»• ? % y A #aKtte * Mutter States, # Nc*aLt -08.] PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUART 15, 1800. [Foiirvit XVII. ~ - >■' ..T-ifWOTwr-rait rai■riinwiiiii.l.ll■■!■ 1 h ZT The price of tbis Gazette is E,oht\ PETER LOHRA I DANCING. JUST RECEIVED, j'lUy LMj Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing] am _ FOX SALE I IlfwiSliS / in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay JAMES HUMPHREYS, Junior, Mr. FRANL ■> TTTOTVrA c I TiDRSON S*A Dollar additional, for enclosing and di- p ub/{ - T „ „„ By IHOMAS DOBSON, rectin? ; and person tntbis city S> ESPECTFUI.LY informs his scholars and the TEN LhTThlio ;' : 8 will become answerable for the subscription, No. 54, South Second Street, |t\ pubiic in (rcnerd, that he will re commerce , (o RSSSSSSS D " J°f™ of stages ».* A r o Subscription will be' received for gUtil „ lieale accor di U g to the mo/t approved forms, and Days ef tuition, Tnefdays and Thursdays. In Answer to bis Letters to tbe inhabitants , a shorter term than six months. with the greatest dispatch; Letters of P*munition, At- ruRMj, of Northumberland. 10 l\CZtl lOr , „• Jtolls d'Equipage, Proof tf Property to he flipped to Fe- y fcll t !u per Quarter, ' through FiiftUord, liulilttori, Newtown, M AITHEW M'CONNELL reign Ports, Affidavit ijnuUin Segment Proi.fti: , at A. [Price 25 cents.] Pennington, Millstone, Bnnndbrook, Union -rt * * the Custom hvufe and Affidavits of every other iiitd and gy. p or further Particulars apply to Mr; F. February 7. d6t Camp, Scotch Plains, SprtM field and Ncw- Having opened an Office in LOesnut Street, j e j- Cl ip tIOX . Charter Parties, Bottomree, Refpondentia, j O . north Eighth llreet. aik. ( \ few doors above Fourth) and other Mercantile Bends, an 1 (litigations, AJpgn- December 11. AN ELEGANT THF SWTFTSTIRF . tnenls, Bills of Sato, and all' othuf Infiruments oj ■ ———— /"*/"} T T TITCT* D "V* OET ACT' , r VT At no. 14") IVritrrr, Certificates a>.d Attentions relative to the j j j\jr- in,-yrri ocf if' re" L, L/ Ul\l K I OHSi 1 . starts from the Green Iree, No- 50 North' AND commenced the Bufimsfs of Ne jif,„ni kinds of Stock, Trade and Commerce, and Re- 1 JZ.A L»X-0. Fourth Street, at 8 o'alock every morning, and gociations, in the various kinds of Public filler Letters of Attorney for the recovny of debts, as Stock, Bills oj Exchange, iyc. &c. Engages we u a , a ll other documents, ufuclly recorded in the r j 'HE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and I an- o'clock in the evening, at the Merchant's From New York it (tans at 9 o'clock "very to do every thing in his power to give fat'ufac- o ffi ce ©f Notaries.—They alfu draw Deeds, Bonds, X caster line «l'3tagc»olSP.\TCH,ietuni their C() jf ee .Ji oU (- j n t |, e - () f jifail adelphi a agree- 'lay ( Sundays excepted ) and arrives at Phila tion lo those who may think proper to employ Mortgages, Wills, Wc grateful thanks to their friends and the public tn a i 3 ; e tQ t jj e dircdlions or tlae last v. ill and tcfta- deiphia, early the sext evening, him. He means to confine his tranlai\ions to Ladies - general, tor the pall favors they have received, and ' . p THOM \S MIFIIIN -t- Fare for pafieKgers j dollars, way paflengers the Agency ttnd Commijfton line, in all luch bu- tomey for the Sale and Transfer of Stock, i.r the re- i.iform thcta that in addition to the regular X.ine, to* Public Sa'e an.l 'noli 6 cent? per mile. Each paficnger allowed 14NJ Unefs as is' common to liie prof«flion. eeivirj of Interefl *ndDividends ,vr for'other purj.ofcs, t hsy are p ovidej with Carnages,fober andcarctu > hithetl bidder— beautiful of baggage. One bundled and fifty weight of S":^£t:ssi November,.. d.wfDjW) ? PhiUdd.ta., ef a large and commodiou, Ho.,fe fi„,a,ed in of the different office.. Rate of France one - P rr cent - town TLTTT IVM Tnnr \ f\ .ur Sl.ugh, Downing, Dunwoody L Go. twej)ty . t wo acre, of highly improved •§• Apply to JOHN M'CALLA, Nn. 5 o JOHN MJLLEH, Junr. ' pHAT the co-partnerlhip of the Subscribers 50. %2t § Mead w land ;an Orchard of tiie bell grafted North Feurth Street. Philadelphia, and t Ab. 80 Dock, near Third street, 1 heretQfot flream, and all the Buildings anil Fences are in 1 attaties, , debted thereto above fix months, are requefled oil I.EASID FOR osr. YIAR—THAT ne rfe Q oreer thf following Striped Doreas, to make immediate payment to Valuable Estate, THP VALUABLE LANDS iSlfatnd k/fN M M PRICE ER ' l^ NoW . N b J the nirr } c cf the Boone ton Iron on devatt(! with *< U be offered for sale, at the Merchant „ J U| " 1 IN. Works, fitnata in the county qf Morris m the , ... „_„, m ,„ t .i 4Un B f it flrll House tn this city, between tht SHiitipnor JOHN WISi'ER, jun. flau . Q f New-JV>H 11 - „ -JL- igainlt the Vald «ik»te art rtqesftid so rnrnilh their the 17th day of March next, at 6 o'clock in wholefurvey. 1 (nsbufinels having hesn car- but exclusive of that quantity. accoants for fetticmsnt. the evening, all that certain tract or parcel ®f ried iiuoeomplcatefFeft Wy Mr Johnfyn, with 41,000 Acres in the county of Bath, on the TdXeS Lycoming County. SARAH WILSON. Administratrix. land, Ctuaie, lying and being un the river or the affiflonce of an intelligent inhjT'itant of that east fide of ths Cow Pasture river and TOF.L W. WILSON, Administrator. creek sailed Lackawjxeu, in the county of country, they having taken notes delcriptive ot on | )ot j, gjjj 0 [ jj )e Waggoa irtTJVT rmn T Ne.'»9s,'fi>uth Front.ft'reet, Somhwark. Wayne, containing 8oc« acres and upwards; the situation, foil and natsral advantages at- Road leading from the W'arm Spring* \ KIDL), 1 realnrer, «'«o his to lkT 00 wljA arc erected * mcfluage, (tables and tacaerf to tai h in the u hole lm vty. Mi. t 0 Staunton, subject as aforefaid to v n;rp<>ir,n n( thf C'ntrmi//iom-rs nf X vco- a r> i/r r v «e t,\ iii w tawmill, with the appurtenances —The names Johnson being now here with ttiefe votes, to- 5000 acres prior surveys mine c.wintv attends at Philadelphia to re- r V V * .* . , r us the original warrantees of the fa;d tract or getber with the said J. F. Smith having a com- 40,00 c Acres in the county of Randolph, e» ceWe the Taxes. lTeff.d upon undated Lands in Sufficiently large to «>main nrae Horses. parcel of land were as follows. pleat copy . if the Surveyor General s return, Buchanan river, subject as aforefaid that County, from the holder, thereof, in .hi. „ " L °> £f( Mordecai Roberts, John Till, ZXZ ' * **'* P ' '° r s City. Thcfe wbo have filed with the Com- For Sate or to Lit. , Geo relVartm "i'P'uivejs. 30,000 Acre in the county of Bath, on the miffioners, llatements of thek Lands, are re- A New FRAME CARRIAGE HOUSE. fcA,,,- . v.lit, n Being thus informed the fu'ofcribers, jomt.y, eaftficie of Calf Paflure river, subject quested to call upon hiin, to know the amount Nov t, 1799. dtf. bacDaiuM terns, lienju/n iitinco «, c fiV r iheir fervues to the holders of warrants of as aforefaid to jooo acres prior lur of Taxes thereon, and pay thtm ; otherwise, be- Till, tMivardlVelsttd, the above description, to ireetre, regilHr and veys. fore hi? leaving the City, they will be put into Thirty Dollars Rtrward. Themus U igjginj, Ja.nes Thompson, locate, for which one tenth part cf the land lo In PENNSYLV A NIA. the hands of the Sheriff for collection, agreea __ George Morton, J oseph bitebefid, catedi will be required a compenlation for 60,c00 Acres in NorthumberUnd county, fur-> bly to tlie ail for raising county rates and levies TIFSKRTFn George Stree,an, Patrick Conn, : !y, locating where the regil ry i« already made, as veyed and returned. Thof. who have i,ot filed f-itement. of theii UMfittlU* Friend Strecton, Tbomct Grify, ?. may be hereafter apreedon by applying to ei- 4 6,5c0 Acre.in Northumberland couirty, fur lands with the Cornmiffioners, and aredefirou» Xj lßo^l the Maru.e UarracU, 01, the mght u ( tkr „ , q,- , Wdlium Halbcrt. K ,hfr nfthr «JWriber.i Such ot ihe honorable veyed an j returned. of having it done, to prevent sales without pre -1- 14 JO'lN OaBORN, bom in the - * ' the ninmbers ot Congress as may now hold, or 40,400 Acres in Bedford county, surveyed and vi®us personal Notice, may file with the above town 01 Bedlord, Welt Chefler county and slate Seiz-d and taken in execution as the property may icieive warrants from their friends before ready to be returr d. Trealurt-r, their lifts, ftatine the quantities re- ° f K ° bCr ' Let ' h tHc V' '? ,d,ir h efi '"S 3 H " e *§* For the greater part of the purcbafe turned, number and dates of the w.rrants and fiJfe L?r ™kcTb JOHN* HALL, Marshal. ° 1 n " Honey a liberal credit will be al o» r J t',e puS names of the warrantees, under which they Sby lieutenantN. B. A re.Lablc cred.t wil! be given. °" giving itnqueftionable feci, ity. hV.'i thetrlands. lewi it e,i a Jo ip noldi in Stephen's Town, near Albany tM 15th of Matfhal's Office, > " , , Mlrcl; Perfoni wilhing particular information will Hardy's Market fireet for tht, purpose jMe uft HaJ on and took w ; th him a fcort | eot.jM , , OI^ AMES T f^ 1 rH< t0 Wv " No. 4. Arch flreet, wber6 until ihe lßlh instant. round blae cloth coat wirb a red cape, a blue *~ lr , . N'k ICO, SomL i'.b Street, opptfte the Horse Market, the patents and draftt, and also certificates of November 9. cloth coatee, a few white waistcoat., a long grey Tkeji two traPs do not contain the full [AMES lOHNSON tbe quality of the Georgia and Virginia Land* — mixed cloth coat ana breeches, a pair of boot*, a quantity of theongna! warrants ; part of them J J Marld Street * r e deposited r r . . ciitfcolate coloured great coat trimmed with black having been conveyed away. „ t o-9> ur c rcc * » K Iwenty Dollars Reward. hair pluft, a furr hat half worn, and two filvrr I February 1. 3tawtr:thf. TH^IASF]II^ ZbIMON!S, watches, one a middle fiae, the other fmali. K; THE UNDERSIGNED ■ ' ~ BENJ AMIN R. MORGAN, RAN-AWAY from Spring Forge, in York niay impose himWf 011 fonie family or gentleman __ . . , ' DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, JEREMIAH PARKER. County, a negro man, named ISAAC, other- aa , waiter, as he has in that capacity - T-JlSSw.d.lh Majesty sConfnl General,and au- ... • . , Wife CVDJ&, about U year. -Id, the property whoever faid Deserter, and fecur /him * \ t^ r,zt n d " "anfad the Confalar Business, JO WIT . (O" Alio, at the fame time and place, of RoLert Coleman; Ffq. He is about 5 feet 8 m jail, fend. bin-, to Headquarters, or delivers him f° r bt« Majesty the Kin«of Denmaak :ii the Lnited T3E IT REMEMBERED, That on the e- 40473 acres and one-third of atl acre 1 inches high, ha« a blemish in his eyes, more wnite to any of the Marine officer, or any officer of the 0 at Philadelphia, leventbday of January, in thetwenty-fourth Mason county, in the State of Kentucky, in them than common, by trade a Furge man .-bad army of the United atat-:. Ihall receive tbe above Hereby PIWS public NotlCC, year of the Indepcmlenre ofthe United States on t | )e N ort h Fork, within four miles of en and. took with him a drab coloured broad cioth reward and all reasonable charge*. * of America, LOL I.INaON KLa-iD and U. ; lini q«h UMrlb i7 rr L toat, almost new, a failon jacket and'pantaloon. . I. S. LEWIS, Thn in obedience to recent inAruaion. received GEORGE DAVIS, of the said Diftrnfl, •" Jtmoion Wltn the MiOole Uork ot^Ken printed fancy cord, a iwanfdown striped under Id'mtant Marine Corps. h ,s government, it \* rhe dury of all Ma'icrs have depofated in this office, the title ofa Rook, tl,ck y r,vt T this tract was lurveyed in trte aeket; a rorum hat; one fine and one coarse . ' L " J ' ' ''' of Swedish and Daniffi velTels, befora their failing tbe right whereof they claim as Proprietors, iM year f784 j a draft of it uiay be seen by ap fliirt' one muslin handkerchief, sprigged, two ' a """ y ; ——— from any port in the said States to cat! upon him the words following to wit 1 — plying as above directed. ditto striped border, a blue Persian under jacket One Thousand Five Hundred or the V're Cenlul in cr .rto be granted such u TEN BLANK DECLARATIONS Phi'addnhia lan n and two peir cotton (lockings. Whoever takes up *ai« negro and lodges him in any jail in this or any UULLAKo of the Pate of th. Neutral Commerce arid the fe- Legmtly engraved on topper plate, viz. - of the neighbouring dates ftiall have the above r«- TTT AS delivered to the POSTMAS- ver 1 Oecrcds of .b- Belligerent Powers render 1. Debt on Bond 6. Quiatuni Meruit />ttd vrc -ward or reasonable expellees if brought home. yy 'J'ER here in the Post-Office. '"d'fperfabiy neeefiary, and, that any Master or i- by Assignee 7. Valebant CUKE. Or tORNi). jOHM RRIVM 1 « »„r r ,u.. <«vk t. , -vessels belonging to the refpeiflive nations, or na- a. onfinglebill 8. On PromilTory note ,• F oa«Jr - ; 00 " °V['TTi,°ii r : ' vr" '/ iJ V vigating nnder, the Of their flags, in 4. on penal bill 9. Same by Indorse T'lfnlJlhlfi German Corn Plnirfpr Spring Forge, Oflober 13,1799. „ LEIIER direfted to Mr. John Mills, omitting, to take such certificates, will pcrfonally 5. Indebitatus As- 10. Trefpaii aud E- 1/l j al,lt)Le^!erTnan^o}n^latster ' K. B. As said negro formarly lived in Chester Merchant, Baltimore, containing two stand refpov-fible for the consequences. ( u fumplit jeiSmeiit. This Plaitter (the invention of a German Phy count y, it » pjobablc he may return there. ALEXANDRIA BANK NOTES, No. RICHARD SODERSTROM. Ecr tbe use of the Professors of the Law, JjS November 5 j 1 , j. •; _^o i- amp Tunn Philadelphia, i8tl» December, 1799- • drawn by for the cure of corns. It will effe&aally eradicate TWENTY DOLLARS BEVVARD. RANK R1 ,PT OFFfCF , REAn.-. , _ . , , vour of John P. Pleasants, and dated the BANXRUPI OBFICE. In conformity to the aA of the Congress of [Puce 50 cents.] RAN AWAY on Saturday evening the 13th f p. l 1708 lor FIVF HUN the United States, intituled "An afl for the Freparod by DoAor James Church, at his Dif- \ July instant, from CtJebrook Furnace, 1 * ' '> • . ' " \ SECOND Dividend of the Estate of George encouragement of learning, by securing tbe co- penfary. No. ij7 t i ront street, swar the F.> tuar- V Lancafler county, a Negro Man named Cato, J! il and Robert Gray, Bankrupts, will he paid to P'es of Maps, Charts and Books to the Authors ket, New York. \ he is about 40 years of age, five feet fix or fe- SUPPRESSED in a i (Jb 1 -Or r ICJL, and the creditors who have pro ved their debts under and Proprietors of f;;ch copies, during the time Sold by Mefirs H.andP. Riee, 16 south Seeond ' ven inches high, tolerable black, with a down the BANK NOTES taken out as the the commifiion, at any time when called for, at therein mentioned." street, Philadelphia. ill look, squints, he is a cunning artful fellow, PUBLIC MAIL was not S'FOPPED, No. 109 Arch flreet. (l. s.) D. CALDWELL, » t great liar, and very fond cf flrong liquor, MOLESTED, or ROBBED. JOHN JENNINGS, Clerk. Clerk of the Dist* :t of Pennsylvania. Iktee CentS Reward. Bankers and merchants are particularly January zo, 1800. iaw 3 w The above declaration, combining the fem- 7/>lir W i'»K him 1 riiTlutr of rlothin" imoni'ft rr< l l,e^ t0 t^e circulation ot laid blance of fine writing with utility, and fettled f> UN nway from the Subfcri+>er on the evening whici wer», one 'suit plain Nankeei ; (some notes ' »" d sto P thetn 5 and any person giv- LOST, and appr ved by some of the firft and molt dtf- K of th« aßtk inlt. a bound Servant GIRL, monev) It isexpe&cd h« has shaped his course ing such information as will lead us to our a red morocco tingmlhed Law Charailers in the state, are now named Hov. c.d, had on and took with for Philadelphia or Nett York. m.ney, ftydl have FIVE HUNDRED pAri/UTRnnk' published, and for falc at her three different changes of garment and money, ior rnMaucipinu ui " , ' , rUC K. fc. 1-xJUU IV, rPORrF D/iVTK'e croud, bola and impudent, a noted lyar ; any p«- The above reward will be paid for fe- DOLLARS reward. Ton lading her ihall be entitled to the abov« eurhng him in any giol in the United States, WILSON & S\\ ANN. /"CONTAINING sundry papers, t> no vauieto S 1 ORE, j reward—no coKs or charges will be paid. 'with reasonable charges if brought home. Frederick&urg, (V iig.) Sept. to. Any person who may find the No. 319, High-Street. she had a years ahid some montta to fisrv# SAMUEL JACOBS. All Printers in the United States, and will return it t« the owner, at Mr. F.nno'a' Where alway» may bt had, .very book want- DANIEL FITZPATRIGK. Colebroek Furnace, July 16, 1799; „ _ are requcftsd to publiftl the above, and we Office, lhall be ger.-eroufly rewarded. Ed in that lir.e. Goften To-ivulhip, Chester Count-y, July 19. dim will pay them. fibtaary 7. January 14. tvrtWsw. aajuft 6 3»7irf