"Vv " n ■ w'pi JiMwwghy Just received and for £'j/e> JBy Wm. Y. BIRCH, Statiotit-r, No. 17, South Second Street, Dr. HAMILTON'S Genuine Eflence and Ext raft of MUSTARD. A SAFE AND KFFhCTI'AL HEMKDY For acute and chronic rheuroatilm, gout lumbago, r.umb'icfs, white fwellings,chilblains sprains, bruiics, pains in the face and neck, fcc. See. The experience of many ages and the teui mony of the al«lcft medicil praiTlni >ncr»> trim W1 early period to the prelent time, ayree in ascribing to milliard, every psweifni »nd fihgn lar virtue —in every cafe where the neceflry ot stimulating remedies arfr-indicated, while the ii fl]nim.ilory It :' c <»t the iy lie in I i Imus I i'olc. of medii ines o! a lira'n.i' quality, iv.nflard is eminently ufeful, and vastly fup.erior te any other drug The efl'ence and extrift of mustard contain the wfo.'le virtues of tU* plant concentrated ia a fimil cgmpals, en'irely divested ot thtt acri mony which renders it« external application !o inconvenient in a crude (late, likewii- rejecting | those inert and ufelcfs parts which rornpoie the chief <>f its built, and reder the neceflary dole jo Uigr :s to be extrera -!y r.aufeiting to the stomach, by which means every inconvenience is obviated in ihefc medicines. This valuable remedy is both in a 3'iid Hate and is pills, and thus exctllenlly adapted for external and internal tife. The pills operate mildly by urine and by in sensible perforation, expelling the fuper«nons ind morbid humours; they are highly cordial to theftomach, create appetite, afHfl ,!.^ cfli<, 11, removing flying pains, and cold or windy com plaints in the stomach and bowels. The elTence is a wondeiful alliftant to the pills in theumatifm, gout, lumbago and pally, ami by its peculiar penetrating and dilptnfn-g qua'itv, rein .ves the mod violent sprains, bruises, numhnefs, ftiffnefs ot the neck, joints. Ice swelled faces, head ache, indurated breads, white i'wellings, froi n limbs, kc. and will in fallibly prevent the ill effects of getting wet or p damp in the ttet. Many person? have been much difappiinted by purchifing medicine? under the name of Eflence of Muflard, which have no analogy whatever to this remedy; f.>me of theft prepa rations »re ptrfetfly inert, others produce the m»ft viotent aiid ilangerous efle Mrs. Mary M'Crea, wife of Mr. George M'Crea,'grocer, Bond-street, Fell's Point, was perfectly cured (by perfeveritig in the ufc of Hamilton's EfTence and ExtraA of Muflard) of a rheumatic complaint of eleven years (landing. Yhe greatest part of lad winter fire was unable to dress or undress without afliftance, (he had the best medical tdvice both in Europe and America without efieft. from Mr. Charles Willctt, Plaislerer, Platl street, Baltimore. Sir, I fend you the particulars of my cure by Hamilton's Eflence and Extraft of Mutlard, that you may make it Known for the benefit •f others. About two months ago I (drain ed my right knee so violently by a fall that I wj- unable to walk without a crutch. I -tried British oil, Opodeldoc and other medi cines, but grew eonfiderablv worse, and the part became inflamed and swelled to a con tderable degree, when 1 was recommended to the Essence of Mustard, and by using two bottles I was able to walk in less than a week, and am now as hearty as ever. CHARLES WIILET. Dei. 21- HAMILTON'S grand restorative, WHICH the inventor confidently reconimendt a« an invaluable medicine for the speedy relief, and permanent cure of various complaints which result from diflipated pleasures—juvenile indirections— rrfulence in climatesunfavorable to the oouftitution —the immoderate use ol tea, frequent intoxication, or aHT other dtftrud'iive intemperance—the unficil ful or excessive use of Mercury—th« difeafc pecu liar to fcmalei at a certain pwioii of life, bad lyings ia, Jcc. HENRY REESE. And is proved by long experience io be unparalleled lathe cure of nervous disorders, consumptions, low ness of spirits, loft of appetite, impurity of the blood, hysterical iff-n the nervous iyfttm, infallib y pro duce greater evils than thole they arc irtten cd | to remove # . . The principal operation <>f this remedy is in the stomach, retiring the ltive powers, ai d lending from that neto health and vigoi into every pirt of the fyltem ;it enriches anc purifies the blood without enflim.ng it, brace' without ftimulajing too violently the nervous fyflemi strengthens the veflels and general habit; bring-* back tbe u.ufcu ar fibres to their natural and healthy toi.e, and nef\ore» that nutrition which i:t moderate evacuations j have destroyed, and wbofe loft had thrown the | whole frame into lanpwor and debility. The rcftorauve is absolutely afeove all recom- | mend at ion in removing thwfe weakness and j infirmities with which many trmal a are infli& | ed, the consequences of <«:ifficult andptiniul ! bors, or of injudicious Treatment therein. The most obstinate feininal gleets, and th* most diftrefling cases of fltior albu§ in females, tall particularly under the province of this reflo i rative, speedily yield to its benipn operation, and are radically cured, by corre&ing and pu rifying the acrimonious huoiours, rtfioring a proper d;gree of teafion to thr relaxed fibres, ' strengthening the weakened organs. I In cases <#f extremisy where the long preva ! lence and ofc'ftinscy of disease has brought on a j general impoverithmtnt of the lyftcm, excessive i deb lity of the whole frame, and a wafting ol the fleih, which no nOuriihment or cordial could repair— a parfevennce in the use of this medi cine has performed the most aftont thing cures. 'I he grand rcftorative is prepared in pills a c well as in a fluid form, which affifti considera bly in prodcing* gradual and lasting efTeil.—- Their virtues remain unimpaiteu for years in any climate. Perfms wishing to procure any of the above medicines genuine, mwft apply only as abovt —and likewise oblerve that the signature ol LEE & Co. (the general agents tor the United States) is palied on tfee oqtfide of each, without which they cinnot be genuine. At the above place may likewise be hgd F[a mittoVsjuftly celebrated Worm LozmgVj, the infallible* Itch OHumcnt. Dr. Lfrou*'a Indian Vegetable Specific for Vefiereal Co*nplairft«i> Ague ihif Fevcr'Dr«p«, wbiefc hi»e after fail ed iftp"'a tu'e>' HaftnV Anti bilimit Pills, Ditto Corn Plainer, the Pcrlijn Loiioo for th« tiCC anf! ikin, Govlmi.l's phurch'* Cough Drop*! Antkrfuu'a Pi!l». January 25. Take No/ice, ' pHAT the cn-partnerlhip of the Subfcriberi -L heretofore trailing under the firm of Wil ter, Price and Wilier, is this ijiy diflblved Viy mutual corifent. AM perf"is«'hn have any de mands jfjainft the laid firm, arc desired tohrinp them in for fettlemein, and those who are in debted thereto above fix months, arereq ie. '#<: to make immediate payment to WILLIAM WTSTER, JOHN M. PRICE, JOHN WISTF.R, jun. N B. The in future will be carried or hy WILLIAM WINTER and JOHN WISTF.R jun. nnder the firm ef WILLIAM & JOHN WIS- T£R, jun. who have cn hand an affortmcnt of dry goois f as usual. Feb. 5 United States r fl". Pennsylvania District. J BY virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas, to me direfled, ifluied out of tlie circuit court of the United States, in ami for the Pennlylva nia Di(lri£l. of the middle circuit, will be (old hy public vendue at the city tavern, in Second street, in the pity of Philadelphia on Monday the 17th day of March next, at 6 o'clock in the evening, all that certain tract or parcel ®t land, litwate, lying and being on the river or creek called Lackawaxen, in the county ot Wayne, containing 8000 acres and upwards j on which are erected 1 mrfiuage, stables and Uwmill, with the appurtenances. — The names of the original warrantees of the said tract or parcel of land were as follows. Mordecat Roberts, Stopbel Medera, Zacbariab Ferris, George Till, Tbemas Wiggins, George Morton, George Streetan, Friend Streeton, John Olipbant, S«ized and taken in execution asthe property of Robert Ltttis Hooper, deceased. JOHN HALL, Marshal. N. B. A reasonable credit will be given, Marshal's Office, ) Philadelphia, Jan. 4. 3 * TheJe.tiuo traits Jo net contain the full quantity oftheorignal warrants ; part of them having been conveyed away. The nervous, debilitated, or fedectary, whose dip cases have in a great measure baffled the powers of medicine, would do well in making trial of The American Botanical Tea, which reed only to be taken to acquire universal approbation; not only for its balsamic and reiter ative properties, in all decays from age, intemper ance or direafe; and in preserving a good consti tution and mending a bad 011 c, but for its claims to public favor, as a pleasant and wholefonie brcak faft; which will be fouod infinitely superior to Foreign lea. Artists and others wkofe profef 60ns require a fieacly hand, will find grtat relief from the use of this vegetable 1 diet, but particu larly those who lead a sedentary life A package at 75 cents will last one person for breakfift, nearly one month. It is fold wholesale and retail only by the in ventor and sole proprietor, Dr. James Church, 137 Front street, New York; Messrs. H. and P. Rice, 16 iouth Second street, Philadelphiaj and Mr. Rice, Baltimore. all persons INDEBTED to the ElUte ot J°£ M W "**' 1 ton, hie of the City of Philadelphia, Mer chant, deefcaftd, are requested to pay the sara , and thofc having demands against his t,tate, produc-e their accounts legally attested o KEARNY WHARTON, Acting Executor, No. ill, Spruce street ■ November n. „ lawtf 3a3W John Till, Geo'ge War ten. Benjamin Hancock, Edvjard Welstad, James Thompson, Joseph Whitehead, Patrick Connolly, Thomat Grijr'y, } # William liaibert. eoti7M NOTICE. A I,L nrrfotn tn tlx- EflaU: «ICAP A. TAIV KKIRAS FITZPATRICX m»- rip-r ieceafed. .r* rrquelted t. n.mkeimmechat.- pivmtnt to tße.ftbfcriW»; thMe who Uav. any drm»!*S» a«inft *e f*J I «»«« are u-qucfle to fwfljfl? thiir wceanti for WW t0 P. THOMAS M'EUtN. S Jcnvarj i;, t-RQO. UNSEATED LANDS. THE OWNERS OF Unseated I.ands in Wel'.morelasci county, Pennfylvinia, are hereby notified. that «iv left the Taxfs due on said lands for 179 8 - * re P aid into the hands of Jot. Brandon, J-ff t " af !! r " " said oounty, on or before the aoth of Ap™ ne • they will be advtrtifed for sale, as the law direfls TAMES M'GREW, ") HENRY ALLSHOUSE, IComm'rs. JEREMIAH MURRY, J January 18. Horses to Winter. HORSES will be taken to winter at Profytft Hill, at rhe I a «Ke* stone on the Bristol Road, where they will have good Timothy and Clov r Hay, well littered and cleano-i and a field to run in when the weather is g"od. Enquire of Mr. William Bell Meichaat, or on the premifei. . N. Y> Will not b« answerable for accident* or escape, but will take every precaution to prev -nt either November l* treasury department. v March < it A, i 799 • PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Pursuant to the afl of Congrtft pal Ted cn the ill day of June, one thoi'fand, leven hun dred and ninety fix, entitled 14 an aropriatc~ ed during the late war, are required to present the fame to the Rcgifter of the Treafuryi aJ some time prior to the twelfth thy of February in the year, one thoufar.d eight hundred, for the purpose of being regiflered ; No registry will however be made of any ess qt'jnt ty thaa a quarter townlhip, or'four thousand acres. 111. Tha priority of location of the warrant* which may be prdfented and Fegifleredin maimer afore said, prior to the nth day of February in the. year orvethoufand eight hundred, wiN immediate ly after the f.id day, he deti-rmined by lot, in the mode diefcribed by the acl firft recited. Ttiv hotdtts of rcgiflwed warrants, (hall on Monday th« 17th day of February, in the year ISOOA p the order ol which the priority at locati on (hall be determined by lotas aforefaid, pefon. ally, or V>y thsir agents, defigßMe in w rkiftg at the office of the Rcgifler of the Treasury, the particu lar quarter townfkips eledled by them rcfpeilively, and such of the said hwlde.-s a* (hall not defignatr their locations on the said day, (hall be postponed in locating such warrants to all other hcldei s of regiflercri warrants The lwliiers of warrants for military services fufficicnt to cover one or more quarter towtvfnips or trails of four thousand acres each; (hall, at any time after Monday the 17th day of February, 1800 and prior to the firi day 01 January, 1802, be al lowed ta regifler »Jia said warrants in manner a orefaid, snd forthwith to n-.ake locations therefor on any tract or trails of land not before located. All warrantor claims for lands on account of military services, which (hall not be regiftcrsd and locaud b»lore the firft day of January, i8o», are by the supplementary a La "A ,n A Mifflin County and Srate of I tnnfylva nia, within fix miles of themer Jun »"» "" y tainine about joo acre.. There » b ?"j aeres cleared, part of which is a ruh bottom, watered by a rcnAut "ream .bat .» strong enough to work an oil or a gr.fi nfr r ( Ji, lining to deal for it, may obtain fur ther information by applying >t lliC ofi ' c ' 0 this g:7tf'.W. . t yi. H. If fold, credit will be giver* tor part of tiir rvoney, October 17» 1799- REAL ESTATE, Jt f; WILL BE SOLD, At Pub!it Vindue, on Saturday, 15/ iof March next, A three story Brick lioule, AND large Kitchen, with !« o or threebuil !- ing lots, adjoining the fainr, situate 011 the corner ot King and High Streets, Wilmhjgton Also, a two story brick lioule, &c. Gtuateon the north tide ot the upper market house, Wj'mnig ton. Likewise a lo: of excellent m Bra«- dywine, of ab u. two acres and a half. Ii ts thought ua*;ceflTary to particularize this pro perty, as it is pre turned thepurrh.:fer will incline to view it. The conditions will be made known en the day of SAMUEL & JOHN ADAMS. Wilmington, (Del.) Jan. ty. uwts. For Nervous Diforaers, I emale Complaints, Gout in the Stomach, Melancholy, Seminal Weakness, loss of Appetite, SJilio-s Disor ders, Inward Wtaknefies, Indigestion, Ob llinate Gleeu, Juvenile Indiscretions and Pre mature Old Age, and every other symptom of extreme debility, which are the confe rences of a Iliflipitcd Life—excefa of Plea sure or Grief —Heat or change of Climate- Immoderate use of Tea, Spirituous Liquor*, or any Intemperance —Bad Lyings in—Di seases incident to Ynung Girls and Women jtowtf at a certain period ot life— The Cordial Restorative Balsam It recommended a» a Medicine of fpi cific and virtues for the immediate reliet and speedy. and permanent cure ol the ;*bove tlifor den, iiaving (luoJ a trjal of Tucrrfcful years, during wfcich. peiiod many;,thousands of both frxes have been restOred fiftiin the brink of the grave. Thii Balfain is particularly adapted to weak female eonllitutions, as well as to phlegmatic habita in general ; it Ji!ls powci fully at a ner vine, not only to the weak llomach, hut to the whole nervout fyftrin ! correilt a vitiited appe tite and digestion in the fii ft ptflagei, and aftifts wonderfully 11 recoveiiug the tone ofibe uri nary and genital organs :—Hence itt iftu aey in the mod obllinate seminal gleets in H!rn, jtwl c»rrefponding we.ikoeflrs in women 1 and hence it will contribute more lafely, lurely and ho ndurably towards conjugal hipp.ntfs, than any of thole irritating, diabalical compttlitions, which are so fcamefully adiiiiniflered to the un waiy. It is earneft'.y recofri mended to thoje ladies, who fiom repeated and difficult labours are af fli&ed.witb weaknefles and in(i>mitics; in which cases it is highly ufeful, ftrengthsning at the Came time the ftrmach.'the back, the weaken ed organs, and the lubote constitution. Those, who in advanced life, feel the ennfe youthful exctss, or unfortunate youth, who have brought on themselves a nunr.etcu* train of evils, will by the uleof this find them selves rellored to health and llrength, and ill the melancholy symptoms rerpoved, which are the general effctls of such canles. For whether the fyftc-m has received a (bock, and is debilitated from imprudence or inattenti on in the earliest part of life, or is finking un der the advance of years, a few doles of this medicine will afford immediate assurance of re turning health and by giving tone to the mufcufar fvftem, and organs ot digellion, and by renovating th» whole coullitution To the young it will affiril lading health, flrcngth and fpints, in place of lassitude and debility : and to the aged and infirm, it willaf furedly furnifh great relief and comfort, by gently and fafe'y invigorating the fyftrm ; but if it be in the power of mtdicin.-to'gild the at tumn of declining years, and calmly and f« renely protraf\ the dole of life beyond its nar row span, this Keftnrative is capable of effect ing that grand dcfideiatuna. Conftituiiors rtlaxed, weak or decayed, in mm or women, are under the immediate influ ence of this Restorative. Old coughs soon relieved and fpetdily cured Poverty of blood and emaciated limbs, will ere long meet the happiest change; the chili watery fluid become rich and balsamic, and the limbs be covered with flefh, firm and healthful. Tt will no doubt be acceptable to the reader, to fee accounts of'fome of the remarkable cases and cures which have been performed by this truly invaluable medicine, in the difordr'rs Inr which it was invented ; he has therefore felea ed a few of fnch rafts as have come within his own immediate knowledge, which are publish ed and mav be had (gratis) at any of the places whsre the medicine is fold Prepared (only) by the Inventor and sole Proprietor, Dr. James Church, it hi« Dispen sary, '7 • Front street, near the Fly-market, New-York—and fold bv Mess- H. &P. Ki ce , ifi, South Second Street, Philadelphia. Pur the TEETH, BREATH, and 'SCUR VY in the GUMS, and tbe The Anti-Scorbutic tinElure Is un'quailed lor cleansing, whitening, and pre feiving the teeth, and efleSually curing the scurvy in the gums. It will prevent the teeth from fui»- ther decay, fallen them if loose, and render the breath perfe&iy sweet. [Price one dollar each bottU.] Volatile Tinflure for the Tooth Ache. T he raofl •*ffi r «ciou' remedy ever rfifcovercf' lor that tormenting p ;l i„. It i,h„ ? of a BROKER, at bi* Offlce *}„. ixuv* street, near the Bank ot the United Stat#. " where be buys and fells o» CommllEon all l:- f' of Fiib!ic Securities, Stneks, Notes, & c & ' and offers his Cervices in any bulin*f» in hlslin*" J an '4- di«. : , 3>rsw 0. JUST RECEIVED, From tbe BOSTON Manufactory, A QUAS7 lYr OF WINDOW GLASS, Of different sites, FOK S.'.LF. ctf. By ISAAC HARVEY, J, K . N M Any fizr or foes that may be wanted cut larger th,n .9 by ,yan be had from fa,d manufatito! ry, o„ being owjn-tlj aod attention given totorwari on any ordemthat may be left for that purpose Apply »t No. 9, South Watef-flrcet, at above j-'y a d|f ' "V ~ - ' " v - A YOUNG MAN At QTIAINTED with the Weft-iudla trad« wifoes to be employed a*, a Supwcarjo He will engage on moderate term* Satisfactory recom. mendntton wilrbe produced. A line "'i-re.terf to A. 13. left at the Printing Of fice wiU bf immediately attended to. December II VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. About 25 acres of Land, LAMNC , .1 the flit li,U of the Falls Road.^. On th. E*ft it it l.onuded ty property btlone inp to Mr. I ench Frmcis, f>n—on the south, b* a roid -f two perchc«, ar.d on the not th by a U ne which fcparite. it from Mr. M'CilL It it propo' feJ to divuUthis land into j «i. ; r.% fit;, head aches, weakn«U,hw vinefs and lownefs of Ipirics. cimnefs of fight, con fufed thoughts and wanderings ofr tha mind, va pours and melancholy, and all kinds of hy Herjc complaints, gradually go off by th« use ot this fa* lub; ions Cordial. In sickness of the stomach, il fiatul rci"f and if is 6 p«' v "' u and efficacious remedy The firft fymptomi of iti good tffe&t are fertility aud chearfulnefs. Price three dollars each bottle. alio, A New Edititn, being the '** teresting Work, entitled A GUIDE TO HEALTH, Embelliftied with the Author's Portrait. Which fully explains, in a concise, plain »»"* ner, the mot simple methods of treatment, wi proper efficacious remedies tor the following 1 feafes, viz. . . Atihmas, lot of appetite, hiliou" cotnpUm". consumptions, female diseases, fi*s, flatulence o wind, hypochondriac or melancholy compain i juvenile indiscretions, lownc Is op' rits, nervous difeaies, rhcuojatilni, ruptures, vy, &c. &c See. / To which is added, AN ESSAY On the Venereal Disease, Gleets, en* mil Weakness ; —and an ADDRESS To Tars'its, Tutors and Guardian* of out > S. SOLOMON, m. D. ';, af , Evtry person, young and old, fliosU r" . this book, there being scarcely 4 ". 10 " rt jculs* is not intcrefted in some part ol it ■ r it is recommended to young men and early attention to the latter may serve to gui ogainlt a fatal rock on wlrch thoufan s snd be the means of preferring their )<> c . a j| clifeafc, and also their fouls, their mm 9 i their faculties from iVftru : I