UtUtEtS **» Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. i •J Number 3309.] |C7* The price of this Gazette is Eight Dollabs per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and unlessvome person in this city will become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. Jfo Subscription will be received for « shorter tsrm than six months. MAI'THEW M'COKNELL VtaviXg opened an Office in Cbesnut street, If A few doors above Fourth) At No. 141, AND again commenced the Bofinffs of Ne- in the various kinfls of Pnblic Stack, Bills of Exchange, &c. &e. Engages to do every thing in his power to give fatilfae tion to those who may think proper to employ him. He *ntans to confine his tranfa&iens to t)]e Agtncy and Gommiffion line* in all fueh bv finefs as is common to the profoffion. The parebafe and sale of Houses and Lou in agd near the City will be attended t", and also as Lands, when *hat bafinefs again revives. November 19. JOHN MILLER, Junr. No. 80 Dock, near Third street, HAS FOR SAI.E, Coffaea, Mamood-ies, Taflfaties, Striped Boreas, TangiliSj Pattia and Santipoor Handkerchief*. The foregoing will be fold very low in crdsr to elofe fatca. ALSO, A FEW PACKAGES OF Gertrtah Goods, Suitable to the Weft India Market; Received by the Fair American from Hamburgh. O&ober as. I'O BE SOLD BY JKSSt 15" BODiRY WALH. Old Port Wine, in pipes, hhds. and qr. cafln, Also Landing at tbeir WbarJ From on board the {hip Edward from Lisbon. Lisbon Wine, in pipes and qr. caflcs. June 15 § ROSS and SIMSON, H AVt FOR. SALE, jsoo pieees ill and id quality Russia Duck, j OO pieces Ravens Duck (superior) Bolton Beef in Barrets, » r v . t. , S C-OSSAS A few bales Bengal £ HUMHUM3. 1100 bufliels St. Martins Salt. aprfl 11 0 Taxes of Lycoming County. JOHN KIDD, Treafbrer, BY Direilion of the Commiflioncrs of Lyco ming county, at'endsat Hhiladelj"hia to re ceive the Taxes aflefled upon anftated Lands in that County, from the holders thereof, in this City. Th<*£t who have filed with the Com miflioncrs, flatemcnts of theMT Lands, are re fuelled to call upon hitn, to knn>" tl>e amount of Taxes thereon, and pay them ; olherwife, be fore his leaving the City, they will be put into the hands of the Sheriff for colle- turned, number and dates of the wsrrants and names of the warrantees, under which they luld their >ands. He will attend at Mt. Joseph Hardy'." No. 98, Market street far this purpose until the 18th instant. November 9. Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Spring Forge, in York County,* negro man, named ISAAC, other wise CUDJO, about 41 years »ld, the property of Robert Coleman; Esq. He is ab»ut 5 feet 8 iuches high, ha« ablemifh in his eyes, «iore white in them than common, by trade a F»rgeman ; had on and took with him a drab coloure-1 broad cloth coat, almost new, a iailors jacket and pantaloons printed fancy cord, a lwanfdown striped under acket; a rorum hat ; one fine and one coai fe ftiirt' one muslin handkerchief, fpriggsd, two ditto flriped border, a blue Perfun under jacket and two peir ootton Whoever takes up faiJ negro and lodges him in any jail in this or any of she neighbouring ftatcs fliall have the above re ward or reasonable expirees if brought home. JOHN BRIEN. Spring Forge, O&ober 13, 1799. N. B. A» f»ij negro formsrly lived in Chester eeuut y, it i« probable he may return there. November 3 TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. T) AN AWAY on Saturday evening the 13th XV July instant, from Colebrook Furnace, Lantatter county, a Negro Man named Cato, he is about 40 years cf age, five feet fix or fe vcn inches high, tolerable black, with a down i) 4 look, squints, he it a cunning artful fellow, a great I'rar, and very fond of strong liquor, has been brought up to the farmir.g bufinels, is very handy at any kind ot laboring work ; he toek with him a number of clothing, amongfl whici were, one fait plain Nankeen; (Tome money ). It is expefled he has shaped his course for Philadelphia or New York. The above reward will be paid for fe •urtog kim in any g»ol in the United States, with reafonablc charges if brought home. SAMUEL JACOBS. Colebroak Furnaea, July 16, 1799 : (O18) JAMES HUMPHREYS, Junior, Notaries Public, No. 54, South Second Street, Respectfully inform the«- refpeSm friends and the public, that they drain and authenticate according to the moji approved forms, and wi'h the grcatcft dijfatch; Letters »f Procurertion, At torney, and Suhjlitvtwn of every kind, Sea Letters, an * Kol sd' Equipage. Prorf of Property to he Jhipped to Fo reign Ports, Affi '««(."< to «*•*»« Socmen's Fr:te(lie*s at tße CuJlom bouj'e. and Affidavits of every other kind and description; Charter Parties, Bottomree, Sefpondentia, and other Mercantile Bends, and Obligations, Align ments , Bills of Salo, and all othor Inflruments of Writing, Certificates and Attefiations relative to the different kinds of Stock, Trade and Commerce, and Re gillcr Letters of Attorney for the reecvery of debts, as well as all ethsr docum.nts, ufaally recorded in the office of Notaries.—They aLfu draw Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Willi, 53V I.adiis having occaSul to execute Letters of At torney for the Sale and Transfer if Stoek, for the re ceiving of Interefl and Dividends t or for other jiurpofes, will, uy fending their ad'refs to the office, wh»re eon# ant attendance is given during the usual of fice hours, be waittd on at their nfpe&i>e houses. February 8. tu&ftm diw(Ds dtf) THAT the co-partnerlhip of the Subferibera heretofore trading under the firm of W if ter, Price and Wider, is this day dtflblved by mutnal eonfent. AM persons who have any de mand* against the hid firm, aredefired to bring them in for settlement, and those who are in debted thereto above fix month*, are requeued to make immediate payment to WILLIAM WISTER, JOHN M.. PRICE, JOHN 'WISTER, jun. N B. Thebußnift in futvre will b« carried on hjr WILUAM vfiSTJCR and JOHN WISTIR, jon. under the firm of WILLIAM fa" JOHN WIS TER, jun. who have un hand aa affortmeot of dry gooilt at usual. Feb. 5 THIS i* to give notice that the Stibforiber hath obtained from t he Orphan's Court of Ccncil county in Maryland, letters ef admiiif tration on the personal ellate of Samuel Gilpin, late of the county aforefaid, deceased ; a!l per sons having claims against the saul deoeafed, are hereby wirned to exhibit the fime with the vouchers thereof to the fubferiber on or before the 14th day of August next —they may other wise by law be excluded from all benefit of tbe said eltite. Given under my hand this 37th of January, one thoufaod eight hundred. JOHN GILPIN, Admini/lrotor. January 30. taw6w. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Tsomas Wiltox, late ef Southvwk, dcuafed, are «w rcqatfltri to mtn mnnc(*«M ptyisat to the fub&riben, and thole who have any domaads against the fold rftate arc requvfltd to fuiaiih their accounts for settlement. SARAH WILSON, Adminietratrix. JOEL W. WILSON, Administrator. No. *95, south Front flreet, Southwark. A BRICK STABLE, Sufficiently large to contain cijc Horses. For Sale or to Lit, A New FRAME CARRIA6E HOUSE. Not i, 1799- dtf. DESERTED FROM the Marine Barracks on the night us she 14th inft—JOHN OSBORN, born in the town of Bedford, Well Ch«jer county and (late of New-York, aged ai years, 9 months, 5 tret 8 and a quarter inches high, grey ey»« (longqucd) light hair, ruddy camplexion, piick marked, by trade a Shoemaker. F.nliiled i>y Lieutenant Key nolds in Stcplnn's Town, near Albany the 15th of June last Had on and took with dim a Ihort round blue cloth ceat with a red cape, a blue cloth coatee, a lew white waiflcoits, a long grey mixed cloth coat ana breeches, a pur of boots, a chocolate coloured great coat trimmed with black hair plufb, a furr hat half worn, and two liivtr watches, one a middle fixe, the other fmali. He may impose himfell on fouc family or gentleman as 1 waiter, as he has afted in that capacity,— Whoever apprehend* said Deserter, andfecures him in jail, fends him to Headquartors, or delivers him to any of the Marine officers, or an/ officer of t-he army of the United Stat?, ffiall receive the above rewarvLand all reasonable charges. J. S. LEWIS, January 16. WAS delivered to the POSTMAb- TEtt here, in the Post-Ofkic*, on the evening of Tuefdsy the 27th ult. in a LETTER direfted to Mr. John Mills, Merchant, Baltimore, containing two ALEXANDRIA BANK NOTES, No. 4320, in favour of William Taylor, ar.d dated 30th April, 1798, for ONE THOU SAND DOLLARS, and No. 4522, in fa vour of John P. Pleasants, and dated the 10th of December, 1798, for FIVE HUN DRED DOLLARS ; which letter haibrer SUPPRESSED in a PU6TQFFICE, and the BANK NOTES taken out as the PUBLIC MAIL> -was not STOPPED, MOLESTED, or ROBBED. Bankers and merchants are particularly ruquefted to watch the circulation of said netes, and flop thetn ; and any person giv ing such information as will lead us to mir m«ney, (hall have FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS reward. Frederickfburg, (Vtrg.) Sept, 10. fC3* All Printers in the United States, are requeftsd to publilh the above, and we will pay them. , 4«R| PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUART 17, ISQO PETER LOHRA Take No/ice, NOTICE. NOTICE. WHO MAS TO LF.r, ALSO, Thirty Dollars Reward. Adjutant Marine Corps. Obe Tbousr.nd Five Hundred DOLLARS WILSON fc? SWANN. dancing. or THE HEW TBEATRr, RESPECTFULLY informs his scholars and the public in pcncril, thai he will re-eommeocff Teaching on TUE.it) A Y the 14th infunt, at the Affeniily Room, South Fourth Street. Days ef tuition, Tuesdays and Thfcrfdays. rnKMs, Five Dollars fer S , Ten do. per Quarter, JN» Entrance. £jr" For further Particulars Epp'y to Mr F 70, north Eighth flreet. December it. LANCASTER STAGES. THE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and !,an cafter line of Stages DISPATCH, their grateful thanks to their frirnds .and the public in general, for the pall favors they have recuved.and inform them that in addition to the regular Line, th«y are provided with Carriages, fol>er and careful drivers, to go through between the City and Borcugh in two days. Those who prefer this made of »rav«lliiig can he accommodated at tfce Stige Ogice, sign or United States Eagl«, Market ftrcet, Philadelphia. Slough. Downing, Dunv-'oody if Co. Nov. 30. at § BOON ETON IRON WORKS. OR LEASED FOB OSF. YEAH TK AT Valuable Estate, KNOWN by the name of the Booneton Iron Works, fitnata io the county of Morris ia the #at* of New.Jtrfey, co*fit)ing of a Fwgc with four fires, a Rolling and Slitting Mill, a Grift mill with two Run of ftenes, and Saw mill, all in good order and d#w in afe, together with an excellent, larga, and convenient house, with out-houfrs ot every kind ; among which are an Ice house, and stone milk house, with a acmarkable fine spring in it, a large Garden, and an eiculhnt «oll«3ioc of Frait, a largeOrckard, and 4500 acres o( wood, pa?.ure and arable laud, and a great numlier of (lores aud workmen's hoafes Immediate pofieflioß will be givtm of houses and stores faScient for providing (lock the present winter, and pofleffioa of tha whole in the lpring. 3«3w For terms inquire of David B Ogden at New ark, mr Peter Mackic in New-York, »r. David Ford in Morris Towa, or messrs. Jacob tad Rich ard Faefch 00 tke prcfiifc*. January 11 United States, ) g- Pennsjlvania District. } BY virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas, to me direfled, iffjed out of the circuit court of the United States, in and for the Pennsylva nia Diflnfl, of the middle sircuit, will be fold V>y public veudue at ike city tavern, in Secon'd ftrect, in the city of Philadelphia on Monday the tjth day of March next, at 6 o'clock in the evening, all that ..certain tiact or parcel as land, Ctuate, lying and being on the river or creek called Lackawaxeri, in the county of Wayne, containing 8000 acres and upwards ; on which are erected a mefluage, stables atvi UwmiU, with the appurtenances. —The names of the original warrantees of the fa;d tract or parcel of land were as follows. Mordecai Roberts, Stepbel Medcra, Zoehart'ah Ferris, George Till, Tii onus Wiggins, George AJjrtoa, George Streettn, Friend Streeton, John Olipbant, Seized and taken is execution »«the property of Robert Letiii Hooper, decrafed. JOHN HAI.L, Marshal. N. B. A reafuiubie credit wttl be given MarfhaJ'a Office, ) Philadelphia, Jan. 4. $ * Tbefi two traSi do net csnta'm the fait quantity of tbe arigntd warrants ; fat sos tbcm haying bet* conveyed avMij. pfß UNDERSIGNED, S HIS Swedifu Majesty's Consul Oeoeral, and au thorized to tranfiicl the Confu!ar Eulinefs, for his Majesty the King of Denmaak in the United States of America, residing at Philadelphia, Hereby gives public Notice, That in obedience to recent iD#ni,sions received from his government, it is the duty of all Mailers of Swedish and Dauifti veficlt, befor* their failing from iny port in the said States, to call upor l.ini or the Vice Coßful in order to be granted such Certificates for their Cargoei, which the exigency of the slate of the Neutral Commerce an<( tiie fe ver 1 Decrees of (he Belligerent Poweri, render indifperfably neceifary, and, that any Mafh*r of veffeJs belonging to the refpeilive nations, or na vigating under the protection of their flags, in omitting to take such certificate!, will personally ftaud relponfiblc for the consequence*. RICHARD SODERSTROM. Philadelphia, 18th December, 1799- BANKRUPT OFFICE. A SECOND Dividend of the Eftafe of George and Jtobert*Gray. Bankrupt#, will he paid to the creditors who have proved their debts under the commiflion, at any time when called for, at No. 109 Arch ftrcct- JOHN JENNINGS, Clerk. law ;vv January ao, 1800. LOST, A RED MOROCCO POCKET-BOOK, CONTAINING fondry papers, «f no value to any person the ®wner—alfo, three Five Dollar Notes. Any person who may find the fame, and will return ; c t® the owner, at Mr. Fcnno's ! Office, lhall be gentrottfly rewarded. I Petrusry 7. Mr. Fft AX CIS TO BE SOLD, John Till, Geo'ge ly'arion, Benjamin Hancock, Edward Hoisted, James Thompson, Joseph Whitehead, Patrick Connollj, Tbomat > # William Haihert. Eot 17M AN ELECANT COUNTRY SEAT. ON Saturday the iff of March next it seven o'clock in the evening, at the Merchant's wVfTee-Houle in the city of Philadelphia, agree ab e t> the directions ot the last will and telta ment of General THOMAS MIFFLIN, ae ceafed, will be exposed to Public Sale and pofi lively foid to the highest bidder —that beautiful andeiepant COUNTRY FSATi situate jt the FalVof Srhuy'kill, five miles from Philadelphia, and about two from Germantown ; confirting of a large and commodious House fir.ifhed in the modern stile, with a Barn, Stables and Out hoßfcs, twenty-two acres of highly improved Meadow land ; an Orchard of the bed grafted Fruit Trees, and a Garden of Fruit and Vege tables in an excellent expofore. The premises (particularly the Garden, in which there are two Fountains) are watered with a never failing flream, and all the Buildings ami Fences are in perfefl order. THE HOUSE Is seated on an elevated hill, furrounderi with willow and other ornamental Trees of the firft growth, and commands an extensive view of the Falls and Meadows of the Schuylkill, iup plies of Marketing of every description ars con flant'y puffing on the road in fro i t of the house, and Fish may he obtained in the greatest abun dance during the season, and at all times pre fer verf in a Fish-Pond, on the Premises. The terms will be madeknovn at th® time of,fa!e. William Irvin, } c* J,/ D J ( Executors. Joseph Reed, ) SHANNON ©"POALK, Auctioneers February 11. dtf. HENRY BENBRIDGE TIEGS leave to inform bit fiiem.lt and the V pttMic. that he bat commenced-the bvfinefa of i BROKER, at his Office No. g 3 Dock ftreet, near the Bank of the United States, where he buys and fells oh Commif&on all kinds of Pub'ic Securities, Stocks, Notes, &c &c. and offers hit services in any bufinaf? if his line. Jan 14. ■ di»'3aw6w DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, T9 "WIT. BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the 31ft day •f January, in the 14th year of the Indepen dence of the United Statssof America, John Row lett of the said diftriifl lath depafited in thi« Office the Title of a Book, the right whereof he claim.- as Proprietor, in the words following, to wit. ROWLETT's , Tables of Discount or Interejl, ON EVERY DOLLAR, FROM one to two thousand ; on every ten do'- lars, from two thouland to two thoufaßd five hundred ; on every fifty, from two thousand five hundred to three thousand, and on wcry five hun dred, from three thousand to five thoufand—from one day to sixty-sour days inclusive, AT SIX PER CENT. Coaipriling, in the whole, upwards of one hundred and thirty-two thousand one hundred and fifty calculations of Discount ; all performed according to the equitable principles of the Banks, and as prage to pay the fame as a paffer.ger. All baggage to be at the ri4k of the own«r» unless insured and receipted for by the cleiks of the different offices. Rate of infaraiite or.e pi*r cent. Apply to JOHN M'CALLA, No. 50 North Fs-utth Stitr: Philadelphia, and to WILLIAM VANDERVOOUT, No, 4 « Coui tland Street, N.E. corner o!' Greenwich Street, New York. January 5, VALUABLE LANDS W'ill be offered for sale, et tic . ' 'erebantt Coffee House in tbis city, between tbn hours of six cmd'eigbt 011 the evening erf SaTvrbaT the tivertty-second of March next. In the County of GLYNN and State of GEORGIA —all patented in trails of 1000 acres. 7,000 Aores at the confluence of Frederic* and Turtle liver-, *nd head of St. Si mon's found, near the tuwn of Bruuf* wick. »8»,ooo Acres on the waters of the great aod little Satilla rivers, and i.f UifTaloe creek. 41,000 Near tlit above described traits. 15,000 Near the above described tracts. a8o»coo Acres 011 the waters of the great Si* tilla and Ahtihaina. 147,000 Acres on the fame waters., 50,000 Acrei on the waters of the great Sa tilla. 50,000 Acres on the waters of little Satilla and Alatamaha rivers and" Btffaloe creek. 40,0c0 Near the above described tracts. In the State of VIRGINI A —all patented. 44j000 Acres in the county of Uath, on both lides f Green Briar river, fuhject tn to 3000 acres of prior surveys, in cluded within the said 44,000 atr«, but excltifive of that quantity. 41,000 Acres in the cdunty of Bath, on the east fide of ths Cow Paflure river and and on both fides of Jhe Waggoh Road leading from the Warm Spring* to Staunton, subject as afbrefaid to 500 c acres prior furvcys 4r,00c Ac* es in the county ot, Kjnriolph, on Buchanan river, Hibject as aforefiid to 4jSii acres prior surveys. 30,000 Acres in the coun:y of Bath, on the east fide of Calf Pafrure river, subject as aforelaid to jooo acres prior far veya. In PENNSYLVANIA. 60,000 Acres in NorthMtntoerJatvi county, fur' veyed and returned. 46,800 Acre»in Northumberland county, fuf« veyed and returned. 40,400 Acres in Bedford county, surveyed and ready to be returned. *§* For the premier pa<-t of the pnrchafe money a liberal credit will he allowed the pur chasers, givi .g unquestionable security. Periapt' with!*}? particular information will to apply at No. 4! Arch street, where the patents and drafts, and iifi certificates of the quality of the Georgia and Virginia Lands are depuGied !?CP Also, at the fame time and place, 40473 and one-third of an acre in Mason county, in the State of Kentucky, on the North Fork', within four 'nnl*<; of its junflion with the Middle Fork of Ken tucky river—this trafl was surveyed in tUe year 1784 : a draft of it may be feeti by ap plying as above dire&cd. Phi adeJphia, Jan. 7. Infallible German Corn Plainer. 1 his -Maimer (the invention o{ a German I'hy fic-inn, who adminiilcrerf it in CieT'->iaiiy upwards of 30 years vi i;K the greatest furor's) is Infailibte for the cuiccf c~rr,s. It v ill riTc ilcilly eradicate them, root and branch in a flinrt time. [fiic-: 50 cents.3 fPrrpar#d fey Dodor James Church, at bis Dif- Jrrflfarjr< Mo. 137, front flrect, near the Fly mar ket, Now Yorlc. Soli ty MetTrs H.audP.Rict, j6 south Second Irest, Ph U RUN nwsy from the Suhf.-rft>er on die evening of th« infi. a bound Servant OIRL 4 named E 'tz beth Howchel, had on anil took with her three different changes of garment and money, proud, bold and impudent, a noted lyar ; any pw fon apprehending her (hall I e tMtitled to the above reward—no co