of &lUtfctS J§>t&toS 9 ***> Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. KVHBiFR 2335.] (O™ The price of this (Jazette is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in tie city of Philadelphia. Ail others pay one Dollar additional., for enclosing and di rtcting i and uttlessrioine person in this city utill become answerable fcr the subscription, it must be paid */r Months in Advance. %* No Subscription will be received for u shorter term than six months. i 1799* GRASS J Red Clover. ~\ VS Kite do. j Timothy. | Foia, j Trefoil ! h-i> u- • j> Lucy: u Herd Grass. Orchard do. XL ye do- Rape and Hemp. ALb 1 ), SHEETS COPPER. IRONMONGERY, and N V Pf.OUGHS, which are fiid to be more durable than- any heretofore in vented, and found on experience to diminilh the labour l oth of o.an an« bealt — FOR SAI.X BY THOMAS HOWARD, 40 South Second Stteet, Pbihidcl: .\z, February 13, PRATT &f KINTZING. No 95, North Water-flrcet, HAVE ON HAND THE FOLLOWING GOODS, r j fate at moderate prices for caf.i, or thr usual credit ; or on a credit of 11 or i 8 months upon Mortgages on Real Property, in or near th« City of Philadelphia, or other faiisfa&ory security, jo boxes aridlaksTitk lenaurjjhs (io do. do. Hemp en linens. 50 do. do. Ozaa brig*. JO do Pafterlv rnes. 45 do. Bielficld Linens. I j do Crer.s and Creas a la Morlaix. Brown Rolls. Do.Heflian*. Polift) Rolls. Bed Ticks. Siamcis. Arabias. Empty Bags. Oil Cloth* Shoes and Slippers. Seal and upper Learher. Quills an;! Scaling Wax. A package Gold and Sil ver U atche*. A few To^b. Sk'f s and Pkiiv il». 70 hhd-, Havanna Mo Ja(fc» ■February fj TO BE SOLD, or fur lots ol about 30 or 40 acres each, more or ids as may fuir a pur,chafer. On each of which there is a good (itaation for a hotfe—viz. one on the river Delaware, suitable either for a gentleman's feat, cr for a person who might wi(h to engage in the lumber business hav ing a jjj»d landing. One c mmanding a good view of the river from the highest ground between the Fennypack and Pogueflin creeks ; and another on the Bri'.Lolßoatl. Enquire >»f Mr. Gilj in near the II mile (loneon the said load. ALSO FOUR LOTS, Of about iO acres each witSt good fituatiens for hnil4> n g i one of which is suitable ior a tau.yard, and has a small (tone house and a young; bearing erchard on it, on the Newtown road near Snider'* mill about ic miles from Philadelphia, and one otier lot of a'iout acres on tke Pen* ypack.— Fnqiiire of Jonathan Clik, who lives oa sea or o f Mr. Gilpin. Po'fcfiion will he given in the spring, but build ing mact rials may be collected foencr. Noveipher 8 '7 axes of Lycoming County. JOHN KIDD, Treafnrer, By Direction of the Commifjioners of Lyco ming county, attends at Philadelphia to re eeive/the Taxes aflefiwd up®n unseated Lamb in that County, from the holders thereof, in this City. Those who have* filed with the Com millioncrs-, ftatemenrs of thetr Lands, are re JO, about zi years <«ld, the property of Robert Coleman; fcfq. He is about 5 feet 8 inches high, has ablemifh eyes, snore <«%tte in them than common, by wade a Ferge man ,• had on and took with him a drab coloured broad elotl* coat, almost new, a sailors jacket and pantaloons jprincad fancy cord, a iwanfdown striped under acket; a rorum hat; one fine and one coarse shirt' one muslin handkerchief, sprigged, two ditto striped border, a blue Persian under Jacket and two peir cotton stockings. Whoever takes up ibid negro and lodge« him in any jail in this or any of the neigabouring dates (hall have tke above re ward or reasonable expeneesif brought home. JOHN BRIEN. Spring Forge, 0&0ber»3,1799. N. B. As said negro formerly lived in Ckefier j county, it is probable he may retain Acre. tfovmlm S ALL indebted to the estate cf Thomas Wxj.son, late of Southwark, deeeafed. ars arc req-ucfted to mike immediate payment to the fubfcrilfc c-. and those who have any demands against thw teef. 6 hhds. CofFe * mills. Blocking Twine, Tapes, Stone Pickling Pots &c &c. KNOWN Ly the name of the Booncton Iron Works, fitnnta in the county of Morris ia the fUt« of New-Jy&y, conGfling of a Forge with four fi«s, a Roiling and Slitting Mill, a Grift mill with two Run of Hones, and Saw mill, allin goo.J order and new in use, together with an excellent, large, and convenient house, with out houfcs of every kind ; among which are an Ice house, ftorre mill: house, with a remarkable fine ipiing in it, a large Garden, and an excellent jjito&t&ion of Fruit, a large Orchard,, and 2500 acres of wood, pa'- ure and arable land, and a great number of {lores. and workmen's ho«fes Immediate pcflefiion will he given of houfea and (lores fufficiwt for providing (lock the present winter, aad polTeffion of the whole in the spring. fntu&f For terms enquire ot David B Ogden at New ark, mr Peter Mackie in tnf. I>r.vid Ford it. Morris I'own, or mefira. Jarcob andtfich ard Faefch on t be prefiiiies. is to give notice tint the Svibfcriber X frith obtained from the Orphan's Court of Ccec'tteoui.ty in Ma-viand, letters of admisif nation on the pei'fonjl edate of Samuel ffijilpinj Ute of the county aforefaid, deceafcd ; a'l per sons having claims against thefaid ductafed, ar<- hereby wariitd to exhibit the l ime with the vouchers thereof to the fu.bfcii'ccr on or beforof the 14th (day of August next —they may other *wife by law be'excluded f'roic all benefit of the 'aid eltate. Given under my hand this 27th of January, one thousand eight-hundred. JOHN GILPIN, Adminiflrator. January 30. taw6w. aawtf. HIS Swedifli Majesty's Cotiful General, *nd au thorized to tranfadl the Consular Bufincfe, for hi* Majesty the King of Denmaak in the United States of America, residing at Philadelphia, 7 Vat in obedience to recent in&ru&ions received from his government, it is the duty of all Makers of Swedilh ar.d Danilb velTels, before their failing from any pea* in the said States, to call upor him or the Vice Cowful in ort'er to be granted fueh Certificates for their Cargoes, which the exigency of the state of the Neutral Commerce anc* the fe ver I Decrees of the Belligerent Powrn, render indifpei'fably necelfary, and, that any Matter ot veffeis belonging to the refpe*ftive nations, or na vigating under the prftte&ion of their flags, in omitting to rake such certificates, will personally stand refpo«fible for the eonfequences. RICHARD SODERS"I'PtOM Philadelphia, ißth December, 1799. DESERTED FROM the Marine Barracks on the nigh? ~f tk 14th inft—JOHN OSBORN, born in the townot Bedford, Welt Che#er county and fiate of New-York, age« years, 9 months, 5 fei-t 8 and a quarter inches high, grey eyes (loiKjqued) light hair, ruddy complexion, pogk marked, by trade a Shoemaker- EuUfted by Lieutenant Key ' nolds is. Stcphsn's Town, near Albany the 15th ol June iafc Ha-.; ou end took with him a short round blee cloth cca: with a red cape, a blue cloth coatee, a lew white vvaiffcqars, a long mixed clo'h coat ana breeches, a jjpr < f hoo ( ts, a chocolate coloured great coat trimmed with .black hair plush, z. l'uT r hat half worn, and twoJilv.r watches, one a middle flze, the other small. Hp may impose himfoii on some family or gentleman as a waited, as he has a&ed in that capacity Whoever apprehend? said Deserter, and fecurcs him in jail, fends him to Headquarters, or delivers hips Co any of the Marine officers, or any officer of the army of the United States ihall receive the above reward and all reasonable charges January 16. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 20, .800, NOT I.'G E. SARAH WILSON. Admr ,st:airix. JOEL W. WILSON, A im in istrator. So. 295, fomth -Front southward- trno u.is 7*o i.r.f-, ABR ICK ST A BLE, '■uUiciyntly Urge to contain liilic Hocfci. -1!. jO, LANCASTER STAGES. Nov. 30. CITY OF WASHINGTON. THE POSSESSORS Samuel Jstodgit« December 17 BOONETON IRON WORKS, TO EE SOLD, OR LEASED FOR ONR YEAR—THAT Viluable Estate, Janoarv m NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED, Hereby gives public Notice, Thirty Dellars Reward. J. S. LEWIS, Adjulc:it Jl::vn\c Ccr^s AU fHENTIC LIFE OF SUWOROW. JVS7 PUBLISHED, AND FOR SALE, AT THIS OlriCE, A SKETCH OP THE JLiU ana Character P£JNC£ ALEXANDRA SIHVOkOW' HTM- NIKSKI, Field- Ma» fhalpener.il ii> the fcrviceof Hislmperi al Mujefly, the Emperor of allele Ruflias, Willi Ths Hifiory of his Campaigns. Ti'anslaud from the Gt.->„an if i'nd-rick Anihiv To which is. A concise and ccmprebensiie History of His Italian Campaign By WiiliaiVi Cc-übett. 11'.ij an elegant Pri:it-P:>r'.rait of tbr.t r c KorJiied Warrior [.Price i 1-2 L>^!jr».j Portrait of Marshal Suwovoiv, Gfc:«itle!*)ea wfirous of pcflcflln£ s capitj] lilte ncfs, execute i in t!ic fir(l ftylc, of thi.s illuiliioys Chiifcian Chieftain. nny be luri.ifliej with parti cular proof at this oSi.c, price one Dollar. February i», TOIHI PATRONAGE OF A liberal and enlightened C&mmunitj IS SUBMITTED THE PROSPECTUS OF A New Daily Paper, to Be published undeh Trie titlr of THE OBSERVER, AND Daily Repository of ufeful Information, IT vriH doubtlds be deemed 1 hazardous un dertaking to present to the public eyepropo fals for a new Gazette, when so many are al ready in po/Tefijon of the public patronage. News-papqr3 so much more generally diffuf ed throughout America than perhaps any other portion of the globe, may become either en gines of mifebiet or the implements of ufefulnefs —they difTeminate good, or scatter poison, among thousands ; and although it may be pre sumptuous in the £ditor of that now proposed to expeft that its utility will be great, yet he may be admitted to deelare, that it (hall not willingly be made the jneans of doing evil His endeavors will be applied to render The Objer'ver in. fame-degree conducive tft the at tainment of knowledge as well aa to the com munication of news—to enlighten the under ftandiug—to improve the morals-—to beget, or to confirm, a revercnGe for thefacred principles of Christianity. For this purpcfe it is intended— To furoifh the most recent foreign and domestic intelligence ; To give infill Prices Current at heme and aV'oad, and othercommercial information j To felrdl from ' literary, productions such por tions as may gratify taftc and induce improve- reent To unfold and enforce found and just virws of government: To aid the great interefti of piety and morality. To prefect occasionally Improvements m the arts and fcicFces-—in agri culture and domestic economy j Proceedings of the General and State Leg!fla- (urea Reports of the Heads of Departments, and of interelling cases adjudged hi thefrveral courts of the United Staie?, &c. Reviews of Joreiun ind domestic literature ; Anecdotes and of diftiriguilhed per fonapes; Statiflical tables ; Meteorological ebfervations j IS pp- 'irtrtiGijts ; Marriage., Birihs, Deathjs. With these propofaJs the diffident ly submits himfclf to the public. He is well aware of the importance and magnitude of the tindfei taking Soliciious fur the late of his. na tive land, and viewing with anxious fears and Jirpes the iuccefs o f a government created by th remov'd the whole Stock in trade of the late firm of j. J, MAL COM & co. drupgilt's to sign of Fothergi: Is Golden Head, No. 97 South Second Street, directly oppo site tu the City Tavern, where the budnefs in all its branches will be conducted as heretofore in con jtm&ion witii WILLIAM LEHMAN, under the firm of William lehman & Co. March 6. AS Mr. Thomas Clayton, in his adver tisement above, has indirefily aflferted tii.it I have declined biiftnefs, I t'eel it my duty to iiiionn mv ir.ends and the pubiic, that I continue the Drug am! ApoiticCiirv fiulinefs, ui u!i.u;l, at l!' O':: itcdjy at Eotbergill's golden head; No. 26, foath Second street, a little below ojipolite Black H-jrk Alley, where may be had, conlUntly, every article 1:1 the line. JOHN J. MALdQM. MEDICINE CHESTS For (hipping, with plain approved directions, put tip at an hour's notice. Mdrcb 7. To Merchant/, Store keepers, and Trades- ift, PRAY Gentlemen, is a perfe from the Green Tree, No- so North Fourth btreet, at 2 o'elock every morning, and arrives at New York early thenixt evening. From > « York it fWrth I'aurti-; Street. Philadelphia, and to WILLIAM VA N DEIIVO OH T, No." 48 Courtland 'Street, N. E. corner of Gieenwith Street, New York. January 3 This Day Published, By J. Ormrod, No. 41, Cbefnut Street, (Price 25 Cents) THE Death of General Washington. A POEM. In imitation of the rtanner of Lilian. By Rev. John B. Linn, A.M. Miniiter of the Firit Prefbyte*ian Congregation of Philadelphia. Mr. Chiudron's Oration will be publiflied on Monday morning. Mhfch 15. d. GLASS MANUFACTORY. THE PROPRIETORS Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works, HAVING procured a fufficierVt number of the mod approved European Glass IVanu fu&urers, and having or. hand a large stock of the best Materials, on which their workmen are now employed, have the pleasure of afluring the public, that window glass of a fupei ior qua lity and of any* size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 24 inches, carefully packed in boxes containing roo leet ea fa, may fochad at the shortest notice. Glass of larger sizes for other purpol'es, may also be had, such as for pi&urcs, coach glaflcs, clock &c. Bottles of all kinds and of any quantity may also be had, together,with pocket £alks, picklmgjars, apothecary's flaop furniture, or other hollow ware—the whole Jt lead 25 per cent, lower than articles of ihe lame quality brought from any of the lea ports of the United States. A liberal all ovcance will he made on fait oilarge quantities. Ordersfr ra merchants and others »ill be punctually attended to on ap. plicat'on to JAMES O'HAIiA or ISAAC CRAIG, or at the Storeot Mcflrs PRATHER audSMILIE, in Maiket-atreet, P ttlburgh, March 1, tu'htf. To be Bartered, FOR europkan, or fast ikdia DRT GOODS, A liandfome Three Stcry BRICK HOUSE £s? KITCHEN, Oftnbdern construction or.drjclibuilt XfrlTU the befl materials, in a very V V pleafuHand heslthy part of the town at a moderate difLuec from the centre of the city. Enquire at the Office of the Gazette of the Unb ailed ,-tjtev March 16 Viluable Property for Sale, to CUefNht, near Sixth ftrect, diredily opposite Congress Hall. \ LOT of ground, about n feet front in Chef- S\ rut rtreet and 73 fee* in depth, whereon is a good lrame house, now in the tenure of Samuel Benge fuVjofl to. a ground rOnt of 20s par annum. The, advantageous fituatiea ef this property re quires no comments, for it niuft be known, th*re are few in this city to equal it, an unecceptionable title will be made to the purchaser. Apply to JAMES GIRVAN, No. 198, Chefiiut ft. next door to the prtmifes, tu.th l a,* t f march 5 DESERTED, FKOM the United States Frigate Philadel phia, DAVID DEVINE, by trade a Shoe maker, born in Ireland, 23 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, light complexion and hair—alio, WATSON I.UDLOW, by trade a Shoe maker, born in New-Jerfcy, 33 years of age, 5 feet 10 inches high, dark hair and complexiocr Whoever will take up fa id Deserters and deli ver them on board the said frigate, (hall receive ten dollars reward for each, and reasonable charges. March ia, 1 bree Lents Reward. RUN away from the SuhfcrtSer on the evering of the iflj).,a bound Servant Gt-RL, nanied-El-izabeth Kowcfcel, had or. and took with hsrjf.hree dSifercnc changes of garment and money, proud, bold and urpudent, a noted lyar ; any per son appren/ndinglier lhall '-e entitled to the above reward—no cofcs or charges will be paid. N: 8, She had 2 years and some months to fcrve» DANIEL FITZPATRICK. Goilien Townfliip, Chester County, Jaly 19. august 6 i [Volume XVII. eodfrf m&w tf. 3tawtf.