Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, March 15, 1800, Image 4

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Notaries Public,
No. 54, South Second Street,
RESPECTFULLY, inform their refpeAive
friends and the public, that they draiv and
authenticate accord ing to the mojl approved forms, and
With the graatdf dijpatch; Letters of Procuration, At
torney , and Subjlitutian of C-very kind, Sea Letters, an
Rolls d*Equipage, Proof of Property to be jhipprf to Fo
reign Ports, Affidavit to obtain Seamen s Protections at
the Cuflom house and Affidavits of every other kind and
description; Charter Parties, Bottomree, Rcfpondtntia
and other Mercantile Bends, anil Obligations, Afpgn
ments. Bills of Salo, atld all Othur Injfritmcnts of
Writing Certificates and Attejlations relative to the
different kinds of Stocky Trade and Commerce, and Re
gift ft Letters of Attorney for the recovery of debts, as
well as all ©th?r documents, usually reeordtd in the '
office of Notaries,—They aifo draw Deeds, Bonds,
Mortgages, Wills, &c \
Lad**:* having occasion to execute Letters of At
torney for th' Stila and Transfer of Steel, for the re
ceiving of Inter tji and Di-Siden-is x or for other rurpofes,
will, by /fending their to the office, where
conttanr. attendance in pvea during the usual of
fice-hours. he waiud on at their refjpeAUe houfas.
FehruaryS. tu&ffm
10 (mill chests of Ginghams, on board
4 ditto ot colored Muflinets, the (hip
4 hales of St. Fernando Serges, i Neltor,in
4 ditto of Camblets, ' [ the river
to ditto cf colored and white from
Caflimew, J Liverpool
14 trunks of printed Callicoes,
Yhf above are in small ctjTj ted packages falculahd
either for the IVtjl India or tome trade,
30 torn Lead, in pig>,
8 tens of dry White Lead in hhd».
17 calks of fine dry Yellow Paint,
6 ditto of Mineral Bljck f
1 ditto of ditto White,
10 ditto of Colcothnr,
3 dnto of Purple Brown,
10 cases Englifli China Ware in setts,
36 cafksof Nails assorted,
3-00 barrels pickled Salmon,
80 hali (iittu ditto,
80 barrels Herrings,
%o ditto Shad,
10 ditto Mackarel,
7 caCta of Porier in holtlef,
to puncheons Rum,
190 pipes of Brandy, 4th proof,
15 pipes old Madeira Wine,
17 quarter chefU Young Hyl'on T«a»
13 boxes of Imperial ditto,
Engtifh Gunpjwder, HP
Forged Copper Nails and Bolt*,
Sail Canvilt,
Empty Wine Bottles,
Cnrk in theets,
Green Coffee :n hhds.
r. cry 13.
'"J 'HIS is to give notice that the £ubfcriber
1 hath obtained from the Orphan'tCmirt of
Goscil couivv, in Maryland, lettiri of adminif
trition on the- pertona 1 eflate of Zrhulon Old
ham, late or the county, deceased.
All persons hiving cUlms jgjinfl the said de
ceaitd,. arc heveby warned to exhibit til* lame
with the v«ichfer» thereof to the Subscriber, on
or before the nineteenth day of OtSober next,
they may athenvife by law be excluded from all
benefit of the fait! eflait.
RICHARD OLDHAM, Administrator.
January jo. taw6w.
WILL be received at this Office until the
seventh day of April next for rutting out
clcatbmg for the Army of the United States. —
The proposals must ipecify the price required
for cutting out each of the several articles, to
wit, HorfcrnanVcloaks, regimental coats, veils
and overalls.
PROPOSALS willalfobe received until the
fcveuth day of April next for the delivery of
five thuufand hats and twenty thousand fhirti.
The hats to be made of good wool to be well ma
nufactured, full coclCTd, boimd with narrow
biack binding, the fan er bind part eight inch-
fide? and corners fix inches broad. —
The shirts f? be of linen equal in quality with
the pattern article, and to be as well made as
the said pattern.
One h ilf of th~ hats and shirts to bfr deliver
ed on Or before the Srft day of June next, and
the remainder on or before the firft day of July
next. . «
Patterns of the ftveral articles may be fetn at
the Military Stores kept by John Harris,on the
•yfhart between Arch -and Race streets.
f CCu/ity will he required.
Secretary of War.
AN attachment was lately iflued out of the it*
ferior oourt of.cemmon pleas of the county
of Kffex, in the state of New Jerfejr, directed to
the fheriff of the said county, against the rights,
credits, monies and effafls, goods and chattels,
lands and tenements of Jetn Cltvet Syntmes at the
suit of William Wells, in a plea of trefpjfs on the
cafe to his damage three thousand dollars; —
And t'threat, the said fheriff did, at the term of
June last pati, return"to the said court that he had
attathed thedefendact by a certaiu bond given by
Matthias Denman and Samuel .Meeker to the said
defendant, to the amount of near two thousand
dollars,and also by sixty land warrants ;
Ne<ui therefor/, «nlefs the f.iid John Cleves
Symmts fhailappaar.give fpeeial bail, and receive
a declaration at the fait of the plaintiff, judgment
wili be entered against him, and his property
herein attached, wili b« fold agreeably to the
flatute in such cafe made arid ptov : ded.
Aaron Ogden, Clerk r &c.
Blizaheth-town July 8, i?gg (u) iawi2m
Horses to Winter.
HOP i'ES will be taken to winter at ProfftCl
Hill, at the 12 niiies stone on the Bristol
Roa*, wherethey will have good Timothy anil
Clev r Hay, well littered and cleanai and a field
to run in when the weather is good.
£5" Enquire of Mr. William Bell Mcrchaat, or
•n the premilct.
N.B. Will no* bo arfwerable for accidents or
efcapc, feiit wiiltake every prscantion to prev.nt
HoTcmiCT is
r *'
At Public Vendue, on Saturday, ijtl of
March next,
A three story Brick House,
AND large Kitchen, with twoorthreebuild
ing lnt«, adjoining the fame, situate on the
corner of King and High Streets, Wilmington.
Also, a two story brick houl'e, &c. situate on the
north fide ot the upper market house, Wi'mitig
ton. Likewise a lot of excellent marfo in Bras
dywine, of about two acres and a half. Ii is
thought uaaeceiTary to particularize this pro
perly, as it is prrlunaed thepurchafer will incline
to vi«w it. The conditions will be made known
•n the day of iale.
Wilmington, (Del.) Jan. 17. wwts.
The Time
Of two Dutch indented Servants,
(a man and his wife)
Who have two year« and eight momhi to fwv«.
For further particulars enquire of
No. Ijo Race street.
February 28
About 25 acres of Laud,
LAYING on the eafl fide of the Fall, Read.—
On tlieEaft it i» bouuded by property belong
injj to Mr. Tiift Francil, fern—on the louth, by
a road «f two pcreho, and on the BOith by a lane,
which separates it from Mr. M'Call. It it prapo
ied to divide thu land into 3 equal parts io ordsi
to suit the purchaicr*
Also, 31 acres, situated cn the weft Gde s
Gerjr.antown roid, ad-joining Madera's tfUt
beinj; part »f the property of the Utc Sam
apply t* farad ltilie, wANrafi
asd roil a* i t
No. 17 Ssuti Second Street.
/or Colds, obstinate Coughs, Catarrhs, Asth
ma», Sore-throats, iuil approaching Con
THOUSANDS are too well acquainted with
the nature and effeflj of empirical mtdiciac t
daily offered far the cure of the above com
plaint! ; dear bought experience has taught
them that oily and healing medicines joined
with llreng opiatos (or sleepy drugt) upeted
doftt of which, flatter and deceive the patient
for the present, by procuring momentary ease j
experience, I fay, hat taught thousands that
railed, finally aggravate every Hifonler of tKe 1
bread and iiiqgsin their most diftrefling symp
toms ; that they load the fiomach and impair
the digeftisn, inflame the wholefyftem, incicafe
the difficulty of breathing, and rxci;« fever.—
But the qualities of this valuable difcovcry arc
evinced by perfeAly opposite efFedls. A SIN
GLE TRIAL WILL PROVE that it restores
the determination of the fluids to th« furface of
the body, and bi ings on the common, healthful
perfpiratioD ; that it dillodges and evacuates
the tough, viscid phlegm, or mucus, strength
en.i the weakened veflels ot the lungs, (heathes
the acrimonious humours which irritate the
lungs, and finally discharges them. Thus fin
king at the root of the dilorder, the fyinptoms
are r.f course, efFciflßally and permanently con
quered, the revtrfe of common medicines,
which weaken the conflitittion and give strength
to the disorder, for the fake of moderating for
the prtfent, some of its paints! efiells.
March 6, 1800.
to Parents
Who may have Children afflicted with the
This difbpvery is of the firft magnitude, as it
affords immediate relief, checks the progress,
add in a fliort time entirely removes the molt
cruel difutder to which children are liable ; the
Elixir is so perfeftly agreeable and the defe so
Tmall, that no difficulty arifei in taking it.
Genuine Efl'ence and Ext raft o J
For Rheumatisms, Gout.Palfey, Sprains, &c.
a great number of atte»ed cures may be seen
>t the place of sale Dr. Ham.lton's Grand
Reiterative for constitutions debilitated by in
temperance of any kind ; and for the cure of
Nervous Complaints, Inward Weakncfs, Ob
flinate Gleets, Fluor Albus in women, kc.
Hamilton's juflly celebrated Worm Lozen
ges, the infallible Itch Ointment, Dr. Leroux's
Indian Vegetable Specific for Venereal Com
plaints, Ague and Fever Drops which hid i.
ver failed tfTe<fling a cure, Dr. Halm's Ami
bilious Pill, ditto Corn Plaifter, the Persian
Lotion for the face and skin, Gowhird's Lo
tion, Church's Cough Drops, Anderfon's Pills
THE damask: lip salve
Is recommended (particularly to the Ladies)
as an elegant and pleasant preparation for chop
ped and fore lips, and every blemish and incon
venience occasioned by colds, fevers, &c. spee
dily r«fioring a beautiful rosy colour and deli
cate foftnefs to the lips.
This excellent preparation comfort! and
strengthens the gums, preferres the enamel
from decay, and cleanses and whitens tbe teeth,
absorbing all that acrimonious (lime and foul-
Befsj which fuffered to accumulate, never fails
to injure and fiually ruin thsra.
sj° Thofewho wife to procure the medicines
genuine, mtift apply only as above.
Wholesale purchaser» will receive a liberal
allowance by application t.i L£E fc Co. Balti
more, who have obtained tbe general agency
for the United State*.
Feb. »6,
OF Unfcated Lands ia Weftmorel-aiis eounty,
Ptnnfylvania, are hereby notified, that un
left 'he Taxes due onHaid lands for 1798, are paid
into the hands of 'John Brandon, Efy. treasurer of
said county, on or before the 30th of April next,
they will be advertised for sale, as the law direct#
January 18. J 3 m
United States, )
Pen:uyl-vania District, y
BY virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas, to
mi diteiled,' iflued out of the circuit conrt
of the United States, in and for the Pennsylva
nia IJliftrifl, of the middle circuit, will be fold
by pubiis vendue at the city tavern, in Second
fcriit, is the pity-os Philadelphia<>n Monday
tfcc I"** 1 da/ ofWarch next, at in
tie efening, all that certain tract or parcel »f
land, fituaie, lying and being on the river or
creek called Lackjwaxen, in the county of
Wayne, containing Zroo acres and upwards ;
on which are erected a mtffuage, flables and
<a«'iT.ill, with the appurtenances. —The names
ef the original warrantees of the said tract or
parcel of last! were as follows.
Mordecai Roierts, John Till,
Siophel Medera, George War ton,
Zotbariab Ferris, Benjamin Hancock,
George Tiff, Edward Welsted,
Thomas Wiggins, James Thompson,
George Morton, Joseph Whitehead,
George Strcetan, Patrick Connolly,
Friend Streelon, Thomas Grijfy, ? .
John Oilplant, William Halbert. $
Sailed and taken in execution as the property
of Uobert Lettis Hooper, deceased.
JOHN HALL, Marshal.
N. B . A reasonable credit will be given.
Marftiafs Office, )
Philadelphia, Jan. 4- 5 eott 7M
* Theft two trails do net contain th• full
quantity of the orignal warrants ; part of them
having been conveyed awry.
ixiM- *79*. J
Purfu ni to tbe adt of Certgrci* pa fed en the
ill Jay of Juse, one thoofand, seven har
derl ar.d ninety entitled "an afl regular
the grams oflind appropriated for mili
tary fervkes, Kid fur the foci My of United |
Brethren for propagating the gofpcl among
the Heathen and the afl fuppletneiitary to :
the said recited ail palled on the t'ecnnd day of j
March, one tbonfand seven hundred andninc- !
ty nine—-to wit: I
THAT the tra£l of Land herein after de
fci ibed, narrely, « beginning at the North Weft
corner of tbe seven ranges of townftiips, and
ruining thence fifty miles due south, along the
nelkru boundary at the laid ranges ; —thence
df« Weft to the Main Branch of the Scioto ri |
vfr i thence up the Main Branch of the said ri
ver to the place where the Indian boundary line
erodes the fame ;—thence along.she said boun
dary line to the Tufcaroras branch of the Muf
kingum river at the crofting place above Fort
Lawrence ; thence down the said river, to the
point where aline run due weft from the place
as bej>i»*ing, will intcrfrA the said river';
thence along the line To run to tile pfarc wf be
ginning 5" has been dtvidid into townships of
live miles square, and fractional parts of town
(hips; and that plat* and furtVys of th« laid
townlhips and fractional parrs of townships are
deposited ic the offices of the Register of the
Treasury and Surveyor General, for the intpec
tion of iU perfoHt concerned.
The holders of fueh warrants as have been
er (hall be granted for niilitawy lervices perform
ed during the late war, are required to present
the fame to the Register of tbe Trsafury, at
some time prior to the twelfth day of February
in the year, one thousand eight hundred, for
the piirpoftt of being registered ; No regrftry |
will however be made of any efi quant ty thas
a quarter township, or four thousand acres.
The priority of.locatioa of the warrant* which 1
may be presented and regiftereiJjn manner afore- '
faiS, prior to th isth day of February in the '
year onethoufand eigbt hundred, wiM immediate- '
ly after the said day, bs determined by lot, in the
•odf drefwibed by the ad firft recited. 1
i » IV - "I
f.,t holacs If r-Sftw-d warrants, Aiall 00 : i
' Monday tlie i?lii day of February, in rlie year 1
iSoo,i n the order of which the priority #f Incati- (
on lhall be determined by lotas af«refaid, pefon- j
ally,or by their agents, defigtiate in w ritifig at the '
office of Ac Regilter of the Treasury, the partiou- (
lar qnarter townftips clefted by them rcfpeilively, *
and fuck of the said holders as (haU not JefitMiatr t
their locations on the said day, (ball be poitponed f
in locating such warrants to ail othei boMeu of t
regiflered warrants. t
The bplders of warrants for military ferviccs
Sufficient to cover one or more quarter towafiiips 2
•r trails of four thousand acres each; fliall, at any 1
time after Monday the 17th day of February, 1800 '
and prior to the firft day ol January, 180 a, be al- '
lowftd to regiOer said warrants in manner a-
forcfaid, and forthwith to make locations therefor 1
on any tiacl or tsadls of land not before located. 1
VI. 1
All warrants or claims for lands on account of {
military fervicc«, which fliall not be regifter'd and j
located before the firft day of January, 180 a, are by 5
the supplementary atf of CongreJ's herein More
recited, pafied on the fecund day of March, 1799 f
declared-to be forever barred. ' 1
Gives under my hand at Philadelphia, the 1
day and year above mentioned. r
Sec. cf the Treasury* 1
Maj igth, 1799. e
"PHE proprietorsTif certificates issued forlnb
.■*■ fcriptions to the Loan bearing intercfk-«
«ight ptr centum per annum, are notified, that £
at any time after payment lhall have been made v
of the ;th instalment, which will become due 1
[ during the firft ten days of the tnomh cf July
enlning, Certificates of Funded Stick may at t
their option be obtained at the Treasury or Loan <
Offices, refpeaively, tor the amount of the four t
firft inftaWts, jjr one moiety of thefums ex- 1
prelled in the i'ublcription certificates : —Ne cei - <
ti lie a tea of Funded Stock will however be issued ! 1
tor lers than one hundred dollars. ! c
Such fisbfeription certificates as may be pre- ' >
ented at the Treasury or Lean Offices in con- t
eqiaence of the foregoing arrangement, will be 1
ndor ed and dtftinflly marked so as to denste ' <
that a moety of the flock has been iflued. 'i ;
1 Secretwj of the Treasury, j
eoiw sawtf.
Infallible German Corn Plaister.
This Plaifter (the invention of a German Phy
ficiaa, who administered it in Germany upwards
of 30 yean with the greatest success) i» infallible
lor the cure of corns. It will effe&nslly eradicate
them, root and branch in a fliort time.
[Price 50 cents.]
Prepared by Doctor James Church, at his Dif"
penfery, No. 13?, front street, near the Ply mar
ket, New York.
Sold by Meflrs. H. and P.Rice, 16 foutk Seeoud
street, Ph hdelphia.
February 13. eoiw
' Particularly pin.pies, blotches, tellers, ring
worms, tan, frei klej, fun burn*, (hin
gles, redr.efs of the nose, neck or
arms, and prickly heat,
Are effcdually cured by the application of
The genuine Vegetable Lotion.
This excellent remerjphas been administered by
the inventor, for f»veral ysars while in England,
with the greatest success Ey the Ample applica
tion 0! this fluid for a Ihort time, it will remove
the most rancorous and alarming scurvy in the
face, which has foiled every other remedy. It
poffcffei all the good qualities ot the most cele
brated cofnKtics, without any oi their doubtful
effects. He therefore recommends it with confi
dence to every person so as an eficaeious
and certain cure.
Prepare! only by the inventor and sole proprie
tor, Dr. James Chur«h, at his dispensary, 1.37
Front (Ircf t, near the Fly market, New York; and
fold by Mcllrs. H.anJ P.Rice, lb louth Second
ilreet, Philadelphia.
Persons affliiled with the head ache, precee.licg
from whate/er cause, will find inflaut relief
in the application «f
Church's Anodoyne Effcnce.
In rheumatic, nervout, and billious head aches
its has not its equal. It not only aHeriaUt ih^t
Yfct -Om by. hyd
pcfikt inutf pjft»
ll.&k Imty «r catrMoitie*, are ky »t
[Priec 50 cent*.]
Prepared only by the iuventor ird sole propri
etor, Dr. Jame», Church, at his difpenfttry, 13*
Front ftrett, oear thcTly market, N.w VorJi; arid
fold by Mi-flis H. anJ P. Rice, 16 foutk ScconO
street. Pi i!a<)cl;>hij.
February 15.
For Nervous Disorders, Female Complaints,
Gout in the Stomach, Melancholy, Seminal
Weakness, loss of Appetite, Bilious Disor
ders, Inwar.l VVtikntlTes, Indigrftion, Ob
stinate Gleets, Juvenile Indiscretions and Pre
mature Old Age, and every other symptom
of extreme (lability, which art the conft
quencts of a Diflip Jted Life—excefs of Plea
fureor Grief—Heat or change of Climate-
Immoderate use of Tea, Spirituous ITiquors,
or any Intemperance—Bad Lyings-in—Di
fcafes incident to Ynung Girls aiid 'Women
at a certain period of life—
Tbe Cordial Restorative Balsam
—3J rwamiifiitoa 3 M-tllrigr
unparalleled virtue? for ike immediate relief and
fperdjr anil permanent cure of the above difor
der», having ftaod a trial of many fucceftful
years, during which period many thousands
of both sexes have been restored from the brink
of the grave.
This Balsam is particularly adapted to weak
female conftitutinns, as well as to phlegmatic
habits in general ; it a<fls powerfully as a ner
vine, not on!y to the weak stomach, but to the
whole nervous system ! rorre<Sls a vitiated appe
tite and digestion in the firft pillages, and assists
wonderfully recovering the tone of the uri
nary and genital organs :—Hence its efficacy in
the molt obflinate seminal gleets in men, and
:errefponding weakoefTesin women 1 and hence
it will contribute more fafely, surely and ho
nourably towards conjugal happiness, than any
:>f those irritating, diabolical compositions,
which are so fhamefully adminiflered to the un
It is earneflly recommended to thole ladies,
,vho from repeated and diffkult labours are af
liiSed with weaknefies and infiimities; in which
ales it is highly ufeful, strengthening at the
ame lime tin ftoir.sck, the back, the weaken
ed organs, and the nuboir constitution.
Those, who in advanced life, feel the confe
juencesofyouthfulexress, Cr unfortunate youth,
who have brought on thomfelves a numerous
rain of evils, will by the ufeof this find them
elves reftortd to health and strength, and all
he melancholy symptoms removed, jih are
he general efleifls of such causes.
Ft whether the system has received a (hock,
ind is dsbililated from imprudence or inattenti
>n in the earliest part of life, or is finking'un
ler the advance of years, a lew doses of this
nedicine will afford immediate afTurance of re
urning health and strength. by giving tone to
he mulcular system, and organs of tiigeltinn,
nd by renovating the whole couflitution.
To the young it will afford lading health,
Irength and spirits, in place of lassitude and
leliility : and to the aged and infirm, it will af
uredly furnilh great relief an I comfort, by
and fafely invigorating the system ; but
f it be in the power of medicine to gild the au
umn of declining years, and calmly and fe
enely protrjtt the close of life beyond its nar
ow span, this Keftorative is capable of effetf
ng that grand desideratum. "
Constitutions relaxed, \yeak or decayed, in
nen or women, are under the immediate influ
nce of this Reparative.
Old coughs soon relieved and speedily cured.
Poverty of blord and emaciated limhs, will
:re long meet the Kappieft change; the chill
yatery fluid become rich and Mfamic, and me
imbibe covered with flefh, fiua and healthful.
It will no doubt b* acceptable to the reader,
o fee accounts of I'ome of the remarkable cases
mrt-cures which ha*'e been performed by this
nily invaluable medicine, if) the disorders for
which it was invented ; be has therefore felrft
rd a few of fnch < afrs as have come within his
>wn immediate knowledge, which are publifh
rd and may be had (gratis) at any of the places
where the medii ice is fold
Prepared (only) Ky the Inventor and sol e
Proprietor, Dr. Jnnws Church, at his Dvfpeo
ary, 1',7, Front flreet, near the Flv-market,
New-York—an.l fold by MefT- H. &P. Rice,
t6, South Second Street, Philadelphia.
February 16. eoiw
WO. 134,
' anrf l jUft per fti P Th ««« Cia
and Adnana.fcum London,an elegant aTor f
; of th<: m o ftfafluonabW.M, ' ,**™; %ta
Chenulle rofcttc FEATHERS «,
Fanejr flowers
Black tiffany flowers
Pink, yellow and blue crape, full dref, ca
Do. do. and do. Mclfon'a bonnet/
Inlant a pips straw bonnets
Maid's !ai>cy do. do.
Women'i do. do. do.
Oo* doi (hades
Do d 0 hu ,
Fancy (hoc fofri
Do. <®i!f. trrarannga
Black, « hit., biu-.yellow, pU,k aifd orange
Ulack, white and preen giutc veiJs
Do. gauze wioakj
RB. And per Harmony, j,ift arrived, a fur •
alTortment of M)Uin«i^>.
Junea6 e(itf-
From the BOSTON Manufactory,
a quasi 11 r or
Of different sizes,
N. B. Any fj«e or fart that may be wanted
larger than 18 bv la.can be hid from said manufsi -
ry, on being ordered; and anention given tolorw
oft any orr' may be left for that purpole— ■
Apply at No. 9, South Water-Greet, ai above.
i«'y ß di
A CERTIFICATE of ona Share «f the Ba k
of the United Sta'ei, No. ijiao, in thenai -
oj Lewis "etcr Qui' tyn, and a Certificateof twtf
S'narss as the fai.! B,n k. No 19119, in the nai .
of James Earl of CkoliEci
drjy, were forwarded from New York by ttt
ChafUrficld Dritifh Packat for Falnieuth, whicii
was Cf inured ! Y th{.t rtn /,k a«rr»-rt;e CentQ(».,,
... .. -w..' y. for WTrtch anpiicario , i,
inade atfaid tank for thc_ri thereof, ofwK h
at! penons concerned t^Tteliotiee.''^
February 11 d;jn|<
Or to be efthaaged for a good Vessel,
A N «l«gant new two Itory FRAME HOUSi!
' v twenty seven feet frein by thirty-four
deprh, with a cotni< odious piaaza and k>tcken,t »-
gether with a coa.h hottie and fiabla, fituste ,1
the Village u t Frankford. The hoof
which may be entered th** firft of June next, w
b« finifhed in the ncntrft Itile with many eonver •
snce», and will be well adapted to a large genu 1
family who may with to reside in the country d •
nog.tht fummcr season. In exchange, it willk
valud low, if a vessel off. r that may be l'uitable.
Furtker particulars will be made known by a
plication to
February 14. Jt f
For property in the City, or wit bin tiir ■■
I miles nf it, ma
A P ,tib TTATI « N or tri « of Land ir
MifllMiXouTtry-ana State tfPennfylv -
nia, within lix miles of the river JuDiata.xoi
taining about 300 acres. There are about CS
acres cleared, part of wl.ich is a rich bottom,
watared by a ronfhnt flream that is ftror,
enough to work an oil or a grift mill An'
person inclining to deal for it, may obtain fur
ther information by apfflying at the offic • of
this gazette.
N. B. If fold, credit wiH be girt* for part
ot tjie money.
OiSober 17, 1799. dtf.
. caution? ~
I "HE Publie arciutioredajraii'ft receiving^
J Sul>f.-riber» Note in lavorof, ind
fed by Tbcmas W. Francis, dated yefterday,\
at 6c days alter date for eight hundred dollars.
1 he note is in the Band writing of the Suhfcri
ber, and at 'he botfm a memorandum by the
indorfer, to the credit of the drawer, Thoinaa
W.Francis. This note together with a con- I
tradl between Charles Williamfon, and Charlea
Hale for lands in township, No. 4, io the <th
rjntre of Jtrudler county, state ofNew.Jerfey,
and fwadry other papers bontained in a P.gdut
Book, were taken-fr«<n the Subscribers dtfKlaft
evening. As the above can be ef no use t<. the
person who has carried them off, lhhould tVej
be returned, no question* (hall be asked.
Fehruary 6. dtf.
A good three story Brick House,
SITUATED at the north eafl corner of Wat
and Market street, thirty feet front on W
ter Ptreet, and fifty ou Market-Street, havii :
four r oqis on each floor, two good vaults u
der Water street, which may contain ten co
of wood ; is one of the bed stand" in this c!
for buiinefs. Fot terms enquire of
Who will let on leal'e the houle he now liv •
in for two or three years.
February 17. / mwfjw
RAN AWAY oh Saturday evening thrfJT
July inftani, from CoJebrook Furnac
county, a Negro Man named Cat
he is about 40 years cf age, five feet fix or 1
vey inches higVi, tolerable black, with a do«
U-l look, squints, he is a cunning artful fellov
a great liar, and very fond of llrong liquo
has been brought up to the farming bufinels,
very handy at any kind of laboring work; 1
took with him a ninnbar of clothing, among
which were, one f«it pJaiß Nankeen; (lon
money). It is expefled he has fhapedhis cour
for Philadelphia or New York.
*t* The above reward will be paid for f
curing him i n any giol in the United Stat'
with reasonable cbargw ifbrought heme.
Co'tbrook Furnace, July 16, 1799 s
(OiS) d *'