Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, March 13, 1800, Image 3

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    fcunces of American neutrals, and that in
the preftnt enlightened century, they fell
for a very low rate —f: was fully afccrt;,in
«d I y these letters and papers, that this vef
si i and cargo, br!< ngtd 19. and was under
the fnle mittagemert of a Spaniard, nemed
Guillaurot Nm'li—ThM the whole of the
<-srg,o wa* put on board this veflel, at La
gu;ra, under his sole direfti b and man
agement ; the register from the Spanish
cuilonn house clearly fhewid the whole to
be the properly of Spanish merchants and
from it and other papers it fully appeared
that Mann aud Foltz did not own one fhii
ling worth of the property, nnlcfs they
could pretend to own some cocoa and indigo,
to the value of four thoutand dollars, which
Noili, dirtfts hi; correfpcudent to deliver
«° their order at Cadiz, free of freight, or
co "millions, as he they would charge
no comirdjoss for the services at Charles-
After this ftalement, it is scarcely neces
sary that I fhouid fay theu jult Judged as
this virtuous race of neutrals, are pleated to
Itylc .he Judge of a Britilh Court of Admi
ralty; condemned both vefTeiand cargo, and
I need not tell yi u liow glad I am, that the
neat proceeds, will in a few days be diltri
buted among it fume of thofc brave men who
are the def r.deis of the civilised world. But
I cannot conclude, without obfervlhg, that
if this cafe fuould conic to the knowledge
of the American Government, it neglect
to procure ihofe papeis and decorate ihe
pillory with them and the eats of the good
citizei.s who fabricate 'hem, I feel little
dcubt in my opi ion, that f at feeble phi.
lofophic Ci over ■mint, witl soon pass away
liKe an empty shadow j and it will remain
with the people who proh f, the christian
religion, to unite in farming a Itiong, and
energetic i;ov rnment, fufficientiy powerful
to erase from th« face of the ea th, a fe: of
vile mifciear.ts who deny the existence of
God, a d comfort their doubting convert*
with the hope, ihat even if they fhouid find
death to be ot er than eternal fl. ep ; yet,
that it would rcquiie only one revo
lutionary movement, to republicam'ze the
internal regions, andeftablilha Democracy
in Hell. 1
I am &c
An Eternal foe to all Demorats.
Halifax, November 7, 1799
NEW-YORK, March iz
By the t.iir 1 ruder, from N. Providence,
we have raceived Bahama Gazettes to the 4th
nit—An arrival there from Glasgow had
•brought foreign news to the 7th December
only, of courrfe nothing new. The only
articles, ot a nature interesting to America,
are contained in three proclamations from
General Bowles, the Indian chief. The firlt
the 1-, relative to the agents appointed
under the treaty between the United States
and Spain, to draw the bcundary line, has
.already appgared in.the Mercantile Adverti
ser ; the ttttOnd and third are ill the follow
ing terms. [lt may be nectffary to remaak
that their proclamations arc n tgiven in the
Bahama Gazette as articles of'intelligence,
bst as official cdvct tistimenis."}
Know-all men, That it ever has been and
still is our intention to protefr and advance
the interePis and dignity of Mu/kueee : to
introduce arts, ltianufaiTlur-s, and a
gulated commerce, eflentiallv necefiarv to
better the fituatiort or Hate of all sjr belo\-
«<1 people, and to the well being of our na
Feeling v.itli a just degree of fenlibility
the unfortunate fitu.ition of number? of wor
thy European f'arniHes, who tor their prin
ciples have been forced from tlu-ir country
and poll'effiins, ami obliged to for a
place of relidence and prote&ion. We "nav.
ing a I are tmcl of territory unoccupied, be
ing fully vested with authority, do steely
oiler to all Inch pii l'.:ns so situated the en
joyment thereof, with the rights of citizens
of Muikugee. We do prontrfe toeac'nper
fon who Ilnll claim our protedtion one hun
dred acres of land, (ituated within thirty
lniics ot the sea or bay of Apparlhachie in
the Gulf ot Mexico extending-from our free
port of Apparlhachie to cape Sable. And
rfl! L'.'b as have means and are defirnue to
pure'rife a larger extent of territory in land,
may obtain the fauje bv making application
to the foprcme. .court of Mufkugee to that
Given under our hand at Apparlluchie
this 26thdav ot" November 1799.
(Si S !cd) Wm. A. BOWLES.
Director Gen. of Mufkugee.
save tie Siate of Muskagee.
God save the State of Musbtgce*
Purlust't to a decree pafled in the supreme
■council of Muflft-.gre, the 25th day of Oil.
1791, declaring the ports of Apparlhachie,
OfcwetoVne. and Tanipe, Free ports to all
nations not at war with us at the time, the
which rrtt having hern carried into effrft.
We the direflor General of Mufkugee
heii g fully authorized and empowered by
a decr-e of the chiefs in special ceuncil held
at Wekura the 26th day of Oftober 1799,
or the immediate eftablifti nent of the said
ports, or shjr of them as we may j :d»e pro
per, to the better enconragemt nt and pro
tetSion of c 1 nitice. We do by our au
Ulority hereby declare the port of Apparl
hachie, fufcjefl only to pay the duties of in
troduction impoted bv law, at follows :
All fpiritous liquors that may or fhali be
imported into our territories after the ift
day ef January, ISOO, (hall pay a duty of
fix-pence per Gallon ertry ; and all foreign
ware and merchandize that may or shall be
imported 3fter the said ift day of Janurry,
lßco, fliall pay two and a half per ce t.
Given under our handt at dpparlkachic,
This 19th Jay of Piev. 1799.
DircHor General of Mufogcc.
brom toe Si!op \'J 'ric' Colon & Spondee,
From ike Sn a k p &jt r s Gallf.rt. Nash
How ill niy taper burn*! l!a ! who comes here ?
' think it is t-hc *w "ahui ls oi my brain
That fliapcs thii Pir<itt i ip jrition.
It comes upon rae : All tllrfM any thing ;
Art vhoa some thief, demo, or some devil
That goads me to be Oily, and i'mfiati.
A Virginia Beau.
Between two dogs, whi.h hath :h2 deep ft m-urTi
Between two horses, which doth he:r hiinht-a.
Between two-girts, which hath the mefrieft eye,
I have, perhaps, fomelhahow fj-irit ot judgment ■
But in your nice sharp quMlets of the law
Good faith, I am no wifcr than a dunce 1
A Youthful Lkgislator.
My L'gs are two luch rhiiiijr rods,
iVIy arms luch eel ftcms ftu't; my lacs 1g thin
That in mine car 1 durlt not Dick a rufi',
Left men ftiould fay, look, where t.\r;e farthing*
Alberto Guillotino.
1 do not know the man I (hould avoid
So soon as that spa r e vJatJivv—He loves do plays
A* thou dost Antony; he hears no niufkk :
Seldom he smiles ; and fmilesin such a fort.
As it he mcck'd himfelf, and fcorn'd his spirit
'i hat could h« rnov'd to smile at any thing.
Such mes as he be never at hearc's cafe,
When they behold a greater than themf Ives,
And therefore are they very daiigeroas.
(T« 6d continued.)
WldneVday, Mui'ch 12.
Ihe b:li i'ltiiulcd 4 ' \nsft to ahof nnd
t d-ibiuli iumiry p'.d\-roatls, M waj read a third
tin;c and p.ilud.
ihe house went into committee of the
whole on the bill far the government of the
murine corps while on Ihoie—Mr. Edmund
in the chair ; after mating* sundry amend
ments, the committee rate, and reported
their agreement to the bill as amended.
Upon the question tqiagTee with the com
mittee in flriking out a part of the bill de
claring that an officer convifted ef an offence
by any court of law, fliaJl be ipsa facto
cashiered—a long debate arose, and was de
cided in the affirmative. Ye- 547 Nays 44
Fiom the York Recorder
A Friend of t;i le, a Captain oj an American
vessel, gave me tie following aeceimt xf
one of bis Passengers. ivbitb trill serve
as.a .'f>txirncn of French 'Kum'anity.
" Oh my' passage from Philadelphia to
France in the year 1797, a converlation took
pi ice between myielf and a Pffijbng-er in i-ny
llisj:—-The the probability of a
Peace'taking place atid a permanent Govern
ment Wing eltabli'.iieci on true fee publican
Principles—l observed that tlie Army in
was not very w<*ll uifornied wiih re
spect to might be-coriGdeivd the real in
tertft, oi th. »* eou; try, arid 1 thought it
would be a difficult Talk, to a power
ful xnd v.rtisous-arir.y with-.ut their receiving
11 re-
a Coujpe
iuitcd Finances- ot the Re-
itciwQ the e
puWic were not equal v
Monsieur replif rf— u My dear F
is notting so estfy in dis Vorid !■
fend d
. die iid at* yell nv ft-vie, \\ l>k 1 I
tink will We dc ntofl ;nctod of gec
tiu;-; ckv.roi'inrn wiic huve life for."
The Ume C ptain was oitcV captured by
the French and in a letter to his friend he
gave the following dei'ciiption of the Juuge
who was to try his vtflel and cargo.
a Ihe ju Jge befoitf whom my trial will
take place, is a little old looking fellow, with
bandy legs not thicker than pike thanks with
feet a yard long, in the centre of which the
legs (if they ir.ay be so calitd) were placed,
his bead uncommonly large Mid decorated
with what I would have called a greasy red
night cap, but by the Islanders termed the
Bonnet te rouge—or the front of the head a
couple of frnall holes seemed to be perforate d,
and a small black bead' fixed in each by way
of eyes, over which, like two umbiellas,
were fufper.ded two large fllagged red, bushy
bunches of hair, th.\t I'ervcd for eye brovJ s,
with a little owl looking face, haying a faf
fron tint,4 from whence projff&ed—Oh fa
ther ef the Shandy's i—such a nose as my
eyes never beheld. It was the i'eg ment of a
circle, painted red ana yellow and if it could
affunje a direction would at least
measure the length of a modern tippy—He
had a mo ft plentiful lack or paunch and such
as he had grumbled most dn—ly, he was so
ill looking- and hard favored a fellow, that
he appeared to rr.e as though he had rev. r
enjoyed a comfortable meal in his life—in
fhnrt he seemed to have lived all his day up
on Bilge Water and Ballast Stone,"
From late I.ondjn Paj-ers,
As we ate ott-.n blamed for the manner in
which we find it our duty to fprak of the
Frerch, and of tl eir conduft, we frequently
jutljfy wuifc:!'.es by their own mu'.ual rttu
futi'-ns and coiifcffions.
Barras lately gave teflimony in our favor
refpe&ing'the calumnies which we were »c
---cufed of throwing out on bis late adminiftra.
t;on. Lanrent, in the council of five hun
dred, acknowledges how many millions he
he has pillaged ill the name of foreign con
tributions, and boasts ef ihe rapidity of his
" Were it wecefcry fsTme todcfcnbe all
that I have leen, am to give dctad? of all
that I knew, I fiiouid poIT'-ls a decree of
firnmMs, course, Sod pa'icnce far beyond
my powers. The people are ill a state of in
lu, e.tion in i very plate through which the
civil coiunii flions pals ; and although I have
been four tinfs 011 the point of falling
a vi&im to their Jury, I cannat confid
ently blame their conduct, since they have
been robbed even of the (Iraw on which
they lay. At the moment of my writing
this litter, the rjreateft part of Piedmont has
risen again!! the French Roiiiers • for it is
by this name we are call d. It will be im
polfible fcr you to be fivrprized at this fail,
when I acquaint y>,U, that fro.n: t'-.c pretend
ed revolution of this country to the prelent
moment (not exseeding 3 or 4 months) we
have plundered the inhabitants' of 10 mil
lions of specie, Snd 15 millions of pajjer mo
ney, the diamonds', See. &c. of the
Crown. Can you imagine that fifcli exac
tions are calculated to mil* the inhabitants
favorable to our cauie ? No ! the people
form their opinion of in tonfornfttv to our
conduS, and despise Ui as miuh as we are
despicable- Thtjj iiold us 1 u horror and cx-
Arrivrd, (hip Superior, Conyngham, from
Havanna, after a passage of 17. days. Cap
tainGonyogham lias on board the captain
(Trumbull) and crew of the fliip Three
Friends from London to Savannah, which
veiltl foundered at fca. Capt. C. spoke the
brig Charlotte, Swift, from Turk's island
to New York, and fchr. Nancy, Peek, from
Naflau to New-York. By these two vtf
frls he was kindly supplied with provisions.
Capt. C. came into the caper yesterday
saw two inward bound (hips and a brig, name
unknown. One of the (hips was supposed
to be an I&diaman. Left at New-Caflle
the Ihip Good Friends, Earl, from the Ha-
A Ihip below, supposed to be the Molly,
Swain, from Batavia.
A ba:q«e, supposed to be the Mars, from
the Isle of May, and brig Liberty from Ha
vanna, are said to be below.
Schr. Caoline, Whitehead, from Ja
maica, via Norfolk, and fchr. Three Sif
i ters, Dicky, from Gape Francois, are below.
Brig Betsey, Howard, of this port, hat
arr.ded at the Havanua.
lair.) rack r, Bj nics,. New.* Pre vide r>ct 22
Schr. A cre, H*.va;ii,ah, 21
Charltrlton 17
Cirii-IcPton 17
i,i or:!, v.e learn,-but on 'he 17th
uit. in ihe lat; of 2.-, (he was boarded
by t!:e Brk) f . v i
nitci, bv an ciiicer, That tJiey had boarded
tr.e Coiifleiiation fiiiCe her engagement with
the French fiiipi uud was informed, that
they hud not vet .une 1 wtr.u vefTiht was.
ill l -' Coiiitc. Union wis '.hsn it;■ l" itur
7., ; .
i he lh:p Dauphin, which bad been taker
by the Pfctich, arc retaken by the English
had arrivr'd at Martinicufe.
Ihefchr. Paragon, of Norwich, having
Undergone a firuilar process, had arrives
lend at* re
there alio; and, after p<*yin a Salvage of
one third, and all tofts, was about to fail for
u c', V
'i'he cfc-iieJ thr A'jr.,ia 3S
occahcjially giving" <* (h"i.
T he Alert, in the ht- of Savannah, fpaks
the ship Favourite, BrfckhojU-, of this port.
21 days from Jamaica, bc;;«d to Norfolk.
Cape. Barnes, of the Fair Trader, mfoims
that the l>ri>f John of this port, be! inking
to Merfls. B.dier.t, Kimberly St Co. had
arrived at New Providence, h. ving beer,
captured by the Kn-jbfh, on her voyage
iron) Cadiz to this port. It was expcd\ed
the corgo (wine) would be condemned ; but
that the vvflcl wopld be cleared.
i he 1c nr. I v/o 5: ftpr», from Port-dfc-Paix,
oft. G. rI .ttJ.Tiis,' i!::- 2jth ult. spoke tfce
(loop Bctfcry, Woodhijl}, from Georgetown
Smith, of New-York, ajid Caleb Jolijjfon,
tt Stontv Broe 1
Arrived on Saturday ship felicity, cap'
Langdon, 70 days from H<> riburg.
We have been favored with the following
iift ot arrival* it HatEburp;, but bciiig. una
ble to lee capt. L. we have learnt n-> further
particulars. Hi's papers, we suppose, niuft
be as late as t
Arrived from life United States.
Oft. 19. Mary, Sorenien, Philadelphia
3i* Hamilton, Gtrdner,
Nov. I . Fi '1": i t .£, I) -'litter.
3. .Mary Ann, Stewart, Baltimore
8. Nymoh, Jacques, New Yt-.k
10. Pya*mng"o, [tckfon, Baltimore
11. Mary Ann, Fu.rk, New York
Wu'hirtgtcn, Woolbrid-,;. 80U.311
12. Bctfcy, Nkuls, do.
Arrived this day, schooner William, cap.
tain M'Bride, 32 days from Cape Francois.
She failed in company with the brig Be.fy
and Peggy, Gordon, of Baltimore; fchoo-
Thc folldwing Extra6l of a Jetter from a
republican officer in the army of Italy, /hill
depose to the truth of our allegations, re
fpeding the conduct of the troops. It is
extracted from the Muiutrur.
<oa3tut £l3aritn Hill.
Port of Philadelphia
A 'eii> - Vork, s{a rch 12..
Ivlny, Smith,
Sai&tt, Smith.
By tl:
There were several other American vet Tel.
■ j ;i. s pos:—
, overboard
Baltimore, March io,
20th, Daxrobe:
*3*J June S e ChriUian, Kico
[laffen, Baltimore
14. Cornwall, JSVw York
20. Jrlappy Coupl/r, JohneS, do,
22. S;-niir'-iniis, Pcirco. "
28. Vigtlantia, Mullcr,
ner Eleanor, Atrnore, cf ditto ; a d schoo
ner Betsy, Emmons, of Alexandria. On '
the ioth February, feil in with tha United
States frigate Constitution ; was bearded by EBROE TMVIS has jiift'Mccivad fro m Du
her, a:.d informed that none of me Amen- V_X iiu, via -New Yr.rk, a very large I'arcc.l cl
can f< /gates cruizing off the Capei had late- Books, ai! of the JaCef: eduiemi, whi<h rcn*
ly met with any thing crs ■* he believes the melt cxt*.ri;lv£,
Ship Alexander Hamilton, Captain Wife, «" il.cyv.ill bo
from Batavia. Saikd at the feme time wit!, « r "?di " y ' ,Jr !a "'" ™7
the Java, captain De Butis, arrived feme The lubfcribers to that important work, fVett
time fincc. worth*i Syfttm of Pleading.,-a.r c inform*i that Iris
n< w arr.\ -,., and will Ik: >'slm red wn apj iic-tion.
c } j? j „ 3;anl. Dtdarations fcttted aDd approve! by the
T . . SaV t n " F l,uary 21. mof , dli[inKuifllcJ ~i w d , irjdtr , ri> t0 £ o e f
ihe brig Illiza, reari.-n, from this port G. D. 1
to Dover and a Market, was call away on March ii,
the coa(1 of France, and all hands peri Hud,
bnt the captain
C 3* Such of the Members of the Friendly
Sons of St. Patrick, as mean to dine at the
City Tavern, on Monday the 17th instant,
are requested to write their names on the
paper kept at the bar of the Coffee house
for that purpofc.
By order of the President,
JOHN BUOWN, Secretary.
March 11, 1800.
Tu-morrotv Eevening, March 14
Will he prefeiitcd, (not a<sted here these three
years) the admired Comedy, called
W\r'llten by Dr. GclJfmitb
Tonv Lumpkin, by a young Gentleman,
His jirjl Appearance on any Stage.
»fter which, will be revived, a favorite Panto-
Pox, one Dollar, Pit, three quarters ef a
dollar, and Gallery halt a dollar.
45* The d iors of ijhc Theatre will open at a
quarter paftj, and the curtain rile at a quarter
pafi fix.
Eighty Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAY from the Subscriber, at New
tow i, Chester Ferry, Queen Anne's coun
ty, state of Maryland, the following negroes,
viz. a woman named Nanny, went away on the
23d January, 1799, and took with her a Mulat
to female child, about two years old, named
Arianna. Nanny is a dark yellow negro, about
five feet four or five inches high, remarkably
handsome for a negro. Her cloathing unknown
as {he took a variety of good cloaths with her—
ftie went off with a negro fellow, named Peter,
and calls himfelf Peter Simpfon, he is the pro
perty of a certain William Bowers of Talbot
county, state as above, who has advertised one
hundred dollars reward for him. Peter is a flout
well made yellow fellow, about 6 feet one inch
high, is a tolerable go >d Carpenter. Nanny
pafles for his wife, but her real hulband is na
med Bob, who belongs to her master. It is
probable they are in the neighbourhood of Sa
lem in t4ie Jerlies, as they f w«rc there in Octo
ber (aft, and try information, Peter had built
himfelf an house to live in, between ilum
Bridge and Gold Town ; it is likely they may
have changed their names and may have pasTes,
as Peter can write a middling hand ; it is pro-
Sable Nanny has anotherchild, as it was thought
ibe was in a pregnant state when Ihe went away.
Martinique 26
'I he noted Ferry man Charles, who calls him
fe!f Charles Rodney ; he went d»Y on the 18th
of February last, he is a dark mulatto, about
five fee: ci<ht or nine i iches high, about te>T \f
years old, stoops inhit (boulders when he walks,
a iVar on hi. head very perceivable—he took
with him a final! hay '.Mare about 4 or 5 years
ye:>r< old, her nine trimmed and bob tail'd ;
his cloatnlng >:nknowr», as he carried off a va
riety of elorths ; it is probable he has changed
his nnr/ie, as he is a very artful, fcnfiiile fellow,
he C3ii re:d tolerably well ;it is likely he may
hire liimfrh to drive a wrgpon, being: well ac
quainted with that buGnefs, driving »or the ar
my during the war ; he also perhaps may liave
a piG:
The above reward wiil be given for the afore
f»»d iwo negroes, viz. Nanny and Charles, if
take> out of the fiat', or twenty dollars for
Nanny at d child, if taken in this Hate, & 2- do.
Charles if taken in this flatc and secured in jail,
so as I may £et them igjir. ]f brought home
all reasonable charge* ftiall be paid by me.
March 3,
"WASHINGTON LOTTERY, of Blanks and Prizes.
Dravriag No. 199.
1C99 10 IS9SS 1° 35*53
633 16199 3 6 4
2526 631 678 10
734 25 s 3> 37276
4322 10 18190 701
800 10 J96 10 38138
5708 10 763 219
748 10 90S 39353
554 409 562 10
754 10 20045 704
892 - 104 824
7305 762 4°5' 1
61S 22265 646
861 2316s 4'tß'is4
998 24609 870
8436 624 42118
9.660 26330 10 640
673 10 37027 44081
11096 271 10 297
53 1 401 423
704 25411 10 4.77
12495 10 659 54 o
826 10 29'37 45185 10
938 263 10 46019 10
806 Stj7 10 47460 to
14107 10 31820 712
474 J'443 48449
5*5 10 544 10 7>7 .10
15267 £36 10 49560
£4B 533 60 995 10
• re
Friendly Sons of St. Patrick
mime, called
Or y Harlequin Sbipwreck'd.
319 High Street.
THE 17th inft. ?t t2 o'clock noon, at :he
Merchant's CofFee House in Second street,
will positively he fold, without reserve, belong
ing to George Meade, Esq.—an elepant % story
ahnoft new, and finifhed in the modern ltile,
Ino. 78. on tie south fide of Walnut ftrect, two
door* below Fourth street, arid now in the oc
cupation of Mr. Simon WHktr (fon-in law to
J4i\John Afhley.) This Ksufe is under rent
far one year, from the 4th of November, 1799,
at 840 dollars per annum.
The lot oa which it is erf fled, is feet in
frontand ieet in depth. The remainder
of ike h t was thro' rsHUke fold foine time pati.
being 24 feet 9 inches in front, and in
depth. It Hull be valued by time honefl men
choicn by the parries who have feciiiiiies on the
premises, which Mr. Meade will account fur to
those who kave feci! rity on the property.
Two Brick Stables, and a Coach ITpuse,
in Walnut street between 4th and sth ltrcec, j<U
joining Mr. Marfha'J's meeting ho life. The
Stables have the privilege of an alifry of 1 f feet
into sth ilreet. They will be fold i'ep>ratciy ;
one of them will hold 4 horses and two car
riages, and is now rented for £.50 per annum.
The othfir fiable will hold 3 horiVs and one car
riage, and is now rented for jC-3 7 '©• they are
both arched and laid in mortar, with two inch
plank, and the dedar still hold 100 pipes of
in 41In street, 20 feet front, and 49 and an half
feet deep, fubjedi to the onnual grobnd rent of
6 dollanP and 3-Bths Tins lot has the privi
lege of a 3 leet alley adjoining.
Conditions of file will be approved indorird
r.ot<sat6, 9, 1» and ij months. Onthehoufe
in Walnut ilreet. there is a mortgage <*f£. 1630
payable to Edward Stiles,Efq. and on the stable
there is a mortgage of£ 300 payable to Samuel
Williams. These mortgages may lay a con
siderable time by regularly paying the interest.
March 11. d6t.
On MONDAY the 24th instant at 9 o'clock in
the morning, at the dwellinghoufe of George
Meade, on the north fide of Market llreet
between Eleventh and Twelfth flreets. being
the house occupied as the Post Office during the
last sickness, and immediately opposite to Mr
John Dunlap's,
A very extensive and general afTortment of
Being of the firft quality and in the highest prc
fervation, confiftiwg of slmofl every article ir: the
Houl'e keeping line; such as Mahogany Side
Boards, Chairs, Dining, Pembroke, Card and
other tables; Secretaries' Bureaus, Looking Glafles,
Beds, Bedfteds, Plate and Plated ware, Cl«na
Glass, Marble ts, Marble Bafts. &c; &c.
ALSO—a complete set ot tnahogaoy chair*,fet
tees, curtains, &c. covered with uluc damulk fuf
ficieot or a dining room.
The goods may be viewed cn the Friday and
Saturday preceding the day of sale, from 9 o'clock
in the mcrnipg u->til % o'clock in tlie afternoon :
and lhouU the day prove uniavofable, the fala
will be potiponed until the next iair day.
March 10.
Valuable Property for Sale,
Ifl Chef*at, near iixrh street, dirciflly oppofi:6
A LOT of ground, dI-out %l feet front in Chef
nut (Irect and 73- feet sfl depth, whereon is a
good frame houfc, nr.w in the ic. ure of Samuel
Benge fuhjriSl to a ground rent of 7 %. per annum.
The, advantageous firuatioM of this property re
quires no con mcrtfs, lor it must be known, thrre
are few in this city .to equalit, ar. unetceptionabl®
title will be made to the pvtrcha « Apply to
No i9S,Chffaut 1). next Jcor to the prefiiifcs, fa-tf
march 5
a Bundle of bank notes.
7 H R 0 WN K R
By proving property and paying the chargei
of this A'ivrtifement, may have it again by ap
plying at No. 149, High street.
jd co 10. \ «T, t .
F!<OMthe United Statei Frigate Philadel
phia, DAVID BEVIKf, by trade: Shoe
maker, born in Ireland, 53 yeirs of age, 5 feet
6 inches high, light complexion «nd hsir—aifo,
WATSON LUDLOW, by trade a Shoe
maker, h-rn in New-Jerfry, years of age,
5 inches high, dark l aic and complexion-
Whoever will take up said Deserters and deli
ver them on board the said frigat?. (hall receive
ten dollars reward for ea.h, and reasonable
March 12
Ihree Lents Reward.
RTJN ".way from the Subfcriher on the evenirg
of tbe inft. a bound Servant GIRL,
Banned Elizabeth HowckeT, had on and took with
i.-rjrhrce cliflferent changes of garment and money,
provifi, hold and impudent, a noted lyar ; any p*r-
Uiti apprehending her ftiallbe entitled to the ah eve
reward—no co.Ps or charges will be paid.
N: B, irheliad a y*=rp and feme months to feive.
Goflien Townftip, Chefler County, jaly 29.
ntipuH 6
Ihe Subscriber
T/*K"P tlii« mrthod of once more informing
the Public, that the partnership of Mofei
Chaplin; and Robert M'Clure, which was enter
ed iiito for r he pnrpofe of retailing Goods in the
town of Weft Liberty ami Commonwealth o! Vir
ginia, on th« tenth day ofAuguft, cifKrei
oath- teivrhday of August 1793, agreeable to th«
•crmfup-ulat.-d in their orticle of cojiartnerftip;
la V/&W,
Ffbruary is.