W tßnitetJ States, AN " Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. , ' Nvmbsp 5317.] |C7* The price of this Gazette is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in tbe city of Philadelphia• All others pay one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and unlessrsome person in this city tvill become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid 'six Months in Advance. %• No Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six months. December i 1799 MA ITHEW -M'CONNELL Waving opened an Office in Lbesnut street, (A few doers above Feurtk } At No. i 4«) AND again commenced the Business of Ne goriatio**, in the various kinds of Public Stack, liills of Exchange, Uc. life. Engages to do ev«ry thing in his power to give fatisfac tion to those who may think proper to employ him. He means to confine his tranfa&ions to the Agency and-Commi/jion line, in all such bu siness as is common to the profcflion. The pHrokafe and file of H'ufrs and Lot 1 m and nenr the City will be attended t<>, and also tf Lands, when that bafinefs again revive*. November 19. dtw( D 5 dtf) JOHN MILLER, Junr. No. 80 Dock, near Third street, HAS FOR SAME, CofTaes, Mamoodies, Tafia ties, Striped Doreai, T aagibs, Patna and Santipoor HinJlKictirfb Tfce foregoing will be fold ftfy low in order to (Me falci. ALIO, A FEW PACKAGES OF German Goods, Suitable to the Weft India Market; Received by the Fair American from Hamburgh. O&ober IJ. ro BE SOI.D BY JESSE iSf BOKEKT ITALtT. Old Port Wine, in pipes, hhds. and qr. calks, Also Landing at their WbarJ From on board the (hip Edward from Lisbon. Lisbon Wine, in pipes and qr. calks, junc 45 $ ROSS AND SIMSON, HAVE FOR iALI, jooo pieces ill and 2d qiwlity Russia Duck, 100 pieces Raveni Duck (superior) Bolton Beef in Barrel*, . r u . u , S C-ORSAS A few biles Bengal j HUMHUMS. rioo bufliels St Martins Salt. April 11 § Taxes of Lycoming County. JOHN KIDD, Treafarer, BY Direflion of the CommiJJiontrs of Lyco* ming county, attends at Philadelphia to re ceive the Taxes affeflid upon unseated Lands in that County, from theholdeis thereof, in this City. Those who have filed with the Com miflioners, ftatem'enti of thtnr Lands, are re quested to call upon him, to know the amount of Taxes thereon, and pay them ; otherwise, b«- fore his leaving the City, they will be put into the hands of the Sheriff for colledlion, agre<-a bly to the a<£l for raising county rates and levies Those who have not filed statements of theii lands with the Commiflioners, and aredefirous of having it done, to prevent files without pre vieus personal Notice, may file with the above Trealur*r, their lifts, Hating the quantities re turned, number and dates of the warrants and names of the warrantees, under which they bald their lands. He will attend at Mr. Jofcph Hardy's No. 98, Market street f«r this purpol'e until the 18th instant. November 9. Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Spr'ng Forge, in York County, a negro man, named ISAAC, other wise CUDJO, about 11 years »ld, the property of Robert Coleman; Esq. He is about 5 feet 8 inches high, ha< ablemifh in his eyes, more wftite in them than common, by trade a Furgeman ; had en and took with him a drab coloured broad cloth eoat, almost new, a sailors jacket and pantaloons printed fancy cord, a twanfdown striped under acket; a reruns hat; one fine and one eoarfe (hirf one muslin handkerchief, sprigged, two ditto striped border a blue Persian under jacket and two peir cottoa (lockings. Whoever takes up faiJ negro and lodges him in any jail in this or any of the neighbouring states (hall have the above re ward or reasonable exptneesif brought home. Spring Forge, Odteberaj,l799. N. B. As Otid negro formarly lived in Chester county, ic is probable he may return there. November j TWENTY DOLLARS RJLWARI). RAN AWAY ob Saturday evening the 13th July instant, from CcJebrook Furnace, LantafUr county, a Negro Maa named Cato, he i< about 40 years of age, five feet fix or se ven inches high, tolerable black, with a down iH look, squints, he is a cunning artful fellow, a great liar, and very fond of strong liquor, has been brought up to the farming bufineis, it very handy at any kind ot laboring work; he took with hi(» a number of clothing, amongst which were, one fok plain Nankeen; (some money). It is ex pefled ht has shaped his course for Philadelphia or New York. The above reward will be paid for fe auring him in any g>ol >n th« United States, with reafonible charges if brought home. SAMUEL JACOBS. Colebrosk Furnace, July 16, 1795: {O18) JOHN BRIEN. fi6m PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 27, 1800. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Thomas WfLJON, l*te ef Southwark, deceased, are are requested to make immediate payment to the fabfcribers, and those who have »ny demands against the said estate are refunded to furniih their accounts for settlement. SARAH WILSON. Administratrix. JOEL W. WILSON, Administrator. |to, A 95, fontfe Front street, Southwark. wh6 has to Left A BRICK STABLE, Suffici«nc)y large to contain niie Horses, JLSO, For Sale or to Let, A New FRAME CARRIAGE HOUSE, Nov 1, 1799. dtf. LANCASTER X' THE Proprietors of tfie Philad«lphia and Lan caster line of StatfM DISPATCH, return their grateful thanks to their friends and the public iu general, for the pad favors they have received,and inform them t)lat in addition to the regHlar Line, th»y are piovt.ied with Carriages, sober and careful drivers, tu go through betwe«n the City and Bniumghrn two days. Thofa who prefer this mode as trailing can be accommodated at the Stage Oflire, Cgn of United States EagW, Market flreet, Philadelphia. Slough, Downing, Dunwoody & Co. Nov. 30. Jt—§ CITY OF WASHINGTON. THE POSSESSORS OF OBLIGATIONS cr CERTIFICATES Ggn ed by the fubfcribor, lor undivided Shares or Lots on his purchase within the city of Washing ton, who have not jtl applied tor ami receive-! their Deeds, are hereby notified, that their several Titles will be duly completed to the order of thole who in conformity with the terms of the said Cer tificates, do make th« Payments in full therefor, either to Ttomas M'Euat 15* Co. or to tht Q ub' fcriber at Philadelphia, on or at any time before the 31ft day of ilay December 17 BOONETON iron works. TO BE SOLD, OR LEASED FOR ON K YKAR THAT Valuable Estate, KNOWN by the name of the Booneton Iron Works, fitnate in the county of Morris in the flat* of New-Jersey, confiding ol a Forge with four fires, a Rolling and Slitting Mill, a Grift mill with two Run of (tones, and Saw mill, ail in good order and new in use, together with an excellent, lartfc, >nd convenient house, with outhouses of every kind ; among which arc an Ice house, and (lone milk house, with a »emarkable fine in it, a large Garden, and an excellent eolle&ion of Fniit, a large Orchard, and 1500 acres of wood, pa?ure and arable land, and a great number of llores and workmen's hollies Immediate pofleflion will be given of houses and (lores f»fficii-nt for providing stock the present winter, and pofleflion of the whole in the (pring. For terms inquire of David B Ogden at New ark, mr Peter Mackie in New-York, mf. David Ford in Morris I'own, or mtffr». Jacob and Kich ard Faefch on the prefhifet. Januar* M fOg SALE A good three story Brick House, AND LOT OF GROUND, QITUA lED at the nonh eaftcorner of Water O and Market street, thirty feet fronton Wa ter Street, and fifty ou Market-Street having four r< am) on each floor, two good vaults un der Water street, which may contain ten cord of wood; it one nf the best stand« in this city for kufinefs. F'ot terms enquire of JOSEPH DONALDSON. Who will let on lease the lioufc he now live* in for two or tbr«e years. February f7. THE UNDERSIGNED, HIS Swedish Majesty's Consul General, and au thorized to tranfadt the Consular Business, for his Majesty the King of Denmaak ill the United States of America, refilling at Philadelphia, Hereby gives public Notice, That in obedience td recent instructions received from his government, it it the doty of all Mailers of Swedilh and Danish vessels, befors their failing from any port in the said States, to call upor him or the Vice Conlul in oritr to be granted such Certificates for their Cargoes, which the exigency of the Hate of the Neutral Commerce and the fe ver 1 Decrees of the Belligerent Poweri, render indifperlably neceflary, and, that any Matter of vcfTels belonging to the refpeflive nations, or na vigating under the piote&ion of their flags, in omitting to tike such certificates, will pcrfonally stand refposifible for the conferences. RICHARD SODERSTROM. Philadelphia, lßth December, 1799. Thirty Dollars Reward. DESERTED FROM the Marine Barracks on the night of the 14th in [I—|OHN OSBORN, born in the town of Bedford, Well Chetlcr county and (late of New-York, aged 11 years, 9 months, 5 feet 8 and a quarter inches high, grey ey«s (longqued) light hair, ruddy csmplexion, pock marked, by trade a Shoemaker. Entitled by Lieutenant Rey nolds in Stephen's Town, near Albany the 15th of June lad Had on and took with him a (hort round blue cloth ceat with a red cape, a blue cloth coatee, a few white waistcoats, a long grey mixed cloth coat and breeches, a pair of booti, a chocolate coloured great coat trimmed with black hair plulh, a furr hat half worn, and two silver watches, one a middle lize, the other small. He may impose him fell on some family or gentleman as a waiter, as he has a&ed in that capacity.— Whoeyer apprehends said Deserter, andfecurcs him in jail, fends him to Headquarters, or delivers him to any of the Marine officers, or any officer of the army of the United States (hall receive the above reward and all reasonable charges. J. S. LEWIS, Adjutant Marine Corps. January 16. I dancing. ESPECTFULLY informs his scholars and the * x. public in vjcnerii, thart he will re-commeoce Teaching on TUESDAY the 14th instant, atj)*r Yflembly Room, South Fourth Street. Days ©f tuition, Tuesdays and 11 TERMS) Ftve Dollars Mt Month, Ten do. /per Quarter, Entrance. Particulars apply to Mr; 1 _.#hrh (Ireet. nVer 11. 0- For furt! yo, north F Dcce. PORCUPINE WHEN I determined to difcoutinue the publication of Porcupine's Gazette, I inten ded to lemain for the future, if not an un concerned, at least, a silent (peftator ot pub lic tranl'a&ions and political events ; but. the unexpefted and sweeping refuk ot a law suit, since decided against ine,'hai iuduced me to abandon lny lounging -intention. '1 he suit to which I illude, was an aAion of (lander, commenced against me in the au tumn of 1797- by Dottor Benjamin Hufli, the noted bleeding physician of Philadelphia. It was tried 011 the 14th of December last, when " the upright, .enlightened and impar tial Republican Jury" affefled, as damages, fve thousand dollars ; a sum surpassing the aggregate amount of all the damages, afletr ed for ill the torts of this kind, ever sued for in these States, from their firft fettle mrnt to the present day. To the five thou fend dollars, milt) be the colls the loss incurred by the interruption in col ledhng debts in Pennsylvania, and by the facrifice of property taken in execution, and fold by the fneriff at public audtion in Phi ladelphia, where a great number of books in sheets (among whish was a part of the new edition of Porcupine's Warks) were fold, or rather given away, as waste paper ; so that, the total of what has been, and will be, wrested from me by Rulh, will fall little (hart of tight thousand dollars. To fay that I do not feel this flroke, and very sensibly too, would b« great affedta tion ; but, to repine at it would be folly, »ndto fink under it would be cowardice. I knew a.i Englishman in the Royal Province of New Bn*nfwick, who had a very valuable house, which, was, I believe, at that time, nearly his all, burnt to the ground. He was out of town when the fire broke out, ar.d happened to come just after it hadexhau fted itfelf. Every one, knowing how hard he had earned the property, expected to fee him bitterly bewail it* loft. He came very leifuirly up to the spot, flood about five minutes, looking rarneftly at the rubbish, and then, stripping off' his coat, " here goes" said he, " to earn another !" and immedi ately went to work, raking the spikes and bits of iron out of the ashes. This nob'e spir ited roan I have the honor to call my friend, and if ever this fhouid meet his eye, he will have the farisfaftion to fee, that, fliould it be impoflible for me to follow, I, at least remember his example. Samuel Blodget. In the future exertions of my industry, however, pecuniary emolument will be, as it always has been with me, an objeft of only secondary confederation. Recent incidents, amnngfl which I reckon the unprecedented proceedings against me at Philadelphia, have imposed 011 me the discharge of a duty, which I ewe to my own country as well as this, and tht; sooner I begin the sooner I (hall have done. nwfjw 0» Monday, the 14th instant, therefore, I shall publilh the firft number of a periodica! ivork, which, as it is intended to assist the public view in the infpedting of various te nebrous obje&s, will be called, and not, I prtfuine, improperly, a Light ; and, as the appearance of this light nuift be attributed wholly to the Philadelphian phlebotomid, gratitude will fai»£fion the propriety of fix ing to it the name of Rush. Thus, while the great literary luminaries of this enlight ened nation emit thtir effulgence through vehicles which thery most lignificantly term the Aurora, the Star, the Constellation, thr Comet, or the Sun, I am content that my glimmering efforts should fleal forth under the appellation of the I mull, neverthdefi, do myfelf thejufticr to allure the public, that, with the Rulh- Light in his hand, any one (if the poor foul be not Hone blind) will be able to fee a good many very pretty things, which not withstanding the splendor of the grand lu minaries above-mentioned, wonld, without the aid of my little taper, remain hidden from him all the days of his life. To fay what will be tbc subject of the Riifh-Light, would, at this time be impof fible, and were it poflible it would be ufelcfs, It may not, howe»er, be amiss to cbferve, that as Rush is, in feme fort the father of the work, a preference will certainly be giv en to him and h : s cause. Tbefe will, indeed, occupy considerable portion of the three firft numbers ; and as the matter is already prepared for the press, these num'ers will follow each other as speedily as may be. Of the fuccetding numbers one will be pub lifted on the 15th, and one on the lajl da of every month. '«» i r* /i r • 1 . • » t* »• The Ruth-Light, notwithstanding the example of the patriot to whom it owes its fur-name, will never lay it down at a maxim, Mr. FRANCIS OF TUt NEW THEATRE , ■urfdays. To the Public. Rush-Light. that cringing for a lucrative pojl i» the bcft proof of a love of independence , and there fore. it asks for neither patronage nor sub- fcribers. Eacli tjunsber will contain 48 oftavo pa- tiever less, and iomecimes more, and wilfr be enveloped in a blue wrapper, in the magazine style. The printing will be exe cuted by Mejjrs. G. and R. Waite, of New- Tort, upon excellent paper, and the bejl type in America. The price of each number « ill be a quar ter of a dollar. To booksellers at a distance the following are the terms of sale : He who pays cafti for twelve copes will be allowed three over ; twenty-five copies, eight over ; fifty copies, twenty over; one hundred co pies, fifty over ; and the like in proportion for any intermediate number ; but none will, on any account, be sent cur of New York, till the cajh is received. To gentlemen who wifli to have (ingle numbers sent on to them by pott, the following information may be iiftful. The postage of a single number for any distance not exceeding 50 miles, will be three cents ; for any greater distance not exceeding 100 mile , 4 and one half cents ; for a:iy distance above 100 miles, fix cents. February 21, 1800. AN ELEGANT CO,UNTJir SEAT. ON Saturday the 1 ft of March next at seven d'rlock in the evening, at the Merchant's Coffee-Houfe in the city of Philadelphia, agree able ti> the directions ot the lift will and tefta mcnt of General THOMAS MIFFLIN, de ceased, will be exposed to Public Sale and pofi lively fold to thehighett bidder—that beautiful and elegant COUNTRY SEAT, situate Jt the Falls of Schuylkill, 6ve miles from Philadelphia, and about two from Germantown; consisting of a large and commodious Hotife fir.ifhed in the modern stile, with a Barn, Stables and Out houses, twenty-two acres of highly improved Meadow land ; an Orchard of the belt grafted Fruit 'I rees, and a Garden of Fruit and Vege table? in an excellent expsfure. The premises (particularly the Garden, in which there are two Fountains J are watered with a never failing stream, and all the Buildings arid Fences are in per fed order. THE HOUSE Is seated en »n elevated hill, surrounded with willow and other ornamental Trees of the firft growth, and commands an extensive view of the Falls and Meadows of the Schuylkill. Sup plier of Marketing of every description are con stantly pafling on the road in front of the house, and Fifli may be obtained in the greatest abun dance during the season, and at all times pre served in a FiOi-Pond, on the Premises. The terms will be made known at the time of Tale. William Irvin,} r? -Joseph Reed, I ExtCUt°rS SHANNON ©"POALK, Auctioneers February ir FOR THE CURE OF FITS. The patent Antispasmodic Elixir. Convulsion Epil«stic Are cffe&ually cured by this excellent medicine' Its virtues are absolutely fpecific and unparal le'ed. It has failed in no instance within the knowledge of the proprietor (where takeu agree able to the dire