of AND Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. NVMBEP 2328.] Tbe price of this Gazette is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in tbe city of Philadelphia. All others pay one Dollar additiaaal, for enclosing and di recting ; and unless-some person in this city vitt become answerable for tbe subscription, ' it must be paid Six Months in Advanct. No Subscription will be received for 'it shorter term than six months. December i J 799 GRASS SEEDS. Red Clover. .White do. Timothy. Saint Foil) Trefoil Buroctt, Luterr. Herd Graf*. Orchard do. Kye «.io Rape and Hemp. ALj)o< ?\ IE F. rjj CQPP' l<. HIWMONGERY, and TArs NT PLOUGHS, which are said to be more tiurabta than any heretofore invented, and found ou experience to diininifh the labour Loth of man arid btaft— 1 SALE Br THOMAS HOWARD, Ho. 40 Sjv.tb Second Street, PbiUideljibia. February 1.3. tuM.S.w. PRATT fcf KINTZING, No 95, North Watcr-ftreet, have on hand the following GOODS, •p'NTITX-ED to drawback, which they r.fljrfor L* i faie ac moderate prices for cash, or the usual tredit ; or on a credit of II or 18 month' upon Mortgage* on Heal Property, in or near the City of tfUaOelfcha, or other fatiifadory security. yo lloxe? and bales Tick len burghs. 60 do. do- Hemp en line.;-.. jo do. biig--. jo do Patferbcrnes. 25 do. Hicia-'i.: Linens. I s do! Creas mid Creas a U Morbix. Brown Rolls. Do. Heffem. Polish Rolls. .Bed Ticks. »Siamois. Arabias. Empty liag*. Oil Cloths Shoes and Slipper*. ■Seal aid upper Leather, quiiis and Seajing. W-*x. jr\ package Gold and Sil ver Watches. A few.cbflO* Toys. Slates and Pont iis •yO'hhds. Havaiina Mo iaffes Feb. rnry t5 do. Ozni TO BE SOLD, THRKE or topr lots ol about 30 or 40 acres each, more or lefsffsmay suit a purchaser. On each of which there is a good titration lor a one on the river Delaware, suitable either lor a gentleman's feat or for a peifon who might with to engage in the lumber bufmefs hav ing a p 'all landing. One c mmanding a good >wew of the river Uom ttie highell groond between the ?cnnypack and Pogueflin creeks ; and another «m the Bristol Road, Enquire*f Mr..Gilpin near the u mile stone on the said road. ALSO FOUR LOTS, Of about 10 acres each with good fituatiom for hpflding; one of which is suitable lor a .t-a&.yarri, and has a small fione house and a yoting,baring orchard on it, on the Newtewn road near mill about 10 miles from Philadelphia, and one ©tfeer iot of.about 30 acres on tke Psm»ypack.— Enquire of Jonathan Clife who lives ow the protw fes or o» Mr. Gilpin. PcffciSon will he gi»vcn in the spring, but build a blemiili in hii eyes, more wnite in them than common, by trade a F«rge man / had , en and took, with him a drab coloured broad cloth •oat, almost new, a failori jacket and pantaloonn • printed fancy cord, a lwanfdown striped under ticket; a rorum hat; cxie- fine and one coarse Ihirt' one muftis handkerchief, sprigged, r>vo ditto flripod border, a blue Persian under jacket *nd two peir cotton (lockings. Whoever take* up feial negro and lodgea him in any jail in thia or any of the neighbouring dates (hall have the above r«- xWard or reasonable expesceaif brought home. JOHN BRIEN. , Spring Forge, O&eber »3,1799. v fc. B. A* said negro formarly lived in Gbcfter •cunt y, it is probable he Jaay return there, Novcstf>e%; S F.£ &S. 13 pipes old Port Wine. 125 boxes Tumbler* af | lortcd. 20G boxes Hamburgh Window ©lass 8 by 10, &c. 1 chetl assorted Looking GUffes. Several large elegant dC. 1500 Demijohn*. | 50 kfgs Pearl Barley. A few tofts Koll Brmi iloHC. 20. kegs Ycllaw Oehrc- A few bbl». Rofiu. 40 tons RuflSa Hemp. Zo hhds. Hogs Brifties. 2 hhds. Dutch Glue 40 calks Nails assorted from 3d. to aod. 16 casks Ironmongery. 8 calks Hoe?. Geiman Steel. 6 hhds. Coffee mills. Blocking Twine, Tapes, Stone Tickling Pots, &c &c. fatu&f r f3PBIS is to give notice th*t ibcr JL hath ob ained from rhe Orphan's Court of Coecil county in Maryland, letters of admiaif (ration on the personal cfiate of Samuel @>ilpin, Jate of the equity aforefaid, doceafed ; ail per fens having claims against the laid deceased, are hereby warned ro exhibit the I'ime with the *wtM?ber» thereof to the fubfcriucr.on or before the 14th day of Aug lift next —they may other wise by law be excluded from ali benefit of the laid estate. Given under my hand this a;th of January, one thoufacd eight hundred. aswtf. HIS Swedifti Majesty's Consul General, »cd au thorized to tranliidl the C®nfular Bufineis, for his Majesty the King of Denmaak iit the United State* of America, refilling at Philadelphia, Hereby gives public Notice, That m obedience to recent ipfti unions received from his government, it h the duty of all Masters of Swedish and Oanifh vessels, befor* their failing from any port in the said St a tec, to call upon him or the Vice Co»fuV in to he granted such Certificates for their Cargcwc, which the exigency of the ilate of the Neutral Commerce and the fe- 1 Decrees of the Belligerent Ppwcn, render indifpcnlably nccelfary, and, that any Mi.fkr ot vefTeic belonging to the rtfpciiive nations, or na vigating under the prote&ion .of their flags, in omitting to take such certificates, will pcrfonally ftaud reipoafible for the coiifequences. DESERTED FROM thv: Marine Barrr.ck 1 011 the night of th? 14th iuft—JOHN OijJJOKN, born in the town of Bedford, Well Chelfer county and Hate of New-York, ages! 11 yeari, 9 months, 5 feet 8 and a quarter inches high, grey ey«s (lougqued) light hair, ruddy complexion, pook marked, by trade a Shoemaker. Entitled by Licuttnaut Rey nolds in Stephen's Town, near AlbaNy the 15th of June lafi Had on and took with him a short round bine cloth coat with a red cape, a blue cloth coatee, a few white waiftcoa's, a long grey mixed cloth coat ana brecchea, a pair of boots, a chocolate coloured great coat trimmed with black hair plu(h, a fuf hat half worn, and two silver watches, one a middle size, ahe other fmali. He may impofc himfdt on some fjmily or at a waiter, a» he has ailed in that capacity.— Whoever apprehends said Deserter, and fecureg him in jail, feuds him to Headquarters, or delivers him to any of the Marine officers, or any officer of the army of the United States {hall receive the above reward and all reasonable charges. J.-S. LEWIS, Philadelphia, wednesdav evening, march i*, 180®, NOTICE. ALL pcrfong indebted to the estate of T bom At Wilson, late of Southwark, deceased, arc arc requested to ir.ake immediate payment tb the lubfcribem, and those >vho have any domatufo against the said cftatc arc rcquwfted to furnilh their accounts for fettiement. SARAH WILSON, Administratrix. JOEL W. WILSON, Administrator. No. i <9s, south Front street, Southward mio HAS 70 LET., A BRICK STABLE, Sufficiently large to contain niae Horses. also, For Sale or to Let, A New FRAME CARRIAGE HOUSE. Nov f, 1799. dtf. LANCASTER STAGES. THE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan caster line of Stages DfSPATCH, return their grateful thanks to their friends «nd the public- in general, tor the past favors they have received,and inform tnem that in addition to the regular Line, tfy*y are p-oviGed with Carriages, sober and careful drivers, to go through between the City and Borough in two days. Th'ofii who prefer this mode of travailing can be accommodated at the Stage Office, sign ol United States EagL, Market street, Philadelphia. Slougb, Downing, Dun-woody !st Co. Nov. 30. 2t § CITY OF WASHINGTON. THE POSSESSORS OF OBLIGATIONS «r CERTIFICATES figu ed by the fMblcriber, 'or undivided Shares or Lots on hii purchafc within the city of Washing ton, who have not yti applied for and received their Deeds, are hereby notified, that their Jeveral Titles will be eluly completed to the order of those who in conformity with the terms of the said Cer tificates, do make the Payments in full therefor, either to Thomas M K Eu4tt 15* Gure and arable land, and a great number of (lores and workmen's hottfts. Immediate poffefuon will be given.of houfvs and ttores luflicront for providing flock the prefer)t winter, and poifefliou of the whole in the lpring. For terms enquire of David B Ogdfta at New ark, mr Peter Mackie in New-York, mr. David Ford in Mcrrii Town, or me/irs. Jacob audKich ard Faei'ch on t&e prti&iil'cs. January M NOTICE. JOHN GILPIN, Admnijltalor. January 30. taw6w. THE UNDERSIGNED, RICHARD SODEHSTROM Philadelphia, 18th December, 1799. Thirty Dollars Reward. Adjutant Marir.t Gorps. Jumtry it, AUTHENTIC LIFE OF SUWOROW. OF PRINCE ALEXANDER SUWOROW JLYM- ?ield-Ma.CialC!e:i«al in the ferviceof Hit [mperi al Majelly, tb- Emperor of a!) the Rulßas, The History of his Campaigns. Translated from tbe German of Frederifk A concise and comprehensive History of His Italian Campaign. By Willian* Cobbett. With an elegant Print-Portrait of thai re- Oe* rk»M.n deGron? of pofltding a capital like »ef», ci-cuttd iu the firft flyle, o! this illuttrious Chrillian Chieftain, may he furiufhed with parti cular proof imprcifions, at this o!R;e, price one Dollar. February i». BEGS leave to inform hit friends and the jMihlic, tint lie has commenced the bufcnefs of a BROKER, at hn Office :Vo. Dock ftreet, near the Bank of the United States, where he buys and fells o» Commission all kinds of Public Securities, Stocks, Notes, &c &c. and offers kis services in aaybufinefs in his lux. J an .'4* diw3iw6w Samuel Blodget. THE SUBSCRIBER PROPOSES te receive applications for the purchase and sale of the Military Lands, lately Located'lll fe&ions, or quarter Town (hipj, of 4,g00 acres, on the waters of the Mufkingum, and Scioto, in the Territory N. Weft of the River Ohio. It is expe&ed that an authentic draft, with the No. and name of ,the Location, and a certified (Jefcription of the lands, w 11 accom pany the application far files. Military Land Warrants, also bought and fold. . The different kinds of Bank, Infuranee, and Public Stock, Bills of Exchange fkc. &c a negotiated on Commission, as usual, by M. M'CONNELL. AO. 141 Gbefnut-Jlrtet, a few dear j abovefturtb 4 DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the e leventhday of January, in the twenty-fourth year of the Independence of the United States of America, C OX. L INS ON READ and GEORGE DAVIS, of the Paid DiAri&, hav« depofitetf in this office, the tirlenfa Book, the right whereof they claim as Proprietors, in the words following to wit : " TEN BLANK DECLARATIONS, Elegantly on Copper plate, viz. t. Debt on 3oiid J6. QjU-.turn Meruit z. by Afs»n»e 3. -> on tingle hill 8. Qu. i J ranti(Tf.ry note 4. on penal bill 9. Same'by lndor/ee jf. Indobiutus Al- 10. Trefpali ami £- 6. funipfit jccUncut. For the use of the Professors of tic Law, In conformity to ti c 3$ of the Congretfi of the United Stares, intituled " An a£l for the encourjg'mcnt of !carninj, by securing the co pies of Maps, Charts and Books to the Authoo and Proprietors ot fach copies, during thi time therein mentioned'" The above declarations combining the fern blanceoffine writing will) utility, and fettled andappr veil by Juirie ot ;he fjrlt and moil,dii tingwiflied Law Characters in the state, are now publiffted, and for (ale at Where always maybe ha..n to J!>•- Building, a Brick kitch» en, a i ump of good Water, with a Srafcle, Car riage House and Sheds, the whole Improvement* are in good repair. The Seat is well calculated for either a Store or Tavern, ihe latter of which it has heeu occupied for a number of years with eonfiderable Tuccefl. The tituation is dry and the Country around being 1 very healthy adti a pl.ee of eonfiderable Trade, it will be well worth the attention of any peri'on wishing to purchale or rent. £5" Ft further particulars apply to the Sub fi. liber at the afurefaid place. January 8 tuthim Sixty Dollars Reward. DES Eli T.ED FROM the quarters< f the Si>bfcriber, in the niglit of Monday the J4tU instant, an enlill cd Soldier, Hamcd JOHN MARSHALL, born in Sulem, New-Jeifey, by occupation a La bourer, aged 13 yejis, five feet 7 inches high, bl'ie eyes, black hair, Tallow complexion, and it is> l'jid this is Jiis lacond desertion. Also, at the fame time, ALEXANDER TEEL, born in SufTcx county, Newjerfey, a Tanner by trade, agjd 18 years, 5 feet c and an half inches high, remaik.'ble (mill eyes, (hort b'.own hair, which has lately cropped, fair complexion, fcw upper leeth large aud pr< jc February ;6. jtawti ;M Per sale 6y JOHN ALLEN. ALSO, GUI* Wire, Silk Velveff, Mens Shoes, Bristol Pewter, Lamblack in Hhda, Straw Ha s and Bonnets, AND THE PROPRIETORS A LARGE JOHN CUMMINGS TO THI PATItONAOB Of A liberal and enlightened Community THE PROSPECTUS A New Daily Paper t TO PUBLISHED UNDEK TUg TJTLS Off THE OBSERVER, Daily Repofitcry of ufeful Information. JT will doubtless be deemed a hazardous un dertaking to present to the public eyepropo fals for a new Gazette, when 4o many are al ready in poJTeflion of the public pationage. News-papers so mucn more generally diifuf ed throughout America than perhaps any other portion of the globe, may become either en gines of ipifchief or the implements of ufefulnefa —they difleminate good, or scatter poil'on, among thousands j and although it may bepre fumptuous in the £ditor of that now proposed to exp*ay gratify tafteand iaducei:nprove- ment; To unfold and enforce found and just views of government: To aid the great intereflsof piety and morality. To present occasionally' Improvements in the arts am! fciences—ln agri- culture and domeflic economy ; Proceedings of the General and State Legifla* lures; Reports of the Heads of Departments, and ef interesting cases adjudged is the favcral courts of the United Staies, &c. Reviews of foreign jmd ciciaeftic litersture j charaiflm of diitinguilhed per sonages; Statistical tables ; mwijff Meteorological cbfervations j Appointments ; Marriages, Births, Deaths. With these proposals the fubferiber diffident ly fubraits himfelf to the public. He is well aware of the importance and magnitude ol the undertaking Solicitous far the fate of hi» na tive land, and viewing with anxious fears and h ipes the success of a government created by the joint exertions ef wisdom and virtue, ana conduiUd with found policy and genuine pa triotism, he feels hin.felf liacerely interested in promoting such meafiires and principles as lie believes cflential to pnUJic happiness and nation al prosperity. CONDITIONS. T. Tbt O'oferver ihsllbe printed with a neat type, and on piper of equal size and quality with the present Philadelphia dajly papers. 11. It (hall be publiflied every evening, and regularly lent to the houses of the city fubferib ers—To others it will be forwarded according to til ii" rtfpeilive inflruAions. 111. The price will be Eight Dollars per an num to those who reside ill the city —and Sine Dollars to all others. The additional dollar 13 to defray the exp'ence of enclcfing and direfl i»g their papers. IV Out half of the price to be paid at the time of fubfi-ribing, and the other half ar the ex piration of twelve msjn'l.s 'lorn the publication o! the firft number. TKe lucctedii.g payments to be half yearly. V. Advertifemems that do not exceed in length the breadth of the tolums will be 67 cents for 1 fie fitft, and 33 cents.for every addi tional insertion- Thofepf greater length will be charged i» the fame proportion. tutlitf ZACHARIAH POULbON, jan. March 8, 1800. fmwf THOMAS HAWTHORN, Of the City of Philadelphia, Merchant, HAVING ON the 901 day of Aug. 17?9, a(fign»d all his r.fMte, real, personal and mixed, to JOHN M. NESBITT and JONATHAN MIiREDITH, —Mlperfons indebted to the said Thomas Hair, thorn ur to [h« late honfe of Hawthorn and Kerr, are desired to pay their refpeftive balances to JONATHAN MEREDITH i»w3m, February ZI For Rent, A comfortable and pleasantly situated HOUSE, in Arch Street, between Thiyd and Fourth N. B Several Gentlerpen, now Board ers in the houl'e, will remain there, if agree able to the perl'on who may incline to rent the hi me. Entjuir* at the Office of this Gazette. March 8 Horses to "Winter. HORSES win be taken to winter at ProfptH Hill, at the li miies Hone 011 the Briliol feoad, wherethey will have good Timothy and Clov r May, well littered and cleans 1 and* field to r»ti in when the weather i» good. £s* Enquire of Mr, Willi2nf Bell Merchant, of on the prcmifes. N.B. Will not bo anfwerablefor aecilento or efcane, bat v.illt.ike ovary prscautiou to prtvont cither. N»Yocfc« ;s [ VOl.umk X\TI is tvttfir t to AND NOTICE, Acting Asjign-jc, 3taw6w Streets. (?2 w. iUwrf