Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, March 19, 1800, Image 3

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    %\)z dsasette.
Juflum et tcnacem propofiti virum.
Nob eivium ardor crava jubentUim,
Non vultus inPantu ryrauni,
Mente quacit folida.
It mult affoid a plea (nig reflection to eve
ry liberal mind to find that the attempts to
civilize and inftruft the Indian tribes in the
Inuth western Quarter of the United States,
have at length fntceeded, and that the un
fortunate Ab-origines have at length fomc
thing more to boast of than the ?.cquifitton
of the mere vices of their white neighbors.
Indeed the study of history and the writing
it too, must have been for fom<? time practi
ced the Indians. Since we h-ive jthe
best authority (no less than that of the lion.
Mr. Cocke a member of the senate from the
state ot 'lVnneflVe delivered in his place in
yefk'rcay Vtfebate) for fa W rig that an author
of the name of Dio-Caffus* (he did not men
tion of what nation or tribe the author was)'
h>s written the history of a nioft unmerciful
and bloody tyrant the Emperor called Cat
togolli ; but he did mention over what
nation or traft of country he reigned ; who
wrote his laws in such I'm'll characters and
placed them on' such high pillars as to render
them not legible by 'the people. Tis. we
must own, the fir<\ instance we have met
with of Nations of Indians being capable of
reading, or their rulers of w-iting their
laws. The public, no doubt, will be high
ly gratified by the production of the works
of Dio-CafTus, and particularly of that part
which relates to the r-.ign of the wicked
monster Cattagoili.
* It is true that Mr. Cocke did hot erprefsty
fay this- was an Indian author, Hut a* there is no
mention either in ancient or modern history of the
author Dio-Cafius, or the Empcor Cattagolli, they
must he of the Indian Tribes in the gentleman's
neighborhood, perhaps the warriors of the Stmi
The productions of genius, Eloquence and
feeling, which a late melancholy event, has
called fo'rth, will no doubt become the sub*
je£t of fair and rigid criticism :—lt will be
a pleating and ailful undertaking, to feleft
their beauties, compare their merits, aud
class them in the just order of precedence :
perhnps no Species of composition is attended
with more difficulties:—the.JEulogift, who
can give novelty, or add new conceptions,
in difpTaying personal virtues, must poflefs
uncommon powers—for what can now be
{aid, which ha?, not been repeated an hun
dred times of heroes, flatefmen, pTnloibphrrs,
and faints, in ages past ?—Several very
beautiful Orations have already made their
appearance : thofe who are conversant
in this kind of reading ; many of them can
boast of little originality :—That pronoun
ced at Trenton on the 14th of February, by
Doctor Smithy Prefidcnt of Princeton Col
lege—for grace fu.lnds of cliltribution and
comorehenfidn of fubjec>, for fine imagina
tion. and brilliant exprcllious, as yet has no
competitor: there is to be found in mofl: of
the others, neatness, and in some forcfe of
thought; but ibis feerns to unite beauty
with sublimity, and elegaticc with truth.
The vast pTeafure which it has affortled
me, and the define I feel that so fine an ef
fort of a great mincl, may be universally
read and enjoyed, demands this tribute from
one of your fubfc fibers.
In this new country numbers of people are
engaged in procuring good and Sufficient
water to their cities, towns and villages by
conduits. Any gentleman who can give
proper information on this bead upon expe
rimental philosophy through the channel of
this paper, will give great pleasure to num
bers ©t aqueduct companies, and exceeding
ly oblige the community in general, by phi
lolophical'y And experimentally answering
the following qUeftions.
1. VjThat timber is most durable of a 3 or
4nch bore, pine, oak or elm laid under
ground 3 feet, the tube always kept full of
2. Is there any difference in timber al
ways water soaked, between heart and sap
Is the kaft or most porous wood, hard, or
fofr, be ft for the purpofc ?
W*U tb* {inking the conduit In the
ground 3 feet in sand, gravel, or clay, be
Sufficient ; and in what covering will it
prove most lading?
4. What diameter ought the logs to be at
their fmali end, having the above bore, to
bear a fountain of 50 feet fall ?
It is hoped some of the experimental phi
lofophcrs from Europe may be in tliiscoun
try wlro understand the fpeciesalid diirabili
tv of woods aforefaid* and will answer the
above queries We do not wish any thing
from mere theorists or fuppofitionifts, unless
their theories or luppofitions are maintained
by experiments and their scholia supported
by mathematical demon
<sa3Ctte Hill.
Port of Philadelphia.
".Brig Rose, Meanv, Montevido 60
Concord, Wainwright, .St. B.utho. 30
Peggy, Maxwell, P. Republican* 33
Commerce, Clark, Hamburg (via.
[New Ytork)
Telegraph, Denham, St. Kitts 28
Sclir. Nasey, Kennedy, New Orleans 18
Hannah, Stoddert, St. Marys 18
Wentworth, Maffey, Halifax 22
Sloop Eliza» Parker, St.'Kitts 38
Andrew, M'Gregor, Gonaives 20
?rtfident, Pearler, Savannah 18
A black sided br*£, and ftver-l febooners,
nanifes unknown, are below.
Ship Sally, Lockyer, and brig PennfyJva
bra, Knot, from hence, have arrived at Mon-
Capt. Maxwell, of the brig Peggy, failed
from Port Republican! the 15th ult. in co.
with the schooner Dick and {evrral other
veiTelj whose names have been already men
tioned—On the 18th, in Weft Saicos Pas
sage, lat. 2i, 00, long. 72, 24, the schooner
Dick, Uxhards, of this port, struck 011 a
reef of rocks, bilged and filled with water ;
part ot the cargo, with the crew, were put
on board and part on board a
schooner bound for Baltimore —Off the
Capes ef Delaware, spoke the (loop Bluefield,
40 days from Curracoa, bound to N. York.
Capt. Kennedy, of the fchr. Nancy, in
forms that he failed from N. Orleans 27th
Feb. in company with the ship Margaret, of
and for N. York, and brig Gayojo, Rem
ington, of Philadelphia, bound to the Ha
vanna—parted from thern (bortly after the
Belife, in lat. 25, 00, N. long'. 81, 00, W.
spoke the fchr. Somerset of Baltimore > from
N. Orleans.
Left at N. Orleans,'belonging to Philad.
among several Americans, the Amazon,
Lewis, fchr. Liberty, ScHockiy, fchr. Bet
sey, (aid to be ot Philai ancWn the Miflif
hppi, spoke the fchr. Sally, (poffin, of Pki-.
lad. from Jamaica, and sloop Dependence,
Arnold, from Philad. bound up.
Cap';. DenhUm, of the Britifo brig; Tele
graph, informs that he failed-from St. Kitts
the 19U1 Feb. in cij. with a fleet />f Ameri
can vessels under convoy of the Baltimore
sloop of War : among- the fleet \v.-»s tlie sloop
Eliza, Parker, of Philad. (arrived) and the
only one belonging to this port.
A Stated Meeting of the American
Philosophical Society will bt, held at their
Hall on Friday evening at 6 o'clock,
A Curator to be elected.
SAMUEL H. SMITH, Secretary.
March iq.
WILLIAM COBBETT ir4Ml)n ,. K . ... .... , . , t
; TjROPOSALS in writing will be received until
TAKES this method of apprizing thcfe per- X rhe 15th u»y *f April next, at the office of
Tons who left books with him (in the phi- th« Treasurer of the Schuylkill Permanent Bridge
lanthropic city of Philadelphia) to be fold oh Company No. i \ Church alley, for a fapply of
pommiffion, that the part of their property ten thowfand perch of tfce best quality Free Stone,
which remained unfold on the aotb of Decern- onc half °f which mud be of large dinu-nfions,
ber last, was attached, in the hinds of Mr. v ' z 7 to f cet ' on g> to 3 feet wide in the
John Morgan, at the suit of one Rujh t treafu- bc * d ' 9to r8 inches deep—the remainder to be of
rer of the Mint, and inveiitor of .the famous the Cze which is generally called large foundation
mercurial purging powders- And he further one » to delivered at the .Veil end of High
informs the owners of the (aid property, so at- ? reet ' in such and at such times as shall
tarhed by the said treasurer of the Mint, that, be rc^»j ed - Pric « "me of payment to be
unless they, cr their representatives, come for- ei P rr ec *
ward and replevy the said property, on cr be- JOHN DORSEY, Secretary pro tem.
fore the return of the fame i. made to the Su- A ; of TERRA3S for morur wlll be
preme Court of Pennsylvania, the said property wante J. *1
will he liable to be fold for the benefit of the March 17
said Rn/by in part payment of the famaus 5000
.dollars, lately awarded to the laid treasurer and
powder inventor, by a Philadelphia!! jury.—
And, that the parties concerned may not be at
a !ofs to know what t-hty n u ght to claim, a lift
of their qames and also of the ftyeral articles
attacked at aforelaid, is hereunto Subjoined ; to
i. W'lliam Smith, American Am
bajjador at the Coi*rt of Portugal, i 9 informed
t>.at tigVit copies o/ his work on tfce American
Conftitntions, are in jeopardy, as above men
tioned ; and also a !arp«? bi nd!e of his detec
tion of Jrfferfoa, and ha defence tf the charac
ter and conduft of John Adams/—Wben Mr.
Smith was taking so much paiits in making this
defence, he little imagined that its circulation
was to be put a fiop to by an aHathrac-nt on the
part of a man appointed to a fat office by Mr.
x. A per/on whom I have is liquefi
ed to replevy a c'rzcn or tu • v' : copperplate
heads «f John Adorns! —TKtfc are very valu
able. They will, in a few years time, be re
garded as precirus as the hairs of Julius Cstfir.
I much wi*b< therefrie, th-. the t;%aiurcr of
the Mint ma_y not yet have an opportunity or
expofuig tliein for fa?e among the profane vu)
g* r
3 Samufl Harrison Smith is tojd to
replevy, or t«» let it alooe, just whicJi he pl»a
fes, .i 8 magazines, sent foi biro and received by
mcj from Mcflfrs. Pritchard arid Davidfbn of
Richmond, Virginia.—Those if fold for their
real worthy w,onid fetch abi-ut a penny a score.
4. Robßrt FitLD is told to replevy 35 car
ricatures of Talleyrand & Co, co?ourecj.
5. Some one whom I have forgotten will
please to claim 13 Sfrmons to the Jews.
6. Mr. Campbell (the author) wiil claim 2
Soldier's Companion.
7. Poor Mrs Pepper rciil please to claim 16
copies of her bv.fband's poems.
8. Mr.Uft.tck will claimti Ageof Credn'ity.
9. Mr. Ormrod will claim vols, v{ Baehe's
infernal Gazette.
ic. Some one whom I havp forgotten will
claim a volume of Oswald's paper.
ti. Someone whom I hrve forgotten will
claim 11 copies of appeal to matter of fas ard
Common Sense.
12 Mr. Henfrey will please to claim 13 co
pies of a plan for v orking mines
11 The anthbr will claim ao copies of the
House of Wisdom in a buflle ; or thtf ("pitting
in Cong'efk, a Poetto.
14. The author will claim 11 efiays on the
Yellow Fever in Baltimore.
15. Monfitur La Grange will claim 3 vols,
d'un Journal DurantJin fejour en Prance.
16. Any body that pleases may claim a. bun'
d'le of the addrefsof the V rginia Minority about
Alien and Sedition Bills
17. Robert Gbodloe Harper may if
he likes, two or three books sent to him, thro*
raei from a gentTeman in London
18. Thomas B. Janfon of New-York will
claim a bundle of Poems.
19. Mr. Charleten will please to claim 10 co
pies of thoughts on the * witneflra.
ao. Mr. James Humphreys will claim ibun
dle of the Coal Black Maid, Secret Tribunal,
and Burke's letter to the Buke of Portland.
11. The author will claim 21/ copies of Our-!
ney'a Brackmgrnphy improved—6 do bound. ,
a». The publiiher will claim 4 politicians, a
a tragicorai-repubJico-farce.
a *. The author, Mr. Trumbull,'will claim a
bundle of his visit t0 Philadelphia Pril'on ; but,
if the Treasurer of the Mint fh-u!d happen to .
fell them, Mr. T. may easily supply the loss by 1
reading the much truer and more entertaining
visit of Patrick Lyon.
March 19, d- .
To Merchants:
MERCHANTS Accounts efegantly opened,
Books neatly and corredlly ported, with
various other kinds of writing, by a person
thoroughly acquainted with accounts.
Gentlemen extenuvely concerned, may find
it to their interest to put business in thjs line
into his hands, as the fulleft confidence may be
reposed in him and ample fatisfa&inn given.
Address a line to B. A. and leave it with the
printer hereof.
Philadelphia, March 19.
United States,
Pennsylvania District. )
BY virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas, to
me diiefted, issued out of the circuit court
of the United States, in and for the Pennsylva
nia Distrust, of the middle circuit, will be iold
by public vendue at'the city tavern, iii Secowd
Itrect, in the city of Philadelphia on Satur
day the sth day of April next, at 7 o'clock in
the evening, all that certain tract or parcel ®f
land, situate* lying and being on the river or
creek called Lackawaxen, in the county of
Wayne, containing 800 c acres and upwards ;
on which arc erected a mefTuage, ftablea and
fawmifl, with the appurtenance*. —The names
of the original warrantees of the f«ftd tract or
parcel of land were as follows.
John Till,
Afordccai Roberts^
Gfcge War ten,
Stvpbel Afcd*ra,
Benjamin Hancock,
Edward Welsted,
Zacbariuh Ferris,
George Till,
James Thompson,
Joseph Whitehead,
Patrick Connolly,
Thomas Or iffy, Jj w
William Halbert.)
Thomas Wiggins,
George Morton,
George Street on,
Friev.d Streeton,
John Olipbaut,
Seized and taken in exeewtron as the property
of Robert Letils Hooper, deceased.
JOHN HALL, Marsha'.
N. B. A reasonable credit will be giVffD
Marihal's Office,
Philadelphia, March 17,
* Tbefe -two trails do not contain the full
quantity of the arignal warraTrts ; part of them
hai'ing been conveyed atvny.
Schuylkill Permanent Bridge.
No, 195 Market Street^
Offer for sale at reafonsble prices, for approved
. .ppape r in baiter for Coffee,
Entitled to Drawback:
ac CafVs Crcasala- I cafe Ladles' Shotb
Morlaix. 5 cases fine Elberfel.
4 do. Do vlaffea Linens
4 do. Rouam 4 do. Siamoifes
4 do irlatillasjßoy- 3 do. Silefiahankfs.
a do. Damalk table
lo do Caflenllos or linen a (Tot ted wiih
white rolls of 12 & napkins,
half yard'. 3 do Moiv-as
8 do Checks and 4 do Flanders Btd
stripes. Ticks, 6 4, 9-4 and
3 do. Fine Elber- xo 4
feid Checks
4 do. ContiU ar.<i
1 do. Check ihirts.
16 do. Oil clothe.
10 do. Tapes of all
numbers, plain, twil
led, blue and white
12no Travelling cafesot
different Czes.
I 4 cases cut flint De
canters, pint 3c quart
3 cafe* gill tumblers
I 1 cafe wine giafl'c-s
[371 boxes of Window
I Glass, Bby 10
j a rafts Sealing Wax
4 do Coit>>n FeM
Ti< ks
Within *xtei>{ive afTovtment of
Ciafs Plates of the following fi-zcs, 16.-12,
17-104. 17-13, 1 20-12, 2213, 24-
14 26-15, ant! 28-16, and'a variety of other
goods usually imported from Hamburg.
March 11. d6t—taw^w.
Just Arrived,
or the ship Philadelphia,
Theodure Bliss, Commander, from Bengal
cctosisrisc of
Art afiortmen: of Piece Good*.
Sug.-.rt 6i the firft quality,
And ace qr. cbells «('iupcrior qVllity
Hyson Teas.
, Ifilli/tgs & Franci?, and
Thomas W John Clifford.
March 17
To be Sold,
Py Public Vendue, on Monday the 14th
day of March, on the Premises, at one
o'clock in the afternoon,
A valuable Lot of Land,
SITUATE in Haverford tewnftiip, Delaware
county, about eight milet from Philadelphia,
on the weft Chtfter road, containing tight acres,
together with two pcresof tVood-land nearly ad
ping the above. On the premii'es is a Log House
with a well of good water near the door ; also a
thriving young Orchard of grafted fruit, the clear
ed land has been lately we'll limed and is under
good fence. The fituntion i» healthy and wohW
suit a Tradesman, or for a store.
Attendance will be given and the conditions
made known on the day of iale by
March I}.
WiiJ he prefeoted, the celebrated Comedy, catted
Tohy Lurapkin, by a young Geiitlejnan,
His second Appearance on any Stage.
To which will be aclded, a Comic Opera,
Box. o- e D,d'sr, Pit, three quarters «f a
dollar, atd Gallery hah' - dollar.
spr The of the Theatre vfrill open at a
quarter past and the curtain rife at a quarter
past fix.
qrHK Creditors of the late hcnife of Irnvirijk
Bryfon, of Lexington, Kentucky, are
hereby informed, that a dividend of such mo
nies of that firm, as have been received by thp
fubferiber, will be made on the twentieth day
of April nextj among those creditors wlio fhatt
have before that time fui niftied their accounts
properly atteiled to
March 15
The 2?. d March, at fevcn «'cMr in the evening,
will be fold by Public Au&ion, ar the City
Coffee House, thefollowing valuable
JVo . I .
A Three Story Brick House,
WITH extenftve three (lory back buildings ;
fi'Mate in Front below Pine ftre?t. l'he
house contains two Urge rooms on each floor, and
id 3a feet 8 inches in front and 52 fret 6 inches
drep. The piazza 1* 19 fret 6 inches in length,
and 1 a feet 6 inches width, in which is carried
Bp an flair The back buildings are
56 feet in length, and 23 feet 8 inches in width,
and contain on th" firft floor, a parlour, kitchen,
panrry ai d flair cafe The second and thiTd floors
are divided into convenient chami #rs and
rooms. The lot of ground 1? 198 feet d«ep, with
the privilege of a court leadings into Lombard
eots A
Adjoining the above, of the dimensions and
plan as the house No I, except that the hsck build
ings are only 45 feet in depth The lo.fcislji
feet 6 inches deep, and has the privilege of a court
into Lombard street
The above defcribcd houfei arc not pliifiered,
but the carpenters'work is nearly finifhed. Per
lon- wifhiog to view then previous to the day of
sale, will please to apply at No. 188, South Front
flrect, for the keys.
A Lot of Ground,
19 feet II inches front, and 37 feet in depth,
up#n a court leading into Lombard flreet.
The jurchafer of the house No. a, will be esti
tled to this lot.
Plans of the above houses and lots are to be seen
at the Coffee Houfo. The conditions as follow,
viz One fourth in 60 days, one fourth it* 6 months,
one fourth in 1 % months, and the remainder in 15
months, with approved fecirity and interest on
the threa last payments.
At the Coffee Heufc, on Saturday, March ai, at
Seven adjoining LOTS, numbered jw the gtneral
plan of public city lots, from scßi to aoBB. iitu
ate on truf south fide of Arch street, at the dis
tance of 75 fec»t westward from Delaware, 13th
(treet, containing in breadth on Arch ftrect, one
hundred and fevent?-five feet, and in depth front
iug upoH a feet ftrect, north and feuth, one tun
dred and 37 feet to a aofvet alky.
DiOinguilhad in the city plan 2033 to 1061,
fituare on the north fide of Filbert street, at the
ctiflnncdcl 75 feet from the wtfil fide .of Delaware*
t hirreenih (Irei t j containing in breadth east and
v.eft on Filbert street, one hundred and ftventy
ftvc fe>*t ; and in depth, north and south, front up
on a 28 feet Hreet, ptuc hundred and fifty one feet
to a 20 feet a Hey ,
I do J Thread ftoc Ic
ing.'-., Glovea &. pau
1 do. Xiu Gloves
1 do. Kibboßa
3 do. Garneti and
The foregoing fourteen lots are bounded north
ward by Arch Arret, westward by a 28 feet street,
Southward by Filbert Arret, and eastward by other
public -city lets, except that the 20 feet alley rsns
through them a? mentioned, parallel with Arch
and Filbert ftrects. To be fo'd, and an indifpu
taMe title given, the fame being late the property
of John Nicholfon.
2 caflia aflbrted Iron
2 do Scythes, 10
4 do, Coffee mills
3 Cables cf 125 fa
thorns each, 9 & ic
February 15,
United Status, ?
Pennsyvania District. J
BY virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas to
me diredsd, iflued out of the DiftriA Court
of the United States in and for the Pcnnfylvania
Difttid, will be fold by puhlic vendue, at the City
tavern, in Secdnd fireet, iu th< city ot Philadelphia,
tin Friday the 4th day of April next, at fix o'clock
in thcaitcrnoen, 1 undivided third part of two cer
tain MelTuage aad Lots ot Ground situate on the
Couth l:dp of Walnut (licet, in (aid city, bt-gfrvnipg
at the cornVr of John Wall's lot and extending
feuthwp.rdl)' 79 feet 6 inches to ground of Miers
Fiflier, Esq. thence weftward'y 54 fact to a corner,
thence southwardly 21 !eec 6 inches or thereabout
to ground of David H ConyngTram, thence weft
warily 46 feet ro an alley, thence across fald alley
55 leet to a corner, thence eaflwardljr 46 feet,
thence rbrthwardly ro Walnut fireet 47 feet,
thence eaftward'y on the said fireet 54 fe?t, to th«
place of beginning, fubjeA to a rent, charge of
thiity five pounds per annum, with th« use and
privilege of the said alley, running into Dock
Ureet ; all those City I-ots marked in the general
Plan No. 1537, 1738. 1539, 1549, *s4*, on the
weft fide of Third ftrcet lr«m Schuylkill, between
jLocult and Walnut ftrects ; 1537, containing in
breath fixry feet and in depth 247 feet 6 inches ;
the others being contiguous, contain in breadth
150 fe<*t and in depth 247 feet 6 inchc»; all those
Gity Lots nun.bered f393» *394. *395» *39*>,
1397 and 1398, on the north fide of Walnut street
between Filth and Sixth f-reets, from Schuylkill
being each of them 66 T»«t in front and 235 leet
m depth. Also, all that messuage and tra<& of
Land, partly ill Lower Dublin tow-nfhip, Philadel
phia county, and partly in Montgomery county,
containing "*9 1-1 the fame more or less.
Seized and taken In execution as the property of
John Ronaldfon, E'q
JOHN HALL, Marlhal.
Mar foal's Office, Marsh lSoo. ecti.
This evening, March 19,
Written by Dr. GolJfmitb
in two a As, called
Or Fruitless Precaution.
A (sting assignee. .
dtao 1
On Saturday,
No. 2
A Three Story Brick House,
7 o'clock in the evenißg,
Seven other Lots;
JOHN CONNELLY, Auctioneer.
For ,Sfile fy Auction,
At the Coffee Houfc, on Wcdn/*fdavtvenmg
next the 19th at fev*n o'clock,
Thomas ChallceleVj
Burthen o6mit I9OQ or 2C ©O Barrels.
Kss&SsS**%. tn vent pry tt» be IV en at the Coff c
House and at the (lore of the ftrbferibers.
Approved notes -at 2, 4, and 6 mouths will be
r-ceived in payment.
March 17. dtW.
For Sale.'
Toe Cargo of tie sbijt Molly, captain Swain;
from 3at avid,
SUGAR io * hole and hail catiuifter*,
CenbuD Ccl Fee»
Black Pepper,
Dye Wood,
£boyy, and
'/"Jiirtjr two baits of Cottor. Yara.
BURTHEN. four thoufatyd three
ishundred barrels of Fiou'r, h-.cußti 18
mut j>ou:.ders, with fh«»t and fm?.H arms compleat*
and js newly .coppered to the bends with patent
copper. Apply 10
March 15. tf.
Two very valuable Farms,
IN the tottnihip of Spritgfield, and county
of Burlington, toiitainirg about two hun
dred acred each. T!.c Woodland and
of which there is a Efficient quantity, is not
inferior tp any in the State.
To attract the notice of pcrfo
within the county of /h> ..igtoc, de£
purchasing gocd , tia on
mention that ihtfe la mt zn \ arts ot •h >: t.<
ccllcnt tradl of izoo acres latei,
ing to the fe. Winters. Tfeo
view will c!-r9 fe 10
ltV«ei Sh'inn, the prefeni
Attorn'us in fatlfor fobn Builus
Burlington, New Jcriey,
March i 2, 1806.
Oft MONDAY the 24th inHant at 9 o'clock ii«
Jthe morning, at the dwelling house of George
M«ade, on the-north-iide of Market llreeC
between Eleventh apd Twelfth streets, btfinjr
the house occupied as thePoft Office during the
last sickness, and immediately opposite to Mr.,
John Dunlap's,
A very extensive and general aflortment of
Bring of the firft quality and in the liigheft prc
ferVation, confiftiag of aJmoft: every article in the
House keeping Hue; fuA a> Mahogany Side
Boards, Chairs, Dining, Pembroke, Card and
other tables; Secretaries' Bureaus, Looking Glalfcs,
Beds, Bedtletis, Plate aad Plated wir>, China
Glass, Marble Ornaments, Marble Bulls, &c. &c.
ALSO—a complete set of mahogany chair*, set
tees, curtains, &c covered with blue damufk iuf
ficisnt or a diuing. room.
The goods may be viewed on the Friday and
Saturday preceding the riayoi sale, from 9 o'clock
in the morning until a o'clock in the afu'rnoop.;
and should the day prove unfavorable, the sale
will be postponed until the next fair day.
March lO<
For sale,
LYING on the Potomac River, county of Nor
thumberland, ft ate of Virginia; containing
about 14cC acres—its fituatiori Isequal to.ahy o'her
in the Northern Neck, remarkable for every kin 4
of wild fowl, oyflers, fifh and crab, and none bet
ter for health. It is about the fame diltanoe from
Baltimore, Alexandria and .N'oifoik, ana not more
than one days fail from cither. Th<?re are three
improved plantations with dwelling) houses, the
one known by the name of Exeter J odgc, former
ly the of col. John Gordon, is ah c!'gant
two (lory brick house, with four rooms on a floor,
and a pafiFage (IxteenYtet wide.
The other two are commodious and convenient
ly fitted, with good and fuitaMe out houses ; at one
of which John Murphy, Esq. (now of Weftmore
and county) lived fcveral years; on this farm there
is \ good grift mill, with water fuflficient to turn
any number of flones ; alio convenient llore hcu
fes and granaries on a public road, well fituaced.
for a country itore. On each of those places there
are iine apple and peach orchards. The greater
proportion off he land isof the firit quality, ar.d
near the half of the whole heavily timbered. iThe
terms may be known by applying to Win. P. Tebfcs
Baltimore, Fouihte G. TeVh*, esq. of Richmond
county, Virginia, or to' Thomas Murgatrojd and
Sons, Philadelphia.
Feb. 5—14
AM attachment was lately iflued cut of the in
ferior court of common plea? of the county
of fcffex, in the (late, of New Jcrfcy, dire&cd to
the fh-Jriff of the f aid county, agaiuft the rights,
credits, monies acu effeifc, and chattels,
lands and. tenements ot "John Clcves Symates at the
suit of William Welti, in a plea of crefpJfs on the
cafe to his damage three thou fa'nd dollars;—
And whereas, the said fheriff did*. at the term of
June last pail, return to the said court f"Lat he had
attached the defendant by a certain bond given by
Matthias Denmaft and Samuel Meeker to the said
defendant, to the amount cf near two thousand
dollars,and alfoby sixty land Warrants ;
New therefore, vnlef? the said John Cleves
Symmesihal) appear special bail,- and receive
a declaration at the fait of the plaintiff, judgment
wili be entered againfl him, and his property
herein attached, will be fold agreeably to the
Jlatutc in fitch cafe made aad prov : ded.
Aaron Ogden, Clerk,
Blizafceth-towa.July 8, 1799 (II) lawtJia
il c; n'
,1! on WiiJiaia oc
id Hull) BuLlui