Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, March 13, 1800, Image 2

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    A NEW
At Chalk's Circulating Library,
No. 75 North Third Street,
WHIIR E may be had, all the Fajbitriable Music
the forg« &c. lately fold at the
Repofuory in South S/cond Street. To which, in
a few days, will be added, some PIANO FOK. TES
of a very superior tone and quality. Flutes, Fifes,
Violins, best Romaa Violin String?, and every
other article in the muncal line, which will be
fold in prime order, and oa the moil reasonable
suhfcription« receive ! for the Muftcal Journal
lor the Piano Fore, a.;d the Flute or Violin, tha
fir ft fix numbers of which are already pub lifted,
and may he purchased together or frparately by
non fubferibers.
March 6, 1800.
7'o M:rchants t Store keepers, and Trades-
men in general, &c.
ift, PRAY Gentlemen, is a perfedl standard of
discount, or interest, calcula'ed on every dol
lar (without exception ) from 1 to apoo, from
one day to sixty-sour days inclusive, of any
value, whether uied as a standard, or as a
check upon tfce enquirers* own calculations
id Is it of any importance to know the best
methods of computing the exchange!*, be
tween this country and the principal mari
time trading place in Ruflii, Sweden, Den
mark, Norway, Pl-uflia, Poland, Germany,
Holland, Flanders, Spain, Portugal, Italy*
in several of the Windward and Leeward
Weft India Islands, and many po.ts in the
East Indies?
3d Is a table of all the coins and monies of
account in the places aforefaid, of any use?
4tb Arr the coin* and monies of account in the
aforefaid placer, when reduced to dollars and
cents, of any service ?
sth Is a table of compound interest of any uti
lity ?
6th Is the table by which the banks determine
the value of gold, desirable ?
7th Is the amount of Interest, accurately cal
culated for each month from one to twelve
months, and on every dollar (without ex
ception) from 1 to aoco, of any value?
Bth Is a of all the post towns in the United
States, and rates of pnftage therewith, ©f any
use ?
9th "Will not all these together make a book, as
generally ufeful an] convenient as ever en
tered a counting house or store ?
loth Will not the whole, when comprised in a
quarro volume of from 200 to *ls pages, be
worth two dollars ?
And laflly, Is the person, who at the expence
dertakes to perform upwards of one hundred
andfixty th»ufand caleulatisns if Interejl % and
of giving all the pre ed ng information to
the public in the mojl complete manner, de
fer ving of your Encouiagement and Sup
port ?
If the answer is in the affinntive, you are
individually and rcfpeA fully invited to sub
scribe in one of the specimen books, exhibited
at the City Tavern, Hardy's Hotel, Francis's
Hotel, the Indian Queen, Dun wo&dy's Tavern,
the Franklin Head, and at the George.
It is proper ro state, that the work will ant
be executed uulefsfifteen hundredJubfcribers are
©Dtained ? for four thuufand dollars is too much
to hazard.
VANCE, neither will it be expedled of fob
fcnbers to take the work when publiihed, if it
is not delivered rigorously conformable to my
agreements wish the public, exprefTed in the
conditions affixed to the specimen books, each
of which consists of fix detached pages of the
I am, with refpedl,
Your humble servant.
Ac com tant, Bank of North America.
The wotk is dedicated, by permiflicn, to the
President and Dire&ors of the Bank of North
America, and has already received the patron
age of JOHN AD A MS, President of the Uni
ted Sure-; of THOMAS JEFFfcUSON, Vice-
President of the United States, an 3 President
®f the Senate; of a large number of Senators
and Members of the Hotife of Representative*
of the United States; and of the Presidents and
Directors of th«? different Banks unamraoufly.
The Specimen Book in the Bank of North Amer
itra, is filling very fa ft -with fubferiptions, forae
for 2 copies, lome for y copies, and some for
5 copies, and I take this opportunity of gratefully
acknowledging all favours.
J* J Gentlemen having business at either of
the Banks may ftfbfciibe thera a» well as at the
Taverns, &c. already mentioned.
Coby-rightfeeured according to aft of Centrefs,
March 10. di&eftf
i-pHE Parterfhip of JOHN HAINES & WIL
1 LIAM JONES, trading under the firm »[
HAINES V JONES, was by mutual agreement
difiblved 011 the 14th of January last. All perfont
inttrefte'l, especially those indebted to them, will
pl«afe to call as Mrly as pollible on IViUiam Jma,
who is duly aulhcrifed to adjust their concerns.
The business will in futilre be conduced by
William Jones, at the formtr (land No. 131 Mar
ket street. ad door abovi 4th, where he ha« on
hand and means to keep a regular supply of the
belt and mod lafbionable fa'ddlcs and bridles. Pla.
ted saddlery and silver mounted whips. Hamuli
of all kinds and Atc buckets, together with a gen
eral assortment of every other article usually at
tacked to that line of bufisefr.
March 11
Ptnitfylvani* DiJlriSi J
NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of
a writ of Fi Fa. lately to me directed, by
thehon. Richard Peters, Efij judge of the diftridl
court of the United States in and for the PctSn
fyivania iJillrii!, will be exposed to jub ic Tale at
No. 117 in Suff.iras ftrect, on Saturday the 15th
day of March inftarn, at II o'clock at noon,
2 pipes of Madeira Wine,
called London particular.
Tfee fame being a part of ten pipes, levied on,
on the Jthday of June last, by
late Marshal.
Saffafrasftreet, No. 117,7
11 th MarJ;, ißco. /
No. 195 MarJii t Street,
Offer for Olc at reasonable prices, for approved
paper, < r in barter for Coffee,
G O 0 D S,
Entitled to Drawback :
20 Cases CVasala- I cafe Ladies 7 Shoes
Morlaix. 5 cases fine Elberfel.
4 do. Do vlafTes Linens
4 do. Rouans 4 do. Siamoifes
4 do Platillas Roy- 3 do. Silefiahankfs.
10 do- Caflerillos or
white rolls of 1 a &
half yards.
8 do Checks and
3 do. Fine Elber
feld Checks
4 do. ContiU and
1 do. Check shirts.
16 do. Oil cloths.
10 do. Tapes of all
numbers, plain, twil
led, blue and white,
aoo Travelling cases of
different sizes.
4 cafes,cut flint De
canters, pint & quart
3 cases gill tumblers
1 cafe wine gaffes
171 boxes of Window
Glass, 8 by 10
2 cases Sealing Wax
With an extensive aflortment of Looking
Glass Plates of the following (izes, 16-12,
17-1 17-131 20-12, 2213, 24-
14, 25-15, and 28-16* and a variety of other
goods ufiially imported from Hamburg.
March 11. d6t—taw^w.
Orations and Eulogiums.
This Day Published,
Ko. 46, Chefnut ' reet, (price 31 cents)
At thf stirr,
The Rev..Dr. Rogers's Prayer, delivered
on the 22d February 1800, befcre the Penn
sylvania Society of the Cincinnati : To
which are fu^joined, the Hymns sung on
that mournful occasion, by the choir under
the direction of the Rev. fylr. Law.—Price
io cents.
Major Jackson's
Dr. Smith's Oration
Morris's, do.
General Lee's do.
Judge Bayard's do.
And TV ill be published next week,
Mr. Ghaurdon's (>r.:ll on 25
Mr. Vintages do. 25
R-rv. John B. Linn's Poem on the death 'of
Gen. Willhiiigton,' after the manlier of
Hourly expsdlcd, Dr. Linn and the Masons
Oration', New-Yoi'V.
M.ncli 8
Removal »f Medicines,
RE6P-. C 1 FULLY informs his friends and tha
public in general, that he has remov'd the
whole Stock in trade of the late firm of J. j. MAL
COM & co. dmggiftYto sign of Fothergills Golden
Head, No. 97 South Fecor.d Street, diredly oppo
fitt to the City Tavern, wKerc the bulinefs in all
its branches will be condu&ed as heretofore in cnn
junilion with WILLI AM LEHMAN, under the
firm of WILLIAM LEHMAN & Co.
March 6.
AS Vi r. Thomas Clayton, in his adver
tisement above, has indire&ly aflerted that
I have declined business', I feel it my duty
to inform my friends and the public, that I
continue the Drug and Apothecary Bufi.refs,
as usual, at the old stand, sign of Fothergill's
golden head, No. 26, foutli Second street, a
little below oppoGte Black Horse Alley,
where may be had, confhntly, every article
in the line. JOHN J. MALCOM.
For (hipping, with plain ;
put up at an ho
Afnrrh -
March ~ r
Excellent RICE,
In ivhole and half Tierces,
j4nd a boxes of Mould Cancl.s.
No. SS, So. From Street.
lil w.
March 8.
Centre Square, Fcbeuaty 5, 1800.
IN compliance with tjie inftrue'tions of the
Committee for watering the city, and with
my own inclinations, every possible admit
tance and information lias been given to
those citizens who have vilited the Works
during' their progress. The Engines are now
arrived, and are immediately to be put up,
and it is hoped that it will 'be thought rt'a
fonnble and just, both to the Public, and to
the Coiltrador for the Engines,'that the!
workmen should not he interrupted. As a" :
very few months will fully gratify the cu-i
riofity of the citizens, by (hewing them the'
Engines in full operation, a temporaiy ex
clusion of aU viGtorsfrom the Engine houlec
cannot appear improper.
B. H. LATROBE, Engineer.
dtf. :
February i 3.
a do. Damalk table
linen afiorted with
3 do. Moreas
4 do. Flanders B<?d
Ticks, 6 4, 9-4 and
4 do Cotton Bed
1 do. Thread (lock
ings, Gloves & pan
1 do. Kid Gloves
2 do. Kibbona
3 do. Garnets and
2 calks afiorted Iron
2 do. Scythes, 10
4 do. Coffee mills
3 Cables of 125 fa
thoms each, 9 & -io
By Either Ames.
be bad,
tin approved dire&ions,
hour's notice.
I'or Sale,
Xlje <3a3ette.
Jufium et teaaccm propofiti viruin,
fcloo ci-riura ardor praya jubentium,
Non vultus inf l antii tyranni,
Mtnte quatit folida.
LITiRAHY IN T E i.Llfi Els' C E
Richard All op, Esq. one of the few genu
ine potts of America, has publiflltd in Con
necticut a Poem to the memory of Wafhhig-
Ii is not yet received, but Irani the
claifical attainments, delicate title,, and i
ventive powers of the author, we -may ex
pect to penile a corredl a«d tuneful poem.
Skilled in the " tongue of Tufcany" and
with a faticy, glowing from the prrufal of
the feats of Orhnda, and those " eld ro
mances" which a Miltok was wont to de
vour, Mr. A. cannot fail to interefl the
passions and sooth the ear of every critic.
To the state of Connecticut men look for
much of the true and the heautiful. For
tunately for the quiet and 44 {Utility of the
times, fbr is not yet wearied of lending to
the commonweal her sober and ftedfafl poli
ticians. Fortunately for the interests of
learning flie abounds with men of genius
and various literature. This real and well
ordered little republic neither was, nor is,
nor e'er can be a rebel. Happily almost
wholly exempt from pliilofophers, political
projeflors, and Gallic meny andrews ; and
abounding with a discerning, studious, qui
et and moral people, the ark of government
and the temple of wisdom and the mules
there find their befl and Cured foundations.
—She produces statesmen of consistency,—
they acl and we repolV. She produces poets
of invention, they sing and we wake Mr.
Will mm Carlton, of Sslem. Mafiachufetts,
well known for many years as the indubi
ous, candid and intelligent proprietor and
conductor of" The Salem Gazette," propo
ses reviving that correft and ufeful paper,
and has accordingly iffucd a Profpeftus,
whole plan, if realijed, wiil render Mr.
Carlton's paper on* of the best in the United
States. Q:ie of the prominent excellencies
of the former Saleiir Gazette was a funimarv
of politics and literature, written by no
ordinary hand, in a flyle infinitely fuptrior
to the ufuaj meagre manner of our news pa
pers, and replete With an agreeable variety,
■of intevefting inrellrgeiiee, cxprdled with
great ttrfriiefs, force and vivacity. It is
Relieved that it was the produ&ion of the
IVev. Mr. Beiitley, a learned clergyman,
ponte scholar. It this gentleman can
be engaged to re fume this talk, we (hull
have ..t Ic'aft one paper from that quarter,
edited with uniform correftnefs and a ref
pe.ft for tht cafmiis of criticism. A Jour
nal, conduaed by Mr. Carlton and aflirted
by a liberal scholar will not exhibit a politi
cal rainbow, a Joseph's coat of many colors,
nor try tricks with the English language,
and prcfutnptuoufly eflablifh a fantallic
coinag- of expression -We understand
that the ifidufirioui and amiable Mr. C. B.
Browu ef New York, has ready for the
press, several romances of an intercftiiig na
ture. It is to be regretted that this gen
tleman, wlio ap|.>»ars to possess many of the
qualifications of a moral painter, does not
fometinws turn his attention from fia'itious
to legitimate hillory. As an elfayift his
" ftroug and deep iucifion pen," f;iithfu! to
the cause of virtue, would forcibly describe
the manners, and the levities of the
As a npvelift, he fometimej enfeebles the
and fonn tin e startles the timid.
He is too prone to condu<a his mournful
courage ons,
reader into German labyrinths, Smid thick
gloom, and moral darkness " that might b?
felt" were it not fo:netime» corrufcated by a
partial ray of illumination
■ " Biitf as the lightning in the eolliei! night "
| It is laid too that he has feme belief in the
fyfiein of the author of Political Juftice,and
[ that the memory of the wanton Woolflone-
craft it not odious to a young and fanciful
His little bark of literature is
finely deenrated aud £ fwift filler. It is
wiliictl that iirofperouii g:iles will inflate its
fails ..nd that it might never fink;
upon the sands of Godwin.
[7b be continued.']
PaiLADiru'Hi A, Marcs f
Jf,/4 to s
Three per Cent.
Deferred. 6 per Cent. *i/4
8 per Qgpt Slock— per Cent, advance
BANK United States, 25
Pennsylvania, 18
— North /America,
liifura.iic cjnip N.A.lhar;» 4 to 5 per cer.t. be-
low par, stares, 18 per cent. adv.
East-India Company ol N. A. 10 per cent advance
Land Warrants, 31 dolls, per 100 acr«s.
London, 6a at 30 dajg*
60 at 60 a 90 day
Amsterdam, 3j 37 11a f»r"« l ir
Hamburgh 30 23 i-xoo per'. •
For tie Gazetti of tbe\Jsi\ ed States
" Quos Deus vult perdere, prius elemental."
Whence coines it—indeed it won«ld be a
curious morlal of {peculation far the new
phitofophy, that Pennsylvania so much fa
med (with what justice I will not pretend to
fay>t'or her police, her mduftry and wealth,
(hould have always been so iviiferablv rent
with diffentions and party feuds ? Does not
ber wht»l- hiftcry present one continued fecrce
of turonlence and di Icon tent with the ruling"
power? lierpeaceable and humane Foiincler
came over with a difpoiition to grant .«;id he
did gr»r.t privileges ;.:pon the rr,< u -liberal
continue ; other conteflions and ftll.l other
in fuccelhsu) were urged and granted to as,
iictie fatisfa&ioA ; 'till at length the aged
Patriarch, injured in his private fortunes,
his frame and faculties worn down with vex
ation and di{appointment, expired a martyr
to his riling colony. The guardians of his
minor children, whole bitter inheritance he
made it—those children when they came to
govern, "so clear in their great office,"
were they not a continual Butt for the fhafts
ot envy and opposition ?
Has the tamper 4)f the State been better
ed by revolution ?—indeed so little varying
and so little likely to be latisfied, that I am
often reminded of one of the fables of the
sage E\op. It is familiar to every body,
but to make out my story, let me here insert
" The Commonwealth of Frogs, a discon
tented Variable race, weary of liberty, and
fond of change, petitioned Jupiter to grant
them a king. The good Matured Deity, in
to indulge this their request, with as little
mifchief as possible, threw them down a log.
At firft they regarded their new monarch
W'tli £,reat reverence, and kept from him at
a mofl refpe&ful distance : but perceiving
his tame and peaceable disposition, they by
degrees ventured to approach him with more
familiarity, 'till at length they conceived for
him the utmofl contempt. In this disposi
tion they renewed their request to Jupiter,
and intreated him tobeftow upon them nne
ther king. The thundefcr in his wrath lent
them a who no sooner poflefTion
of his new dominions, than he began to de
vour his fubjedii in a niuft capricious and
tyrannical maniier. They were now far
more difiatisfiad than before ; when apply
ing to Jupiter a third time, they were dis
missed with this reproof, that the evil they
complained of they had imprudently brought
upon thrmfelves ; and that they had no
other rsmedv now but to submit to it with
Pennsylvania, to be fare, enjoys a peculiar
favor—the aflual choice and nomination of
a chief Ruler, and every nine yeats her peo
ple are fullered to exercil'e theie rights, yet
.ft range to tell, they.once made choice of a
log—and a narrolefs quiet log' he would have
tfduitied, but for a vile foreign agitator that
leapt into the pind. Still not content, al
ways croaking, and like the frogs in the fable
grown too familiar with king log, they cast
tfeir eyes upon one with some different qual
ifications you tnay suppose : and, oh blind
infatuation ! the fagacitus frogt of Penn
fylvjnia chose a very Crane to govern them.
Mod certainly ye are not now fatisfied—
perverle generation !—But I fav be quiet,
be patient—-no reviliirgj, be dutiful. What
ever his honor may lay of rotation ; " let
political distrust and party feud be subdued
for the honor of the State"—,l am for lef
fering the voracious Crane to feed until
gorged—Those who are left may enjoy some
repose. ' -ESOP.
[We copy the following from the Aurora ]
Froni a late Halifax Paper.
As the democratical newspapers through
out the United States of America, generally
contain lifts of what Democrats (in the de
cent language ofliberiy and equality) (lyle
British spoliations, and as I owe some left
handed compliments, to those enlightened
citizens, I thought I could not bettsr dis
charge that part of my debt than by com
municating to them, through the channel
of your newspaper foine oblervmions on
the cafe of the (hip Polly and cargo, lately
condemned in the Court of Vice Admiralty
here. As I know th&fe virtuous lovbrs of
libeity, delight in rriifchief, it will be very
pleafinjr to them to add this cafe to their
catalogue, as it will furnifl), what in the re
publican dialeft, Will be called an th r glar
ing inltance of Britilh piracy. Befidts, it
will be peculiarly grateful to rhem, as it
will furnifh a llrong proof that Jacoblu mo
rality gains ground fall in t! e U. States,
and will afford a favorable prcfpeS, that
the erroneous opinions our foelilh ancestors
entertained of the sacred obligations of an
oath, give way fall, to the admirable phi
iofopliy of modern republicans; it will also
help to keep up the spirits of the fraternity,
during the pref.-nt dera: ged state of affairs;
for it will be considered a great point gain
ed, when they can Heitroy the credit which
is due to public papers j f,,r thofc grniry,
love eftablilhtd governments, as the Devil
in old times was said to love holy water
The ship Polly was laden with cocoa, indi
go, cotton, ci.ffee, and sugar, ai d bv her
papers, both veffd and ca'go appeared to
be wholly owned by MelTrt. Mmhi and
Folt;?, merchants at Cliarleflon, S. Caro
lina. The papers Hated her voyage when
captured, to be from Charleftou to Cadiz.
She was brought into this port by his ma
jelly's Ihipi of war, the Hinde and Terma
gant. Her papers, and the proofs cf her
neutrality were prepared apparently with
great care, and seemed full aod complete.
She had ift, a bill of health from the port
of Charleston. jd, a bill of lading, signed
by "Joseph Taggart the mailer, and by
MaiiU and Foltz as the (hippcrs of the car
go, at Charleston, for thsir account and
ri(k, coniigned to John White Esq. at Ca
diz, no freight to be paid, bting the own
ers property. 3d, a manifeil and clearance,
for the whole cargo, under the seals and
signature, of the officers of the customs for
the port of Ctiarlttton by which it appear
ed that the whole of this caago was (hipped
in Augult latl at Charlelton, and was clear
ed out for Cadiz. 4th, an affidavit made
by Mr. Foltz in the ilrongeft terms, who
swears that the whole of this cargo adually
belong d to him and Mr. Mann, his part
ner. merchants and citizens of the United
States, and that no other person whatfoe
v?r had any interest therein, direftly or in
direftly. This affidavit is made before a
Notary Public at Charlellon, of the name
of John Mitchell, who certifies the fame
under 'his seal, with the usual formality,
and also certifies the refpett;ibility and citi
zenlhip of Mann and Foltz; and for
there (hould be any doubt of the authenti
city of this paper, certificates from the Bri
tilh and Spaniih cotiful, are annexed to es
tablish the official situation of Mr. Mitchell,
(which leadsme to express a Itrong with that
his Majefiy's consuls, will be in future a
little more cautious, how they affix the
arms of Great Britain, to such trumpery.) \
sth a Role of Equip ge 6th Letters
Patent, under the Great ' Seal of the Uni
ted States, signed by the Prcfident, and
countersigned by the Secretary of State,
recommending this vcflel to the protedlion
of all the nations on earth, file being wholly
owned by the fubjefts of the United States
of America, to which is annexed an affidavit
made by Taggart the master who swears,
that no subject of the belligerent powers j
has any intertft in this vessel, direflly, or
indircAly. 7th. a letter of inflruftions to
the mailers, signed Mann and Foltz, who
order him to deliver this cargo to While at
Cadiz, who had orders to remit the pro
ceeds to London, and they dire£l him,
either to return with freight, or a cargo of
fait, to Charlellon. Laltly, an invoice and
letter from Maim and Foltz, to White, ad
vising him of their having {hipped this caigo
to his address, and requetl him to remit the
proceeds for their account, to Mr. John
Shoulbred, of London.
This veflel failed from Cadiz last Decem
ber. as an American velfcl commanded by
one Howlanel ; Noili, who was on board,
pafled 86 a paflenger, and brought in her to
Charleston, a cargo of wine, brandy. vine
gar, fruit, and dry goods ; on hij arrival
there, he discharged Howlaod, and appoint
ed I aggart, who had been the mate to be
mailer, and appointed his brother male
Without difchargi-g this cargo at Charles.
ton, which was rcgillered in the Custom
House at Cadiz, (appears by the papen
found 6n board) as the properly ef Spani
ards, to be delivered at La Guira ; they
procured Ameiican papers, to (hew that
the cargo, being the property of American
cit Zens was (hpped for Laguira at Charles
ton, on b'nrd the American ship Peily,
both veflel and cargo the property of Ame
rican citizens, dwelling at Charleston.
Ur.der coyer, of these papers they arrived at
Laguira, where Noili difpoftd of the cargo
agiesobly to its original dciliaation, and
loaded the pi efent cargo,jprincipally'for the
account 6f the house of Beine, at Cadizi
At Laguira, he and Taggart formed a fit
of papers, to Ihew that Taggart had pur
chased this cargo, with the proceeds of the
outward cargo, owned by Mann and Foltz,
and that he had shipped it for their accounc
and rifle to be delivured to them at Charles
ton. With these papers the veflel failed
for Laguira, adtnally bound to Cadiz, but
to touch at Char! lion, for the exprefspur
pofe of procuring American papeix, as ful
ly appealed by the papers found conccaledV-
Noili (laid at Laguira, and he mentions, in
one of his letters, his fear that if the Eng
lifli found him on board, it might condemn
the whole. The veflelarrived fafe at Charles
ton—the mailer, having with his falfe pa
per. deceived the officers of z British fri
gate, by whom he was examined during
this pillage. At Charleftwn he shipped a
new crew, and having procured American
papers of all kinds, without landing the car
go, he failed for Charleston
The maiter, and his brother the mate,
whose name is Samuel Tagger t, were ex
amined on atb ; they call themselves citizens
of Rhode-Island aid confirmed the account
given of this veflel an I cargo by her papers
and declared that no papers of any kind
xvhatevcr had b en deltroyed or concealed,
in any (hape. The crew having been ship
ped at Charle ft't'ii, after this fliip was ready
tor sea, could give no account about her.—
The C »;k, unfortunately for the concerned,
had not been converted from ilk- Chrifli n
to the Jajobin t tlitjion, and fooiifn enough
to bei't-ve that I c was bound to tell the
truth, when examined ou <tath, and the
Itupid filly fellnw toM, haw Samuel Tag*
gavt the mate, after the veflel was brought
too by the ships of war, orders d him to burn
a quantity of papers, which from the ap
pearance, he fuppoff d to be the log hook
that he the whole in the mate's pre
sence. The matter claimed this veflel and
cwgo for Mann and Foltz, and after tic
cause had been confidera ly investigated,
several letters and paperß were lound con
cealed, between the lining of the cabin and
the fttrn post of the (hip, which gave the
complete history of the (hip and cargo, and
fully proved, that the whole of the paper»
and affidavits before mentioned, were a com
position of ftiameful falftoods fabricated by
psrfous calling themselves American citi
zens, for the purpafe of deceiving the Bri
tifli nation, and prevent its making
prize of the property of its enemies. What
they were to receive for their services, is
best known to themselves, though I believe,
from the best informa'.ion I can obtain, that
the marked was overlUcked with the cor.-