#a?ette of tl)t Unites States, - Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. Numb? 1333.] The price of this Gazette is Eicht Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in tie city of Philadelphia. All others pay one Dollar additional, for enclosing arid di recting ; and unless'jome person in this city will become answerable for the subscription, 4 t must be paid Vix jllonths in Advance. » ( « A'a Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six months. Dectmbrr 1 1799 SEEDS. GRASS Red Clover. White do. Timothy. Saint'Foin. "Jrr'Vil Luv?:r.. Heirs Grass. Orchard do. Rye ''.o r»;.pt anu Him p. AL*J, 3t.iF.Hn COPPER, IRONMONGERY, and p A I |NT PLOUGHS, which are fiiii to he more durable than any heretofore invented, and found on rinerience to dim;niui the laoour Loth of man an 4 beaft — FOR SAUF THOMAS HOWARD. J*\o» 4.0 S'ii'l' ScC'us.i ■*• PeOruwy ».*. t-Mw. PRATT y KINTZING, No. 9;, North Watcr-ftreet, HAVE ON HAND THE FOLLOWING GOODS, to drawback, which they oS#r for JEL l il- at moderate prices for cash, or the usual <3 red*'. ; or on a credit of I a or 18 month* upon 3 Mortgages on Real Property, in or near th« City -I f Philadelphia, or other fatisiadory security, so b»xe3 and bales Tick* lenburgh? 60 do. 13 pipes old Port Wire i 5 boxes Tumbler* as sorted. do. Hemp- »oo boxes Hamburgh Window Glass 8 by 10, See. 1 chest aflortcd Looking GlaflVs. Severh\ large elegant do. 1500 semijohn«. 5b kegs Pear! Barley. A few tons Roll Br.m* ftoße. 40 kegs Y cll®w Ochre. A few bbls. Rosin. 40 tons RufHa Hemp, go Ivhds. Hogs Briflles. 2 hhds. Dutch Glue. 20 calks Nails assorted from ,}d. to aod. 16 casks Ironmongery. 8 cask* Hoes. German Steel. 6 hhds. Coffee mills Blocking Twine, Tape?, Stone Fjckling Pot*, &c &c. en line*:*. 50 do. vSrige. 50 tlo Patferkornes. 25 do. Bielfikld Linens. 11 do Crew and Greas a U Morla ix. Bro\V n Rolls. Do. Heflians. Polish Rolls. Bed Ticks. St&mois. Arabia*. Empty Bags. Oil Cloths Shoes and Slippers. Soal and upper Leather. Quills and Sealing Wax. A package Gold and Sil ver Watches. A few chefisToyfc. Slates and Pencils 79 hhds. Havanr»a Mo lafles February 15. do. Ozna TO) BE SOLD, THRF.E orfnurlon o> about 30 or 4° acrc " each, more or left as may f uif a pujchafcr. On each of which ther 1 is a good fitaition for a hoLle—viz- om; 011 the river Delaware, suitable either for a gentleman'# feat or for a yierfon who might wifti to engage itl the iu-m irr hulmefs hav ing ifxl landing. One c mmanding a good view oftheriv«-r uomth* higheil ground between the f(:",nypatk and Poijncffin creek, ; and another on the Br', iol Road. Enquire us Mr. Gilpin near the II mile ftoncon the fr a tan-yard, and ha? a small stone houft. anouthwark. A BRICK, STABLE, Sufficiently large to contain nhc Horses. For Sale or to Let, A New FRAME CARRIAGE HOUSE, Nov 1, 1799. dtf. SEEDS. THE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan cafler line efStagw DISPATCH, returrj their grateful thanks to their friends and the public 111 general, for the pad favors they have received,and inform them that It; addition to the regular Line, th#y are povided with and careful drivers, to go through between the City and *BoR r .ngh in two day*. Those who prefer this mode of truvtfllrrig c«.n be accommodated at the Stage Office, figri o! United States Eagh, Market ftre-rt, Philadelphia. Siougb. Dolxning, Dunwooriy U Co. Nov. 30. H CITY OF WASHINGTON. THE POSSESSORS OF OBLIGATIONS ©r CERTIFICATES sign ed by the Cubic rib ec, 'or undivided Shares or Lots on hi* purchase within the city of Washing ton, who have not yet applied for and received their are hereby notified, that their several Titlcsvwill be duly eomplctad to the order of those who in conformity with the term» of the saM Cer tificates, do make the Payments in full therefor, either to Tborrias M'Euch & Go. or to the sub scriber at Philadelphia, on or at any time before the 31ft day of May n«xt. December 17 BOON DION IRON WORKS. TO BE SOLD, OR LEASED FOR ONE YEAR THA? Valuable Estate, KNOWN by the name of the Booneton Iron Works, fitnate in the county of Morris in the (late of New-Jtrfey, confiding of a Forge with four (ires, a Rolling and Slitting Mill, a Grid mill with two Run of flenee, andSawmHl, allingood order and new in use, together *ith excellent, large, And convsnient house, with out-boufrs of every kind ; among which are an Ice house, and stone milk house, with a remarkable fine spring in it., a large Garden, and an excslient Of Fruit, a large Orchard, and 2soo acres of wood, pa* are and arable land, and a great number of {lores and workmen's houses. Immediate pofleflion will be given of houses and stores infficioot for providing stock the prefect winter, and possession of the whole in the spring. fatu&f For terms enquire of David B- Ogdeo at New ark, mr Peter Mackic in New-York, mr, David Ford iu Morris Town, or me3r». Jacob aedßich ard Paguft next —they iruy other •wife by Uw be excluded from al! benelit of the • aid et'tate. Given under my har;d this 57th of January, one thoufaneneral and State Leglfla- tures ; Reports of the Heads of Departments, and of interesting cases adjured i» the several courts of the United Stated, &c. Reviews of foreign and domefHc literature ; Anecdotes and ehara«fters of diiUnguifhed per- fonages; Statistical tables ; Meteorological observation* ; Appointmarts ; Marriages, Births, Death* With these proposals the fubferiber diffident Iv fwbmits himfell* to the public He is v ell aware of the importance ai d magnitude ot the undertaking Solicitous for the fate of h;s> na tive '.and, and viewing with anxious fears and lu-pes the success o f a govrrument created by the joint exertions of wisdom and virtue, and condtj\ rcatfinv this adverlifcment throughout } I RESPECTFULLY invitt you either to tie City Tavern, Hardy's Hotel, Francis' Hotel, the Indian Queen, Dunwoody's Tavern, the Franklin's Head, or to the George, to examine a specimen ot Rowlctt's Tables of Discount cr Intercft, on every Dollar, from i to i,coo ; «*n every ten, from icoo to 25c0 ; on every fifty from 2500 to 3000 ; and on every five hur.drcd from 3000 to *OOO ; from one day to 64 days inclusive, at fix per cent. eoropriHag in the whole, upwards of one hundred and thirty two thousand one hundred and fifty calculations ct difconnt ; all performed according to the equi table principles of the and as pra«sVi!td between individuals throughout the United States ; being a perfeft standard on thefu~je3 : with note*, ihewing how to use the tables at five, seven and eight per cent, reckoning either 360 or 65 days to the year, and the of calculation 011 cents ; to which is added, the principles of computation of the various ex changes between each State refpedtively, and beiween these and London and Paris, at differ on: rates of exchange. The work is dedicated, by permilfion, to the Prarfident and Dire'&ors of the Bank of North Amerir a, and has already received the patronage of John Adams, President of the United States; e*f Thomas Jefferson, Vice Presi dent of the United States and l-refident of the Senate ; of a Urge number of the Senators and Members of the House of Representatives of the United States ; and of the Pie&dcnts and Di re&ors of the different Banks unanimously : a lift of the whole is printed and attached to the specimen book. The preface to the specimen explains, among other matters, the methods to be purfutd to render the accurate —and gen tlemen who will reflect on thole methods will agree in the fa£t. Every one will acknowledge the arduoufnefs of the undertaking* Theexpences, independent of any compenfa ti«n for my trouble, will require a sum between three and four thousand dollars, which is two mwch to hazard—all must depend therefore up on a general fuWcription ; for unless fifteen hundred fubferibers are obtaine !, it would cer tainly be imprudent to execute the work. Subscribers can run no rilk, as the book (which will be quarto, from ico to pages, or more—price two dollars) is not to be paid for until delivered rigorously conformable to my engagements expressed in the conditions affixed to the specimen, which consists of fix detached pages oftfce work. A table of all the post towns in the United States, and ferae other ufeful information {not expressed in the title) will follow the computa tions of exchanges between this country and England and France j and provided, geotlemen, that a fuflicient number of you come forward and fubferibe, a further addition fiiall be made of the coins and money of account of the prin cipal maritime trading places in RuJJi-7, Sweden* Denmark, Norway, PruJJia, Poland, Germany, Holland, Flanders, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and in several of the windward and leeward Wcjl India //lands, the whole reduced to dollars and cents; and the mode of computing the exchange with tfole places explained ; arfo, a large sheet table of calculations at compound interelt at 6 per cent, to which the notes for 5, 7 and 8 j er cent will apply—the tables uied in banks for the determination of the valvetr-f told ; and the iwrereft for each rr onth from one to twelve month?, which will make the work Hill more acceptable to perlons I ving in the country as well as in town ; and upon the whole, I am con fident, that thls'book will be found as generally ufeful and convenient as any matter of fail-per f dering Fiim.ell but one) fball » onclude, inftcad offublcribing,to purchase the book when pul>- lifh-.'d, fom* of the rnehiberf of the Houle of Keprefenutives of die Unite d States have don? ; for, however rowrh I am obliged t>> these, the the loss of many ONES' fufcfcriptions may lose me the rate, and the may never be pub li(hed. I repeat, that nothing ia to be paid in advance* Ar d am, very refpecifully, Cfittlemen, Your humble servant. J( lIN KOWtETT, Accomptant Bank North America, Postscript. — Gentlemen who have bufir.efsat cither of the Banks, cr at the Philadelphia Li brary, vyillhavcan opportunity of fuofcribing th re, as wejl as at the Taverns, &c. before mentioned Copy right secured according to act of Ccr, grress. "S arrh (f 'lkree Cenls Rfward. RUN away from the SubfcrrSer on the evening ot rhe z)stk io£V. a bound Servant G!RL, Bair.ed Elizabeth Howcfrel, had on and took with 1-rjfhi-fe different changes of garment ard money, proud, bold impudent, a noted lyar ; any p« r fon apprehending her fliall he ewtitlcd to the abeve reward—no col-'s or charges will be paid. N: 5, She had 4 years and some mdnth# to fcrvc. DANIEL 'FITZPATSICK. Goihen Towulhip, Chefier Count-v, July 19. angu.l 6 • 3awtf VviTtD STATFS. ") Pennfyivani* Dijlriß j NOTICE is hereby given, that in purfuancf of a writ of Fi Fa lately so me dire&d, tiy the hon. ftichard Peter., Kfq judge of the diftrid court of the United States in ansi (or the Tchii fylvania dirtrid, will be exposed to pub ir sale at No. *a 7 in Saffiiran ftrect, or: Saturday rhs Tsth day of March instant, a; ia o'clock ar noon, 2 pipes of Madeira Wine, called London parti u ar Tfco fame being a part ol ten pipes, lovied On, on the jtkday of Jum last, -by ** wil'liam nichoia SaiTafrasfireet. No. 11 7,") Zl'tb March. iSoo ) NEW LINE OF STAGES To New York> By the shortest and m ft pfcefant road—parting through Prankford, BulMeton, Newtown, Pennington, Mill Cone, Bovndbrnok, Uiion Cirnp, Scotch Plains, Spt iwgfield and New aik. THE SWIFTSURE starts from the Green Tree, No- 50 North Fourth Street, at t o'clock every morning, anf infur;in;e one per cent. *§" Apply to JOHN M'CALL.S, No. ;o North Fourth Street. rfoiladelphia, 3.nd to WILLI \ M VAN BE RVOO UT, Np. 48 Courtland Street, N. E. corner of Gietnwich Street, New York. January 3, GLASS MAN L FACTORY. Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works, HAVING procured a fuffkifltit of the rtioft approved Enropeas G'ais an' p furniture, or other hallow ware—the whole ar least 25 per cent, lower than articles of ihc fame quality brought from any of th« sea ports of the United States, A liberal allow ance will be made on sale of large quantities. Orders from merchants and others will be punctually attended to on ap plication to JAMES Q'HARA or ISAAC CRAIG, or at the Store ofMefTrs PRATHER andSMILIE, in Maiket-Street, P ttfourgh. March \ t tuthtf. A TRACT OF LAND, 21 Acres, (ullage on thtf river Schuylkill, and adjoining lands'of Jonathan Williams, Esq. and the late John Mifflin, deccafed, or which is erected a l.nasi ftoni' build;,r.g. f /fame ftehlcs, and ft one spring house, over a never failing fprintfi on t*he preiriifes is an excellent flone quarry, and has a small orchard of young fruit frees, and is an elegant fxtuation for a gentfe man's summer retreat. Pr'ze T'k kets ot Canal lottery N». i, and liquidated debts of th« D. and Schuylkill Canal Company, will be taken in payment. For fur; her particulars enqwire of the printer hereof. Msrch 5- A LARGE TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, With a Lot thereunto belonging, SITUATE in Duck Crsek, Cross Raids Kent County, State of Delaware, front % i Jofc/Ji Haiirfhti^l x in. keeper in Burliagtcn, »n the twelfth day of Mcrch next, at eleven of the clock in the for. noon ofth.it day, and either by olirfclVes or in conjunction with the hid Chi«-f Justice proceed to .%llot and by ballot fix oti the (hares or part of each of the said chil dren and their jurfuar.t to tljbe 2 A entitled " an ad far the more ecfy partition of Laßtlgjield by Copartner*', joint Venamsasd Tensfcts it)com mon," made and passed the eleventh tfaj* of Nov In ihr year of our J-ord\ oRe thwufand frvefl hun dred and eighty-nine. Witucfi c«r han.sthi* fifth Jay of Ftbmsry, OoSvthcr.&ndeight hundred. Abraham Stpcfopv, Jab Lippintott, mhcUs Ellis. '* jtiwtrill.' late .'igrsaal. EA. z. u'tT [VOl.uhtk XVII THE PROPRIETORS FOk SAI.E About four miles from the city, CONTAfNINC ABotjT TO BB SOLD, Or Rented for a term of Tears, •Notice is hereby given, Co-1 tf l«W3n>