Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, February 17, 1800, Image 3

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Ju(lun\ et tenaccm propofiti virum,
Non cmum ardor prava jubentium,
Non vultus inflantii tyranni,
Mente quatit folida.
A display of unparalleled impudence on
*he part of the Faculty of a certain Insti
tution, has determined me, on what I
have long contemplated, an exposition of
the villainy, insolence, tyranny and incom
petency of the to ignorant and brutal Peda
gogues. N. B. Ids fire to be understood to
fpeat with exceptions.
I wrtit but for an event to take place
■which mull occur in a day or two ; when I
will unveil this rank inifiiirture of Reverend
1 he jJuplic voice, with loud and general
acclaim, has long cried out, " It is high
time thrfc infolents were chaflifed and as
they are good Republicans, be it my bufmel's
to teach them, that the Rights of Man are
sacred, and that their tyranny Ihall tend to
their own confulion.
The civil ailTent>ons in Pennfylvanis
threaten ths complete disrranctiiiVraent of
the citiiens, at the er.fuing ekdUon for Pre
fideut and Vice Pielident.
The New York Editor fates that 4 re
port was in circulation that another revolu
ttenhnd taken place in Paris ; in the ourle
•f which Buonaparte had again narrowly ef
feaped assassination.
The IVntarchy of France, hav
ing been overthrown by the itfurptr Buona
parte, it brcornca piojjer to designate the
new rebel government of that kingdom by a
new name. Under the dominion of a rebel,
regicide, thief and murderer, a Viriatus
in profefiion, pradlice and charader, that
-unhappy country may not unaptly be laid
to be under a Diabolarcby.
Mrs. Hannah More, in a late work on
Pemalt Education, appropriately notice* the
lewd and Jacobinical produftions of tht'Ger
man illuminjtus, Kotzebue, in the following
pafiage :
" His cool, calculating, intelleflual wick
edness eats out the very heart and core of
virtue ; and like a deadly mildew, blights
and fhrivds the blooming promise of the hu
man spring. Its benumbing touch commti
liicates a torpid flnggilhnefs, which puralyfes
the foul. It descants on depravity, andde
tails its groflefl a&s as frigidly, as if its ob
jedl were to all ij- the tumult of the padions,
while it is letting them loose on mankind by
plutkivg off the muzzle of present relhaint
and future accountablerefs. The fydem is
dire infulion compounded of bold impiety,
brutidi fiiifuality, and exquisite folly; which,
treeping fatally about the heart, checks the
tnoral circulation, and totally dops the pulse
of gooduefs by the extinction of the vital
principle : thus not only choaking up the
stream nfsdVual virtue, but drying the very
fountain of future remorse and remote repen
tanc -. See " Strictures on the Modern Sys
tem of Female Education." P. 49. )
The comedy of Kotzrbur called Tie Birth
Day, consists principally of aa attempt at
imitating Sterne's Uncle Toby and Mr.
Sbar.dy. The imitation is so weak, th*t even
the London Courier, declares it tobedefpi-
The " M". SASfdnt as*' hanged at
Kingston (Jamaica) was the man who be
friended the Pirate and murderer Nash,
and who advised him to swear that he was
an American rit'Zrn. He was also a French
agent at Charleston for Privateers.
The honorable member who moved in
Congress a few days ago, for the appoint
ment of a committee to bring in a bill mak
ing provi/ion for the removal of regular
troops of the United S'ales, which may be
iiationed where an eledtion i« held—ought
•t the fame time, to have recolle&ed the
mode of condu&ing elections in the Nor
thern Liberties, and if sincere in vvifhing
that ele&ions may be conduftcd fairly,
amend liis rcfnlution, by making provinon
for abolifhirg the prattice of forming men
in military array, and marching them to the
election ground with drums beating and
fifes playing, men armed, mounted on horse
back, founding trumpet! and parading thro'
the streets—he mult recolleift that all the
tleftions, with few exceptions, have Been
cMtduficd in lhis manner in ths diftrift of
the Northern Liberties ; and more incon
venience is to be apprehended from difor
derly and irregular militia, than the regula 1
troops of the United States.
Porl of Philadelphia.
Sclir. Jane, Toby, N. York via Manchester
Little Will, Culhing, Havanna
Rebecca Norfolk
Three Friends, Darling Richmond
Friendship, Taylor Gonaives
Sloop Sally, Dtuyke New York
Gsnett, Smith Naflau, N. P.
Ship Hannah, Whoth, from New York,
and schooner Fancy. Winflow from Naflau
have arrived at Reedy Island.
Brig Susanna, Medlio, from Hamburg
is ashore between Bombay Hook and Mor
n's Liftons. A brig, name unknown, is in
JJ-banzv creek.
Last evening about 6 o'clock palled the
Light House, the (hip Fn&or, Capt. Kemp,
for London—aud the fl'.ip Nancy, Captain
Allen, for Calcutta.
NEW-YORK, February 15.
Passengers in the Factor
Captain Goddard.
Samuel Sitgreaves, Esq.
Mr. Nclbit.
Col. Apthorp.
Mr. Gray.
Mils Henfhaxv.
Mil's Dowdall.
Mils Hullon.
West India News.
KINGSTON, (Jam.) Dec. 24.
By jjfiieral orders iffucd the 22d iriftant,
all French male flares exceeding the age of
twrlve years, are to be carried to the bar
racks on Friday the 27th iutt. at the hour
of 10 A.M.
Ycfterday afternoon precisely ten minutes !
before 5 o'clock, pursuant to his sentence, I
was executed in the parade, Mr. Sas Portas,
condemned as a spy. The Kingston mili
tia and the garrisons of this town and Up-
Parke, were drawn up in a square around
the gallows, at 10 minutes before four, and
the whole business was conduced with the
utmoli folemniiy. Previous to his execu
tion he was marched round the square, with
a label having SPY painted on it, on his
and another on his back with
EisPION o 1 it. He f emed perfectly un
concern: d itntil the handkerchief was bound
round hi head, and was mounting the lad
der from the fcaffol.l, when he made an ex
ertion to save himfelf by clinging to the
I ladder. Wc fiecerely hope his fate will be
a ltflon to those who have come among us
1 on the fame trrand.
The ftitp Boddingtoo, Callenhead, ar
rived at St..Ann's Bay, on the 24th ult.
one of the last convoy from England, but
last from Trinidad. The news by this ar
rival states the number of Frenchmen in
that ifltnd to be more than any other na
tion ; that they had become so treacherous
that martial law was laid on ; numerous
p'et« for murdering all the English, and
getting pefTcflion of the colony, were disco
vered ; that a gallows was ere&ed across
the main street, so wide that twenty could
be banged at once, and scarce a day pafled
without from one to five being tucked up.
Colonel Hickfon is the commanding officer
at Yrinidad.
IN pursuance of a resolution cf the
Standing Ccmmitte of the Pennsylvania So
ciety <ji the Ciiuimrrrr, the members of the
Cincinnati, not belonging to this State, who
maybe in the city on Saturday the i2d ind.
such officer! of the late revolutionary artr.y.
not members of the society, the officers of
the army, navy, and militia, are refpeftfully
invited to join in procession to he formed at
the State Houfc, precifrlv at 12 o'clock of
said day, by the Pennsylvania Society of
Cincinnati, and proceed from thehce to the
Reformed Church in Race ft. where an Fn
logium on the charafter of Gen. WASH
INGTON will he delivered before the Soci
ety bv one of its members. The proceflion
will return in the fame order in which it
proceeds to the church.
James Moo r e, ■ "J
Charles Diddle, / Committee cl'
M. M i ConnetL f Arrangement.
-Robert Patton, J
Philadelphia, Feb. 15, 1800.
At a meeting of the Pennlylvatjia State So
ciety of the Cincinnati, held at the State
Houfc, in Philadelphia, on the alft of
December, 1799,
The following Resolutions were moved by-
Major Jackson, aud üßamniouily
adopted :
Resolved, That, in veneration of the ex
alted virtues, p>»trit»tiln», and public IVr vices
of our late most excellent, beloved, and ever
to be lamented President General, George
Washington,—and as a tribute of the deepefl
furrow, and mod afTeftionate attachment to
his endeared and illustrious memory, the
Members of this Society will wear mourn
ing, connected with the Badge of the Society,
during fix months.
Resolved, That a strip of black Ribband
naffing along the centre of the Ribband of
the Order, be added on this occasion.
•The following refolutionn *ere moved by gen,
Macpherfon and unanimously adopted.
Resolved, That Major Jackson be rcqueft
ed to prepare mid pronounce an Eulogium on
the cbn rafter of General Washington, em
bracing a fummnry review of his Civil and
Military services ; and that the fame be de
livered before this Society on Saturday the
zid day of February next, at one o'clock,
P. M. at such place aj the Standing; Com
mittee to whom the arrangements of the day
are referred, (hall determine.
Raolved, Tbst tlie- Prefidentofthe United
States and his family—the Vice Prefidentot
the United States, the Speaker of the House
of Representatives, the Members of both
Houses »f Cnngrefs, the Heads of Depart
ments, the Judiciary, and such other officers
of the General and State Governments as
may then be in Philadelphia, be refp ttfully
invited to honor the Society with their pre
sence on the occasion.
December at.
Tbi-s Evening, February 17,
Will be prefe rted, a celebrated Comedy, (taken
from the German of K.otzebueJ called
To which will bt added, (not ailed this season)
a Com{c Opera, called
Pox. one Dnl'ar, l'rt, three quuters ®f a
dollar, av.d Gallery half a dollar.
A good three llory Brick House,
CITOATKI) at the north east corner of Water
O and Market street, thirty feet front on Wa
ter Street, having four r-oins an each floor, two
good vaults under Water street, which may
contain ten cord, is one us the b*ft stands in this
city for bufinel's. tot terms enquire of
Who will let on lease the lioufe he new live#
in for two or tliree years,
February it,
fOg. THE
Palsy, gout, lumbago, white fuellings, Jprai»s,
bruii«, numfcnefs, chilblains, acute chronic
rheumatism, rheumatic gout, i« recommended'
Chemical Ext raft and EJfence of
Prepared only by Dr. James Church, at hi*
Difpcnfary, New-York.
There perhaps is no malady to which the hu
man i'rame is fulje<3, that has had more appli
cations of varieui kinds .idminillered as remt
dits, than the Rhcuniatifin : nor it. thcro scarce
a disorder that has refilled with like force the at
tempts made t» remove it
The virtue; of the Efl'.m-e a 1: i Extract of
Mulbrd, w;ll be found to equal, if not excel
thole of any other medicine whatever, in the
cuvt of the above complaints. The following
is cop d from the London Pharmacopiae -nd is
the opinion of the College of Phyfici-ss concern
ing this valuable Drug.
" Mulhrd, by its acrimony and pungency ;
ftimttlates the solids, and attenuates viscid jui
ces, ;.nd hence is deservedly recommended for
exciting appetite, promoting digtftion, encrea
flhg the fluid lecretions 5 also paralytic and
rheumatic affc^ions-"
Thcfe medicine* contain all the virtues that f
can poflibly be derived from that excellent and ,
powerful vegetable. The EfTence' i« prepared |
in a fluid Itate, and is Angularly efficacious as
an external application ; common rheiimatifms,
Sprains, Chilblains, Stiff Necks, swelled joints,
Bruifes,"Trozen Feet, local pains in any part of
the body or extremities, Swelled Faces, chop- i
ped hands, &c. will be found to yield to its be
nign influence in a few hours. The Extratfl is
prepared in the form of pills,and being an inter
nal remedy is an amazing additional improve
ment, taken in the severest cases of the Rheuma
tic Gout, Chronic Rheumatism, Palsy, fixed
pains, Lumbago, Numbnels, Gouts, &c. —
When the elfence is externally applied it prp- |
motes gtntU perfpirarion, and operates very
mildly by urine ; they alio amend 4 weak di
geftit n, and fti-cnathen the flomach.
Sold as above with printed direflions for use.
Where also may be had, CHUKCH'i COUGH
DROPS, a medicine unequalled by any in the
world for the cure of Coughs; Colds, Allhmas
and Confumpiiotis.—Alfo by Mr Price, Bal
timore, and M.ffrs. H. & P.Rice, 16, South
Second Street, Philadelphia.
The Genuine Patent Vermifuge Lexemes.
In Children and Grown PfrCons.
Ficpared only by Dr. Jame: Church, ai his Dif
penlary, 137, Frent-ftrcet, near the Fly
Market, New-Yqrk.
WOlf MS it i, »el! known occafiont the
greattfi mortality among children than any
other dilWder, and few childten are without ,
them in a greater or lefler decree. —The mcef
lity of an infallible remedy therefore js obviovs. 1
The Vermifuge Lozenzes a e an txeel'ent alt«- ;
rati*e, contain nothing but what i« ; erfrrftly in» I
nocent, and may he adminiftcrtd to children of
all ages, and to grown pcrlbns, w;th the great
est i'afcty. Thtyare alio fingt.larly efii. a iou«
in all gross Huunuurs, Srorbutic Hruptions. Sore
He»> 9, &c. &c. and an excellent phytic, iti the
tyring and fall of the year, but particularly af
tnr the Small-Pox, Mcafles, Fevers, &c.
Pritc jO cents cjc« hox.' —Family I oxe» con
taining eight finail ones at three dollars.
Sold by Mrffrs H. & P. Ricr, i 6, South Se
cond ltrcet, l'hiiadelphia, and Mr. Kice, B<l-.
The patent Antispasmodic Elixir.
Are effeiftualiy curer! by this excellent medicine-
Its virtue! ate ahfolutely fpetific and unparal
leled. It has failed in uo instance within tlie
knowledge of the proprietor ( where takcu agree
able to the direiHions, and with perseverance)
the most dreodful Fits ever known. One cafe
of cure only is fuhjoined out of a
Bumber, as proof of its efficacy attested before
the Lord Mayor ofLondon.
" I, James r orock, of Na 40, North-street,
in the Parish of St. Luke's IWiddlefex. do makt
oath—That I ~wa3 gritvoufly affliiled with fits
for upwards of I; y ars ! and that to so violent
a drgree, as to require 12 men to hold me in
them, to prevent me dafhinj myfelf to pieces.
They would generally last me 5, 6, and often
7 hours ; In confequenrc of which my cenftitu
tion became quite emaciated. I made applica
tion to many eminent gentlemen of the f.icultv,
who afforded me no relief whatever ; till I ap
plied to Dr. James Church of the City Uo-d,
who prescribed his. Antifpafmodic Elixir for
me, which I took, and whi h alone cured me
of these most dreadful tits, and restored me to
perfiit health. This deponent further maketh
oath, and faith, that it is now two years since
he was firft cured of his fits, and he has no re
turn whatever of them since.
Sworn before me at the Mansion-house, this
19th day of August, 1796.
William Cvrtis, Major.
Prepared (only) by the Inventor and sole
Proprietor, Dr. James Church, at his Dispen
sary, '37. Front- ft eet, near the Fly-Market,
New-York ? and fold by messrs. H. & P. Uice,
16, South Second Stfee, Philadelphia.
Hyfttric, or
Fatting Fits,
Just PuHshsd,
And fold by MeflVs. H. & P. Rice, No. 16, So.
Second Street, Philadelphia.
Seminal Weajaicfles, Gleets, Bcc, Etc.
The Cure and Prevention
fly which persons of both fexrt may cure thera
lilvcs with E»fe, Certainty, Safety and Seerecy,
at an easy expen.e.
Formerly Pupil to Dr. Dtwiifen, London Hospital•
" The knowledge ofa disease ithllf iucure."
Authentic Life of Suivororj.
m» {} w
%i(e ansi CJjaratter
Fittld-Mprlhal General ill the set * ice of His Imperi
al Majefly, the Emperor of all the RuCus,
The History of hjs Campaigns.
Translated from the German of Frederick
To whichjs added,
A concise and comjgebensive History of
His Italian Campaign.
By William Cobbett.
With an elegant Print-Portrait of thai re
nowned Warrior.
[Uricc a i-a Dollars.]
Portrait of Marshal Sumoroiv.
Ger.tleinen desirous of polliffing a cafital like
ness, executed in the firlt style, of this illuClrious
ChriUinn Chieftain, may be fur»ifhed with parti
cular proof impreflions, at this office, price one
February 12
r 4r'i& ~ THE BRIOANTINt
permit. She is a good strong vessel, ans! just oat
of the Carpenters hands.
gj" For freight or pal&gc apply to
February 6.
A valuable Estate for fak,
18 situated in the county of Henrico, on Four
Mile Creek, near it* -unction with James
River, about n miles from the city of Rich
mond, and nearly the fame diltance from Pe
There i« about <SO acrce of land, and the
whole of it gi/od foil for agriculture, and a full
proportion «>f it very I'uitalile for graf«; about
one half of It is cleared 2nd in a itue fit for im
mediate cultivation; the reft is in woods and
well covered with u'eful timber of different
kini!». A c to the improvements en the farm,
there is a decent duelling hcufe with the ufbal
out ho'ifes, 1 pond brick spring house, ar.d a
large new exsellent barn, one ttory of brick,
and the trained woik, two orchards of
a >ples and of peaches, in full perfedtioo and
The m:ll s of three pair of but 4 ilones
fir the grinding of wheat, ar.d one paii of
ft mes for grinding of corn, all of proved good
quality, worked by overlhot water wheel# and
double gears, with aii the Ute improvements
for Ikrcenir.g, cleaning, halting an elivatiug
the wheat and flour, all exfi-uted in the best
minner and of the heft materials and quite new
—The mill house is large and conyehient, be
ing 46 feet by 71 feet with fi»e fl mrs, the two
lower itories are brick, the reft framed work
executed in the most manner; the
house and machinery of the mills will be ,'oond
unexceptionable, and they ■k> fiiuated as to
he tree from all rilque iron: the frtfhes or inun
dation of the wattr comfes—Tkere is a very
convenient brick bake liouie two ftorien high,
with two large ovens; a very good house tor
the pr'iprietoi or manager, a store room, coun
ting room, kitchen, &c. alio suitable boules
for milWs, coopers, and hake s—The tide
water from lames River fit ws to the wal's of
the mill, where boats of three to four hundred
hulhrls l urhenran receive their loads out of
:he mill, and in ene miles diltance, Jhips of
any Gze that navigate James River, can load i»
great fafcty.
The neighborhood i« healthy—very refpeiJl
ahle as to inhabitants, being mostly independent
farmers, and the foil is in general very justly
elteerr.c.l equai to any on James River, for the
growing of wheat ; upon a moderate calcula
-1 mil, the average annual crops of the neighbor
hood equally convenient if not more so, to the
Norwich Mills, than to any, other market, a
muunf to between thirty a».l f*rry thousand
hulheis of wheat. Mr. John P. Gordnn who
lives on the premises at piefent, will fbew the
w hole to thole who may incline to view it.
1 would prefer a purchafcr wli-o Vould pay
down the principal pan of the purch money,
a d would give a very advantageous bargain—
or I will fell on a credit ionvenient to the pnr
cliifer, the inteveH being paid annually. I will
wait for a purchaser tii! the 15th day of March
next, and if not then fold, I will he glad to
treat with a tenant f >r a lease, on terms which
may he mutually agreeable. 1 have offered the
whole of this estate for sale, on a prrfumpt'.on
i that ihe purchaser of the rn)H» would incline to
I have the land alio, for a fupp'y of building
(timber, oven wood and hm-p pole 9; but if it
! he more JgrttaW* to him to tjlie tat mills a»<"
' a few acrss of land, he (hall be accommodate!
| accordingly.
Rklirao'.!<J,Ftbiuary 5.
A*. 107, Smrti Wattr Strut.
Captain %r.tb ngt. U. S.
February 10.
Centre Square, Febeuaiy 5, 1800.
IN compliance with the inftruflions of tlifc
Committee for watering the city, and with
my own inclinations, every poflible admit
tance and information has been given to
those citizens who have visited the Works
during their progress. The Engines are now
Arrived, and are immediately to be put up>
and it is hoped that it will be thought rea«
fonable and just, both to the Public, and to
the Coivtraftor tor the Engines, that the
workmen Ihould not be interrupted. As a
very few months will fully gratify the cu
rioliuy of the citizens, by flit wing tliem the
Engines iu full operation, a temporary ex
clusion of all vilitorsfrom the Engine houses
cannot appear improper.
B. H. LATROBE, Engineer.
February 13. dtf.
The only Medicine in the world that cures
the mod inveterate Itch in four hours.
The genuine patent Scotch Ointment.
For pleatfantnefs, fafetjr, expedition, safe and
certainty, is infinitely superior to any
other medicine, for the care «f
It is so certain in Its operation, that it has never
failed in any one instance whatever, of tffedlually
caring that disagreeable disorder ill four hours, by
one application oßly, though applied to nianj thou
iands in England, Scotland and Ireland. It does
Rot contain one particle of mercury, ('ee the as*
fidavit*) but may le applied with the greateil
fafety, te the mall delicate lady during pregnancy,
or the tenderer ft infants.
The proprietor is so certain of its infallibility,
that he engages to return the money to any wrr
fon en whom it did not perform a eure in four
Prepared only by the inventor and sole propri
etor, L)r. James Church, at his dii'penfary, 137
Frent ftrset, near the Fly market, New York ; and
fold by Meflrs. H and P. Rice, 16 fourh Second
street, Philadelphia; and Mr.Rice, Baltimore.
* This affidavit may Le [ten at tie placet off ale.
Just Rcctived,
By the Liverpool Packet, a large fyp.ply of the
Cdrdial Balm of Gilead,
So justly celebrated for the Relief and Cure of
Nervous Disorders BiJious Cases
Female Coinplaintt Be'uility
WeaknclTes Indigc'ftion
Loss of Appetite Coughs and Colds.
Impurity of Blood Consumptions
Head Ache Lewnefi of Spirit!
Relaxation &. &c. &c.
Prepared ( only Jby
S. SOLOMON, m. o. f. r. h. s.
Of the Univcrfity and College of Physicians, and
Author of " The Guide to Health," &c.
Is an immediate reiterative and corrol.orartt, a
mod powerful remedy in female obilrufli 11* and
fupprcflions, and in cases of retention at maturity;
also in weakness, morbid dilcharges, and irregu
larities about the turn of life.
Youth of either sex who have pra£lifed a fecrct
and deflruftive vice,and thereby reined, weaken
ed and debilitated the whole neivous system, will
find the Cordial Balm of Gilead the mod power
ful, certain and effcdlual federative.
Thi.nvdidne poflVlTes wonderful efficacy in all
nervous difordt*is, fits, headaches, weaknaf»,heii
viuefs and lownefs of ipirits, dimness of fight, con
fufed thoughts and wanderings of thi mind, va
pours anil melancholy, and all kinds of hyfleric
complaints, gradually go off by the use of this fa
lubiious Cordial. 111 sickness of the stomach, in
flatulencies and ®b(lruftions, it is a fafe, powerful
and efficacious remedy. The firft fymptcms of its
good tffeds are fercnity aud chearfulaefs.
Price three dollars each bottle.
A N<vj Edition, being the 42d, of that in
teresting Work, entitled
Embellished with the Aathor's Portrait.
Which fully explains, in a concise, plain man
ner, t::e nio.l f.raplc methods of treatment, with
proper efficacious remedies lor the luiiowing Di
seases, viz.
Atihmas, loss of appetite, bi) : oiu complaints,
con'umptisns, iernaU dilcalcs, fiflatulence or
wind, hypochondriac or melancholy complaints,
iwdigcttion, juvenile indiicretionr, lownefs of i'pi
fits, nervous difeaies, rheumatilm, ruptures, fcu»-
vy, iUc. &e &c.
To which is added,
On the Venereal Disease, Gleets, end Semi
nal Weakness ;—and an
To!, Tutors and Guardians of Youth,
S. SOLOMON, n. d. r. r. h. s.
Eviry jierfon, young and old, ihould purchase
tlni luink, there being i'carccly an individual who
is nut lutercfled iu some part of it—ln particular
it is recommended to young men and boys; as an
early attention to the latter may serve to guide them
against a fata! rock on which thousands hare split,
and be the means of preserving their todie* from
oifeafe, and also their fouls, their minds, and all
ti;eir faculties from deftrudlion.
This, truly intsrefting work has been the labour
of n;ay years experience and f rvation on the
calamitous consequences of a secret and definitive
vice, to obtain a icmedy against which, the Doc
tor has devoted a principal part of his life. No
proprietor* < f Boarding Schools or Academiesfhould
be without it—(l rice one Dollar.)
Are sold Wholesale and Retell,
(only agents lor Philadelphia)
At the fig'n of Fothergill's golden head,
A T j. 26 Souti> Second Strtet,
Nearly oppolite Black Id otic Alley.
February 13.
Ten Dollars Reward.
DESERTED from the quarters of the Cub
fcribtr, on f-atr.n'ay rhs Bth iuft. an enlifled
soldier, named JAMES BUTLER, a Carter by
occupation, born in the State of New Jersey, aged
thirty five years, five feet nine itich-s'high, sandy
completion, hazle eyes., an 1 short sandy hair, ha 9
been some time arefidf t of this is thought
he is now in Mount \ lolly in New Jersey, cr its
vLir.ity, as his friends chi fly reside there.
Whotter Ihall take up laid deserter and lodge
him in jail, or Riall deliver him to the fuhferiber,
at hi« quarter" in Filbert,between Ninth and Tenth
lireet*, or to any officer of the army of the United
ji States, stall receivn the above reward, and rea*
fonable charges.