C >lr«»* a:-d Thornton, the agreeable au the Ctfnndifieur, devote on? paper to a yrojedt tor the convention of a Female foment. What did not succeed ii: G'ct* Britain is shout to be actually realiz ed ui An erica, and ladies are now engaged ciuile of political fhidies behind th t»it of il e House of Representatives. We lli.U Iron hearof Mistress Speaker, and the Honorable Lady from fucli a place—and the I'ederalift Belles will have a clear ma jority over the Democrat old maids, and awkward things from the country. A bill will be brought in for the exclusion cf gen tlemcn, and forne oratorical beauty will make a motion to impeach any one who at tempts to enter the door. i lie British miniiler has lately been seen fhak 11 hands with gentlemen without the j r '* t ' !t " house, and was caugh: J:n;l|ing one c'ay lafi week during a political debit-. Tre Aurora has accordingly de nounced him in the Bulletin, and Natti is Jirt paring a prol.x Ip-cch agSiiiift the en voy with a. view to hare Him impeached- Hie' drt i rpi.i' t!' by noi;rs n.a'c by one Nafli, and their teeth nihility ch.vttcr at the view rf Jonathan y 'Robb:i is pendant and a rope cordunt. The fehoti ot a. tch n terrifies every rogue, and the GViiiif speech of a murderer is hawked about daily in the politic d hall ol Jonathan is indeed a *'♦ perturbed spirit," -anu by the lift advices t'.om the toad of democracy iv'c learn that "To night the again 11 The circumstance of Mr. Lifton hearken ing to the debates in our ho life of convoca tion, ami even addreflTinr* fomt- of the mem ber*, and b-having. gord )m ---moredly, and like a gentleman MliniiidverG'-m in the Aurora. The demo crats have I ittly agreed ill full council, that 1,0 n; an omrbt to seek tor any information, or to make a bow, or ftiile , or nod ftmiliar ly to an acquaintance ; for in the firft place all information is of a lofty and ariflocratic charifOVr, and in the Gcond, " nods and becl-s aiiid wreathed smiles" are expreflive of civility and benevolence and good humor, all •which are retrieve-able by impeachment and tcp be trrned out of em ;l lovment, ef perially at the present time under the horrible ufurmtion, cruelty, tyianny, &c. ef adinin iftratioii. From the Virginia Federalijl. The tta>e of the public ,finan«es has been fe.e&ed of late as a proper fubje& of demo cratic clamor, and copiously commented on, with a view to excite odium against the ge neral goverr rnent. The deficit of revenue, which the official documents transmitted to Congrels eft invited at fomethi- g upwards of four millions of dollars, has been dexterously augmented tp and the magnitude of this Aim, is represented as the foundation of a future fyiiem of taxation which is to terminate in the ruin and opprcfiion people. It is bel eved, however, that out countrymen have no disposition to the poli tical Hypo and will chufe to feel the bur then 'ere they complain of its weight , that even then they will recollect the caule of itM impcfitiou, and submit to it with plea sure, as tne, price of exemption from a fo reign yoke. Driven by the nrljuftifiaole depredations and menaces of the Fivnch Republic into extraordinary exertions and preparations for felf defence, tl e ordinary rtfources of the union are inadequate to meet the essential expenditures of tlie cn'fis, and the deficit abqve mentioned, refulcing from the adop tion of measures not less who efomc than fieceflaryj is brought forward as a charge I of {ligh criminality against the governan'nt. Are we willing to efumate (Mir sovereign rights as a nation at a price, and to put our pu fe in .competition with our liberty? »Is our independence already so little prized, that we mesfure its value by and cents ? 1 o what else d cs a 1 this crimii a t*on of the general government tend ? In reflc&ing on the (ilualion and circurti ftances of our c ur.t y, although it would be u iwife to remain unprepared against tx- attacks, yet »t mull ap«>ear obvious that the danger most to be drtaded-—the evil most to be deprecated, is disunion ; and although the accuracy of th« fen time m, th re is finceri'y in tluir own declnra tions, is .'id ;n it ted by our patriotic republicans thernfelves, are they inc.eff.-r.tly labour ing the subversion of the government; which con Humes our only prote£hon against the evil. 1 p{ an 0 f their operations to this end, though f wg!jt so be concea'ed, is ne .veiihelef known., and ha at length become notorious from the uniform' tenor of their labours. The means for its acccmpliihnlent jcorfrft,' ,f - •'•'Cfflant efforts to undermine the pov jiMltterft, by robbing it of the popular con ficlriiee. <■ , In uniemitted endeavour# to ersate a be lief, t at the '< people have interests dif tinci aud ieparate from those whom they j '""/''Wiw appointed to manage their com- I won co*rt'erns\" In reviling the policy and queftionng the ptnity of almost every meafurc of defence, which the government, even after the mbft fenous and folcmn deliberations, has thought (pudent.and advifahle. In the exercifc of an unwise, injudicious and, in f olt , e refpefls, unconjli' tional cen uire cf those measures, by means of the kff'flatures, afting in their corporate capacities; who thereby evinced a will to lonfroul, as far as their influence extended, trfe corjhiutumal refnlts of a system crc.tted y > he people in their highejl foitereign capacity, with chartered powers to provide for the eneral welfare and defence by the very means thus prafcribed. | Ie democrat'! are broken The fliade In acrim h«ttof're presented, was re j (as far as the (late legislature could by cen- ler [ e T t0 Committee Claims, i lure controul) the prosecution of measures ' Mr " a Petition of Dr. confefltdly toithin the power of Congnfs, ! ** ni 7' M / ad ' of Bofto "' ftatin £ tbat he lia! on the mere gr -urnls of policy, and with- * n,! * tl,od of rcfimn « "mjihire, out reference to their conttitutionality ? I"' wh,eh be can ,U PP ! >' the whole United Is it federal, or can it rationally be eon- i '' ■ P '' a ?' nS 'j 10 ' 1 a d " ty t0 be la ' d ! fidered as the intention of the people when 00 U ' e ln, P ortat ' Oß . of that * rticle > as «»" ! they ratified and accepted th- federal ccn- ° f "* Referred t0 ftitution, that the State legifiatures, formed ° f for the local purposes of th, particular parts, .. ' h f h " UK **** *: at ln |° Com ™a%n (hould pu fiefs inquiG'tory powers, over a c w!lo]e °" the b,U a "d: efebhlh body organized for the good of the whole, , 7P > <■ roads ~ M r r - dF n°" d in the and making th. crude suggestions of their r ! and sundry a menavnei,ts own judgments or the dictates of their own r , ' , the b.U. which was order prejudices, the Handard both of m ral and ™ ~ ' n ß' roffed alld rtad a th.rd 'tune to political re -titude, denounce the congress of , tSullaii , i,, v . - the United States to their countrymen, as rf r " f n s An enemies to their liberty, and conspirators f aI "P bcll was read a third time against their peace? and palled. Let our f llow citizens seriously consider , T* "r Senate, these things, and their good fe-fe and love "iT 7 ' ,nfon ? ,n S * he of country will fu r r.i(h a ready anfwe,. f thc &"*««W»gr e e to ,h e refo- They Will discover the e„d to whfch all this Hufe, authoring the crimination of the government and 'its sup. %?'^"7^'V r' ? porters umrrir.giy points,—They will fee it; P I P J' Cnta . tiVis ' t0 C '° „ leading to d.sW.on, anarchy, cv.l I" " ' ' J'"' '>' ihe.r rrfpea.ve WAR, and bloods hed ;to a iiination which Tr " ' Mo,ld: 'y in A P'''> ««*.- fickena itileftion, and eau.ct humanity to , i r "f i™' ,• C ."'".T' recoil with h.rror ; to a fruition, the evils •' , t ' " t»e I rodent's of which are indefcribabh and will be em- OT' 4 fcßt bitter edhy a confcicufnefs of the blefling, . o ' a ,r" LZ we have forfeited and loft. g {"J*"' > , f > ff'. " A b ' !l ,P' °" Let it however he but realized, and the £>„ „f th^MunVof ,1 ! * 8 " views of the party which at prefect sways w t si ft S^ the councils of the State, will be complete ; Co mi litted m rni * 'tt' f V ''' ■ "'i' "u "r d the faflion agair.ft the federal government rTuonL lT TaL I i mi . t i .® , . _ i\ionaiy lit xt»«— Adiou nvd# will then have accomplifiv d the objea of ' - 44 SEPARATION FROM T H K UnlOn" will be blazoned m letters of blood on the un furled banners of anarchy ; and the boaft td li erry of America will exist no longer but in name.—A road to pre-eminence in the ancient dominion of Virginia, will then be opened to the Montichello, i epublico y De mocratic Philofophe., which while the peo ple are wife, will be closed forever, against his march lo the chief magijiracy cf United America. (CIRCULAR,) The Philadelphia Medical Society, desir ous of iuerealing the stock of uferul medical knowledge,' have determined to offer a Medal of the \slue of sixty dollars, tor th* heft differtarion in ;;niwer to the following q.Us (lion : What are the cftcfls of the sol- lowing medicines upon the human body, elpecially upon the puilr, viz.—Hyecvamus niger (Black Henbane), Datura Stramonium (7 horn-Apple), Conium Maculatum (H»m ---loc), Campfip", Amber 1 , Mu.'k, Digitalis Purpurea (l*«>x-;-.I»ye)» Scilla Maritima (Squill), Riiod' dendioti Maximum (an in. diginous American plant, called Mountain Laurel), and the principal preparations <>t Lead." Diffcrtations on this fubjeft competing for the prize, :.i:d written either in the Eng li(h, French* or L:tin languages, mull be for waived (post paid) to the " S.cietury of the Philadelphia Medical Society, i n, or be fore the firll Saturday in February 1802. To each of the diflVnations a motto mult be prefixed, and the fame motto muff be put upon the back of a failed letter, containi g the name of the Author. All the diflerta tioiiL, excepting' that to tvhich.tbe prize tliall be adjudged, will be returned to uwy place that may be dire&ed, with the letters which accompanied them unopened. Thus the names of unfuccefsful candidates will be known only to those to whom they may themselves communicate them. |C7" Printers in the United St. Smith prefcnted a petition of lie Library Company, in the city of Balti -111 -re, praying an exemption of duties 011 II b oks, maps and charts imported for :he uie of any library company or literary focie t) ; which petition, with one heretbl'ore indented ol a similar nature,from the New- York library lbciety, were referred to the Committee of Commerce and Manufactures. Mi. Ki'.tera presented a petition of Jacob Humphreys, a captain in the Pennsylvania line, during the war with Great-Britain, praying- the renewal ef a military land war rant loft by the petitioner. Referred to the Committee of Claims. Mr. D. tofta, from the Committee of claims, made a report cn the fevcral peti tions of 1 homas Frothinrjiain ; of several citizens and inhabitants of the counties of Washington and Allegheny ; of Andrew Kinl.y and others, citizens of Weft more lana county ; and the memorial of fundiy inhabitants of the four western counties of Ptfrinfylvanii— recommending to the hnufe to agree to the former reports made on these petitions and memorials. 1 he reports were severally read and com mitted to a committee of the whole houtr, and made the order of the day for Monday next. Hr.'Hill preC-nted a petition of Henry and Sarah Waters ;.dmniiltr>itors of Henry Waters, dirceafed, praying thr payment of | two lean oiriee certiiiear.es found anion- the : papers of the testator, l'ubfequent to tiseir 1 payment being barred by the ail of lirnita •ti >l3. Referred to the Committee of Claims. On motion of Mr. Me»v, the petition of Rear admiral Murk Rnbinfon, who lately died at Bath, was a gentleman of the mcft diflinguHhed raeiit in his profeffioD. He v.;s born oil St. Mark's day, 1722, O. S. and St thf age oi fourteen enteied into the (civile ot' his country. The exertions and conft-quen: diftindions of this gallant vete ran merit a briSf detail., He was attively engaged in most of the combats under the command of S'r Peter Warrsn, and Lord Hawks. As coiv.mHiider of the Falcoa, h:s conduct and bravery were eminent and con- Ipicious at the reduction of Guadeloupe, "'•••re bis fltip funk uriSer him. He was lined to the command of the couft of America, where lie tin ol prrfervin* Cliarlefton >f a!) alarming conflagration lerchanrs of South hurt t from the eti I'.'rvic*;* for v.'!.!, 1; tb? 0r.01.,]} '.Xj>i>rvd :H* • •'.'•'"ti'irl b\ nnU '»tid J. iitwiy 14, 1771, :e Vote of thar.k cry lifgt piece of plati and a he coninv tided t was transferred to the Slirewfbtfrj,-, in wf;ich lliip he I d the British fleet five times into Hd'iion, In the l;i(V el 11 {c eng;\KeiTients ofF the Cap 8 ot Virginia, he was disabled by s< I' verr wouild in the hip, and the loss of a leg- PRICES OF STOCKS. PuiLABELPHIA, MAHcM 5 Mi per Cent. !t/ 4 t0 ; f'hree per Cent. 0/10 Deferred 6 per Cent. 15/4 8 per Out Stoch— per Sane, advance. B \NK United States, 2$ "7 Pcr.nfylvania, 18 ( North America, j < Iniurisn.e comp, N. A. (hares 4 to 5 per cent, be low par Pennfylvania, fliares, 18 percent, adv. East. India Company of N. A., to percent advance Land Warrant?, 31 dolls, per 100 acres. COURSE OF EXCHANGE London, 6l at 30 days 60 at 60 a 90 day* Amflerdam, 35 37 per florin Hamburgh 30 33 a-100 per MarkSansw. On the 4th of February, off Grea' Hen cauga. fpr-ke an arnird brig Captain Water*, from St. Marks for Baltimore 4 days out. On the 6th of February, ess the S. E. re?, if of Heneauga saw a vt ffi l (tranded. bearing a Ufider Lor On the 25th of February, off Cape Hat teras, spoke the IWp Betsey, WoodhuH, bound to New York from G?orgetown, who informtd that hijmate James Smith, of New York fell overboard ; that he sent 2 men in his boat to pick him up; —that the boat was cverfet, and a man named Caleb Johnson of Stonybrook was drowned, and the mulatto man in the boat was picked up by the Two Sifters, and put on biard next day :—the ma:e was alfu drowned. I'hitio Stats s 7 / Pegnfylvaiiia Dljlriti f NOTICE is hereby given, shat in ptirfuanc of a writ of Fi Fa lately to nre dircded, by the hon. Richard Peters L'.fq judge of the diftriA court of the Ujijted States in ami for the Pcron fylvania diftriit, will be exposed to pub ic fair it No. Jiy in' Stiff fras ftfet, on Saturday the rjth day of March instant, ? v ia o'clock at noon, 2 pipes of Madeira Wine, called Loiidon parti u!ar. The fame a part of ten pipes, levied on, on the sth dav of J uns last, by WILLIAM NICHOLS, late Marshal. Saffifrasftreet. No. 117,7 Xlth Msrth, xSoo. J From the Neiv York Gazette. The following letter of thanki, to Lord St. incent, with his answer, has net been published in America. It you can frcare room for them in your eftepmed Gazette, you will oblige a friend of the Irave, and an acquaintance of that gallant admiral. Wall street, 6fb March. my lokd, I have the honor, by desire, and in the name of, the merchants of London, and the merchant* arid manufacturers of Leeds, Hali fax, P.xeter, Birmingham, and Norwich, trading to the fouthcrn parts of Europe (unanimously determined and dire&ed by their refpeClive committees) to express the warm intere.'i they take in the fpredy and peifeft re-eftablifliinent of your ]ordChip's health, and their earned wish and prayer for the long preservation of a life of such irri portance to the British empire. In common with their fellow fubjeas,ihey Uzvt felt the advantage which this country has derived Irom the gallantry displayed by your lordship on various oc.calions ; and as merchants, an additioal degree o? obiigatioij, for the zealous attention which your lord fLiu has shewn, on every occasion, to the iupport and prote&ion of its trade and com metxe, and for which they request your lord ship to accept their grateful thanks. It affords me," my loid, the most hearfelt fatisfnfkian, to be charged with commtini cating- to your lordship, fentimrnts replete with veneration, applause and gratitude ; sentiments so justly merited hy your lordship, find 1 o cordially felt by the highly refpetta ble body of the merchants and manufactur ers, whom, in their mercantile piofcffion, I have had the honor, for several years past, te represent. Permit me alio to myfdf of this op portunity of acknowledging the obligations lor which I am p*rlon.iily indebted to your lordiliip, and to i'ubferibe myfelf with efleem and rcl'pecl, My Lord, Your Lordfliip's roost obedient and most humble servant, (Signed) JOHN TURNBULL. Adminil the Earl of St. Vincent. London, Nov. 6*>&, 1799. To which his Lordship returned thefollow- ing reply SIR, I am highly honored by and gratified by the approbation of the merchants of Lon don, and the manufacturers of Leeds, Hal ifax, Exeter, Birmingham, and Norwich, trading to the southern parts of Europe, and by the warm interest they take in the reco very of my health, conveyed in your oblig ing letter of ycfterday. The prote&ion ps the trade and com merce of the country, I have ever confidereo a principal objeft of my publis duty, and felt fully recompensed, when any efforts in the discharge of it were attended with suc cess ; for on the prosperity of our commer cial navigation, the summit which Great Britain has reached, can only be maintained. I avail my felf »f this oecafion, to acknow. ledge the advantage I have derived frotr. your inltruftwe correspondence ; and I have the honor t« be, with great regard and ef- tuem, Sir, Yntir most obedient humble servant, (Signd) ST. VINCENT. Roc/jctts, A T ov. 7, 1799. To John Turnhull, Esq. Chairman") ot the Merchants trading to the C Southern parts of Europe. J ** e- -wr. Will be pitfented, {-fir the feconi tfme Itrf) thj admired Comic Opera. iiilied , Or, The Polish Confederacy. To which will be added, the musical Entertain ment. (net)tr performed here) called THE SAILORS RENDEZVOUS. In which -will be introduced the favorite Soar of " SWEEf POLL OF PLYMOUTH." George Alexander Steevcns'i celebrated Sotrg cf By a Gentleman (his lirii attempt on any Ftagc.) AND By Mr. Francis, Mr. WarrtH, jun. and Mr. Mitchell. ■f? A young Gentleman will (hortly males his First Appearand in TONY LUMPKIN', in Dr. Goldlmith's tt\uch »dmired Comedy of SHE STOOPS TO CONQUJtR. Box. one Dol'ar, Pit, three quarters ©I" a dollar, and Gallery half a dollar. $5" The doors of the Theatre will open at a quarter pa&s, and the curtain rile at a quartur past fix. H IS JUST RECEIVTD, And for fate at DICKINS'« BOOK-STORE, Opposite Christ Cinircbi Novcfhber 11. FROM the United States Frigate Philadel phia, DAVID DEVINE,I>y trade a Shoe maker, , born in Ireland, 23 years ofag£, { feet 6 inchet. high, light complexion and hair—also, WATSON LUDLOW, by wrade a Shoe maker, born in New Jerky, 33 years of age, 5 feet 10 inches high, dark hair and complexion* Whoever will take up said Deserters and deli ver them on board the said fliall receive ten dollars reward for and realbnablc charges. March 12 GEORGE DAVIS has just recrived from vDub lin, via New Yi rk, a very large Parcel of Law Books, all of the latest editions, whii h ren ders hi? assortment he believes the most extensive and valuable on the continent. They will be opened this day, and ready for faleat any time af terwards. The fubferibers to that important work, JVmt •uiortb't Syfiem of Pleading, arc informed that it i» now arrived, and will be delivered en application. Blank Declarations fettled and approved by the most distinguished L«w charadcrs, to be had of G. D. March 11, ON MONDAY THE 17th inft. at IJ o'clock, noon, at the Merchant's Coffee Hpufe in Second fireet, will poStively he fold, without referv?, belong ing to George Meade, Efq.-an elegant 3 florr BRIGK DVVEI.LLING HOUSE, airfioil new, and jGnilhed in the modern stile, No-78. on the fnith fide of Walnut street, two doors below Fourth street, r.nd now is the oc cupation cf Mr. .Simon Walker (fon-ir, j aw t0 Mr John Afhley ) This hWe is under rent for one year, from the 4 th of November, 1799, at 840 riolNrs pT annum. The lot on whic-h it is erefled, is 15 feet in front and fret in depth. The'rcmair.der of the lot wa3 tliro' mistake fold fojnetirne path being 24 feet 9 inches in front, and 'in ctfpth. It (hall be valued by three boneft men chosen by the parties ho have secUrities on the premises, which Mr Meade will account for to thole who have iecvrity on the property. Thoaipfon, from Trvo Brick Stables, and a Coacb Houss, in Walnut ftrett between 4th and sth street, ad joining Mr. Marlhall's meaing hoßfe. The Stables have the privilege of an alley of n feet into sth street. They will be fold I'eparately ; one ct them "will hold 4 horses and two car riages, arid is now rented for £.50 per annum. Tia* other liable will hold 3 horses an ! ore car riage, and is now rented for £.37 10. they are both arched 3nd laid in mortar, with two inch plank, and the cedar will hold 100 pipes of witee—Alfo, A LOT OF GROUND, in 4th street, ao feet front, and 49 and an half feet deep, fubjeft to the annual prosnd rent of 6 dolhrs ?nd 38 cents. This lot has the privi lege of a 3 (set al!«y adjoining. Conditions of faie will be approved indorsed notes at 6, 9, 1 i and 15 months. On the house in Walnut street, there is a mortgage of ,£. 1630 payable to Edward Stiles,Efq. and on the fiable there is a mortgage payable to Samuel Williams. Thrfe mortgages may lay a con isderahlr time by regularly paying the interest. March 11. On MONDAY' the 44th inflant at 9 o'clock in the ncrningt at the dwollinghoufe of George Mn-'.e, Jifsj 011 the north fide qf Market llreet between Eleventh and .Twajftii (Ireets, being the house occupied as the Post Oißce durino- the lafl sickness, and immediately opposite. to Mr. John Dunlap?, A very extentive and general aliortment of ELEGANT FURNITURE, Being of the firll quality and in the highel pre . fervation, ccnGSi>'g of almost every article in the Hcufe keeping line ; such a« Mahogany Side Beard*, Chairs, Dining, Pembroke, Card and other tables'; Secretaries' Bureaus, Lookir"-Glafles lie,is, Bcdftcis, Plate ana Plated ware, Chins Giafr, &d Bcc jil.SO—a complete set of mahogany chairs, ftt tees, curtains, &c. covered with blue damulk fuf. ificient|or a !arf;e dining rc-om. The goods may be viewed on the Friday and Saturday preceding .he f'ayol sale, from 9 o'clock in the morning until a o'clock in tbe afternoon : and ftiould the day prove un' vorable, the sal« will be poftported until the ni xt lair day. March 10. NEW" THEATRE. This Eevening, Marsb 1 1, ZORINSKI; THE POSITIVE MAN; Or y Si.t r ors qn Shore. The Farce te conclude wish By Mr. Darley. " THE SEA STORM." A TREBLE HORNPIPE, PORCUPINEV RUSH LIGHT, No. 11, DESERTED, LAW BOOK STORE, 319 High Str.ct. SALE OF ELEGANT REAL ESTATE. ALSO, AND WILL BE SOLE FQS CASH, EDWARD POLE, tfCo, f jtawtf. itaw^w AuSioncers. Utf