Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, March 19, 1800, Image 1

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    of S&tKtfti **» Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
Nvmrv 2534-]
fCJ* The price of this Gazette is Eight
Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing
in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay
one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di
recting ; and unless some person in this city
will become ansvoerMe for the subscription,
it must be paid Six Months in Advance.
*„* No / Subscription will be received for
a shorter term than six mor.tbs.
Daomher 1 1799
Red Clover. 1
White do.
| S F.E DS.
T ivfoil
Vlcrtj Grass.
Orchard do.
Rye do-
Rape and Hemp.
PA I EliT PLOUGHS, which are laid to b; more
durable than any heretofore invented, and found
on experience to dunr.iilh the labour i/Oth of wan
aud beast. —
Mo. 4'i South Second Street, Philadelphia.
February 13. tu&f.Sw.
No 95; North W^tcr-ftreet,
HAVE on hand the following
ENTITLED to drawback, which they oStr for
file at moderate pricas for ca(h, or the usual
credit ; or on a credit of 11 or i 3 months upon
MortglgCs Oil Real Property, in or near the City
ef Philadelphia, or other faiislailcry security.
50 boxes and hales Tick- I ij pipes old Port Wire.
lenburahs IS boles Tumbler* af
-60 do. do. Hemp- ( iorted.
en lScrfs. 100 boxes Hamburgh
50 do. do. Ozn»- Window Slafs 8 by
brig?. 10, &c
50 do Patterbornes. 1 chest affortcd Looking
do. Eielfield Linens. G ia{Tes.
11 do Creas and Crcas Several large elegant do.
a (a Moljlfix. IJOO Demijohns.'
BrovW) Rolls. jo kegs Pearl Barley.
Do.Helßans. A few tt.fis Roll Brim-
Polilh Rolls. m stone.
Bed Ticks. lo kegs Yellew Ochre.
Siamois. A few Rofin.
Arabias. 40 tons Russia Hemp.
Empty Bags. 80 hhds. Hogs Briilies.
Oil Cloths 1 hhds. Dutch Glue.
Shoes and Slippers. 20 calks Nails affortcd
Soal and upper Leather. from 3d. to 2od.
Quills and Sealing Wax. 16 casks Ironmongery.
A package Gbld and Sil- 8 calks Koes.
vtr Watches. Gei mail Steel.
A few che(ls Toys. 6 hhds. Coffee mills.
Slates and.Pencils. Blocking T wine, 1 apes,
jo hhds Havanna Mo Stone Pickling Pots,
Mb &c &c.
February I 5
THREE or four lots ot about 30 or 40 acres
each, more or less as may suit a pucehafer.
On each of which there is a good fitpation for a
hotfe—viz. one on the fiver 'Felaware, suitable
either for a gertleman's feat, or for a person who
wilh to engage in the lumber business hav
ing a g -ad lat ding. Oi?e c mmanding a good
view of the river 'lom th# highlit ground between
the. Pennypack and Poguefiiu creeks •, and another
on the Road. Enquire of Mr. Gilpin near
the 11 mileftoncon the said road.
Of about 10 acres tack with good situations for
building; one of which is suitable for a tan-yard,
andhlr.s a fro all ftonte houfc and a.yoang hearing
orchard op it, on the Newtewa road near Snider'a
mill about 10 miles from Philadelphia, and one
other lot Of atyowt }0 acres on tfee P*ii*ypack.—
Rnquirc of Jonathan Clift who lives o» thc-prerm
fes or of Mr. Gilpin.
Poffcfiion will fee given in the spring, bat build
ing m .trials may be coHe&cd fotner,
Novemnfr f -:
7axes of Lycoming County,
JOHN KIDD, Treafnrer,
BY Drreflicn of the Gommi£: oners of Lyco
ming county. at ends at Philadelphia to re
-1 ewe the Taxes afTcfTwd upon undated Lands in
that County, from the holders thereof, in this
City. Those who have filed with the Com
mitjQners, (latcments of thei-r, are re
ceiled to caUupon him, to know the araount
of Taxes t':creoo, and p?y Mem ; -Hhcrwife, be
fore his teavirg the City, they will be put into
the hands cf the Sheriff for coile<\ion,
bly to the a& for raising county rates and levies
Thof* who have not filed ftatemeuts of thtii
!ands with the CommiHioDers, and
of having it done, to prevent sales without pre
vi«us personal Notice, mav file with the above
Treasure**, their lifts, ftatmg the quantities re
turned, number and dates of tbe wzrrants a*d
names of the warrantees, under which they
Jv*ld their lands. He will attend at Mr. Joseph
No. 98, Market street for thi« purpose
irtitil the rßtb instant.
November 9,
: Twenty Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAY from Spring Forge, in York
County, a negro r*an, named ISAAC, other
-Tviie CUDJO, about 21 years *ld, the property
of Robert Ccleman; Esq. He is about 5 feet 8
inches high* ha* ablemilh in his eyes, "snore white
in them than common, by trade a Fergeman; had
•n and took with Him a drab coloured inroad clef*
coat, almoil new, a sailors jacket and pantaloons
printed fancy cord, a iwanfdown flripcd under
aefcet; a rorum hat; one fine and one coarse
Ibirt* one mufMn handkerchief, fpriggsd, two
ditto striped border, a blue Persian under jacket
and two pcir cotton stockings. Whoever takes up
said negro and lodges him in any jail in this or any
of the neigabouring dates shall have the above re
ward or reasonable expencesif brought home.
Spring Fofgc, 0&0ber13,1799.
N. B. As said negro formarly lived in Chester
count y, it is provable he may rctirn (hero.
November 5
N O T I C E.
ALL perfont indebted co the estate of Thomas
Wilson, late of Southwark, deceased, are
Ai'e^erqn-lied to make immediate payment to the
fuwribers, and thofc who 4 have any de*v.andi
,against the said ''state *re rtquwtad to furnifc their
accomus for lenicment. «
SARAH WILSON. Administratrix.
JOEL W. WILSON, Administrator,
No. 19.5, south Front-flreet, Sou'hw:trk.
WHO HAS so T.T.f,
Sufficiantly large to contain ni.ic Hurfei.
For Sale or to Let,
Nov i, 1799- dtf.
Proprietors of the; Philadelphia and Lan-
JL caster line of Stages DISPATCH, returg their
grateful thanks to their fn>ndsnnd the public in
general, for the pad favor.- tkey have received,and
inform them that in addition to the regular Line,,
thwjr are p cviced with Carriage?,fober and careful
driers, to go through between the City and
'Enrotigh in twp days. Thofa who prefer this mode
of travelling can he accommodated at tKe Stage
Office, fijn of United States Eagl.», Market flreet,
Phiiadcli hia.
Sivugb. Downing, Dunivoody & Co,
Nov. 30. 2t—s
ed by the-Ai'bicriber, 'or undivided Shares or
Lots on his purchase within the city of
ton, who have not yet applied for ant' received
their Deed*, are hereby notified, that their ftrver:il
TitlesnvUl be duly completed to the ordsr of those
who in conformity with the terms of the said Cer
tificates, do make the Payments in full therefor,
either to Tiamai M K Euen S3* Co. or to the Qub
fcriber at Philadelphia, on or at any time before
the 31 (I day of May
December \"j
Valuable Estate,
KNOWN by the name of the Booneton Iron
Works, Titrate in the county of Morris in the
flat* of New-Jersey, confiding of a Forge with
four fires, a Rolling and Slitting Mill, a Grift mill
with two Run of ftonc?, and Saw mill, allrn good
order and new in use, together with an excellent,
large, 'rid convenient house, with out-houfrs of
every kind ; among which are an Ice house, and
stone milk house, with a remarkable fine spring in
v ir, a hrge Garden, and an excellent eollc&icn of
fruit, a large Orchard, and 2500 acres of wood,
pa/ ure and arable land, and a great number of
(lores and workmen'# houses Immediate poffeGiott
will be given of house « and Jlores lufficirnt for
providing stock the prcfer.t w&ter,'-and poffetSon.
of the whole in the spring.
For terms enquire of JDaYid B Ogden at New
ark, tr.r Peter Mackic in Nrw-York, mr. David
Ford in Morris Towo, or mefffs. Jacob and Rich
ard Facl'ch oo .the preiiilea.
January M
THIS io to give nr.jice that the S<:hfc,riher
hath obtained from t he Orphan'* Court of
Coccil ccnnty in Ma. yland, letters of admins*
tration on the personal eflate »sf Samuel ©ilpin,
late of the county afortfaid, doceafed ; all per.
sons having claims jjriinft the said deceased, a.-e
heteby warned to exhibit the iime with the
vouchers thereof to the fuhferi* er on or before
the 14th day of August next—tfiey may other
awife by law be excluded from al: benefit of the
said eftatt- Given under my hand this 3.7 th of
January, one thousand eight hundred.
JOHN GILPIN, AJmimjlrator,
Janua*j?3o. taw6w.
HIS Swcdifli Majefly's Consul General, and au
thorized .to trail fnci the Gonlular Bufinefa,
for his Majesty the King of Denmaak iu the United
States of America, residing at Philadelphia,
Hereby gives public Notice,
That in obedience to recent initru&ions received
from his government, it is the duty of all Mailers
of Swedish and Danish vessels, before their failing
from any port in the said States, to call topor him
or the Vice Consul in or«2tr to he granted such
Certificates for their Cargoep, which the exigency
of the iiate of the Neutral Commerce an* the fe
ver 1 Decrees of the Belligerent Poweri, rtnd«r
indifperlably necessary, and, that any Mafttr of
vefleJs to the rtfoe<3ive canons, or na
vigating a»<Jer the protection of thwr flags, in
omitting to take such certificates, will pcrlonally
stand re>pos;Gble for the conferences.
Philadelphia, ißtl* December, 1799.
Thirty Ddlars Reward.
FROM the Marin" Barracks on the night of the.
14th irift—JOHN OSfiORN, born in thr
town of Bedford, WcltChcfter county and state
of New-York, aped 22 years, 9 months, 5 feet
8 and a quarter inches high, grey eyns (loogqued)
light hair, ruddy complexion, pock marked, by
trade a Shotrffcaker. F.nlMed by Lieutenant Rey
nold? in Stephen's Town, near Albary the 55th of
June last Had on an-4 took with him a Ihort
round blue cloth cbat with a red cape, * blue
cloth coatee, a texv white waistcoats, a longgrev
mixed coat ana breeches, a pair of boon. a
oli«colate coloured great coat trimmed with black j
hair pluih, t furr hut half worn, and two {jhrtr ,
warches, one a middle size, the ether small. He
may itnpofe.himfell on some family or gentleman
as ?. waiter, as he has a&ed in that capacity
Whoever apprehends said Dcfertcr, andfecur:s hira
in jail, fends him to Headquarters, or delivers him
to any cf the Marine officers, cr an,r officer of the
army of the United States lhall receive the above
reward and all reasonable charges.
January 16.
Samuel Biodget.
Adjutant Marine Gcrpz,
%\U anil Cfjaratter
Field-Ma. lhal General iu the icrvice of His Imperi
al Majeft'y, the Emperor of all the ttufiias,
The History of his Campaigns.
Translated from the German of Frederick
To which is added,
A toncise and History of
His Italian Campaign.
l>y William Gobbbtt.
With an ilegant Print-For trait of that re-
noivried Warrior.
tPrice a I-a Dollar*.]
Portrait of Marshal Svavctoiv
Gentlemen desirous of polTdJing fe capital like
ness, executed in the fir(l ftylf, ci illuftrioua
ChvUUan Chiefta»n v may be lurnilhed with parti
cular proof at thii offi:e, price one
Dollar. '
February I*.
A liberal and enlightened Community
A New Daily Paper,
Daily Repository of ufeful Information.
IT will doubtless be deemed a hazardous un
dertaking to present to the public eye propo
sals for a new Gazette, when so many are al
ready in pofieflion of the public patronage.
News-papers so much more generally diffuf
ed throughout America than perhaps any other
portion of the globe, may become either en
gines of milchief or the impjements of i*fefulnef9
—they difTeminate good, or scatter poison,
among thousands ; and although it may bepre
fumptuous in the £ditor of that now proposed
to expeft that its utility wilt be great, yet he
may be admitted to declare, that it (hall not
willingly 1)9 made the means or doing evil
His endeavors will be applied to render The
Obfcrvrr in some degree conducive to the at
tainment of knowledge as well aa to the com
munication of news—to enlighten the uoder
ftanding—to improve the- morajt —to beget, or
to confirm, a reverence for thefacred principle*
of Christianity.
For'.his purpose it is intended—
To furnifh the most recent foreign and OomeHic
intelligence }
To give nfeful Prices Current at heme and
abroad, and information ;
To fe!«& fiom literary prddu£lit»nji fueh por
tions may gratify taste and induceimprov'e-
raent ;
To unfold and enforce found ar.djufl vi*w» of
To aid the great interests of piety and morality
To prefcjit—
Improvements in the aits and fciewces—-in agri
culture and <*omeftic economy ;
Proceedings of the General and §tate Ltg'fla-
lures ;
Reports of the Heads of Departments, and of
interettmg cases adjudged in the fevcral courts
of the United Start":, &c.
Rt views of foreign and xlorneftic literature ;
Anecdotes and charafler* or dilHnguifhcd per
?tatiftical table:
Meteorological obfervatiens ,•
Appointments ;
Marriages, Births, DeaVbi-
With thefc pro >olals the diffident-
Ir submits himfelf to the public. He is well
aware of the importance a* d magnitude of the
unde taking Solicitous for the fate of his na
tive land, and viewing with anxious fears and
hopes the furcefs o' a gov£roment created by
the joint exertions of wisdom and virtue, and
conduced with found policy and geiujiiie pa
triot ism, he teels himfeif fmcerely interested in
promoting such measures and pi incjple • as he
believes eflential to public fcappiarfs ar.d nation
al prosperity.
I. The Obftrver fhallbe prißted with a neat
type, and on paper of equal nze arid quality
with the present Philadelphia daily papers.
11. It (hall be published every evening, and
regularly sent to the honfes of the city fubferib
ers—To others it wil! be forwarded according
to their refpedlive inftru<£ii9ns.
111. The price will be Eight Dollars per an
num to those who relide in the city—and Aine
Dollars to all others. The additional dollar is
to defray the expence of enclosing and direct
ing their papers
IV. One half erf" the price to be paid at the
fime of fubferibing, and the other half at the ex
piration of twelve m»>rhs rrom the publication
the firft number. The succeeding payments
to be half yearly.
V. that do sot exceed in
length the breadth of the column will be 67
cents for the fit*/!, and 33 cents for every 4ddi insertion- Those of greater length will
be charged in the fame proportion.
March 8, 1800. Gm'wf
AT the north-east c »rner of Arch and Ninth
fireet«, now occupied by Mr. Fenjanjin
Bnfoy, a* a Board Yard. Enquire atNo. aiß,
Arch street.
Removal of MiaZ* tna»
RESPECTFULLY informs hi# friends and'tha
public in that-he has remov'd the
whole Stock in trade of rhe late firm of J.J. MAL
COM & co. druggtft's to figr. of Fothergills Golden
Head, No. 97 South Fee on d Street, direclly oppo
Gte to the City Tavern, where the bulincfs in all
its branches will be condu&ed as heretofore in con
junction witla WILLIAM LEHMAN, under the
firm of WILLIAM LEHMAN 3c Co.
March 6.
AS Mr. Thomas Clayton, in his
tifement above, has indirecilv aft;rted that
I have declined business, t reel it my duty
to inform my friends and the public, that I
continue the Drug and Apothecary Bufinds,
as ulna!, at the old stand, tigi; of Fothrrg ill's
golden head, No. 26, fcu,th Second (\rcct, a
little below oppolite Black Harfc Alley,
where may oe'had, conftaiuly, every aurcie'
in the line. 'JOHNJ. MALCOM.
For (hipping, with plain approved dire&ions,
put up at an hour's notice,
Marcb 7,
To Merchants, Store Keepers and Trades-
men in general, &c
[Tou ivill oblige me b\ reading this advert if em en t
I RESPECTFULLY invite you either to tke
Ci:y Tavern, Hardy's Hotel, Francis' Hotel,
the Indian Queen, Dunwoody's Tavern, the
Frar.klin's Head, or to the George, to examine
a specimen of Hewlett's Tables of DHcount or
Interest, on every Dollar, from Ito a,OOO ;on
every tew, from acoo to 2500 ; 011 every fifty
from 2500 to. 3000 ; and on every five hundred
from 3000 to jOOO ; from one day to 64 days
inclusive, at fix per cent, compriliug in the
whole, upwards of one hundred and thirty two
thousand one hsndred and fifty calculations of
difconnt ; all performed according to the equi
table principles of the Banks, and as prafliled
between individuals throughout the United
States ; being a perfe<fl standard on the ruVfje<S\:
with notes, /hewing how to use the tables at
five, seven and eight per cent, reckoning either
360 or >65 days to the year, and the mode of
calculation on cents ; to which is added, the
principles of Computation of the various ex
changes between each State refpedlivcly* and
between these and London and Paris, at differ
ent rates of exchange.
The is dedicated, by permifiion, to the
President and Dirt&ors of the liank of North
America, and has already received the patronage
of John Adams, President of the United
States; of Thomas Jefferson, Vice Presi
dent of the United States and President of the
Senate ; of a large number of the Senators and
Member? of the Houfeof Reprelentativts of the
United States ; ind of the, Piefidents and Di
rects of the different Banks unanimously :
a liil of the whole is printed and attached to the
fpeennen book.
The preface ro the specimen explains, among
other matters, the methods t© be purfucd to
render the work perfectly accurate —and gen
tlemen who w»!l refl.ct on th«fe methods will
agree in rhe fa<St. Every one wili acknowledge
the ardonufnefs of the undertaking.
1 he cxpences,-independent of any compensa
tion fdr my trouble, will require a sum between
tbr- cand four thuifand dollar?, which is two
J —a!l m i dcj end th.eieforeup
■-.n a ecik.ial i.ifell-ripucti ; for ttqlfff fifteen
hundred hihicfUiers arc obtaine , jt would cer
tainly be imprudent to execute the work.
:ch to ti
Subscribers can run no r\fk, as the hook
( which will be q-tano, from 2co 10225 pages,
or more—price two dollars) U not tb be
for until delivered conformable to
my engagements txprefTcd in the conditioxis
affix eel to the specimen, which consists of fix
detached pagrs oftke work.
A table of all the pofl towns jn the United
Elites. m dtVme «/thcr uftM infothmion (not
ouprefTcd in the title) w ll Jollow thc,computa
ii<yp3 «f exchanges between this count ry*and
England andFrswce ».and provided, gentlemen,
that a fufiicierit< number of y >u come forward
and fubfciibe, a further addition lhall be rcade
of tie coins and money of account of the prin
cipal maritime trading: places in RuJ/ii, Sweden,
Denmark. Norway, PruJJia, Poland, Germany,
Holland, Flanders, Spain, Portugal* Italy, and
in several of the windward and leeward IVeJI
India Ijflandsy the whole reduced to dollars and
cents ; and the mode of computing the exchange
with those p'at es explained ; aifo, a large sheet
table of calcuteMobs at compound interest at 6
per cent, to which the notes for 5, 7 and 8 per
cent will apply—the tables used ( in banks for
the determination ot the value t<f uo IJ ; and tHe
if.tcreft for t«U'h u&nth from one to twelve
month*, which will make the work itill mofe
acceptable to persons living in the counrry as
well as in town ; and upon the whole, T am con
fident, that this i)o< k will be found as generally
•ufeftH and convenient as any matter of fail-per
formance that ever entered a cowming hoofeor
It is not fufficicnt that an individual (:onfr
dei ing himfelf but one) (ball conclude, infi*ad
of fuhicribing, to purchase the bock when pub
liftiedv as some of the members of the Hotjfe of
Keprefefitatives of the United States ha< edon® ;
fov, however much I am obliged t > rhefc, tfie
the iofaot many ONES' fubferijitions may lose
me the rsce, and the bOok may never be ]>ub
lifhcd. I repeat, that nothing i» to be paij in
And am, very refpetf fully,
Your hnmble servant,
yJccomptant Bank Nbrth Am ricv,
» Postscript. Gentlemen who have l>ufit»c!s ar
either of the Banks, or 3t the Philadelphia Li
brary, will have an opportunity of
there, as well as at the Taverns, &c. before
Co# rig/ji secured according to act of Gov.
yarch 6.
tbrougbtui ]
fKnbh XVII
10 New York,
By the shortest and mrft pleasant road—psfling
through Frankford, Buftltton, Newtown,
Pennington, Millstone, Boundbrook, Union
Camp, Scotch Plains, Springfield and New
fiart& from the Green Tree, No 50 North
Fourth Street, at 2 o'clock every morning, and
arrives at New York early the next evening.
From New Yr.rk it ftsrts at 9 o'clock .very
day (Soadars excepted) and arrives at Phila
delphia, early the next evening.
Fare for paiTengers 5 dollars, way paflengers
•6 cents per nv>. Each paflehger allowed T4.1 b
of ba -jnge. One hundred and fiftyweight of
bagp-?.ge to pfy the fame as a paflen^er.
AIJ bagg«£c to he at the/ifk of the ownsr,
unjefa injured And receipted for by the-clerks
of the different offices. Rate ci o»ie
per cent.
*§* Apply'to JOHN M'CALI.A, No." 50
Nrrth F«imjk Street, Philadelphia, ?nd to
vntttAM VANDEUVQCk:, NO, 48
Courttand Street, N. E. corner of Greenwich
Stfeet, New York,.
January 3
This Day Published,
By J. Ormrod, No. 41,'Cliefnut Street,
(Price 25 Cents)
Death of General Wajhington.
In imitation of the manner of Oilian.
By ftev. John B. Linn, A.M.
Minister of the First Pre&yterian Congregation
of Philadelphia.
Mr, Oration will be pub'iflicd
on Monday morning.
Mfcrch 15. <3.
of the Pittsburgh Glass Works y
HAVING procured a fuffickrit number of
themoft approved European Glais - unu
fu&urers, and having on hand a large stock of
the be ft Materials, on which their workmeaare
now employed, have the pleasure of aflurhjtg
the public, that window glass of a superior qua
lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 24
inches, carefully packed in boxes containing
100 feet ea h, may be had at the shortest notice.
Glass of larger sizes for may
a!fo he had, such as for pictures, coach glades,
clock laces, &c. Bowles of all.kind? and of any
quantity may also be had, together with pocket
fiafks, pickling jars, apothecary's flaop furniture,
or other hollow ware—the leaft per
cent, lower than articles of the fame quality
brought from any of the sea ports of/he i/nited
States. A liberal allowance will be made on
sale of large quantities. Orders from merchants
and others uiit be punctually attended to on ap
plication to JAMES O'IiARA or I* i.AC
CRAIG, or at the Store of Mcflrs PRATHER
and SMILIE, in Maiket Street, P ttlbutj.h,
March f, tu' ■
About four miles from the city,
21 Acres, situate on the river Schuylkill,
and a<'jni»ir,g lande r f Jonathan Williitni, Bifq.
and t!.e late John Mifflin, rVceafed, od whic*»
is tirrded i (trial! flonc building, frame llahles,
and flon'e fprirjt hot:fe, over a never failing
I'prinfcJ on the premises is an excellent (lone
quarry, and has a small orchard of young fnt.c
trees, and r» au depant fituatinn for a gentle
man's summer retreat. Prize Tickets of Canal
Lottery N >. 2, and liquidated debt? of the O.
and Schuylkill Canal Company, will be taken
in payment. j
for further particulars enquire of the printer
March s
Or Rented for a term of Tea.
With a Lot thereunto % longing'
OITUATE in Duck Creek* Orofs
O Kent County, State of 'Dataware, fr
<n the Main Street; there are on the iofcf
»'i n or, five Roams and an Entry,
number of veil finifhed Ucorns vp Stairs, v
Cellar linger the whole Bliilfling, a Jsri> k kitch
en, a Hirojj of good Water, with a Subie, Car
riage Route and Sheds, the wholeTraprovenients
are in gcu-d repair. The Seat is weli calculated
for either a Store or Tavern, the- latter o F which
it has been occupied for a mutiixr nf years with
considerable success. The Situation i» dry and
the Cow iiry around being very healthy and a
pl,ce of cdhflderablf Trade, it will be well
n ' rth the attention of any person wishing to
purchase or rent.
'£? For further particulars apply to the Subr
fcriberatthe aforefaid place.
January 8
7h! ee Lents Reward.
RUN away from the Sybfcrlher on the evening
of the afcta inA. a bcund Servant GIR.L,
fiame4 ElbfaHth had or. am! teclc with
hcrfrt iree different changes of garment atH iv.oney,
proud, hold and in-.pudcnt, a noted lyar ; any p<-r
---fon apprehending her fiuilbe entitled to the abcve
reward—no roi's or charges will be paid.
N: ft, She had 2 years and some months to serve.
Goiheu TotvnJTiip, Cfiefter Goun&y, Jaly 29,
auguO 6
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