Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, March 13, 1800, Image 1
<&a?£tte « & States, '*«» Philadelphia Daily -Advertiser. A T UMBEf 1319-1 fTT Tie price of tits Gazette is Eight \ Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in tie city of Philadelphia. All others pc.y one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and untess-.some person in this citj will become answerable fcr the subscription, it must bep<iid Six Jlonths in Advance. No Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six months. D«wm I >er t 1799 GRASS SEEDS. Red Clover. While do. Timothy. .S&int Foin. Trc'toil Burnett Lttcern. OrlW« Orchard do. kw do- Rape and Hemp AtSO. fHEE'H COPPi'K, PATHNf PLOUGHS, which are i:m to !>emuic durable than aDy heretofore indented, and lou-id on experience to Uitiiiuilh ihc i cl man and bcafl — FOK SAI-K By THOMAS HOWAKD, . Jtfo. 40 South Scgotui Street, Philadelphia February ij. tu&r.Biv. PRATT iff KINTZINQ, No 93. North Wattr-ftrcet, have on hand the following GOODS, ENTITLED to drawback, which they ofor for fair at moderate priits so- ca<%, or th usual credit i or on a credit of 11 or 18 month upon Mortgages on Real Property, in or near the City of Philadelphia, or other faiitfailory security. 50 boxe* aiid bales 1 ick • lenburghs do. Heaip- 60 d« en linens. 50 do. do. Ozna brigs. O do Patterbornes. do. Bielficld Linens. U do. Crcas an J Creas a la Morlaix. Brown Rolls.. Do.Hefiians. Polifii RoHl. Bed Ticks. Samois. Arabia*. Empty Bags. Oil Cloths 6hoes and Slippers. Soal and upper Leather. Quills and Staling Wax. package Gold and Sil ver Watches. A few Toys. Slates and Pencils. 70 hh Is. Hdvanna Mo lasses Febraary 15 TO BE SOLD, TiREE or four lots oi about 30 or 40 acres each, more or IpTs as may suit a purchaicr. On each of which there is a good ficuation for a houfc—viz. one on the river Delaware, fuirable either for a gentleman's feat, or for s peifon who might wife to engage in the limber liufinefs hav jng a o «d lauding. One e remanding a good view of the river :10m the highclt ground between the Kenr.ypack ami Poguaifin creeks i a&u another 011 the Bri'lol Road. Enquire &f Mr. uiiur the II mileftoneon the faij road. ALSO FOUR LOTS, Of about 10 acres each •with good situations for lmfldmg ; one of which i« luitsble ior a tan-yard, and has c (malt (lone hou.fe and a young hiring «fchard on it, on the Newt/.wn roa l near Srider\ irill about 10 miles from Philadelphia, and one ©fker lot of about >0 acres on rfcc P«?ni«.ypack - Enquire of Jonathan Clik who live* 0& the prerwi fes or o ( Mr. Gilpin. Poflcif on will he given in the spring, but build ing m rials may be coHe&ed fo«xicr, November 8 7axes of Lycoming County. JOHN KIDD, Treasurer, BY DireAion of the Cammijiontrs of Lyco. ming county, at elide at PhiUdelj Ilia tafC ,c»vc the Taxes affeflVd upon nnfeatrd Lands in that County, from the holders thereof, in this City, iliofe who Jiave filed with the Com- FiiilJioners, ftatctnen's of their -Lands, are re £ quelled to call upon hirr, to know the amount cfTaxri thereon, and pay them j otherwise, In fore his leawng the City, they will be put into the hands of the Sheriff for colleAion, agreea bly to the ad\ for railing county rates and levies Thof» who have nit filed ftatepients °f theit lands with the Commifiioner;, and ared-lirou? of having it done, to prevent files without pre vjuus perfot:al Notice, inav file with the above Treasurer, their lilts Pitisg tbe quantities ro turned, number and dales of the W-itants and names of the rn-tler vvhiclt they fekld theirlands. He wili attend at Mr. Joseph Hardy's No. 08, Market Sreet for this purpole until the 18th inllant. November 9. Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Spring Forge, in York County,! negro man, named ISAAC, oth«r ---wi (tCUDJO, about II year* »ld, the property of Rmberc Colsmar; Kq. He is ahsut s teet 8 inches high, has abltmifli in k • eyes, more wr.itc in them than coiuxon, by trade a F.rgeman; had on and took with him a drab coloured broad cloth coat, aim oil new, a sailors jacket and pantaloons printed fancy cord, a tw&nlclowlt striped under acket; a rcrum hat; one fine and one coarse shirt' one muslin handkerchief, fpriggt-d, two ditto striped border, a blue Perfun under jacket and two ptir cotton ftookings. Whoever takes up said negro and lodges him in any jail in this or any of the neigabouring states fliall have tie above re ward or reaionable expences if brought home. JOHN BRIEN. Spring Forge, GSober 13,1799. N. B. As /aid negro formally lived in Chester county, it is probable be may return liter:. JWoywwb«»,s ALL pcrfons indebted to the cilate ot Thomas Wilson, late of Southwark, deceased. are are rtqucftcd to make immediate payment to the fuhi'triheiv.. and thoftf who have any domand* againil the laid dilate are rtquufled to fumiiii their account# for fctuement. For Sale t'T to Lit, A Ncv, FRAME CAIiiUAGE HOUSE, Nov 1, 1799- dtt. 5 f. £ D S. r *"jT , KE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and I. an il. ciiU r line of Stai{« DiSFATCH,return their grateful thanks to their frirnds and the public in general, for the oatl favors they have received, and inform them that in addition to the regular Line, th«y are piovided with Carriages, fbber and careful drijrrs, to go through between the City and Borough in two days. Thofo who prefer this mode of traV<iMi»g can be accommodated at the Stage Office, sign of United States Eagl*, Market fi-rcct, PhiUdtli Ina. THE POSSESSORS OF OBLIGATION-! .r CKR riFI.CAf HS lign cd by the fwbfcril*r, or undivided Shares or Lots on hi > purchafc within the city of Walking ton, who have uot y«c applied for and received their Deeds., are hereby notified, that their several Titles will be duly completed to the order of those who in conformity with the term# of the laid Cer tificates, do make the Payments in full therefor, either to 7be mas Af*£uen 55* Co. or to the Q ul>- fenber at Philadelphia, ou or at any time before the 3 1 It day oi' .Vlay next. 13 pipes old Port Wine. 25 boxes Tumblers af fortcd. 200 boxes Hamburgh Window 6iafa 8 by io, &c. 1 chctl affortcd Looking GUfles. Several large elegant d©. 1500 Demijohns. 50 kegs Pearl Barloy. A few tons Roll Brim ftowe. 30 kegs Yellow Ochre. A lew bbls. Rosin» 40 tons Raffia Hemp. So hhds. Hogs Bristles. a hhds. Dutch Glue 20 talks Nails assorted KNOWN by the name of the Booneton Iron Works, fitnatff in the county of Morris ia the (tats of New-Jerfry, confiding of a Forge with four fires, a Rolling and Slitting Mill, a Grift mill with two Run of Hares, and Saw mill, ail in good order and new in ufc. jtogejher with an excellent, large, and convenient house, with out-houfes of every kind; among which are a* Ice how fe, and stone milk konle, with a remarkable fine spring in it, a large Garden, and an excellent eolUAion of Fruit, a large Orckard, and 2500 acres of wood, pa>ure and arable laud, and a grc;.t number ol" {lore* and workmen's houCts Immediatepoffeffion will be given of heufes and (lores fufficient for providing (lock the preftnt winter, aud poilefliou of the whole in the fpting- from 3d. ro aod. 16 calks Ironmongery. 8 eafks Hoe*. German :'>t«et, 6 hhds. Coffee mills Blocking Twine, Tapes, Stone Pickling Pots, &c &c. f.tu&f For terms enquire of David B Qgden New ark. mi* Pet«r Mackic in New-York, mr. David Ford in Morris .Town, or rueflri. Ja-cob and Rich ard Fa*lch on tiw prd&ifc*. Cf?HiS is to give notice the Subfwiber I JL hath cb'aincfi from the OrphanComt of CocciJcoui.te in Mai v.aad, letter* of adminis tration on the p§rlonjl of Saiime! Gilpin, late of the county afurcfaid, sons having claims againfl t>e fa id d«etaird, are hereby warned to cxnibit ihe f>me with the Youehcrs thereof to the fublcriber on or before the 14th day of Auguit next —they m.iy other wise by law be excluded from all benefit of the laid eitatc. Given under mv haixi this 27th or January, one twoufand eighi hundred 2awtf. HIS Swedifli Majesty's Consul General, and au thorised to trani'aift the C«ifiil»r Bulliiefo, for bis Msjefly t'ne King of Denmaak in the United States ef America, tefidiog at Philadelphia, Hereby gives public Notice, That in obedience to recent inftru&ion« received From his government, it is the duty of all Matter® of Swedira and Danifli beforu their failing from any port in the laid Stat«s, to call upon him or the Vice Consul in orier to be granted such Certificates for their Cargoes, which the exigency of the flats of the Neutral Commerce anoi the fe vc.r I Decrees of the Belligerent Power!, render indispensably necessary, and, that any MaJhr o! veffeis belonging to the rcfpeilive nations, or na vigating under the prote&ion of their flags, in omitting to take such certificates, will personally stand rclpoßfible for the conferences. vPHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 13, lSool NOTICE, SARAH WILSON, Administratrix. JOEL W. WILSON, Administrator. No. 295, south Front fireet, Southwark. IVHO To LET, A BRICK STABLE, Sufficiently l&rge to contain ntoe iiorfes. AI,SQ 9 LANCASTER STAGES. Sloughy Downing, Dunwoody & Co. Nov. 3c. 2t—§ CITY OF WAS-HINGTON. Scimuel Blodget• December 17 BOONEYQN IRON WORKS, TO LI SOLD, OR LEASED FOR ON F. YEAR'—THAT Valuable Estate, Januarv i-i NOTICE. JOHN GILPIN, AJmin'tJlralGr. January 30. THE UNDERSIGNED, RICHARD SOUERSTHOM Philadelphia, 13th December, 1799. Thirty Dellars Reward. DESERTED FROM the Marine Barracks 011 the night us the 14th inft—|OHN OSBORN, born i:i the town o! Bedford, Wett Cheiler county and Hate of New-York, aged 21 years, 9 months, 5 feet X and a quarter inches high,grey evu (longqued) ligfct hair, ruddy csniplexion, poek marked, by trade a Shoemaker. H{aided by I ieotenint Hey nolds in Steph»n*s Town, near Aibaiey the of Jane last Had oil and took with him a short round blse cloth coa' with a red capo, a blue cloth coatec, a lew white waittooas. a long grey mixed cloth coat ana breeches, a pau' of hoots, a checolnte colouredgreat coat trimmed with blaek hair p'.ulh, a fun- hat half worn, and tv/o filvtr watches, cue a mi die (lie, the other small. He may impoie himrel! on fotr.e family or gertsiMo&a as 1 wai'er, as he has a£ted in that capacity.— Whoever apprehi nd» said Delerter, and lecures hits in jail, fends biiti to Headquattors, or delivers him to any of the Marine officers, or any officer of the army of the United States shall receive the above reward and all reasonable charges. J. S. LEWIS, Adjuient Marine Corps. January 16. <amax. f AUTHENTIC LIFE OF SUWOROW, JUS'I PUBLISHED, AND FOR SALE, AT THIS OFFICE, A SKETCH OF THE %ift attn Character PRIXCE ALEXANDER SUIVORQW RYM- NIK.SKI, Field-Ma.ihal General in thefervice of His Imperi ul Majcfty, the Emperor of all the Uuffias, WITH The History of his Campaigns Translated from the G, To which is added, A concise and crm'jrebcn. His Italian Campaign. By \V';lii:;na Cobiiott. With uii elegant Priat-Purtraii of tb.:t r»- norjr.t'd Warrior [iiriec a 1-2 Dollan.J Portrait of Marshal s::ivorw Gentlemen desirous of poffcflinjj; a capit.ii like ccfs executed in the firfl ft-yle, of this illustrious Christian Chieftain, may be furnifl?ed with parti cular proof iuiprcffions, at this office, price oac Dollar. February Iz HENRY BENBRIDGE BEGS leave to inform bis friends and the pa : lie, that he has commenced the buknefs oi' a BROKER, at his Office No. £3 Dock ftreet, near the Bank of the United States, where he buys an<l fells oh CommiiEion all kind* of Public Securities, Stoeks, Notes, &c £cc. and offers his services in anybufinefs in his line. Jan 34. diw3aw6w TO THE PUBLIC. THE SUBSCRIBER PROPOSES t© receive applications for the purchase and sale of the Military Lands, lately Located in ie&ions, or quarterTown ihips, of 4, coo acres, on the waters of the Mulkingum, .and Scioto, in the Territory N. Weft of the River Ohio. it is expected that an authentic draft, with the No. and name of the Location, and a certified description of the lands, w LI accom pany the application for tales. Military Land Warrants, also bought and fold. The different kinds cf Bank, Insurance, and Public Stock, Bills of Exchange &c. &c. negociaicd on as usual* by M. M I CONNELL. AO. 141 Cbtfiutjlrsety a few dwrs above fourth' March 1, eotw. DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the e- Jevcnth day of January, in the twenty-fourth year of the Independente of the United States of America, COL. INS O N Rii A D and GEORGE DAVII'., of the hid Diiiria, i-iav* deposited in this office, t he title of a Book, (he ripVir wheiVof they claim as Jftoprictcrs, in the words fctfjowi&g to wit : « TEN BLANK DECLARATIONS, Elegantly engraved on Copper plate, viz. i. Debt on Bond 6. QwavtijfT* Mt-'mir а.- —— by AlEgnec 7. Valebant 3. onfinglcbtfl 8. On Prbxnifiwry note 4. on penal bill 9. Sams by Indorse 5. Indebitatus As- ic. 1 refpai* and E б. lump tit jeclment. For the use of the. Proftssprs of tie-Lift*, nit AWN 15 Y COI.LINSON READ." taw*\V. In conformity to the act of the Conjjrefs of the United States, intituled 44 A* a<Sl tor the encouragi-ment of learning, by Securing the cq pies of Maps* Charts and Books to the Authors and Proprietors of f-;ch copies, during the time therein mentioned." (l. S.) D. CALDWELL, Clerk of Ibe District of Pennsylvania. The above declarations combining the km blanctr of fine writing with utility, »ndfcttlcd and appr ved by sonic of the firft awd inud d>f tinguifhed Law Chara.flers ill the state,' are now publifstJ, aud f<ir lale-at GEORGJi DAVIS's LAW-BOOK STORE, No. 319, I-IIUH-STKtK.r. Where always rnriy be had, every book want ed in that luie January J4• Notice is hereby given, To all persons interested in a Tract of I.and lying and being in Springjteld. Burling ton county, State of tfew Jersey, /»- merit belonging to Samuel Bullus, and by him con-'iyed to bis six children, That WJJ the Sublet ihers, appointed by Jasret Kin fey, l Chief of the Court of the State of N;*w Jersey, Commiffioncrj to make partition of the lame L.uids, t■, miu unongft the said children and their allii;.!--, do in •end to meet at the house «l Jtfcpb HMiJieji, in keepsr in Burlington, «n the twciltb dty.of Morel: next, at eleven of the clock in the tin noun of that day, and either by ourfclves or in ccnj'in&ior: with the slid Chief Jullice j-rcceed'to allot a;:d by ballot fix o:, the (hares or p:rt of tach of the laid dr«n and their afligns J-urfuaHt to the a& entitled " an ail for the more cafy partition of Lands held by Copal tners, joint Tenant? and Tenant! in com mon," made and paffod the «levcnth day of Nov. In jhe year of our Lord, one thouUnd fev?n hun dred and eighty-nine. Witnds OHr handsthis fifth day of February, One thousand eight hundrad. Abraham Stockton, Job Ltpjiencolt, dearies Ellis. jtawtilM. F«b. 8. ■rman ,f Frederick Ankhmfr. i-e Iliitzrj of TO WIT rutharo COPPER AND CANVAS Sheafing Copper i Sisad 24 oz. per fquarc foot, Patent Sail Duck numbers, '■.]?t,r sale by * JOHN ALLEN. ALSO, GUf* Ware, Silk Velvets, Mens Shoes, Bfiflol Pewter, Lamblack in Hhds, Straw liais and Boncets, AND Seven Trtynks Callicoes, entittled to drawback February aB. eo(i;w NICKLIN AND GRIFFITH HAVb for sale jo fmail thefts if Ginghams, on board 4 ditto or colored Muflineis, • the ship 4 hales of St. Fernando, ! Neftor,in 4 ditto of Gamblers, j the river 10 ditto of colored and white » from CafTimeres, J Liverpool 14 trunks of printed Callicoes, The above are in small ajhrtcdpaclt*tge< iah tt luted either for the Weji India tr home tradt. 30 tons Lead, in pigs, 8 tons of dr; White Lrad i n hhdi. 17 casks of firjedry Yellow Paint, 6 ditto of Mineral Black, I ditto oPdirto While* 10 ditto of Colcothar, 3 ditto of Pimple Brown, 10 cases Erjglifh China Ware in setts,, 36 calks of Naiis afforred, 300 bui rels pickled Salmon, 80 half ditto ditto, 80 barrels, Herrings, ac ditto Shad, 10 ditto Mackarel, 7 calks of Porter in bottles, 20 puncheons Rum, 190 pipes of Brandy, 4th proo£ 1$ pipes old Madeira Wine, 27 quarter chests Youog Hyson Tea # 13 boxes of Imperial ditto, EngUlh Gunpowder, HF Forged Copper Nails and Bolts, Sail Canvais, Empty Wine Bottles, Cork in fhects, Green Coffee in hhds. February 13. 1 GLASS MANUFACTORY. THE PROPRIETORS Qf the Pittsburgh Glass Works, HAVING procured a fufficiant sumher of themoft approved European Glal's Mauu fudlurers, and having on hand a large ilouk of the belt Materials, on which their workmen are now employed, have the pleufure of alluring the public, thjt.v indow of a fupeiioi qua lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 24 inches, carefully packed in boxes containing 100 feet ea I, may be had at the ihorteft notice. Glass of larper sizes for other purposes, may also be had, such us lor pictures, coach glafles, clock faces, &c. BoMles of all kinds and of any quantity may also be had, together with pocket apothecary's flop furniture, or other hollow ware—the whole at leail 2$ per cent, lowtr than articles of the fame quality brouglit from any of th* lea ports of the l/nited States. A liberal allowance will be made on sale of large quantities. Orders from mercbauts and others will be punctually attended to on ap plication to JAMES O-H&RA or I*AAC CRAIG, or at the Storeof M'eflrs. PRATHER and KMILJE, in Maiket-f treet, P ttfburgh. March FQk SALE A TRACT OF LAND, About four miles from the city, CONTAINING AIiOUT 21 Acrrs, fitiuttc oh the river Schuylkill, and adjoining «.f Jonathan-Williams, Esq. arid the late John MifHin, dectafcd, on which i« ere&ed a imall (lone building, frame flablt-s, antl stone fprkig house, over a never failing fprinji on the premifei' is an excellent stone quarry, and has a small orchard of yowg fruit trees, and "is an elegant i'uuotnn for a gentle man's furamer retreat. Prize Tickets <>t,Canal Lottery No. 2, and liquidated debts of th« D. auci Schuylkill Canal Company, will be taken in payment i or fiirtker particulars enquire of the printer hereof. Mir ill 5 WAR DEPARTMENT, PROPOSALS T"J"TILL be receive! at tins Office until the V V fcventli i'U:y ot April ne.xt fur cutting out chuthirijr for the Army nt-' tiie United States. — The pivpsji'a'.s ip.ui: I'pccit'y the price required iV.r tuttißt; out ear:h us the r.-vera I Mticles, to wit, Uorfeiitaii'scioaksj regimental Coau,veftt awi ovr-ralla. PHOPGSA LS will a!fo be received until the feveuch day of Apri. next fir the delivery of five thi ufand hats and twenty t'uoi sand shirts. The Hats to he made of g«ou wool to he well ina r,utadlured, full cocked, b mnd with narrow back binding, the fan er tilnat part eight ti broid, fides and corners fix inches broad. — The ftiins t< be of linen equal in quality with the pattern article, and to be as weil made as the said pattern. One huh of the hats and shirts to be deliver ed <*s or before the firfl day «f June next, and the rcmaindei'on or bifore the fir ft day of July next. Patterns of the several articles may be seer. at the Military Stores kept Hy John Harris,on the wharf between Arch md Kace streets. Security will be required. - ■ JAMES Mc. HENRY, Secretary < I MTrh 7 An a&ive Boy, 14 or i? years of aj;e, of rcputaole connexions, may hear of a plate in a Coinpting lloufe—he 15 wantfd to I'O o« errand? ai.d do iut door bufiarfs—apply to the printer. Marcb 10. ■"* A liberal and enlightened CrmmurMj A New Daily Paper, TO H £ fLTBr.I9 UED .OND-ER T«E TITLE Of Daily R.epoJltory of nfcful Information. IT will doubt left he dtemed a hazardous un dertaking to present to the public eyepropo fals for a new Gazette, when so many are al ready in pofleilion of the public patronage. News-papers so much more gene-ally diffuf ed throughout America than perhaps any other portion of the globe, may become either en gines ot mijVhief or the implements of wfefulnefs —-fhey diiTemiiiate good, or i'eatter poison, among thoufauds ; and althcuph it may bepre fumptuo«i3 in the Xiditor of that now piopol'cd to expedlt that its utiiity will b<* great, yet t.« may be admitted to declare, tint it lhall not willingly be madc.the means or doing evil His endeavors v.-ill be applied to render The Qbferver in fi»me. degree ctniducive to the at tainment of knowledge as well, a* tu the com municatioo of news—to er. jghten ihe u-.,der ftanding —to improve the morals—ty beget, or to confirm, a reverecoc for tbcfairtd principle* of Christianity- For '.his purpefe it U intended — Tofurnifh the must recent foreign and domestic intelligence ; To give ufef'ul Prices Current at heme and abroad, and othercommcrcial information ; To fele<ft from literary predictions such por tions as may gratify ufte and iuduceimprove- ment ; To unfold and enforce found and just viewa of government: To aid the great intereftsof piety and morality. To present occalionaily— Improvements in the arts and fcieaces—in agri culture and domestic economy ; Proceedings of the General and State Leg'fla- tures ; Reports of the Heads of Departments, and ©f interefiing cases adjudged i« the several court# of the United States, &c. Reviews of foreign and tioraeftic literature ; Anecdotes and chara&ers of diilinguifiud per- fonages; hiio&J Statistical tables ; Meteorological observations j Appointments ; Marriages, Births, Deaths. With these proposals the subscriber diffident* ly submits himfelf to the public. He is well a ware of the importance and magnitude of the undertaking Solicitous for the fate of hi* na tive land, and viewing with anxious fears and hopes the fucceis of a government created by the joint exertions of wifdotn and virtue, and o©»HU><a#d with found policy and genuine pa triotifin, he feels himfelf fmcerely interested in promoting such measures and principles as he believes eflential to public happiness and nation al profperlty. I. The Observer (hall be printed with a neat type, and cm paper of equal iize and quality with the present Philadelphia daily papers. 11. It /hall be putjljfhed every evening, and regularly lent to the nouses of the city fubferib ers —To others it will be forwarded according to th ir refpedive ir.ftruflions. 111. Tiie price will be Eight Dollars per an num to thole who reside in the city—and A in* Dollars to all others. The additional Collar is to defray the of e»U'iofing and diredl i*g papers. IV One half of the price to be paid at the time of fubfcribiitg, and the other half at the ex piration of twelve m»n'l<» Horn the publication o! the Grft number. The fucceediag payments to be half yearly. V. Advertifrtner.ts th.-.t do not exceed in length the breadth of the column will be 67 cents for the firll, and 33 cents for every addi tional insertion- Those 01 greater length wiSI be charged in the fame proportion. tu< htf. ZACHARIAH POULbON, jun. March t, 1800. fmwf THOMAS HAWTHORN, Of the City of Philadelphia, Merchant, ON the 9th day of Aug. 1797, afligwd all his Estate, real, personal and mixed, to JOHN M.NF.SBirT and JONATHAN MEREDITH, All perlcns indebted to the said I homas Haw thorn or to tha late hoofe of Hawthorn and Kerr, are defirtd to pay their rcfpcdlive balances to March 6, 1800. February II For R.ent, A comfortable and pleasantly situated HOUSE, in Arch Street, between Third and Fourth N. B Several Gentlemen, now Board ers in the house, will icniain there, if agree able to the person who may incline to rent the Enquir* at the Office of this Gazette, March 8 HORSES will be taken to winter at Pro'fcß HiU, st the 12 miie» (lone on the Urilir.l Road, where they wi3 Lave gusd Timothy and Cl'iv r Hay, well littered and clt-ar.'ji anda fieW to run in when the weather is good. £}» Enquire of Mr. William Eell Merchast, or on the premises. N.S. Will natl-n answerable for accidenti or, but v»iil wlie every pretention to preranl either. Kovcmber i> \Volume XVII. TO in* PATRONAGE Of IS SUBMITTED THE PROSPECTUS or THE OBSERVER, AND CONDITIONS- notice. HAVING JONATHAN MEREDITH Acting Assignee. Streets Horses to Winter. 3taw6w fI2W. 3tawtf