CONGRESS, SOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Thursday, February 27. Vnother member, to wit, Jshn Smith, . (in the room of Jonathan Nico'l Havens L j. deceased) from New-York, appeared ; day, was and took his feat. Mr. Page presented a petition of Samuel 0 ik, a soldier during; the Revolutionary ir, which was read and referred to the mmittee of claims. Mr. Davis said, as the House did not nk proper yesterday to indulge him in the jption of the icfolution then proposed, he ijed they would adopt the following, and him to »btain all the evidence upon \ fubj..-ct which ootid be had—viz. ttesglved, That the Prclident of the Uni ■ 1 States just if; —antl MefiYs. ' ivth, Li»ingftou, and Nicholas, in favor it., Mr. Otis having mentioned, that he war ;i :horiied by the Secretary of State, to fay, it he had 110 further authenticated tranl s pt than had been fubiuitted to the House ; Mr. Nicholas. after a few observations t-ji-omnrended to Mr. Divir, to withdraw' refutation—which having been done, Mr. N. moved the following : Resolved, That the Speaker of the House Reprelentatlves, be requeued to pn-cure ' •wi the Cierk of the diftrfft Court of South rolina, copie s, under seal, of the proceed ii ;s of that Court, together with the evi ■ ices produced in the cafe relative to the uifitipn for Thomas N ifh, alias Jonathan • bbins, who was delivered to his"Britan- Majesty's Conl'ul. Mr. Harper moved that the rtfoliitionTie poflponed till this day week—and was replied • by Messrs. Nicholas and Gallatin ; when Mr. H. Lee, said, he hoped the gentle ian from South Carolina would withdraw motion for postponement—He might • e upon this fubjedt, Mr. H. Lee, said, rrent from his friends—but he would do th'S, because he had no objection that the % aker fliould write the letter which the re s', ition contemplated—and in the interim, t' house fliould go into Committee of the "iiile upon the fubjrd, and proceed upon t' difcuflion as far as the President was im p\ ated, and at a future day upon the con di y of the Judge of South Carolina. Mr. Dana applauded the principle ef the hon. gentleman last up, who like a veteran 6\cer, boldly met his enemy without arti fiv orevafion ; but he was not willing to concede so far : If we wanted to make fur ther enquiiy, appoint a feleft committee for t;.; t purpose. He neve? lic'ii J ker of a body like this, being inllruftecl to enquire into fads. Mr. D. concluded with llmarkine; 011 rhe-manner in wiH«w bu siness was introduced ; and the inability its a' .ocates felt to maintain the ground they hnd taken, and by expitfTinj;'a with, the re solution would not be adopted. Meffis. Harper and Bayard also spoke in fovor of the poftponenwnt, and MelTrs. Var- Jjutn, Randolph and Jones against it, when tWquefticn was taken—Yeas 32—Nays 67. The question then recurred upon adopt ing the resolution. when Mis Marshall spoke at length against it.— He contended there wes no profpcfl of coming to a decision of the original quefti n this ftfllon if this were adopted and a/ked if the charafter of the P>-efident of the United States ought to be b !d up m the suspicious view in which the resolution placed it, until the next feflitin of Congrefs?—He hoped not. It feeroed to him that a postponement amounted to ade claration to the people of America, thai there was mueli caufcfor suspicion, and thai additional ev,'deuce was wanted to fubftan tiate it. Mr. Nicholas replied to Mr. Marshall, and contended, that the whole truth of the cafe was to come out of the additional tes timony now aflced for. An adjournment Wat then called for, and negatived—ayes 30. Mr. Randolph fpokc in favour of the refoiution, and in answer to Mr. Marshall, when the question was taken, and negatived —Yea» 44 —Noes 51. Adjourned. NfeW-LOXDON, February 14. Extract of a letter from Moses Tryon dated on board the United States ship Conneetitul, 10 leagues E. N'. E. fr.m Diseada, Jan. le, 1800, to a Gentleman in Middletoion. " I have been able to reduce it to a cer tainty, that the Conneftieut, is, perhaps, the fatkfl tailing ship in thei'e fcas. I have had a fair trial with several British i»*n of War ; I hkewife had an opportunity to try her failing with the Insurgent, (Sapt. Murry and the Adams, Capt. Morns, botVi of ■which I hive fairly beaten by the wind, and I think lean fay, she fails equally well from the wind. On the whole 1 am not afraid to have a fair look at any thing that floats on the ocean. I have had the good fortune to fall in with the French privateer brig, the Conqueror of Italy ; mounting 12 guns and fixtytwo men ; (having manned fix prizes in the course of her cruise ; which I captur ed the 29th ult. on her return to Point Petre ; flie has done more injury t» our commerce than any ether privateer out of Gnadaloupe ; having by accounts, taken two hundred American vrflels ; the has run upwards of four years, and had bid defiance to nil British frigates." Bahhntre, Felruary 25. Arrived (hip Triumph, captain Benja min Richards, from Batavia. Captain R. left Batavia, 19th October, in company, with flups Mary. Phillips,, for Baltimore; John Jay, Olney, Pr vidence ; Zenobia, De Ptyfter, New York; Crite rion, Chafe, Boston. Parted from the Ma rv off Jarva Head, and from the reft of the fl*et in lat. 13, S. long. 98, E. all well ; they intended to keep together till they reached the Cape of Good Hope. Pafled the Straits of Sunda the 25th of O&ob.-r, and happily found it clear of French priva teers, with which they had been much in fefted. Pafleiiger in the Triumph, Mr. John R. Parker, late supercargo of the (hip Anna bis, of Boston, which was 101 lat the Cape of Good Hope, on the sth November, in a v*ry heavy gale of wind, in which the Sceptre, Erglifh 64 gun (hip, the Oldeu berg, a Danfh 64, an English whaler, a brig from Salem, with four other smaller vefTels were totally loft, with many lives. The gale was of (hort duration, but ex tremely severe, heaving into Table Bay a molt tremendous sea. Sir G. Young, governor, and fir Roger Curtis, with a fleet from England, arrived at the Cape early in December, at which time every thing wag very tranquil, peace having been cffe Rush and Ins Supporters, part I. contain- graved l;y Robert Scott! Tna lueiary cl»*ifcr*e(J by natives of Ireland, Scotland and Wales—at j© and at 75 cents. Sheridan's Elements of English ; or a Stand ard of Pronunciation ; Being a new method of teaching the whole art of reading ; both with regard to pronunciation and Ipelling. The 2d edition greatly enlarged. bU. at 10 cents. Steuben's regulations for the order and' dis cipline of the troops of the U. States, Illustrated with a greater vaiiety copperplates than any other edition ; and exhibiting the v/hole of the manual exercise in j 7 copperplate figures, hbd.—at 68 1-1 cents. £3" W. YOUNG has regular supplies ofthe.late£l European publications of books of divinity, history, law, phytic, surgery, chemistry, agriculture, gar dening, natural history, arts, sciences, trade and commerce. The Eqglilh, French, Latin and Gr».k cladics, now in use in the fch g. te 8-- a f Ferfthtfur ioiem Warrants wrt >a °| * • A l tU rtgiJttrtJ. P» a S |*2 | • ? S -1 2 3 : 4 5 ■ ;■ 3 9 10 11 12 >3 i+ >5 i' 6 '7 18 '9 20 21 22 *3 24 l 5 26 27 28 29 3° 3 1 32 33 34 3 S 36 37 38 59 4° 4' 42 43 44 45 4■ 2 4 2 GhrifVian Large J George Steveni'm CiiirniMi'i Medowrll Do. Johiv-Wilkins, jun. Do. George Skinner David Morgan Jame* Taylor Isaac Graig dt6M John Matthews & Co. Edward Hand Joseph Alhftpn Abraham Baldwin Abraham Baldwin Do. Thos.M'KeanThompfon n3 Samuel Jones 8* Jairirs Taylor, Sc Gil-? lafpy and Strong. ) Edward D. Turner William Simmons John F. Ha mtramick Daniel Marlh Jeffe Baldwin Abraham Baldwin John Fcrrill Jenathan Cafs Martin Baum John Armstrong Caleb Swan George Jack fori John £. Howard Andrew Porter James Johnfton Robert Porter Holmes $c Rainey David Lynn John Dunlap Wid. Mc. Cluney Robert Underwood Do. W Do. W Jnnas Stanberr* James Taylor [ohn Rathbonc D«. i D >. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Jonas Stanbcrry Do. Do. Jacob Sebor Do. Jonas Stanberry Do. Do. William Wells M.ithias Disturian Do. Do. Db. Do. Do. Do. 1 o 1 - Do. 47 Janses Hamilton 244 J. Hliea&Erkuriet B?atty 211 Matthias Denman ilj Nicholas Gilinau 50 Do. I j Do. 69 Jantes Johnfton 8c others 218 Adam Harbifon 17 Do. ij7 Thomas VVorthington 28 John Warder 10 Sampfan Davis J27 Jonathan Dayton 219 Do. 100 Da. 183 Do. 184 Alexander,M'G'.aughlin 160 James Morrifon • IJ7 William Aulrnan 30 John C. Sytnmes 150 Do. Do. . i 4« Do. , Do. Tames Parker Do. Do. Jonathan Burrall John G. Macau David Townlend, John' Warren, William Eul'- tis.and Samuel Adams.' Edward D. Turner, O liver Ormfljy, and John Matthews. Jeffre and Abijah Hunt i William Mc. Cluney 59 John Stites 42 John Rathbone 153 De. 240 Matthia# Morgan & Price 11 James Hamilton 161 Jonathan Dayton 134 in 11 3 114 1 *5 116 VI f* lii 119 120 Do. Thomas Salter 121 1 ? 1-: I 2l" l2 4 '25 126 Thomas Snlt^r William Robinson Theocorus Bailey- Do. William Steele *27 128 129 130 ill Do. 13 2 Do. i 33 Do. 1 Do. 135 Do. 136 Do. s*. 5* O fr. . ? * Cbarltrs Copland '37 Lemuel Cojb Jonathan Dayton Do. Do. Do. Do. 43* >39 140 14 1 •Ui »43 '4* • 45 "4® «47 *4«. »4$ 1 5° I S I 'S3 154 *55 156 1 57 ijß 159 160 161 162 Do. Do. Do. William M'Cluney John E. Heward Jonas Stanberry Do. John Stitri Jufiph Hirdy John A. H-irdenbrook Joleph Hardy Benjamin I. Moore John G. Macan William Edgar, Jun. Do. John C. Symnaes Do. Do. 98 116 80 '9 34 246 248 81 99 5 8 88 186 178 210 Do. 52 Dudley Woodbridge 62 D». 230 Martin Baum 23 Baum & Schsnck 119 Samuel C. Vance and? Solomon Sibley Samuel Dick 71 John N. Cumniing and ) „ John & Geo. W. Burnet) John Brown 162 163 164 16 5 166 167 68 78 180 *73 216 38 »5» 1 107 137 128 181 '3B 169 93 185 238 126 9 77 228 112 20» 2 39 199 SS 5 215 182 65 •si l<4 205 13 74 35 43 130 109 16 224 94 36 12 5 >3' 63 6 188 168 169 170 17 1 Dc. 173 Joseph Higbee 173 Do. 174 Do. 175 Do. 176 Do. 177 Do. 178 Jo hn Bray 179 Do. 180 John Matthews 165 181 Bauni & Schcuck 72 18a John N. Camming 14} 183 Do. 141 184 John Bray 25 185 Robinson Thomas 145 186 John Bray 189 187 Paul Bencalou 176 188 Thomas Biddle 91 189 Abm. Moffcr & Tho.Botide 14. 190 Jamr*Par!er 105 191 James Williams 102 193 ~ '93 194 *95 196 *97 198 199 200 lot Do. Do. D®. Galbreath & Elm«s Do. Do. Do. Do. D.. Do. 3 1 Do. 21 Do. 214 David Lynn 96 W'lliatn Steele 37 Archib. Woods, Willm."! Griffith, Abfa'm Ridgely > 40 and Zaccheus Biggs Benjamin Elliot 177 William Well* 8c John 1 Armstrong j 9° Do. 9S Do. 149 Lucas Sullivant 209 John Wright " 97 John Coates 29 John G. Jackfaa 75 George Suckley Ho Zaccheus Biggs 237 Do. 100 18 136 92 26 it 20 113 146 61 202 203 2c 4 2°J 20& 20 7 | 208 2091 210 >ll 212 2, 3 2 '4 2, S 216 2 1 7 218 419 Robert Campbell 220 Frederick Boiler 221 James Morrifon 222 John Bttver 223 Robert Campbell 224 * Martin Baum & Co. 225 Do. 226 William Wells Do- 227 ~a ? Jolin Brown & Israel, " S $ Ludlow f Ebfneier Peirce "9 23° Do. •231 Jonathan Dayton 232 Do. 233 Do. 234 Do. 235 Do. 236 Do. 237 Theodore Foflcr 8c Co. 83 238 Do. 172 239 James Johnfton 64 240 Charles C. Pinckney 4 95 3 2 4S 211 y ' I%t' 341 21 J 2 2 7 190 89 243 I4S i 1 x ■225 206 ZO4. 56 . H 114 20 4 96 .226 22 229 235 198 *9* 202 79 139 4* 156 217 231 *79 *35 -S* 197 h 12 144 164. *59 196 f 39 3' i 9 i 87 103 220 >33 167 234 67 168 45 132 7® '75 123 7 44 2 33 129