#a*ette * w Htlitefc States, *** Philadelphia Daily 4dveriisdh„ £ ' 7.... . ... ■ «,_ ... 5 ■» •t. tfUHBEP 2331.] The price of tbis Gazette is Eight Dollar 1 ; per annum t<rSubscribers residing in tbe city of Philadelphia. All others pay on, Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ■ and unless,some person in tbrs city bill become answerable for the subscript,on, -'• must be paid Six Months in Advance. * * .No Subscription ~Hrfe received for ■a shorter six months. 1 *799- _________ grass Red Clover. White do. Timothy. Saint Foin. Tft foil Du'ncft. Luicn. I H«r«i Draft. I . ~ <■ Orchard do. I I*** ** J Rape J Aim , "J... , SHfcBTJ CO*H?R, (ROMM6NOERVi"" 1 ' IpAtKNT PL»OaHS,wh4A«« durable/than ant hrret»foreii«*rrt«lr*f)a On «vf'cncc to diminish the labour I«h of m*n tad bead— v. FOR SALF. Bv THOMAS HOWARD, £Jo. 40 South Sttpvcl Sf tet, Pb 'adclplia. February I - t»&f.Bw. PRATT y KINTZING, No 95, Ni rth Witer-flreet, HAVE ON HAND THE FOLLOWING -.• t-iO OIIAV .. T7NTITI.EO to drawback, whlcfiU*^ 1 J, .>l t at moderate pricu for c»lh, or thc.ufusl credit 5 or on a credit of It or it m<nth .uf»— Mortgages oo Real Property, in or ntsr the City of PhiUilelpb»» or other fatisia&ory frcnrity. Jo boxes andbalesTick* lenburght 60 do. <!»• Hemp en liocni. 50 do. do. Oina- brigs. jo do Patterbornes. do. Bielficld Linens. II do. Creas and Crea» a la Morlaix. grows Rolls. Do.HeHUns. Polifli Rolls. Bed Ticks. , Srajnois. Arabias. Empty Bags. Oilcloths. Shoes and Slippers. soa! and upper Leather. Quil'SXud Sealing Wax. A package Gold and Sil ver 'Vatehes. . L -r ** t Mates andiPenf its. 10 lil'-J Savanna Mo laife* feiruarr *5 TO BE SOLD, THRf:E or f or lots ol about 30 or 40 acres each, more or lelsasmay In it a pujchafcr. On each of which there is a good (ituation far n >ocfe—viz. one on the r.iver Delaware, suitable ither for a gentleman's feat or for a person who •night wish to engage in the lumber buGnefs ha v. iif a p ad landing. One e( mmafiding a good «i«w of the rWer tiomthe highefl grnutal betwten :fu r'ennypack and Pogueflin creeks ; and another orithe Brilol Road. Enquire *f Mr. Oilpin near the 11 mile (lone on the laid road. FOUR" LOTS, Of about 10 acres each with good fituationi for bnilding; one of which is luitahle for a fan.yard, and has a small (lone house and a young hearing archard on it, on the Newtswa road nc..r Snider'i mill about 10 miles from Philadelphia, and one otki-r lot of about JO acres on tie P«n»ypack.— Erxjuirc of Jonathan Clife who lives on the preiwi fes or »' IVr Gilpin. PobVikoii will \ 5 given in 'he spring, but build isp n> 1 .r:.*.'< may la coiLiUa t '.l cr. , *cf; *'■ rSj;" * ■ aT* -» „ laurtf ..i . 1.1 .' •11 _ '7 aiM* County. JOHN KIDD, Treaftirer, By Direction of the Commijionert of Lyeo ming county, it ends at Philadelphia to re cede the Taxes afleflid upan unseated Lands in that County, from the holders thereof, in this Oty. Thofc who Jiave filed with the Com- Oiltioners, statements of their Lands, are re juefted to call upon him, to know the amount of Taxes thereon, and pay them j "therwife, be fore his leaving the City, they will be pot into ttie hands of the Sheriff for colleAion, agrcea bly to the ail for raising county rates and levies Thofa who have not filed flatements of theii lands with the Commiflioners, and aredefirou» of having it done, to prevent sales without pre vious personal Nojice, mav file with the above Treafurar, their lifts, dating the quantities re turned, number and dates of the warrants and names of the warrantees, under which they bald their lands. He will attend at Mr. Joieph Hardy'? No. 98, Market flreet £ar this purpose tmtjl the 18th instant. • w November 9. Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Spring Forge, in York County, a negro man, named ISAAC, other wise CUDJO, about 11 years aid, the property of Robert Coleman; T'fq. He is abaat 5 feet 8 lAcnes high, ha- a Mcinilh io his cv . r-rre 5r Vf tHU ; f. t . ISTXir, m* -: wi to.-V. »»•.» a iiraii <•-! >l. - ... oed tit th avmfi .Hm: 1 pew, a laiTofs jac- - and pantaloons (printed fancy cord, a lwanfdown striped under acket; a roruna hat; one fine and one eolrfe Ihirt' one muftin handkerchief, sprigged, two ditto striped border, a blue Perfiau under Jacket and two peir cotton (locking*. Whoever takes up said negro and lodges him in any jail in this or any of the neigabouring Rates (hall have the above re ward or reasonable expencesif brought home. JOHN BRIEN. Spring Forge, OSober 13,1799. N. B. As said negro formerly lived in Cheftsr count y, it is probable he may return there. Ncvemfcer j SEEDS. S FEDS. 13 pipe* tld Port Wine. *5 bote* Tliffblcn as sorted. mo boxw Ha*iWl»*h Window Slifi » bjr 10, &c. 1 chcll affortcd Looking Glasses. Several large elegaat d«. 1500 Demijohns. jo kegi Pearl Barley. A few torn Roll Brim- (lone. 10 kegs Yell»w Ochre. A few bbls. Rosin. 40 tons Riiffii Hemp. So hhds. Hog» Bristles. » hhd». Dutch Glue 10 calks Mailt a Sorted from Jd. to »od. 16 casks Ironmonger^. 8 cartel Hoes. Get man Steel. 6 hhda. Coffer mills. "Blocking t'wmo, T»pf.v Stone Pickling Pots, tu &c. fttu&f PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY K N O T.I G E. AI.l, persona indebted to the estate of Thomas Wn.sDN, late of Southwark, deceased, are are requested to make immediate payment to the fubfieribet*. aud thole who have any dftinanris against the laid «>ftate are rcqusfted to furaiKi their accoanti for letttenvnt. SAKAH WILSON, Administratrix. JOJ£l|s W. WILSON, Administrator. No. 295, foutb Frowt.fi.rcec, Southward. who has ro r.F.-r, A BRICK STABLE. Sufficiently large to ontatn niue Horse». ALSO, For Sale or to Let. A New FRAME CARRIAGE HOUSE. Nov 1, 1799- dtf. LANCASTER STAGES. THE of the asd Lan- Caster Ymc us StagnsOlSPATPH.ierurjj their gratefal thanks to their frioodt«nd [he public in general, for the pad-favor* they hare recrmd.and mforov them that im aiMitton »• the regular Line, if* P'ovirfed witH Carriage*, (bhrr and can-fa! dFfyrrt, to go through between the City and 'Br »/ «{h in two da jr«. Thofa -who prefer this made of trivullifig can he accommodated at the Stage Owe. sign n! United States Eagle, Market OcMt, Philadelphia. Sloughy Downing, Dunwoody iJf Co-. Nov 30. 21—§ CITY OF WASHINGTON. THE POSSESSORS F OBUOATIONS er CER.I TFICATES fig*- | Lota ASu pnrtJ»iv wrts.. aafeinm.. Title»*rM be t)»)y «mplet«d to tilt «tdtr of lhof» wke in conformity wkh the term* cf the £»i4 Cer tiftatci, do make th« Payment* in soU therefor, either to TitaMf M*S»m Iy f* «r to the *ui>* fcriber at Philadelphia, on or at any time before the jift day of May neat. DwamVtr tj BOONECON IRON WORKS. / *:• TO EE SOLD, OR LEASED FOR ONE YEAR—THAT Valuable Estate, KNOWN by the nunc of the Boontton Iron Works, fim»t« in the county of Morrisia the flat* of New-Jtffey, confiding of a Forge with foor fires, a RoTliag and Slitting Mill, a Grill mill with two Run of (lanes, and Saw mill, all in good order and naw in afe, together with an eiccllaot, larga, nd convenient house, * ith out-hoofcs of every kind ; among which are an Ice house, aid (tone milk house, with a temarkable fini spring in it, a large Garden, and an ticuliunt eollcAion of » Urcre Orchard, aad 1500 acre* of wood, pa' ure arid arahlf land, and nunU: i.i" i'.ccs; sad-rrrrfcaMa TT :*TV- z .•r.-.'V;;- will be given of houses and floret fk.Tu.ieut for providing (lock the present winter, aad poffeflion of the whole in the lpring. For terms inquire of David B. Ogdcn at N»w ark, mi Peter Mackie in New-York, mr. David Ford iri Morris Town, or miln. J«ob aad Dieh ard Farlch on t&«preSrif«s. Januar* H NOTICE. THIS i> to give notice that the Sabforiber hath obtains-d from t he Orphan't Court of Coecil county in Maryland, letters of artmiaif tration on the perfonil eflate of Samurl Silpin, Ute of the county afortfaid, daeeafed ; all pcr fons having claims againfl the said dtceafed, a*e hereby wimcd to exhibit the fime with the voneher* thereof to the fubferifter on or befrre the 14th day of Ai>guft next —thry may other •wife by law be excluded from al! benefit of the laid eft ate. Given under my hand this 17th of January, one thousand eight hundred. JOHN GILPIN, Adminijlralor. |j(iw—i' .10. taw6w. V":, ——^ x:.-! -u- . 1 X thoriced to traniaA the Catilular Bufmefs, for his Majelly the King of Dcnmaak iu the United States of America, residing at Philadelphia, Hereby gives public Notice, That in obedience to recent inAru&iont re«e:vcd from his government, it is the du'y of all Mailers of Swedish and Danish vessels, befort their failing from any part in the said States, to call upor him or the Vice Consul in order to be granted such Certificates for their Cargoes, which the exigency of the slate of the Neutral Commerce anU the fe ver 1 Decrees of the Belligerent Power;, render indifpenhbly oeceflary. and, that any Master of veffeJs belonging to the refpe&ive nations., or na vigating aader the prote&ion of thuir flags, in omitting to take l'uch certificates, will pcrfonallj stand refpoafible for the confequencei. RICHARD SODERSTROM. Philadelphia, 18th December, 1799. Thirty Dtllars Reward. DESERTED FROM the Marine Barracks on the night of the 14th infl—JOHN OSBORN, born iu the townol Bedford, Well Chester county and slate of New-York, aged »» years, 9 months, 5 feet 8 and a quarter inches high, grey eyes (longqued) light h?.ir, ruddy complexion, po«k marked, by trade a 8! aemaker. Enlisted by Lieutenant Key noldi ii 'uphsn'n Town, near Allv*y fin: ij! 11 ui ft.-;.., 'if JiJt su aad « ..,b viin tin. a (hm' ..UnJ Kw: •s-. ■ clota coxee, a few v> l.itc waiflcdati, . l.i.ggrey mixed cfovh csat and breeches, a pair of boots, a chacolate coloured great coat irimmed with j/iack hair pluih, a furr ha: half worn, and two iilvcr watches, one a middle size, the other small. He may impose himtelf on some family or gentleman is a waiter, at he has a&ed ill that capacity Whoever apprehends said Daferter, and fecurds him in jail, fends him to Headquarters, or delivers him to any of the Marine officers, or an / officer of the irmy of the United States feall receive the above reward and all rcafonable charges. J. S, LEWIS, Adjutant Marine Carps. January if. j, nil" op PRINCE ALEXANDER SUWQROIV RYM NIKSKI, . ;t M-Mr . ;i) t'le fervic£iof Hislmperi al Majefly, the Emperor of all (he Ruß'us, wrra T ' ■ The History of his Campaigns. rranslated from the German of Frederick Antbing. A concise and ci mhrehctnivt History of His Italian Campaign. By Williarii Coljbcte. I'/iti an elegant Print-Purtrail of thai re- Portrait of Marshal Suvjorotv. Gextlenieß (lefirsui of poflVfline a capital Hte ai.lb. ei .cu'ivl in the firft style, o? thi» illyftrious Chrifti2n Chieftain, may be furtiilhcd vrifti parti cular proof imprdfions, at thi,6 office, prite one Dollar. —>. . .< < f,jm *'» 't" > >o Off -4 lAttai and enligbtciiU. C*MMUnitj. ■ 4t tmmirtti . -A-^^jD^^^aper^ undivided Shares or hi« ottj of Wafbing- TO be published under the title of THE OBSERVER, AND Daily Repository of ufeful Information. Samuel Blodgtt. IT will doubtleft be deemed ihazarlous un dertaking to present to the public eye propo sals for a new Gazette, when so many are al ready in pollefiion of the public pattonage. News-papers so much more gtne-ally diffuf ed throughout America than perhaps any other portiou of the globe, may become either en gines of mifrhief or the implements of ' —they disseminate good, or. scatter poifo I among thousands ; and alth »>/i it may be pr I sumptuous in the Editor of th; now propof< to expetft that its *iility will S* great, yet 1 f may be admitted to declare, tnt it shall r. willingly b« made the means of (oing evil ' His endeavors will be applisdto render. The Obfervtr in f«me degree condaiive to the it tainment of knowledge as well aj to the com munication of —r i en ljr'i-rr the under , ' ." to bepet. r to confirm, a reverence r t'n ■xa principles of Chriftiaoity. Fur this purpose it ft intends - • I Tofurnifh the moll resent fort ciandilomeflic intelligence i To give ufeful Prices Currei at home and ab-oad, and othercommcir ; nformarion; T» feledl fiom literary pr..i .ions such por tions at may gratify taftc a.. id uca improve merit ; To unfold and enforce foun- .Jjufi views of government: To aid the great interefr»of p : :y and morality. To prefeat occasionally Improvements in th; r - i —in agrir culture and domeftie coin I f ; Proceedings of the General • ri State I,egifla tures ; j Reports of the Hud* of L ; i-tmente, and »f intcrefling cafrs adjudged ' favcral courts of the United States, icc. Reviews of foreign m J (tu» ; literature ; Anecdotes and eharaJlers tfttnguiflud per sonages 5 i' guiiOi. y ■ v.;, - ' > " ' ' X Mirrugc!, J'i Hi-, L). . . > With thefc ly submits himfdf to ' nblic. He is well aware of the iro;iort I magnitude of the undertaking Solicit.'us f" (he fate of his na tive land, and viewing w»r anxious fears and hopes the success o f * govejMnent creattd by th« joint exe, of w'Tdcj# and virtue, and condutfUd wi'h I'oui J p.->. : c; and genuine pa trjotil'm, he fee's hi r,.Hi f -rely interelUd in promoting such meal'urts a#* principles as he helievea efTcntial topi" lie ha pinefs and nation al profper'ty. c 0 it d j r / ) n s. I. The Obfcr ~-er shall b.- .finted with a nea' type, and on paper of t< .t! size and quality with the present Philidelphi, daily papers. 11. It Iball be publifbed epry evening, and regularly sent to the house* ( the city fn)>fcrib ers—To others it wil! be fovardetl according Joth ir refpedive inftriufli ;i 1 111. The price will V • i Dollars per an num to those who rtfide i.if* city —and Ainc Dollars to all others. The-dditioTial dollar is to defray the expence of r losing and dirett i«g their papers. IV- One half t? be paid at the time of fubferibinf' her half at the ex piration of v > am the publication o» nun 1^* Receding payments V. Advert:! *ot exceed in length the bread. , in«*olumn will be 67 cents for the firi), >■ 3,: cl it; for every addi tional insertion. 1 ho. - <>f . realer length will be charged in thr fame pre^rtion. ZACHARIAH FO LbON, jun. March 8, 1600. frnwf —; _ An a&ive ioy, 14 or 15 years of age, of rep'able connexions, may hear of a place in a Costing House— He is wanted to go on erramiind do out door bufinefs —apply to the print*" March-io. - 3t ' * r I y AUTHENTIC LIFE OF SU JUS 7 PUBLISHED AND FOR SALE, AT THIS OFFICE, A SKETCH OP Tit fLift an* crijaiatter To which is add«d, noivnei, Warrior. [Hrice a 1-1 DolUri.J February I». iiaSTINO, MARCH 15, 1800 L The Tear 1800 is arrived I iw. UNION TAVfcRN, In George- Town, upon the Potomaki is FOR SALE, Upnn the prerrilcs, • >» the firft Monday in May THIS Tavern was built by the iubfeription of a number of gentlemen as a neceflary ahd ufeful improvement to the town—lt cost ii'-ooc rloll.rs in the year 1796 when materials and workmanflup were much cheaper than at this time. The term* of fubferjption w«re that i it ftioutd be Fold to the highest bidder on the I day above mentioited. ~ . It is a handl'ome, fu'iitantial brick bu-lding, ef three stories, fronting Cxty feet on the mol. public Arret in the town, and running back sixty three feet upon a wide and convenient street—The koufe is admiraßly calculated for a t.iv-rn. It contains upon theli.ftfl or four large rooms, one of ihem jo by 20 fret and another 23 by 20, hefides a large bar and drefl" i j room, uprn the second floor is an elegant affimbly room, 60 by 30 feet, and three conve nient lodging rooms. Upon the third floor are ten e;» ellent lodging rooms —the garrat admits of a elivifion of ten mere. There is also a good kifchen and commodious cellars fufficient for fuel 1 1 house. PalTages and cross pafliges inter feft the house in such a manner as to male each room private. There are (tables Fuffic.ient for the iceomnm. dation of fifty hsrfea, with convenient lheds for carriages—attached to the building are three lots of 60 feet by :»o each, which front on three fl*««ts. «nd in the back yard and not 20 yards from the kitchen it a copious and never failing spring of moll excellent running water. ■ The*nature of improvements and their con venience to the city of VViO.ington must render this property a mod deGrable atquifition to any prrlon whn may wi2i to carry on a tavern upon •n rxieufive fral«. removal of the government of the United States tmift re eeivt to it full and complete custom. Thetetmsof sale are, one third in c;ft-- one third in 120 days and the other third it 240 days, to b» secured by approved notes ne gotiable at the Bank of Columbia or at eithei o" the Hanks ir Baltimore, poffcffioo to be giv en n the day of sale and a ptrieil title madi cir?r, of all incumbrances, on the lafl paymen being made. ■ :1:. - IHO MAS BF.ALL, of Geo. ) T Q „ DANIEL REINTZBL. J February 15. [March 8J lawtiMay. MUNGO PARK'S TRAVELS, 1 IN The I/trEMOR OF AFRICA , 1 Is now in the Press of James Humphreys, [ PRINTING BY SUBSCRIPTION, 1 And will befinifh d withall the expedition poffiblc; TBI CONDITION 3 «>F, J T it in large eifavo, on a beautiful vellum pa per, a neat rypt, and wi.. be illustrated With a Urge elegaht M.\P of the route of Mr. Park thr«' Africa. I'h« price to fulifcribers will he two dollars and ilj I 11 .t ... <i ■. ..—i- The S»' fcrite s names to be printed is the be ginning of the b^ok. Noti.—lt will b. nectffa.-y i r those who v. ifh to be pofTiired of the above celebrated wolk on the fuperi ir paper to fu K fcri e for it soon, as there will bi but a few copies printed more than what it is 1 imagined will be fubferihed lor. I Subfcriptkins are reCiivj.iby fjid Humphreys, at No. lot, south fide of market ftr.et ' I mmh 8. tS. ! Valuable Property for Stile, ! hi Chefnkt, near Sixth ftrcet, dke<£lly oppoC'S CoNca-ass Hall. A I OTofground,about »l feet front in Chef » 1» nut itre.-t and 73 fcrt in depth, whereon i- a good lr;ime house, now in the toi ure of Samuel ■ lienge.fubjedl to a ground rent perannum. The, advantageous situation of this property re ! <fuircs no comments, for it must beknown, there 1 are few rr this city to equal it, ac unecceptionabli title will be made to the pnrehafer. Apply to JAMES GIRVAN, H». 198 Chefout (). next door to the pr.mifes. -march s tu th fa-tf DESERTED, Fl'OMthe United States Frigate Philadel phia, DAVID KpVINE, by trade a Shoe maker, born in Ireland, 13 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, light complexion and hair—a!fo, WATSON-LUDLOW, by trade a Shoe maker, born in New-Jersey, 33 years of age, 5 feet 10 dark hair and complexion" Whoever will take up fa id Defertera and deli ver them On beard the said frigate, Ihall receive ten dollars reward for each, and reafonabie charges. •March I*. 3tawtf. 'Three Cents Reward. RUN away from the Suhfcrihcr on the evening of the iStU inft. a bound Servant GIK.L, ■aamed Elizabeth Howclnel, had on and took with htrj-hree different changes of garment and money, proud, bold and impudent, a noted lyar ; any per son apprehending her shall he entitled to the above reward—no cofis or charges will be paid. N: B, She had 1 years and forae taon'hs to serve. DANIEL FHZPATRICK. Gofhen Townfhip,Chefter County, July 29. augufl 6 sawtf Unjt»d Statis, "7 «• _ PenrtfylvaniM DiJlriSl J NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of a writ of Fi Fa lately to me dirciScd, hy the non. Richard Peters P.fq. jui.'ge of the diftrid court of the United States in and for the Pchu fylvania diltriA, will be exposed to pub ic fair at No. 117 in Ssffifris ftr 'et, on Saturday the 15th day of March inltsrt, a 1 1J o'clock at noon, 2 pipes of Madeira Wine, called London particular. The fame being a part of ten pipes, levied on, on the jthday of June last, by WILLIAM NICHOLS, late Marshal. Saffafrasftreet, No. u»,'> nth March, 1800. j dtt be pre ropofed yet be tall not A • ✓ , ; NEW LINE bF STAGES { lo New Tork, s By the fborteft ai»d most plcafant road —paffinj t through Frankford, Bu Melon, Newtown, t Pennington, Millstone, Boundbrook, Union f Camp, Scotch Plains, Springfield and New ark. THE SWIFTSURE darts from the Green Tree, No jo North Fourth Street, at 8 o'alock every morning, and arrives *t New York early the next evening. Frond New York it ftart3 at 9 o'clock every day (Sandays excepted J and arrives at Phila delphia, early, the next evening. Fate for pafleßgers j dollars, way paflengers 6 centi per liiilc. Each pafle-nger allowed 14lb of baggage. One hundred and fifty weight of baggage to pay the fame as a paflenger. All baggage to be at the'tilk of the owntr, unlefa insured and reeeiptcd for by the clerki of the different offices. Rate of ir.furaacc o:.e per cent. *§ 9 Apply to jdfiN M'CALLA, No. 50 .Feurth Street, Philadelphia, .and tq WILLIAM VANDERVOORT, No. 48 Courtland Street, N.E. corner of Greenwich Street, New York. January 3. eodtf r I GLASS MANUFACTORY. y THE PROPRIETORS n Qf the Pittsburgh Glass IForht, f TTAVfNC procured a fullirisnt number of • JLjL ikemoil i;';>rav,a European Giafs fu&urers, and hav;rg 011 hand a large ftotk of " the best Materials, oil which their workmen are 1 now employed, have the ple.fure of alluring • the public, that windo\r glaf> of a superior qua ; lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 44 in< li.-s, carefully packed 'in hox.es containing : icc icct ea k, may be liad at ibe il.ortcrt notice. Glass of larger size* foi other purpol s, may also be had, fnch 3s for pictures, coach glasses, clock faces, &c. Bottles of all kit.ds and of any quantity may also be had, together with pocket flafks, pick'ingjars. apothecary's ftiop furniture, or other hullow ware—the wlole at least 2/ per cent, lower than articles of the tame quality brought from any of the Isa ports of the United States. A liberal allowance will be made on sale of large quantities. Orders from merchants and others will be pundlually attended to on ap p'i as r, to J \ MES O'HARA or ISAAC CR .10, o- at the Store of Messrs. PRATHER and SMILIE, iu Mai ket Street, P ttfburgh, March j, tu:htf. FQn SALE, A TRACT OF LAND, CONTAINING ABOUT 21 Ac-, (iiuate on the liv.-i Schuylkill, and J 'joining 'ar d • f Jonathan Williams, Esq. 1 and the late Jo!,n • fflia, deceased, on which is erei.d a lmall flou- building, frame fla'.le*, and (lone spring houf'e, over a 1 ever failing 1 V'i • 1 on the pr<;miies is mi excellent Hone quarry, and has a fniall orchard of you g fruit tree?, and is an elegant situation for a gentle man's lummer retreat. Prize Tickets of Canal Lottery N >. 2, and liquidated debts of the D. and Schuylkill Canal Company, will be taken in payirent. For further particulars enquire of the printer hereof. March 5- feojw TO BE SOLD, A LARGE !, TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, Wkh a Lot thereunto belonging, OITUATE 111 Duck Cr. It, Cross Roads • O Kent County, fs-ate o' Delaware, fronting >ll the iM-iin Stree' , tiers are on the lower Ploor, five Rooms and an Entry, with a number of well finilhed Rooms up Stairs, a . Cellar under the wh 1« BuiMirg, a Brick kitch . en, 1 ■ ump r.f g.,od Water, with a Stable, Car t j riage Hotife and Sheds, the whole Improvements , a" in go ri repair. The Seat is well calculated . for either 1 Store or Tavern, thelatterof which , it has heen occupied for a number of years with . considerable success. The situation ii dry and . the Cou'ltry arornH being very healthy aifd a pl:ce of eonliderable Trade, it will be well worth the attention of any person wiftiing to purchase or rent. 0" For further particulars apply to the Sub feriber attlic aforefaid place. JOHN CUMMINGS. January 8. nwjm. Notice is hereby given, To all persons interested in a Tract of Land lying and being in Springfield. furling, ton county, Stale of New Jersey, for merly belonging to Samuel Bullus, and by bin: cow eyed to his six children, That WE tbe Subferihpri, appointed by James Kin fey, llq Chief Jultice of the Supreme Court of the State of New Jersey, Cummiffioners to make partition of tire lama l ards, t , and imongU the said chi'idrciiaiid thcii aftig.is, do in '.end tomcat at the houfe«f Jofcpb HMuJ&t.iJ, in keepcr in Burlingt-n.en the tw, llth day of March ns*t, at eleven of the clo«k in :li C iorcnoon of that day, and eithurby ourftlve* or in conjun.'Jion with the f lid Chit I Justice proceed to allot and by ballot fix on the lhares or part of < ach of the said chil drtm and tlioir aflijjns purfuam to the ait entitled " an ad; fer the more easy partition of Lands held by Copartners, joint I enanrs and Tenants in com mon," made and pasTed the aleventh day of No*. In jhe year of our Lord, one tiioufand fevsn hun dred and eighty-nine. Witi.tls . ur bandsthis fifth day of February, One thouland tight hundred. Abraham Stockton, Job Lippencott, Charles Ellis. Fab. 8. jtawtiiM. \Vot.UMK XVII. jjj v-• v v r*#< •- * vr*. • •*** '■<? T-- •***- J ■ > *«s (■ i: .«.* ; . 1 •/ * <• Ji . * - ' „ > •. ' y " '-4 i w P v h * 3 "'I ' {>. r .[/■:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers