Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, February 21, 1800, Image 4

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    - f>
Dy Wiu Y. EIHCtT, Siacjontj-, N T o. 17
South ovcunJ Street,
Dw. II \ VfiLTON's
, cnuine Essence and Extraß. oj
A «AIK AM) I f J CTV.U. r.V.MK.rV
Fdr acute and chrome rheuraitilni, gout paf>:
lumbago, numbneC., whitcfwellings, chilblain!
fpraius, biuifes, painl in the face and neck
&c. &c.
The experience of many and tl.e tcPn
mony of the medical prddliuoners, iron
an early period to the prelent time-, agree ir
afcriblrig to mustard, every p»we.ful and fixgu
l«r virtue—in every cafe where the ncceffl.y oi
Simulating reme'lies are indicated, while th(
inflammatory HSte of the system forbidsthe_ufi
ot medicines of a heating quality, muftird 11
eminently ufcful, and valtly l'uperior to any
Other drug . ,
The ellence and extraft of milliard contain
the whnle virtues of the plant concentrated in
a small c«mpafa, en'ircly diverted o( that acri
mony which renders in external application so
inconvenient in a erud; state, likewise reje&ing
those inert and ufekft parts which compose the
«kief of its bulk, and reader the necessary dose
so laige as to he extiemely naufcating to the
stomach, bywhi h means every inconvenience
is obviated in these medicines.
This valuable remedy is prepared both in a
fluid flaie and in pills, and thus excellently
adapted for external and internal use- t
The pills operate mildly by urine and by in
featible perlpiration, expelling the fnperti'OUl
and morbid humours; they are hisrhlv tdrdial
to the ftomacfc, create appetite, affilt digellioti,
reirio\'ic2 flyi"K pains, and cold or windy com
plaints in the stomach and buwtls.
The t(fence is a wonde'ful affiflant to the
pills in iheurtiatifra, gout, lumbago and pally,
ami by its peculiar penetrating aid di:penfi«g
quality, removes the most violent iprains,
bruises, nun l ness, (liffhefs ol the neck, joints.
&c. swelled faces, head ache, indurated breafls,
white swellings, t'roz 11 limhs, ftc. and will in
damp in the Itet.
Many persons have been much difapp' tnted
by purchsfine medicines under the name of
£(Tence of'MulUrd, which have no analogy
whatever to this remedy; some of these prepa
ration! arepcrle<flly inert, others produce the
moii violent aiid dangerous iffe&s, and are
qiuch to be guarded agaia'.t.
Stlefted from a numerous lift.
Frem Capt. Dowers, Arab-street, Pbiladtl.
Dear SIH,
As you think it will be ufcful, you are nt
liberty to pubiifh my teltimony in favor of
Hamilton's Efleace and Extract of Mullard.
I have been about four years much affli Acd
Tiith the rKeamatifta in ,ny shoulders, and
sometimes so violently affe&ed as to prevent
me from moving my arms, and I was never
fiee from severe p-iin in foine p.irt or other.
—I have been .<t much expence, and tried a
good deal of medicine to no purpose ; I
pordhafed a bottle of drops, advertised under
a title similar to your medicine, but expe
rienced the moftrxcrutiating smart from its
application, which obliged me to desist.
At length I was idvifcd by Dr. to try
Hamilton's Eflence and Extraftof Mustard,
from w'nVn I found immediate relief, and
t>y the use of three boxes and two bottles, I
hav« reeorered a state of perfcft health and
flrength—l (Hall take a good supply to sea,
and never be without so valuable a medicine
in my poffeflior..
I am, Stc.
M-. henry Reese, Butebir, proprietor of
No. 24. Ccntrt Market-I'tuse, Baltimore.
About two months ago, your valuable
medicine proved of fingolar service to me,
J was net able to move from my room for
upwards ps a fortnight, with a rhrumtif.ll or
rheumatic gout, in ir.y left foot and ancle 5
»hen Dr. Buchanan recommended the Ef
tince of Mustard, as the medicsne to
be depended on, and direfted me where to
procure it, and by using less than a quartir
of a bottle and a few of the Pills, I wai able
to ride to market next day, and have been
perfectly free from my complaint ever since.
January 4, i?®6«
Mrs. Mary M'Crea, wife of Mr. George
M'Cica, grocer, Bond-street, Fell's Point,
was perfectly cured (by persevering in the
jfe of Hamilton's EfTence and Extraft of
Mustard) of a rheumatic complaint of eleven
ysais Ending. Yhe greatest part of lafV
winter lhe was unable to dress or undress
without ass.stance, (lie had the best medical
advice both in Europe and America without
frcm Mr. Charles Wil/ett, flaiiterer, Plait
Mrttt, Baltimore.
I lend yem the particulars of my cure by
Hamilton's EfTtnce and Extraft of Muflard,
that yoa may make it known for the benefit
of others. About two months ago I strain
ed my right kcee so violently by a fall that
I was unable to walk without a crutch. I
tried Britilh oil, Opodeldoc and other nicdi
«'rtes, but grew eonfiderably woife, and the
part became inflamed and swelled to a con
fjderable degree, when I was recommended
to the Essence of Mustard, and by using two
hottles I was able to waJk in less than a
wrek, and im now as hearty as ever.
Dee. io.
WHICH tbe inventor confidently recommends
as an invaluable medicine for the speedy relief, and
cum. sent cure of various complains which relult
from difiipated pleasures—juvenile indirections—
tefUetiee in climatesunfavorable to the sonflitution
the immoderate use of tea, frequent intoxication,
nr '.ay oth'r deftrwilive intemperance—the uufkil
ful or exctffive use of Mercury—ths disease pecu
!,ar vofcnralcs'au«r«i» pcrisdef ISIt, b*d lying*
Ar.d is proved ly Jong txj.ei ' to be
In the cutc of nervous dilorders, consumptions,
iovrneftr of lw'.» of appetite, impuiity
the blood, hyiirricil -iT inward weak
, neflcs, violent cramp# in the itomaih aRd ba'ik :
indigestion, meUr.clioly, g~ut m the Mom.uh
pain>» in the limbs, relaxation*, involuntar)
emiflions, ieminal obllinate glecti
fluor ali us, (or whites J mpotency, barrenncf'
&c. Jkc,
This'rrmli itaewptec/tflly difiirciit in its q««-
litin vM op^riiK'H'fr«iii rt*ol e hot aim if rit*t
ings <hug» lb trojuently tor flioiUr
pttrpoKt, and whkh ©»»J>*r<to«taitto<i th«n
fcjr iherf*"ger«u» ripidiijr o« tfc»ir *#<<£»,
*nd aifltfr.g, v % H&fP"?"'? „ b "' 7
gimqlaroit rise nefvout fyfctn, infallibly'prcr
doc« ieditrr <;viii*Ui*nik«fethey we mica ed
to remove . ,
The principal operation of this rerr.edy i« >»
the ftonucb, reftt.ring the digs ftiv* powers, and
fending from that organ nek health and vigor
into every pirt of the system ; it enriches anc
purifies the blood withaut it, brace
without Himulating too violently the uervouk
fyflem | flrengthen* the secretory veffd* and
general hafcit; brings back the tnufcu'ar fibres
to their natural and healthy tone, and nettores
that nutrition which immoderate evacuatiorit 1 '
have destroyed, and whose lols had thrown lli£
whole frame into languor and debility.
The restorative it abfoiutely above all recom
mendation in lemoving thale weakneffca and
infirmities with which many femal » are iuflitf
ed, the consequences of difficult and painful la
bor», or of injudicious treatment therein.
The moil obstinate seminal gleets, and-the
molt diftrelEng cases «f fluor albjs in females,
fall paiticularly under the province of tli» retto.
rativc, speedily yield to it* benign operation,
and are radically cured, by corre&ing and pu
rifyirg the acrimonious humours restoring a
proper degree of tension to the rclajyd fibres,
ftrei>gthenir,g the weakened organs.
In cases »f extremity where the long pre»a
lence and ob'ftinacy of disease has brought on a
general impoverifhtntnt ot the iyftem, exccflive
debility of the whole frame, and a waiting ol
the flefh, which no nourifcment or cordial could
repair— a pwfeverance in the use of this medi
cine has performed the raoft astonishing cures.
T he grand restorative is pr»pared in pills as
well as in a fluid form, which afliMi Contidera
bly in prodcing * gradual and lasting effeiV— ■
Their virtues remain unimpaired for in
any climate.
. Perf >ns wilhing to procure any of the above
medicires genuine, must apply only as above
—and likewise observe that the Cgnature of
LBE & Co. (the general agents for the United
States) is patted on the oaifide of each, without
which they cannot be genuine.
At the above place may likewiitf be had Ha
milton's jullly celebrated Worta L«'fc#g<s» tht
infallible Itch Oimnient, Dr. Leroux's Indian
Vegetable Specific for Venereal Complaint*,
Ague and Fever Drops, vrhich Htft never fa-.l
ed cfiff&iAg a cure, Hahn's Antt bilious I*ills,
Ditto Com PiaiAer, the Perfiau Lotion for th*
face and Jkin, Cowland'i Lotion, Church's
Cough Drop*, Anderfon's Pill».
Take Notice,
' pHAT the co-partnerlhip of :he Subscribers
JL heretofore trading nnJer the firm of WiP
ter. Price and Wifter, is (his day dissolved by
mutaal con Pent. All perfiins who have any de
mands spainftthe said firm, aredeSrcd to bring
them in for lettlement. and thjfc who are ir.
debted thereto above fix months, are rcquefV
to make immediate payment to
N B Tit* kufioafc in future will be carrUJ on
Jan. aeder the firm of WILLIAM JOHN Wl!»
TER, jta. who h*»« un haad as aflbrtmeni of dry
United States, | j-
Penujj'.vania Distriet. )
BY virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas, tc
me diie&ed, iffxd out of the circuit court
of the United States, in and fur the Pennfflva
niaDiitrifl, of the middle circuit, will be Cold
by public vendue at the city uvern, in Second
street, in the oity of Philadelphia ou Monday
the t7th day of March nexf", at 6 o'clock in
the evening, all that certain tract or parcel #f
land, fituaie, lying and being ou the river er
creek, called T.ackawaxen, in the county of
Wayne, containing 8000 acres and upwards ;
on which are erected a mefluage, stables and
Uwraill, with the appurtenances. —The names
of the original warrantees of die said tract or
parcel of land were as follows.
Mordeeai Roberts,
Stopbel Medera,
Zachariab Ferris,
George Til/,
Thomas Wiggins,
George Morton,
George Street»n,
Friend Streelon,
John Olipbant,
Seised taken in execution as the property
of Robert Letlis Hooker, dtteafed.
JOHN HALL, Marshal.
N. B. A reasonable credit will be given.
Marfh»l'« Office, )
Philadelphia, Jan. 4. j
* 'Tbejt two traii 1 J* not eontain the full
quantity of ths orignal warrants } fat I of tbttn
hating teen tonneyd atuaj.
The nervous, debilitated, or fede tary. whole dit
eafes have in a great measure baffled the
powers of medicine, would do
wall in making trial of
The American Botanical Tea,
which need only to be talten to acquire universal
approbation ; not only fcr its balsamic and restor
ative properties, in all ueeays from age, intemper
ante or difcafe; and ; n preserving a good consti
tution and mending : bad one, but for its claims
to public favor, at a pleasant and wholfome break*
fall; which will be lound infinitely superior to
Foreign Tea. Artifls and others wbofe profef
fiont require a fteai'.y hand, will find great relief
from the use of this vegetable diet, but pariicu
larly those who lead a sedentary life
A package at 75 cents will last oae person for
breakfaft, nearly one month.
It is fold wholesale and retail only by the in
ventor and sole proprietor, Dr. JamesCr.urcb, 137
Front tlreet, New York; Meflrs. H. and Rice,
16 loath Second ftrcet, Philadelphia; and Mr.
Rice, Baltimore.
V ' V
fNDEIVTED to the Eft»te ot Johm WH4R-
I ton, late of .he City of Ph.ladelplua Mer
chant, are requeued to pay .he fame,
and thofc having-demands iga.nft h.J
produce their accounts legally aliened to
Act*? Executor, No. m, Spruce street.
November it. '
AIX Mrfoni md*b?e.» to the EAate: ofCAP
rtiftr, diceafe/i sre requeued t« nt»Ve
rktmftit to &«■ fr^rihcn; and those wh» hart
4y- demand, asminft tbs saM rl»«te are .eqaeftc
to furnifli thc>r aco.«int» for fettlrment to
' THOMA S M-EUEN.S tJMcmor "
Jpnuary 13, 1800.
OF Unseated Land* in Weftmorelasd county,
Penufyl»a»«, are hereby notified, that wii
»ef. tl* Tans due on said land# for 1798- «" P ald
into the h*odi of Jain Brandon, Kfy- treasurer o
said touaty. OD or before the 10th of April next,
they will be advertised for sale, ai the law dirc£U
January IS.
John Till,
Gco-ge Warton,
Benjamin Hanceci,
Edtvatd Welstedy
James Thompson,
Joseph Whitehead,
Patrick Connolly,
Tbomct Griffy, } ,
William Hailert. 3
Horses to Winter.
T TORSES will be taken to winter at PrtfptS
i X }liU, aL the li miiei (lone on the Briflol
Road, whereth.y will hare good Timothy and
Cio*-r Hay, well littered and cleaned and a field
to run in the woather i> good.
0- of Mr. William Bell Merchant, or
on the prennfr*.
N.JS Will not b« answerable for accident# or
rfcap*, but n-illtake every pracautiou to prevent
NoTtmher i»
A.'arch n th, I7fj.
Pursuant to the ait of Congress passed on the
ifl day of Jwfce, one thoi'fand, k*e» hun
dred and n.f.etyfix, entitled "an acT regulit
ing the frattti of land ipprepriited for mili
tary lirvicai, atid for the society of United
Brethren lor propagating the gospel among
the Henhcu and the a& fypplememary to
thefaid recited passed on the I'ecend day of
March, f«e ttonfand seven hu*dred andnine
tynio*—-/« wit:
7 I.
THAT thetra<ft of Land herein after de
fended, namely," beginning at the North Weit
corner of tl< teres ranj;t» of townfliip«, and
running thence fifty mile* due l'outh, along the
weftery boundary ot the ft ri'gej ; —Jlicnce
due Weft to the Main Brjnch of the Scioto ri
ver ; thence up the Main Branch of the laid ri
ver ta the place nhcre the Indian boundary line
crosses rfie lame i —thence along.the laid boun
dary hue to the Tufcatoras branch of tilt Muf
kingum river at the croffinjr p!iceabcve Fort
Livence ; thence doiJti the laid river, to the
poiit where a line run due weft fioni the place
of befhiiiinp, wilt Interfedl the said river;
thence along the irae lb run to th* place of be
(•tntiini: hat been divided into tovcnfbip* of
£vc miics I qua re, and fractional parti of town
ibi]>» i and th>t plata £nd I'urvi.ys of th* laid
townftiipt and frailional parts of townships are
dtpofited in the offices of the Regiflcr of the
Ti'ealury and Surveyor (Jenoral, for the infptc
tion of all perfom concerned.
The holder* of sucH in mats 11 have been
nr Qiall be granted for military l'ervice« perform
ed during the late war, are required to prcfent
the fame to the Register of the Treal'ury, at
some time prior to the twelfth day of Febtoary
in the year, one thousand eight huadrcd, for
the purpose of being registered ; No registry
will however be made of any ess qi>ant : ty thai
a quarter townllip, or tour tboufand acrei.
Th« priority us location of the warrants which
may be presented and pejifterad in manner afore
faid t prior to the i»th day of February in the
year one thjufund eight hundred, wiH immediate
ly after the said day, be determined by kit, is the
mode dtefcribed by the &A firft recited.
yhe haUais ef rcgUlertd tiarj*nu, Dull o«
Monday'nie ayafc 4ay «f February, in the year
iSoo.i ti the Order of which tbc priority el locati
on (hall be determined by lot ai aforefaid, pefon
ally, or by thtir agents, defigaate in « rating at the
uiScc of the Regifler of the Trcafury, the partiou
lar quarter towntkips defied by tharrt refpeAlvely,
and fUck of tbc said holders at (hall not Jefignatr
theh location* on the said day, (hall be postponed
i A locating fuck warrants to ail other hsldcis ef
rcgiftercd warrant!.
The holders of warrants for military services
fufficient to cover one or more quarter townships
»r traits of four thousand acres each; ihall, at any
time after Monday the 17th day of February, 1800
and prior to the firft day 01 January, 1802, be al
lowed to register (he said warrants in manner a.
iorefaid, and forthwith to make locations therefor
on any trad or ttadls of land not before located.
AU warrant! or claims for lands on account of
military fcrvitai, which flialluotbe rrgiftered and
located b«fore the firft day of January, 1801, are by
the supplementary ad of herein before
recitid, passed on the fccond day of March, 1799,
Jc dared to be forever barred.
Gives under my hand at Philadelphia, the
day and year above mentioned.
TREASURY DEPARTMENT Church's celebrated E\e Salve.
T..„ *y 2 9 1 799* | For fever*! years univerfailj acknowledged as
HE proprietors ol certificate* ifltied for sub- a certain and infallible cure fpr inflaninwiou-.,
• u P' lons '° Loan bearing inteKett at dimneft, drytu-fs, blights, itchmgs, and films lu
tight j»er centum per annum, are notified, that tke eyes, proceeding lrom natural w saknels, or
at any time after payment (hall have made f r °m accidents, such at dull, lime, or any
of the sth inftalKient, which will become due thing eife being thrown into the eyes. It is ad
durinK the firft ten days of the month of July i niirable ir. natural wcaknefs of fight, in dcfluai
enfning, Certifica»e« of Funded Stock may at M " °f rheum, and for all ;.ilmc*is in tho eyes as.
their option be obtained at the Treasury or Loan tcr the small pox, meJ.-i and fevers; it is fingu-
Offices, refpedlively, for the amount of the four ' ar 'y ' carrying off all watery and
firtt inftalßiwits, or one moiety of the sums ex- Brolli8 rolli humoul> *• all< i {lengthening the fight
prefledinthe fubl'eiiption certificates: N« cer- In ," lt>rt ' t ' lere no dife»fe to-.vf.ich the eye is
tificates of Funded Suck will however be iftued but k'.ye >» "ot a foyereiijn remedy :
for tell than one hundred dollars. Y hundreds have experienced its < ffi.acy whan
Such fubfeription certificates as may be pre- t ' le & riaß K er toGwg their fight,
ented at the Trnfury or Loan Offices in con- [Price 75 cents.]
eqkerne of the foregoing arrangement, will be Pr; par«<i only by the inventor and fo'e propri
nroiled and diftindUy marked so as to denote ! tt ' r ' i)r- J amc * Chur»h, at his dTpei fary, 137
that a moety of the flock has been ilTued. ' Fro;it !lreet ' llcar tlie F, >' York j anil
OLIVER 5 s , 1 ?. a:,tl l> « R - ca ' 16 Sterna
e s. 1 *+* , FhiUdcJphu, J
Sctrtfrry of tbt Tttasurj. February i J#
For property in tke City, or u iiitn thirty
miles t)f it,
A PLANTATION or tratf "f Land in
Mifflin County and S'ate Pecnfylva
r.ia, within fix miles of the ri»cr Jmmta, con
taining ab»*r jrp acre». There *re about filly
acrci Cleared, parr of which it a ruh b.<tom,
watered by #rou(Unt Hream <Ut is ftreng
m 101.rh to work an oil or a grill Hull _ Any
.wrC irttlim: R deal f-r it, may o&iain fur
' rto«r mfnrn ation by Jpp'ymg it the cue o
\ •- \
chi i parr re'. ... r
N. li. If ToKJ, credit wiK be givch tor part
of ' ne r?.o»»ty.
Valuable Property fo>Sale,
(o CVcfhwt, utir Sixth fticet, .lUfS'j
CeNUßiis WALL.
A LOTos ground,about »l feet front in Chff
XX rut flreet and 73 feet;» depth, wUtreoo is»
rood frame fcuufe, now in the t«i:«rt df Samu.-I
Benge ful'j:ift to a ground rrnt of »o«. per annum
TV. ad»«nt»jreoui fitultio* of thi» property re
quire* no for it »»ft beknqwn, '"'re
are few in thi» thy to equal H, m unettvptiooable
title will be made to the purcbafer. Afply to
'T'HIS Tea is nuivcrfally approved of in prefer
euce to foreign tea, as the mod plcafant,
wliolcfome, enlivening, invigorating, and power-
M restorative £V*r adopted, for perf.. as of all ages,
bat particularly thofc of the above dafcriptijn; as
it will infallibly firengthen, and eventually
a bad conAitution.
It if taken for breakfaft instead of foreign tea,
and as our firft aliaielit in the morning is dcGgned
to recruit the wafteof the body fr«ro the night'#
insensible peifpiratiou; it it well known, and an
impurtant f»<st which ought to be borne en the
mind of every one, that foreign teas are inadc
quate to such purposes, as all will allow j it un
nerves and wears the fubftauc* cf the fo'.ids This
fubftitate is profeffionaliy approved as a falutiry
and naurilhing diet, or as a morning and afternoon
it Gngularly efficacious in all cafuaof inwird wtak
nef», trembling or ihakiag of th? hands, los» of ap
petit#, (particularly in thi morning) depreffisn of
spirits, windy eomplaints. It fpeediiy iclieves t'»e
head and ftt.mach in gouty or rheumatic cases; anJ
in cases of weak (ligei'tstiu, but particularly alter
waking too free with the constitution, by an tin
modems use of wine, fpiritous liq nan, or any in
temperance; it it happily suited to hot ilimjt s,
and is adopted and approved of by fomc ul the Qi ft
families in the United Sutet and in the Weft In
dict, f#r hi nouiifbing and invigorating proper
ties ; and ii: bilious e al.-.s where the appetite has
(ailed, it i- a fovcrcign remedy.
As proofs of the rvil tendency fr oi tk. u(j of
forcig* teas, it ful'jomed the epiniaut ol some oi
lh« lirft jihyficiantiii Europe.
" The cetfe of the p*lf)r if drinking too much
tea; many tcu h.-» no ill effect ui>on the
thi« hov»c»c.r i> a m, flake: it fStSLk th«
nerves, which ii evident (rem it« caufmg the h;>n»!»
to Jhake, preventing flc.'p, eccafioiiing gidJin«f»,
dimncfi oi fight, Uckucf", £cc.
«* Siror j infiifioni of India Tea, not onljrun
ocmi but deftroyi the bodily funitiom "
And ia another publication, Dr Hugh Smith
fays, •( Tea is hurtful both to the ftomaoh aud
S rves; it witf.s phrenfies, delirium, ap; oplcai.s,
and other difurders of the brain, which jrr pro.
duccd by the nerves being thus disarranged and
debilitated, the digestive faculty of th» ftumach is
much weakened, and the body failing ot the re
cruiting juices, n>ufi tend to emaciation and the
whole frani thus rendered one system of ciftref.
;nJ Infirmity **
Thi; justly celelirated Dr. Tillot fays, " This
fafhionable beverage, India Tea, is eitremely per
nicious, itdcftroyt the firength of the stomach
the vicera, the blood, the nerves, and eventual:) -
the whole b; dy."
Dr. Molieu lays, " In bilious complaints, tea ia
extremsly hurtful"
Dr. FothergilL " Tea is very offenfive to the
iungs, and impedes refpirstiou; it u therefore
highly for perform who have * difficulty
of bi •ithiug, or any complaint of the Inngs or
Dr Sauaaers fay*, (fee his Medical Mem )
" Indian tea renders m.i ioip*tent and women
barren; tuner we may account for tbe perfoos in
the highrr circles having lew children, and those
in general very ficbly and unhealthy."
I It is cheaper than India tea— olte packt at 75
cents, will lift one perloit for brcaklaft nearly one
month —canaifters containing eight packets, Ave
I Febiuary 15
Sec. vf tie Treasury.
<»>bfr 17, 1799
uo 198. Chcfutt <Wt, nc«t door to thf pr»
mirrch 5
J.JUid tf fartifM TtO.
For more accounts of this tea, fee the fetor,p
edition of Dr. Church's pamphlet
This botanical tea is ca'.caiatrd to prodicc the
contrary cffctHi, is the rtfult of long and indefa
tigable study a>-d experience, and by perfcveringly
adopting its wfe, Will be f. und to answer the c(-
fefls hariin mentioned.
V The celebrated BO TANICAL TEA is pre
pared oaly by Dr. J»n e« Church, at hi» Dispen
sary, No. 137 Front-Street, near the Fly-Market,
New York, and fold whokfale and retail, by
MtflVs. H. and V. Rice, south Second Street,
Philadelphia, and Mr. ja». Rice, Baltimore.
B ECi ? ' C,i * e fcf or «» •»'» S» and ,ht
pM. lic, t*> at lie fias commenced the buhn< It
<rf a BROKER, at h.i Olficc No, S 3 Do " k.
® reel, near the Bank of the Uni;tc] States*
where he buy, ami fells <.» Commission all kindi
of Pub ic Securities Storks, Notes, Sic & c
J an '4- di*3iw6 w
from tbe DQSTON Manufactory,
A SlUANiirr of
Of different size?,
for sai. i:
N. ft. J ny liie or furs that may be uan'ed cut
larger than tSbv 12 can be hadfrom manufafto.
ry, or bei'tg oidcrtd ; and a tenikm given tolorwaij
on ony vrd»r« that may be left ( u , (£* i -
Apply at No. 9, South V.'aier-rticet, as above.
ju'V « dif
ACQtMINTIiD with the Weft-India trad*.
Wifliei to he empl..yd as a Supercargo. He wilt
f t;a K e on moderate terms, rtcom
nil ndot 10,11 v, ilrbc produced;
A line -.liri'viU'd to A. li. I, ft at the Printing Of
%u will he aunded to.
December i a
tu th fa tf
About 25 acres of Land,
LAYIN X} on the tad fide of the Falls Road—
On rbc it i» Ictmded by property belong
ing to Mr. Tench Franein f»n —on the south, by
a road «f two perches and ou the north by a lane,
which feparatrs it from Mr. M'Call. It is propc
feJ to di»id« this Lnd into 3 equal paru in order
to suit the purchaser*.
Also, 31 aires, situated on the weft (Vc of
Gern aulown roid, adjoining Maftera's tit ate,
being part of tb« property of the late Samuel
For termi apply to Samuel Mifflin, corner of
Market «id nth ilrcets.
January 14. dlf.
""TMilSisto give yotiie that the ?übfcriber
1. h«tb obt*-ncd fromilie t /rpban't Coortof
C«cil conn y, in Vlacylaud, lette-«c f adminif on (lit pcrfr na! e«atc ol O.d
hm, late ot the ooi.nry aforefiid, dcccifcd.—
All peifons having clii«is agaiiill the laid de
ceal'cd, arehticiiy warned !o exhibir tht fame
with Ihe vouchers thereof to the Sbbfcriber, oa
or btfore the n.netctrith day of Oilobcr next,
they n\ay other*ifc by li* be excluded from all
benefit <>f the faitl ejlaie.
RICHARD OLDHAM, Jdminiflrator.
Jauuiry 30. uw6w.
Particularly pin pins blfttcheJ, tetters,ring
wrmi, tar, freckles, fun burm, ftinr
glel, ridr.cfs of the nose, neck or
aiiot, and prickly hear,
Are effrdually cured by the application of
The genuine Vegetable ■ Lotion,
This excellent remedy lias been adminidered bjr
the ir ventur, Itrfevcral while in England,
with the grcateft facctf* 13y tl.c simple applica
tion of*this fluid for a Aloft time, it will rtmuTS
the r.iofl rancornut and alarming fcuivyin ih«
face, which has foil# I every othr remedy. It
poQiffes all the good qualities ot the moll cde
hratcd cofinetict, without any ol their doubtful
tffr&t. He thcr fort reci mmenjs it with confi
dence to every person so uffiiited, at an tlti «cii/U»
and certain cure. ,
Prepared only hy the inventor nod sole proprie
tor, Dr. Jam t Chur«h, at hi" dlfpfcnfary, 13?
Front ftrcet. near the Fly market, New York; and
fold Wy Meflrs. H. ani P. Rice, I 6 leuth Seconi
ttrett, Philadelphia.
February 11
Palfjr, gout, lumbago, wh'te fwelling't, fpraißt,
bruiits, numbneft, chilt>lai"«, acute chronis
rheuinatifin, rheumatic gout, is recommended
Chemical ExtraEl and Ejfence of
- - , Mufiard
Prepared only by Dr. Jame* Ch«rck, art kit
Difpenfjrv, New-York.
There perhaps is no malady to which thehi>
iran frame it fuhjf<3, that hat had more appli
cations of various kinds adminillertd at reme
dies, than the Uheumatifm : nor it t hero scarce
a di fordcr that hit refilled with like force the at
tempts made to remove it.
The virtues of the Effirtice and Extra& of
Muftjrd, will be found to equal, if not exrel
those of any other mediciae whatever, in tnt
cure < f the above complaiDrs. Ihe following
is copied from the London Pharmacopis and >
the ouinionof the C liege of Phyficiass couctrn- *
j'g this valuable Drug.
" Mustard by its ncrim' ny and pungency l
ftimtilalet the solids, and attenuates vifod ju'«
Ci«, rnd henct is dcjlrvediy recommended tor
exciting appetite, promoting digelKon, enab
ling the fluid secretions j also paraljUe an
rheumatic j ffeflior.J."
These medicines contain all the virtues th. t
can pnfiibly be derived from that excellent an
powerful vegetable. The ElTence is P r , f F ir^ l
in a fluid slate, auil is Angularly effi-acioui
an external application ; conunon rhctj®*", *
Sprains, Chilblains, Stiff Neck*,fwe>le jo' >
Bruises, Frozen Feet, local pains in any P al
the body or extremities, Swelled FMe»,c '
ued hands, &c, will be found to yieit " ' .
nign influence in a few hours. lhe E*' r .
prepared in the form of pil!s,and bciM J _
nal ren;edy is an amazing addition* jwp
ment, taken in the fevcreft cases ot t®' fixed
tic Gout, CHroilic Rheumatifin,
pains, Lumbago, Numbnels, G". ut ®'- fO .
When the essence is externally applied > P'
motes gtntls perforation, and ope ra ' j;.
imld'v by. urine ; they alio amend a
gifti. n, and firengihen the llomacn.
Sold a. above wijKprintfj
W here a !fo may be tad, CHVHU (bs
fIHOpS, a medicine »"»bcU >
wmld for tie cure oi 0 Bai
and Confumpnons.— 'life H ™ ',5" South
! tin,ore, arid M.flVj. H. &F. Ric«> '
S*cohd Sticlt, i" 1' i'jcc.i.
_____ - —zr; •
""pmn:l'd ey y-tr. FEi
Fcl ruarv 16'
*; 1 «;
: 't r