARGO OF THE snip PHILADELPHIA, Theodore Bliss, Commander? from Bengal CONSISTING OF An a flo it mem of Piece Goods, Sugars of the firft quality, . And ac.o qr. chefis of lu peri or quality Hyson Teas, Willings Franciand Thomas if John Clifford. March 17 United State*, > Ptnnsyvania District. jj BY virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas to me dirc&ed, iflued out of the Uittridl Court of the United States, in and for the Pccpfylvania Diftridt, will be fold by public vendur, at the City tavern, in Second Greet, in the city of Philadelphia, on Friday the 4th day of April next, at fix o'clock 111 the aitrrnoKn, I undivided third parr of two cer tain MefTuagc and Lots ol Ground situate on the south of Walnut ftreet,in said city, beginning at the corner of John Wall's lot and extending southwardly 79 feet 6 inches to ground ot Miers Fifter. Esq. thence we.'twardly 54 feet to a corner, thence southwardly 22 feet 6 inche? or thereabout to ground of David H Conyngham, thence weft warily 46 feet to an alley, thence across said alley 55 feet to a corner, thence eaflwardly 46 feet, thence northwardly to Walnut {freet 47 feet, thence caftwardly on the said street 54 leit, to ths place of beginning, iubje& to a rent, charge of . thirty five pounds per annum, with the use and privilege *f the fail alley, running into Dock ' street ; all those City Lots',inarksJ in the general Plan No. 153;, 1738 1519, 1540, 154T, on the weft fide of Third llreet lrim between Locust and Walnut Greets ; 1537, containing ?n breath sixty feet and in depth 247 feet 6 inches ; the others being contiguous, contain in breadth 250 feet and in depth 247 leet 6 inches; all those City Lots nun bered 1393, ; 394> *3951 J 396, 1397 and r398, on the fide of Walnut flreet between Filth and Sixth flreet?, from Schuylkill being each of them 66 feet in front and 235 feet in depth. Also, all that mefiuagc and tran, at the City Coffee House, thefollowing valuable REAL ESTATE , —viz. No. i. A Three Story Brick House, WITH extcnfive three story back buildings ; litua'e in Front below Pint ftrept. The house contains, two large rooms on each floor, and is 32 feet 8 inches in front and 52 feet 6 inches deep. Tfce piazza is 19 feet 6 inches in length, and 1 * feet 6 inches in width, ip which is carried up an elegant flair cal'e The back buildings are 50 feet in leng-.h, and 23 feet 8 inches in width, and contain on th«' firu floor, a parlour, kitchen* pantry and fla*r cafe. The second and third floors are divided into convenient chambers and drefling rooms, she lot of ground is 198 feet deep, with the privilege of a court leading into Lombard Street. No, 2. A Three Story Brick House, Adjoining the above, of the di'menfions and plan as the house No. I,except that the back build ings are only 45 fe«t in depth. The lot is 131 feet 6 inches deep, and has the privilege of a court into Lombard street The above c'efci ibed bouses are not plaiftered, hut the carpenters' work is nearly finifhed. Per fonswilhing to view them previous to the day of sale, will plrafe to appjy at No iSB, Scttti, Frot;t street, for lhekeys. A Lot of Ground, 19 feet IX inches frcn:, upon a court leading into Lombard street. Th« | urthafer of the house No. a, will bi tsu tied to thi» lot. Plans of the above house? and lots arc to'be seen at the Coffee House. The condition as follow, viz One fourth in 60 days, one fourth in 6 months, one fourth in 1 2 months, and the remainder in 15 months, with approved fecarity and intcrefl on the three la ft payments. VALUABLE LOTS FOR SALE, tha Coffee H«ufc, on Saturday, March 2i, it 7 o'clock in the evening, Seven adjoining LOTS,numbered in thegeneral plan of public city lots, from 2082 to 2088, situ ate on the south fide of Arch street, at the dis tance of 75 feet westward from Delaware, 13th street. containing in breadth on Arch street, one hundred and feventy-fivj feet, and in depth front ing upoH a 28 feet street, north and south, one hun« dredand 37 feet to a 20feet wide, alley. ALSO, Seven other Lots; Diftinguifhffd in the city plan 2033 to 1061, situate on the north fide of Filbert street,. at the difhnc© of 75 feet from the weft fide of Delaware, Thirteenth Hreef ; containing in breadth east and weft on Filbert street, one hundred and leventy five feet ; and in depth, north and south, front up on a 28 feet Hreet, one hundred and fiity one feet to a 20 feet alley. The forrgoing fourteen lots are hounded north ward by Arch fir ret, westward by a 28 feet ftre«, southward by Filbert ftreet,and eastward by other public ciry lets, except the 10 feet alley rans through them a? mentioned, parallel with ,4rch and Filbert frrects. To be fold, and an indispu table title given, the fame being late the property of J ohn N icholion. JOHN CONNELLY, Auctioneer* February 15. dtS. On MONDAY the 24th iaftant at 9 o'clock m the morning,-at the dwelling house of George Meade, Efq on the north fide of Market flreet between Eleventh and Twelfth flreets, beinj? the house occupied as the Post Office during the last sickness, and immediately oppoCte to Mr. John Dun lap's, IVJIL BE SOLD FOR CASH, A very extensive and general aflortmcnt of ELEGANT FURNITURE, Being of the firft quality and in the highe6 pre servation, confiftiwg of almost every article in the Hou'.e keeping line ; such as Side Beards, Chairs, Dining, Pembroke, Card and other tables; Secretaries' Bureaus, Locking Glaffcs, Beds, Bailee's, Plate and Plated ware, China Glass, Marble Ornaments, Marble Busts, &c &c. ALSO—-a complete set of mahogany chair#, fet teciy curtains, &c covered with blue damulkfuf ficient or a dining room. The goods may be viewed on the Friday and Saturday preceding the day ol sale, from 9 o'clock m the morning until 2 o'clock in tbe afternoon : and should the day prove unfavorable, the sale will be postponed until the next lair day. EDWARD POLE, y Co. JluS'ioneers. Htf March 10. FOR SALE, A VALUABLE TRACT 01' L A N D, LYING on the Potomac River, county vi Ncr» tliuni! f:rland, feate of Virginia; containing about 14CO acres—its fituaticn \s equal to any o'her in the Northern Neck, lemarknble Cor rv«ry kind of wjldfdwi, oyfiers, fifti and crab, and n