jftfttf#, **«> Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. Numbed 2532.] The price of tbts Gazette is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia• All others pay one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and unlesstjome person in this city will become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. %* No Subscription will be received fat a shorter tern} than six months. Dcci-m' rr ( 1799 GRASS SEEDS. Red Clover. White do. ' | Timothy. •Saint Foin. Tr-'oil 'Burnett Lucem •Her J Grift. Orchard'do. Rye «.'.o Rape &iui tltfinp, ALSO, Mi-WfJ COPPF-R. IROITMONOEPvY, nni PA i Sr iMr V .'3UOH'*., which ar< fjitl to'he more clurah t nan 'ajiy ht:\-tdforc invented, a on experience to Sdfoimiaithe- iako#:* • ocli of /uUi and bcid-? ¥■■>'. l SAll' BY THOMAS HOWARD, jVfo. 40 South Second Philadelphia. February 13. tu&f.Bw. PRATT & KINTZING, N > 95, North Water-ilreet, . HAVE ON HAND THE FOLLOWING GOODS, I7*NTi' TLED to drawback, which they t/flkr for j fale''at' moderate prices for Ca(h, or the usual credit ; or on a credit of 12 or 18 months upon *»ioW jjges on Heal Property, in or near the City or other fatisfaiiory security 5a doxc> audbales Tick le u burghs. do. Hemp- 60 do. - en lin-ciis, 50 do. brig?. do. Ozni 50 do Patterbornes. IS do. BielSeld Linens. I j qo. Crcas and Creas a la Moriaix. Erown Rolls. Do. Hefaans. PolHh Rolls. Bed Ticks. Siamois.. Arabias. Empty Bags, Oil Cloths. Shoes and Slippers. Soal and upper Leather. QUillsand Soiling Wax. 4 paJflsage Gold and Sil ver Watches. A few cbeils Toys. » Slates and Pencils. 70 -hhvis ftavanna Mo taffes 1 February T,? TO BE SOLD, r "T"" , HKF'E or four lots o! abonr 30 or 40 acres JL each, trior* or lei's as may suit a purchaser. On eacb?f which there is a good fit-ration Tor a one on the river Delaware, fit i table either ior vgentleman's feat. or for a person who rn/ght v ifh to ci gage in the lumber buGnefs hav ing a a'jdinjy. One c mmanding a good view of the rives 'lom ?h» highelt ground between the I*cnnyp4ik and creeks ; and another en the Erinlolßoad. lis- .:urro;af Mr. Gilpin near the 11 mile stone 0u the said » oad,. ALSO FOUR LOTS, Of about jo acres each w)tk good fituarions for building; one of which is fuitaUe tor a tan.yard, and has a small Hone house and a young bearing orchard on it, on the Newtwwn road near Sni YI) irc.fiiin of the CommiJJiomrs of Lyco •O mifiy county, at'ends at Philadelphia to re ceive :he Taxes affdffsd upon unfsated Lands in that County, from the holders thereof, in this City. Those who Jiave filed with the Com lUiffioners, ftatemerts of their Lands, arc re qnefted to call upon him, to fcnnwtbe amount ot" Taxrs tliereori, and pay (hem ; ntherwife, b«- for« his leaving the City, they will he put into the hands of the Sheriff for collection, agre?a bly to the afl for raising county rates and levies Ttlof» who harve nut filed flatements of theii lands with the Comtniffioners, and aredrHrou» of having it done, to pravj-nt faks v. ithont pre tious personal Notice, may file with the jhove Treasurer, their lifts, ftatirg tbe quantities re turned, number and dates of the wjrrants awl names of the warrantees, under which they Juld their lands, He will attend at Mr. Joseph Hardy's No. 98, Market street f«r this pgrpofe t.ntil the 1 Sth inllant. November 9. Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Spr/rig Forge, in Yorlc Coentv.a/iegro min, named ISAAC, other wise CUDJO, about II years rid, the property of Robert Coleman; Esq. He is about 5 feet 8 inches high, ha- ablemifti in his eyes, more white in them than common, by trade a Ferge man ; had on andjteok with him a drab coloured broad clot coat, almost new, a sailors jacket and pantaloons printed fancy cord, a Iwani'down striped under acket; a rorun.l hat; one fine and one coarse shirt' one muslin handkerchief, sprigged, two ditto striped border, a blue Persian under jacket and two prir cotton (lockings. Whoever takes up fai J negro and lodges him in any jail in this or any of the neigabouring ftatee fliall have the above re ward or reasonable expinces if brought home. JOHN BRIEN. Spring Forge, 0er, 'or undivided Share* or Lots on r.i» purchase within the city ©t Walhiug ton, who have not jet applied for and received their Deeds, ar# hereby notified, that their several Titles will be duly completed to the order of thole who in conformity with tfie term? of the kid Cer tificates, do make the Payments in fnll therefor, either to Thomas Go. or to the *ub lcribtr at Philadelphia, on or at any time before tAi% 31ft day of May a«xt. 13 pipes old Port Wine, •25 bore* Tumblers af fortsd. ZOO box<** Hamburgh Window Glass 8 by 10, Sec. 1 chcft aflorted Looking GtafTes. Several large elegant do. 1500 Demijohns. 50 kegs Fearl Barley. A few tons koll Brim* tlose. ao kegs Yellow Ochre. A few bbls. Rosin, 40 tons Ruflu Hemp. 80 bhds. Hogs Bristles. x hhds. Dutch Glue 30 casks Nails afTorted from 3d. to aod. 16 casks Ironmongery. 8 cases Hoe«. German Steel. 6 hhds. Coffee mills. Blocking Ttvine, Tapes, Stone Fickliing Pots, &c &c. KNOWN by the name of the Boopeton Iron Works, fitnstu in the county of Morris in the Ilau of New-JjrOy, confining of a Foi'ge with four firci, a Rolling and Slitting Mill, a Grid mill with two Run of ftsnes, ami Saw mill, aliiiigood cr.irr and n»w in use, together with an excellcnc, large, «nd tonvsnient house, with outhouses of every kind ; ;mong which are an Ice house, and (lortc milk h'oufe, with a remarkable fint-I'pring in it, a large Garden, and an eictfllvnt cctleSion of Fruit, a large Orchard, and ijoo acr£6 of wood, pjAure and land, and a great number of llorcs and workmen's houfea. Immediate poflefllon will he given of hollies and (lores fnfficirnt for providing (lock the present winter and polfeflion of the whole in the spring. fatu&f For *erm«4 snquire o( lUviri B 0-; nat N'w ark, mr Peter (Viackie in mr. David i*"ord in Morr>« !'o\vn, cr mctfrs. Jaco-b .''j d Patl'cb on tieprenul'tJ. TPHiS is to giwt- notice th.it the S.ibfcriUer A hath obi aiued from the Orphan's Court of Ccecilicoui ty in Ma and, letters of admUifc tratisn or: the -perlonal eftafe obedience to recent rcrcivcd from his government, it is the du'y cf ill Ma'.iers of Swcdifa and Danish vetfels, befor. their I'ailic/ front any port in the laid States, to call upor him or the Vice Coaful in or them that 111 addition to the regular Line, rhvy art! piovi -ie.! with Carriages,'fobt-r and careful 'iiifirs, to go if trough between the City and 'Borough jfl two days. Those who prefer this mode of trjvtiiing can be accommodated at the Stage Office, %n of United States £agl'?, Market street, Philadelphia. Slough. Downing, Dunnvoody cJ 1 Co. Nov 30. at —J CITY OF WASHINGTON. TITr. POSSESSORS December 17 BOONETON IRON WORKS, TO BE SOLD, OR LEASED FOR C»NK VliAß—-THAT Valuable Estate, J3nu* r" I*j NOTICE. JOHN GILPIM, AJmtriftrator. January 30. ta«-6w. THE UNDERSIGNED, RICHARD SOUERS'I'ROM Philadelphia, December, 1799. Thirty Dtllats Reward. Adjutant Murine Gs-ps. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 17, 1800. PIUXCS ALRXAXDEX &UWOROW RYM- -VIKSKI, Fiuld-Ma« fhal' »;*n t J iij the fcrvice of His (mpcri al MiKi'y, ti-t' ■ .uperor of all the Ru'ffias, WITH The History df his Campaigns. Translated A concise and c. m .rebqnsive Hist»rj of His Italian Campaign. By William GobV.ctt. With an elegant Print-Portruit of to at rt- Cre vtl<'v>eo Jwßrous' of a camr-il like ness, ex-'cucr t in the firfl Gyle, of this \Ui-lirious Christian .'hiefuin, may be ijrrJfhed with parti cular proof ut this cC5;e, price one Dollar. Daily Repository of ufeful Information. Samuel SloJgtt. IT will doubtlcfs be deemed a hazardous un dertaking to prelent to the public eye propo sals for a new Gazette, when so many are al ready m possession of the public pationage. News-paper 3 so much more gene-ally diffuf ed thi+ughour America than perhaps any other portion of the globe, may become either en gines of mil" hiefor the implements of ufefu'.nefs —they deffeminate good, or scatter poison, am ng thou'ands ; and although it may be pre sumptuous in the tfdifor of that now proposed to expedl that its utility will be great, yet ha may be admitted to declare, that it shall not willingly Ifi made the meatw or doing evil His endeavors will be applied to render The Ohfcrver in fotae degree conducive to the at tainment of knowledge as well as to the com munication of news—lo enlighten the untjer ftanding—to improve the morals—to beget, or tt> confin/i, \ rtverence'for thefacred principles of Chriftiatihy. For?hispi ; r; -.V ir b inter.de l- To urnifli tie in.jJt recent foreign .inddomeflic i.ogive vfcful Prices Current at home and ab cad, and otheroommercul information ; To from literary productions such por tions a* may gratify tafteind induce irnprove- To unfold ami enforce found and jtift virwi of To aid the great inter?f!s of piety and morality To prefect occasionally Improvement? in rhe arts and fcie in agri vulture and domestic economy ; Proceedings of the General and State Leg!fia lures ; I'eportsof the Heads of Departments, and of intefefting cases adjudged in the several courts of the United Sta;Ls, &c. Heviews of foreign and domestic literature ; Anecdotes and chancers of dißinguiflied per- tona^es; ! StaiiAival rafales ; Meteorological obfervationj ; Appointments ; Marriages, Births, Deaths. With ihefe pro ofal's the fubfcribir diffident Iv fubmits' bimfelr to tlte public ile is well aware of the importance ard rintgnitude of the unde. taking Solicitous for the tate'of hi* na tive land, and viewing with anxious fears and b prs the I'uccdi of a govrrnment created bv • the join*itrertifcns of wif iotn and virtue, and conduced with found policy apd genuine pa tiimifm, he leels himfelf C:icere!y interested in promoting such mesf'ites ana principles as he believes eiTeiitial to public happiness and nation al prdfperity. I. The Obftrner Hull be printed with a neat type, and 011 paper of equal size and quality with the prefrnt Vbiiadelphia daily papers. 11. It (hall be pubiifhed every evening, and regularly Cent to the honfes of the city fubferib ers—To others it will be forwarded aco rding totkrir refpedive inArinSions. 111. The price will be Eight Dollars per an num to tliofi; who reiide in the city—arwl Nine Dollars to all others. The additional dollar is to defray the txpecce of enclosing and diredt ing their papers IV. One half of the price to be oaid it the time of fubferibing, arid the other half at the ex piration of twelve ra.n'ts from the publication of the firft number. The succeeding payments to be half yearly. V. Advcrtifeme'-its that do net exceed in length the breadth of the colu -m will be 67 cent* tor the firft, and 33 cents for every addi tional insertion- Those of greater length wi'tl be charged in the fame proportion. ZACHAUIAH POULbON, jun'. March 8, ißco. ftswf An active Boy, 14 or I.J years of ai;e, of reputable may heir of a place m a Con ptiag Houfc—He is wanted to go 00 err and? and do out door bufinefs—apply N to thepiinter- Mirch lp. AUTHENTIC LIFE OF SUWOROW. JVS7 PUBLISHED, AND FOR SALE, AT THI S OFFICE, , A SKETCH OF THE %ifz anD Character s German of Frederick Antbing. To which is addfrj, Hotynqd Warrior [Price 11-2 Dollars.J Portrait of Marshal SuHvorw February i%, TO IHi PATRONAGE Off 'A liberal aiul enlightened Community IS SUBMITTED THE PROSPECTUS or A New Daily Paper, TO l>£ UNDER TUB TITLE Of THE OBSERVER, AND inleUigen. e ; raent ; government conditions, 7he Tear 1800 is arrived ! UNION TAVERN, In George Town, upon the Potomak, is FO R SALE, Upon the pre/riles, on the firft Monday in May next. THIS Tavern was i>uiit by the fublbription of a number of gentlemen as a nert fljry aod ufeful improvement to the town —It cost 1600 c dollars in the year 1795 when materials and woikroanfhip were much cheaper than at this time. The terms of fubfeription were that it fljculd be fold to [he hijfh;ft biddei oa the djiy above rnentioßed. It is a handsome, fubHanOal brick bu : klir(g, ©f three stories, fronting lixty feet on the mot< public ilreet in'the town, and running back sixty three feet upon a wide and convenient ftreet—Fhe koufe is admirably calculated for a lavrm. It contains bf>on tJ,c 'fi.lt fl qr four Urge room 1;, one of them 30 by 20 feet and another 23 by 20, betides a I/rge and dreiT i glO >m, Upon the iecond floor is an elegant afLmbly room, 60 by 30 feet, and three conve- B'eDt lodging rooms. Upon the third floor 3re ten excellent lodging rooms—the garrjt admits ot a division of ten Hi«re. There is alio a good kitchen and commodious cellars firfficleht for such a house. PafTages and cross paflagea inter fedl the house if» such a manner as to make each room private. 1 here are ftablrs fuflicieot Tor the aceomim. dation ()f-fifty herfes, with convenient fhedsfor carriages—attached to the building are three lots of 60 feet by 120 each, which Front on three streets, and in the back yard and not 10 yards frim the kitchen is a copious and never jailing tyring of moll excellent running water. T he nature of improvements and their con venience to the city of Walhington must render this property a roofl deGrable acquisition to any person who may to carry 011 a tavern upon an extensive scale. The immediate removal of the government of the United States must rc «ee ginmng of the book. Kote.—lt will be necessary for those who wifti to be poficfled of the above celebrated woik on the funtrior paper to fuMcri e for it soon, as there will b- but a few copies printed more than what it is imagined w'il be fubf«;ribeii for. Subscriptions are receive 1 by fanj Humphreys, at No. 106, south fide of market ftr-ec. nii.rch 3 Valuable Property for Ssle, ki< Chefawr, near Sixrh ftrecf, c!ke£l!y oppofttc CoNCR-iss Hall. •*. I *r fV-.-t fr >?:t in Cfcd .l :>vi (1 r-vt anf: '/$ '--t in d-.pih, wi.erect: i.» u od .Torse houfc, vov> in the tourc «>» S,.:.uci »iib; -ft to 01 i ~i. per annum. The, advantageous of this property re-* Quires no for it num be known, th*rc are few in this city to equal ir, unecccptionable title will be ir.ade to the futfjiafer. A-.iplyto JAMES GIKVAN, No. 198, Ohefnut 0. door to tin' n»rch 5 DESERTED, IT'i'OMthe United St.-.tcs frigate I'hilsdel . phia, DAVID iJIVINE, by trade a Shoc miker, boni in Ireland, 13 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, light complexion arfd hair—alio, WATSON I.UDLOW, l>y trade a Shoe maker, born in New-Jeffey, 33 years of age, S feet 10 inches high, dark and complexion* Whoever will take up said Deserters and deli ver them on board the said frigate, shall receive tf 11 dollars reward for each, and reasonable charges, March U ihiee Cents Reward. RUN away from the Subfcriher rin the evening of the a'JtU iaft. a bouiid Servant GJ&l.v Rametl Elizabeth Kowckcl, had on and took with h>r|three diff-r«mt changes of garment ana money, proud, bold and impudtnt, a noted lyar ; any per son apprehending ht:r £hall lie entitled to the above reward—no cotts or charges will be paid. N: B, She had z years and some months to fcrve. DANIEL' BItZPATRICK. Gofhen Townlhip, Chester County, august 6 Uvited Stat».S, "> Pertrfyhaniu Dijlricl ) NOTICE is hereby given, that in purfuanceof a writ of Fi Fa lately to me dircfKd, by the hon. Richard Peters,Efq judge of the diftricfl court of the United States in and for the Fcan fylvania diftridl, will be exposed to pub h: fsle at No. 117 111 Suffjfras ftrect, on Saturday the 15th day of March instant, at 12 (-'dock a" noon, 2 pipes of Madeira Wine, called London partitular. The fame being a part of ten pipes, levied on, on the sth day of Jun last, by WILLIAM NICHOLS, \ SafTafrasftreet,No. 11 ?j") nth March, ißco. j Vhv-CV* 1o New 7'ork, By the ftmrtrft and most plealant road —palling through Frankford, BiHlltton, Newtown, PenmopJon, Millftoaf, Boundbrook, Union G?«n», Scotch Plains, Springfield atk. THE i> IyiFTSURE (tarts from the Green Tree, i**- so NortA Fourth Street, it £ o'clock eoery m itt(S »rr «es at N'cw York early ti.e next eveitn?^. Fr< ■; e« York it fttru at 9 o'clock «vc?j div (SHjidcys excepted) and arrives at Phila delphia, early tJie next evening. Vara for pifiengers 5 dollars, way pjflenge.-» 6 cents per rtiifc Bach pjißlijer allowed 141b ot Uipggge. One hundred arid fifty weight of" bag*- jge to pay the fame as a pafftoger. All to lie at the/ift of the cwnir, mjefs inluiLd and reseipttt! fur by the clerks of the difTcrtiit o.,^ per C£tH *§* Apply t* JOHN M'CALL,*, No. jo Nrth i'eurt-H Street. Philadelphia, jod :•> VANCEIJVOO.KT, No. 48 Ctfhnlaiid Street, N.'E. corner rf Greenwich Street,; New Ybrk. January H AVING pioouvei! a lufr.risiit number the mo(! ipprnvtd !iuro;.: Q;r;s '"arlu fudlurers,, 1 1] ti'vL» on li.tu » (a.i-t ii-,vk of the !;eit .Msi." : Js. ■.■■■-, a-h : c.'- j> new employed, have Ihi- ■:'t-.-fi.T,: thepuL'iic, that ,o li'y Vi to make partition 'of tM lame Lands, ty, and tmopgft the f» i children and their afligiis, do iu reml to meet at the house <•! Jtfepb Hoi infold, !n. keeper in Burlington} en the twelfth day us March next, at eleven of tlic clock in the foruioon of that day, and «ith»rhy ourfeivee or in coajuncSion with the slid Chiri Juftiee proceed to allot and by ballot fix on the (hares 6r part of each of the said (-j-.il - dr«n and their afli'gns purfuast to the ail entitled " an a&fer the more easy partition of Lands held by Copartners, joint Tenants and Tenant, in com mon," made and pa! Ted the eleventh day of N'i.v. lnjhe year of our Lord, one thoufa"nd hun dred and eighty-nine. Witnels our hai: is this fifth day of February, One thousand eight hundred. Abraham Stockton, Job Li/)f>e,ncott, tiaeries Ellis, - awtf laic MarcbcU Feb. S. [Voi.uur. XVII. NEW LINE OF STAGES GLASS MANI FACTORY. TliE PROPRIETORS Of the Pittsburgb Glas& M'trrAs, 'J) ze, rroi.% 7by 9 to 18 by 24 FOx SALE, A TRACT OF LAND, About four miles from the city. CONTAINING ABOOT TO BE SOLD, Or Rented for a term of Years, JOHN CUMMINGS, Notice is hereby given, f eodfrf 'f iffiiripg Ifco2W J-\v3n) dtawti&Al,