Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, March 14, 1800, Image 2

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    Sec. Si kkd iv h firlhtr inbetei,
in" the-irt" the winy,
twtt regiments of infantry or cavalry Ihall
lonftilut* a briyade, ami 111 ill be command
ed by a brigadier general; two brigades, a
dividon, and (hall be commanded by a major
general. Provided viwajs, That it fliall be
i.i the discretion of the commanding general
to vary this difpotition, whenever he (hall
judge it proper ; and provided also, that this
fliall list render it necessary to appoint
any greater number of general offices than
have been heretofore authorized by lnv,
foofter than in the opinion of the President,
the military service of the United States
Ihall require it.
Sec. 9. And bt it further enacted, That
a commander of the army of the United
States (hall be appointed and roinmiflioiled
by the (lyle of " General of the Armies of
the United States," and the present office
and tiffe of Lieutenant General lhall there
after be abolilhed.
Sec. ic. And be it further enacted, That
there fiiall be a Quartermaster General of
the army of the United States, who (hall be
e ntitled to the rank, pay, emoluments and
privileges of a major general.
Sec. 11. And be It further enacted, That
it (hall be lawful tor the President of the
United States, at hii discretion, to organize,
officer, and raitc a battalion of riflemen, to
eonfill oi the lame number of officers and
men. and t« be entitled to the fame pay and
emoluments whatsoever as a battalion of in
fantry of the line.
Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That
to any army of the United States, other than
that in which the quartermaster general thall
serve, there (lull be a deputy quai'te'mafter
general, who fliall be a field officer, and who,
in addition t® his other emoluments, Ihall be
entitled to fifty dollars per month, which
(hall be in full cempenlV.ion for his extra
services and trav.-lling expences, but the
provilions of this aft are not to affect the
present quartermaster general of the army of
the United States, who in cafe a quiuter
•nfler general shall be appointed by virtue
of this aft, is to aft as deputy quarter matter
general, and shall hereafter have the rank of
lieutenant colonel j and that to every divi
sion of an army, there (hall be a division
quartermaster, who, in addition to his atlier
emoluments, (hall be entitled to thirty dollars
per month, which (hall be in full compen
lation for his! extra: services and travelling
expences ; and that to every brigade there
(hall be a brigade quartermaster, who, in ad
dition to his other emoluments (hall be en
titled to twenty four dollars per month,
which (hall be in full compensation for his
extra iervices and travelling expences ; each
of which officers (hall be chosen by the quar
termaster general, from among the regimen
tal officers.
Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That
to any army of the United States, other
t!ian in which the infpeftorgeneral (hall
serve, there fliall be a deputy infpeftor ge
neral, who (ball be a field officer, and who,
in addition to his Esther emoluments, (hall
be entitled to fifty dollars per month, which
lhall be in full compensation for his extra
services and travelling expences ; and that
to every division of an army th:re lhall be a
division infpeftor, who, io addition to bis
other emoluments, lhall be entitled to thirty
dollars per month, which shall be in full
compensation for his extra services and tra
velling expences ; and that to every brigade
th're shall be a brigade infpeftor, who in ad
dition to his other emoluments, fliall be en
titled ta twenty four dollars per month,
which lhall be in full compensation for his
extra services and travelling expences : each
of which officers shall be chofcn by the in
fpeftor general from among the regimental
officers.—The deputy infpeftor general to
be in every cafe approved by the general
commanding the army to which lie (hall be
Sec. 14. And be it further enacted. That
the adjutant-general of the army ftiall be
ex-officio affifhnt infpe&or-general, and that
every deputy infpeflor general shall b» ex
officio deputy adjutant-general, and shall
perform the duties of adjutant-general in
the army to which he shall be annexed.
Sec. 15. And be it further enacted, That
the paymaster general of the armies at the
United States, (hall always quarter at or
near the head quarters of the main army, or
at such place as the commander in chief fiiall
deem proper ? and that to the army on the
western frontiers «nd to detachments from
the main army intended to aft separately for
a time, he shall appoint deputy paymasters,
who shall account to him for the money ad
vanced to them, and shall each give a bond
in the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, with
fufficient sureties for the faithful diicharge of
their duties refpe&ively, and take an oath
faithfully te execute the duties of their of
fices, and the several regimental paymasters
shall also give bond in the sum of five thou
sand dollars with one or more fufficient
sureties, and take an oath as aforefaid for the
faithful diicharge of the duties of their offices
refpeftively ; and that the paymaster general
shall receive eighty dollars per month with
the rations and forage of a major in full
compensation for his services and travelling
expencet; and the deputy, in addition to
his pay and other emoluments, thirty dollars
per month in full compensation for tiis extra
iervices and travelling expences.
Sec. 16. And he it further enacted, That
every major general of the aripy of the Uni.
ted States (hall be entitled to two aids to be
ichofen by l.imfclf, each of whom, in addi
tion to his pay and other emoluments in his
regiment, (hall receive twenty four dollars
per month, and ten dollars per month for
forage, when notfurniflied as at'orefaid ; and
that every brigadier general of the faidaamy
{hall be entitled to one aid to be chosen by
bin'fe-lf, who, in addition to his pay and
other emoluments in tiis regiment, ftiall re
ceive twenty four dollars per mtfmtb, and
ten dollars per nidrtth for forage When n«t
furniilied a" afurefaid.
Sec. \y. And be it further enacted, That
the President of the United States be autho
rized to engage and appoint, diltinCt from
the officers of the corps of artillerists and
engineers, two engineers with the rank of
Urate nan*.-colonel, and to (lipulate and al
low to them rc.peclively, such compenlations
as he (lull find necellary and expedient.
Sec. 18. And be it further enacted, That
an infpeftor of fortifications (hall be appoint
ed, whose duties (liali be affigncd him by the
Secretary of War under the direction of the
President of the United State*, that the
compensation to -be allowed to the t'aui 111-
fpeftor, if fele&eil from the corps of artille
ries and engineers, in full for his extra ser
vices and travelling expenees, lhall betides
his pay emoluments in the corps, be
thirty-five dollars per month, and if he (lull
not be an officer in the artillery or army, he
Ifralt in full compensation for his services
ana expenees be allowed thefurn of feventy
five dollars monthly, and be entitled to the
rank of major in the army of the United
States, and ill cafe the laid infpeftor dial I
be chosen from the corps of artillerifls and
engineers or army of the United States, his
place therein (hall be supplied by promotion
or a new appointment or both, as may be
requisite ; but he (hall nevertheless retain
his station in the said corps or army, and
(hall rank and rife therein, in the fame man
ner as if he had never been appointed to the
said office of iufpeflor.
Sec. 19. Andbe it further enacted, That
a ration of provisions lhall henceforth consist
of eighteen ounces of bread or flour, or when
neither can be obtained, of one quart of rice
or one and an half pound of lifted or boulted
indian meal, one pound and a quarter of
frefh beef, or one pound of faked beef, or
three quarters of a pound of salted pork, and
when frefh meat is issued, fait at the rate of
two quarts for every hundred rations, soap
at the rate of four pounds, and candles at
the rate of a pound and a half for every hun
dred rations. Provided always, that there
fliall be no diminution of the ration to which
any of the troops now in service may be en
titled by the terms of their enlifhnent.
Sec. 2o And be it further enacted, That
every non-commissioned officer, private, ar
tificer, and musician of the artillery and in
fantry, fliall receive annually, the following
articles of uniform cloathing, to wit: one
hat, one coat, one vest, two pair of woollen
and two pair of linen overalls, four pair of
Qioes, four fliirts, four pa r of socks, one
blanket, one flock and clasp, and one pair
of buckles.
Sec- 21. And be it further enacted, That
suitable cloathing be provided fwr the dra
goons, adapted to the nature <?f the service,
and conformed as near as may be to the va
lue of the cloathing allowed to the infantry
and artillery.
Sec. 22. And be it further enacted, That
it shall be lawful for the commander in chief
of the army, or the commanding officer of
any separate detachment ergarrifon thereof,
at his discretion, to cause to be issued, fro:::
time to time to the troops under his com
mand oat of such supplies as shall have been
provided for the purpose, rum, whiskey, or
other ardent fpii its in quantities not exceed
ing half a gill to each man per day, except
ing in cases of fatigue service, or other ex
traordinary occasions, and that whensoever
supplies thereof shall be oil hand, there shall
be issued to the troops vinegar at the rate of
two quarts for every hundred rations.
Sec. 23. And be it further enacted, That
it fliall be lawful for the commanding of
ficer of each regiment, whenever it may be
necessary, to cause the coats, vests and over
alls or breerhes, which may from time to
time be issued to and for his regiment, to
be altered and new made, so as the better
to fit them to the persons refpeitively, for
whose use they shall be delivered ; and for
defraying the expence of fuoh alteration, to
cause to be dedu£Ud and applied out of the
pay of such persons a fur* or sums not ex
ceeding twent-five cents for each coat, eight
cents for each vest, and for each pair of 0-
veralls or breeches.
Sec. 24. And be it further enacted, That
it shall be lawful for the secretary of war, to
cause to be provided in each and every year,
all clothing, camp utensils and equipage, me
dicines and hospital (lores, necessary for the
troops and armies of the United States for
the succeeding year, and for this purpose to
make purcliafesj and enter, or cause to be
entered into, all necessary contrails ®r obli
gations for effecting the fame.
Sec. J5. And be it further enacted, That
whenever any officer or soldier (hall be dis
charged from the service, except by way of
punilhinent for an offence, he (hall be allow
ed his pay and rations, or an equivalent in
money, for such term of time, as (hall be
fufficient to travel from the place where he
receives his discharge to the place of his re
sidence, computing at the rate of twenty
miles to a day.
Sec. 26. And be it further enacted, That
there (hall be allowed to the infpedloi-ge
neral, in addition to his allowance as ma
jor-general, and in full compensation for ex
tra ftrvices and expences in the execution
of his office the futn of fifty dollars per
month, and that he ftiall be allowed a se
cretary to be appointed by himfelf with the
pay and emoluments of a captain.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
President of the Senate pre tempore.
Approved, March 3, 1799.
President of tie United States.
No, 195 Market Street,
Offer forfale at reasonable prices, for approved
paper, <r in baiter for Coffee,
Tut roiLewiKc
Entitled to Drawback:
1 cale Ladie*' Shies
5 cases fine Elberfel-
4 do. Sinmoifes
3 do. Silefiahankfs.
2 do. Dama(k table
linen assorted with
3 do. More as
4 do. Flanders Bed
Ticks, 6 4, 9-4 and
to 4
20 Cases Crcaa a!a-
4 do. Do /laflei
4 do. Uouans
4 do Flatiilas Roy
10 do Cafterillos or
white rolls of n &
half yard>
8 do Checks ahd
3 do. Fine Elber
field Checks
4 do. Contilfr and
i do. Check (hirts.
16 do. Oil cloth*,
io do. Tapes of all
numbers, plain, twil
led, blue and white,
aoo Travellingcafcsof
different Gzes.
4 cases cut flint De
canters, pint & quart
3 cafe 9 gill tumblers
i cafe wine g!aflVs
171 boxes of Window
Glass, 8 by 10
1 cafe# Sealing Wax
With an extensive alTortment of Looking
Glass Plates of the folio-wing sizes, 16-1 2,
17"I°T1 17-13, 18-14, 20-12, 2213, 24-
14, 26-15, and 28-16, and a variety of other
goods usually imported from Hamburg.
Mnrchu. d6t— taw4w.
4 do Cotton Bed
1 do. Thread ftock
in?s, GloVes & pan
1 do. Kid Glove* -
2 do. Ribbons
3 do. Garnets and
2 calks assorted Iron
2 do. Scythes, 10
4 do. Coffee mills
3 Cables of 125 fa
thorns each, 9 & 10
Orations and Eulogiums.
This Day Published,
No. 46, Chefnut flreet, (price 31 cents)
By Filter Ames.
At tie same place may be bad,
The Re*. Dr. Rogers's Prayer, delivered
on the 22d February 1800, before the Penn
sylvania Society of the Cincinnati: To
which are lu'joined, the Hymns sung on
that mournful occasion, by the choir under
the direttion of the Rev. Mr. Law.—Prise
10 cents.
Major Jackson's Eulogium
Dr. Smith's Oration
Mr. Morris's, do.
General Lpc's do.
Judge Bayard's do.
And ivill be published next %v<ck y
Mr. Chaurdon's Oration 25
Mr. Vining'a do. 25
John B. Linn's Poem on the death of
Gen. Walhington, after the manner of
Hourly expe&ed, Dr. Linn and the Masons
Orations, New-York.
March 8
Removal of Medicines,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and th«
public in general, that he has remov'd the
whole Stock in trade of ihe late firm of J. J. MAL
COM Sc. Co. druggist' sign of FothergillsGolden
Head, No. 97 South Second Street, directly oppo
fitv to the City Tavern, where the business in all
its branches be conduced as heretofore in enn
jun&ion witfe WILLI AM LEHMAN, under the
firm of WILLfAM LEHMAN & Co.
March 6^
AS Mr. Thomas Clayton, in his adver
trfeiijent above, has indire&ly a fie r ted that
I have declined buixasfs, I feel it my duty
to inform mj friends and the public, that I
coutioue the Drug and Apothecary Business,
as usual, sft the old stand, fi£u of Fothergill's
golden head, No. 26, south Second street, a
little below oppo lite Black Horse Alley,
where may be had, constantly, every article
in the line. JOHN J. MA LOOM.
For shipping, with plain approved directions,
put up at an hour's notice*
March 7.
For Sale,
Excellent RICE,
In whole and half Tierces,
. j IN BAGS,
And a few boxes of Mould Candles.
No. 88, So. front Street.
March 8.
Centre Square, Febeuaiy 5, 1800.
IN compliance with the inftrudtiofis of the
Committee for watering the city, and with
my own inclinations, every poilible admit
tance and information has been given to
those citizens who have vilited the Works
during- their progress. The Engines are now
arrived, and are immediately to be put up,
and it is hoped that it will be thought rea
sonable and just, both to the Public, and to
the Contraftor for the Engines, that the
workmen fhouid not be interrupted. As a
very few months will fully gratify the cu
riosity of the citizens, by shewing them the
Engines in full operation, a temporary ex
clufiou of ail vifitorsfrom the Enjine houies
cannot appear improper.
B. hUaTROBE, Engineer.
February 13,
At Chalk's Circulating Library,
No. 75 North Third Street,
WHERE may be had, all the Fofoienuble Muiic
composing the songs &c. lately fold at the
Rtpoiitory in South Second Street. To which, in
a lew days, will be added, some PI ANO FOttTES
of a very fupcrior tone and quality, Flutes, Fifes,
Violins, belt Roman Violin Strings, and every
o;her article in the muitcal line, which will be
fold in prime order, and oh the mofl reasonable
Subscriptions received for the Muftcal journal
for the Piano Forte, and the Flute or Violin, thw
firl't fix numbers of which are already publiflird,
and may he purchafcd together or f-parately by
March 6,1500.
To Merchants, Store keepers, and Trades-
men in general, &c.
ift, PRAY Gentlemen, is a perfed standard of
discount, or interest, calculated on every dol
lar ( without exception) from Ito 2000, from
one day to sixty-sour days inclusive, of any
value, whether used as a standard, or as a
check upon the enquirers' own calculations
ad Is it of any importance to know the best
inethods of computing the exchanges, be
tween this country and the principal mari
time trading place in Ruflia, Sweden, Den
mark, Norway, Prussia, Poland, Germany,
Holland, Flanders, Spain, Portugal, Italy,
in several of the Windward and Leeward
Weft India Islands, and many ports in the
East Indi't-s?
3d Is a table of all the coins and monies of
account in the places afotefaid, of any use ?
4tb Are th<rcoin9 and monies of account in the
aforefaid jilaces, when reduced to dollar* and
cents, ot any fsrvice ?
sth Is a table of compound interest of any uti*
lity i
6th Is the table by which the banks determine
the value of gold, desirable ?
7th la the amount of Interest, accurately cal
culated for each month from one to twelve
months, and 00 every dollar (without ex
ception) from 1 to 3000, of any value ?
Bth Is a table of all the pott towns in the United
States, and rates of postage therewith, of any
use ?
9th Will not all these together make a book, as
generally ufeful and convenient as ever en
tered a counting houie or store ?
10th Will not the whole, when comprised in a
quarto volume of from 300 to 335 pages, be
worth two dollars?
And lallly, Is the person, who at the expence
dertakes to perform itp<wards of one hundred
andJixty thousand calculations *f Interest, and
of giving all the preceding information to
the public in the mojl complete de
ftrving of your Encouragement and Sup
port ?
If the answer is in the affir.-nitive, you are
individually and refpeiSlfully invited to sub
scribe in one of the specimen books, exhibited
at the City Tavern, Hardy's Hotel, France's
Hotel, the Indian Queen, Dunwoady's Taveru,
the Franklin Head, and at the George.
It is proper to state, that the work will not
be executed unlefsfifteen hundredfubferibers arc
ootained ? for four thousand dollars is too much
to hazard.
3 1
VANCE, neither will it be expe&ed of fub
fcnbers to take the work when publiihed, if it
is oct delivered rigorouily conformable to my
agreements with the public, exprefifed in the
conditions affixed ro the specimen books, each
of which consists of iix detached page* of the
work. ,
I am, with refpedl,
Your humble servant.
Accom- tanty Bank of North jitnerica,
The woik is dedicated, by permifiion, to the
President and pire&ors of the Bank of North
America, and has already received the patron
age of JOHN ADAMS, President of the Uni
ted State*; of THOMAS JEFFERSON, Vice-
President of the United Slates, and President
of the Senate ; of a large number of Senators
and Members of the House of Representative*
of the United States; and of the Presidents and
Directors of the different Batiks unaninaoufly.
The Specimen Book in the Bank of North Amer
ira, is filling very faft with fubferiptions, some
for 1 copies, some for 3 copies, ami some for
5 copies, and I take t bis opportunity of gratefully
acknowledging all favours.
J* J Gentlemen having business at either of
the Banks may fUbfnibe there as well as at the
Taverns, &c. already mentioned.
Copy rightfeeured according to aft of Cotigrcfs,
March 10. di&eTif
THE Parterfcip of JOHN HAINES Sc. IVIL
LI AM JONES, trading under the firm ef
H & JONES, was by mutual agreement
dilTolved on the 24th of January last. Ail pwrfons
intereiled, cfpecially those indebted to them, wiii
pl«afe to call as early as polfiblc on IVillijtn Jones,
who is duly authorised to adju[\ their concerns.
The business will in future be conduced by
William Jenety at the former Hand No 13a Mar
ket street, ad door abovw 4th, where he has on
hund and means to keep a regular supply of the
best and mod iafhionable fad dies and bridles. Pla
ted faddiery and Clver mounted whips. Harness
of all kinds and fire buckets, together with a gen
eral assortment of every other article usually at
tached to that line of lufißcf*.
March n
TJpitsd Stat*s -
Penrfylvania Dijlrifi. J
NOTICE is hereby piveQ, that in purfuanceof
a writ of Fi. Fa lately to me dire&ed, by
the hon. Richard judge of the diftriA
court of the United States in and for the Penn
sylvania dirtnft, will be exposed to pub ic sale at
No. 117 in ScffJras " street, on Saturday the 15th
day of March initant, aria o'clock at noon,
2 pipes of Madeira Wine,
called Loudon particular.
The fame being a part of ten pipes, levied oh,
en the sth day of Juni. last, by
Saffafras street, No. 11 7,">
nth March, 1800. J
A wsir
late Marshal.
THE 17th inft. at 12 o'clock, noon, at the
Merchant's Coffee House in Second street,
will pfcfitlvely he fold, without reserve, belong
ing to George Meade, Eiq. —an elegant j flory
almost new, and finiflied in the modern llile,
No. 78.011 the south fide of Walnut Oreet, two
doors below Fourth street, and now in the oc
cupation of Mr. Simon Walker (fon-in law to
Mr JohnAfhlcy.) This is under rent
ft-r one year, from the 4th of November, 1799,
at 84c dolhrs per annum.
The lot on which it is ere<sled, i# z$ feet in
front and feet in depth. The remainder
of ike 1< t wis thro* raiftakc fold feme time past.
being 14 feet 9 inches in front, and in
depth. It fhallbe valued by three honefi wen
chosen by the parties who have securities on the
premises, which Mr. Meade will account for to
those who kave fccurity on the property.
Two Brick Stables, and a Coach House,
in Walnut ftrect between 4th and sth street, ad
joining Mr. MarfhaM's meeting houi'e. The
Stables have the privilege of an alley of 11 feet
into sth fireet, They will be fo!d separately ;
one of them will hold 4 horses and two car
riages, and is now rented for £ 50 per annum.
The other stable will hold 3 horses an i one car
riage, and is now vented for £-37 10. they are
both arched and laid in mortar, with two inch
plank, and the cellar will hold ioo pipes of
in 4th street, ao feet front, and 49 and an half
feet deep, fubjedl to the annual ground rent of
6 dollars and 3-Bths This lot has the privi
lege of a 3 feet alley adjoining.
Conditions of sale will be approved indorsed
notes at 6, 9.11 and 15 months. On the house
in Walnut street, there is a mortgage of £. 1630
payable to Edward Stiles,Efq, and on the stable
there is a mortgage payable to Samuel
Williams. These mortgages may lay a con
iiderable time by regularly paying the interelt.
March n
On MONDAY the 24th instant at 9 o'clock in
the morning, at the dwelling heufe of George
Msade, Efq on the north fide of Market llreet
between Eleventh and Twelfth flreets, being
the house occupied as the Pofl Office during the
lift sickness, and immediately opposite to Ms.
John Dunlap's,
A very rxtenfive and general aflortment of
ELEGANT furniture,
Being of the firll quality and in the higheS pre
servation, confiftiHg of almost every article in the
Hcufe keeping line ; such as Mahogany Side
Beards, Chairs, Dining, Pembroke, Card and
other tables; Secretaries' Bureaus, Looking Glaflcs,
Beds, Bedfteds, Plate and Plated ware, China
G'afs, Marble Ornaments, Marble Buds, &c See.
ALSO~a complete set of mahogany chain, fet
tecs, curtains, Ac. covered with blue damufkfaf
ficicnt or a lanje dining room.
The goods may be viewed on the Friday and
Saturday preceding the day of sale, from 9 o'clock
in the morning until 2 o'clock in tke afternoon :
and ihould the- day prove unfavorable, the sale
will be postponed until the next lair day.
March 10.
Of the City of Philadelphia, Merchant^
ON the 9th day of Aug. 1799, aflignfd ail hi*
Estate, real, personal and mixed, to JOHN
—Allperfons indebted to the said Thomas Haw«
thorn or to th« late hoofe of Hawthorn and Kerr,
ari dcGrcd to pay their rcfpe<siive balances to
Acting Assignee,
February ai
Eighty Dollars Reward,
RAN-AWAY from the Subscriber, at New
town, Chester Ferry, Queen Anne's coun
ty, state of Maryland, the following negroes,
viz. a woman named Nanny, went away on the
2-d january, 1799, and took with her a Mulat
to female child, about two years old, named
Ariavna. Nanny is a dark yellow negro, about
five feet four or five inches high, remarkably
handfomc for a negro. Her cloathing unknown
as lhe took a variety of good cloaths with her—
Ihe went off with a negro fellow, named Peter,
*nd calls himfelf Peter Simpfon, he is the pro
perty of a certain William Bowers of Talbot
county, state as above, who has advertised one
hundred dollars reward for him. Peter is a flout
well made yellow fellow, about 6 feet one inch
high, is a tolerable good Carpenter. Nanny
pjiflc3 for his wtfff, but her real hufbifld is na
med Bob, who belongs to her rnafter. It is
probable they ar& in the neighbourhood of Sa
lem in the Jerfies, as they were there in
ber la ft. an«l by information, Peter had built
himfelf an house to live in, between ituin
Bridge and Gold Town ; it is likely they may
have changed their names and mar have partes,
is Peter can write a middling hand ; it is pro-
Sable Nanny has anotherchild, as it was thought
ihe was in a pregnant ftatc when ihe went away*
7 he noted Ferry-man Charles, who calls him
felf Char'es Rodney ; he went off on the 18th
of February last, he is a dark mulatto, about
five feet or nine inches high, about ferty
years old, stoops in hitfhoulders when he walks,
a fear on his head very perceivable—he took
with him a fAulI bay mare about 4 or 5 years
years old, her trimmed and bob tail'd ;
his cloathing unknown, as he carried off 9 va
riety of cloaths ; it is probable he has changed
his name, as he is a very artful* sensible fellow,
he can read tolerably well ; it is likely be may
hire himfelt to drive a wrggon, being well ac
quainted with that bufmefs, driving for the ar
my during the war ; he also perhaps may have
a pass.
The above reward will be given for the afore
faid two negroes, viz. Nanny and Charles, if
taken out of the state, or twenty dollars for
and child, if taken in this state, & do.
Charles if taken in this state and secured in jail,
so as I may pet them again. If brought home
all reasonable charges Shall be paid by me.
March 3.