General Washington's Will. v.f . JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE, BT y. ORMRGD, No. 41, Chefnut Street, Vhiladelphia—Price Mi Cents, %\)t mm or GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON : To which is annexed, A Schedule of his Property, Direfted to be Sold. Tebruary i». d6t "water-office. IN compliance with the inftrueb'ons of the Commit tee for watering the city, and with niy own inclinations, . ierv pnflible admit tance and information has been given to those citizens who have visited the Worts during their progress. The Engines are now arrived, and are immediately to be put up, and it is hoped that it will be thought rea sonable and just, both to the Public, and to tho Cor.traftor for the Enpines, that the workmen should not be interrupted. Asa very few months will fully gratify the cu riolity of the citizens, by shewing them the Engines in full operation, a temporary ex clufioii of all viGtorsfrom the Engine houfak cannot appear improper. 1| B. H. LATROBE, Engineer. I* IW - • *• * "V" set- •' •" ' i, B? - P 0 ■ j»V' •' y *' , fefeuiai'j ij. CITY OF THR POSSESSORS OF OBLIGATIONS ®r CERTIFICATES figg ed by the fubfcriker, !or undivided Shares or Lots on hit purchase within the city of Wafhit'f ton, who hive not yet applied for and received their Deeds, are hereby notified, that their feveril Titles.wi'.l be duly completed to the order of those who in conformity w'ith the term» of the said Cer tificates, do make the Payment! ill full therefor, either to : Thoma! As' & Co. or to the ®uh fcriber at Philadelphia, on or at any time before the 31ft day of May neit. Samuel Dlodget. December 17 NOTICE. b . t A CERTIFICATE of one Share »( the Bank of the United States, No. 19110, in the name of Peter Lewis Quirtyn, and a Certificate of two Shares of the said Bank, No. 19119, in the name of George James Ch«lmondely, Earl of Cholmon dely, were forwaided from New-York by the Ch«(tcrfield British Packat for Falmouth, -vhica ■was captured by the French, and the Certificate! 101 l or destroyed, and for which application i«, made at said Bank for the renewal thereof, of which all pcrfons concerned are desired te take notice. CLEMENT BIDDLE. February JJ. ''l Public ar captioned against receiving the J Subscribers Note in favor of, >nd ir.dor fed by Thomas W. Francis, dated yesterday, at 6c day« after date for eight hundred dollari. Th e note is in the hand writing oJ the Suhfcri ber, and at the bottom a memorandum by the indorfer, to the credit of the drawer, Thomas W. Francis This note together with a con tract between Charles Williamfon, and Charles Hale for lands in townihip, No. 4, ia the ah range of Struiler county, state of New.Jersey, and fandry other papers contained in a Poeket Book, were taken from the Subscribers dtrlk lift evening. As the above can be of no use to the person who has carried them r£F, (hhould they be returned, no queilions (hall be aiked. February 6. FOR CAPE FRANCOIS, r ■£^S r ~~ THE BRIGANTINE jjgk GEORGE, WILLIAM BELL, MASTFRJ T° fail when the navigation will permit She n a good ftrang vessel, and Just out of the Carpenters hands. i l '' p For freight or pitTage spply to MOORE WHARTON, JSfo. 107 Stuii Wattr Strait. dlit Mrvary 6* A PERSON to superintend a small Farm, about five miles from the city. He will be accommodated with a good houfeand other conveniences. None need apply who cannot be well recom mended. £5" Enquire at 109 Spruct Street, February 19. thirty Dollars Reward, DESERTED from the quarters of the fub feriber, on Saturday th« Bth inft. an entitled soldier, named JAMES BUTLER, a Carter by occupation, born in the State of New Jersey, agtd thirty five years, five feet nine inches high, sandy completion, hazle eyes, and short sandy hair, has been some time arefidcAt of this city, it is thought he is now in Mount Holly in New Jersey, or its vicinity, as his friendi chit-fiy reside there. On Thursday the 13th instant, an enlilUd soldier, named JOHN BARR, born in Lancas ter, Pennsylvania, his occupation that cf a la bourer, thirty-nine years of age, five feet nine inches high, dark eyes, black hair, which he ■wore queued, of a dark complexion, his face bloated by the immoderate use of fpiritots li quors; his acquaintance being in Wilmington or its vicinity, where he formerly lived, 'tis pos sible he may take that rout. Whoever shall take up said deserters and lojge them in jail, or fliall deliver them to the fuMcriber, at his quarters in Filbert, between Ninth and Tenth streets, Philadelphia, or to any officer of the army of the United States, (hall receive the above re ward, and reasonable charges; or for either of them a proportionate computation. Febreai'jr, 19. A&HINGTON. t -t :* -\. /'•> • CAUTION. SAMUEL MIFFLIN. dtf. WANTED, ALSO, BENJAMIN GIBBS, Jun. •Captain, 10th rtcgi. U.S. Bmkof Pennfylvani^ F#br«i y is,ißod. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT nd btifirtefs will be dons at the Tiank of Pennsylvania, on Saturday the nd init. it being the day appo nted by authority for pay ing rel'pedl to the memory of the lite Genera) Washington. Nntes must be offered on Thursday for dif. count, a« the Board of Direflors will meet on Friday for thstpurpofe; and all payments due on Saturday at ti NOTICE. rHE public are informed, that ao bufinefi will be diSne at thu Bank on SafU'day ihe ud infant, being the Aiy set apart by antho- : rity for paying refpeft to the memory of Gen. Washington. G. SIMPSON, Cashier. February 19. djt Bank of North America. February 19, 1800. NOTICE. S ATURDAY next the ud instant, being sot apart by authority, for paying refpefl to the memory of General George Wsfhington, the public are informed no bufinefi will be done at thii Bank on that day. H DRINKER. Jun. Caihier. February 10. djt v-t"-"" , r **».• -r- •'» dtf. A FEW HOGSHEADS FIRST qUALITY SUGAR FOk SALE, By ROBINETT and KISSELMAN, No. JOS South Water Street. February iS. AUTHENTIC LIFE OF SUWOROW. JUS 7 PUBLISHED, AND FOR SALE, AT THI S OFFICE, A SKETCH OP THE fUfe anD Cljaratfer OP I PRINCE ALEXANDER SUWOROW RYM- I NIKSKI, Field-Ma» (hal General it) the fcr vice of His Imperi al Majcfty, the Emperor of all the Rufiias, tvitb The History of his Campaigns. Translated from the German of Frederick Antbing. To which it A concise and combrebensive History of His Italian Campaign. By William Cobbett. With an elegant of that re. d 3«.. novjned. Warrior. [Price » l-i Dollari.] Portrait of Marshal Survorow. Gmtlemen defirout of polTefTir* » capital like ref», «• cuted in the firft flyle, of this illustrious Christian Chieftain, may he furiiilhed with parti cular proof impreflions, at th» ofH.e, price one Dollar. February l». LANDS AND SHARES IN THE Population 13Afylum Companies. On Friday the 7th day of March next, At 7 o'clock in the evening will be cxpofed to Sale by Public Vendue, At the Merchants Coffee House in Second firtet, in the city of Philadelphia, THS FOLLOWIMC S !? s» a a, a i ? ' r l ju 4t Equinunk, Northampton co. 7 1943 41 Lehawaxen, ditto do. 8 3187 70 Buttermilk Fills, Luzerne do. 1 853 80 Equinunk, Northampton do. 5 1083 66 ditto ditto do. 3 1309 61 Lehawaxen, ditto do * 83J 33 Cullies Creek, d'tto do. * 879 78 EquinuHk, ditto do. 11 4714 8x Leh'waxen, ditto do. 4 1489 j8 ditto ditto do. 4 1757 8? Equinunk, ditto do. 6 1603 124 Wyfankin, Luzerne, do. 6 ijot 97 Starucia, Northampton do. 9737 96 Buttermilk FalJs, Luzerne do. 19 8061 8 Melhippin, ditto do. 20 8644 100 ditt» ditto do. 17 11474 123 Tufcarora, ditto do. 63 15493 »3 Wappaffng, ditto do. l 3 9i'6 9< Melhappin & Tunkanncck, Luzerne do. Allegheny do. Equinunk, Northampton do. Starucia, ditto do Brodhead's Creek, do. do. ditto ditto do. East branch of Lehawaxen, Northampton do. East branch of Lehawaxen, Northampton do. French creek &c Allegheny do. Toby's creak, Northarop. do Schuylkill, Berks do. Conocanering, Allegheny do. ditto ditto do. Lehawaxen, Northampton do. Wappufinp, Luzerne do. Northumberland do. d»w 40 «oeoo o 8 3439 3° io ?45< 13 4 747 too j 4184 68 15 6000 o 3 iioo o 75 30-00 o 10 61S8 80 37 14879 ° 11 3*57 59 '3 3191 9* 11 4400 o 9 33*4 44 6 6293 135 109664 17 Six hundred and seventv-three Shares in the Population Company. Three hundred and twenty six Shares in the Asylum Gempany. CONNELLY & Co. Philadelphia, 14th Feb. dtf 4, SALES LANDS, Wbert JituateJ. AISO, AND (Bajettx. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY EVKNINC, FEBRUARY 20. No paper will be ifftied from this office, on Saturday ; —an account of the Public Ceremonies in lienor ofGen. \\ afhington. Through thekindoefs of an obliging friend in Europe, wc have received by the Com et, at Baltimore, and an arrival at Charles ton, from St. Sebastian's, files of Pans Journals fur the month of November. The following articles arc translated from them. PARIS, November 28. The D.irbi-ts continue their ravages in the department of the'maritime Alps ; they are protected by the Koyalifts, and niaiT.icre the republicans. In the fifing of the " Legislative Com mission of the Council of Ancier.ts," on the 24th, November, the central ad'nini(lr>tions of Yenne and Ch 11 rente, the judges of the civil tribunal ofKieur and Olfe, the citizens ot the comiruce of Laon, felicitated the commiflion on the triumph of Buonaparte. The commiflion approved the resolution of yrfterday, which opens to the minister of the nterior a credit of eight millions. It is a mistake that General Champoinet '1 ready on his return to s. We had 8 already on nis Paris. », _ yesterday news from him flill dated in Italy It is not indeed as favorable as we migh kingdom of Naples ; and it appears that ii quitting tlu- army of Italy, he will hav fome reverses to he repaired. Championet is fucceededin tbecommani of the army nf Italy by St. Cyr. By order of-tbe Consuls, all theatrica pieces relative to the affair of St. Cloud,(th; triumph ot' Buonaparte) have been forbidden There ruifs a report, that the Arohduki has fct out t for Vienna. It is ?d dtd, that in palling by Augfbourg, he di( not fee Suwarow. GrofcafTand Dorimon, "one oftheexclud ed deputies, impriibned in the Temple, hoi been let at liberty. Every one builds a constitution after hi; own fafhion every pne gives us his dream' for realities : some prefcrve the three con suls, others efhihlifh a Prefuient and Vice- President ; now tbey divide France ir:tc twenry-fivr confederate dates, and now intt fifty departments ; this scheme re-edab'ifli one fnppreflc-s the central and municipal ad ministrations ; such an one announces ; Grand Eleftor who (hall have no othei out the right of dfflitution : he is to hole what they call the folio of benefices. Sucb another converts the Legislative Bcdy intc two chambers ; the one composed of twe - hundred representatives (hall discuss the laws of which the Power (hall have th< origination ; the oilier, composed of one hundred (hall approve or rejef these laws withoutdifcuffion, only by yes 01 no. They speak-also as a Constitutional ju ry which (hall pronounce in a supreme man ner upon all difputcs relating to the Confti tutiou ; they flill speak of counsellors ol slate, of the introduftion of rainifters intc the Legislative body, of the neceflity of ha ving a certain -revenue to be eligible to ei privilege of voting ; they speak of causing the conftitutioH to be received by the people without prelenting it to the Legidative Bo dy ; they speak after this of dissolving the pre lent councils in order to tlhblilh councils conformable to the new conflitution. We give this merely as the tenor of private eon verfationt, for we are (till ignorant of the bails of the focia! contrad they are prepar mg for us: t-he legidative committees have decreed upthing- a? yet in regard to that ob ject ; it i? probable in the mean time that we (hall know.erir fifteen days to what to at tach ourfelres, and 'without doubt we (hall have some details upon the principal difpofi [Z.'Wmi des Lois. An ignorant artdihCompetrnt man having a (Turned upon hire felt' to write a Life of Ge neral Wellington, we are happy in Having it m our power to'ftate that a work of this nature u likely soon to be undertaken by a Gentleman of talents and learning adequate to so important and interefling a talfc • and who will alio po'rtefs' the advantage of a re- Hero fe l ° tht official papers of thf departed We are authorized in making this (late m»nt, by a Letter from the Legatee of the papers ot General Walhington, wherein that Gemleman mentions Rveral circumstances which will probably forbid him from at empting it ; but trusts th..t the Election of 'n C , ara " er bc ,U hii P ow ", which ie (hall endeavor to make immediately. Mr. A. Dickens, an enterprising young ma,, ', about re.ptiblilhing Two Sermons preached by■ ©gd, n 0 f Newark, on the Death of General Wnfhington. These Sermons are particularly valuable, as they re cord many latere fling ciicumflances in the" hfe or that illuflnous man, which, we be lieve, will be new to the mass 0 f readers. As a Bookseller, fludious of publifhmj good Books, Mr. Dickens merits counte nance and applaufe'. ft , at „ ed mcct, % r of the American Philosophical Societj, will be held at their Wall, to-morrow evening, at 6 o'clock. Samuel H. Smith, Sec'ry. Feb. 20. Z"* Ust ' h £ *• Rev. c l ™„L.,!r44~r^r;, -Ln THEATRE. La ft evening, was performed to a very fafhionable audience, another new thingfrom the 1- acious pen of the old lilummatus. As the Play B.lli told us that the produc tion had been revised, and adapted to tne American stage, we expected to have tound it pruned at least of cosny highly exception able pnrts which nevertheless were all repeat ! e d. Indeed, it is difficult to diicern any ap pearance of what we hope mull yet be deem ed an adaptation to the American stage. A scantling of the Ftench Revolution is, in deed, introduced, in that scene where a rab ble of foveieign citizens is afiembled, tor the ptirpofe of murdering the Governor, and a "little Child, mid where their orators ha rangue them from the head et hogftiead. If it is meant that this part of the buiinefs fliould be considered as adapted to the Ame rican stage and of course ht-ld up lor an ex ample. then, I think they had better given us the play as it came from the hands of Kot zebue, without insulting us with this xilapta i lion. The piece is ?rouded with inveftive against Priests, with the crimes of nobility, and common place declamation against War ; and is as highly fraught with the tenets of the School of Weifh»upt as any proamnion that has heietofore invaded us from this vile source. TALEYRAND. Citizen Talleyrand has lately diiplayed at Paris, trait of duplicity and fnrjfe. On the 23d, there appeared in a journal, under the immediate direftion of 1 alhyrand, the following paragraph and letter : " Citizen Talleyrand, sincerely affli&ed at finding the name of citizen Joiry inclu ded in the lilt of those who were affefted by the decree of th« 26th Bruraaite, has just written to the minilter of the police a letter which breathes the purest and mod delicate sentiment." Of Citizen Talleyrand, to the Minister of the " I hnvt read, Citizen Minister, with much anxiety, the name of Jorry in the lift of those sentenced to banifhraent. Jor ry is a very young man, whose errors are more entitled to indulgence, than deserving of rigourous treatment. He is now in the service of the republic in the army oi Italy. Perhaps evan at this moment, when the operation of the law extends to him, it is anticipated by the blow of the enemy. Per haps his name is honoured by the wounds he may have received, or by a patriotic death. "It is encumbent on me to add, that Jsrry having, as far as I know, offended none but myfelf, I think I have peculiar right to offer these observations to your notice ; and, I confefs, that feeling the ut most desire to have the offence forgotten by all the world, as it is by me, I shall receive as a personal favour the exception which I now solicit, and which I entreat you to re quell of the Consuls of the republic. This letter, which bears every mark of candour, was written when Talleyrand was acquainted with the death of of Jorry ! ! 1 NEW-YORK, February 19. Capt. Fitch of the brig Two Sifters, from Savannah, came up to town lad evening in a pilot boat. He informs thtt the Ihip Shep herdefj,-Rogers, from that port is below ; also the brig Appollo, Burnham, and brig Elua, Swain, from Savannah, are below, within the Hook, and the brig John, Hender fon, from Cork, in 60 days. Savannah, Feb. 4. A gentleman diredt from Fort Wilkinfon, mentions that (tol. Hawkins left there on the 24th ult. for the Creek nation. Extratl of a letter from col. Hawkins, agent of the United States for Indian Affairs, to Governor Jackson. dated Cowetah Tal lowhaflce, joth Dec. 1799. " I have not till the present had an op portunity to acknowledge tlie receipt of your excellency s favor of the 13th November, whicl, was delivered me on the road to Tuck abatchee, and I cannot reply to the whole as I could. The documents herewith inclol ed will exhibit to you some interesting pro ceedings in this quarter, and are an apology for the omission. 1 he National Council was convened at Tuckabatchee on the 24 Nov. the meeting has been a very HHerc fling one : I had much , convention with the chiefs, and felt that ; as an agent, I pofTeflVd their confidence in a high degree. The Chiefs have agreed that all mifchief makers and thieves of any court try of white people, shall be under the go- I vernmtTlt of agent for Indian affairs/ Mr. Bowles is near the mouth of this ri. ver, from whence he continues to pour forth his threat against the officers of the United | states in thu department, and I continue my r a , rra "S cmeHts to punish' all thieves and mifchief makers. We have punished in an exemplary manner the leader of the banditti, who insulted the cemmiffioners of Spain and the Lnited States, on the I7 th of Sept he was cropped, whipped, and his property deltroyed, and three of his affocmes whip pea. We have had one white man whipped or negro flcaling, and one negro fliot thro' the arm and,h the thigh, for refilling those who were sent to apprehend him, and at tempting to fire on a white man. \T w- 1U d ° Wn on " nc S ro belonging to Mr. W« D , and have in my p«fn 111 Marcus tO , MrS< M ' lntoft1 ' one Capt. frC ; ° nC l ° Ingram ; this is the one who IS wounded. These will be delivered to the order of conveyance"' °* by thc fi,ft few afflfl l \ a " ardu " us undertaking with a afiiftanta to make the imprrflions I wifii LETTER Police. 1 en . the minds of scattered over a wild co miles square. Bowk"! malcsrs, are by every oj. the minds of the Indians liable lies and prcfentconjc,aure I with peculiar pleasure, the aflurance' of f lure co-operation on the part of your °* lency, to promote harmony and to pX'' peace. The period may be eventually a v, ry interesting one for Jour frontiers." BALiIMORE, February i 8 FIRE Was yesterday itiorm»g, about f„ n . r ; fe v. covered bursting from the cabin of the'fhm* Mohawk, of Philadelphia, lying at wharf, Fell 6 Po.nt. The fire originated from the stove, which being pl acc d in , ceiling, it is supposed a f p?r t co mmun ; c . ted to the wa.nfcot pannels. . Happily it gained no considerable height before i, wa . difcoeered and extisguifhed , had the fi re but touched the rigging of the veffd a dreadful conflagration must have been 'he conf-quence, for the Mohawk it surround ed by a -great number of vessels, all ef which are ice-bound. Philadelphia, Feb. i I DEAR SIR, | By order of the committee of arrange, ment, I d«myfelf the plrafure to fend you an estra& from the min«e»of the ftaßdincr committee of the Pennsylvania f oc ; ety 0 f the Cincinnati, in order that you may take fueh measures in confluence thereof asyou (hall deem proper, " Rtfolved, That Mac' herfon's Lerion be requested to precede the society i„ tit p ro . cejjten from tie State House to the church in • Racejireeton Saturday th: Zzdof February. The trquejl to be made through the command ing officer of the corps, and that fiatt be Jet ' apart for them in the church." I b«g leave to mention that it it the wilh of the committee that the procellion (hould move from the State House precisely at it o'clock, and return in the fame order is which it proceeds to the church j I am with much refped and esteem, Dear Sir, yonr obedient servant, M. M'CONNEL, Afft. Sec'ry. Brigadier Gen. Mocpherftn. Br'gadier general MACPHERSON, in co sequence of the above communication, di reßt that the BLUES parade at the Stale House on Saturday the 22dat 11 o'clock A. M. in uniform, with their fide ai mi only. By order of Brigadier General Mafbirfon, JOHN M'CAULEY, Arij.t. CARD. ICT IN pursuance of a resolution of tie Stai ding Committe of the Pennsylvania So. ciety of the Cincinnati, the members of the Cincinnati, not kelongmgto this State, maybe in the city on Saturday the ud irft. the officers ot the late revolutionary army, not members of the society, the rficcrs of 1 the army, navy, and militia, are refps&fully invited to join in procession to be formed at the State House, precisely at 12 o'clock of said day, by the Pennsylvania Society of Cincinnati, and proceed from thence to the Reformed Church In Race ft. where an Eh* logium on the chamber of Gen. WASH INGTON will be delivered before the Soci ety by one of its members. The proceffioi will return in the fame order iH which it proceeds to the church. James Moore, "1 Charles Biddle, I Committee df M. M i Conntll. f Arrangement. Robert Patton, J Philadelphia, Feb. 15, ißeo. dSfe CINCINNATI. At a meeting of the PennlylvanH State So» ciety of the Cincinnati, held at thr Stats House, in Philadelphia, 011 the aift * December, 1799, BRIGADIER GEN. MACPHERSON IN THE CHAIR, The following Resolutions were moted by Major Jacksov, and usanimosfly adopted : Resolved, That, in veneration of the ex alted virtues, patriotism, and public fervicM of our late mod excellent, beloyed, and ever to be lamented PreGdent General, ■ Wafhingtbi),—and as a tribute of the o«P e sorrow, and most affe&ionate attachment to ; his endeared and illoffrious memory, t « Members of this Society will wear nioun ing, connected with the Badge of the Society, during fix months. #•. I j Resolved, That a strip ff black ' pafling along the centre of the Ril> M the Order, be aided 011 this occafioti. The following resolutions were moved by g E Macpherfon and unanimously adop • Resolved, That Major Jackion be re^ B ed to prepare and pronounce an Lulo^iJ 3 the charafter of General W bracing a summary review ol Wis IV ' , Military services ; and that the fame - livered before this Society on Satur 2id Jay of February next, at one ° c ' P. M. at such place as the Staging J a y mittee to whom the arrangements w t e are referred, shall determine. Resolved, That the Prefidentoft ic' c States and his family—the Vice Pre . the United' States, the Speaker oft e . of Representatives, the Members 01 j Houfe3 rf Congress, the Heads 0 s ■ meots, the Judiciary, and such other of the General ana State Govern i" c may then be in Philadelphia, •>« re pc L invited to honor the Society with the f fence on the occalion. December 21■ December 21 ;v r V * 1 iNfi m "m