«f & lillttels fpfateS 5 &? Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. v ■ I ■ - -1.. . '■ —--—" '...'■'■ l -'*.'T —L 1 JSgy— ~-rj^rr=rrrr.— i-i-. ■., _ ■Mummis 3-u.l PHILADELPHIA, Y.'F.DN E&PAY EVENING, FEBRUARY i 9, I*oo. (Volt/ ire XVII. •' «,;•>V .- ■' " ' r '". \ v Eg f ' ; fc/ /" " " -• K •■ p*, e K7> »*>r« c/ »A& G« Zf & u£ic«H NOTICE.. DANCING. AT NOTICE. lot-LAHs }*/- t.> Subscribers residing l tbe city of Pbiladiljthiu. M others A L '; P erfoi »> indebt.-dto {lie ejtatr cf Thomas Mr. FRASCIty _ 9«//K CJttbtroKS Q* W -Do//ar additional, for enclosing and di- gSjjnAe irnmivte" paymeYT "be otr ta * ' lw Saturday the tft of March next at fevrn "ITTII LI AM L late of Haiwvrr town* tcting 1 und unless.some person itl this city f u Kf tn!)tr . and those w |fo have aiiy p Eji'tCituWf.V iutormahis fch IJ £ lccfc in the cvWßjfc at the Merchant W (hip, Daepbui county, Store-keeper, are IHi become answerable for tie subscription, againll the fcM *firtc are rctpufi-.d to immft uk« K public it. aSucV ,1. that i.c v..!. rc *»; » .V icttMny -I PMy •< agm- ' U^di » "*«* ba, a,pUedto the Jud , •» o- ; f / r < ,► i'tarhin.>-on'rTU-'iI") h Y the iAfh inlt a ii r at the c *" ttj«-naiito«n ; confiding January 23 —31. taw3w. MAI'THEW M'CONNELL Suißuentiy Urge to eottait; uiue r K e and commodiou, iWr fr.iflied ,n ON SATURDAY * • ro ~u i-th iitfhrh 'flreet. the mpderu fble, with a Barn. Stabl,s and Out- aniuuurtl, Waving opened an Office in Cbesnut street ? Sa'e' or to L-t 1) ccmbei"- • " liouiVs, twei.ty-two acres of highly improved' tbe sJt of March ntxt y at 6 o'clock m the (A few doors above Fourtk) V '■'"i' ' \C^ : "OUS T '" " Mcadew land ;an Ore hard of tl.c heif grafted evening, will be soid by Public Auction , , r A oo» -HA - at the City Coffee House, the sol - 4 ' „ No* r, i? 9- dtf. L.+Ll\L no l £,t\. oL jG- ). # table- }n an excellent e*j>efi»re. The pretnilea , lowinc vain ible AND cocoaeat'td the Bnfine «of Ne - - ~, . (pariicularly the Garden, in which thcie aie T> T? /\ T T7CT> aTP - * goiiatio«s. in t/ib varii klildii of Public THE U DL Rc+Crl. Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan- two Fountains)-are wau*j"eil with •» ai ' d Meadows of the Schuy kill. Sup- floor, and i. as feet 8 Wcl.ee in from, and 5 » ind near the City will be atuoi.eu t and a..0 yf and belure failing fi™,,: United states Eagl., Market lkeet,, of Marketing of every dcfcriptioii are con- feet, 6 tuciien deep The piazza is 19 feet 6 f Lands, when aliat bwfineis again revives. fro ,j, jn y port i.i the said States, to call upor him flantly piTmg on the rotd in tro it of the house, mcherm Iciigh, and 1 (tt 1 6 inches in width, N 1 ivember 10. daw{Dj «tf) |or the Vice Consul iu to be granted (uch "" ' r and.Filhtnay be obtained tn the great eft abun- in which is carried up an elegant ftalr-calc * " Certificates for th ir Cargoes, which the exigency Loaning, jJur.woJuy to. datlfte diring the leafon, and at all times pre- The back buildings are 50 feet in length and 23 ~,, r -p,, , of the Obi.- of the-Nciiti»i v C'ommerce an«. taefe- A r oti. 30. U 2l ? fervetl in a Filh-Pond, 011 the Preiniles. The toet 8 inches in width, ard contain on the fsrit J .11. > J" 1 "* V.r 1 Dc> re»s of the Bslligerent Powers, r.ndsr « —' — be made known at the time of sale. floor, a parlour' kitchen, pantry and'flair cafe. A!-. 80 Dock, near Thud street, r.ecefhry, and, that any Matter o! BOONETON IRON WORKS. William Ira in ? 1 1,8 fero,,d and third floors are divided in 10 HAS t out S.VLK, V.-fTils liulong.ng to refpcc..ve nations, cr na- ~ ~, ,' > ExgeUtors. convenient chambers and dressing rooms The Conaes, vigatiOg u-Uer nie Lon •- their L >u ■ . ' 1 Jl " u ' ) lot ot ground is 198 feet deep, with the piivi ,, T SHANNON O-POALK. lege of 1 tourt It. in,.) LombiiJ I vum .W, —_ tnict Tanu-ifcs ' na .1... ua, 10-. .cciic.r, //( w ihe 1 anic ol t iaom ton on Notice is liercbv ad|.;.iniltgjthe above, swing 32 feel 8 iijeW it) Patna and DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, ol coV.fi' ■-> to\ a forge with To all persons interested in a Tract of Land ,lOUt '; # sj? 5 * Mt'" ' ,nck^". tn • fXc!u,lve Santipoor Handkerchief*. to wit : four firca, a Rolling and Slitting Mill a Urktwiil lying and being in Springfield, Burling- '>' , r ° Jv " I,u -- fc - "" • ' The foregoing will be fold very low in order to T>E IT REMEMBERED, That on the e- with two Run of fl.ne-:, »» *•&?, State of Ne W jersey, for- * rfl aod f^dX^-theThuift^sXidld tIo!ela1 "- I) leveiithdsy of January, 111 thetwenty-fourth order andn«w m n(e together with an e*c .lent, , belonging to Samuel Bullus, and by ; nto ,h ree chambers—There'ate two elceanl acso, vear of the Independence of the United States large, nd'convenient houlc, with out-fc -als of - ». f. s . ,>, r , " ... r lnd "' ucr3 1 "ere-»re two ticgani A FEW PACKAGES OF of America, C<»|. f INSON RE A D and eve. y kind ; among which arc au Ice house, and l " m ton-eytu to .jis six u 1 hat ' a ' r a large and convenient kitchen un / - >, J, OEORGF DAVIS, of the said Diftrns\, stone milk house, with a »emaikable,fihe Ipring iu \\TE the Subfcribcr«, appointed bv James Kin- ICI e , k rogpj, and double ce.lars unt.er German Goods, ijt it, a.aigc Garden, anda,, caciw,, e..lMio,i.of \i fey, tl.ure and arable land, and a gfe.t number of to make partition of the fame Lands, t, and into Lombard ftreet-a relJri«ioi. ii to be iai.-i „ . ~,, n.-.r ■ n jcfTn \rr stores and workmen s hoafes Immediate poffcllion amongst the laid children and their affig.is, do in- upon this lot, that no back bull-irij;s, higher ' r 1,1 TEA' -LAr* t. VELUAEA rxUj\e>, will be g.ven of houses and (lores fuffieient tor tend to meet at the house «f Hvltinjltud/mn- than 8 feet from the level of Front Street, are ' O fiE SOLD BY Elegantly engraved on Copper plate, viz. providing llotk the present winter, and pofiellion keeper in Burlington, 011 the twelfth day us March ever to be erciicd upon the l'pace now vacant. yssE iJ" ROUV.Hr nr»LS. i. Dtb: on Bond 6. Quantum Meruit of the whole in the spring. nett, at eleven of the clock in the formoon of that y oi . .. 1 \ i a* —by AfSgnee 7. —' —— Valebant For terms .'lauire of David B Oirden at New- day, and cither by ourselves or in conjunSion with a T*t-TDT?i7 CTfltt V iIR irr TaTOT7 r TT Old Port Wine, in pipes, hhds. and qr. calks, onf.nglebill 8. On Promissory note ark ,„rPe t erMack!e mr.David thefdd Chief Justice proceed to allot Ind by ballot A 1 HREE SI OR t BRICK HOUoE, Also Landing at tbeJr WbarJ 4 . on penal bill 9. Sam. by Indorsee lfor ' d \ u Morns Town, or meftrs. Jacob and Kich- fil on the or P a " e "h of the said chil- adjoining the above, of the dimensions and plan „. P , , m , ;n, on 5. Indebitatus Al- 10. Trefpals and E- ard Faefch on thcprcshUea. dr.n and their afligns pursuant to the aA entitled as the house No. 1, except that the back build- From on board the ship e-dwatd from lfhon. 6. film p fit jcdlmcnt. t . "an ail fsr the more easy partition of Lands held "igs are only 45 feet in depth. The lot is 131 Lisbon Wine, in uipes ancl qr. calks. r ... Jinuarvn by Copartners, joint Tenants and Tenants !n com- sett 6 inches deep, and has the privilege of a E c ~ 5 Fjr the USC °f tht Pr °M^ rs c f ,be Lau ' mon," made and pasTed the Seventh day of Nov. court into Lombard street. -*r v rti , MA W xt , a l A „ HUMOURS ON thk F ACL AND SkIN, lhc yearof our ' wd> OHe thcufand f^ED hun . The ibove described h ., ure6 ar£ not pUlfter . ' LOLLINSON KI.AD." P»rtituUrlypin.ples,btelclies, letters, ring- dred and eighty-nmc. cd, but the Carpenters work is nearly finilhed. t Hivi f6k sale, •7 ■ Uu: aA of the Congrofs of woim-, ia«, icck cj, tin urn., 1 - Witnels ourhamb this fifth day of February, Persons wifliing to vi«w them previous to the a 1 V u BIT n • thcUn,,efl tor the gles, radntfa of the nole, neck or One thouland eight hundred. day of sale, will pieafe to apply at No. iSS, 5000 pieces Ift ane, id quality• Ruflia Duo., encovirigemci.t of .earning, by securing the co- arms, and prickly heat, ( South Front street for the keys. 100 pieces Ravens Duck (superior) piei of Maps, Charts ami Books to the Authors Are efT.dually cured by the application of < Aorabam Stockton, ' Boston Beef in Barrels, and Pi oprietors of fiyh copies, during the time cr'L „ T , Job Lippencott, . - IIJ- +■ t v 1., J COSSAS therein me'niior.ed." lht nUVIC r egC.ubi£ Charles Ellis. ALOI OF GROLNQ, '* ,v "* , lIUMIIUMS. (l. s.) D. CALDWELL, Feb. g. jtawtn M. 3* feet 8 inches front, and 37 feet in depth, 1100 buihela St. Martins, salt. Clerk of District of Pennsylvania. T hi» excellent remedy lias b. en aomimDered by ._rit ,1 4 -ru 1 I I U ■ , r the inventor, lor fjveral y.ars while in Eugland, WORMS. ". r - with the greatest success By the simple applies- 5* cfrivf nf T vrnminn Caimrv b.ance o! fine writing with utility, and fettled tion or this fluid for a fiiort time. It will icniove ...... LO I OF GROUND " V "'J *> - and appr ved by fomc of :he i.l andmoftdil- ,he nioft rancorous and ahrniing fcutvy in the ; '" E G^-" INE adjoining the above, and of thefams dimenfiooi. tingNilhed Lsw Charters i,l the llate, ire now f acCi which has foiled every other remedy. It Paient VermifuVC LcZe>JPeS % TWK! VP I hTt HIT PROTTKin JOHN KIDD, Treafarer, publifeed, and for (ale at polTeffes all the good quali ies of llie rnoft cele- For desi kcying worms ° c, , • re j<■ > c I \ a GEOttGE DAVIS's bratcd cofoictick, without any of their doubtful j n (2kild?cn and (Ivnw i l \ rfnn* io Lombard ilrtet l». Rice, 1 6 louth Second other and few children are without ihere is a frame building and kitchen abon 16 jf Taitesthereon,and pay them ; olherw ife, be- Thirty Dollars Regard. ftrset, Philadelphia. them in a gTeaier or iefier de *ree. —The necef- feet froLt, and 3r feet deep, in good r«pair. fore bis leaving the City, they will beputinto February i». eoiw fity of an infallible lemcdy theie-fore is obvious. aIOT OF rHDTINT) the hands of tlie Sh«i iff for colletflion, agfeea nttiruTPn ' ,c .Vermifuge Lozc-nzes a.c an excellent alta . . ' bly to the afl for raifiug county rates and levies ' ' „ , , fukthe rative, contain übthiui; but what i» perfedllv in- c'ontaining 114 feet on Lombard Ifeet, and Thofa who have not filed ftateur.ent* of then the Mame amekslj Ae Hight »l the CURE OF TIIL RHEUM'VTI£M nocent, and snay be administered to children of *?? ," on Lighth ilrtet from the Delaware, lands with the Cemmillioners, and aredefirous i mil —JOHN OsBOR*., born 111 the , gml white fwc-iliu- foV'i.s ,li a 3«» Wt" grown perfohs, witlj.tfce great- *"h the pri .-iltge ol att feet alley running pa. "i ►t , Mimnt )M#« mlfhmif nn» tOWQof Bcillord, wctt Lhc'icr countr and ilate 1 ai, 7> * 'umoago, wnitciv*cHfiiiZS) iprams, n r f t X, ° 1 r . • rallel to Lombard ftrrft of having It done, to pitvent sales w 'hont Pre New . York „ , ars mcn [ h fcet bruises, numbness, ehilblaii.s, acute chronic T | he > sing larly ctticacu. «IW » Lombard ttreet. •tauiperlona! hotire, inavji e wit l abov g r h e umatilm, rheumatic gout, is recommended aU « r ° lß l.ori.nne , upturns, Sore ALOI OF GROUND, 1 rea.uior, la ' h c J" d light hair, ruddy umpl xion, pock market, by jy r CHURCH'S ' iea ' s *. , C V '" cXtc leiU I'l'Vfic in the adjoining ihe sbova, containing 168 feet on ;ucntd, nuinbci a.t a. •, •> ' tradt a-Shoemaker. Enlif.cd hy Lieutcnan: ftey • 1r? \ n Jrr IT r J* l '" u P an| cularly as- Lombard tercet, and 130 feet in depth :o the a- B3 1 J C *|. ° r \ 1 w ' r J-" r ' c .m' U,j If J »olds-a Otcplnn's Town, neai Albany the »sth of CjemiCal And EJfetiCe of twr ' l Small-Pox, Measles, Fevers, sec. bovementioned alley, aad with the privilege of iald thurland-s. t*e wnl attend at Mr. Ju.cpl. j uoeWft Ha.l on and took with him a ftort Muftir/I P'l cSO cenls c.eh box—l-amily boxes con- the fame Hardy's No. 98, Market ttreet l-er this purpose round bUe c j^ th ceat with a red cape, a blue IVIUJutUI, taming eight fmail ones at three dollars. . , syr rr onv jntil the tSth ir.ftaut. cloth coatee, a fciv white waistcoats, a'long grey Pieparcd only by Dr. James Church, at his Sold by Mtffis 11. i: P. Rice, 16, South Se- _ ' x oKI)U.\„, NovMTibfr9. mi.\ed clo'h coat anu Urciches, apm oi'boot», a Difptnfary, It'cw-York. cond llrtct, I'hilaciclphia, a.sd Mr. imcc, Bai- "" ~ Zj j rhvcolate coloured coat trimmed wah black umorc. <»n fireet from Delaware, with the pri- Tweilty Dollars Re warn. hairpluA, a furr hat kalf wora. and twolilver There perhaps is no malady to which the nt> vile-e of a feet alley. w onc ? mi ; lcle {izc ' th - otllcr Kc man frame is fubjea, that has had more appli- FOR IHE CURfi OF FITS. A LOT OF GROUND, AN-AWAY from Spring Forge, in Yorh n>ay impose himleii on son.c tamily or gCTitleaiim cations of various kinds administered as rcm<- | adjoining the above, containing 168 feet on IV County, a negro man, named loA t other » * 1 1 w ,^i f ,L . dis, than the kheumatiifm : nor ia thero scarce , Jinf?tit /lftti tlSfflOci l r I*/2Yir Pine rfirtet, and in depth, to the above ■rife CVDJO, about », year, .Id, the property Whoever apprehend, said Defertsr, andfecures htm a disorder that h. s refitted vrilh like force the at- paiftllSlWlSpasmOtUC ttllXlt . ; d ' { " y * the priv.lesre of * >f Robert Colaman; Esq. He is al ~ut 5 leet S •« Keadquart.rs, or delivers him tem made t0 remove it . Convulsion Ilvfleric, or the lame P S a, ; d - EW! c f Lrl l!ic Fa^ifts - A LOT OF ground, jn and took with hirn'a drab colour ;d~kroad cloth reward and all reafouable ^ ftriA of Sou.hw.rk,'bounded a, sol* pirinud "l'ancy "or'd * ."wanldownVped- u°n"r /JjuLi Marine ' Corps, k1 d """ « a corner of Thomas WharteL's ■ eket; a rorutu bat; one fine and one coaric January 16. v. P V 1 ,on ,- n , P k. owledpe ol the proprntor (where takeu agree- ~n d „ „, h fll1 „ nf rarnru . r ,* Wrt- ™ muslin hlndkerehief, sprigged, two J ZIZ ! h e opimonof he C • liege of rh> fictaHt concern- able to the di. eel ions, and w itl. perfeverame) , d '* e V" ~ fl t ° ' litto striped border, a blue Persian under jacket One Thousand Five Hundred '"V-'f (Wri 1° md two peir cotton stockings. Whoever takes up nn , r aoc « Mustard, W. s acrimony and pudency ; , .me only is fubjoir.ed out ol acr nfidenhle i''d i nttld a. ew tlfrT, Z?, ' ai«l negro and lodges him in anv jail in this or any UULLAKo tt.mu.ates'the fond', ar.d attenuates vilc.d jui- unirber. .is proof ot its efficacy attested before ' , flrlumt' hrj e ,?'* .f ihe neiVbouring Hates (ball have the ahove r«- TTT AS delivered to the POSTMAb- c J-nd hence is iJeftrvcdiy recommended tor the Lord Mayor ofLonlon. !- • . " L 'i e fi,lc of thc vard or reasonable expcncesil brought home. \\ TER liere, in the Pfes-T-OtJ. ice, " clt, "« ' o:i "C ™>--rea- ' A p F i DAV IT. f w , t0 , Ur '* 7 n uu ft?'sT «-t c t 'l *i sing the flutd - » feet to a cornet of .-ndrew tietihan s land JOHN BRIEiN. on the evening-os Tucfday the 27th ult. in rh c U matic afteaions." I, Jan.es r ococ k, or No 4-, isorlh -street, —ihencc well northwardiy 149 feet o inches to Spring Forge, Odlober 13,1799- a LETTER dire&ed to Mr. J,ln Mills, Thele medicine, contain all the virtues that "» of ht. Lfke.'s M-.ddlel udo make a Corner of,T. Wharton's land, thence t»v the N. B. As said negro formsrly lived in Chester Merchant, BaItIMQBK, containing- two can pofliblv be .'eriv. d from that ex- client and oatn hat 1 was gncvonjjy With fiu fame on a firalt line 190 feet 6 inches to tlif ounty.ic is probable he may return there. ALEXANDRIA BANK NOTES, No. powerful vegetable. The Effenoe is prepared » or u P«-«ds of i.< y.ars ! that to f> violeiit place ef beginning. November 5 4320, in favour of William Taylor, and in a fluid ilate, and is finguhrly efficacious as " l as to icquire 12 men to licit, me in i also, >nrI , VTV TArM r AMQ i) cv\y A»n dated i^ h A P rll -> 1 t>or ONE THOU application ; c ommon rheumatisms, uM^enl ANOTHER LOT OF GROUND, I WEN i l - . . e . oAISiJ iJUL.I#Ai-to, a»u jNo. 4522, itl. Brnifps Frpypn lm-nl in am, nkv. I' 7 heurs ; in consequence of which my conftitu- ; tn t,,e ot ooi-thwark bounded as sol a rri a v q 1 • .u >t . vour rt John P. Pleasants, and dated thc K : t * c 1 4 tion be-ame quite emaciated. I made arpiiica- » ows : Re I 1 ° H fr J Furnace 10th of Dec ember for FlVfi HUK- ped 'wilVhe'found to tion to - many ertiinent of the' i'tewkv, ] Begmninj at the corner of M. Sqcpec's lot DKED DOLLARS , 9 w1, K h1»„,,.,bc„ "AUgSti. ™ ,e is about 40 years cfage, five feet fix , rle- SUPPRESSED.in a POST-OFFICE, ar.d prepared in the form of pills,and being an inter- " tu S >l :, h °j lh < . P ' f "It en inches high, tolerable black, 'with a down tha BANIC NOTES taken out as the nat remedy is an amazing additional improve- v " 0 J .' 5 ' a m "' 1 ' ,lxn ior '* . l ' " .j. e , •• .'. we r « look, squints is a cunning artful feft.-w, PUBLIC MAIL was not STOPPED, nxnt, taken in the severest cases of the Kh uma- o'V efe'nmft t n SowlaMou' i?c enn 'u a' # r'■ li?i-. sod >«y fo»J Of ikong 11.;,.,,. UOJ.ESTEO, 6, UOBBbID. » O.m, 3 i with him a number of clothing, among* « w^ h - the Circulauon ot laid « motes tl , perfpimkm> rates ; evy ** was firft ciirerf o! bis htt, and he has no re- <> ■>■ i 3 'o«t6 westerly zc feet ,hidi were, one suit plain Nankeen ; (some -W*. d sto P thecl i and **Y P'' rfon g lv " feldly by urine ; they alio amend a weak di- tur " wh,tevcr oi tWn T r^ c n " aft f 1", "l J ' 4 ° si U, . M ?>' lmenfi «g loney). It is expefled h« has Aaped bis conrfc tKg'iuch i-.itormatioß as will lead, us to our gefti in, andHrengthen the ffomach. JAM eS i OCe)CiC. road afoielaid t- the t iiceol beginning. Dr Philadelphia or New York. ' m*ney, Hall have FIVE HUNDRED Sold as above with printed diredtion* for use. Sworn-brfore me at the Manfton-houfe, this M ! drfcrib^dTrmifrt"'- 0 -f The above reward will be paid for fe- DOLLARS reward. Where also may be had, CHUUCH's COUGH a 9 ,h day of Acguft, X 796. 9 6. high on the abo e deluibed p.emi.e, urlL him in any gaol in the United States, WILSON SWANN. DROPS, a medicine unequalled by any in the " :U,am CvrUs '> Mayor. Plana of the above lmuf s and lota of ground ,-ith reasonable charges if brought'home. Fredericklburg, (Virg.) Sept. 10. world for the cure of Coughs; Colds, Ailhmas Prepared (only) by the Inventor ancl sole ". Tt . t0 c ~e . e n at , tn . e nee-iloule. ihe con- SAMUEL J/.C033. p. All P-L.s In