fceepiwjjf them in repair to reft upon the ref pcdWC bounty Commiflioners. i. The road from Philadelphia to Eafton, ©r. the river Delaware. Tlie road from Laucafter thro' York, Geuryfburg, Blaek's Gap, Chamberfburg and Bedford, to Pittiburg. 3. Thr road from Philadelphia, through Bethlehem stid Wilkfbarre, to Tioga Point. 4- Ihe road from Philadelphia through Kdading, Northumberland, Aan»nft>urg, and Milefburg ; thence to Prefque Isle, by the road now improving at the expence of the State. Ob the part of the- friend* cf the report, it was urged, that wliijd the present road iyftena is adequate to keep in rtpair the pri vate townlhip roads, it is totally impmaiea bk- to pieferve the great public loads, ex tending to the extremities of the state. A complaint to thu eficft had b«cn made for many years to the legifl,;ture ; it was time some effectual remedy (hould be brought for ward to remove the evil. On the other lide it was urged, that what ever were the difficulties attending the pre sent road fyflr.rn, the public treasury, .md the ailHtulty of the tits'. s, owing to a fcar eity ot njoney, did not admit of the promot ed alteration to take place at this time. Y F. A S. MeflTrs. Weaver (Speaker) Beale, Camp bell, Cnbt an, Dnnjop, I.rwm, Eyrr, Follmer, Fox, Harris, Hcrbach, Hoftette.r, Hunter, K. pjjel , Lane, Lopan, M'N'air, Mitchell, Potts, J. Scott, Smith, Stewart, Stover, \an Home, Witman 36. N A Y S. MeflVs. Alter, Barclay, B.rnet, Blair, Boilean, Brown, Buckley, Conrid, Cool haugh, Cunningham, Davis, Fiflier, Friihy, Haga, Hall, Hartzell, Hopkins, keys, Kirk, Ley, Lyle, M'Dowel l , Miller, Painter, Pal mer, Penrci'e, Preflon, Ronerts, Role, Rugh, Sample, A. Scott, Shoemaker, Snvder, Strickler, Taylor, Uric, Whitehall, Wilson (Daughir.) Wilson (Northampton and Wayne) Wynkoop.— 41. CONGRESS. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Friday, Feb. 21. BANKRUPT BILL. The bill intituled '• An aA to establish an uniform system of Bankruptcy through out the United States," was read a third time, and the question being Shall this bill M* f Mr. Bifliop moved that it be recommitted to a committee of the whole hou f e, for the purpose of making an amendment which he mentioned, and apon the question far com mitment, it was lolt, only 25 membsrs tot ing in faror of it. Mr. Davit said, he hoped the question would not now be urged, as there were fomt member* absent, and therefore moved that it bepoftponed till Monday, and that • call of the House take place on that day —which was also loft, only 35 member* noting in favor it. Mr. Egglefton then rose, to express a wish that the ab'ent membets might be Sum moned to attend, but the Speaker having direflcd the Clerk to call the members, the question 011 parting the bill, was carried in the affirmative, in manner following, to wit: r £ A s. MefTrs Baer, Birtlett, Bayard) Bird, Brace, J. Brown, Champlin, Cooper, Craik, Dana, F. DaTtnpOrt, Dent, Dickfon, Ed mond, Evans, A. Foster, Glenn, C. Good rich, E Goodrich, Gordon, Grifwold, Har per, Hartley, Hendsrfon, Imlay, Kittera, M- Lee, S. Lee, Livingfton, Marshall, Morris, Nott, Otis, Pinckney Powell, Reed, Rutledge, Sewali, Sheafe, Shepherd, Smith, 1 hatcher, J. l'homat, R. Thomas, Wadfworth, Wain, L.Williams, Woods, 48 NAYS. Me-ffrg. Alston, Bailey, Bishop, R Brown, Cabelle, Christie, Clay, Condit, Davis. Dawfon, Eggleilon, Elme.ndorf, D Foster, Fowler, Gallatin, Goode, Gray, Gregg, Grove, Manna, Hiiiler, Hill, JMplnies, Jackson, Jones, Kitchell, Leib, Lyman, Lyon, Linn, Macon, Muhlenberg, New, Nichol-», Page, Randolph, Smilie, op-tight, Stanford, Stone, Sumpter, Talia ijrro, rhompfoo. A. Trigg, J. Van Cortlandt, R. Williams 48 Mr. Speaker declared fcimfr.-Jf in the af firmative, and the bill wa& PASSED. Mr. V»u Cortlandt presented a petition of several emigrants, refining in Mount Plc;i!,tri!, state of New York, complain mtjf of the operation i f the Naturalization Law —which was r ad and referred to * Se'edt Committee, to report therein. » Mr. Davis, from the committee to whom was referred the petitienof John Mountjoy, imjle report, recpmmending the adoption of a res: imion, therewith fubmittcd, dirtft jng the Secretary of War to issue a Land Warrant, No. 24.92, for 300 acres, bounty as a captain in the service of ths Unitec States during the Revolutionary War. The committed to a committe* of the whol« Honfe, on Monday next. Mr. D. Fuller, from the committee 01 Claims, to whom was re erred the petitLr of Captain Campbell Smith, who prayec compensation for his services ;is Judge Ad vocate to the army under the command 01 the late General Wayne, made report, thai th: petitioner was juflly entitled to relief. and submitted a resolution to that effeft which vu read and committed for Monday Mr. Harrifoa, from the committee to whom was referred the petition of Tfaac Zar.e, who prayed confirmation of hi» title to a certain traft of land granted by the W yandot Nation, made report, recommend ii g the adoption of a resolution for the aj»- pointraent of a committee to bring in a bill authorizing and requeiljug the President of the United States to convey a title to the fame—which was committed to a committee of the whole House, and made the order «f the day on Tuesday next. Mr. Harper, from the committee of Ways and Means, to whom wai referred tbe petition of David Wyley and others, who payed for a remifiian of duties on stills made'report, that it was not confident with the policy of this government, to reimburse any l->(Tes incurred under the revenue laws; that the prayer of the petitioners ouj;ht not to be granted, and that they have leave to withdraw their petition j in which the House concurred. Mr. H. from the fame committee, made report on the fubjedt of a Loan for the fitp port of government for the year iSoo, and submitted a resolution, that it was expedi «nt to authorise the President to borrow a sum not exceeding 3,500,000 dollars, re imburfeable in any period within 15 years. The report was read a firft and f"coud time, and committed to a committee of the whole Uoufe on Monday next. A mefTage wa& received from the Senate, by Mr. Otis, their Secretary, informing tbe house that the Senate had this day come to the following resolution, vii. Resolved, That theSenatewillto morrow, at half past 12 o'clock, meet in the Senate Chamber, ai d from thenee walk in procef fioa to the Church in Race street, to hear the Eulogium to be pronounced on the cha racter f Ge: eral Washington. Ordered to )ie on the table. Mr. Speaker said, h« wa* rcquefted hy a nembef of the Catholic Church, to inform the house, that feat* were provided for the accommodation of such member* a* would please to attend to hear the delivery of the Oration to-jaorrow. Mr. Rutledge said, before the receipt of the meflbge from the Senate, he had inten ded to move that when the house fdjourn they do adjourn till Monday—but the Sen ate having informed the house, that they intended to walk in proccfiio.i, he conceiv ed thii house ought to come to a fimiiar re solution, and moved the following : Resolved, That the house of representa tives will meet to-morrow, at half past 12 o'clock, at their chamber, and from thence walk in proceflion to the church in Race flreet, to hear the Eulogium there to be pronounced on the chara&er of General Walhington. It was objefled to this resolution, that it had not been contemplated this house would walk in procefiion, >0 arrangement having been made for that purpose—and that as it might be the wifti of several mem bers to attend th« Oration at the Catholic church, in preference to the one in Race street, it ough. to be left to their own option. The question ec the refdlutian was put and negatived—ayes 40 —noes 43. The house took up tha report of the committee of commerce and manufactures, on the of the Senate *0 the bill providing for salvage in cafe of re capture, and concurred therein. A meflage wa» reeeived from the Senate, by Mr. Otil, their secretary. informing the huufr, that the Senate had paficd the bill intituled •* An aft in addition to the aft intituled an aft for rrgnlating the granti of lands (or military Service', and for the fociely of the ttnitrd hrethcrn for propaga ting the gospel an.onj; the Heathcnt"— with sundry amendment!. Ihe bill a.id amendments wtrc read and referred to the fclcft committee who repor ted it- Mr, Harper, from the committee appoin ted for thai porpofe, having obtained leave, reported a bit! to extend the privilege of ob tained patents for tifefu] difcoverit-s and in ventions, to certain persons therein men tioned, and to enlarge and define the pri viledges of patentees—which was read and committed to a committee of the whole. The house went into committee of the whole on the bill to allow a drawback of duties on goods exported to New Orleans, and therein to amend the ad intituled 44 An a& to reflate the colle&ion i f duties on imposts and tonnage—Mr. Rutledge iu the chair—when the bill was agreed to without amendment, and ordered to be read a third tiine on Monday next. int Monday, Februaiy 24. ng The bill intituled «An aft to allow a lw drawback on goods exported to New Gr ift leans, and therein to amrnd tlit- aft intituled an aft to regulate the collefti»n of duties on im impofU and tonnage," was read a third time iy, and palled. ° n On motion of Mr. Harrifon, the house went into committee of the whole on the "d report ot the feleft committee, appointed to l Y enquire whether any, and if any. what al es trrations are necessary in the laws providing for the fate of the lands of the United Status, N. W. of the river Ohio—Mr. Ed. id mond in the chair, when the resolutions re •le ported by the committee were agreed to, and a bill ordered to lue reported accordingly, of The house went into comm.Uee of the Jn whole 011 another report of the fame coin ed mittee, when the resolution reported ref d- pefting the fait firings was agreed to, and of a bill direAed to be brought in pursuant at thereto. 'f, A melTtge was received from the Senate, by Mr. Otis, their Secretary, informing the ty house, that the Senate had puffed the bill intituled " An aft for the relief of James to Yard," iwhich originated in this house. »c On motion of Mr. D. Fofttr, the house e went into committee of the whole on the >e report of the committee of claims, on the i- petitiou of Moses White—Mr. Edmond in' ?" chair—and a resolution, reported by tli« ( committee, directing the accounting officers of the Treasury to fettle the account of Mo les White, for Cervices rendered by him while afting as aiji-de-pamp to Biig. Gen. Moses Hazen, during the revolutionary war, tjeihg uvider coi-.fideration—it was op pof-d by MelT. Macon, Nicholas, Shepherd, Egglefton, and Grifwold ; and advocated by Mefl". D. Fofler, Varnum, Bird, Rutledge, HarrHon, Smith, and Gordon, when the quellionon the resolution was taken aud ne gatived— ayes 34. noes 37. The committee role and reported their difagieement to the resolution—and upon the que (Hon of concurring with the commit tee, in their fit id disagreement, it was car ried in the affirmative— 1106833. Mr. Thatcher, from the committee ap< pointed on the fubjeit <)f a pod-office and pofl-ioids, reported a bill to autherife and eftablifii sundry post-roads, which was read a firft and second time, and committed for Thurfdiy. Mr. Bayard asked and obtained leave of abfrnce for Mr. Morris, tor twenty days. Mr. Smithy from the Committee of Com merce and Manufactures, to whom were re ferred the petition of sundry inhabitants of the towns ot Warren and Barrington, in the county of Biiftol, Hate of Rhode-Illand, praying for the ere&ion of a fepsrate port of entry—made a report, that it is inexpe dient at this time tJ grant the prayer of the petitioners', and that they have leave to withdraw the fame. The report was read a firft and seCond time, and conctired in by the Ijotife. , Mr. Dana, frMn the-kie&.comnutte ap pointed tor that jHirppff, reported a bill to provide for the execution «f the 27th article of the treaty of amity, commerce and navi jfition, made with Great Britain—which was'read a firlt and fecohd time, and com mitted tor to-morrow. Mr. Harper, from the Committee ot Ways and Means, to Whom were referred the amendments of thf Senate to the bill in tituled" All a£l; providing for the enume ration of the inhabitants of the United States"—reported, that it would be proper for the house to concur therein. The house went into consideration of the amendments, and altered the title so as to read," An aft providing for the feeond census, or enumeration of the inhabitants of the United Statra" and agreed to the fame. On motion of Mr. Sewall, the hsufe went into committee «f the whole on the bill to continue in force an zA concerning certain Gfheries of the United States ; for the regulation and government of the fiflier men employed therein , and for other pur poses therein mentioned—Mr. Edmond in the chair—when the bill was agreed to, and its duration limited to ten years ; and was ordered to be read a third time to-morrow. Adjourned. %m. Port of Philadelphia. ARRIVED, Ship Adriana, Fletcher, London Benj. Franklin, Senkey, Hamburgh Hannah, Wroth, New-York Eclipse, Rcil y, St. Sebatliaai Brig Express, Williams, Antigua Fair H be, Brewlon, St. Croix Susanna, Medlin, Hamburgh Ciarifla, 1 hamas, Jamaica Polly, Makins, Bremen Juno, Alberfe, tlo. Sea Nymph, Green, Hamburg Beffey, Pitcher, St. Thomas I'lora, Crtflwell, Cape Fianeois Schr. Fancy, Winflow, N'afiau Susannah, Johnson, Baltimore Miile, Town, Port Republican Liberty, Bufkirk, Norfolk Sloop Pilgrim, Merchant, Boflon Sloop Caroline, Brown, from hence, has d arrived at Jamaica. Letters received ia town from Savannah, c dated Feb. state, that the (hip Eliza, Ladd, ,f from Philadelphia it loft, with great part i ( of the cargo. n Brig Weftpoint, Ellifon, from hence, Q hai arrived at Savannah. e Captain Brewton failed from St. Croix, l Feb. i. Left there brig Angelica, from j Philadelphia. Capt. ——, of , ariivtd lately at Baltimore, informi, that on the 50th of November, off the capes of Delaware, he spoke the (hip Pennsylvania, York, of and for this port from Baiavia, who supplied hiai with provilions- Ihe next day a gale " of wind commenced, which continued for three days. Schr. Carolina, Whitehead, from Jamai ca, has arrived at Norfolk. Brig James, Gemmeny, captured on her * passage from Hifpaniola to this port, by the York man us war, has beeu libersted at ra -5 maica, with part of htr cargo. Sloop Polly, from he* ce, arrived at > Charlcfton, 29111 ult. Brig Peggy, MaxfL-ld, from hence, has arrived at Port Republican, " Brig Bctfey, Ritcher, failed from St. Thomas the ift of February, in company with a fleet of American vessels," under con voy of the United States brig Pickering • parted from them off St. Kilt';. The following veflels were at C.ip? Fran cois, Ift February. __ Ship Hunter, Fo'fter, New-York, Hope Edmonfon, Philadelphia : brigs Tryal, T*f [ pill, Newbury port, IV.ndem, Williams, j New-York, Amiable Adeel, OJlin, Phila i delphia, Silly, Hampton, do. Ann Gilldea do. Efperanaa, Justice, do. Schooners Har- I riot, Shewal, do F.liza. Fiverv, do. Vir : ginia, Watson, do. Three Sifters, Watson, ■ do. Cuzia, Tophain, R. Island, Filli, Hawk-Cook, Salem, Hcdlt.r, Powers, do. 1 Stork, Lekmajn, Newburyport, and a ntini : ber of others. 1 J Adjourned. ' ]obn Burk, an cbfcure fellow, pretend ing to be an Author, and >v.ho. left, this coun try to escape the vengeance, jufHy due to his crimes, has, as we learn from the refpe&able authority of the Aurora pu.bliflied a tl.ing, which he calls an " History of tlie late war in Ireland, from the firft meeting at Belfaft to the landing of the French at KiUala, with an appendix containing a well authenticated' series of Br tifh cruelties, depredations, &c." Some imported pretender, some Calender's confmgerman has presumed to write and pub lilli a Biographical Sketch of the life of Wa shington. On a theme so interelting, why is the qualified man of genius silent ? " He will not write, and, more provoking still, Ye GocJs, he will not write, and Mocviuj will." An illustrious life is degraded by an in competent Biographer. An Agricola de mands a Tacitus. A Taylor's advertisement, in a late Lon don paper, begins thus : " diminution of the lax on income" and proceeds in a manner that every premier from Mazarine to I'ilt must approve : " as the exigencies of the times require more" than usual exertions in f rfons ot every rank, to enable them to bear the taxes the wisdom of the iegi/latiire has impeded, economy in articles of dress can be no small requiiite, therefore, at S's, in Monmouth street, breeches may be had at the reduced price of 145." Even in oar own gazettes, a whinific.il advertifeinent is sometimes to b« found. In a late evening' paper, we read that " a young ish widow, wlio can be well recommended, wiflies to engage as a houfekeepcr." A graceless rake of my acquaintance, who is a tolerable critic in the Englith language, and who is confident that there is no good au thority in Johnson's dictionary, far th* word youngish, thinks that there tnuft be an erratum, and that sos youngifli we ought to rend liquorish. But as this is an impure conceit, altogether unworthy a virtuous mitid, it will be more candid and correft to fuppcl'e, that this youthful female, who thus willies to farm out her perfe&ions, and keep" the houses or excite the afeftion* of the gentlemen, means only a modest ftateinent of her capacity to discharge her boufckeep ing duties. At a meeting of the Penr.fylvania Society of the. Cincinnati, held at the State House i:i the city of Philadelphia on the 22dday •f February 1800, Major GgNSRtL Hand, President. The following Resolutions were moved, and unanimously adopted. Retained, That the thanks of this Socie ty be presented to Majar William Jackson, for the honour done the Society, by the ve ry elegant and appropriate Kulogium, which he this day delivered before the Society, 011 the character of General Washington, our late illustrious President General : and that he be requested to favor the gociety with a copy thereof for publication. Resolved, That the th, nks of the Society be presented to the H;-y. Dr. Rogers, for his introductory prayer. Resolved, That the thank* of tfce Socie ty be presented to the Corporation of the Grrman Hefortned Church, for the use of their building in Race-llrest, and for their very polite attention to the Society, on the occasion. R< solved, That the thanks of the Society be prcfcnttd to Law, to Mr. Krutli, and to the young Ladi«s and Gentlemen who composed the Choir in celebration oi toe day. By order of lie Society, M. M'CON NELL, Assistant Secretary. C 5" The Mail for the Britith Packet the Harlequin (which call* at Halifax) closes en Wednrfday evening, the sth of March, at 6 o'clock. T. MACKANNES, Agent. New-York, Feb. 20. Of course letters for the Packet will be teceived at the Philadelphia Post Office un til Tuesday the 4th ot March, at noon. FOR THE CUKE OF KITS. The patent Antispasmodic Elixir. Convu'fion Hysteric, or Epiltdiic Falling Fits, Are effetfually cured by this excellent medicine. Its virtues 41 e absolutely fpe;-ific and unparat leled It has failed in no instance within the ki.owledpe of the proprietor (where ukeu agree able to the diieL l )ions, and with perfeveranre) the moll dreadful Fits ever kii.u n. One cafe of cure only i? fubjeined out of a confidence nun.ber, at proof of its efficacy atteftrd before the Loio Mayor cfLoudon. AFFIDAVIT. "I, James ocotk, of No 40* North-street, in the l'arith of St. Luke's frfiddielex. do make oath—'l hat I was gritvouflv afflicted with fits for upwards ot 15 y t ars ! and that to so violent a degree, as to require u men to hold me in them, to prevent tne dashing myfelf to pieces. They would generally lait me 5, 6, and often 7 hours ; in conlequencc of which my conten tion became quite emaciated. I nude applica tion to many eminent gentlemen of the faculty, who afforded ine 1,0 relief whatever ; tiil 1 .mi plied to Dr. James Church of the City Road, who prel'tribed his Aotifpafmodi; Elixir for i me, which 1 took, and which alone cured nie of these mott dreadful fits, and restored me to perfect health. This.deponent further rnaketh oath, and faith, that it is now two years tinre he was firft cured of his fits, and he has 110 re turn whatever of them since. JAMES POCOCK. Sworn before me at the Manfian-houfe, this 29th day of Atguft, 1796. William Curtis, Mayor. Prepared (ouly) by the Inventor and sole Proprietor, Dr. James Church, at his Dispen sary, 13?. Front ftrcet, near the Fly-Msrket, New-York ; and fold by mcflrs. H. & P. Kite, 16, South Second Stiee', Philadelphia. ?jS' '"'NEW- TMZAtfL& • " BY PARTICULAR DESIBE. |cy The President of the United States in' tending to honor tie Theatre, who his presence on Wednesday Evening, Feu. z£, •when will be presented, A TRAGEDY, CALLED . GUSTAVUS VASA ; The Deliverer cf bis Country. To which will be added. By particular defirc, (for the 7th time this feafoa,) a Grand Drapnatic Romance, CALL'U BLUE BEARD{ Or, Female Curiosity.' gf The dsors of the Theatie will open at * quarter past .5, and the Uirtain rife at a quartc pafl 6 o'clock precisely. VIVAT RESPUBLICA. Books of the Songi to be had at H. & P. Rice'* Book No, 16, Stuth Second-street, and at the Office adjoining the Theatre. N Of I C E. nr>HE Stork Holders of K the East India Cora * pany of North America are reqmftedto meet at the Cfty Tavern on Saturday next, lit March, at n o'clock A. M. on bufinel's of im portance. February 15, ;Bco. CAROLINA RICE, of an eaccllent qualify, and in pood order for Shipping, for sale at No. 17 South Water-street. Feb. 25. 3t The Tear 1800 is arrived 1 UNION TAVERN, in George-Town, upon the Potomak, ii I FOR SALE, : Upon the prerrifes, on the firft Monday in May : next. 5 r 3 'HIS Tavern was built by the fubferiptions 5 X of a number of gentle-nun <>s a nectflary ; and ufeful improvement to the town —It cost )' 1 6coo dollars in the year 1796 when materials and workmanship were much cheaper* than at this time. 7he terms of fubferip'iort were that it ftiould be fold to the highest bidder on the day above mentioned It is a hanafome, substantial brick budding* of three stories, fronting fixfy feet on the moflr p public street in the town, anc4 riibriing back . Hxty thiee feet upon a wide and conver'ent ftrect —'I he koufe is admirably calculated for a tavern. It contains upon the firft si or four large rooms, cue of them 30 by 20 feet and . another *3 by 20, befidts a laige bit and drefT- i g room, upon the lecond floor is an elegant afflmbly rocro, 60 by 30 feet, and three conve nient lodging rooms. Upon the third floor are - tpn excellent lodging room?—the garrat admits ) °f a division of ten mare. There is also a good . kitchen and commodious cellars fufficient for i fnch a house. PalTagcs and cross pafTages inter fe l *, n ®tice th«f the S.ihfcribep -*• hath obiained from the Orphan'« Court of Lact. county in Marvlard, letters of adirmjf tration on the personal tfiat* of Samuel Gihiiu lite of the county afortfaid, deceased ; al! Lrl ; sons having claims igainft thefaid deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the fame with'the voue'ers thereof to the fubferiher on or before the:.4th oay of August next-tK y tr.av other wise l>y hw be excluded from all benefit of the iatri eilate. under my hand this 17th of January, one thousand eight hundred. JOHN GILPIN, Alminljlrater. j3 " u; ">- 39- tau-Cw. The nervous, debilitated, rr fedei tary, whose