*J =k' -. \ •V V ■>>■• ->■ PRATT is 5 KINTZING, No. 95, North Water-llreet, V HAVE on hand the followinc GOODS, * ENTITLED to drawback, which they offer for sale at moderate prices for caih, or the usual credit ; or on a credit of n or 18 months upon Mortgages oil Real Property, in or near the City of Philadelphia, or other fatisfailory ftcurity. 50 boxes a&dbabsTiclc- 13 pipes old Port Wine lenburght »5 hoxes Tumblers af -60 do. do. Hemp- forud. en linenc. joo boxes Hamburgh JO do. do Ozna Window Slafs 8 by brig?. 10, &c. 50 do Patierbornei do. Biclficld Linens. 11 do. Creas and Creas a la Morlatx. Brown Rolls. Do. Hv^ffians. Polish Rolls. Bed Ticks. Stamois. Arahias. Empty Bags. Oil Cloth'' Shoes and Slippers. Soil and upper Leather. Quills and Sealing Wax. A package Gold andSil v( A SKETCH OP THE JLiit ant) Character 0 F PRINCE ALEXANDER SUWOROW RYM NIKSKI, Field-Ma»(hal General in the fcrvice of Hi* Imperi al MajeAy, the Emperor of all the ftuflia*, with • N The History of his Campaigns. Translated from tie German of Frederick Antbmg. To which is added, d contisc ami comprehensive History of His Italian Campaign. By William Cobbctt. Vitb an elegant Print-Portrait of thai re nowned IVarrier• Y [Rrice i i-» Dollar*.] Portrait of Marshal Suivorow. G» stleuu'n desirous of possessing a capital like fleft, executed in the firii ttyle, of this illutlrious Chrjflian Chieftain, may he furoiftied with parti cular proof imprcflions, at this ofli.e, price one Dollar. t ';v&'V r pHE Subfrriber having urtdertnken the pliiftcring of the Prelidcnt's house in the C'ty of Walhingtnn, wishes to engage twenty good hands, to whom he will give generou? ' Wdges. To commence from the ift of March.! HUGH DENSLEY. j February ao. SALES LANDS and SHARES IN THE Population ItfAfylum Companies. On Friday the 7th day of March next, M 7 o'clock in the evening will be expofcd to Salt bj Public Vendue, At the Merchants Coffee House in Second llrett, in the city of Philadelphia, THE FOLLOWING LANDS, s > I ? I- ' f iJ 41 Equinunk, Northampton co 7 2943 41 I.chawaxen, ditto do. 8 3287 70 liuttermiik Falls, Lu/erne do. V • 853 80 Equinunk, Northampton do, g icS.i 66 ditto diito do. 3 1.109 61 I.chawaxen, ditto do. 1 835 23 Cufhes Creek, dnto do. » 879 ;8 Equ .1 nk, ditto do. 11 4714 82 Leb.-waxen, Hitto do. 4 1489 58 ditto ditto do. 4 175 7 88 Equinunk, ditto do. 6 2603 124 W y lan kin, Lmerne, do. 6 not 97 Starucia, Northampton do. A .i 97.57 Buttfrmilk Falls, Luzerne do. 8 3505 114 Ox How Creek, ditto do. 19 8061 8 Me/bappin, ditto do. ao 8644 ioa ditts> d;tto do. •27 11474 '>3 Tufcarora, ditto do. (•3 25493 13 VVappaflng, ditto do. 2 i VS I 691 Mtfhappin & Tunkanni ck, I.uierne do. ao 20C00 o Allegheny do. 8 3439 3° Equinunk, Northampton do. 10 3456 13 Starucia, ditto do a 747 »oo Brodhead'j Creek, do. do. 5 2182 68 ditto ditto do. I 5 6000 o East branch of Lehawaxen, I Northampton do. | iriampiv l ia®o o East branch of Lehawaxen, Northampton do. 5 30000 o French creek &c. Allegheny do. of 188 80 Toby's creak, Northamp. do 17 14879 o Schuylkill, Berks do. '! 3*57 59 Conocanering, Allegheny do. 13 3291 91 ditto diito do. 11 44c0 o I.fhawjxen, Northampton do. 9 6 6393 135 Northumberland do. W9664 17 AISO, Six hundred and seventj-tlree Shares in the Population Company. Three hundred and twenty six Shares in the Asylum Company. CONNELLY & Co. Philadelphia, 14th F«b. dtf l chest aflorted Look, Glafies. large elegant do. , 1500 Demijohns. * - 50 kegs Pearl Barley. NOTICE. A lew tcn» Roll Brim S, oc t Holders of tht East IndU Com ■ ' pany of North America are tc »°, K tn S w r *' ntn at 'he City Tavern on Saturday next, if >o "or, RuffiaVv'mp. March ' 11 11 °' cl ° ck A " M " on - bur,lierß ° f "" 8o Ihds. Hogs Brittle* a hhds. i>utch Glue. 20 calks Nails assorted l'rcm ?£»*il., will by (he ufeof thij find them elves rcfi.irtdtn health ami flrength, and jII he melancholy symptoms removed, which are he jri*ueral effriH of such oaufes. F. r w heth: r the fydetn has received a fliock, ,nd is debilitated from imprudence or inattenti .n in the earliest part of lite, or is finking Hn . ler the advance of years, a tew doles of this nedicme will afford immediate alTuranee of re- , urning health ami (lien);,h. by giving tone to P I IT he muscular fyilem, and orgkn. of digenion" i nd by renovaung the whole coufiitutlon. _. v ~~ To the young it will afford lasting health, K virt " e of a writ of venditioni exponas, to Irength and fpints, in place of lassitude and me out of the circuit «ourt 1 cb: 11 1y : and to the aeed and infirm, it will as- y ,llted Staus, in and for the IVnnlvlva uredly furnifh great relief and comfort, by of the middle circuit, will be fold ;eHtly and faieiy invigorating the system ; but Z P " C vendu,: at ,h£ Clt y tavern, in Secmid fitbe in the power of medicine to gild the au- T" eet ' !" , the CT, V o£ Philadelphia on Monday Hmn of declining year», and calmly and ft- *f e T? . da y of Marci > next, at 6 o'clock in enely protra& the close of life beyond its nar- , cv * n,n P> 3 " 'hat certain tract or parcel o< ow I'pin, this Restorative ii capable of effeft- , '* in S and b «ng on the river oi ng that grand desideratum. w 0:1 Lackawaxen, in the county o Comflitutiont relaxed, weak or decayed, in V"*;' containing gooo acres and upwards nen or women, are under the immediate ir'flu- ?" vr !lJ cl> f;e erected > messuage, stables ant ■nee of this Restorative. uwmill, with the appurtenances.—The name Old coughs soon relieved and speedily cured. I nirrdnTunY' " f1)1 e fa ' d >rac£ o "• parcel ol land were as follows. roverty of blood and emanated limbs, will Mordeeai Robert, ~ ; t-„ :re long meet the happiest change; the chill e,l •- , ' T '"' vatery fluid become rich and balsamic, and the v ; • imbs be covered with flefn, firm and healthful. £ acbarta » J-'erru, Benjamin Hancock, It will no doubt he acceptable to the reader 7,// ' Edward Wolsttd, o fee accounts of some of the remarkable cafei i. ° mcis W '£i' n *> James Thompson, .nd cures which have been performed by this G " or W Morton, %u,-pi Whitehead nily invaluable medicine, in the disorder, for G'orge Streettn, 'Patrick Connollv ' vhich 11 was invented ;he has therefore felert- Friend Sireeton, Tbomat CritTv' a f ew of r„ch caffs at have corn* within his Join OtH>ha»t, William L > ,k ' ■ I % lwn immediate knowledge, which are publilh- I*, • , Na ' b " '* J d and may be had (gratis) at any of the places 1 f n , 'r 1 t2ken 10 execution as the proper!- vhere the medicine is fold. I of Kobert Lett is Hooper, deceafcd. Prepared (only) by the Inventor and sol e J°HN HAI.L, Marshal roprietor, Dr. James Church, at his Difpen- N. B. A rcafonable credit will h. i ary, 137, Front street, near the. Fly-market, Vf n. b 'g,Ven 'Jew-York and fold by Mess- H. &P. Rice, J, ' I W 6, South Second Street, Philadelphia. rhiUdelphia, Jan. 4. j These tio" traSs do not certain the full Thrr^^'r'' r, cn^ iTa -. 18 1 North America, ( nlurarme conip. N. A iharc. \ f ——- Pennfyjvania, (harct; ,? 4 ° ,0 9 \ talt-lndia Company of N. A. pa-. . J Land Warrant., 3 » dolls. p cr i co acm COURSE OF EXCHANGE London, 6a at 30 days Amft.ri 60 at 60 .1 yo day, Amlf' ream, ic 17 a . _ a Hamburgh ?o 2 /i , V " : H ° nn 3 a --ta-looper Mack.3» nC o. Where Jit u ate J. HUMOUKS on the FACE and SKIN, Particularly pimples, blotches, tettera, ring worrrn, tan, freckles, fun burni, Sin gles, rodnefi of the nose, neck or arms, and prickly heat, Are effe&ually cured by the application of The genuine Vegetable Lotion. Thc XT'J ebi)itac,d - °"^« y ,w holi di( . JVe ,n * measure fcaffled the powers r>f medicine, would do well irt making trial of Tfo American Botanical Tea, This excellent remedy has been adminiflered by f Uk ? n '° ac< ! uir e uxivcrlil the inventor, for faveral y «r s while in England, afivc w onenies in a| d "* '" iC 3Bd rcftor ' with the greatest success By the fin.ple applica- ante or difcaf. and•. V ' "° m a « e ' temper tion ofth.s fUud for a Aorf time, it will remove tution and «£dff , * C",,fti the most rancorous and alarnifeg Tc..tvy « f avor) a, a c Lr,lj !" ,'° r " 8 lace, which has foiled every other remedy. It Isa if'; which will h? f, " ndwholcf «me break poffefTes all the good qualities ot the mcft cele- Foreign Tea Artio' 0 i '"'"'"'j superior 10 brated cofmct.cs, without any of their doubtful fions reauire a wklofe Proses. effefts. He therefore recommends it with confi- irom the use of thisveM^kT' fin 4 g re " relief anS C c C enain Te c r u y re Per f ° a2Med ' *' e">? < h f "»<> £*' but !«*- Prepared only by the inventor and sole proprie- breakfaft, nelrij ww month' °* C perfwll for | tor, Dr James Chur.h, at his dispensary, 137 l t is fold wholcfale a 1 -i , Front (lecet, near the Fly market, New York; and ventor and sole pro jL n yb ? tbe '<>- | n , H - and P - Rice ' 1 6 '" outh Second street, New $£ Churcb ' 1 3' ftrect , Philadelphia. ,6 south Second " Md P Rice, Fcbruar y ">*w Hke, Baltimore. ' Plaladsl ?^; and Mr. •4 FO.l CAFE FRANCOIS, r A Till BRIGANTINK GEORGE, WILLIAM BELL, Master; To fail on Sunday n«xt. She is a pood strong vcflel, and just out o( tbc Cirpsnter £3" For freight or paflfagc apply to MOORE WHARTON, No. 10 7 South Water Street. dtS February 24* Thirty-nine hogsheads ej Sugar FOR SA.LE BY TH fc SUBSCRIBFR. A generous credit will be allowed. Apply to MOOKE WHAK I ON, Mo. in South Water Street. February 21 ai, i jofe. tt. ■ F. WANTED, A PERSON to fuprrintend a fmali. Farm, about five miles from the city. He will be accommsdated with a good house and other conveniences. None need apply who cannot be well recom 0" Enquire at 109 Spruce Street. February 19. For Nervous Difordera, Female Ccroplaints, Gout in the Stomach, Melaricliofy, Seminal Weakness, loss of Appetite, Jiilioos Disor ders, Ir.ward Weiknrfles, Indigestion, Ob ftiuatc Gleets, Juvenile Indiscretions ind Pre mature Old Age, and every other symptom of Mtreme debility, which are the confe rence! of a Diffipited Life—exctfs of Plea* fare or Grief —Heat nr change of Climate- Immoderate use of Tea, Spirituuus Liquors, or any Intemperance—Bad Lyings-in—Di seases incident to Younj; Girls and Women at a certain period of life— The Cordial Restorative Balsam Is recommended as a Medicine of fpeofic and unparalleled virtues for the immediate relief and Ipeedy and permanent cure ot the above disor ders, having stood a trial of many I'uci el'*.ful years, during which period many thoufanda of both fexts have been reilored from the brink of the grave. This Ball'am it particularly adapted to weak female conft'rtbtiont, as well at to phlegmatic habita in general ; it aflt powerfully at a ner vine, not only to the weak ltomath, but to the whole r.ervon« fyflena ! corrcifts a vitiated appe t te and digestion inthe fii ft pillages, and aKfts wonderfully n recovering the tone ,lrl " tia' y and genital organs : Hence Tts efficacy in the molt obfiinate seminal gleett in men, and corresponding urcaknelTes in women i anJ hence it will contribuie more Jafclj;— Curtiy and ho nourably towardt cr»v^ J1 "* l fP rK '*> 'nan any of 'l oi'e irritating- diabolical competition!, which are so Oiamefully admmiftered to the un- j/is earneflly recommended to thole ladies, wh.> fr"in reputed and difficult labours are af dinette* andinfii mitics; in which Ful, ftreng r^he WATER-OFFICE. Centre Square, Febcuvy 5, 1800. IN compliance with the inftruflions of the Committee for watering the city, and with my own inclinations* every poihble admit tance and information has been given to those citizens who have vilited the Works during their prog re ft. The Engines are now arrWVd, and are immediately to be put up, and it is hoped that it will be thought rea sonable and just, both to the Public, and to the Contrattor for the Engines, that the workmen should not be interrupted. Asa very few months will fully gratify the cu rioliiy of the citizens, by iliewing tiieil) the Eogipes ill f^' l opention, a temporary ex tlulion s os ail vifitorsfrom the Engine houfae fcantiot appear :mpioper. B. H. LATROBE, Engineer. February 13. FOR HALE Or to I e exchanged for a good VcfTel, A N elegant new two firry FRAMR HOUSE, IA twenty fevtn fert front by thirty Jour in depth, with a commodious piazza and k he art snj pci fuati. 11 J-oiTISe above niraed Marthall. •iter (ball take up fiid Defertcrs and >«* niMcrabtfi" 1 iv in Filbert between Ninth «nd Tenth ;itrtets, Philadelphia, or to any offiier of the array of th. United Stans, (hall receive the above reward, and reasonable charge, or for either of them a proportionate c mpenfation. February 16. FOR SALE iSERTED iber, in the BENJAMIN GIBBS, j un . Capt. ioth regt, U. 8 <1 2 W. %f)t (Ba 7. . PHILADELPHIA, FHIDAY KVKNING, FEBRUARY 28. Juftum ct ttnacem propofiti virum, No" civium ardor prava jubcmium, Non viifto6 inHantl-j tyraniii, Mcnte quatit folida. MK. FKHVto) THE fliametul abuses of Mr. D 11 ». have ; been heretofoi-e so completely detected and , expofLd, tli.it even his unblulhtrigeffrontery ; lias not dnred,to attempt. a refutation* Sen sible that further invr {ligation would only tlifplay new prCHils of his nialveriations, he has offered no exenfe for retsiniiTJ in his pofTefHou 22,500 dollars of public money up wards of two years ; nor has he explained , his re a sons tor opening one account in the Rank as Paymaster, another in his private ( capacity, and exhiufting both far, veVy far 1 below the balance wbish be confesses to have been always in his hands unexpended. What will he the aftonilhment of the good people of this ftatp when they hear that jlm infxtiable adventurer now claims for his trif ling' ftrvices as paymaster the inonftrous com pensation of 8847 dollars and 68 cen'.s. I'hii charge he has aftually exhibited, ma king it a part of his credits in his public ac count ; and he has boldly withheld public money from the treasury to this amount. Then it is indisputably true h'; held in his hands for a long time more than thirty tbaufand dollars, and that according ttj his own llatement he (till holds upwards of%lev en thousand dollars, if thei'e cominillions are excluded !!! dtf.. Where is the revolutionary officer, or war-worn soldier who has ever reserved farli an allowance for the Cervices and ha»ard of years ? The entire yearly pay of the Paynuf- ! ter General of the United States n It-is than a fifth part of this sum, yet he devotes his whole time and undivided attention to tIJR objedl:—Wherea? Mr. D. has a i'alary si two thousand per ami. as tecretary of the commonwealth : he has lucrative jobs fn>m the public for reviling and publilhing ihe laws ; and a great portion of his time is profitably employed in defending his partic ular-friends in the criminal courts. If the Secrftitry vi War, of State, or of the Treasury were to ma We Cuch a charge for all new duties devolved on them from time to tini- wpuld they not be immediately impeached and dil'pLiccrl ? Would wo not find Mr. Dallas the (irli and loudefl of their rapTtSvy. ? One con ltnjning faft will ft.imp an inde -1 c character upon this tnyderioui money nc explain Mr. litllas's own pri va.i °P""° K o) it. The committee of ways and means m , 6 rtMed so / a uatement of tha accodW t0 thc ■Ji^r C r«J'^!r tli:ion 0,1 the 2(1 marrr* .-,c . tnCT vin. >—-wHiv.ll mr. ii. credit as foltowt J " Amount of pay rolfi for which dered to th« Uaitei 131,968 40 " Amount disbursed unce the account was rendtred about Now thi. " amourt disbursed s,nee c ccolm t rendered when examined in the acc'oun: realty rendered, n.ftead of being a di&ttrfe inent to the troops, is. found to be Mr. D's charge of•' about" 6,600 dollars for his ser vices. Tijis ela,m was coneaakrd from the coißimtte# of way, „ B d lwanj> „ wag the aUitioaal claim of dol)a« and n, cent. for paying the bounty to the few line, making t„ the whole, the s um fi r ft meiltion : ri . r3' Ictters * £ different time, j I fub J f' bef " appointed in the Legislature of our State to examine tJHe Un,S ° f Mr ' D " ll «- The majority of iTr tte are the w * rm friends and fhlt n ,oC,ateS 0< Mr - D - but Uis I,O P^ hat no improper confederation will m „ e tfir-m to fnppreln a fair and full ioveftigation froK) infiiain^exemp^r :tT,™ ° 1 ""' «*«»*£? f- PRICES OF STOCKS. POST OFFICE, Philadelphia, Fib. 2 y o'clock Jon. 41 March ' at l 'wel»e must hep' nlan<3 P ° ftage 10 New- Yo,k i ■hen arc ren- 6,60« •* militia omen*. Extract of a! ■■ to a d Dated Eel " The commeirioratio. General Walhington, and to his memory, in this p| a mind in lb pleasing a manner refrain tending you a (hart ac, I am persuaded that in no ti continent, of equal magnitude, pains taken to express the mod L Deration for the illuflrions dec? the citizens were aflemblcd on the the Wies having previously takeri't ! in the cborch, captain M'Uvain's I company of fisgfet Infantry, pr e Ct ; nmffl.d drums and Iblenin I long and mournful prnceflion ; the n , I ous Undents of the Seminary, headed b\ I Prefid-nt at the Board of *J i U Rc«-s, wai next, and were follow-, H-.v Vnnci pj l ; the Academy and the Reftor of tfeChuiti ! *t)er whom marched all the public fundion janes and th: citizens of the town. The whola prrccilion was regular and affeftinr and conducted under the orders of Major! General B!oomfi,-ld. When armed at the* door, the troops and the ftudenti farmed a I me, through which the prnceffien moved (lowly into the church, where the firft founds that laluted the ear were vhufe of a f o l rraa dirge, performed on the organ, by a gentle mau from Philadelphia, accompanied by the deep am! mellow tone:, of the gong ; while delighted at the view of a beautiful, emble matic Obeliik, i 3 fee t high, ereded on the flagt prepared for the orator at the east end of the eiiuich. To the ladV, who dtfund an J executed the paintings on this monu. meiu, great praise and credit are certainly due.* It ilim'h .in unequivocal evidence of tiwir :«K r.u'.tv ;.nd taste. The mafomc lnc of a pa ft matter, and an hour gla'ft run out, appear firft at the top of the Ol»«*li(k, betwn v.h'xbis an isfeviption heii ing t!.< ujv of the General's death and his age. A Sign re of Fame is then rcprf. lent. . wi-h .1 Ml Ito hr, mouth and a flawing scroll rn her hand, displaying the principal i'c--in-s . f his battles and victories, Trc inon, i'l Monmouth ar.d "York. Under these is a pifture of the Gr — 1 crowned .with J.iurels and ornamented i.i the culouri of the Union inverted,am in!' i.i., <•: v...; inferibed btneath it in en letters are these words, Horn sic letting in tiie ocean is next exhibit {Huffy rock is leprefented in the fort g to which an eagle is dired\ing her flifht ; on the rock is "graven"(as ) Constitution, and below, in golden letteri, On yonie I rest ; at the bottom is an elegant pt tne vi.'w iif a diflint encampment.. 'V whole OUelilk is painted to imitate « and tlit f.ibh drapery which hungleh th: profu.'.oii of gilding, and the juc feleftion ( f colouring gave it a fun.-;.' truly melancholy and ass , " • Aj a: ~.e lp ted t*> call forth fentin-entj (. re the pccafiqn, and the.g a greater attention to mu. ivement among us* than gemrally ■I wish you could fcave heard tliera ic two following lines,altered fram ieautiful little Ode : ping maids, his dirge wasfung, li ning fwaim his knell was rung " Vita! Spark, was also. very ably i and lisd a vifihle effeft upc.n the i I he inulic was conduced by the Staughton, principal of therefore I need not tell vou that ie with propriety and judgment; 'itable to the i ccafion was intro be Rev. Dr. Wharton, ReiUrof i ; and the oration was delivered iend William Grifflu, Esq. As life will shortly be publilhed, I i more o{ it at preiewt, than that Iwered the high expeftatinns I of it, from the acknowledged u! patriotism of its author ; it t without "profufeiiefs, inftruiftive ginatifm, federal without animo i tied harmony of language with "cafouiiig, and the ornaments of ith the finiplicjty of truth. Ladiea I unJerftatid are Miss Mary ire of Burlington, andMifs M'Lem (own: ) Thomas Chalkley, .Kcnneyi rara, has arrived at Cape M' 7"" 1 ' menu William Gnffiw, Esq. As his discourse will shortly be publilhed, I Ilia]] fay no more of it at preiewt, than that it fully anlwerod the hi»h expeftations I had farmed of it, from the acknowledged abilities and patriotism of its author; it was elegant without'profnfenefs, inftruiftive without doginatifm, federal without animo sity, combined harmony of language with energy ot rcafonitig, and the ornaments of rhetoric, with the )im;.licity of truth. , * TJiffe Ludiet t nnderftaml are Mist MWJ * ... A*W> MMlriine of B«jcliiigton,«aa f oftlinbeth Town: f Job zix 7 _ .»• ■ I The fbi'p Thomas Chalkley, Kcnnty, from Demarara, has arrived at Cape MiV. j Notice is hereby given, To mil persons interested in a Tract of Land lying and being in SpringJt'Mi Burling ton county, State of New Jt rse j> sof or ~ merlj belonging to Samuel Bullus, and -J bim conveyed to bis six cktldren, 1 - ' l3l WE the Siibfcibera, appointed by James Kin fey, Kfq Chief [uftice of the Sopr«m e Court of the State of New Jer fey, Comn-.iffiencri to make partition of the fame Lands, to, an amongst the said children and their afligas. do in tend to meet at the house el Jofi/A "J* kcepur in Burlington, on the twelfth day of Marc naxt, at eleven of the clock in the forenoon ol t a day, and either by ourselves or in conjunction wi thefiid Chief Jullice proceed to allot and by ' ° fix on the shares or part 6f c«ch of the It'O c 1 dr«n and t'icir alliens purfuaut to th« a$ entit " an aci f.r the n-.ore easy partition of Lands Mia Uy Copartnery joint Tenants and Tenant# in eo nion," made and puffed the ileventh day ol » • In jlie year of our Lord, use thousand fe* eD dredfand eighty-nine. , „ Witnels our hands this fifth day of * e r '■ One thousand tight hundred. Abraham Stockton I,J> LiMcneoit, fc.jy l^id •x , . ,y*A,*."A Pi