, * f*?;; ;^v ,-' '••••' •';; - '""' «-p I . y x / ' i | of J§*t&fCo,> anu Philadelphia Daily Advertiser\ *-- - 1.1,, t ■ - - , _ •• ' - ■* ' • ' ' Numbbb 1314.] PHILADELPHIA ■, MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 24, 1800. fluffs XVIi. - : [ JCP The price of this Gazette is Eight NICKLIN AND GRIFFITH I DANCING. I ah elegant I Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing have for sale _ COUNTRY SEAT /S*. in the city of Poilatlelpbia. All others pay 10 small chests of Ginghams, ""v on brard Mr. FRANCIS 1 lie if?'** IStf* / one Dollar additional, for enclosing arid di- 4 ditto of colored Moflintu, j the ftip op tue new i hmtri, aN Saturday the .fttf March next it seven r ° " wn Lands in WITH NOTES MOKE PROOFS Witt be offered for sale, at the Merchants Santipoor Handkerchiefs. Franklin County, State of Penny lvmi:a : Preceding the work, fliewmg how, by means of «**»« wtoac* of Coffee House in this city, between the The foregoing will be fold very low* order to HTHAT they conic forward and pay their 'he Tables, to afcertaui the Bifccvnt, aT S£VEN Dr. Church's Couvh DrOpS. hours of six and eight »n the evening of close fahs. r»fpeftive Taxes, (is there is H ijumb'-r I'EK CENT, recltfinir, citlser 360 Saturday the tvjenty-stcond ef March "*■*o, of yean m «hie) to PATRICK CAMP- Br r ' tu T«r—explained b; A MeWkinc eiwqaslUd by any other in the 1 next. A FEW PACKAGES OF BELL, Esq. Treaforer for laid Gounty—lf a „ A ,v„ „„ ~ «'» ru w t W ' Cn « c fl f dlfc , overed b J D °3or Church ; ln tbe CoUKt of QLYNN and State of German Golds, do not, we will be obliged to proceed ft.wing the mode of calculation on ' the Suitabi* to the Weft India Market; *0 mke sale ot them agreeably to law. likewise, Consumptive that were ever Lnaw.i to exill both A of 1000 acres. Received by the Fair American from Hamburgh. James Irvin, The ready way to ufc thi. Tables for any nutabor ia Europe, America and the Well Indies,and of. ~000 I'■« «t 1 (.jnfl .ence rf Frederica Oflobcr it John Hallidav, ICom'rs. of D«ys exceeding sixty-sour. ten when every other medicine had been used aua i urtie river., and head of St. Si- ■! Nathan M'Dowel, J To all which is added, the principles of compjsta- wi I thout and the most eminent of the fa- ra . on s lound » near th « town of BruLf ro BE SOLD BY Commissioner's office, ~) tio« of the various exchanges between each '"I'T ">n f "lted in vain. It is a Sovereign, speedy . " ' L .' c ' . JZSSE iSf ROUURt waln. Chambersburgh, Jan. , , 80. ( iaw.m ftite refpeaively, and between all these "d effeflual remedy in 000 Acre, on the waters of the pr«at and • /MID .ixr ■ ■ ,'LU j - amocrsourgo, jan. 1, itfo*. lawful. and London and Paris, at differtat Head Aches Sore Throats little Satilla rivers, and of Bbfialoc Old Port Wine, !n ptprt, hhds. and qr. calks, New-Tork, February ty. rates of Excha.g. Catarrh. Wheezing. creefc - Also Landing at their Wharf Br IQHJJ HOWT KTT Shortness of breath Congealed Fhlerat 4 *,OOO Near the above described trails. From on board the Ihip Edward from Lilfeon. United Slates, ? Aeccmbtant, Bank of North-Amnca Sickling, in the throat Spitting of blood ?s''°°° dcftrib S d ~ racu - . t• n -\jt- • 1 n Pennsylvania District. C . J America. Tightness in the chest Soreness of the bread & sßo,ooo Acres on the waters of the great Sa- Lilb«n VVlne, in pipes and qr. calks. ' In conformity to the a& of the Congress Hooping Cough Stomach, &c. &c. tilla and Alatahama. June J5 5 ; . of the United States, intituled •• Aa ASTHMAS fir PfIMSTTMBTinvc »47.000 Acre, on the fame waters. Notice IS hereby Given, A& for the encouragement of Learn- . a „ ,5,° N 0 SU ?? PTI ° ¥ NS . S O,OOO Acres on the waters of the E r U Sx- ROSS AND SIMSON, T HAT in P urfu "" of a w "t to medireaed h ? f "" ri "8 th ecopies of Map,, "Vf"f fu c ffi cl of of" U " a ' HATE for SALE, from the hon. Richard Peters, Judge ol the Charts and Books to the Authors a ß d #u fand attested crfeiof cure mav be a 1 j , c n- n . Dift " A Court of Pen, .fylvania, will be exposed to of fuck co P U. during the } Alatamaha rivers and creok. 3000 pieces Ifl and id quality Ruflia Duck, sale pt No. 49. North Third Street, in the Cify of ... thoreta m.ntiooed." P AFFIDAVIT 60,000 Near the above described tracts, xoo pieces Ravens Duck (superior) Philadelphia, on Monday the 14th day of Fehru- (Signed) D.CALDWELL, AFFIDAVIT.. In the S'lte of VIRO'Nr A r , "-'f'-t c„S«S , Cteri Difiria./ Ptmfyhatuo. £££2 f. IXn.y A few bales Bengal > urrviurTvw 1 an d January 31. iaw4w; William M'C!o«(;han resident of Gibb'. alley, fide. 1 f Green Briar river fuhierr r« ,loobuf"refaid, deceased ; all p fr l ™ dch£ "I 7 V T " Road ! « d i"gfrom .he Warm S™ J ' ' NOTICE, sons having claims ajainft the laid deceased, are rSnof 'X . = da J k t,mC U ° al,l V o,,ttenJ to Staunton, subject as a forefaid so O Y Direction of the Commtfonerj of Lyco- _ hereby warned to exhibit the l ime with the waflrd awiv L Tarce'aMe^^?,' 1 "l| d Joo ° icr « I" " )r surveys . m '"g C'xinty, atiendsat < hiladelphia tar«- 4 LL per sons indebted to the estate of Tbouas T °uehers thereof to the fubferiher on or before that he had tried the Ikill of many refr,enable L 4?»®oo Acres in the county of Randolph, on ewe the - axes affefied upon unseated Lands in i\ lare of Soathwark, deceased, are the: 14th day of August next—they may other- dical men, and ha. expended a vcrv confutable Buchanan river, subject as aforefaid that County, lrom the hoiders thereof, mthi. aro requested to make immediate payment to the «"fe by law be excluded from all benefit of the sum of money, and hai taken a great deal of me to 4588 acres prior surveys. I City. Those who Jiave filed with the Lom- ftufenbert, and thoff who have any dainend. v.iven under my hand this a 7 th of j dicines without efT t a. That at lafl he despaired i o ' ooo Acre, in the county of Bath, on the mifiloners, flatcmer.rß of their Lands, are re- agamft the fald -flute arc rtquofted .0 furniih their January, one thoufat.d eight hundred. Jof cvergetting cured, till h,, through recommon- taft fide of Calf Pasture ri .er, subject oueited to call upon him, to know tUc amount accounts for fetttement. inHM r-rrurki si ■-n 1 ,„„i,n- ,i. u- 1 j r " com " lon - at J 1 of Taxes thereon and d-v them ■ otherwifr b« sir \m U'TrqnM jj • , JOHN GILPIN, Admmijlrator. 1 ™ tlnn > took Dr. Ckureh s coi.gh drops, from as aforefaid to j 000 acres prior lur ot laxestrereon.vtcpay tnem , otnerwilr, be- hARAH ILSON. Administratrix. January 10. ' wh,c " he found very present relief, and l.r perse- *eys. el Vi 7 a- ?Ut into JOEL W. WILSON, Administrator. - In PENNSYLVANIA blyto the la coun" y S.°andfev". N °' touthwjrk ' LANCASTER STAGES. orhf.'d o iK'fio n j hli,h!ld B ° retUra ° r symptom 60,000 Acre ' in cou.ty, fur- Theft# who have hoc filed Aatemealt of thcii A « ,t,, T > T a »/r l o xe 3 cc ; returned. lands with ihe Commissioners, and are deGruus 8111 C K lAR LE, nHHE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and I an- • ? „ JS CLOUGHAN. •< >-°o Acre.in Northumberland county, fu> of having it done, to prevent sales without pre Sufficiently large to contain uiie Horse.. i- caller line of Stages DISPATCH re'urn -heir iwor " t0 ' c f° r4 '" s 2 9th veyedand returned. viaus perfor.al Notice, mav file with the above ALSO, grateful thanks to their friends,and the public in M^'lJ 99- 4 °' 4&o Acr " ! »county, surveyed and Treasurer, their lifts, llatiog the quantities re- For Sale or to Let. general, for the pafl favor, they have received,and Jacob De Lc Montagnie, Alderman. *;• rfif yf o be relurEcd. turned,, number ind dates of the warrants and A New FRAVF rAnnTAft«'um,ien inform them that in addition t<( the regular Line, * 9 For the greater part of the ptirehafe «am«i» of the warrantee., under which they Nov , . ' " ' ac P'oviced with Carriages, sober and careful Cobv of a Letter frnn, ,»ht U money a liberal credit will be allowed tie pur hold their lands. He will attend at Mr. Joseph drivers, to go through between the City and n ' Henry. chafer., giving unquestionable fectirity. Hsrdy's No. 98, Market Ureet for this purpose THE UNDK NF I) Borough m two days. Thofa who prefer this mode Person. wilhttig particular information will unlit the 18th instant UAmLKinrNRD, ofgravelling can be Micommodated at the Stage In the year 95, I had the nii.fortune to break pleafc to apply .f No ar Arl-h k November 9 . TTIS Swedish Majesty's Consul General, and au- " fhcc ' 01 Un 't«d States Eagls, Market flreet, a hlnod vcffel . which was fuccceded by a feveie the patents and drafts ' and also c'ertffinT f nthonzed/to tranf.a the Consular Bufmeh, Philadelphia. cn.pl.in, on my lungs, cough, shortness cf breath the qwalitYofthe r °J Twenty Dollars Reward. SutM . ,7. . T * "-*»■ t «~» THOMAS P.TZSIMONS, RThat in.Uilicnce t. recent «„ ivci CITY OF- VTASHINBTON leSmUH S.S™' inches high, ha; a blemilh in hi. eyes, more white om an Y P°rt m the said State., to call upor him THE POSSESSORS body and exccedincrlv wnV f'cd in - e ._. acres ant ) nn - t i,: r j t - . ' in them than common, by trade a Fvrge man; had or 'I 1 ® V ' ce Consul in order to be granted such OBLIGATIONS or CERTIFICATES Giro- tifom'ents in the nubile na-'er« Ce '-f' )'? UT vj-r on rr ,., n . w ■ 1. " c ° 38,6 on and took with him a drab coloured broad eloth Certificates for their Cargoes, which the exigency ed by the fabfcriKei, for undivided Shares or fummcr, I commenced takire vo'ur iufllv'r l'ilt !i m V 1' v" 1 Kentucky, coat, almost new, a sailors jacket and pantaloons of the fiate of the Neutral Commerce and the fe- Lots on hit purchase withii the cky of Waihing. Ctui;h Drops whi-h I D erfever«H in\h » the North Fork, within four miles of printed fancy cord, a lwanfdown striped under T":' 1 D " r "» of Belligerent Powen, render ton, who have not yet applied for and received for sometime'- I have now the hanninJf. r ■ J unftlon w,th tile Middle Eork of Ken acketj a rorum hat; one fine and one coarse and, that any Miller of their Deeds, are hereby notified, that their several forming you my lungs are .cr'ellv fm.nrf •li t l| fky river—this tratf was ftirveved in lliirt' one muslin handkerchief, sprigged, two vefTcl, belonging to the rcfpesive nations, or na- Titleswill be duly completed to the order of those no IhortneA nf hr , = P"-,eaiy found ; I have .' . . ,Vl "/ " ditto striped border, a blue acket ander the p:oteclion of their flags, in who in eonformity wCth" the tertn, of .h fa d Cct Mood ;my ' Kas above dfretd ' 8P " and two peir cotton docking,. Whoever takes up to take such certificate,, will penally tificates, do make tbe Payment, in full therefor, morni^T^ no time lam Sir ? fei4 negro and lodges him m any jail m this or any "and r*Jpoßfible for the consequences. either to Thomas M*Eium & Co. or to the December 1700 ' the 31ft d«y of May next. ' cZj ZV ' for the JOHN BRIEN. Samuel Blodget. New-Vork, April 3, .799. CURE OF CORNS. Spring Forge, oaober 13,1799. Thirty Dollars Reward. December 17 __ N. B. A. said negro formsrly lived in Chester _ BOONETON IRON WORK New Tori, July lOjH 7 g 2 . Infallible German Com Plaister. tonnty, it is probable he may return there. « ni»T?PTi:n llvvyiN W VJKivo. r r IXn puT T „rr T T k- r,, ■« . vr 1 the Marine Barracks on the night of the Tn nP 0/5 r n Sir » Ccian . wh o adminiflered it :.i Germany upwatT.« y vTTV nni I auc l\\EN.\ DOLLARS REWARD. townof Bedford, Weft Chester county and ftata 0R '- KASrn F °R e*F. YEAR—THAT under a severe coagh, Ihortnefs of breath fnittinu- for the cnrt of If will effeAaally eradicate of New-\ork, aged »» ye.r., -9 months, 5 feet Valuable Estate, of matter from my lungs, and often clo'te i blood rcot branch in a Ihort time. RAN AWAY OH Saturday evening the 13th * an < l * : h jß l W'yey" (longqued) jr NOWN by the name of the Booneton Iron at lcß S th 1w " so redu « d a ' to be unable to [ lrice 5° July instant, from CoJebrook Furnace, . tJ bT W °'K (itnate in the county of Morri.ia the W f alk «rof» «y room, and owing to the violence Prepared by Dodnr James Church, at hi, Dif- Lancaster county, a Negro Man named Cato, '' l 'c Town ! ,V 'T" 1 \ Cy ' cou " h al,d «»ortnef, of breath coula get no penfary. No. 137, J ,ont fireet, near the FV mar he .0 about 4 o years of age, five feet fix or fe- Stc ? l ™ " Town, near Aftwy the »jth of four fire., a Rolling and Slitting Mill, a Grift mill or night. Hearing of your cftellei n»; ket, New York. >■ ven inches high, tolerable black, with a down round cloth 1H look, squints, he is a cunning artful fellow, , th a few whir* waifl P f' onler and now in use, together with an excellent, took a dofc as fo»n a*. 1 got it, from which I found ftrcet, Philadelphia. ' * -«° nd agrcar liar, and very fond of strong liquor, .-i-.l' . '" coats ' a ] on K large, convenient house, with out hoafes of " ,flama neou>. rebeT, and by continuing it for three has been brought up to the farming bufinels, is chocolate coloured »re.r j■ u «*' t evcr y kind i » m ong which are an Ice house, and ,V ess God lam re ' to " d to p-rfe3 health. qL n j ■very handy ««t any kind ot laboring work ;he hair nlnfh a fnrr L'Ulf Wlt h stone milk house, with a aemarkable fine spring in be ' lcve . y°u have been the inftrumeut in the Cents Rpivat'd. *o«k with him a number of clothing, amongst watches one i middle ii/e The'nVh" r u' ' l ' a larße Garden > and an excellent eollefliou of ' lands of Providence, by saving my life, I must whid, were, one le.it plain Nankeen; (some m lyUmW? on 1 1 lar ? e Qr^d . « d *joo acres of wood, you to pubhft this for the benefit ol any OUN away from the Suhfcriber on the evenin„ monfy). It i. expe•» um a ■ | mw " ?BW|f fe • ' : .. ~ • Vv . _ % H-? it.-* •: