:> * v • '•J*'" "" 1 \-0 - "' . /*7/ •'?■. ~; *. ■ •> . ...... ~.( . .'v .-'• •■ -.*•• i * ■' ' '_//* £ IV G. CHRISTIE. ' C.—which was irlcrri'.d to tfie Comm.ttee of the said bill, and that it be the order for 3. The road from Philadelphia through NT'.* IHEAiRE. IN T.)»r Note to the Editor of the Ga- rAjnrs. _ that day. fofe Aaronfourgh, ; Settle t)f the United States of the nth Scfiuh, from the Committee 01 uom- Ihe committee to whom wa* referred Milcfourgh, thtr.ee to riefuq isle, by the . kkvhr act;, nix amertca iinV. you 'nave attempted two things, viz. me ** e reported a bill for the 3d inft. the petiiion of a number of the road now improving at the cxpenfe of the This livening, February 19, ißc-o. Tod ny' the fads stated in my certificate, *** re ' ,e ' oi 1 homas Armat, which was inhabitants of the city of Philadelphia, and State. Will te prefen.e.f a- May. in four acaiiri d-trd at Elk ton, 1 3 th August, i 70S, and read a firft and second time, and committed the counties of Philadelphia and Montgo- 4. The road from Philadelphia through THE COUNT OF BURGUNDY to vilify my charafter. As to the firlt, it 3', r 1 n , ™'y> of Peter Lagaux, made re- Bethlehem, Wddeikarre, to I toga l omt #'«*» r*, J&fiu*. i. n.jt my intention to fay one word at pre pth-nted a petition ofjohn port, which was read as follow., m The comm.ttee therefore fubm.t the sol- to thc ■ fu , Citizen feiit, only aflbr np you that it will be noti- Mountjoy.an otneer dun,,.; t.-.c revolut.or.a- That they have taken the fame 11) t« con. lowing refolotion., viz. _ . I ' of the United .State. ' ced in due time ; and as to the latter, per- 'T war, praynnv tor donation lands— winch fidetation, and are of opinion that however Ruehtd, That a comm.ttee be appoint- Father Peter) ncH Mit to observe that it is too well known to w " rea . 31 feterrrcf to tiie bebc. Commit- Jehrable n r-bjeft it might be to encourage ed to report a bill agreeably to the torego- Cain—Chevalier Von Hallwyl, Mr. Warren— be sullied by any thing from th» mouth or tee appomted to enquire-into the expediency this branch ot agrici.ltme in the Hate of ing principles. Count Huge, Mr. Darley—Clievaliei Walter ni-n nftlii. i ru T of preventing the iffiung of caveats. Pennfvlvania. yet the present embarrassed Ordered to lie on the table. j Von Blon.iy, Mr. Bernard —Bmno, Mr. Wood— r k Mr. Claiborne, from the Select C»»> st at e Jf our fi„L« will not juftify the pe „ r .. i Benedick, Mr. Fran-i—Nicholas. Mr. Bliffett tie. Having however aflerted that the who . n were reU th , p . t lion c „ • #i(i d for j n fa ; J d ?_ | * artin, Mr. Warrell, jun—Ulock, War notoi.ety of my character inl Cecil 6f Cato Weft and Others, of the M.alfiflppi They 'tl erefoie fufamit the folllwina refo- P Oft of Philadelphia. j rril-pM County, (hielded me from personal chaf- .i <...., v.. 1 1 e/«"'e lu-mm uie iou»»ing leio j / Kliaabeth Von Hallwvl, Mrs. Merrv—Ger tifement," you will pardon my takingfome 7," ]' 'fV'ih""'fa: fk!" ifoufc' ?*'* ti . , Brig Paragon, HouSon, of and for this ' trude, Mr.. Francis—Young Woman, Mrs. notice of the •< notoriety" of your » cha- ,U • ' Ref °' ved - That the petitioners have leave fa 6 i]td from Port Republican the 15th Snowden—Litile Girl, Miss Solomen* —Ma- Tadler" in Philadelphia, which " fhieldi" iav ?" r;,bls t0 thc P;"jiy er ot .the peutioners-- to Withdraw their petition. (an _ Schr- MHle, Read, and fchr Dick, | tilda, (Couatefs DotfsJ rof Burgundy) Mr«. you from a chafiifement from me. To have rea4 an ° to,mn,Ut:d lor M a,llh, y Ordered to he on the table. Richards, from hence, have arrived at Port Morris txpol'edyou, fir, to public infamy a.id con- motion of M r. the orderof . . 0 r 1 f . " ft l tempt was not mv wifli ; and it is with some r i c 1: 1 iv. . £'-* iv. r,i ♦ A motion was made by Mr. Preflon, fe- Sloop Abigail, , from hence, is calt a I 0"/ c difficulty that I can ennfent to do it now, ill tomorrow conded by Mr. Fox, and read as follows, viz. away 20 miles to the southward of Cape j iHE WATERMAN; r "ill, was turtner poltponca til* to-morrow. n r 1 1 t«l t u t r\ cvi v * i* a on account o£ an injured and infultcd wife Tb# . } .j ou|> t]) £ w^u into committee of Rciolved, That a committee be appoint Henry. # t Or y The iirst of August. and children ; but the wanton and unjuf- t |, c '. vhc j c . on thc bill further to ruiV*nu the ed to J ' ,in a con)mittee the Senate (if the Ship Neptune, Hacquin, from hence to Pox. ore DoPar, Pit, three qmrters ef a tifiable attack made on my cbarader hy covnM - e ,4ial intercourse between the United Scnate ftla " • , PP°' nt s uc h committee) to con- the Havanna, has put into Nalfau in dif- j dollar, asd Gallery half a dollar. you, will not permit me in juftiee to m'yfclf gfitcs and Fr-nc-—Mr. Morri in the chair hder and report at what time it will be pro tref«. \ 0" The diors of the Theatre .will open at a to htfrate o e moment in" exposing that *" u.n ' .I,' per and convenif nt for the legislature to ad- { quarter past 5. and the curtain rife at a quarter charader to public i :dign a ti«„ and abhor- ! ~?Z t }°™> aad a]fo what hM ° °»g ht « du " Philadelphia, Feb. 15, .800. P>« 6 o'clock precif.ly. rence, which da.es so boldly to arraign that h- rr ; VP j to-morrow fively to be taken up and decided upon du- dear si*, t . of another. Adjourned. rinjr the present fcflion. Bf order of the committee of arrange- B&hk OJ the Li/2lt€U StCltdS. Had you Sir, cm ented Vourfelf with a ~r On the qneltion,—" Will the House a- ment, Ido myfelf the pleasure to fend you February 19, 1800. fim It denial of the fadta of my certificate, p u Arfljvrr V-fKTA J RCfff ATURF ® ree 10 lame r an extrad from the minutes of the (landing 1 fhpnld in like manner hav« contented my- 1' was determined in the negative. committee of the Pennsylvania society of NOIICE. felfwith Amply having proved them You, op . The clerk reported that he had presented ; the Cincinnati, in order that you mav take "I 'HE public are informed, that -no bufineT. however, chide a different course, by which tqi the Senate for concurrence the bill, cn- iu; h measures in conftquence thereof asyou » will be done at this BanV on Saturday thc you mud abide ; ar.d remember Sit, that ' !-ii! I.lay, Jan. 23. tilled an afl to prolong thr time for com Jeem proper. 12 d fnllant, being tbe fet apart by autho that the choice was your a?lk OJ A OTth jlffleriCd. tuie of the Honourable G. Christie, Mem- mor,wealth as the only proper legiilaf»yt- for thc choice «f el dors of a Prelident and °J tj \ co r t s J cats e J et February 10, 1800. bGr of Congress. &c. &c. which lam sure guide ; and i'.s the couflitutitA) declares " that Vice-PreiHer.t of tbe United States." apurt Jor tnem in t.,t c urcj. you would not fuffer any Plebian citizen of eveiv freeman of the age rf twenty one years Mnda<, January 17. I beg leave to mention that it i. the wife NOTICE. Philadelphia, to deny, without a " perfo- haying resided in the state two years n. Xt The hill, eatitlc'd an aft to provide for of the committee that the proceflion ftiould q ATURDAY next the nd inflant, beinjr'Tet nal chastisement." before the ele ancl re turn in the fame order in memory of General George Wellington, the from you to a certain lady in this city, at been afTefTed at leaf! (ix months before the c j b ' y th . c ' omm ; ttee Jf ,he whole house. : which ic P roceeds t0 th e church- P u . b ij? informed no bufincf, will be done a{ whefehoufeyour enamorata died, and where eleflion, fliall enjoy the rights of an eleft- The fitftf.C\ion beiiigunderconfideration. lam with much refpeft and esteem, '" S an****' " _ . y;>u lad kept htr for some time prior to her or : provider! that the sons ot perlons A motion was made by Mr. Boileau and Bear Sir, your obedient servant. NK-hR. Jon. Calmer, tour to the Springs for her health. I fl.aU >bea as aloielaid, between the ages of twen- f econ d el l by Mr. Snyder to amend the fame, M. M'CONNEL, Afft. Sec'ry. February 10. d 3 t however inl'crt the letter at full length, for ai (] twenty-two years, shall be enti- by infertinp next after tbe word „ u!<{ . n » ; Brigadier Gen. Mactherftn. p ,„l rn~ ~r~i ; fear you should have forgotten its contents, to v<*te alchough they shall not have j n jj ne thtfe words, viz. 44 and it (hall JJUUK OJ r cTlTlJylVQniCl. or that you (hould aflert it to bean " im- pa.Ki.A-. ... also be the duty of the said commilTioners Br'gadier general MACPHERSON, in F.bruai y 19, 1800. pi" ent fabrication.'' lo prevent the lat- . coi^m.t.e<_ are < opinion, t tc to cau s e t h e number of all negroeß, mulat- co-fcqucncc of the above communication, di- ter however I have left .t with .he Printer, have no power to. admit any to t£Ks> Qr pe |c of colou ,. htld a$ flavtg> rt as thr. the BLUES par.de at the State NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, urieie it will temam till Friday afternoon enjoy 11 cn. o. t,.e i_..ve .rancn. e, wio w j t j l |n their refpediive counties, to be care- 1 House on Saturday the 2zd at .. o'clock A. r f I HAT rip hufinefs will be don. at the Bank for the .nfpeft.orl of those who may have do flrt come within the defcr.pt.on ot that fuUy and accilrate l y ta k cn , diftinguifln'ng M. in uniform, nith their fide armx only. ■f• ° f P cnnf )' lva "' a . ™ Saturday the 2 »d inft. 1 doubt 3' :here 11 !S the conftitut.cn above cited, nor to their k and a 8 p ra . b thdr fcv . B of Brigadier General Maeth.rfon. " " ted \ a " th °"'y pay " Msr- exclude ai»y from briviletre who arc in- i „ \ 1 mg refpedl to the mtinory of the late General o eluded within that article ; that as the eon- n „• .. W „v « r JOHN M'CAULEY, Ac]j,t. VV ? aa.in g ton. } Miss has given me dcredions ftitution between the n- ht of On the qucftion Will the House a- fx Notes muS be offered on Thursday for dif. '■ in what manner (he wifbed her property, a „ c | e aor and that of being elefled into of- gr " l ° P ro Pp led amendment i" ! count, a> the Board of Directors wilt meet on V which is in your possession disposed of ; c ce f. v i ; c i, i- . n f «„ rnn( i ; It was determined in the affirmative, and CARD. Friday for th.t purpose ; and all payments due " muufiilt therefore take an inventory in tutVns is recinmc .n .his rUPinViAn " l he fedfiou as amended, adopted. • on Saturday at this Bank, m«ft be made on the " the prefer of every ' '1" 7f.! P " d.ru.ia.on, we U IN pursuance of a resolution of the P^eding. •f» yhinfr «nWi,»u (i,„ 'r, * tjt r ' f 11,1 « le lennl)lvaua, hi» occupation that of a la , „ .' y conmiiaoners, .bv rangement of the judiciary frftem, be re- At • 'joftn.- iennF nania State So- bouier,. thirty-nine years of age, five feet nine An engrofled bill intituled «An»ato . ' n - or inadvertency, many may ro mmended to the early consideration of the tirty of t! '" Cmei<■ % s- Mai *" *> ■>** g0 ee Houfe ' «c o F ground. Mr. Brace said, during the last session of 5- To allow an additional number of in- if !hev IbinkT t ° fr app6 " lt li be for'Thi- s'cWv' I S ' T T Mv ou Market-Street, having Congress a bill palled the Senate accepting %aors in the diftrifls of the Northern Li- exaS fn/', ,7 L " e to hveuJ bdo.e thw Society on Sam.,ay the four roms on eaeh floor, two good v,„J ts J. the ceflion of the (late of Connecticut cf the Arties and Southwark, it, the county of or anv nart n fTh T 7 , PM!t fI 5 'T' q" T ° W way contain ten cord Western flirve of that state in the state of Philadelphia. ' or any part of it be made } and up- p > M. at such place as the Standing.-Com- ; « one-os the heft (lands in this city OtJ... 1 1 r 1 vi on report of such irifpector, the said iudce mittee to whom the arrangements ol the dav bufineis. Fot tsrms enquire of Pennfylvama-withaviewto hrthis sub- Ordered to he on the table. foaH hav e power to craw upon the J State' referred, fliall dote,mine. ' JOSEPH DONALDSON. Jr agamintot.nUderation.he would move Ihe committee on that part of the Gov Treafmy for one half of the expenc- of Refotvtd That the Prefidentofthe tTnIW ■ ho W,H let on the house he now lives the following relolution. ernor's address which relates to the ellablilh- making and keeping inrepar such road State, S^dh, s [ hVvI,P or three years. Resolved, That a committee be appomtea ment ot fcbools, having obtained leave, re- the tare of making the roadi ana keeping the United States, the Speaker of the Hou'lV —— —- f;w ti. take into consideration the expediency ol ported a bill, entitled "an aft eftabiifliing them in repair, to'reft upon the refneftive of Re n,-fi.!itat : vf. the ' r 1 1 /OS 7 ~ ,te **««*"*•»! <°°«>. ..»•«"«» POCKET-BOOK, " tbn they report by bill or otherwise. Ordered to lie on the table. on the W Delaware. jot the Cener. l ana State Governments as pONTA INING fundry,papers, „f no vitas to Ordered to lie on the table. Whereupon, on motion, PVt I T «» Philadelphia, ! e refp.-afully V < any F ,ri „tut the U three Five 1 \/r c. r . j fT , ~ _ Gettyfburgh, BlacK s Gap, Chambers- mvited to lion 01 t,ie Society with their pre- Dohar Notes. Any person who may find the fcnte* 1 If. Stone presented a petition of 1 homas Ordered, That Monday, February 3d burgh, Bedford, Greeufburgh to Pittf. fence on the occnfioD. ' ami will return 5t t» tl owner, ;tMr. 1 itts, marnner, of the port of Edenton, N. next, be assigned for the second reading of burgh. i n 1 , r Office,faall be ganerouCy rewarded, 0 6 6 j IJtssmser ai. 2aW3wStdtf i Fctruiry 7.