- : - - j , . OUESTIONS '' I" " .1-——impriibned, and not attempt his relief. Orations atld EulOglUmS. _ „ , v <-. , . „J r The Dr. then, according to sound logic, it - %A)Xr proved not bUmeMe In signing tberecom. MUSICAL REPOSITORY ,a. pray ft»a«d of 1 mladslfbia. """ IS NOW OPENED J* OKMK UD, difcouiit, or interest, calculated on every dot- Tuesday evening, march tl. u r 'i. innocence, 1 will put the matter be- At Chalk's Circulating Library, No.. 46.Chcfaut1.rm, (|mce 31 cen s fc r (without exceptum) from i t.*2oco, from yond a doubt, by informing you further, Afo. 75 AorfA No" civium ardor prava jubentmm, rie L>r s. in the Northern Liberties, whole . W compel th.f«;r*c.'uttd' at Z GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON. import3nce t0 kwt thc bfft ""J J W ° "T" Repository in South Second Street. To which, in By Fifter Ames. method* «f computing the exchanges, bt- ' rncndntion , and both were affix a few days, will be added, fame PIANO FORTES . , , be bad twec| , thu country and the principal mari- ~ ed » previous to the petition being Ggned by »f a very faper.or tone and quality, Flutes, Fifes, . ■> ' t i me tradine pUte i.i Russia, Sweden, Den- THt Herring. Now, Sir, if veil are not now Violins, bed Roman Violin String, and every The Rev. Dr. Rogers s Prayer, delivered NorwsJ f Prussia, Poland, Germany, Moral Dlfpenfary. convinced, that the Dr's. fMncare was rf. WdV.HmVard.r ,h* nTl'tjolhU °° the 2 zd February 1800, before the Perm- Hol|and . F ; a Xrs, Spain, Portugal, It.ly, _ fixed, from motive, of humanity and patriot. terms P order, and on the mod reasonable fylvania Sodety of the Cincinnati :1 o ftverll of the windward and Leeward . ~ to io#V>rfn bifc for thr purpose of obliging Herring (a s sohfeription. received for the MuJM which are lu joined, the Hymns sung on Weft India Islands, and many ports in the 1 HIT. -g ( h . he did not> or cou U no: k(nw tf) , ti . inn lor the Piano Forte, a:.d the Flute or Violin, the that mournful occasion, by the ehotr under East Indies. H v on-iicd c itv ' f PlvUdel- was drawn at H-rring's rrqueft) or vetting firft fix numbers of which are already publilhed, the dire£lioa of the Rev. Mr. Law.—Price 3d Is a tible of all the coins and monies of hal t , .".....L,,. nK a vote at the next election "vou' vpn ' and may be purchased together or f.parately by 1Q cent . account in the places aforefaid, of any life? phia, a MORA L and LI 1 EKAUY DIS- » Vote H the next election you l.jve no non fubferibers 7 X IO cents. _ Cent's, 4l b Arr thecoin« and monies cf account in the PENSARY, for the benefit of all more brains than -an oyjh r.' March 6,1800 Major Jackson's Euloginm 25 iforefaid places, when reduced to dollars and tliofc, of the good people of these Lm:ed Uive tbe Jyevil bit due. PORCUPINE'S Dr. Smith's Oration " 3> cents, of any serVice » States, whose manners, Unguagr, paflions, -as>«» DTTCU T IPUT XT T Mr. Morris's, do. 20 jth Is a table of compound interest of any uti- taste or judgment inav have become tfoirup - from a London Paper of November 28. liuorl Lluril, JNO. I, General Lee's do. '2t '"ty » ed, diflortea, d.-bilitated, or, in any other F0 " SALE > Tudee Bayard's do. >£•} 6th Is the table by which the banks determine ma ,f n er, so disordered as to require the sol- FUNERAL OBSEOUIES At DICKINS's BOOK STORE, North , N THE p RESS the value of gold, desirable ? terine hand of art to produce or restore the . . f ,. tj ,■ r , , Second Street, opposite Christ Church. And mill be published next week, 7th Is the amount of Interest, accurately cal- p ro pe r tones and functions to t!.e ieveral n com,rie " l^°" 'p:" 'i" S '' ° 316 * Mr Chaurdon's Oration 2< culated tor each month Irom one to twe ve p irts D f t he moral fyftcm. ' AT THE SAME pi.ACE, J 10 " J months, and on every dollar (w.thout ex- V j hav( . muc|) {abor and illrlu n ry , This solemn cereraony was celebrated on * | This day published, price 25 cents, J? S °; d h S f ception) from Ito 2000, of any value? cxtenf.ve and valuable as- Saturday fe nmgbt. at St. Patrick's Chapel TWO DISCOURSES, - i» Suttoa street Soho square with all the Offiln IT' "' " P gC thCre,>,,h, ef4ny eat ages, sexes anJ constitutions of the peo- P°««P magnificence of the Roman Ca- The Death of General George Washington* u : a j t nn A \fr»rr»n« UC . . nf this country and calculated both to worrnip, that could be r Brd.D. » dM ' r " n - -»..>■—*«...».^ Thef „ fqual diftanc( . S) were tab | et| t' X i n rr-r vmvt e In whole and half Tierces. Hotel, the Indian Q;jeen, Dunwosdy's Taveru, gratis, to all luch as (hai make application containing two golden keys, creffed, repre lD Apnpril m I rDrrv r ,{ r „ r the Frl « k » n and at the G«o,ge. at the Dispensary, either in person or by j f#mi tfce k of gt p cter) o[] , b , ue GEORGIA—aII patented in trails GREEN COFI'EE, lt u pr „ ptr to flitef that , he work wU , Bo t « t0 the fuMcnher, Rating thc j nd , hf midd , t> () „ a frame cf b , Jck 7,000 Acres at the'conflaence of Frederiea . . . , ur AJ ot the complaint and the haUts ot „ d ed d , ri:h gold . The capitals of the and Turtle river, and head of St. Si- And a few boxes oj Mould Candles. ootamrd? for tour thousand dollar, „ too much ther person for whom they are designed. ' columns which support the galleries, were mon's found, near the town of Brunf- JOSEPH SHOEMAKER, Jun. t0 NOTHING IS TO BE PAID IN AD , I ' ocCafi ° n ' ,! - also connefted with a Llack drapery in fef *'ck - No. 88, So. Front Street. VAvrJ V -,i « rru' 10 P ,lbUfll th " G;,4ftte ' 011 . fufnended I.Vht, 282,000 Acres on the water, of the great and March 8. diw VA N CE. neither will it be expend of fob- d an account of such d.forders as may ° fll !/ ~7 , , g ' r,*i. o» n, • *** A s r m * uiv>. fcribers to take the work when pubhfhcd, if u J , c 7 lliiclds with appropriate lcnptural texts, creek. >• not delivered rigorously conformable to my a Pff ar P rcvalcnt 10 a ">* P' irt of cur country, • c(q utcne ns with suitable emblems, such 41,000 Near the lbove described trades. aR T if t nf'r Attn »•«»«' ,hc expreffed in the to accompny tl.ele_" ol ' c « >»"h luch j u the kcy , of St . P.ter, the (hepherd's Near the above described tracts. ATRAC TOF LAND, condition, affixed to the specimen books, each advtce as may tend to assuage the d.forders crook deno( j the ho , &c f 280,000 Acres on the waters of the great Sa- About four mi '" {rom lh « <«>'» of w , h,ch c, nCU * of f,Jt detached pages of thc and prevent tlxan from teconung epidemic. . a contrast ®; th , he whjch d tilla and AUtihama. containing abodt work. 1 kis lam the more especially induced to un- a /; 'r 1 j/i »47,0 »o Acrei on the fame waters. 21 Acres, situate oh the river Schuylkill, ' a ™» rc^P deruke, from a consideration, that almost all C a r\l v V '' *' f 3 ,° nC f aW U s 3 ? P cn " 50,000 Acres on the waters of the great Sa- and adjoining lands of JonathanWiHiama, Esq. Gentlemen, the diforden of the mind are, in their ha- , 1h « P ul P't» tht « oor the altar, I'M*- I and ,he llte J° hn deceased, on whi. h Your humble fervanr. coma nous • and that when a " d tht body ® f ,l,c chapel ' were also m 30, cOO Acres on the waters ps little Satilla and is erefled a Imall flone building, frame ftablcs, JOHN ROWLLTT, oriffiinted thrv uniformlv inrmi'o in fahle livery : and in the middle was ereded /ilatamiha rivers and Buffaloe creek, and ftooe spring house, over a never failinsr AccQtn Rank oj Nurth Armrica. . . b ' i * r"" ' r * farcopliagns. or tomb, representing the e more «"enfive. of the holy port iff. It consisted ofaplat -44>000 Acres 111 the eoUntv of Bath, on both trefs < and is asi elegant situation for a gentle- President and Dirertors of the Bank of Noith * or . ,v, " t iucl l. -"tonable tounfel, ' , whirh therr wa« an afrrnt of fivr fides f Green Briar river, subject to mJn 4 summer retreit. Pnre Tickets ot Canal America, and has already received the patron- HUr-v uiuifpofitious, flight, at firft. and un- r' a r u j *" j i. r j to 3000 acres of prior surveys, ia Lottery N*. a, an l liquidated debts of thc D. age of JOHN ADAMS, President of the Uni- alarming, by taking root in youthful irinds, ° r * "tps Irom the ground, and the lidet - "grow with their urowtb and P arallcl £ o those of the chapel. On this but esciofsve ot thai «juanmy. - ■ ~~~ r JEyCtW,a ,s. a> „, and President with their ftrent th" till tlev .H. wa. la id an oblong tomb, the end. of which A'.-o Acres h, the county o, Bath, cn the particular, enquire of the pr.nter «f the Senate ; S'ftJenS deal l!-ere richly ornamented with pontifical| ef eaft fide of th(» Cow Pasture river ami nereot. and Members of the House of KeDrefentatjve« i j- r i l \ i j j r \ and on both f.Hes of the Waggon March 5. feosw |of the United States , and the lld '"V, , cutcheons, such „ l,.ve been already def- Road leading from the Warm Springs * ■— ; Dive<9o < s of lhedifferent Bauks unan ; moufly. . that the repntntion of a phyHcian lbtd » and armorial bearings, and on a ta- , to -ijunton, fuhject as aforefaid to NOTICE. • The Specimen Book in the Bank ofNorth Amer■ 15 uiually meafuied by h;i good naturr, ra- hlet on each fide were infcribcd the nativity, prior surveys. T . : ici, tsfilling -verjfaji •«" meoicai auvice witti a _ r.• 6 ■ 'i.in jo,ooo Acres in the county ,f Bath, on the trition on the personal estate of Zebulon Old- : Gentlemen haying hufinefs at either of , t0 y .' n 0 ff ' h,s bltter P iU -11 .l r M Pa [° r ' crown. Over east fide of Calf Pasture river, subject ha»u, late ot the county aforefaid, deceased. j the Banks may lubfciibe ther« a 5 well is at the m 8 aicri T » convinced lijcewife, thele was a black canopy, elevated about asaforelaid to 500 c acres prior fur- All persons having claims against the said de- j Taverns, &c. already mentioned. that a lay g r proportion of the complaints of twcnt y and forming an obtuse angle veys. ceased, are hereby w »med to exhibit thc fame r A _ tcople arc more efTcAually remedied bv tbefe *' tO P' upon which were placed niae very In PENNSYLVANIA. wl,h ' hc vouchers thereof to the Subscriber, od Copyrightfcfured according to aS ofCong.cfs, mcanSi th#lt b/the applx7t,on 'a.ffe white plumes of feathers, beginning at V «0,000 Acres in North«mberli ß d county, fur or before the n:neteenth day of Oilober next, dijfeTtf n f C)iuftic meicilrv or bl , rdi . j - , the lowest part of the roof, and rising py- if veyed and returned. they may other wife by law be excluded trom all 46,800 Acre* in Northumberland countyrfbr- of the said estate. c [']j e Subscrihpr my occafipnal prelcnptuns, not only to rarn.dicall) • ihe canopy was fupparted vey.d and returned. RICHARD OLDHAM Adminitrnt*, n ""itive irftruilion to the underhand- hy four column., conn 6cd at top by fef -40.400 Acres in Bedford county, surveyed and Ja " J ' T"the Pablic, that the "f si ° f the ,>' cu ?K' lt:i ™>-«« d ; but like- toons of black drapery and the steps at •*# n Jto returned ' Chapline and Robert K'Cl.re, which was " t0 acil,,nifter a «hsfte and innocent tbrfrbafei were bnlliaittly lighted up with J For the greater part of the WATFR-OFFIPF «dtatci for" ifce purpose of teuiline Goods in the airu! ="''ent to the fancies of all. With a burning waxen flambeaux, fupparted in maf nioney a liberal credit wilt be al owed the pur- xV town of Weft L.iberjy and Commonwealth of Wu- fin ?' e e ye to the difcouraf-ement cf vice and fv ca idclabras, and intermixed with large c,.,r, s ~ftw,, 1800 "' d 1° of p'— •' -'■!» ple.ifv to apply at No. 41 Arch flreet, where T N compliance with the inft f ' termf "P ulat « d ia their article of*copartnerlh ( > " 14nner * ? n P UI * rooraltv, I (hall endeavor j ASSEMBLAGE. the patents and drafts, and aifo certificates of f „ P , the inftraflions of the • MOSES CHA Pi I\ t K ' to * dmlnlflcr t,: e savory medicine of honest The fanfluary, enclosing the altar, wa» the qHality of the Georgia and Viiginia Laads J- C "'"'rh J" " g I S', aißdw,th February 11. counsel and whol;fome censure as to aug- reserved exclusively for the bithops and are deposited my own inclinations, every poflible admit- -—±— " 6w ' ment the stock of rational enjoyment •»to ' clergy who celebrated his?h mass the THOMAS FITZSIMONS, tance and information has been riven te WHFBFA C convert mfftticholv into mi.tf.7T r' j . celebrated high mats, trie rpvtamtw n wnnrjw thofi- rir;7en s whn v;r.,.A .u i\r , WtltlKtLAb, I'vcn meutic. o.y into mirth,incitafe good pope's nuncto, and the archbishops and bi- TEi'EMIAH P ' RKFR * during their proffrefs The J\ *11 attschn,eßt w»« 'ately irtued out of the in- . um i n,ri tnn the ignorant, amuse the fhop>, am ;ng whom were the archbilhop of JEREMIAH PARKER. don«« Ithe^rprog t «ft. Tte are now «urt of common plea, of the county '"rned, el cape the contempt of the grave. Narbonne, the bilhop of Lascar, and fifteen JC7» Alio, at the fame time and place, arr ,' ,^ d ' and to be put up, olEßex, in the slate of New Jersey, directed to sn d, if possible, to vent the approbv.io- of others 40 473 acres and T third °f an acre in The tribune on the right of the altar wa. aon county. in the State of Kentucky, for the Engines that I n ® ,andlWneiuen » ol on the North Fork, within four miles of not Sin errunrH A rVT "''"'l a of he March j, ,800. foreign ambafladors, and people of diftinfti- " its junction with the Middle Fork ol Ken- month wm fX ' Zl T with whom it was filled. The gallerie, ■ tucky rner—this traft was surveyed in the . I „ 11 1 Jl > gratily the cu- And tahrcji, the said Iheriff did ar ,-r.« „r ir < . j r 1 j-j n. cl. year i 7 Ba : a draft of it may be fetn by ap- "° of the citizens, by (hewing them the I u »« l«ft past, retuni'to the said court that he had MR ' f " 3 T 7 f'T r 3U " plying as above direAed. ? Engines in full operation, a temporey ex- i ' t " hed thed.fendant by a certain bond given by I observed in vour r>,n f c ■ ? I I r™' r COm l ,r,fin S D , ~, . . „ clufion of all vifitorsfrom the Engine ho., Mattma ' D « n »' a » »»d Samuel Meeker to the f a ,d u ln .y° UT P* 1 ?" of Saturday ev- of the nobility of both sexes, among whom, Philadelphia, Jan. 7 . «wtS cannota ari Engine hou!« defendant, to the a ß ,oune of near two tW«d f'" 5 ' l h " n » l '« Taken of Dr. Lrih'i the Duchrfs cf Devonshire, was an Ittentive — B. H. LATROBE Entrinerr ree You made for their relief, that there was any seventh day of April next for the delivety of A Hack named Pehr, left my fsrv'ce ou the 27'h Courf" 1 9re obl "ve the incorredlnefs of fympt< mof motion ; but then it exUndtd five thousand hats and twenty thot sand shirts. ult : he is rather short in future, bat is ftron? and ITThSas rr "■icement. itfel! of course to the whole aggregate, and The hats to be made ofgood wool to be well ma- well formed, and is about 18 years old. Thefaid W iffued^from^'n forc, &" a^ ac^m c"t hath But, Sir, I would alk Vou, w] v such a the prcfTure was increased. Great number! nufaaured, full cocked, bound with narrow boy had on when he went away a good black bat for said county, (muraabk ,?ML?hT.™° D PiW ; C ?? ttn^tibte «» Dr. Leib fiffninz a finding the situation intolerable, went ,way back binding, the fan er hind part eight inch- with a cockade, a brown coat, corduror panta- against »hp V . tcrm *799>) recommendarir.n n,„tJ • , ® '"o * , r , ~ , e„• 1 ' es bread, fides and corners fix inches broad.— loons and good Ihoes. ' riv r - i, J 'j' ' '™ emen ts, goods, <-hattels, ef- nri . t-> , . n astonish you? Ii but as a confiderabk degrt eof vigilance The /hires to be of linen equal in quality with Whoever arorehend. him i,- riffon eo..mv =n j"/. ' o 'r J^ fepfa . Spencer of Har - „ d Pot not ?I, „ ot the Gover- w ->s cxercifed at the door, in preventing in the pattern article, and to be as well made as me , fl, aU rfleive one dollar d the suit of joseph oSa l^'! , St sol! n ' i" S " 0t Lan S ford Herring discriminate admission, the crowd gradually the fa,d pattern. gct paid . E< S coum y of r v thc '' \f " ° rt tlme hnce ' for sedhhn ? diminished. One half of the hats and shirts to be deliver- ao{ ' yeon , in f or four hundrcd d ' e > | more fit, under all circumstances, DIRGE. Ed on or before the ftrft day of June next, and ,-r,. k . . a ' c war »ea «t lars and fiftv the remainder on or before the firft day of July March io him. X r ,'■-f n> I cert 'fcate lor such a A little after 100 clock thc funeral dirge next. ' <*3t l . ( ~ i Hereby given, ! ' " the certificate was signed for the repose of ;he foul of this venerable Patterns of the several articles may be seen at * o- tj " J and mves Jcecit'l h-^» nC ?i ÜBl - el ' hc a P? 4:lr - . \ Se " Unce e '"g passed ; out it pontiff commenced. It was grand the Military Stores kept by John Harm, on the An active Boy, be entered by default / f . e ol the jury. The and isnpreflive. The founds, Vometimes wharf between Arch and Race streets. 1 4 or 15 years of age, of reputable connexions, Jifpofed of as the law direfls ro P ' ne " ntence would be pa (Ted by the plaintive, sometimes fubli*r>e, diffffed a ten- Security will be required may hear of a place ,n a Compting House-He BENJ. IVES GILM4N T* pU " P ri " ci P»es of der air of melancholy and pio..v devotioa I 3 l '" - t0 k "°" Of a patriot beirg thofc who had refufed .. hi, mniuU th'