* - ' , ' .■ • /f . v _ \ v , ,v; -V " V"' •> * . ■ vnnrE MEDFORB akd WILLIS, / ram L losTVA^MM^lctory, ' —INS (JRXNCE COMPANY NU l rtcciv/rJ Jince their lot: /.dveitijemtr) A QVAKTirr OF JUST RECEIVED, Of the state as Pennsylvania. CRE "ZfoJ>'s of 282 Crates Queens Ware, . WINDOW GLASS, AND foh SALE February i, 1800. '"f 0 f Han»«rtown- 200 Cases Nails, ... Of-different sizes, to t*TTT t i il\f V" TtTPCW urui' k . { p er , are 6 Trunks Madras PollicatU, mm, sale By WILLIAM , T „ E nireaol , have , hit day declared a dividend Jfe applied* the J«d- 2 Cases Gloves, By ISAAC HARVEY, J*x. STATIONER, i £ twent\- wo dollars on each fhar« of the Common Pleas of pauphin Trunk SilkHoficry* v Jfc. 17 W W, stock of this e»»pMrf«wthel»a fe~£j£ roLLow.No will be pai 11« tne Stock! o ders or their lega. Re is c^Hor thc relic fof ';^^ oi D . e^° o ' n '; t6 Bales White, Blue aud Green, Kendal I bcinj? o J lre j. Jnd a „ tntlon givcn^~ VALUABLE MEDICINES, p— -g£ P „ e-j-* Februnry 1. duoc * at the < , o«rt Hot-fe i» Harr.Pourgh. 10 Bales iJocKi g » g Infallible Ague " " ENGRAVING, -ii! i, vnZ e money win be returned if B TRENCHARD ft? WESTON, ALL Whar- 1 Ciird,Bah ' Of Richard Fohuell, in Philadelphia ; ?S*» lOUßNllTofconcp^o had occasion to take more than a bettle, and num- -r-joRTRAI T and Landscape, Maps, Chart*, Bo chant, decssiedv are rcq.te cd to pa, Tons Peterlburg Hemp, JUL ivlN AL.D L/r GONGRX9V jjj® ker, not half a bottle- A of, Exchange and Promissory Motes, I'ypeand art d Wood Cuts, Seal Cutting., Jewellery and biiver produce their a<«»unts Ifpally to *„ Orders, ,e ™" H f for whom Med- Of the American War in 1-774 to ITnUr,'* Afiti h'tltmi* Pitt* work, &c. Every article in the'above line Will h KEARNY WHARION, oils lor the following Hoyfe,. so j 774,'« Hahns Antl-bILiaUS fills. txecutcd with neatness and ami or, tht Mecurar, 11, Spruce street. )ord an d Wills are agents, may full pal* k tie present t,me, —,, v„ rsoft reasonable terms by applying it the iouu. • - ' L " ' dtf. their medium, viz. Rockdale, iNctDDrNc Dr.HAHN. wta corner of Fourth and bprucc l!r.(et.. November H. John and Robert Holt and Co—Roc.a. . , , _ . TRUE - D N. B —Orders from abroad wiU he .hantf-U, " NOTICE. Willian, D l,b S -L,icefter. of German Corn Piaster. rc^ved ind rU nauaiiy att.nded to. __ ci 4U d joh ß fon-B.rm,n g 6am. v l pZ r l Zth 'tL f * An infallible remedy for corns, fpeedvly re- T an aarY io taw4w. x i rer f on » indebted to the Estate of CAP Enquire °* « 'ut>J h I J"> noaj} fr** pe them root nrtd branck, without giving I*noary . ■ f Xf'bjjl ™ KF.IRAS FITZPATHICK, ma- JOHN DORSEY. milled to be made public. REPOSITORY riner deeeafed ire ratted t« make The Genuine Perfan Lotion. unDW o r icRTAGES t„ y de.,a»ds .gatoft FafhionabU Millinery. a»ewneatti P e,i u large„aav ß So celebrated amone the fafhionable through- HORSES AND CARKIALrLD. t0 furll ;ih rhcir accrjunts (or settlement to rUjUW j Each volume w.ll contain above 500 paje,, •at Europe, as an invaluable cosmetic, P erfeAly P. I : I'RRALL, ? -iJinniir ATT neatly bound and lettered. in«oc-nt »nd ftfe, free from corrosive and repel- r-r^ HE Subscriber informs his friends and thc pub- THOMAS M'EUEN, $ ELIZA M DOUOALL, Umforipsty Infee, paper, and hlndinj, will ba lant mi.i°rais (the hafis of other lotions) and of | Uc, that he continue, to kecp hi. stables in y ~ 18 00. d J_ NO. 134, UAKKKT-STRttT, fuhfcVlhcr. h^o^V^ 0 / f * h,lt the iKirat Veiled efficacy in preventing; and removiog nt r Market Street, for the reception oi J J 3 rKfllWVv crfcbcrs bcc t>*n c poileff.d of a valuable record, eutaneous bltmiihes of the face and ficin of ev«ry orfc> Carriages at private sale. From hi, UNSEATED LANDS. HAS j«l» received perihip 1 bo ™ a ' ff m ; t ., y r ln ° r " B " tnt to . th «r libraries. | kind, particularly, freckles, pimplrs, pits after Kn ,^ expi . ri ,„ ce a „d knowledge of hcrfes, and the UiNDJLA and Adnana.from London, an elegant auorun The pticw to w.llhe a dolls, jr small pox, inflammatory redness, leurf#, tetters, cnr ; m , „ M , fe , ow citizcn-.h.veplacedln him for - of the most faiSiionalpel volume, .n boards, and 3 doll, whole W, rinir wormt, fun burns, prickly beat, premature 1 0 f years psft, he flatters himftft he may THE OWNERS Chemille rosette FEAI lit Aa bu',as thepubl.lher doe. not intend to nun wrinlcles, scc. The Parfian Lotion operate® raild- j 0 f cfTcatial service to those who may wploy. Unseated Lands in WeftmoreUafl county, Fancy flowers more thaw rhe nnmbtr lubfcribeH for, a conficwra- Iy, without impadire that - J j n that wa y__They may be aiTured every ei Pennsylvania, are hereby notified, that un- Black tiffany flowers hie rife on the price m«y be expected to non-fuby fptratlon, which is essential to h-alth-yet it, ef- ; io hi „ wer fc.n be done for the mutual ad- , rfj the T „ t , dut on (aid lands for 1798, are paid Wreaths f , f (cr.bors. fe&s are foeedy and permanent, rendering the J vlntB _ e 0 f blo th feller and buyer. nto the hands of Jch. Ef, treafuter oi Puik, yeHow and blue crape l.lUreUwes Rach voW will contain ahont cne third less skin dflicat'ely foft and fmo«th, ipjpravisg the Horses taken in at livery on as low terms as any f i|ll cou . lt y. cn or before the 40th of April next, £) o> d O . apd do. Helloc s twuae of than the original edirisn ; but, a,the comnleiioo and reftorin* the bloom cf youth; z - and particular care taken o! them. wi n advertifod for sale, at thc law dirotts lofant's pips straw bonnes puhUHier is not yet cnnbled to determine thc cv ent nevrr failirjr to render an ordinary countenance Wll 1I \M DAVIDSON. TAMES M'GREW, ") * Maid's fancy do. do. the HrivtuJournals which he may be -Wed tMßtirul, and a ouc mort To. ALLSHOUSE, I C«..V., Sovereign Ointment for the Itch. NOTICE. j..™**, ' ' '*' ' *1" r.^'tagl«t.'" r &. p " mM " Warranted an infallible and immediate cure, at ave ex- j Manytxptored roe Ml , c ., r „ ef us tV levea .rwgtiof townftnps, and jod t0 bnd into 3 equal parts in order fore, choucfully contribute thetr affittance in tranf pevienced its salutary eff-A,. | the IVarrants due to tbe Uffietrs ana rvllll ,i n£ tbence fifty miles due south, along the [Q f||it [hc purcbaUM> mining to pofUrity the labour* of their anoeftori Ui'h the medicine is giver, a defcriptioti of the 1 Soldiers who served in the-u>ar wefleru boundary et the said ratiges thence f.tnated od the weft fide ef —founders of the Columbian natioH. rywponrs «bich obtain in every (tar-os the dif- bet wen tie Unit'ed Stales due-Weft tothe Ma.s Branch of t'n* Scroto n a "0,3 J acre., " Mft . ft , *,• The work wHI certainly be advanced witk «fe, «ith copious di. eit ions (or their treatment j , B . ; ver . theD4 , „p the Main Branch of the said n- Cera-antcwn rppd, Matter., «wt , ltiou and promptitude. The following wiU to a* to aacomjrtiflv a ptrfeA cure in the ftortcft and Wtat ori a , • ' , tbe Insiian boundary line being part of the property of th. lat. a amuei ltow lhc tit bli alrejd ired: time and with the least inconvenience poClble. I pRpPOSfiS to It eat. Jam*. toU* WJ t-thence alonfrfhe said boun- MiEin. v _ I advantage, or. bemg alli°®t-d * | : tUry | int to the Tufcaroras branch cf the Muf For term, apply to Samuel Mifflin, eorner o. „ Td t he Honorable tl« Senate and House of Key. HAMILTON'S corapenfation^ .He will attend atrm.» 1 7 r . yfrat B( . o jj o g phr.e ahc.ve Fort Market and nth Ureets. refentatives of the Umteu States. Worm destroying Lozenges, Tat tbe tsroc locatinp ;an" s 1 ' J will re- Lawrence; thence dctva the said river, to the January 24. dtf - " The MEMORIAL «t the Subferiberi,Citizen,, r/orm awry £ x £ , j arre| clnbe re g,fiered or located, wit re from [he place J >_ &c _ of Phl , adelphiai valuable LOTS -tx ftomaeh , whstf , er tQ land immediately after lor ann i: , and (hew an) ». . „ , nd fur^ i #f laid _ of thom s That wc underfl.nd that Rithard oth«I VfiStit "so commonly cor-, pai• ,d ,f, he 'j? Xd to Al.x- -v nlhips fra«ional part, of town&ip, are 0 n Wednefd.y th. fifth day of March next, at fix &weU, printer, of Philadelphia has had it ill „ of M rlt in the oHice, of the Re?i«cr of the o'clock in thc ev.nine, at the Merchant's Cos- contemplation to pnut that public record; and no"only to kdl » orms but sometime, to endan- andcrAddifan, Esq. Treafurv and Surveyor tl. n.ral, far tbe infp.C- fe. House, will be fold by public auSion, the that he hath obtained partial tmuntenar.ee Iron, m»- «r the patient's life- OT the contrary, ,pe „i;« "V f - g " ,u„„ Lf this rrmedv fui-cd to | Matthew M'Connell'., No. 141 Chelnut meet, n e)j ibly . g t , ated for SUMMER RETREATS. ting the work, in expetfitwn of encouragement every age ,nd eonflit.tio'n, contain, but I PbiUdeJph.a, m.t.l the tathdayof b. . Tha b6W ,„ of fl)ch „ lrraßtsas have b«n No . CFRTA J« LO T or PIECE of [r.m government that may adequately^indemnify i« peffeftly innocent, and i« f» nnld in its will be attended to. UNFT or (haW be granted for militifyServicesperfortu- " ' f | h fi j r hl1 ";. \ c * rcfpe&fnLj Solicit, ae the -T ops ration, that it canoot injure the most delicate j Wm. MCLUNET. , jtf „ pr lr{ lcq „i re d to preftnt _ , P' r m 'v. ltd * half P u " ,ea ' U ?." to be ddfemrtatetf amotg pregnant lady, or th. tendereft infant of a week j J anU ary x 6 eot,lf the fa, n f t0 ,he Re k ".fler of she Trealurv, at Oermantown rtad, .lout tw« mile, and »Wf public bod,e,,that Congref, wi.l, in their w,ldem old, ftonld no worms exist in the body; but will, f .' ■ the twclftl, day of February ,1 of Philadelphia bounded on the rtndt r him such additional encouragement, to th« x v it ho 111 pain or griping, eleanfe the stomach and TO THE . thousand cigl t twudreJ, for I°*- y 0- V h»ma, Gr.ev.», whereon w |>, ch l, e has obtained fror - pnv te mdividuals, bowels ot whatever i, foul or offenfive, and there- TT „ r ~rr, .... T u ' r n!c -T ™;#! he 1, now ere Sing a house a»d making improve- aa t0 enable Itnn to pre v.|-h the work,fo that bv prevent the produflion of worm, and many HoMers of Military Land 1} arrant*, the puipofe of lemg registered ,No regiftty meot , f pr {,„ summer refidtnee, on the e»lt by Memorials, may be enabled to purchafeco litai disorders P r u II however be madr of any iefsquant-ty tna. Und of Joseph NorrU, and weft by the said road, [, ioi record (or themfcives. , T ZACHARIAH. BIGGS a quarter towefhip, thpuland acres. containing by computation 14 acre, and • half. Thomas MKean, John O.Coxc, Charles Hsatly, .■rtr At the place of sale may be fecn many r«- I anb Th. nrloritv of loca'ion of the warranwwhich No. a. A certain lot or piece of land, part of a Samfom Levy.T. Rofn, Moore Smi4i, Johm m-rkable cases of cures, the authenticity of which j JOHN MATHEWS b. pr.fented and re-ifleiedtjn manner afore- i tr » A commonly called the Vi.eyard.Ctuate on Read jun. Will,am T,lgho.au,John F. Mifflin, Jo any person may ascertain, either by letter or per- _ FpER f( . rvicrs to th e holders of m litary f.J pr £ r to the nth day of February in the the weft fide of the WllTaldckon or Ridge road, |>ph B. M John Bcckly.W. Sergeant, Joh» for.al application—nofteing performed in Europ., Q arrant!i ta m3 ke the location on the „ r „ nc thord.rxi eight hundred, will nnmsdia'e- , "« r )' "rro"'" to Turn.r 1 lan.in the neighbour- Thompfonjarcd l«gwWl, JafperMoylao.Wia* nobody knows where—but at torn.. hof Feur)iary ntl r, agreeably to the adver- j after the said day, he dot.rir.ined by bt, iu the of tke Country Seat, of Jeremiah Parker, Rawle, J. 1 nomas, W ill,am Lev )S , James Gibfon, P,-rf-nswilhiag to procure any of the ahove »e- ti f en ,e r .t of rhe Seere.nry of the Trenfury of the J loit dlc f c ribed by the acl firft recited. John Nixon, Jame. Crawford and Jasper Moyltn, M Wal« ' .r. -1- ami v »,u w »nd i rbr-retn Thei - will re- IV Efqrs. being tnark.l and numbered in a plan or Davit, John Hallowell, James Bidden, waiter Jikewife lignature of I.ee 8c Co. | ceive a let, quantity of warrants than for four thou- The ho lde., of registered warrant., (hall on map of the said large trafl called the Tineyard, Franklin, James Milnor, John C. Wefts John I L. (who are apsoir.ted the general agent, for the san d acre., and arrange them with others, so a. to Monday the 17th day of February, in thc year *' o, J*» containing seven acres and ten perches. Leib, Alexander . Dal.as, Joseph Rt^e United States) is pasted on the outside of each, complete that number (which makes a location or isqo,V n the order ol which th: priority as locati , No. 3. One other lot or piece of land adjoining in .^d,*'''' UC , .' ' ". X| " ' x without which they cannot b. genuine. [quarter townftiip) and have them registered. on (hall be determined by l.tas aforefaid, pefon- the la!V defcrlbed lot to the northward, containing u .° r J, " n JJ-'i'' 1 _ Th.y each furve'ed a diftriA .f the military tract, ally,or by th.ir agent., deflate in » rkiug.t the „ ,ere. and one hundred and three perche.. ningtotfi Hilary Balrer, William N.chols, William At the abev- place may b*.Menvi*e had, and have Cnce explored the interim. part, of the fficc of the Rcgifter of the IWury, tl« partkju- The VJ , uablc property now offered for Ume, ? Cr!kfcTnk M-fh.w CvTlieny K. Hel /" rot r i T town (hip. and feflioa,, and will be able to d.lign- | ar quar ter townfbipselcfted by th«m rtfceiMvely, f,U m „ft v',. l ri Lto ,n further J am " r. GOWL AND'S LOTION. ate with precis.on, the preference in the .hoice of , nd fucU ef the fairl holders w (ball not defection Tt ir Lu worth the a tention of ST ' V*"*! ?'' a T n -\ J °w-|r" Cd _ I the several locations or quarter township. through- tl .eir locations on the said di*, (hall he polTpwutd those rfho wish t' f-eure to themW-erD rafam 0<^ akcr '] ohn Smith, W.llum Hall, David crJTTt? r"W rniTrH DROPS I out the whale body of the military lands -One la loeatk.g fuck warrants to all other U.lde;s ol aa Jh ea l t h v fiuniorsTnthe vcinTtvofhe ckv Thon.a. Armstrong, Samuel H. CHURCH'S COUGrri UKUfb. tent hpartofth: land will be demanded for making regiftcr ed warrant.. and healthy li.uationa in the vicinity of the cty. Smit h,Joh ß Fenno. I thc location, &c. to be taken by lot in such man- V. J Tf' e term, of sale are, one third part of the pur- « True copy from the original Memorial, pre- A NTTVFRCiON's PILLS &C. &C. n«r that their proportion of a feAion or quarter T he holder, of warrants for military service. i cbafi: mo ney to be paid in ten day. after the sale ; f en ted to the House of Representatives of the ' 1 township will lie together. For further particu- fniVjcient to cover one or more quarter towivfhips 1 one r I; ' r ' 1; * ninety days, and the remaining third United States, on Monday, thts tßth ®f June " - Jar, enquire ef thc fubfertber, at No. 9, south Fifth „ r tra a, of four thousand acres each ; (hall, at any »n fix months; for the two last payments (inclu- 1708: Wholesale purchaser- allowed a liberal P""" street) two doo rs above the Secretary of State's time after Monday the 17th day of February, v?oo ding interest) approved indoefed notes to/b# given. '• WILLIAM LAMBERT, for by application to Lee & Co. Majrket street Hal- office _ where f at i,f a Aory general information rela- and pr ; or t0 the firft day ol January, 1802, be al- The title is unexceptionable. Sold by order of " JONATHAN W. CONDY, Cteax." timore; who will punAually execut • tive t0 the army l aws may be obtained. iowed to regUter W.. said warrants in manner a- Meffr,.lfaac Wharton, Thomas FitzQmor.n, Phil- « RESOLVED by the Scnateand House of Rep % 'uary ts. TOHN MATHEWS. forefaid, and forthwith totrake locations therefor ip Nicklin, William M'Murtrie, Samu.l W. Filh- refentative, of the Unirerf States of America in — — TTTZ Tanuarv I, 1 3 taw 3 w on any traA or traAt of land not before located. cr, Trustee. for the creditors of Blair M-Clena- gongrefs affen.bled.That tl.eS.cretary of theSenste One Thousand Five Hundl ed J J All t rlalm* fnr Itnrl « c and thc Clerk of the House of Keprefentatives, be DOLLARS TO BE SOLD, -ilmm,rtww!Bnl>i».iihTj>|i» P'« of deficient vohimesof the (ct, MerdLt BaltimohE, containing two either for a gentleman's feat or for a person who day and year above mentioned. ? C«a»„HAtt. now ... print,a,may be necessary to complete th* Merchant, , , ro^.rc P XT I mieht wish to engage m the lumber business hav- m ivy ft ivn-T rr.Trr , fame. ALEXANDRIA BANK NOTES, No ; I in) f a r ,.d landing. One commanding a good OLJIhR WOLCOTT. ! LOT of ground about il feet front in Chef- JONATHAN DAYTON, 4320, in favour of William V «w ofthe river Iromthe highest ' e 7reasur V' A mitSftfaet arfd/ 3 feet sn depth whcrecn is a Speaker ofthe House of Reprefeniattvet dated 30th April, 1798, for ONE 1 HOU- the Pennypack and Pogucffm creeks ; and another _ x good frame house; now in the tenn re 01 Samuel JAMES ROSS, SAND DOLLARS, and No. 4522, 1» fa. Ln.theßriftol Road, taquiresf Mr. Gilpin near 1 REASURY bLPARIMENT. Benge.fubjcA t« afround rent ol to, peram-um « President if thc Senate fro tempore. vour of Jcbn P. Pleasants, and dated th«- | the II mileftoneon the said roa . il% - Approved, March »d, 1709. totliof December, 1798, for FIVE HLN-J TTrtTTW T flT 5 ! r |Tl£ proprietor, of certiQcatesifliied for sub- nn cor.-mcnts, so. it mu.l be known, th.re ' JOHN ADAMS, DRED DOLLARS , which letter has been J . .V » ,' si . ~ , , fcriptions to the Loan bearing interest at C ° "'J ln . un « c «ptionab la President of tbe United State*. MAIL was not STOPPED J theNewt'.wn Snider?. °° ftreet. «at dcor to the pre- LOTS MOLESTED, or ROBBED. I tkfpen^patk 0 — enftiing, Certificates of Funded Stock may"a\ ' m:trch s tu th ua tf In the Ciy of Washington. Bankers and merchants arc particularly othwlot of «»«»»'their option be obtained at the Treafurv or Loan I . _ rrquefted to watch the circulation of f * ,d I M J.Gilpw. Offices, refpeAively, for the amount of the four Horses to Winter. A NUMBER of Lot, iu the city of Wafhing tiotes, and stop them ; and any person giv-1 Pofi - cffion w ;ube given in the spring, but build- or ore moiety ot the fbms ex-| XX ton, the titles of which are uKjueftioi.abW, irfg fucb information as will lead us in „ rn , it ,r.als may be coUeded sooner. preffedin the lubluiptioncertilicates Nocer- TTORSE? will he taken to winter ac pJbB tJ "' r Gtnationsvarious, some pretty contiguous t» XU, fliall have FIVE HUNDRED ,ng N ™ Temb er 8 tawtf. « ,fic " e, t ? f Fu(,a ' dS ' ' ho »« v «»» AM, at the „ mires WLn 2e the Capitol, ate offered COLLARS reward. for less than one hnndred dollars. ; Road , ~herethey will have good Timothy and FOH SALE. WILSON t,- SWANN. Lodging ani Breakfast, ««. at«» oK& ! Jfi "* "" Fredericklburg, i'g.) Sept. 10. 1 r?OR one or two finale Gentlemen, in a genteel eqt«nce of the foregoing arrangement, will be ' C? F.rqtiire of Mr. William Bell Merchant or BONSAI. Sc SHOEMAKER# •>- Ir ' private family, with thc use of a neat front ndorfed and diftmiUy marked so as ti, denote, on the pr<,mifes. ' i- j i'eutb Fourth llreec. H--P All Printers in the United States, Parlour, and Board lor Servants may b« bad at that a raoety of the flock has been issued. N S not anfweraSkfor aocitt«ju<- or * " arerequeiud to pubVift the above, and we No. 98 north Fifth street. SLIVER WOLCOTI, bat «»T precaution to pew Piih - J"™*? t " 9 * W HJ poy them. November »6. Sefrctory of t±< Treasury. ICi1 Ci Kovemler,- a „.r =»W 1 '•-! ' i s i ! PAINTRI) BY J. W.FEMsO '* f 'i... . /ii iZf