-■ • - A&EW MUSICAL REPOSITORY ' IS NOW OPENED At Chalk's Circulating Library, No, 75 JSTortb Third Street, WHERE *nav be had, all tba Fafiionmble Music | comrofing the song"» fee. lately fold at the Repository in South Second Street. To which, in a few days, will be added, some PIANO FO& TES of a very fupcrior tone and quality, Flutes, Fifes, Violins, bell Reman Violin String?, and every other article in the musical line, which will be fold in prime order, and ow the moil reasonable terms. subscriptions received for the Muftcal Journal {or the Piano Forte, and the Flute or Violin, tha firft fix numbers of which are already published, and may be purchased together or fsparately by non fubicribers. March 6, 1800. NOTICE. THE Parterfrip of JOHN HAtNES & IVIL LI AM JONES, trading under the firm fef HAINES iff JONES, was by mutual agreement diflolved on the 24th of January last. All persons interefte'J, especially those indebted to them, will pita fe to call as early as polfible on William Jones, who is duly authorifecl to adjud their concerns. JOHN HAINES. WILLI \M JONES, The business will in future be conduced by William J ones y at the former stand No 132 Mar ket ft. eet, 3d door abovs 4th, where he has on hand and means to keep a regular supply of the best and mofl »afhionable saddles and bridles. Pla ted saddlery and silver mounted whips. Harness of all kinds ancj fire buckets, together with a gen eral afTortTJienr. of every other article ufualiy at tached to that line of bufiaefn. , March n THR FOLLOWING VALUABLE LANDS Will be offered for sale, at the Merchants Coffee House in this city, between the hours of six and eight 011 the evening of SaTURDAT the twenty-second of March next. In the County of GLYNN and State of GEORGIA —all patented in trails of to;o acres. 7,000 Acres at the confluence of Fred-rici and Tin tie river,, and head of St. Si mon's found, near the town of Bi unf wick. »8»,oco Acres on the -witers of the areat and little Satilia rivers, and of Baffaloe creek. 41,000 Near the above described trails, 15,000 Near the above described tracts aßc,coo Acres on the waters of the great Sa tilla and Ahtaharna. 147,000 Acres on the fame waters 50,000 Acres on the waters of the great Sa- - tilla. 50,ce0 Acres on the waters of little Satilia and Alatamaha rivers and Buffaloe creek. <O,OOO Near the above described tracts. In the State of VIRGINIA—aII patented 44,000 Acres in the county of Hath, on both fides i f Green Briar river, subject to to 3000 acres of prior surveys, in- cluded within the said 44,000 acres, but exclufrve of that quantity. 41,cc0 Acres in the county of Bath, en the ealt fide of tha Cow Pallure river and and on linth fides of the Waggon Road leading from the Warm Springs to Staunton, subject as aforefaii to 50CO acres prior surveys. 40,00 c Acres in the county of Randolph, on Buchanan river, subject as aforefiid to 4588 acres prior surveys. 30,000 Acres in the couny of Bath, on the eatl fide of Calf Paftute river, subject as afurelaid to 5000 acres prior sur veys. In PENNSYLVANIA. Acres in Northumberland county, fur veyed and returned. «6 ,800 Acres in Northumberland county, sur veyed and returned. 40,400 Acres in Bedford county, surveyed ar.d ready to be returned *s* Fcr tht greater part of the pyrchafe money a liberal credit will be allowed the pur chafcis, giving unqueflionable fecuriiy. Persons uiftiiMg particular information will pleafc to apply at No. 41 Arch flrset, where the patents and drafts, and atfo certificates of the quality of the Georgia and Virginia Lands are deposited THOMAS FITZSIMONS, BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, JEREMIAH PARKER. |C7* Also, at the fame time and place, 43473 acres and one-third of an acre in Malon county, in the State of Kentucky, on the Nprth Fork, within four miles of its juuftion with the Middle Fork of Ken tucky river—this trail was surveyed in tbe plying as above dire&ed. Philadelphia, Jan. 7. WAR DEPARTMENT, March 6, ISOO. PROPOSALS WILL be received at this Office until the seventh day of April next for rutting out cloathing for the Army of the United States. — The proposals must fpecify the price required for cutting out eaA of the several articles, to wit, Horseman's cloaks, regimental coats, veils and overalls. PROPOSALS will also be received until the seventh day of April next for the delivery of five thousand hats and twenty thotfand (hirts. The hats to be made of good wool to be well ma nufailured, full cocked, bound with narrow black binding, the fan «r hind part eight inch es bread, fides and corners fix inches broad.— The shirts to be of linen equal in quality with the pattein article, and to be as well made as the said pattern. One half of the hits and Ihirts to be dsliver edoflor before the 6rft day of June next, and the remainder on or before the fir ft day of July next. Patterns of the several articles may be seen at the Military Stores kept by John Harris, orf the wharf between Arch and Race ftreeti. Security will be required JAMES Mc. HENRY, . Secretary of War. dt5A. March 7, TPIOMAS CLAYTON public in -general, that he ha* rerriov'd the whole Stock in trade of the late firm of J. f. MAL COM & co. clruffeift'» to figu of Fothergiils Golden Head, No. 97 South Second Street, dire&ty oppo lite to the City Tavern, where the business in all its branches will be condu&ed as heretofore in enn junAion with WILLIAM LEHMAN, under the firm of WILLIAM LEHMAN & Co. March 6 AS Mr. Thomas Claytop, in hi* advert tifemerit above, ha? indire&ly aiTerted that I have declined business, I feel it my outv to inform my friends and the public, that I continue the Drug and Apothecary Bufinei's, as ufuai, at the old stand, sign of tnthergill s golden head, No. 26, iouth Secohd {licet, a little below oppolite Black, ilorle Alley, where may be had, constantly, every article in the line. JOHN J. MA LOOM. MEDICINE CHESTS, For (hipping, with plain approved directions, put up at an hour's notice. March 7 Orations and Eulogiums. • This Day Published, BY J. ORMRO D, No. 46, Chcfnut r. ft, (price 31 cents) ON THE SUBLIME VIUVV.S OF GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON. At the same place may be bad, 3UW3W- The Rev. Dr. Rogers's Prayer, delivered on the 22d February 1800, before the Penn sylvania Society of the Cincinnati; To whith are fubjomed, the Hymns sung on that mournful occasion, by the choir under the dire£tion of the Rev. tylr. Law.—Price lo cents. I RESPECTFULLY invite you siiherto tie City Tavern, Hardy's Hotel, Francis' Hotel, the Indiat» Queen, Dunwoody's Tavern, the Fraakliu'n Head, or to the George, to examine a specimen of Rowlett's Tables of Discount or Interest, on every Dollar, from I to 1,000 ; «n every ten, from 2006 to 2500 ; on every fifty from 1500 to 3000 ; and on every five hundred from Jooo to 5000 ; from otae day to 64 days includve, at fix per cent, comprising in the whole, upwards of one hundred and thirty two thousand one hundred and fifty calculations of difcatint ; al! performed according to the equi table piincplts of tie Banks, and as pradtifed between individuals throughout the United States ; being a perfeft ftawdard on the fubjedl : with notea, ihewing how to use the tablf» at five, seven and eight per tent, reckoning either 360 or 165 day> to the year, and the modt of calculation on cents; to which is added, the principles of computation of the various ex changes between each State rtfpedlively, ar.d between these ami London and Paris, at differ ent rates of exchange. The work is dedicated, by permission, ;o the President and Directors of the Sank of North America, and has already received the patronage •of John Ad«ms, Piefident of the United States; of Thomas Jefferson, Vice Presi dent of the United States and lYefident of the derate ; of a large number of the Senators and Members of the House of Reprcfentatives of the Unjted States ; and of tie Pi efidents and Di reilors of the different Banks unanimously : a lift of the whole is printed and attached to the specimen book. The preface to the specimen explains, among other matters, the methods to be purfutd to render the work perfe&ly accurate —and gen tlemen who will rcfledt on those methods will agree in the fadt. Every one will acknowledge the arduoul'nefs of the undertaking. Thetxpences, independent of any compensa tion fur my trouble, will require afum between three and four thousand dollars, which is two mach to hazard—all must depend therefore up on a general fubfeription ; .for uniefs fifteen Centre Square, Feieuaty 5, 1800. hundred fubferibers are obtaine ', it wou'.d ccr- IM compliance with the inftntc'ions of the . » : ' I! V be imprudent to execute the work. ,1 ? . r . , • . 1 •, olibicnbers -jail run no nlk, as the book Committee for Watering the city, and v/ith , r . .. 0 ~£. 7 . , (which will be quarto, from aco to aa< pages, my own inclinations, every poflible admit- | or more _ price tWo .dollars) is not to be paid tance and information has been given to f or until delivered rigorously conformable to thole citizens who have visited the Works j my engagements cxpreffed in the conditions during their progress. The Engines are now ; affixed to the specimen, which confxfts of fix arrived, and are immediately to be put up, detached pages of the work, and it is hoped that it will be thought re a- !„ * wblc o{ al! the P ost «°wn» >n the United r«.,nki a nn,i ;.. n u„♦ u *.~ T3..ki - „, 1 States, and foxne other ufeful information (not ionable and luit, both to the rublic, and to \ , » . f, A c it--, « exprefied in the title) wilUollow the computa the Contraftor for the Engines, that the ti / n , of #xchMg( , ' betwfen this country and workmen ihould not be interrupted. As,£ j England and France s,and provided, gentlf^ien, very few months will fully gratify the cu- that a fwfficieat number of you come forward riofity of the citizens, by (hewing them the and fubferibe, a further.addition shall fee made Engines in full operation, a temporary ex- °f the coins and money of account of the piin~ clufion of all vifitorsfrom the Engine houies ci P a ' ! maritime trading places in Russia, Sweden, cannot appear improper. %r,mark Norway Prussia, Poland, Germany, d it r iTiinnc r Holland, Flanders, Spain, Portugal, Italy, ana B. H. LATROBE, Engmeer. in of the dward and WW Weft Februaiy 13. dtf. India Islands, the whole reduced to dollars and cents; and t he mode of computing the exchange with tt oie pla. es explained ; aifi?, a large flieet table of calculations at compound interest at 6 Major Jaekfon's F.ulogitim Dr. Smith's Oration Mr. Morris's, do. General Lee's do. Judge Bayard's do. IN THE PRESS, And will be published nettl week, Mr. Chaurdon's Oration 2 5 Mr. Vining's do. -5 Riv. John B. Linn's Poem on the death of Gen. Washington, after the manner of Oflian. Hcvii'.y expe£Ud, Dr. Linn and the Mafor.s Oration?, New-YoiU. March 8 'Thirty-nine hogsheads ej Sugar A generous credit will be allowed. Apply to MOORE WHAR'I ON, No. in South Water Street. February 21 BY THE fUCSCRIBKR, A QJIAKTITY OF Excellent RICE, In whole and half Tierces, GREEN COFFEE, IN SAGS; And a fevj boxes of Mould Candhs. JOSEPH SHOEMAKER, Jun No. 8;-, So. Front Street, d i w. March 8, WATER-OFFICE. WAS FOUND, A BUNDLE OF BANK NOTES. aawtS <T rr B nivKFK | per cent, to which the notes for 5, 7 and 8 per « * • 1 » cewt will apply—the tables used in banks for By prov.ng property and pay,ng the charges determi^„ y on ofthe valse of ld aild the 01 this advertiiement, may have it again by ap- A f , , - .'1 L , . , Tv T t.j• 1 /i ° 1 r lnrerelt tor each month from one to twelve P 'y n g at No. ,49, High street. which will make the work llill more acceptable to persons living in the country as well as in town ; and upon the whole, I am con fident, that this book will be found as generally ufelul and convenient as any matter of fa&*pcr formance that ever entered a counting house or store. ad mo. 10. A llacl Darned Ptitr, left my f«rvice on the jyth ult : he is rather ftiort in stature, but is strong and well formed, and is about 18 years old. The said boy had on when he went a good black hat with a cockade, a brown coat, corduroy panta loons and good Iboes. Whoever apprehend! him and returns him to me, ftia'.l receive one dollar reward, and no char ges paid. E. DICKENS. Captain of veiTels and all others are warßed at their peril against harboring him. March 10. <jst Three Cents Reward. RUN away from the Subscriber on the evening I JOHN ROWLETT, of the »SSth inft. a bound Servant GIRL,' jiccomptant Bank North America. named Elizabeth Howchel, had on and took with j Postscript.—Gentlemen who have business at her,:three different changes of garment and money, J either of the Banks, or at the Philadelphia Li proud, bold and impudent, a noted lyar ; any par-. brary, will have an opportunity of fubferibing f«n apprehending her ihall he entitled to the above j there, as well as at the Taverns, &c. before teward—bo coSs or charges will belaid. I mentioned. N: B, She had 1 years and some months to fei ve. Daniel fvtzpatrick. Golhen Township, Chester County, July 19. august 6 3awtf Rcm-jval oj'iltdic'tuet, A MISTAKE, ORATION By Fifter Ames FOlt SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER For Sale, A RUN AWAY. JACOB SPERRY, & Co No. 195 Market Slrect, Ofief for sale at realonabW prices, for approved paper, < r in barter for Coffee, TBI rOLLAWIKO GOODS, Entitled to Drawback : I cile Ladies'Shoe 8 S cases fine Elberfe! - Linen* 20 Cafos Creas a la- Morlaix. 4 do. D.ovlafles 4 do. Rouans 4 do Flotillas Roy ales. io do CafTerillos or white rolls of i 2 St. half yard*. 8 do Checks and stripes. 3 " do. Fine Elber ffcld Checks 4 du. Coiitils and LilUdoes I do. Check fnirts; 16 do. Oilcloths, io do. Tapes of all numbers, plain, twil led, blue and white, aoo Travelling cafesof different sizes 4 cases cut flint De canters, pint & quart 3 cases gill tumblers I cafe wine g'aftVs i7l boxes of Window Glass, 8 by io a cases Scaling Wax With an exter.five alTortment of Looking Glass Plates of the following lues, 16-12, 17-ic-j-, 17-13, IS-14, 20-12, 22-13, 24* 14, 26-15, goods ufualiy imported from Hamburg. March 11. d6t— ta«4w.- no risk: To Merchants, Store Keepers and Trades- men in geueral, See. [To* nil! obligs me by reading this advuiiftmtr.t throughout ] Cents, I2i IS-r d6t. d 2i» f Jt' It if not fuflicient that an individual (cenfi dering himfelt but one) (ball conclude, iniiead of fubferibing, 10 purchase the took when pub lifted, asfomt pfthe members of«the Houle of Ueprefentatives of the United States have dons ; for, however much I am obliged to these, the the lofsot" many ONES' fubferiptions may lose me the race, and the book may never be pub lished. I repeat, that nothing is to be paid in advance, And am, very refpedlfully, Gentlemen, Your humble servant. Copy right secured according to act of Con gress. Karen 6. 4 (So. Siamoifes 3 do. Sileliahankfs. i do. Damalktalile linen aflorted with napkins 3 i!o. Moreas 4 do Flandtrs Bed Ticks, 6 4, 9*4 *nfl -104 From tie Suon-of Mess, Colon isf Spondee I have jufl looked into Madura Gei:li«- " Les Chevaliers Dn Cygne." ' 1S neat and eafv, and remarkable lor that be witching vivacity so cunlpicuous in French pages. But many of the incidents and scenes are trite and thread-bare. Descrip tions of the feats knights of chivalry abound. We have tilts and tournaments, golden hshuets and nodding plumes in plen ty! Prancing courses, Iplendidly caparifoii ed, stand in every stable. Bright lances, fit for immediate use, may be had by every , fquir.-, who will alk for them 4 do Cotten Bed Ticks I do. Thread ftock-. ings, Gloves & pan taloons i do. Kid Gloves 4 do. Kibbons 3 do. Garnets and Pearls i calks alTorted Iron mongery a do. Scythes, io hands. 4 do. Coffee mills 3 Cables of ii.s fa thoms each, 9 & io inch.- To wia her grace, whom ail commend." In all this there is much glitter ; and brass and gold ring very sweetly, when struck by the fair hand of Madame Genlis. But, this age of chivalry" may be seen in my anti quated Don Belianis of Greece, and Felix roarte of Hj rcania, and the legend of Sir Tristram, and in every page of Amadii de Gaul. It is a curious, and may be a profita ble speculation, to refleft on the vicissitudes of learning and taste, as they refpeft both l he study ant l the admiration or uegle£t of legendary lore. In the earlier annals of the Spanish story, ye find every high minded Caftilian studious of the exaggerated, or fa bulous tales of Knigut errantry, and burn ing to figlialize liiinfell", by the relief of a datnlel, the diiTolution of an enchantment, the breaking of a lance, a ride upon a grif fin, or a rencounter with a giant. In th e niidrt of this delusion Satire and Cer" vantes* fprangtinto the lifts, and knights and squires and dwarfs and damsels, and caflles and burning lakes vanished like the mornirig mists from the mountain. This rout of the whole hod of chivalry was so to, ■ tobacco pipe is purified by being burned, tal, that books of knight errantry either re. .. , .... „ ' , ~ . . , , „ , , , perhaps if the dissenting Doftor himfelf mained, mouldering in the dull ot neglected , ~ . . ... , . were roasted a little, his Socinianilm and libraries, or, if opened, were read only as . . .» i Jrmogifton would appear the brighter. All food for spleen, or incentive to merriment. ~ . . , „, . , . r „ , _ . , : his experiments and all his theories are fit This is the age of revolutions. On a fud- . . • . > r r r■ . ~,,, - , . . , for nothing but to amule a fuperficial caper, den, in the full blaze of the eighteenth cen- i . T . , ' J , , , , . , I ing Frenchman, be a maygame to democrats, tury, Madame G. whether goaded by the re- r • ,~ „ 1 , r , r . , , ', , , j and Bartholomew fair drollery to a revolu. proaches of BurkU, or foliated by the fickle j . ri , r , , , v „ .. r | tionary rabble. It is wonderful how this and depraved taste of the Paritians, composes, . . . 1 , r , i • 1 l u SS ,er ,s permitted to play his tricks here, or rather compiles, volumes of the exploits ' . . ■ L , r , , ' . lin the opinion ot Kurope, a few democratic of feudal Wroes, and the ceremonies ot ehi-, r , , , , , . knaves, tools and philosophers excepted, hu ▼airy. We are led backward to the caverns L . . r r "r' ' . , ~ i reputation clerical, literary and political has of rude--time. We are introduced to old j r ' r ~ ._ . , r ' long iince declined into " the limbo of van- Courtiers, old fathioned courtely,.old preju- . ■ „ , , , ,1 j ; ity. His fuffocating periods, his baffled dices, excellent however, and, like old da. . ' , , ,ji irreligiou, his political ignorance and tlie maik and brocade though ftiff arid unyield ' r ° ■' 'ntolcrable prolixity, dullnels and number of ine, yet fervicrable and found. We hav e ' , . e h;s leaden books have long since become the no reason to be alharaed ot these acquaint. ! r . _ , i -tr ■ „ , . 1 1 scorn of England. "He writei on all things ance, but we are surprized at this day, to t , ... „ „ D . ' 1 but on nothing well." By the sacred voice find ourselves in their company. bince Cer- . ~1 , . _ ' of a principled and fatincal bard, he has been vantos wrote, and fir.ce the epoch ot rrench i r . . , , ' . , ; ad ured to flee like some evu spirit, ana revolution, the fashion ot knighthood ha ? T&S&eW Xi)e duetts. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY EVESING, JIARCU II Juftuu et tenacem propofiti virum, Non civium ardor prava jubentium, NO9 vultus inftanti* tyraum, Mente quatit folidd. An Author's Evjnin'gs. " And throngs of ladies, whofe'bright eyes, Rain influrr.ee, and judge the prize Of wit or arms, while both contend passed awqy- It is difficult, after the pe- rufal of Don Quixote, to restrain merriment at the name ct a castle #r a knight. The objeft of Madame de Gcnlis in leading her reader among tilts and tournaments and " throngs of knights and barons bold" per- haps wa= to ccntiaft more forcibly the tricks of innovation with the dignified and regular c oftume_uf early times, but her object migbj have been better'accompliflied by describing the court of Henry of Navarre, rather than that of Charltrmagne. Here, let ns reft. To find fault, with books, ufeful in the main, is an odious talk. To speak harshly of a lady, who has deserved so well of morals and literature as Madame tie G. is no less repugnant to gallantry and politeness than to found cnticifm. The principles in these books are excellent.. They incite to deeds of valour, justice and benevo lence. It must not by any means be omit ted, that this lady is not of the modem French school. She has received her educa" tion under better matter than the Abbe Sieyes, or the impious Le Pawx. She has evidently been, taught according to tb c ftraighteft sett of a fourth Henry and a four teenth Loili?. She "has kneeled at the feet of none of the recent Gallic Gamaliels. She is an ancient gentlewoman, arrayed in court ly robes, ill the gorgeous vefhne'nts of Maria Antoinette, not in the flinizy and scanty drapery of Tallien, or in the filthy rags of a suburban Poiflardc. Of the revolution mongers and philosophers of Erance, fh; ex prt'fies her opinion either in the loud tones ef anger, or with the hiss of contempt. It *He, wliofeKniGHi's difliriguiflied name Kefin'd a nation's luftef fame Whole tilts even cow, with echoes sweet Csftilii'i Mooi.jflj hills repeat. ;s truly honoiahlt to this'correft anJ vtr tu_ ous matron that (lie nourishes a hatred f«r thatfalfe philofopby, the bane of the human race, and in Fiance the grand principle of deftruiction, the original sin of the govern■» ment. Describing the learned converfstions in the court of Charlemagne, she larcafllcaUy and expn-ilively subjoins that the difcourf'es of that' Prince were not trom the academy S and that he had the good fortune Hot to number a single philosopher in all his vast dominions. Her farc;afm, Ihe continually repeats, is levied at the pretended pbilo ftiphers, at the profeffors of impiety, and the reviler of morals and religion, and, to use her. own words, literally tranf- Uted, " (he loves and honors from the bot tom of her foul genuine philofopiiers, real friends to wil'dom and virtue, such' asSo cratrs, Epi&etus ar.d Marcus, among the ancients, and, among the mo derns, Pafeal, Mafillon, Fenelon, Addifon, &c. Such sentiments as these cannot be too frequently" repeated, nor too loudly prafed. We wish that they would ring thro* America, and that those deluded diftri&s abused by the mummery of Dr. Phlogiston, and the flight Manchester fabric, the coarse corduroy political of mailer Cooper, would like the realms of Charlemagne be vacant of philosophers. We want no fych tygers in our national Menagerie. We do not like the ftuff of which these creatures are made. We do not give a penny to witness any of their tricks and gambols. To use an allu sion of the Uarned S 'lden, "they are surly and fpiteful m. fliffs ; fa long as you feed them and ftrokr them, and do not pinch them, peradventure they are quiet, but if you be not wary they will fly at your throat." The very name of a philosopher is fufficient to make a.iy generous blood curdle in the vein. It is of pet rifle operation. A catholic spir it, having the commonweal eminently at ■ heart, might wilh that the fires of Sniith , field should be rekindled, if for no other : purpose than to coi,fume the trumpery im . plements, the vain toys and " idle gauds" of ■ Gallic philosophy. We could well spare : the rocking chair of our Epicurus, andcqjild | cheerfully behold calcined every bone of'his ; Mammoth. . Birmingham air pumps might scorch to cinder ; and, as an old and dingy hide himfelf in the red sea of revolution. He obeyed. But, unfortunately took 4 wrong direftion. He forfook the road t» Paris and her ruffians, and came to North America Quale Portentum neque militant Dauoia in latis a lit efcalctit Ncc Ju'ose tellu> generat leonum He came, a philosophical, political monf- ■ ter, not terrible for rhe energy or fublireity | of his powers, not " exalted," like tlie ! poet's " Satan," but " Squat like a toad ; odious for crooked cunning and conventicle cant, for left banded politics and presump tuous interference. How he has demeaned himfclf here, we h.ive learned from diurnal -liiflorv. Ah has been before observed, ie has been eje&ed by England, and now even his city of refuge, even Northamberknd nauseates him. We fervently uiili that he nnd bis piijosopbji would cross the Atlantic,. The old lumber is burdenfonie ; and i£ may flill be thrust away in some of the diflenters gairets iu England. Though we very well know that Church arid State, that Literature ami true Philosophy would grieve at the re i landing of f'uch poor fluff as the Doflor and his doclrines. Yet there are doors which would fly open to receive them. His friend Wakefield will (hake hands with him in gaol, and Bedpoes will greet him, with no " factitious airs," Thelwall will waft bis praise over Fleet diteh, and the Duke of Bedford amuse him with the fatted calves of Wooburn. The growling diiciples of John Knox will pray for him extemporane ously in many a meeting iouse, and the whine of dissent be attuned to the hymning praise of a renegado pricft, a turbulent fub je«, and a mouse kilting, frog killing poli tics! philosopher 1 Collins, Arida nsttix.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers