I / F w > i of J§>tHtoo 9 «»Philadelphia .' " ' I I 1* , «sfc. 1 t \lfeC. '■ . AVaiJs* *3*7-1 ■■ ■ ■■■■■ 1 ■■■ ii■ ■ A.V^Jii.Vfifnffi r, .h ilTOtre £ ITT" The prke of this (jazettc is Eight * N O T ICE i aft r Pollabs pi x annum to Subscribers residing _ ' --UIHENTIC LIFE OF SUWOROW. I COPPER AND CANVAS. ' FOR THE CUHE OF FITS. 'in the city of. Philadelphia. AU others pay A Lt. perion. indebtid to the eJUteof Tuoma. IUS7 PUR[t<wkt> <•-, . ~ , L one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di- * * _ u "- iON . >ateofSouthwark, deceased. are and Sheating Copper t 8 and i 4 oz-per square foot, Lut patent Antispasmodic ILllXi!'. reeling ; and unless some person in ibis city W"*'* to th f FOR SALE, Patenr Sail Duck of all numbers, Convullion Hyfterio, or w ill become answerable fir the subscription, U.e U44>, ( m ir at this office, For sale b v Eptltflic Falling fit*, it must bepaitl Ux Months in Advance. accon.its for fcuiemeat * A SKETCH OP THE JOHN ALLEN. Are enefliiaHy cared by this e\ielient medich.p. ... JV. ****. rmi*4fer Htfe aitt>CfolbutW Gl.r,Wi,'i"°* a sbcrter term than six months. c " 1 . -J Silk Velvets, knowledge of the proprietor / where takeu aeree- IccsmScr i 1700. ° ° !r ,lrceE ' PRINCE AT RY ivn J-d crrrrnDn,*, m- < Mens Shoes, able to the directions, and with perlcverauce)/ . P TO , LKr > ALEXANDER SJIVOROIV RIM- BriAol Fewter, the mofl dre.df.il Fit. ever koi>wri. One cafe ——" _,. . n T, pr . Q "KICK SIAB LE, Field.Ma o,=l r- "i • i ' ■ - . Lamblack in Hhd., ef cure only i. subjoined out of a c«iiud<.i-ahlc GKAoS SKLDS. tuffic.unuy large to contain ni J .ic Horses "alMa'irilw >™ ! 'r "> e fc piiceof Hi.lmpcri Straw Hals and Bonnets, number, as proof of its efficacy atteftca before Hed Clover. 1 ALSO, Majelly, tue iiinperor of all the Ruffias, AND the Lord Mayor ofLondon. White do. I For Sole or to Let, Thp Jl' r> • Seven Trunk. Callicoes, eiitittled to drawback AFFIDAVIT. Timothy. I A New FRAME CARRIAPV MHTTQV Campaigns. February iB. eod;w "I, Ja<r e. rbeock, of No 40, North-street, Si'tit Foin. j j^ ov j 1700. j r ~ _ " ' . m the Parish of St. Luke's Middlesex, do make Trtf " il _-_ ~ t translated from the German of Frederick NICKLIN AND GRIFFITH oath 'I liat I was grievously afflidled with fits Burnett. bUbUi. Wirr? Antbing. HAVF prm i-Ar K for upwards of 15 years ! and that to so violent Rye do 1 caftechM«fSti.g* DISPATCH, ,etur £ their ">«cue ami C'. m ',rehrns,vc Hutory of 1n- nfr > or,!n 7h< urs ;in ccmfequence of which my conftitu- Rape and Hemp. J grateful th»k, to their friend, and the public m His ItaJian Camnaiotl , „ 1 .• tbe r.vcr tion became quite emaciated. I made applica ocppEursb™™^.... FATfeNT FU.UGHS, which are f.jd to be more tlj.y are p.oviu-d with Carriage,, fcber and cam J b " W an eU S ant Print-Poruait of thai r e - *4 trunks of prime* Callicoes, .; ed |o Dl , Jan)es Church q( the £. Rq^ durable than auy heretofore invented, and found drWM, to go turough betwren the City and nu-.vned Warrur. Tie abovt arc in small aJJirteJ j>a C i.,ge, who prescribed his Antifpafmodi" Elixir for on eaperien« to dmunifh the labour Loth of man Bojfc.gb m two da,s. Ti.of, who prefer this mode [Brice a , Dollar,] "" ""J* "JL W.. n,e, which 1 tcc k, and Xh alone cured S ' - Lead.inpigs, of tl.efe moil dreadful lit>, and retiorcd me to R • THOVi YS HOWARD ' "* " a K - arket lkrect. Pot-trait tf Marsha! Suvorova. » tons of dr, White Lead in hhd«. peri«a health. This deponent further maket'n No. 40 South Second Street, Philadelphia. Sough, Downing, Dunwoodj tf Co. " kC " ' b ditto of " Mineral BUk? he w'as firlt ufh« and he haTno".- UO A T" r r" Cr? L' I K.l '1 ,r 7 I \.lf nrrtr _cular proof impressions, at this offi e, price one 10 tr, ° ColcotJiar, JAnI.S iOIOCK. PRATT KIMZ-ING, CITY OF WASHINGTON. j Dollar. I 3 ditto of Purple Brown, j Sworn before me at the Mansion-house, tlu» No'9s, N. rth Watcr-flreet, February u. 'o cases Englilh China U'are in setts, 19th diy of Auguit, 1796. HAVE ON HAND THE FOLLOWtNtS THP PO S V/'' ?SO 9 « GOODS, fA F OBLIGATIONS *r CER riFICATES flgn- HT^ NRY ? 8o hir.iXd'ttl,^ 1 '" 0 "' Prepared (only) by the Inventor and fo!e ENTiTLED to drawback, which tkey o£«r for «<i l>y the UWfcriK*^■, or unoivided tfhare* or |R ?, av t C L ? mfo.rm fiends aiwl the So bivrelt Hkrrinff#, rropnetor, Dr. James Church, at his Diipen fal* at moderate pricts for caflj, or the ul'ual Lots on his purchtfc wirhi n the cky of Wafciiig. "y lie ha 4 commenced the bofincU ao ditto Sha-d, £ ry> v 3 7.' ° r\fl y Ufcar A e i'Jy-MarUt, credit ;oron a credit of nor i 8 month- upon ton. huve not yet applied for and received !' 4 1 ® R -°KER # at hit Office No, Dock- 10 (JitU Mackarel, *c uj o Mortgager on Real Property, in or near the City Deed§, are her by notified, that their fuvaral " r#et » near the Bank of the United States, 7 calks of Porter in bott!eg f 0» t outn becotia bti eet, i liiludelphia. of Philadelphia, or other fatisia&ory fecarity. Title® will be duly completed to the order of thole W r e U V B oh Commifiion all kinds 20 puncheons Rum ' rcbruary 16- , eozw co boxes and bales Tick- 13 pipes old Port Wine. ?}** C T? ort £ r ' tCrm «. rf Securitiw Stock., Notes, &c &c. 190 pipes of Brandy,' 4 th proof, T71~7 7 T~~ 5 Unburgh, is bote. Tumbler. If'- "f2 i ■" »ny bus.ness in his line. .5 pipes old M«1«L Wine, To the nervous, weak, deb,htated, sedentary 60 do. do. Hetr.p- lotted. .t . 0r tr U *' en lineni. »°o boxes Hamburgh th«' nil d» of Vl«v iiit W " llll,( r * " T( ~ 13 boxei of Imperial ditto, is recomm ended, the cv i.kbrateO .odo. do. Oxbs- WtndowGlaf/aby day of May TO THE PUBLIC. English Gunpowder, HF BOTANICAL TEA, biit". 10, &e oamuei uioagtl. Forged Copper Nailt aud Bolts, un j r r ■ cr jo do Patterfcornei. 1 theft aflorted Looking f ' ;m cr ' 7 THE SUBSCRIDER Sail Canvass, IJ ' r J P rov e d of iu p.-efer ala Morlaix. Jjoo Dtttijoh... Brown ReHa. jo keg. Fwrl Ba.rKy TO BE SOLD, lately Located in fcftion., or quarter Tow,,- February ,3. MV &f f B l ..flora.i've cv,r perfoas'V all a^V. i'-?uf('' 0 01 lIIIID rot MK TUR-TIIAT Ihips, of 4,000 acres, on the waters of the but particularly those of the above dcfcriptijii ■a. LdTidk »CY(U.wo4re. Valuable Estate, Muikin g u.», and Scioto, in the Territory CLASS MANUFACTORY. "will infallibly ftrengtiun, and eventually r« f air Siatnoi*. A f«w bbls. Hofin. XT MOWN by the name of the Baoncton Iron >" Weft of llic River Ohio. _ abadconftitut.cn. - Arabias. 40 tons Russia # iemp. Worki, fitnatw in the cour.ty of MorrUia the is expected that an authentic draft, with THE PROPRIETORS It if taken for breakfaft infecad of foreign tea, Empty Bags. go hhd». Hog. Brittle.. Oat» of New-ftrfey, confining of a torgn with tlie No. and name of the Location, and a w z„ and as our firlt aliment m the morning is designed Oilcloths. 1 hhd%. Dutch Glue. four fire, a Rolling and Mittiug Mill, a Grift mill certified defcript ion of the lands, w.llaccom- * _ ° l t- h °'l the Shoes and Slippers. 20 calks Nails afTjrted with two Rud of and Saw mill, all in good mnv the amplication for J n * cu perforation, it is well known, and an Soal and upper Leather. fr< m 3d. to »od. \ order and n«»w in use, together with an excellent, 1 m;i » T A w ' , r , . the moll approved European Glass Mami- ID^P'] rtant which ought to be borne the Qnill.and S.tling Wax. 16 eafks ironmongery larga,-nd «.onv«ni#nt house, witk out-hnuft. of ~' * 7 11 arrant,, alio Bought Fuiflurers, and having on hand a large ftoik of every one, that foreign tea. are inade. A package Gold and Sil- 8 eaflc«Hne«. every kind ; among which ire a* lee houie, anj and fold. <ht be(t Material., on which their workmen arc qua,e t0 j 1 P«rpofes, as all will allow jit un verWatchea. GeimanSteel. stone milk house, witha runarkable fine spring in The different kinds of Bank, Infumnce, now einployeJ, have the pteafure of alluring ?"?" » n ° w g ar «'°g.jublrtanco o:f thefoi l ' Js ; /fhU A few chtft. Toy.. 6 hhdi C'ffee mill.. 't. a large Warden, and an tuulliint aulledion of and Public Stock, Ei!!s ofjixchjuwe p"i'. ■.•—*!»». .nomlnur »>»f. us .Tapertui Tim* ani ii«?rilfcsw diet' nr v!» » nn H 1 f. •*- Slate, and Pent it.. Blocking Twine, Tape., Pi.it, a Urge Orchard, and , s o® «rt. of , 4 ' 8 J ' 70 hhd. Havar-na Mo Stnue TtckKng Pot., pa-ure »nd »r.'le land, gla.it ntuuV-jr 31 f T inches, card ally packed in boxes containing H,r *C ftorCi aod workmen . house. immediate Boftemon 1 '• "»wi'ih.ll. 100 feet ea b. mav be had at the - Ctift ps larger fixea for other purpofta, may , 'I'HE BOTANICAL TEA providing flock the prefect winter, aaj poflefli..n March 1, eotw. also be had, such as for piclures coach flaffcs " " n S ular, y efficacious in all weab. TO BE SOLD, of tne whole m the spring. clock face., &c. Bottle, of all kind, and of a„v' «rf' ; ,r °r <>,ak«g of the*4»d», ap . , , For terms •nquire of David B o»rden ar New- Hf? PFNNBYLVANTA nuamif* m*v jlf.i Iw* 1 ( Ulirw ,u. p , ■. , \ petite, (particularly m th« nj^ mn g) depreliion of rpHßra or f. ur lots ol about jo or 40 acre, , rk> mr Pewr W kic in Kew-Vork, n.r. David DB>ARICI Ut i YtV ANIA, * «"» P?cket s pir it,, windy complaints. It speedily relieve.,ke jL each, more or less »;> may tttit a purchafcr. |r or d ii, Morris Town, or meffri. Jacob awd ;ch- 1 WIT . j *V ?j »* 1 Cv l ) ® A-op furniture, head and sumach in gcury or rheumatic cases; and On each of which titers n a good fitaation for a J oji t6eprc^ Ut4> pE IT ÜBMEMTiF.UED, That on the e- j , ro^ r whole at leaA 25 per in cafc , of Wcak digeftwn, but particularly after houfe —viz- one on the river Delaware, fuitablc TanQaiv ri X) of January, in thetwenty*four|h ! scll5 cllt * . v^ cr a rt,c les 01 ihe lame quality ncaking too free with the constitution, by an im either tor a gentleman's leat or for a person who ■ • yr-ar of the Independence of tne United States j |' ro,, g' 11 Irotn any of the lea ports of the United moderate use of wine, fpiritous liquors, or any in might wish to eiigage in the lumber !.uhnefs hay- NOTICE of America, COLL INS ON READ and A liberal allowance will be made oa temperance; it is happily fuhed to hot climates, nip a law ding. One e mmanding a good • GEORGE DAVIS, of the (aid DiftriA, j ki'g* quantities. Orders firorn merchant! and is adopted and approved ol by some of the fii ft •new of the river !rom the highefl ground l.etw«"n . . ~ . . |„ J CHl ,r«e Jin this office, ihc title «»i a Bnok, 2n . d ot! »ers will be punfluaUy attended to on ap- I'amilie. in the United States and in the Weft In- Ihe Ptnnypaek »n«tPoguelhn crt< k> [ and andther j j HIS nto give n nice thst the o imuiber whereof thev claim as Proprietors, in ' I*'" a t | "" t0 O'HARA or ISAAC die., fer it. nourishing and invigorating proper- Oil the Bri"ol Road. Enquire «f ivlr. Gilpin neir 1- hatn-ob' ainett fmra :he Orphan i Court of ', f 0 jl uW niE to wit : ' CRAIG, or at the Store the 11 mile iioue on the said road. Coeeii cotint, in Marv.and. letters of adnn-if. '• DECLARATIONS ! a "d SMILiE, in Ka.ketotteet, P ttfburgh, failed, it.K a foyereigu remedy. A L, » tratinnon the perfoi.il eOate of I Ct'tpi-i, pj „, n ,| v rll ,, avf rt on Copijer plate, viz I March t, tuihtf. As proof, of the evil tendency from the use of FOU R LOTS, Utt of the county at refa, k deeeafed j all per- EUganUy n toppe » , , [orei „J tMS , is fubj3i:led the of some of Of ako*t 10 acre.each with good fftuatior.s for [on. havw.g el,,m. ,ga,n!t the laid ~«ct . -..ed, I Debt , V -L_ VafeU.it ! TO BE SOLD, the firft physicians in Europe. Krildmg ; one of which is suitable for a tan., ard, j w, ™ td^b' Tnn Tr L 4 1 on fiaLtebJl 8. On ProaiUStv note Or Rentedfi' a term of Year,, - and H»"a small done house and a young bearing | Hereof to the fob cr ,er on or b f rrr 3- on ,?l A lahgb N ON FOREIGN TEA. .rehardor i«, o« the Keww. rwd nearsft,der'. U7b'e excltd.d fro.-. ali'beneht oftl.e 5 Indehit.tu. As- 10. Jrelp.i. and E- TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, " The c.use of the palsy is drinking too n-.uch mill abonc to mile, from Philadelphia, and one wile in la* Deexciunea irot.i ai rncir it. c t ieiUnent. w .. ... . , , tea; many .magise tea h,s no ill esseS upon the othtr lot of about jo a«re« no tU« P«n>.ypack.— '»"f edatc. oiven tinde: try hand this 17th of I . , P r ,lessors of the Law, 4 thereunto belonging, nerv;., this however is a m.ftakei it tffecls tha Enquire of Jonathan Ciift who lives oa the proa«- January, one thotfa: d eight cucdrea. " J QITUA'I'E in Duck Creek, Cross Roads nerves, which is evident from its taufing the hands fes or of* Mr. Gilpin. JOHN GILPIN, Aimlntftralor. * •• ***** . „ O Kent Cruntv, State o* Delaware, fronting t0 ftiake » preventing sleep, occasioning giddin«fs, Poffeifion will he given in the fpritig, but build- January >o. taw6w. t.OLLJJNSWrs Ki.A U. on the Main Street, there are on the lower dimarf. of fight, sickness, &c. irg mit;rial. may be coHcifed foaner. In conformity to tie art of the Coftjrefi of fi%e Rao(( , s , nd i.„ try) „i t h a Dr. EUCHAN. November 8 aawtf. THE UNDERSIGNED, the Unfiled States, intituled An ail for the numbc , of well finiilie-d Koonis up Stairs, a . *e vtaicffv'i Ponful General md au- ei'touragtment ot Iciining. by lecuring the_co- Cellar un.Tcr the wlm'le Iluildirp, a Krick kilch- " Strong isfufion. of India Tea, not only un thoricrd to tranfafl the Conluhr Bufi .ess f"" ot Cha |."^" (J O' ok. to the Author. u .„pof good Water, with a Stable, Car- but destroys the bodily funaioßs." lOHM Ifinn T f for hiXX "e K niof Unuld and P.opneu,, o. ; ,ch cop.ea, dunng the time Houf » d g SliaU , the « h „,improvements Ur. H.SMITH, JOHN KIDD, Treaftirer suf« J?Amoriea, refloat Philadelphia, t h «e«n menticced, are in f n. d repair. Th. Seat i, wellcalchted - . BY Direftion of*, the Contmiffiontrs of Lyco- TJ*rrtLv rr/Wc tmhlir Notify tor either a Store or 1 avern, the latter of which , mmg county, attends at Philadelphia to re- * & L F . , y . Clerk of the District oj Pennsylvania. it has been occupied for a number of years vvifh fays" fca is hurtlul both to the stomach and erwethe Taxes affeflad upen unf.ated Lands in That in obedience to rcttnt i.iaiunions re,e,v-d The abovt declaration, combining the feni- con f,derable fuecefs. The situation i. dry and oLr , ves : U cauf,. phrenfie., delirium, appoplcxica, that County, from the holdeia thereof, in thla fr °™ ''JflJi.® Ji'L! ,b.ir blance of fine writing with utility. and fettled || t e Cour.try around being very healthy zati a a ' ul "^ er disorder. of the brain, whicl are pro- City. Tbvfe who have filed with the Com- jf ,»d appr ved by fmne of the f.rft and moll d.l- plrce 0 f /onfiderable Trade, it will be well '?%**** ?? rnimoner., ftatemenl. of their Land., are re- in or.',r to be-ranted such tinguifted Law Clurai\er ß in the llate, are now worth |}.e attention of any perlon wishing to and'the W./failing of The're" quested to call upon him, to know the a mount Cmiril . Jtcs for their Cargoes which the exigency publ.fbed, purchaie or rent. cruiting juices, n.ufi tend to emaciation and the of 3 axe. H ereon, and pay them j otherwise, be- of the ftilte of t hr Neutral Commerce anal the fe- GtOßGt.li./lls For further particulars apply to the Sub- «hele frame thus rendered one system of diftref. fore his leaving the City, they will he put into vsr i necr4ts 0 f the Belligerent Powen, rend.r LAW-BOOK S 1 OKt., fjiiber at the alorefaid pi cr. sni infirmity " the hands of the Sheriff fur colle&ion, agre.-a jnd.fnerlably necessary, and, that any M.fter ol No Hi«h-St»kkt. JOHN CU.MMUCGS. The jaltly celebrated Dr. Tillot fays, » Thi. blyto tkeaiflfor raifingcotinjy rates andlcvit, Te ff«f, belonging to the refpefiive nations or oa- J ■ ' h cver book want- lanUavvI anU avv 8 I w 3 w. beverage, India Tea is extremely P er- Thefa who have not filed Aatement. or then yigating under the proteslion of their flags, in . ' .. ' ' • nicious, itdeftroys the ftrcngth of the stomach, lands with Ihc CominifTioners, and aredefirou. omittinir to take such certificate., will ■personally ed in that line. tuthim n~ .. , , , the vicera, the blood, the nerves, and eventually of having it done, to prevent fates without pre ftaud reipoaCble for the consequences. January 14- OlXtf Dollai r ~S rLeWUVu. j the whole body." viviis personal Notice, may file with the above RICHARD SODF.IISTHOM. "NT/it-Jro ic herphv piveil ' Dr - M °l'ere lays, «In biliou. complaint., tea ij Treasurer, their lift., Dating the quantities r«- Philadelphia 18th December, 1799- i>OUCC lh , b » DF.SEK'I ED ; extremsly hurtful" flirrteii, number and dates of the wirrants ard 1 To all persons interested in a Tract us Lind -p ROIV j |hc quarur , of the Suifcriber, in the | Dr Fcthergill. Tea is very offenfive to the «amc. of the warrantees, und:r which they TA/'r/V Dollars Reward. lyirt? and being in Springfield, Burling- J< ~) t of y llin day the i4tk inltant, an enlist- '«ngs and impedes refpirstion; it is therefore V»ld their lands. He will attend at Mr. Joseph J "ton county, Slate of Net" Jersey, for- r j Soldier, nanied M AKSHALL, born highly improper for pctfons who have a difficulty Hsrdy". No. 98, Market street tor thi. purpose _®«PttTPn merhbebnfine to Samuel Bullus. and by Sa | e ni, New-Jersey, by occupation a La- of treathmg, or any complaint of the Inng. or 'n."■»»• Th " v " ,J • **** ««-> Jf 14th ina -JOHN OSBORN, born in the th e S ubfc iher,. appointed by J a <nes Km- '/Lf S Uis bi. lecond difertio;. •'lnaian tea rerdeu men impotent and women Twpntv r»nll l rc Rpu/irrl town of Bedford, Well Chester county and Oate \\l H Chief Juflice ol the bupreme » ' barren; h.ncc we may account for the pcrfons in w \.y LJUiiaiiy xvuvvdiu. of New-York, aged 11 years, 9 months, 5 lee r « ro f t |f e State of New Jcrfey, Comnnflientn Atfo, at the fame time, ALEXANDER the htghor circles having lew children, and those RAN-AWAY from Spring Forge, in York g an( ) a quarter inche. high, grey ey.. (long qued) tit ; 0II 0 f the fame Lands, t , and XF.EL, born in Suffer c -unty. New Jersey, a in general very sickly an,l utihealthy." Coßßty, a negro man, named ISAAC, other- light hair, ruddy camplexion, poek marked, by ' t f, e said children and their aflig.u, do in- Tanner by trade, aged 18 years, 5 feet 5 and For mo-e account, of this tea, fee tho f-cond wife CUDJO, about II year. -Id, the property trade a Shoeraaker. Enlifled by Lieutenant Key . ei ,j £ meet at t ), c Louie Jofifb H«i .-jUiJ, in 4 „ inches high, remark ibk fmjJN haj>le j edition of Dr. Church', pamphlet, of Robert Coleman; Esq. He is ah«ut 5 feet 8 noids in Stephen's Town, near Albaay the 1501 oi ptfr j n Burlington, »n the twelfth day of March C y CS> short U; own hpir, which has been lately | 1 h.s botanical tea is calculated to pro<fice the inches high, ha* a blamiih in his eyes, wore -wnite fune last Had on aixl took with him a mort eleven ot the clock in thefcrcnqon of that crn p. fair complexion, li upper teeth large j C( n ™ r Y enecls, is t\e result oi long and indefa in them than common, by trade a Firgeman; had ro und bUe cloth coat with a red cape, a blue * ar)( j c ith<?rby ourftlves or in with pn ie<s\iiig, speaks mnch thro' his r.ofe ; was 1 Itudy «d experience, and by perfevcringly ©n and took with him a dob coloured broad cloth c j ot h coatee, a few white waifkoats, a long grey 'j. T u ftice proceed to allot and by b.il,ot ent j re d from his duty by the art and persuasion .' ts 1 w I coat, almoil new, a iailors jacket and pantaloons mixed cloth coat anc breeches, a pair of boots, a ' ftarcs 0f part of cac h of the said chil- o r t u. a b.: ve nitned Marshall. han 111 mentioned. printed fancy cord, a lwanfdown ftripfd under chocolate coloured great coat trimmed with black - an j t | ic ; r purfuant to the ait entitled wh (half take up said Deferttrs and It cheaper than India tea one packet at 75 ceket; a rorurn hat; one fine and one coarse hafr plufb, a furr hat half worn, and two filvcr ™ easy partition of I ...da hehl Wlhorver ft.ll l i.ke up Uia Ue en | «no tcnts Hft «ne person for br«k)aft neiriy one Jhirt' one muslin hLidkerchief, f r ri g gcd, two ™ I one a middle fixe, the other fn.all He t Ua, join, Tenant, and Tenant, in con,- lodge ,h,-m J r ™ pack.,., five ditto flriped border, a blue Persian under jacket may \ m? oU himfol, on some f,nuly or gentleman J > ffeJ the , )ese „,h day of Nov. lobk.ibn, « h ,n F.wrrt «««e* doUafl . and two pair cotton (lockjngs. Whoever take, up ™waber, a, he h»» aded in that capacity- [ou / Lord , one thousand seven hun- Ninlhand TcMl W a, iii negro and lodge, him in any jail in this or any Whoever apprehends said Defetter, andfecures him j rC( i all( j e ighty-nine. anyoifnei - ~...f>,mhfe ** Ce c ANICAL TEA pre >f the neigabouring ftatcs shall have the above re- i n jail, fends him to Headquarters, or deliver, him vitnefb oar lianristhis fifth day oi February, fball receive liea.ov r « > ' pared only by Dr. Jan e< Church, at hia Difpen »ard or reasonable expence.if brought home. to any of the Marine officers, or an,- officer of the OIK ,j lbL ,f io d eight hundred. charge., or so, e.ther ot them proportionate f No. 137 Frout-Street near the Fly-Market. mwu RBITfM armv of the United States fha'l receive the above Abraham Stockton, c tnpenlaUon. . New York, an d fold wholcfale and retail, by J Ar, 1 ill reasonable charges. SC.vA J itikencott, j A.T.3IN GilBS, jun. MilTri. H. and P. Rice, 16 South Second Streec, Spring Forge, ©Sober a 3. 1799- reward and all reasonable N. B. As said negro formarly lived in Chester { W flr ; w< Go'pl. J> " nawtiaM Fehujryji. daw. Febxuary if. Kunty, it is probable he may return ibere. •""* * Feb. 8 Jar.cary 16. \''.- . . ' / if I LAD E L PHI A, TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH li, r^r- 1800. \V>l.vmi- XVII. *■ '• .V- TM • • «- ™ &
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers