Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, March 08, 1800, Image 1

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    v " <* Mnitela States, Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
V '
.Vt/MJEP 2315.]
BC7* The price of this Gazette is Eight
Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing
in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay
one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di
recting ; and unless-some person in this city
will become answerable for the subscription,
it must be paid Six Months in Advance.
*,* No Subscription will be received for
a shorter term than six months.
Dscsmber > 1799.
Red Clover.
White do.
S& nt Foin.
.'.ierd Grass.
Orchard do.
Rye do
Rape and Hemp.
f'ATF.NT PLOUGHS, which tie said to be more
durable than any heretofore invented, and found
on experience to diminifli the labour Loch of man
t'' and btafc—
jNo. 40 South Second Street, Philadelphia.
February 13. ' tu<kf.Bw.
No 95, N*.rth Water-street,
ENTITLED to drawback, which they ofltar for
sale at moderate prices for ca(h, or the usual
credit ; or on a credit of la or x 8 month? upon
Mortgages on Real Property, in or near the City
of Philadelphia, or other faiisfa&ory security.
50 boxes and bales Tick
do. Hemp*
60 do.
en linens,
jo dc.
do. Ozna^
50 do. Patterborncs.
-25 do. "ifl£cld Linens.
Ii do. Creas and Creas
a la Morlaix.
Brown Rolls.
Do. Heflians.
Poliih Rolls.
-I>~d Ticks.
Empty Bags.
Oil Cleths
Shoes and Slippers.
£oal and upper Leather.
Quills and Sualing Wax.
A package Gold andSil-
ver Watches.
A few chefibToys.
Slates and Pern ils
70 hh'ls. Havanna Mo
la lies
February 1 $
THRF.E or fnur lots ol about 30 or 40 acres
each, more or iefs as may iuit a purehafer.
On each of which there is a good situation for a
hotfe—viz. one on the river Delaware, suitable
either for a gentleman's feat, cr for a pcifpn who
might vvifh to eugage in the lumber business hav
ing a landing. One c mmanding a good
view of the river rom the highest ground between
the Pcnnypack and Pogueflfin creeks ; and another
•n the BriVol Road. Esquire «f Mr. Gilpio near
the 11 mile fione on the said road.
Of about 10 acres eaoli witk good situation« for
"bnflding ; one of which is fuitaoie (or a tan-yard,
and has a small stone house and a yoang bearing
•■rchard on it, on the Newtwwti road near Snider's
mill about 10 miles from Philadelphia, and one
otker lot of about acres on tfec Pen*ypack.—
Enquire of Jonathan CliK who lives oa the premi
fts or of Mr. Gilpin.
Pofleffion will be given in the spring, birt build
ing materials may be coHe&ed foener.
November 8
7 axes of Lycoming County
JOHN KIDD, Treafnrer,
BY Direilion of the CommtJJioners of Lyco
ming county, atiends at fiiiladelphia to re
ceivethe Taxes aflefTed upon unf«ated Lands in
•that County, from the holders thereof, in this
City. Theft who [lave lilsid with the Com
niilfioners, flatements of their Lands, are re
-quefteil to call upon him, to know the amount
of Taxes thereon, and pay them ; ntherwife, be
fore his leaving the City, they will be put into
the hands ot the Sheriff for colledlion,
bly to the afl for railing coußJy rates and jevies
Thof. who have not filed ftatemeuts of theit
lands with the Commiffiooers, and aredefirous
of having it done, to prevent liles without pre
*i«us persona! Notice, inav file with the above
Treaiurw, their lifts, Dating the quantities re
turned, number and dates ot the wirrants and
names of the warrantees, under which they
h-id their lands. He will attend at Mr. Joseph
Hardy's No. 98, Market street for this purpose
:until the 18th infiant.
November 9.
Twenty Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAY from Spring Forge, in York
County, a negro man, named ISAAC, other
wise CUVJO, about II years *ld, the property
of Robert Coleman; Esq. He is about 5 feet 8
inches high, has a biemifh in bis eyes, »iore white
in them than common, by trade a Fsrgenian,- had
en and took with him a drab coloured broad cloth
coat, almost new, a sailors jacket and pantaloons
printed fancy cord, a (wanldown ftripad under
acket; a rorura hat; otie fin: and one coarse
shirt' one mufiin handkerchief, (prigged, two
ditto ftripad border, a blue Perfisn under jacket
and two peir cotton (lockings. Whoever takes up
fai4 negro and lodges him in any jail in this or any
of the neigabouring states (hall have the above re
ward 01 reasonable expences if brought home.
•jrinj Fotge, Odober 13,1799.
tt? B1 At bid negro formarly lived in Chester
county, kla probable he may return Acre.
Movcmku j
For Salt or to Let.
Nov 1, 1799. drf.
Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan-
X carter line of Stages DISPATCH, return their
grateful thanks to their frrrnds/md the public in
general, for the pat* favors tfeey have received,and
inform them that in addition to the regular Line,
th«y are p<oviccd with Carriages, foher and careful
drivers, to go through between the City and
Borough incwo days. Thof« who prefer thi* mede
cf travelling can be accommodated at the Stage
Office, fiyn of United States fiagU, Market street,
ed by the ftibferiber, Tor undivided Shares or
Lots on hii purchase within the city of Walhing
ton, who have not vet applied for and received
their Deeds, are hereby notified, that their leveral
Titles will be duly completed to the order of those
who in conformity with the term* of the fai.i Cer
tificates, do make the Payments in full therefor,
either to M' Euen {9* Co. or to the Qub
fcriber at Philadelphia, on or at any time before
the 31ft day of May next.
13 pipes old Wine.
25 boxes Tumblers as-
[ Ported.
20© boxes Hamburgh
Window Glass 8 by
io, &c.
1 chcft'aflorted Looking
Several large elegant do.
1500 Demijohns.
50 kegs Fcarl Barley.
A few tons Roll Brim
ao kegs Yellow Ochre.
A few bbls. Rosin.
40 tons Russia Hemp.
80 hhds. Hogs Briflles.
2 hh£s. Dutch Glue
so casks Nails assorted
from 3d. to 2od.
16 casks Ironmongery.
8 calks Hoes.
Get man Steel.
6 hhds. Coffee mills.
Blocking Twine, Tapes,
Stone PiekKng Pots r
See &c.
by the name of ti*c Booceton Iron
Works, frtnate in the county of Morris in the
lLauof New-Jcrfey, confiHing of a Forge with
four fires, a Rolling and blitting-Mill, a Grift mill
with two Run of ftenes, and Saw mill, all in good
order and new in use, together with an excellent,
large, and convenient houte, with out houses of
every kind ; among which are an Ice koufe, and
flone milk house, with a remarkable fine spring in
it, a large Garden, and an exeullent eolleAion of
Fruit, a large Orchard, and 2500 acres of wood,
paKure and arable land, and a great number of
stores and •♦ovkmen's houses Immediate poffeflion
will be given ot houses and stores fulficient for
providing ttock the present winter, aad poffeilioo
of the whole in thefpring.
For terms anquire of David B Ogden at New
ark, mr Peter Mackie in New-York, mr. David
Ford in Morris Town, or m&lrs. Jacob andßich
ard Kael'ch on tfceprcfiiil'es.
THIS it to give notice the Sabfcriber
hath obllined from the Orphan's Court of
Cocci! county in Maryland, letters of admiaif
tration on the p«rfo»al eflate of Samuel Gilpin,
late of the county aforefaid, deccafed ; ail per
sons having claims against rhel'aid deceased, tx
hereby warned to exhibit the fime with the
vouchers thereof to the fubferiter on or before
the 14th day of next—thry mav other
wise by law be excluded from all benefit of the
said estate. Given under my hand this 17th of
January, one thoufair.d eight hundred.
JOHN GILPIN, Aiiminijlrator.
January- 30. taw6w.
HIS Swedilh Majesty's Consul General, and au
thorized to tranfaft the Consular Business,
for his Majesty the King of Denmiuk iu the United
3tate< of America, refiJiog at Philadelphia,
Hereby gives public Notice,
That »n obedience to r.cent iiUliu&ions reeeived
from his government, it i> the duty of all Mai';
of Swodiih and Danilh vessels, bcfor« their iailino
from any port in the said States, to taii upon !.i:a
or the Vice Conltil in orJer to be granted such
Certificates for their Cargoes, which the exigency
of the of the Neutral Commerce am< tliefc
var 1 Decrees of the Belligerent Power*, ruud«r
indij'penftibly ueceffary, and, that any Mailer ol
vcfi'ds belonging to the refpcilive nations, or na
vigating BHder the protection of their ; n
omitting to take such certificates, will pcrloiially j
stand reipoafible for the conferences.
Philadelphia, ißtb December, 1799.
FROM the Marine Barracks on the night of the
14th ina—JOHN OSBORN, born in the
town of Bedford, Wed Chcfler county and state
of New-York, aged 11 years, 9 months, j feet
8 and a quarter inches high, grey eyes (long qued)
light hair, ruddy complexion, pock marked, by
trade a Shoemaker. KniiOed by Lieutenant key
nolds in Stcphtn's Town, near Albany the jjth of
Juna lift. Ha;l on and took with him a fliort
round blue cloth coat with a red cape, a blue
cloth toatee, a few white wailicoats, a long grey
mixed cloth toat ana breeches, a pair of boots, a
checolate coloured gileat coat trimmed with black
hair pluih, a furr hat half worn, and two silver
watches, one a middle tize, the other small. He
may impolc him fell on some family or gcotler-ian
as a waiter, as ho has a&ed in that capacity.
Whoever apprehends said Deserter, and focures him
in jail, fends bin. to Headquarters, or delivers him
to any of the Marine officers, or any officer of tije
army of tbe United States (hall receive the above
reward and all reasonable charges.
Adjutant Marine Qgrps.
January 16.
ALL pcrfona indebted to the estate cf Thomas
Wilson, late of Southvvark, deceased* are
are rrquefted to make Immediate paymeut to the
fubferiben., and those who have any d<M>ands
against ths said estate are rcqu«Ae<J 19 furoiflt their
accounts for settlement.
SARAH WILSON, Administratrix*
JOEL W. WILSON, Administrator.
No. 195, fouth-Front-ft reet, tfoachwurk.
IVHO lh*S 7*o LF.ty
Sufficiently large to contain nine Horfc*.
Siough. Dunwoody & Co.
Nov. 30. 2t—§
Samuel Jjfodget.
December ij
Vuuahle Estate,
Januarv rj
Thirty Dollars Reward,
%xit anti character
Field-Mai fhal General iu the service of His Imperi
al Majesty, the Emperor of all the Ruffias,
The History of his Campaigns
Translated from the German of Frederick
To which is added,
A concise and comprehensive History of
His Italian Campaign.
By William Cobbttt.
With an elegant Print-Portrait of that re-
Hoicned Warrior.
[Price i 1-2 Dollars.J
Portrait of Marshal Suivorow.
GcKtlcftien desirous of po At fling a capital like
ness, executed in the firft style, of this itluftrious
Chrillian Chieftain, may be furnifbed with parti
cular proof imprcfSoiis, at this oiE;«. price one
Dollar. *
February it.
henry benbridge
Ii EGS to inform his frien .'s and the
A-J public, that he has commenced the buhnefs
of a BROKER, at his Office No. g 3 Dock
ftrcet, near the Bank of the Unirtd States,
e °" Coinmiffion all kinds
, J? :,c Securities, Stocks, Notes, &c &c.
and offers his services in any buffn«f« in his line.
•^" n * 4 ' di«'3avr6w
PROPOSES to receive applications for the
purchase ar.d sale of the Military Lands,
lately located in sections, or quarter Town
ships, of 4,000 acres, on the waters of the
viuAwing'um, and Scioto, in the Territory
N. Weft of the River Ohio.
It is expe&ed that an authentic draft, with
the No. aiiu name of the Location, and a
certified dcfcription of the lands, will accom
pany the application for sales.
Military L,ai;d Warrants, also bought
and fold.
The different kinds of Bank, In fu ranee,
and Public Stock, Bills of Exchange &c. &c.
negociated on Commission, as usual, by
A o 141 Ghefnut-Jlreet) a few doors above fourth'
March 1, eotw.
BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the e
leventhday of January, in the twenty-fourth
year of the Independence of the United States
of America, COLtINSON HEAD and
GEORGE DAVIS, of the laid Dittrifl,
hj»e depnfited in this office, the title ol'a Book,
the right whereof they claim as Proprietors, in
the words following to wit :
Elegantly engraved on Copper plate, v»z.
1. Debt on Bond 6. Merbit
а. by AtTicnee 7. Valebant
3. on fingls bill 8. Or, I'romilTnry note
4- on penal bill 9, Sauia by Indorsee
.5. Indebitatus As- 10. I ircTpali and E
б. fuuipfit jedlment.
for tie use of the Professors of te< Law,
DHA w N 13 Y
In conformity to tlir afl of the Congress of
the United States, intituled " An afl for the
encouragement of learning, by securing the co
pies of Maps, Charts and Books to the Authors
and Proprietors of f«ch copies, during the time
therein mentioned,"
(l. s.)
Clerk of the District of Pennsylvania.
1 he above declarations combining tlic fern
blance of fine writing with utility, and fettled
and approved by feme of (he firfl aHdmofi dil
tingiifhed Law Charters in the Hate, arc now
published, and tor sale at
No. 319, High-Strekt.
Where always may be had, every book want
ed in that Ime.
January 14
Notice is hereby given,
To all persons interested in a Tract cf Land
lying and being in Springfield, Curling
ton county, State of Neiv Jersey, for
merly belonging to Samuel Bullus, and by
bim conveyed to bis six children, That
WE the Subfcribcrs, appoiated by James Kin
fey, Lfq Chief Judico of the Strprcmc;
Court of the .State of New Jersey, Commiflionerc
to make partition of the fame Lands, t", and
unongftthe laid children and their assigns, do in
*end to meet at the house ®f Holiinfotad, in
keeper in Burlington, on the twelfth day of March
next, at eleven of the clock in the forenoon of that
day, and eitharby ourselves or in cnnjun&ion with
the f lid Chief Juttice proceed to allot and by ballot
fix on the ihares or part of each of the said Jtii
dran and their afiigns purfuawt to the ad entitled
" an acl far the more easy partition of Land* held
by Copartners, joint Tenants and Tenants in com
mon/' made and patted the «levcnth d2y cf Nov.
In jhe year of our Lord, one thousand feveo hun
dred, and eighty-nine.
Witncfs our hanslsthis fifth day of February,
One thousand eight hundred.
Abraham Stockton
Job Lippencolt,
Sharks Ellis.
Feb. 8
Shearing Copper 18 and 24 02. per (quart foot,
Patent Sail Duck of all numbers,
Seven Trunks Callicoe6, entiitled to drawback
February 28. eodiw
10 small chefls of Ginghams, on board
4 ditto of colored Muflinets, the (hip
4 bales of St. Fernando Strgea, !
4 ditto of Cambleta, r the river
»o ditto of colored and white I from
CafTuneres, J Liverpool
14 trunks of printe-1 Callicoes,
Tic above ire In small ojfertcd facttgee calculated
either far lie Wrjl India cr borne trade.
| 30 -torn Lead, in pigs,
8 ions of dry White Leadinhhds.
17 oaflcs of fine drr Yellow Paint,
6 ditto of Mineral Black,
I ditto of ditto White,
10 ditto of Coltothar,
3 ditto of Purple Brown,
10 cases English China Ware io setts,
36 calks of Nails afloited,
300 barrels pickled SsTmoti,
80 half ditto ditto,
80 barrels Herrings,
»o ditto Shad,
10 ditto Mackarel,
7 calks of Porter in bottles,
io puncheons Rum,
190 pipes of Brandy, 4th
15 pipes old Madeira Wine,
17 quarter chests Young Hyson T«l,
13 boxes of Imperial ditto,
English Gunpowder, HF
Forged Copper Nails and Boit«,
Sail Canvifs,
Empty Wine Bottles,
Cork in iheets,
Green Coffee in hhds.
February 13.
The Year 1800 is arrived !
In George-Town, upon the Potomak, is
Upon the prerrifes, on the firft Monday in May
THIS Tavern was tiuJfrhydie fubfeription
of a number of gentlemen as a nectffary
and iif-fuf improvement to the town—lt cott
r6ooo dollars in the year 1796 when materials
and workmanlhip were much cheaper than at
this time. The terms of fuhfeription were that
it Oiould be fold to the h'gheft bidder oil the
day above mentioned.
It is a fcindfome, fubitantial brick building,
of three iiories, fronting sixty feet on the mo!.
pui,)]ic flreet in the town, and running back
sixty thiee feet upon a wide and convenient
ftrcet—l he koufe is admiralty calculated for
a tavern. It contains upon the'firft fl -or four
large rooms, one of litem 30 by «o feet and
another 23 hy ao, besides a large bar and drelP
i g room, upon the second floor is an elegant
afhmhly room, 60 by 30 fe«t, and tkreeconve
went lodging rooms. Upon the third floor are
ten ej# ellcnt lodging rooim—the garret admits
of a division of ten mere. There is also a good
kitchen and commodious cellars fufficient for
Inch a hotfe. I J afljircs and croft paflage* inter
red* the house in such a manner as to make each
room private.
There are stables fuflicicwt for the aceoicjm
dation of fifty h©« fes, with convenient (hedsfor
carriages—attaci.ed to the building are three
lots of 60 feet by 120 each, which fropr on
three flreets, and in the back yard and not 40
yards frcra the kitchen is a copious and never
failing fpriag of mofl excellent running water.
The nature of improvements and their con
venience to thecify of Washington mult render
thts property a mofl defirahle auquifnion to any
person who may wish to carry on a tavern upon
an exteniive £ ale. The immediate removal of
the government of the United States must re
ceive to it full and complete en (torn.
1 he terms of sale are, one third in cash-
oce third in 120 clays and the other third in
240 days, io b# fbcursd by approved no:cs ne
gotiable at the Bank of Columbia or at either
of the Banks in Baltimore, pofll-ffion to be giv
en on the day of faie and a perfccfl title rr»a<ie
clear, of all incumbrances, on the last payment 1
being made.
iHOMAS BE ALL, of Geo. ? ~ „
February 2<
Sixty Dollars Reward.
FROM the quarters ."f the St»bfcriber, in the
night of Monday the i4t'«, initant, an etilift
cd Soldier, named JOHN MARSHALL, born
in Silem, New-Jcrfey, by occupation a La
bourer, aged 23 yeai?, five feci 7 incite* high,-
bine eves, black hair, fallow complexion, and
it is f.iid this is histocond Jd'crtioo,
Alfa, at the la'se time, ALEXANDER
TEEL, boi n in Sussex cunty, Newjerfc), a
Tanner by trade. aged 18 years, 5 feet e :nd
an half incites high, reourk*b!e (mall h«7le
eye?, (hurt brow n hair,, which has licfn. latfiy
cropped, fair complexion, his upper teeth large
and projifftiirg, (peaks mnch his sole ; was
enticed from his duty by the art and persuasion
of the above rjmed Marlhall.
Whoever (hall take up said Deserters and
lodge them in Jail, or (halt deliver them to the
fufefcriber, at liis Quartets in Filbert, between
Ninth and Tenth ijtrcets, Philadelphia, or to
any officer of the army of the United States,
(hall receive the above reward, and reatbnable
charges, or for either of them a proportionate
c mpeniation.
Per sale by
GUfc Ware,
Silk Velvets,
Mens Shoes,
Bristol Pewter,
Lamblack in Hhds,
Straw Hais and Bonnets,
Capt. ic:h rcgt, U-. 3.
The patent Antispasmodic Elixir.
Convulsion Hysteric, or
Epiltflic Falling Fits,
Are effeaually cured by this excellent medicine.
Its virtues are absolutely fpeci6c and unparal
leled. It has failed in no instance within the
knowledge of the proprietor (where takeu agree
able to the diredlions, and with perf c ver4r»ce)
the most dreodful Fits everkno*n. One cafe
of cure only is Subjoined out of a ct nfiderable
number, as proof ot its efficacy attelted before
the Lord Mayor of London.
" I, Jan:es r ocock, of No 40, North-street,
ln t ?' n,h T of St. Luke's Middiefex. do make
oath J hat I was grievously affiled with fits
for upsvarus of i 5 y carß t that t0 so vioknt
a degree, as to require u men to hold mc in
them, to prevent me daOuo c myfelf to p;eces.
They would generally Utt me 5> 6, and often
7 hours ; jn consequence of which u,y confiitu
tion became quite emacijted. J made applica
tion to tnany eminent gentlemen of the faculty,
who a.aordcd me no relief whatever ; trll I ap
plied to Dr. James Church of the City Road,
wi.o prescribed his Antiipafmodic Elixir for
me, which I took, and whi h alone cured me
ottliefemoft dreadful <it», and reltored me to
perfert health. This deponent further nuketh
oath, and faith, that it is now two ycais fimt
he was firfi cured of his fits, and he has no re
turn whatever of them since.
Sworn before me at the Manfion-liuufe, this
19th day of Aigult, 1796.
it:Hid7)i Curtis, Mayor*
_ Prepared (only) by the Inventor and foic
I roprictor, Dr. James Church, at his ] ijlbep
'"V' <37• Front street, near the Fly-Market,
Nevv- /ork ; and fold by mtflrs. H. & P Kre;c
iG, South SecondStieei, Philadelphia. '
February i6 r
To the nervous, weak, debilitated, sedentary
and consumptive.
Ittjlsad of Foreign 1
•pHIS Tea » nniverfally approved of in'prefer
eoce to foreign tea, as 'he molt plVannt,
wholcfome, enlivening, invigorating, and
ftl re&orativc cv«r adopted, for perioas of
but particularly those of the above dHfcriptjlwr; as
it will inialiibly ftrengt-hen, and eventualiy res>ai
a bad constitution.
It i* taken for brcakTaft infcead of foreign tfa,
and as our firft aliment in the morning is deferred
to recruit the waste of the body from the night's
infenGlile petfpiration; it is well known, and an
important f*a which ought to he bon.e on the
mind of every one, that foreign teas are ir.ade
quite to such purpoles, a, nil will allow ; it un
nerves and wears the iuMtance of the solids. Tliii
fubftitnte is profeffioually approved as a salutary
and nourifliing diet, or as a morning and afternoon
is Angularly efficacious in all cases of inward weak-
Bcfs, trembling or fliakiug 0 f the hands, los« of ap.
petite, (particularly in the morning) depreflien of
fpints, windy complaints. It speedily relieves >Ve
head and stomach in gouty or rheumatic cases; and
111 cases of weak digestion, but particularly alter
making too free with the constitution, by an im
moderate use of wine, fpiritous liquors, or any in
temperance; :t is happily fuiced to hot clim r.'s,
and is adopted and approved of by some of the firft
families iii the United States and in the Wef"*l.i
dics, far it a nourishing and invigorating proper
ties ; aiid iu bilious cases where the appetite has
failed, it is'a sovereign remedy.
As proofs of the evil tendency fr-m the use of
foreign teas, is fuLjoined the opinions oi some of
the firft phyftcians in Europe.
" The cfufe of the palsy is drinking too much
tea; many imagine tea
nerves,, this however is a it tffeel. the
nerves, which is evident Irom it - causing the hands
to fiiakc, prcveuiing sleep, occaGoning giddiness,
dim net of fight, iickncfs, &c.
** Stro'g infuOons of India Tea, not only un
;erves but deitroys the bodily iun£ions "
And in another publication, Dr. Hugh Smith
fays, " lea is hurtful both to the stomach and
nerve-,; it cauf-s phrenfies, delirium, appoplexits,
and other dilordcrs of the brsin, which are pro
duced by the nerves being thus difarrariged and
debilitated, the digestive taculty of th. stomach is
much weakened, and the body failing oi the re
cruiiirg juices, must tend to emaciation a d the
whole frame thus rendered one fyftcm of distress
i nd infirmity "
The justly celebrated Dr. Tiilot fays, " Thi»
fafliionafcle beverage, India Tea, is extremely per
nicious, it destroy s the frrcngth of the ftcraach,
the vicera, the blood, the nerves, and eventually
the whole body."
Dr. Moliere fjys, " In bilious complaints, tea is
extremely hurtful."
Dr. Fothergill. " Tea is very offenGve to the
lung-, and impedes respiration; it is th-refore
highly improper for per/ons who have a difficulty
of breathing, or any of the Irmes or
Dr. Saunders fays, (fee hi* Medical Mem )
Indian tea renders) nun impotent and women
barren; huice we may account lor the persons in
the higher circles having lew children, ana those
in general very sickly an.! unhealthy."
For more accounts of this tea, fee the fccond
ed-rion of Dr. e'hHrch's pamphlet.
Thu botanical tea is calculated to produce the
contrary effeils, is the result of long and indefa
tigable study and experience, and by perfevcringly
adopting its efe, will be found to answer the ef
fects herein mentioned.
It is cheaper than India tea—one packet at ys
cents, will lift one person for bresklaft nearly one
month—cannifters containing eight packets, five
*.* The celebrated BOTANICAL TEA >. pre
pared only by Dr. Jatres Church, at his I)iip,-n
---fary, No. 137 Front-Street, near the Fly-Mark?t,
New York, and fold wholesale and retail, br
IvUffre. H. and P. Rite, 16 South Second Stree«,
Philadelphia, *nd Mr. J»s. Rice, Baltimore.
February 15.
[Voimur XVII