JUST POBEISHED, sine! for sale by the principal Booksellers^ A NEW THAN SI. AT lON OF RUINS OF EMPIRES. Price Two Dollars. MR. VQLNEY the author, when residing in the U*hh d States, examined the former t rati flat Kn avid found it extremely erroneous his meaning iu many placet perverted, and the flyle inelegant. In order to remove the falfe impretfions made by this imperfect translation, he procured a friend, a ganlleman of great learning, and welt versed in the French lan guage, with whole afiiftance the prefen't trans lation was made under the eye of the author. The paper is of an excellent quality, and the typographical part correal and beautiful. February 10 N • V Military Land Warrants. j THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS his services to the holders of Military Land Warrants, to make Location? on the 17th instant; he will receive a less quantity than 4000 acrcv and arrange them with others, so as *0 make a Qnattv T»wnfnip. Having surveyed a diftriA of the military trafl, and since the completion of thi; iurvtys, taken great pains to explore the interior parts cf the town ships and feclions so as to be able with prccifion, to di.fignate the raol valuable entries throughout the whole survey ; He flatters himfelf his information will be fatis fa&ory to Gent'emen wilhing to employ him — the tenth acre will !:e deraanded for any less quan tity than icoo acres, furmlhtd by one person— ■ from on? so if ur thjuf;.nd acre-. t v ir twelfth—and for any greater qnanfity, the fifteenth. For farther information apply at No. 67 north Second ilr.'ct. 1 JOHN G. JACKSON. N. B. H* will also an(is irr the western pin ef Virginia, and give goo I Cccurity (if required) for his integTitv and attention. February 6. CAUTION. r-y->HE Public ir cautioned agah-.£l receiving the j Subscribers Note in favor of, ami '.r.dor fed l.y Thomas VV. Francis, dated yesterday, at 6: d.'ys after dale l tract between Charles Wdliamf. >, and Charles Hale for lands in township, No. 4, ia the th ranee of Strmfrcr county, state ot Ncwijcrfey> and f»ndi y other papers tontiined in a Pocket were taken trum the Subfcriber# dclk tall evening. As the above can be of no use to th< pcfiort who lies carried them < ff, (hhould the' be rtturne 1, it qneftions fhail be aflced. SAMUEL MIFFLIN. dtf location « ill be de t vtcly after the 15th of he holders regifler t.l Warrants (hall on Monday the 3d ot March, 180 c, in the order in which the priority of [O - (hall lie deter Timed hy I"t as aforefaid, personally or ny their agent, dcfignate in wri ting at the office of the Ktgifter <-t" the Trealury the particular quarter town fh ins cleft"'! by them respectively—and such of the said holders ao fha'll not defignnte their l-cations on laid day, fcall be poflponcd in locating such warrants to all other hoi 'er* of rraiftered warrants. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treasury. Treasury Department, Feb. 14, 1800. Feb. 15. eotjM. I The only Medicine in the world that cures the 111 oft inveterate Itch in four hours. The genuine patent Scotch Ointment. for pUifantml's, fafety, expedition, tafe and certainty, is infinite y superior to any other medicine, for the care ef THE ITCH. It is so certain in Its operation, that it has never failed in ar.y one inftasce whatever, of tffeclually earing that difagrveabie disorder in four hours, by one application only, though applied to manj thou -anih'in England, Scotland and Ireland. It does not contain one particle of mercury, (fee the af fidavit*) hue may be applied with the greatest fafety, ce the molt delicate lady during pregnancy, or th Department on the GRASS SEEDS. Red Clover. Whjtc do. Timothy. Saint Foin. Trefoil. Burnett. Luc em. Herd Graft. Orchard do. Rye do- Rape andHepip. ALSO, SHEET COPPER, IRONMONGERY, and PATENT PI.OUGHS, which are (aid to be mori durable than any heretofore invented, and foum on experience to diminish the labour both ol man and bead — FOR SAI.E BY THOMAS HOWARD, No. 40 South Steond Street, Philadelphia. February 13. tu&f.Bw. VALUABLE LOTS FOR SALE, NEAR THE CITY. On Wednesday th« Gfth day of M.irch at fix o'clock in the evening, a: the Merchant's Co - ft« House, will be fold by public *u&»o, th. following defcribed'valuable Lot. of Grouncfe eligibly situated for SUMMER RETREa I S. No. i. A CERTAIN LOT or EJEGE of LAND, fituaoe on the east fide o Germantown road, about two miles and a liui from the city of Philadelphia, boun ed on the north by land of Mr. Themu Gr.cv.-s, whereon he is uow erecting a house Ind making improve ments for his iuaimer refidcnce, on the eatV by land of Joseph Morris, and weft by the said road, containing by computation 14 acres and a had. No. ». A certain lot or piece of land, part ol a tfaA commonly called the Vineyard, fituite on the weft fide of the WifTahickon or "Ridge road, nearly opposite to Turn«r*s lane, in the neighbour hood of the Country Seats of Jeremiah Parke.-, John Nixoi, James Crawford arvd Jafptt Moyhn, Efqrs. being markei and numbered in a plan or map of the said large trad caUed the Vinoyard, No jl, containing seven acres and ten perches. No. J. One.other kit or piece of laud adjoining the last described lot to the nprt#ward, containing I x teres and one hundred and three perches. - The v.ry valuable property now offered for sale mull be too well known to require a further description It is well worth the attention of those who with to secure to themselves pleasant and healthy filiations in. the vicinity of the city. The terms of sale are, one third part of the pur chase money to be paid in ten days after the sale ; one third # in ninety days, and the remaining third in fix months; for the two lad payments (inclu ding intareft) approved indexed notts to b* given. The title ii unexceptionable. Sold by order ol Meffr*. Isaac Wharton, Thomas Fitzfimons, Phil ip Nicklm, William M'Murtrie, Samuel W. Fifli er, Trustees for the creditors of Blair M'Clena chan. JOHN CONNELLY, AuSmttr. January »8. 3tawtißF.dtjM. FOR THE CURE OF THE RHEUMATISM, Palsy, gout, lumbago, white swellings, fpraias, bruifea, numbness, chilblains, acute chronic rheumatifito, rheumatic gout, is recommended Dr. CHITRCH's Chemical Extrafl and EJfence of Mujlardy Prepared only by Dr. James Church, at hit Difptnfary, New-York. There ptrh'.ps is no malady to which the hu man framr is fubjecSt, that has had more appli cations of various kinds administered as reme dies, than the Rheumatifin : nor is thero scarce a disorder that has refitted with like force the at tempts made to remove it. The virtues of the Essence and Extraiß of Muftjrd, will be fuund to equal, if not excel those of any other medicine whatever, in the cure of the above complaints. The following is copied from the London Pharmacopise and is the opinion of the College ofPhyficiam concern ing this valuable Drug. " Mustard, by its acrimony and pungenpy > ftim»late9 the solids, and attenuates viscid jui ces, ind hence is deservedly mmended for exciting appetite, promoting digefti«n, ensea ling the fluid secretions ; also paralytic and rheumatic affections." Thtfe medicines Contain all the virtues that can poflibly be ikrivcd from that excellent and powerful vegetable. The Effcnce is prepared in a fluid state, and 19 Angularly efficacious as an external application ; common rhcumatifms, Sprains, Chilblains, Stiff Necks, swelled joints, Bruises, Frozen Feet, local pains in any part of the body or extremities, Swelled Faces, chop ped hands, itc. will be found to yield to its be nign influence in a few hours. Ihe Extras is pri pared in the form of pil!s,and being an inter nal remedy is an amazing additional improve ment, taken in the severest cases of the Rheuma tic Gout, Chronic Rhetimatifm, Palsy, fixed pains, Lumbago, Numbness, Gouts, &c. When the eflence is externally applied it pro motes gentle perspiration, and operates very mildly by urine i they also amend a weak di gestion, and strengthen the flomach. Sold as above with printed direflions for use. Where also may be had, CHU KCH's COUGH DROPS, a medicine unequalled by any in the world for the cure of Coughs; Colds, Afthaias and Consumptions. —Also by Mr Price, Bal timore, and Mivffrs. H. & P. Rice, 16, South Second Street, Philadelphia. February 16- I-lUMOURS ON THF. FACE and SKIN, Particularly pin.pies, blotches, tetters, ring worms, tan, freckles, fun burns, Sin gles, redness of the nose, seek or arms, and prickly heat, Arc effe&ually cured by the application of The genuine Vegetable Lotion. This excellent remedy has been administered by the inventor, for faveral y.ars while in England, with the greatest success By the simple applica tion ofthis fluid for a (bort time, it will remove the molt rancorous and alarming scurvy in th« face, which has foiled every other remedy. It pofleffes all the good qualities of the mod cele brated cosmetics, without any of their doubtful effe&s. He therefore recommends it with confi dence to every person so affli&ed, as an efficacious and certain cure. Prepared only by the inventor and sole proprie tor, Dr. James Chureh, at his dispensary, [37 Front street, near the Fly market, New York; av.d fold by MefTrs. H.and P. Rice, 16 south Second street, Philadelphia, February i*« ALL PERSONS INDEBTED to tfce Estate ot Johm W h ar i TON, late of lite City of Philadelphia, Mer chant, dereafed, are reqnefled to- pay the fame, and thofc having demands against his -li-te, produce their accounts legally attested to KEARNY WHARTON, Acting Executor, No. ill, Spruce street. November u. ' S F.E DS. \ 1,1. r-rfnns indebted to the Eft ate:o CAP /K TAIN KETHAN FITZPATPICK, ma riner. deceaferl. are resetted w make .mmediate payment to the fubfcrihers; and those who have any demand, ajainft the are "*»«* to farnilh their accounts for fettkment to P. F T HTvAf.I . ? p iXe cufors. THOMAS M'EU fc-N,i fanuary 15, '£oxj. THE OWNERS OF Undated I .and# in Weftmoreland county, Prrnifylvanu, are hereby notified, >hat un less thr (»uc on (aid lands for 1798, are paid into tlv of John Brandon, Efy treasurer of laid county. °n or before the 30th of April next, they will be adv«rtifed for sale, as the law diretts TAMES M'GREW, ~) HENRY ALLSHOUSE, VComm'rs. JEREMIAH MURRY, J r ? l inuary 18. HORSES will fee taken to winter at /////, at the I a miies stone on the Bristol Road, where they will have good Timothy and Clov r Hay, well Uttered and cleanai and a field to run in when the weather is good. j£jf* Enquire-of Mr. William Bell Merchant, or on the rreniifei. N. B Wall not be answerable for accidents or efcapc, but will take every precaution to prevent either, TREASURY DEPARTMENT. March nth, 1799. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Pursuant to the al hen and the aft fupplemeWary to the fai.! recited art pafltd(«i the fec»nd day of March, retboufand fevenhundredaodnine tynini to wit: THAT the trail of Land herein a/ter dc fcribed, namely, " beginning at the North Weft corner of the fcven rang«s of townftiips, and running thence fifty miles due south, along tne weftera boundary et the said ranges thence due Weft to the Main Branch of the Scioto ri ver j theoce up the Main Branch of the said ri ver to the-plact where the Indian boundary line crofiVs t of live milrs square, and [rationalparts of town- Ihips; and that plats and of the said townftiips and fraflional parts of townftiips arc dspofited in the tfficet of the Register of the Trcalury and Surveyor General, for the infpac tion of all perfoHs concerned. 11. Tf)# holders of such warrants as have been or (hall be granted for military Verviccsperform ed during the late war, are required to present the t» the Rejriftfr of the Treasury, at some time prior to the twelfth day of February ia the year, one tboufand eight buadred, for the purpose of being registered ; No registry will however be made of any left quantity than a quarter township, or'four thousand acres. HI. Tha priority of location of the warrants which may be profemed and pegiftercd in manner afore faii, prior to the nth day of February in the year one thaufand eight hundred, wiH immsdiate ly after the said day, be determined by lot, in the mode di escribed by the ad firft recited. eoiw •oiw NOTICE. UNSEATED LANDS. Horses to Winter. November it The haldtt* of fftgiftwed warrants, (hall on Monday the ljth day of February, in the yew 1800, i n the order of which the priority »f locati on lhall be determined by lotas aforefaid, pefon. ally, or by th»ir agents, defigmtte in w rkiftg at the office of the Register of the Treasury, the particu lar quarter townfliips elefied by them refpeiWvely, and such of the sard holders as (hall not defignatr their locations on the said day, (hall be postponed ia locating such warrants to all other holders of regifiercd warrants. The boUers of warrants for military services fufficient to cover one or more quarter townfliips or trails of four thousand acres each; (hall, at any time after Monday the 17th day of February, »800 and prior to the firil day 01 January, 180 a, be al low' d to register the said warrants in manner a forefaid, and forthwith to make lecations therefor on any trail or trails o( land not before located. VI. All warrants or claims for lands on account of military fi-rvices, which lhallnotbe rrgifternd and located before the firft dly of January, i8o», are by the supplementary a& ot Congrefe h«rein br f ore recited, puffed oo the second day of March, J799, declared to be iorcverbarred. Given under my hand at Philadelphia, th« day and year above mentioned. OLIVER WOLCOTT. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. May 2<)tk, 1799. THE proprietors of certificates iflnedforfub fcriptions to the Loan bearing interest at eight per centum per annum, are notified, that at any time after payment ihail have been made of the sth inftaliuent, which wili become due during the Grft ten days of the month of July coining, Certificates of Funded may at their option be obtained at the Treasury or Loan Offices, refpe&ively, for the amount of the four firft instalments, or one moiety of thefoms ex prefied in the fubfctiption certificates :—Up cer tificates of Funded Stock will however be issued for less than one hundred dollars. Such firbfcription certificates as may be pre •nted at the Treasury or Loan Offices in con eq»ence of the foregoing arrangement, will be ndorfed and diftinilly marked i'o as to denete, that amoetysf the Hock has been ifi'ued. OLIVER WOLCOTI, Secretary of the Treasury. SAMUEL ANDERSON; STOCK BROKER, Has removed bis Office from S. Second street, to No. 134 Arcb street, near Sixth st. WHERE All orders will be punftually amended tp. February 20. eoz'v TO BE SOLD FOR CASH, OR EXCHANGED) For property in the City, or within thirty miles of it, A PLANTATION or trafl of Land in Mifflin County and S'ate of Pennsylva nia, within tax miles of the river con taining about 3-0 acres. There are about si ty acres cleared, part of which is a rich butom, watered by a constant stream tf-at is strong enough to work an oil or a gfi'i mill Any person inclining to deal for it, may obtain fur iher information by applying at the offic- t>f this gazeite. N. B. If fold, credit wiM be gives for part of the money. Oflober i7> J 799* */ With a Lot thereunto belonging, QITUATE in Duck Creek, Cross Roads U Kent County, State of Delaware, fronting on the Main Street; ther# are on the lower Floor, five Rooms and an Entry, with a number of well finifhed Rooms up Stairs, a Cellar under the whoU Building, a Brick kitch en, a of good Water, with a Stable, Car riage House and Sheds, the whole Improvements are in good repair. The Seat is well calculated for either a Store or Tavern, the latter of which it has been occupied for a number of years with considerable success. The Htuation is dry and the Country around being very healthy and a plice of conCderable Trade, it will be well worth the attention of any person wilhing to purchase or rent. i j for further particulars apply to the Sub fcnber at the aforefaid place. Jjtn jtawtf THREE or fonr lota of about 30 or 40 acrea each, more or lel'ses may suit a purchaser. Ob each of which there ia a good Ctaation far a hoafe—viz. one on the river Delaware, suitable either for a geatlemah's feat, or for a person who might with to engage in the lumber bufiiiefs hav ing a goad landiag. One commanding a good view of the river from the highest ground between the Pennypack apd Pogueffin creeks ; and another •n the BKftol Road. Enquire «f Mr. Gilpin near the 11 mile ftonejan the laid road. FOUR LOTS, ©f about 10 acres eaoh with good"#tuation« for bnflding ; one of is suitable for a Kin-yard, and has a small (lone house and a young bearing tsrchard on it, on phe Newtewn road near Snidtr't mill about 10 miles from Philadelphia, and one atker lot of about 30 acre« on tl«e Pennypack.— Enquire of Jooathan Clife who lives on the prami fes or of Mr.Gilpia. Poflcfiiou will We given int' • spring, but build ing matt rials may be coHt&ed fo»ucr. WILL BE SOLD, At Public Vendue, on Saturday, 15 tb ef AND large Kitchen, with two orthreebnild ing lots, adjoining the fame, situate on the corner of Kin; and High Streets, Wilmington. Also, a two story brick litujueon the north fide oi the upper market heufe, Wilming ton. Likewise a lot of excellent marih in Bran dy wine, of abut two acres and a half. Ii is thought uuaeceflary to particularize this pro perty, as it is prelumed thepurchafer will incline to view it. The conditions will be made known •n the day of Tale. AN attachment was lately iftued out of the in ferior oourt of common pleas of the county of Eflex, in the (late of New Jersey, dire&ed to the iheriff of the said county, againll the rights, credits, monies and effeils, goods and chattels, lands and tenements oi Jtkn Cltvtt Sytnmet at the suit of William With, in a plea of trefptffs on the cafe to his damage three thousand dollars; — Sec. of the Treasury. TO BE SOLD, Or Rtnttdfor a term of Tear*, A LARGE TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, jOliN CUMMINGS January 8 TO BE SOLD, Al* 8 O November 8 REAL ESTATE, FOR SALE. March next, A three story Brick House, SAMUEL St. JOHN ADAMS. Wilmington, (Del.) Jan. 27. lawts. IVHERE AS, AnJ utrreai, the said fheriff did, at the term of June last pall, return'to the said court that he had attached the drfendant by a certain bond given by Matthias Delimit) and Samuel Meeker to the said defendant, to the amount of near two thousand dollars,and alfoby l'xty land warrants ; Now tiert/ort, wnlefs the said John Cleves Symmes shall appear,give special bail, and receive a declaration at the suit of the plaintiff, judgment will bs entered againfl him, and his property herein attached, will bs fold agreeably to the statute in such cafe made atsd prov : ded. Aaron Ogden, Clerk, Elizabeth-town, July 8, 1799 (n) iawizm Thirty Dollars Reward. DESRRTF.D from the quarters of the fub fcriVr, on Saturday tht Bth inft. an enliflcd soldier, named JAMES BUTLF.R, a Carter by occupaciott, horn in the State of New Jersey, og«d thirty five years, five feet nine inches high, sandy complexion, hazle eyes, and short sandy hair, has been some time aveftde: t of this city.it is thought he is now in MeUnt Molly in Now Jcrley, or its vicinity, as his friends c!ii .fly reside there. ALSO, On Thursday the i.nh instant, an enliftcd soldier, named JOHN BAKR, born in Lancas ter, Pennsylvania, hi? occupation that of a la bourer, thirty nine years of age, five feet nine inches high, dark eyes, black, hair, which he wore queued, of a dark complexion, his face bloated by the immoderate ul'e of fpiritois li quors; his acquaintance being in Wilmington or its vicinity, where he formerly lived, 'lispof fible he may take that rout Whoever lba.ll take up said deserters and lodge thtm in jail, or fliall deliver them to the fubferiber, at hit quarters in Filbert, bstween Ninth and Tenth flreett, Pt iladelphia, or to any officer of the army of the United itat.es, ftiall receive the above re ward, and reasonable charges; or for either of proportionate compensation. BENJAMIN GIBBS, Jun. loth regt. U. S. dt( February 19, Fashionable Millinery, ELIZA M'DOUGAI.L, NO. 134, MJKKET-STRSET, HAS just received per ship Thomar •iar- " * — J — ' vhalklev and Adriana, from London, an elegant affortmtuc of the most falhionable Millini&y, viz. Chemille rofctte FEATHERS Fancy flowers Black tiffany flower» Wreaths Pink, yellow and blue crape, full dr-efj sae Do. do. and do. Nelfon'i bonnats Infant's pips straw bonnets Maid's ruicy do. do. Women's do. do. do. do. ihades do hats Do. do. trimmings Blatk, whitr, blu:, yellow, pink and orange aripi Black, white and preen giuzc veils b Do. gauxe clonks N. B. Ar.d per Harmony, just arrived, afrrtVe' assortment of Millinery. June 26 dtf. JUST RECEIVED, from tbe BOSTON Manuftetory, a QuAN?irr or WINDOW GLASS, FOR SALE By ISAAC HAUVEY, J«x. N. B. All y fizc or Gzei that maybe wanted cut larrer than 18 by < 2 .can be had from llid manufa&o ry, on being ordered; and aientton given to lor ward on any ordere that may be left for that purpose Apply at No. 9, South Water-street, as above, ju'y 8 cilf A CERTIFICATE of one Share «f the Banfc of the United Sta'es, No. 19110, in the name ot Lewis Peter Quirtyri, and a Certificate of tw» Shares ef the faiu Bank, No 19119, in the name of George James Ch«l»ondely, Earl of Cholmon dely, were forwarded from New-York by the Chefterficld British Packet for Falir.outh, which was captured by the French, and tl.e Certificate* JtJW3'D lotl or r.eftreycd, aid for wfcieh application it made at laid uauk for the renewal thereof, of which all perfoos concerned are dcfirefl t® tike nitiec. February si DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, TO WIT : Be IT REMEMBERED, That on the e leventhday of January, in thetwenty-fourtk year of the Independence of tha United State* of America, COLLINS ON HEAD and GEORGE DAVIS, of th« said Diftrift*. have deposited in thir office, the title ofa Book* the ripht whereof they claim at Proprietor, in the words following to wit « TEN BLANK DECLARATIONS Elegantly engraved on Copper-plate, via. i. Debt on Bond 16. QtuatOtn Meruit ». by Affignce 7. Vilebaat j. on (ingle bill 4. on penal bill j. Indebitatus Af 6. fumpfit tor tb* use of the Professors of the Lav, aawtf. COLLINSON RF.AD." la conformity to the a( two perches, and on the north by a lane, which frparates it from Mr. M'Call. It is propo sed to divide this land into 3 equal parts in ordef to fait the purchasers. Also, 31 acres, situated rn the weft fide of Gerir.antown roid, adjoining Mafters's estate, being part of th« property of the late Samuel Mifflin. For terms apply to Samuel Mifflin, eorner of Market and 11th (Ireets. January 24. • FOR SALE, SEVERAL VALUABLE. BUILDING LOTS, Near the corner of Arch and Xiuth ftfects» To be Sold er Lit, A number of "excellent Pasture Lot#, On the Witfahickon road, abeut hall a uule from the city. *„* Enquire at No. 18 North Fifth fireet. November 15. d6tt»wtf TERRITORYof the UNITED STATES, North V. r cft of the rWcr Ohio. __ JKa/hivgton } (bounty. } , WHKREAS 5 writ of foreign attachment h«tl» issued from the Court of Common Pi< a " for said county, (returnable M March term T7?9j/ against the lands, tenements, goods, <"hattels, e - feils, rigl.ts and credits of Joseph Spencer of Hsr rilTon county and State of Virginia, physician, » the suit of Joseph Stewart of Cambridge, in tfl« county 0 Wsfhington and State of New yjorF.an, for four hundred and thirty-i;:ven 00 • !ars and fifty cents — Notice is hereby given, to the said Joseph Spencer, that unless he and give# special bail to ilw a<£lioti, judgment wi be ento-'a by default, and the property attaches disposed of at the law direct. r.KNJ. IVI'.S GIT,MAN, Protkonotary. V. FEARING, sitiomey for Plaittf' February 13. iaw3* PiiJNTED BY J. IV.. E&WQ- Of different sizes, NOTICE. CLEMENT BIDDLE.. djm. 8. On Promiflory nott 9. Sam* by Indoi\fe» to. Trespass and E jeAment. DRAWN BY GEORGE DAUS's FOR SALE ALSO t \ A <* r:. rt 'J,'. ■" 4, • ' " % iotf. tutham.